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Lithium-air batteries: Challenges coexist

with opportunities
Cite as: APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019);
Submitted: 01 February 2019 . Accepted: 28 March 2019 . Published Online: 30 April 2019

Chengyi Wang, Zhaojun Xie, and Zhen Zhou


This paper was selected as an Editor’s Pick


Precisely monitoring and tailoring 2D nanostructures at the atomic scale

APL Materials 7, 050901 (2019);

Hydrophobic metal-organic frameworks: Potential toward emerging applications

APL Materials 7, 050701 (2019);

Tuning the optical bandgap in layered hybrid perovskites through variation of alkyl chain
APL Materials 7, 041116 (2019);

APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019); 7, 040701

© 2019 Author(s).

Lithium-air batteries: Challenges coexist

with opportunities
Cite as: APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5091444
Submitted: 1 February 2019 • Accepted: 28 March 2019 •
Published Online: 30 April 2019

Chengyi Wang,1 Zhaojun Xie,1,a) and Zhen Zhou1,2,a)

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of New Energy Material Chemistry, Nankai University,
Tianjin 300350, China
School of Chemical Engineering and Energy, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China

Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: and

Lithium-air batteries have caught worldwide attention due to their extremely high theoretical energy density and are regarded as powerful
competitors to replace traditional lithium ion batteries. However, it is rather critical how to maximize the capacity while keeping good cycling
stability, which has impeded practical applications of Li-air batteries for decades. Although admirable achievements have been made in recent
years, there are still many unsolved issues for developing practical Li-air batteries. In this review, the challenges are pointed out and the
recent progress in cathodes, anodes, and electrolytes is also summarized for Li-air batteries, as well as the relationship between each part for
better electrochemical performances. Furthermore, some inspiring results on constructing advanced Li-air batteries are discussed particularly.
Finally, opportunities and perspectives are also provided.
© 2019 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license

I. INTRODUCTION demand due to their low theoretical capacity (387 Wh kg−1 ).8,9
Developing new energy storage and conversion systems with higher
Modern human society is undergoing rapid economic and energy density and efficiency has become a worldwide challenge.
social development and causes enormous pressure on power sup- In the past decade, rechargeable lithium-air batteries have aroused
plement.1–3 There have been three industrial revolutions in the his- worldwide attention due to their ultrahigh theoretical energy density
tory of mankind, and each could be regarded as a revolution in the (3500 Wh kg−1 ) and become one of the most competitive candidates
mode of production along with the change of energy supply meth- to replace LIBs (Fig. 1).10–14 The earliest study of Li–O2 batteries
ods. Today, billions of tons of fossil fuels are consumed every year can date back to 1987 when Semkow and Sammells developed a
to maintain the high-speed development, resulting in serious envi- stabilized ZrO2 solid electrolyte and operated their Li–O2 batteries
ronmental pollution and global warming issues.4,5 It is urgent to at 650–800 ○ C.15 In 1996, Abraham and Jiang constructed the first
develop and utilize renewable energy sources and eliminate high pol- prototype of room temperature Li–O2 batteries with a polymer elec-
lution industries.6 Thanks to the efforts of worldwide researchers, trolyte.16 Since the attempt at the earlier stage, researchers all around
remarkable progress has been made in seeking and utilizing renew- the world have contributed more to explore the potential of Li-air
able energy sources, such as wind energy, solar energy, geother- batteries, and significant advancements have been achieved. Up to
mal energy, and tidal power.7 Unfortunately, these newly developed now, many different types of Li-air batteries have been developed
technologies cannot serve as stable energy sources alone because of and they can be divided into four types based on the electrolyte used:
their natural sensibility toward weather, landform, or other environ- nonaqueous (aprotic organic solvents and ionic liquids), aqueous,
mental conditions. Energy storage and conversion devices must be hybrid, and solid-state batteries.17–19 Among the four types, most
used together to break these limitations. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) studies were based on nonaqueous types because of their compar-
are one of the most widely used energy storage techniques which can atively high energy density accompanied with simple battery struc-
convert electric energy to chemical energy reversibly. However, tra- tures. Hence, in this review, we will only focus on the recent progress
ditional LIBs cannot meet the requirements for the daily increased of nonaqueous Li–O2 batteries.

APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5091444 7, 040701-1

© Author(s) 2019

forward to Li-air batteries. We believe that practical Li-air batteries

with excellent electrochemical performances can be achieved only
when every unit plays its roles and successfully works together as a
whole system.

Obviously, the cathode plays a crucial role as the primary
site for electrochemical reactions. Due to the half-open system and
complicated reaction mechanism of Li–O2 batteries, many unique
requirements must be considered when designing cathode materi-
als. We summarize as three critical rules: high catalytic activity, high
electronic conductivity, and high porosity. First, the cathode mate-
rials must have high bifunctional catalytic activity to facilitate slug-
gish ORR/OER processes and thus can reduce the overpotential of
Li–O2 batteries. Second, high electronic conductivity is required to
provide fast electron supplement for fast electrochemical reactions.
FIG. 1. Theoretical energy densities of different rechargeable batteries (data from Third, high porosity is indispensable because the discharge prod-
Refs. 4 and 21). ucts are generated and stored in the cathode. Besides, high porosity
can also sustain fast mass transport and sufficient electrolyte infiltra-
tion. Basically, cathode materials can be divided into three groups:
The structure of nonaqueous Li–O2 batteries is similar to that carbon-based materials, precious metal-based materials, and non-
of Li-ion half-cells; both consist of Li metal anodes, separators, elec- precious metal-based materials. We will select some typical reports
trolytes, and cathodes, except that the cathodes of Li–O2 batteries are on each kind of cathode materials and introduce them in this section.
exposed to atmosphere/oxygen. Yet the mechanism of Li–O2 batter-
ies is different from traditional LIBs based on the Li intercalation A. Carbon-based materials
mechanism. Li–O2 batteries are half-open systems which use oxy- Carbon-based materials have always been a hot topic due to
gen from ambient air as recourses to store and convert energy. In many attractive advantages including light weight, low cost, high
the discharging process, lithium metal is oxidized to Li+ and then conductivity, large specific surface area, and tunable pore struc-
migrates to the air cathode. In the meantime, oxygen accepts elec- ture. Thus, carbon-based materials have widely been investigated
trons from the external circuit and combines with Li+ to form dis- and applied for many energy storage devices, such as LIBs, sodium-
charge products on the air cathode. When charging the batteries, ion batteries, and supercapacitors.3,22 Additionally, carbon-based
the electrochemical processes are reversed. Typically, the main dis- materials can achieve remarkable bifunctional ORR/OER catalytic
charge product of Li–O2 batteries is Li2 O2 , and the electrochemical activity by heteroatom doping which makes them one of the most
reactions are shown below18,20,21 promising cathode materials for Li–O2 batteries. In this part, we
will only focus on carbon-based materials. Compositing carbon with
Anode : 2Li ↔ 2Li+ + 2e− , metal-based materials will be discussed elsewhere.
Cathode : 2Li+ + O2 + 2e− ↔ Li2 O2 ,
1. Activated carbon
Total : 2Li + O2 ↔ Li2 O2 (Eocv = 2.96 V vs Li/Li+ ).
Activated carbon is widely used as a conductive additive in bat-
However, the exploration of Li–O2 batteries is still at its early teries and has already been commercially available. Regardless of
stage. There are some critical barriers for the practical application the advantages of low cost and high electrical conductivity, acti-
of Li–O2 batteries, such as low energy efficiency, short cycle life, vated carbon also processes extremely large specific surface area
and poor rate capability. These drawbacks are mainly caused by (up to 2000 m2 /g)23 which is one of the most important factors
the sluggish oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution as cathodes for Li–O2 batteries. Until now, various activated car-
reaction (OER) kinetics and slow mass transport on the cathode.18 bon samples including Ketjenblack (KB), Super P, XC-72, BP2000,
Hence, many researchers devoted themselves to find new cathodes Calgon, Denda black, and JMC have been used as cathode materi-
with both ORR and OER activity to facilitate the kinetics. As for the als for Li–O2 batteries.18,24–27 Tran et al. evaluated the relationship
slow mass transport, special architectures with sufficient pore struc- between pore-size distribution and discharge capacity of a series of
tures are necessary. The achievement in preparing efficient cathodes activated carbon and found that carbon materials along with high
with unique porous nanostructures will be summarized and emphat- surface areas and large pores were more favorable for Li–O2 bat-
ically discussed. Although cathodes play a very important role in the teries.28 The surface property of carbon materials is another factor
whole system, it is hard to say that cathodes are the only handicap which can influence the performance of Li–O2 batteries. It was sug-
of Li–O2 batteries. Anodes, electrolytes, and other related parts can gested that the discharge voltage decreases with increasing graphi-
also affect the performance of batteries which will also be introduced tization because of the lack of defects which serve as active sites for
in this review. Moreover, the influence of CO2 , H2 O, and N2 in ORR.29 However, the porosity and graphitization are only intrinsic
ambient air should also be seriously treated to move Li–O2 batteries factors that determine the electrochemical performance. Extrinsic

APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5091444 7, 040701-2

© Author(s) 2019

factors also play their important parts. Zhang and co-workers inves- demonstrated three-dimensional (3D) graphene frameworks with
tigated the influence of carbon loading on the performance of Li-air unique bimodal porous structure as air cathodes for Li–O2 bat-
batteries and maximized the area-specific capacity of KB-based air teries and achieved an exceptionally high discharge capacity up to
cathodes with a carbon loading of 15.1 mg cm−2 .26 They suggested 15 000 mAh g−1 .37 Two reasons were responsible for the excellent
that the uniformity of pore sizes was crucial, and larger mesopore performance. One was the special porosity which contains numer-
volumes would lead to higher capacity. ous large tunnels facilitating continuous supplement of oxygen while
nanoscale pores connected with each other providing tri-phase
2. Advanced carbon materials
regions for ORR/OER. Besides, the authors found that Li2 O2 parti-
As mentioned above, the cathode materials of Li–O2 batteries cles prefer to form on the defects and functional groups on graphene
require a large specific surface area and suitable porosity. Reduc- through density functional theory (DFT) computations. The influ-
ing the dimension of materials is one of the promising strategies ence of functional groups was further experimentally investigated
to significantly enlarge the specific surface area and construct var- by oxidizing reduced graphene oxide (rGO) with different process-
ious porous structures. Preparing low-dimensional carbon materi- ing times (from 30 min to 3 days).38 The highest capacity of 59 792
als has widely been applied including one-dimensional (1D) forms mAh/gcarbon was obtained by using the rGO sample oxidized for
[carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and carbon nanofibers (CNFs)] and 3 day as the cathode.
two-dimensional (2D) forms (graphene). These advanced carbon Although significant improvements have been made by intro-
materials have proved admirable activity for Li–O2 batteries due to ducing various kinds of advanced carbon materials, the overpoten-
their unique structures.30–32 For example, an extremely high specific tial was still too large and far from satisfaction due to the intrin-
capacity of 34 600 mAh g−1 was obtained at a current density of sic limited catalytic activity of pristine carbon materials. Hence,
500 mA g−1 with free-standing multiwalled carbon nanotube researchers turn to develop new approaches to get better catalytic
(MWCNT) papers as cathodes for Li–O2 batteries.33 Interestingly, activity. Among the approaches, heteroatom doping has proved an
the growth direction of CNTs can be controlled via special syn- attractive strategy to improve the ORR/OER activity. For exam-
thetic methods and surprisingly ordered structures can be achieved ple, Li et al. prepared nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes with up
[Figs. 2(a) and 2(b)].34 This binder-free well-aligned CNT fibrils to 10.2 at. % incorporated nitrogen as cathode materials for Li–O2
with hierarchical pores can efficiently promote the electrochemical batteries and achieved improved capacity compared with commer-
reactivity, provide continuous access of oxygen and Li+ , and min- cial CNTs.30 In 2014, Zhang et al. prepared a hierarchical carbon-
imize the undesirable clogging by uniformly distributing the dis- nitrogen architecture with both macrochannels and mesopores
charge products. A similar strategy has also been used to prepare through a sol-gel route for Li–O2 batteries and achieved a long cycle
ordered CNT arrays.35 ability of 161 cycles39 [Figs. 3(a)–3(e)]. In addition to the advantage
Graphene has shown extraordinary performances in many of forming hierarchical architectures, pyridinic N in N-rich carbon
fields, especially as electrocatalysts and energy storage materials due materials can also provide excellent oxygen adsorption according
to their amazing unique structure and properties. The high electrical to first-principles computations. Computations disclosed that in-
conductivity and specific surface area (theoretically 2630 m2 g−1 )36 plane pyridinic N had higher activity in facilitating the nucleation of
of graphene can meet the demands as cathodes for Li–O2 batter- Li2 O2 clusters compared with pristine and graphitic N.40 By doping
ies very well. For instance, Yoo et al. found that the discharge one or more kinds of heteroatoms into different carbon substrates,
catalytic activity of carbon-based materials can be even compa- many bifunctional cathode materials have been applied to Li–O2
rable to 20 wt. % Pt/C catalysts when using chemical exfoliated batteries, such as N-doped CNTs,41 N-doped graphene,42–46 S-doped
graphene nanosheets (GNSs) as cathode materials for Li-air bat- graphene,47,48 and N,S co-doped graphene.49 Generally speaking, N
teries.32 According to their experimental results, heat treatment doping is a powerful way to improve the catalytic activity of carbon
can improve the cycling stability of GNSs due to two reasons: materials by manipulating the local electronic structures and pro-
first, the decreased sp3 /sp2 ratio and, second, the removal of func- viding more active sites. Sulfur-doped graphene was found to have a
tional groups from the GNS surface. However, the ideal 2D lay- better cycling stability compared with N-doped graphene due to the
ered structure of graphene cannot take the full advantage due to better stability of –C–S–C– and –C==S– structures than the –C–N–
the low content of highly active edge atoms. Xiao and co-workers structure.48

FIG. 2. SEM images of CNT fibrils at (a) low magnification

(inset: large area image of the air electrode) and (b) high

APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5091444 7, 040701-3

© Author(s) 2019

FIG. 3. (a) The discharge profiles of the HMCN cathode at 50 and 100 mA/g. (b) The limited depth of discharge at 600 mAh/g at a current of 200 mA/g with the HMCN
cathode. (c) The corresponding plot of discharge and charge capacity against the cycle number and (d) full discharge/charge curves between 2.0 and 4.3 V at 100 mA/g. (e)
Schematic illustration of hierarchical carbon-nitrogen material with both macrochannels and mesopores as cathodes for Li–O2 batteries.

3. Other carbon materials with special structures Li2 O2 films uniformly deposited on the surface with RuO2 /CNT
With the growing study of Li–O2 batteries, the primary require- as the cathode.63 This special morphology can enlarge the contact
ments for the structure of cathode materials have been gradually area between Li2 O2 and CNTs and significantly reduce the overpo-
established. Hierarchical mesoporous/macroporous structures can tential during the charge process. Aiming to improve the catalytic
effectively improve the performance of Li–O2 batteries. So far, based activity of Pd-based catalysts, Jun and co-workers used the com-
on the fast development of nanotechnology, many special struc- binatorial high-throughput optical screening method and investi-
tured carbon materials have been designed and prepared for Li– gated the catalytic activity of a series of binary Pd-based catalysts.60
O2 batteries.50–54 Guo et al. used silica as the template and pre- According to their experimental results, the Pd–Ir alloy with the
pared 3D ordered mesoporous/microporous carbon sphere arrays composition of 88:12 presented the highest ORR activity for hybrid
(MMCSAs) for Li–O2 batteries and achieved larger capacity than Li-air batteries, with ∼30% higher energy efficiency than that of
commercial graphene oxide (GO) or CNTs [Figs. 4(a)–4(g)].50 The Pd/C cathodes.
Dai group designed a vertically aligned nitrogen-doped coral-like
carbon nanofiber (VA-NCCF) array as the cathode for Li–O2 bat- C. Nonprecious metal-based materials
teries.51 Benefiting from its unique vertically aligned structure and Although admirable achievements have been made by using
N-doping induced catalytic activity, the overpotential was reduced noble metal-based cathodes to reduce the overpotential of Li–O2
to only 0.3 V with an energy efficiency up to 90%. Their Li–O2 bat- batteries, the high cost of precious metals was an unavoidable draw-
teries also presented an ultralong cycling stability for more than 150 back that dramatically limited their practical applications. To replace
cycles with the capacity cutoff of 1000 mAh g−1 . expensive noble metals, many researchers chose to use cheap transi-
tion metal-based materials as cathodes for Li–O2 batteries. In this
section, we will discuss the recent progress in transition metal-
B. Precious metal-based materials based cathode materials including metals, oxides, carbides, nitrides,
Precious metals are important catalysts for ORR and OER sulfides, and their composites.
applications. Thus, it was easy to come up with the idea of serv-
ing as cathode materials for Li–O2 batteries. Up until now, many 1. Transition metals
studies have proved the superiority of precious metals and their Highly dispersed transition metal nanoparticles possess excel-
oxides including Au,55,56 Pt,57–59 Pd,60–62 Ru,63–68 and Ir.69–72 Peng lent catalytic activity toward ORR or OER and are regarded as
et al. used nanoporous gold (NPG) as cathodes and dimethyl sul- promising substitution for precious metals. Flexible free-standing
foxide (DMSO) as electrolytes and found that the kinetics of the Co nanoparticles anchored CNT grafted multichannel carbon fibers
charge process was about 10 times faster than that of carbon elec- (Co@NS/CNT-MCFs) were prepared through an electrospinning
trodes.55 In addition, precious metal-based cathodes can reduce the method and directly used as the cathode for Li–O2 batteries.73 The
overpotential of Li–O2 batteries not only with their high catalytic authors attributed the excellent electrochemical performances to
activity but also by changing the morphology and crystal struc- the special interconnected structure incorporated with abundant Co
ture of discharge products. Different from large particles of Li2 O2 nanoparticles and N and S codoping which can provide a large
in CNT cathodes, the Byon group found that poorly crystalline number of active sites. Chen and co-workers prepared Co and Cu

APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5091444 7, 040701-4

© Author(s) 2019

stability as long as 122 cycles (200 mA g−1 with a cutoff capac-

ity of 1000 mAh g−1 ). The Kanga group presented Co-embedded
bamboolike N-doped CNT bundles (Co-b-NCNTs) as cathodes for
Li–O2 batteries.75 Their Li–O2 batteries exhibited excellent elec-
trochemical performance with a high initial discharge capacity of
28 968 mAh g−1 (200 mA g−1 ) and long cycling stability for more
than 200 cycles.

2. Transition metal oxides

Among transition metal oxides, Co oxide catalysts attracted the
most attention due to their low cost, varied compositions, and even
comparable catalytic activity toward noble metals. In 2015, the Liu
group prepared vacancy-bearing CoO (CoO–A) and vacancy-free
CoO (CoO–N) by calcinating different cobalt salts and found that
the synergetic effect of CoO and oxygen vacancies can significantly
reduce the overpotential and achieve much better cycling stability.76
Platelike Li2 O2 was found after the first discharge [Figs. 5(a)–5(f)].
The authors demonstrated that oxygen vacancies can facilitate the
electronic conductivity and Li+ migration as well as serve as active
sites for O2 and Li2 O2 . Note that creating oxygen vacancies is a
very common method to improve the performances of transition
metal oxides. In the work by Wang et al., the electrocatalytic activ-
ity of Co3 O4 can be boosted by tuning the inner oxygen vacancies
and the exterior Co3+ /Co2+ ratios.77 The superiority of creating oxy-
gen vacancies in other transition metal oxides was also confirmed.
For example, Zhang et al. evaluated the influence of the concen-
tration of oxygen vacancies in MoO3 nanosheets by controlling
the reduction time.78 According to their experimental results, high-
concentration oxygen vacancies were more favorable for better per-
formances. Mu and co-workers used the rapid laser-scan method to
prepare oxygen-deficient NiO as cathode materials for Li–O2 bat-
teries. Oxygen adsorption was another important parameter that
can directly influence the electrochemical performances of cath-
ode materials. The effect of oxygen adsorption on the formation of
Li2 O2 was studied with Co3 O4 -based cathode materials by the Chen
group.79 They demonstrated that the solution growth of toroid Li2 O2
was dominated in cathodes with weak oxygen adsorption, while the
strong oxygen adsorption drove the surface growth model to thin
films. Apart from the oxygen adsorption, Li+ adsorption and LiO2
adsorption are also critical to the final battery performance. The
Yan group successfully adjusted the adsorption of different tran-
sition metal oxides to fabricate α-MnO2 and Co3 O4 composites
which can achieve embedded growth of large Li2 O2 aggregations.80
In their work, experimental results and first-principles computations
showed that α-MnO2 nanorods prefer to form uniform Li2 O2 parti-
cles due to the preferential Li+ adsorption and similar LiO2 adsorp-
tion energies of different crystal faces. However, the LiO2 adsorption
FIG. 4. Characteristics of the as-prepared MMCSAs: [(a) and (b)] SEM images and energies of various Co3 O4 crystal faces were quite different, asso-
[(c)–(f)] TEM images with different magnifications. (g) Discharge curves of Li–O2 ciated with their preferential O2 adsorption, and Li2 O2 nanosheets
batteries at 50 mA g−1 with different weight percentages of MMCSAs in porous were the main discharge product. Thus, the authors combined these
catalytic electrodes: (a) 0, (b) 5, (c) 10, (d) 30, (e) 50, and (f) 80 wt. %.
two oxides and used α-MnO2 nanorods to provide initial nucle-
ation sites for Li2 O2 deposition while Co3 O4 nanosheets continu-
ously to provide dissolved LiO2 for deeper discharge. As mentioned
bimetallic nanoparticles deposited on graphene (CoCu/graphene) as above, different crystal faces may exhibit different performances,
bifunctional cathodes for Li–O2 batteries.74 Benefiting from the syn- but the inherent relationship has not been clearly demonstrated.
ergistic effect of Co and Cu, their batteries presented a superior rate To investigate the effect of different crystal faces, the Lu group
capability of 7955 mAh g−1 at 800 mA g−1 with long-term cycling prepared a series of Cr2 O3 with varying fractions of high-energy

APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5091444 7, 040701-5

© Author(s) 2019

FIG. 5. SEM images of CoO–A and

CoO–N based cathodes for Li–O2 bat-
teries at different states. [(a)–(c)] The
cathode catalyzed by CoO–A: (a) before
discharge; (b) after the first discharge;
and (c) after the 8th charge. [(d)–(f)] The
cathode catalyzed by CoO–N: (d) before
discharge; (e) after the first discharge;
and (f) after the 8th charge.

faces via a TiO2 inhibitor.81 They demonstrated that increasing O anions were reversibly stored by forming a Li2 MoO2 S2 com-
the fraction to the high-energy facet can increase the OER activity pound which is isostructural to Li2 MoO4 . Strikingly, the voltage
[Figs. 6(a)–6(e)]. gap of this hybrid electrochemistry was as low as 20 mV with a
Binary transition metal oxides can sometimes bring better cat- high energy efficiency of 99%.96 Brushlike Co4 N nanorods anchored
alytic activity than a single one.82 So far, a large series of binary on carbon nanofiber (Co4 N/CNF) membranes were designed to
transition metal oxides have been prepared for Li–O2 batteries, achieve an ultrastable (177 cycles) Li–O2 battery with high reversibil-
such as NiCo2 O4 ,83 NiFe2 O4 ,84,85 MnCo2 O4 ,86,87 MnMoO4 ,88 and ity [Figs. 7(a)–7(g)].97 The authors demonstrated that a thin oxide
CoMoO4 .89 He and co-workers evaluated a series of Cux Co3−x O4 layer on the surface of Co4 N could promote the formation of film-
nanorods with different Cu2+ concentrations.90 The catalytic activity like Li2 O2 , thus resulting in a smaller overpotential of only 1.23 V at
can be enhanced by replacing more Co2+ with Cu2+ and dispersing 700 mAh g−1 .
more Cu2+ in the catalyst surface. The authors believed that suitable The catalytic activity of cathode materials is one of the most
charge transfer from Li2 O2 to the catalyst was a critical parameter important parameters which directly determines the electrochemi-
for better electrochemical performance. cal performance of Li–O2 batteries. Carbon-based materials, espe-
cially heteroatom-doped carbon-based materials, have high elec-
3. Transition metal carbides, sulfides, and nitrides trical conductivity, tunable porosity, and low cost. However, the
Although inspiring progress has been made in transition catalytic activity and cycling stability are not good enough. On
metal oxides, their intrinsically poor electronic conductivity was an the contrary, metal-based materials usually show admirable cat-
inevitable problem that limited the performance of Li–O2 batter- alytic activity. However, precious metals are rather expensive, metal
ies. Hence, some researchers turned their eyes to transition metal oxides have low electronic conductivity, and metals and their com-
carbides which have a relatively higher electronic conductivity than pounds are apt to aggregate. Therefore, composites of metal-based
transition metal oxides. Among all those transition metal carbides, and carbon materials could bring many unique superiorities includ-
Mo2 C has become one of the most attractive materials due to its ing but not limited to improve the electronic conductivity, provide
multiple valence states, high electrochemical activity, and relatively high active sites, disperse nanoparticles, and enlarge the specific
affordable cost.91,92 In the work by Zhu et al., a composite of carbon- area.
wrapped Mo2 C nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes directly on
Ni foam was prepared as the cathode material for Li–O2 batteries
and significantly improved the electrochemical performance with a III. ANODES
ultralong cycling life up to 300 cycles.93 Hou and co-workers sys- Higher energy density and longer cycling stability are eternal
tematically studied the catalytic activity of Mo2 C/CNT and found targets for energy storage devices. Based on the special electrochem-
that Mo2 C can stabilize the intermediate species by forming amor- istry of Li–O2 batteries, the active material, oxygen, can be regarded
phous (Li–O–O)x –Mo2 C discharge products which dramatically as infinity from air, so the capacity mainly depends on how much
reduced the charge overpotential.94 Another Mo based material- lithium can be provided by anodes. Lithium metal anodes have the
molybdenum disulfide (MoS2 ) also showed high catalytic activity highest theoretical capacity of 3860 mAh g−1 and the lowest electro-
as cathode materials for Li–O2 batteries. For example, Asadi and chemical potential of −3.04 V vs standard hydrogen electrode (SHE),
co-workers prepared MoS2 nanoflakes combined with an ionic liq- which can maximize the energy density of Li–O2 batteries.98 How-
uid as a cocatalyst for Li–O2 batteries. The round-trip efficiency of ever, lithium metal anodes have many challenges to be solved before
their batteries was as high as 85%.95 Interestingly, Wang et al. pre- their practical application. First, lithium metal anodes for Li–O2 bat-
sented a hybrid Li-ion and Li–O2 battery which also used MoS2 teries also face the same problems as in traditional lithium batteries,
as the cathode material. In their hybrid system, both Li-ion and such as Li dendrite growth, unstable solid-electrolyte-interface (SEI)

APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5091444 7, 040701-6

© Author(s) 2019

FIG. 6. Materials with high fraction of high-energy facets as a superior OER catalyst. (a) Galvanostatic charge profiles of Li–O2 cells employing commercial Cr2 O3 , 0TiCrOx -
400, 0.5TiCrOx -400, and 1TiCrOx -400 as catalysts in comparison with Ru/Vulcan carbon. [(b)–(d)] Average charge voltage as a function of fraction of high-energy facets (b).
Voltage and gas evolution profiles during charging using (c) 1TiCrOx -400 and (d) commercial Ru/Vulcan carbon as the cathode. (e) Schematic illustration of (012) inhibition
in Cr2 O3 crystals by introducing anatase TiO2 with a low lattice mismatch.

films, and infinite relative volume change. Second, lithium metal strategy. This strategy can be divided into two kinds: SEI films and
anodes for Li–O2 batteries have to face special challenges due to the artificial films. For the first one, the most commonly used method
unique electrochemical reactions and half-open configuration. The was adding electrolyte additives to form a stable SEI film. For exam-
reactions between lithium and oxygen species from the cathode side ple, LiNO3 was believed to be a good choice to form a stable SEI layer
dramatically reduce the Coulombic efficiency and cycling stability and proved also useful in Li–O2 batteries.99,100 For the second strat-
of Li anodes. Fortunately, with the growing understanding of Li–O2 egy, putting an extra membrane on the Li metal anode is a popular
batteries, the importance of Li anodes was gradually clarified. Cre- way. In the work by Park and co-workers, a layer of polyvinylidene
ating protecting films on Li metal anodes was the most widely used fluoride-hexafluoropropylene (PVdF-HFP) and Al2 O3 was used to

APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5091444 7, 040701-7

© Author(s) 2019

FIG. 7. (a) Schematic images of the Co4 N/CNF fabrication procedure. SEM images and photograph images (insets) of (b) CNF, [(c) and (d)] Co(OH)F/CNF, and [(e)–(g)]
Co4 N/CNF with different magnifications.

suppress the decomposition of electrolytes on the surface of Li metal batteries with Si anodes exhibited significantly improved cycling
anodes.101 By adding this protecting layer, more than 3 times higher stability along with low overpotentials.
cycling life was achieved compared with the cell with bare Li as the
anode. Interestingly, Zhang et al. introduced an extremely simple
and efficient method to grow a protective polymer film on Li anodes
by dipping Li anodes into 1,4-dioxacyclohexane (DOA).102 Another Searching for suitable electrolytes for Li–O2 batteries was a
possible way to solve the stability issue of anodes was to replace the long and tortuous story. The first aprotic Li–O2 battery proposed
Li metal anode with other lithium containing materials. The Zhou by Abraham and Jiang adopted a mixture of ethylene carbonate
group found a new way to suppress the attack of oxygen species (EC) and propylene carbonate (PC) as solvents and LiPF6 as the Li
by using a durable SEI film to protect Si anodes.103 Their Li–O2 salt.16 Unfortunately, carbonate-based electrolytes were found to be

APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5091444 7, 040701-8

© Author(s) 2019

unstable for Li–O2 batteries.104,105 Li2 CO3 was detected as a side have been explored for Li–O2 batteries and some inspiring results
product causing a higher charge overpotential when PC-based elec- were reported. The first report of OER RM was presented by the
trolytes were used. Therefore, researchers turned to sulfoxide-based Bruce group in 2013.113 They used tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) as an RM
electrolytes with many advantages such as low volatility, low viscos- and successfully reduced the charge potential below 3.5 V with 100
ity, high O2 diffusion, and especially superoxide tolerability.106 How- cycles. Since then, various kinds of inorganic and organic RMs were
ever, some researchers argued that DMSO-based electrolytes can be discovered such as 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxyl (TEMPO),114
decomposed during the charge process.107,108 Thanks to the excel- LiI,115 and tris[4-(diethylamino)phenyl]amine (TDPA)116 for OER
lent stability toward superoxide species and good solubility for Li+ and 2,5-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone (DBBQ)117 and phenol118
and oxygen, ether-based electrolytes stood out from various organic for ORR. The Kang group selected a series of organic RM candidates
electrolytes and have been the most widely used electrolyte for Li–O2 and studied the catalytic activity along with the stability in Li–O2
batteries. In addition, the stable operation voltage window could be batteries. They demonstrated that the level of ionization energies
as high as 4.5 V which is very important to achieve Li–O2 batteries was the critical parameter to select suitable RMs for Li–O2 batter-
with long cycling life.18,109 ies.119 However, the biggest problem of RMs for Li–O2 batteries is
Apart from the stability issue, the evaporation of organic sol- the shuttle reactions, which means that RMs may crossover the sep-
vents is an unavoidable problem. Quasisolid-state and especially arator and react with Li metal anodes. More attention should be paid
solid-state electrolytes may be a better choice to solve this issue. to put RMs into practical application.
Besides, using quasisolid-state or solid-state electrolytes can dramat-
ically suppress the crossover of superoxide and peroxide species,
which in turn protects Li metal anodes. Another advantage is that the V. FROM Li–O2 BATTERIES TO Li-AIR BATTERIES
safety level of the batteries could be better because of the absence of Most reported results are based on pure oxygen. To make a
flammable organic solvents. Many related reviews have already sum- practical Li-air battery, the effects of CO2 , moisture, and N2 in ambi-
marized the progress in developing quasisolid-state and solid-state ent air are critical for the battery performances. Although the con-
electrolytes.18,110–112 Here, we would not introduce the details. centration of CO2 in ambient air is very low, the impact of CO2
So far, we have introduced many kinds of solid catalysts for cannot be ignored because of its larger solubility in organic sol-
Li–O2 batteries. But the catalytic ability of these solid catalysts is vents.120 Besides, Li2 CO3 is chemically more stable than Li2 O2 , caus-
limited by the poor connection between catalysts and discharge ing a larger charge overpotential and more serious decomposition
products. This limitation is even worse when approaching the end issues of electrolytes. Thus, some researchers aimed to find a suitable
of discharge/charge processes. In other words, some of the dis- catalyst to facilitate the decomposition of Li2 CO3 for better cycling
charge products cannot be catalyzed because they are too far from stability. The Zhang group prepared iridium-decorated boron car-
the catalysts. There is another important kind of electrocatalysts bide (Ir/B4 C) as the cathode material which can decompose Li2 CO3
named redox mediators (RMs) which can facilitate the forma- below 4.37 V.121 However, the influence of CO2 was not all bad. In
tion/decomposition of all discharge products because they are dis- 2011, Takechi and co-workers investigated a series of different ratios
solved in the electrolyte and can react with all the discharge prod- of O2 and CO2 mixed gas for Li–O2 /CO2 batteries.122 The capacity
ucts. Redox mediators can be divided into two types according to of mixed gas batteries could reach nearly twice larger than that of Li–
the processes that are catalyzed: ORR RMs and OER RMs. Taking O2 batteries. Inspired by the progress in studying the effect of CO2 , a
the OER RMs as an example, the reaction processes can be described newly developed energy storage system named rechargeable Li–CO2
as follows: first, during the charge process, RMs give electrons to batteries came into researchers’ sight which used CO2 as the working
the cathode and are oxidized to a higher oxidation. Then, the oxi- gas.123–125 In one word, the influence of CO2 on the battery perfor-
dized RMs diffuse to the discharge products and oxidize them to Li+ mances is an intricate handicap due to the lower kinetics of CO2
and O2 and return to their initial low oxidation states [Figs. 8(a) and compared with that of O2 . More efforts should be paid to develop
8(b)]. The catalytic behavior for ORR RMs is similar to that of OER new electrocatalysts with higher catalytic activity. The effect of H2 O
RMs except that it is a reduction process. Up to now, many RMs on Li–O2 battery performances is a complicated issue. On the one

FIG. 8. Role of RM for Li–O2 batter-

ies. (a) Schematic illustration of the reac-
tion mechanism of RM for Li–O2 batter-
ies. During the charge, RM (blue circles)
is oxidized near the electrode surface
(step 1, electrochemical reaction), and
then RM+ (red circles) chemically oxi-
dizes Li2 O2 to 2 Li+ (green circle) and
O2 gas (orange circles). Finally, RM+ is
reduced to the initial state of RM (step
2, chemical reaction). (b) Schematic dis-
charge (black line) and charge profiles
of Li–O2 batteries with (blue line) and
without RM (red line).

APL Mater. 7, 040701 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5091444 7, 040701-9

© Author(s) 2019

hand, some researchers demonstrated a higher charge overpoten- Li-air batteries are complicated systems including anodes, cath-
tial when H2 O was involved in the electrolyte.126,127 On the other odes, electrolytes, and separators, and each part is critical to deter-
hand, some people believed that additional H2 O is an efficient sol- mine the overall electrochemical performance. The essential chal-
uble additive which can dramatically reduce the overpotential and lenge is how to improve the cycling stability of every single part
enlarge the discharge capacity.128–130 Nitrogen as the major con- under such complicated superoxide/peroxide containing situations
stituent of ambient air was also found to be electrochemically active while keeping a good energy efficiency and rate capability. For cath-
toward lithium.131,132 All in all, the development of Li-air batteries is ode materials, it requires high bifunctional catalytic activity, high
still at the primary stage. There is a long way to achieve a practical electronic conductivity, and high porosity. The high catalytic activity
Li-air battery which can be operated in ambient air. can be achieved by compositing metal-based and carbon materials.
For anodes, the tolerability toward O2 , CO2 , and H2 O should be high
enough to guarantee the stability for cycling the batteries in ambient
VI. CONSTRUCTING ADVANCED SYSTEMS air. To maximize the energy density of Li-air batteries, constructing
Up to now, we have introduced many strategies to achieve bet- protective layers on the surface of lithium metal anodes would be
ter electrochemical performances by optimizing the specific part of a desired method. In addition, the safety issues, such as the growth
Li–O2 batteries including cathodes, anodes, and electrolytes. Here, of lithium dendrites and the flammable organic electrolyte, should
we would talk about some recent development that breaks the tradi- also be considered. Considering the special half-open structure of
tional rules of Li–O2 batteries. In the work by Asadi and co-workers, Li-air batteries, quasisolid or even solid-state electrolytes may be the
an extremely long cycling life of up to 700 cycles was reported best choice once the problem of low ionic conductivity is solved. It
in a simulated air atmosphere.133 The authors used several meth- can be expected that an ultimate practical Li-air battery with long
ods to achieve this amazing stability including a Li2 CO3 /C coated cycling life, high energy density, and efficiency will be achieved in
anode, a MoS2 cathode, and a mixed electrolyte. According to their the future.
experiments, the protected lithium anode together with an ionic liq-
uid/DMSO mixed electrolyte can greatly reduce the influence of CO2
and H2 O which was the primary request for a practical Li-air battery. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Their work reminded everyone of the importance of thinking in a big This work was supported by Tianjin Municipal Science and
picture and proved that combining suitable protected anodes, mod- Technology Bureau (No. 17JCQNJC06400) in China.
ified electrolytes, and highly catalytically active cathodes together
as a system can achieve high-performance Li-air batteries. Inter- REFERENCES
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