JBH ThesisAdhesive
JBH ThesisAdhesive
JBH ThesisAdhesive
John Hennage
L. D. Mitchell, Chairman
_________________________ _________________________
R. L. West D. C. Ohanehi
Blacksburg, Virginia
John Hennage
This thesis outlines a methodology for formatting and applying stress models, collecting
visco-elastic material properties, and presenting the material data for use in adhesive joint
designs. There are a number of models/theories that can be applied to the design of
Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) joints. Unfortunately, few design engineers are
familiar with these models and the models are not formatted in a manner that can easily
be applied to joint designs. By developing a format that is based on the existing
knowledge of the designer and presenting them in a familiar manner the theories/models
can easily be used in joint designs. This technique was demonstrated with Beam-on-
Elastic Foundation, Shear Lag, and Shape Factors. Design examples successfully
demonstrated the application of all of these models in the analysis and design of simple
adhesive joints.
All of the collected data was used to generate design plots. The strength data was
presented as allowable strength envelopes with respect to rate. The moduli were
calculated from the load-displacement data and plotted with respect to the displacement
rate. The failure strength from the fixed load and displacement data were used to
transform from one loading case to the other and a plot was generated. These three plots
were used in the design and analysis of several adhesive joints.
The methods demonstrated in this thesis show a great deal of promises as a design tool,
but there is still a large amount of work to be done. The design space for this material is
much larger than what was covered by this work. Additional strength testing needs to be
conducted to fully characterize the material for all key applications. The principle of
time-temperature superposition, beam-on-elastic foundation, shear lag, and shape factors
all need to be validated for this material.
This is for you granddad.
Over the past few years I have come to realize that much of who I am and how I view
live is because of my grandfather. It has taken me a long time to appreciate and
understand many of the pieces of wisdom that he imparted to me. I can only hope that I
will eventually come to understand every thing that he told and showed me. I only wish
that I had been able to learn more from him
I would be remiss if I didn’t thank everyone that had a hand in the completion of this
research. There were a number of faculty, staff, students, and departments that made this
research possible.
Both Appy Hayes and Josh Grohs helped conduct the numerous tests. Ali Feizollahi
spent countless hours making the hundreds of specimens that were required. Bob West,
Dave Dillard, John Dillard, and Don Ohanehi provided continuous input and advice on
conducting the experiments and interpreting the data. Dave Simmons and Darrell Link
made the many fixtures and jigs become a reality. The Department of Mechanical
Engineering and the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics provided me
with the office and lab space necessary to conduct this research.
Most of all, I would like to thank Larry Mitchell for taking a chance on me and acting as
my advisor. I know that I am not the typical student and may not be the easiest to work
with, especially when it comes to timelines. I am grateful for all of your understanding,
guidance, and friendship. I will try to make the next step a little easier.
Lastly, I would like to recognize the support and guidance provided by 3M Corporation,
without which this project would not have been possible.
Table of Contents
Section Page #
Abstract ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables xi
Nomenclature xii
1.0 Introduction 1
Table of Contents (Continued)
Section Page #
4.0 Results 40
4.1 Strength 40
4.2 Shape Factor Analysis 54
4.3 Modulus 56
4.4 Load-Control vs. Displacement-Control Testing 57
4.5 Complex-Loading 58
4.6 Preliminary Data 61
4.6.1 Shift Factors 62
4.6.2 Loading/Displacement Rate 63
6.0 Conclusions 77
7.0 Recommendations 79
References 82
List of Figures
Figure # Figure Title Page #
List of Figures (Continued)
Figure # Figure Title Page #
List of Figures (Continued)
Figure # Figure Title Page #
List of Figures (Continued)
Figure # Figure Title Page #
List of Tables
Table # Table Title Page #
Symbol Quantity Units1
A Area m2
E Modulus of Elasticity (Young’s Modulus) Pa
Eapp Apparent Modulus of Elasticity Pa
F Distributed Load N/mm
G Modulus of Rigidity (Shear Modulus) Pa
I Area Moment of Inertia mm4
J Rotational Moment of Inertia mm4
K Stiffness N/mm
Kapp Apparent Stiffness N/mm
Ksys System Stiffness N/mm
Kg1 Geometric Stress Concentration Factor (Tensile) Dimensionless
Kef1 Elastic Foundation Stress Concentration Factor Dimensionless
Kg2 Geometric Stress Concentration Factor (Shear) Dimensionless
Kt Theoretical Stress Concentration Factor Dimensionless
L Moment Arm Length mm
M Moment N-m
N Safety Factor Dimensionless
Nl Load Safety Factor Dimensionless
Ns Stress Safety Factor Dimensionless
P Applied Load N
Pd Design Load N
Pu Ultimate Load N
Rd Displacement Rate mm/min
Reff Effective Displacement Rate mm/min
RH Relative Humidity %
Rl Load Rate N/s
Ss Strength in Shear Pa
Ssy Yield Strength in Shear Pa
S Strength in Tension Pa
Sy Yield Strength in Tension Pa
T Torque N-m
Temp Temperature °C
Tg Glass Transition Temperature °C
a Regression Variable MPa/Deg2
aH Relative Humidity Shift Factor Dimensionless
aT Temperature Shift Factor Dimensionless
b Regression Variable MPa/Deg
c Distance From Centroid mm
d Regression Variable MPa
h Total Thickness mm
l Bond Length mm
Unless otherwise stated
Nomenclature (Continued)
Symbol Quantity Units
a Adhesive
ave Average Value
max Maximum Value
s Substrate (Adherend)
x In the x direction
y In the y direction
1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this thesis is to outline a methodology for collecting, presenting, and
applying visco-elastic data for a pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) intended for use in
structural-joint design. The use of PSAs is common in some industries and has been so
for many years, yet the design methodology is not well known by most mechanical
designers. There are many applications that would benefit from the ability of PSAs to
bond dissimilar materials and provide a continuously sealed bond line. The lack of
knowledge tends to decrease the use of PSAs or completely eliminates them from
consideration in joint designs. This thesis focuses on three areas critical to the success
and widespread acceptance of adhesives in the design community.
Designers need to be become familiar with the modeling tools available to predict the
stress distributions in adhesive joints and rate/temperature/humidity dependence of
adhesive properties. This must be done in a manner that builds on the existing
knowledge and experience that is possessed by the design engineer. Without this link to
current engineering understanding, the methods will be rejected by the productivity
driven engineer. This can be accomplished by formatting these theories in a manner that
is similar to techniques already used in the design community, such as stress
concentration factors. This approach will be demonstrated for Beam-on-Elastic-
Foundation Theory, Shear-Lag Theory, and Shape-Factor Theory. In addition, an
overview of Time-Temperature-Superposition will be given with respect to the impact
that load rate and temperature have on the adhesive material properties.
There are many material properties that need to be determined in order to fully
characterize a PSA for use in mechanical design. Unlike many engineering materials, the
material properties of PSAs vary widely with respect to temperature, stress/strain rate,
and relative humidity. It is common for the modulus to vary by several orders of
magnitude with respect to temperature. This requires all material properties be known
over a range of operating conditions. In this thesis a modified Arcan test fixture was used
to collect strength and modulus data over a range of test conditions. The majority of the
data was collected using displacement rates of 0.05, 0.5, 5.0, and 50 mm/min. These
rates were applied to loading angle of 0, 30, 60, and 90° with 0° being pure tension and
90° being pure shear. Additional Arcan testing was conducted to determine the
relationship between fixed-load rate and fixed-displacement rate as well as to study
shape-factor theory validity. A second fixture was used to gain insight on the impact of
gradient tensile stresses on adhesive strength. To better demonstrate the impact of time-
temperature superposition shift-factor data was presented. Time-temperature
superposition analysis and the associated data is outside the scope of this thesis, but was
necessary to bring everything together and better demonstrate the complexity of adhesive
joint design and analysis.
All the material data in the world doesn’t do any good at all unless it can be interpreted
by the designer. With this in mind this thesis outlines a method for generating strength-
based failure envelopes and moduli curves from the acquired test data. The stress-based
failure envelopes are a graphical representation of the failure/allowable stresses under
given loading conditions. The concept of defining an allowable stress is well understood
by design engineers and is used in strength-based designs. The design envelopes will
allow the engineer to use traditional design methods including safety factors and
probabilistic design techniques.
For PSAs to become more widely accepted their material properties and design
techniques need to be available to design engineers. By generating a design methodology
that is based upon material properties that are familiar to engineers, the understanding of
and confidence in PSA-joint design will be enhanced.
2.0 Literature Review
Understanding the concepts and the analyses presented in this thesis requires the
understanding of some basic concepts in material testing and stress analysis. To facilitate
this understanding an overview of these concepts is presented. Particular attention has
been given to the analysis of PSAs.
To complete any joint design it is necessary to have the material properties to begin the
analysis. In order to get the mechanical properties it is necessary to test the material.
There are many standard test methods for determining the material properties of PSAs
used in bonded joints. Those issued by the American Society of Testing and Materials
(ASTM) are the most commonly used. The ASTM has issued standards for a wide
variety of test specimen geometries and loading conditions including tensile, shear,
cleavage, and peel. These test geometries are shown in Figure 2.1-1.
A brief overview of the ASTM standards relevant to PSAs can be found in Table 2.1-1
[1]*. It should be noted that the analysis techniques for many of these tests result in
average stress or load values. For example, the stress calculated under ASTM D897-95a
(Tensile Properties of Adhesive Bonds) results in an average tensile stress. No mention
is given to the possibility of a stress distribution or a method of calculating the peak
In real-world applications most joints are not loaded in simple tensile or shear. The stress
state results from a combination of many components. Shear, normal, bending, and
torsional stresses may all be present. At this time, ASTM does not have standards for
testing a range of biaxial stress states. Even the ASTM standards for testing in cleavage
specify that only the failure load/unit width be recorded. The individual bending and
Numbers in brackets refer to references listed at the end of each chapter.
normal stress components are not calculated. The material properties need to be known
for all possible stress states or each joint must be redesigned to only have pure shear or
pure normal loading. The reality is that this redesign is not practical or possible in many
situations. To be useful in design the material properties need to be known for the entire
application range of stress states.
Designation Title
ASTM D 896–96 Standard Test Method for Resistance of Adhesive
Bonds to Chemical Reagents
ASTM D 897-95a Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of
Adhesive Bonds
ASTM D 950 Standard Test Method for Impact Strength of Adhesive
ASTM D 1151 Standard Test Method for Effect of Moisture and
Temperature on Adhesive Bonds
ASTM D 3433-93 Standard Test Method for Fracture Strength in Cleavage
of Adhesive in Bonded Metal Joints
ASTM D 543-95 Standard Practice for Evaluating the Resistance of
Plastics to Chemical Reagents
ASTM D 1002-99 Standard Test Method for Apparent Shear Strength of
Single-Lap-Joint Adhesively Bonded Metal Specimens
by Tension Loading (Metal-to-Metal)
ASTM D 3330/ Standard Test Methods for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-
D 3330M-99 Sensitive Tape
ASTM D 3654 / Standard Test Method for Holding Power of Pressure-
D 3654M-96e1 Sensitive Tapes
ASTM D 3762-98 Standard Test Method for Adhesive-Bonded Surface
Durability of Aluminum (Wedge Test)
ASTM D 3933 Practice for Preparation of Aluminum Surfaces for
Structural Adhesives (Phosphoric Acid Anodizing)
ASTM D 3983-98 Standard Test Method for Measuring Strength and Shear
Modulus of No rigid Adhesives by the Thick-Adherend
Tensile-Lap Specimen
ASTM D 3654–96 Standard Test Method Holding Power of Pressure-
Sensitive Tapes
ASTM D 3759–96 Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength and
Elongation of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes
ASTM D 3715–98 Standard Practice for Quality Assurance for Pressure-
Sensitive Tapes
ASTM E 229-2003 Standard Test Method for Shear Strength and Shear
(Withdrawn) Modulus of Structural Adhesives (Napkin Ring)
2.1.1 Arcan
elasticity (E) and modulus of rigidity (G) can be determined as functions of frequency
and temperature.
Using the principle of linear superposition this data can be analyzed to generate master
curves and shift-factor plots. This allows the constitutive properties to be predicted
outside of the test region of temperature, loading frequency, or relative humidity [5, 6].
The start of any joint design requires a stress analysis of the load-bearing members. In
order to determine the stress state it is necessary to have an understanding of the
materials used in the design and how they interact with each other. In many cases the
engineer has to make some assumptions in order to complete the analysis. Typically, the
material is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic. These assumptions greatly
simplify the calculations required to determine the normal, shear, bending, and torsional
The application of a centric tensile load results in a normal stress (σ). Typically, σ is
calculated using Equation (2.2.1-1) which uses the original cross sectional area (A) and is
known as the engineering or average stress. This is an average stress and should only be
used away from the loading point. The stresses at a concentrated load will be higher than
the rest of the cross section and require a different analysis technique. Use of Equation
(2.2.1-1) in the analysis of an adhesively bonded joint requires adherends that are rigid
relative to the PSA.
P Eε
σ ave = = Eε (Plane Stress) = (Plane Strain) (2.2.1-1)
A 1 −ν 2
For Poisson’s Ratio (ν), see section 2.3, equal to 0.5 the plane strain version of Equation
(2.2.1-1) becomes the more familiar form shown in Equation (2.2.1-2)
σ ave = Eε ( Only for ν =0.5, incompressible) (2.2.1-2)
If the tensile load is eccentric from the center of the support provided by the PSA patch a
moment (M) is generated. The moment produces an additional normal stress. The
moment-based normal stress is calculated using Equation (2.2.1-3), where c is the
distance from the centroid of the cross-section to the outer fiber and I is the area moment
of inertia.
σ (c ) = (2.2.1-3)
The magnitude and sign of the moment-based stress depend on the direction of the
moment and the signed distance from the centroid. Assuming linear superposition, the
axial-load-based normal stress and the moment-based normal stress can be added
together vectorially to calculate the total normal stress. This assumption will have
limitations should the stress-strain diagram for the adhesive be substantially nonlinear in
the calculated stress range.
In a bonded joint Equation (2.2.1-1) may not be a good approximation of the peak stress.
The constraints imposed by the bond line result in a non-uniform stress distribution
across the width of the bond. The bond line will be in a combined shear and normal
stress state. The shear stress results from the bond-line resistance to transverse motion in
the adhesive resulting from Poisson’s Ratio effects. The analysis for a long,
incompressible strip has been developed by Gent and Meinecke[6]. The geometry and
resulting mathematical model for this analysis are shown in Figure2.2.1-1 and Equation
(2.2.1-4). In Figure 2.2.1-1 F is the force per unit length of the beam.
l > 20wa wa
-wa/2 -wa/2
Ea x
⎛4 wa 2 2 x 2 ⎞
σ a ( x) = Eaε a ⎜ + − ⎟ (2.2.1-4)
⎝3 2ta 2 ta 2 ⎠
This analysis will be within 5% as long as the bond length (l) is 20 times the bond width
(wa). In this equation x has a range of + wa / 2 and the bulk adhesive Poisson’s Ratio (νa)
is assumed to be 0.5 (see section 2.3). In this system σa is not uniform across the width as
one would expect based on the engineering stress, Equation (2.2.1-1). It should be noted
that under a constant adhesive strain (εa), adhesive modulus of elasticity (Ea), and
adhesive thickness (ta) the stress level in the center of the cross section is a function of
the bond width (wa). This is driven by the second term in Equation (2.2.1-4). Stress
gradients have been shown to exist in circular and semicircular geometries [7, 8] as well
as the rectangular geometries discussed here.
Engineers are familiar with geometric effects that result in higher stress states than those
predicted by the average engineering stress. These effects have been dealt with by
applying a theoretical stress concentration factors (Kt). For example, engineers use stress
concentration factors to account for shaft chamfer radii as well as holes and notches in
plates when performing strength-based designs. This is critical when performing fatigue
failure analysis.
For this geometry the solution of Equation (2.2.1-4) for x = + wa / 2 is equivalent to σave
as defined in Equation (2.2.1-2). It is convenient to reformulate Equation (2.2.1-4) into a
geometric stress concentration factor (Kg1) referenced to σave (plane stress) as indicated in
Equation (2.2.1-5).
⎛ 4 w 2 2 x2 ⎞
Eaε a ⎜ + a 2 − 2 ⎟ 2 2
σ a ( x) ⎝ 3 2ta ta ⎠ 4 1 ⎛ wa ⎞ ⎛x⎞
K g1 ( x) = = = + ⎜ ⎟ − 2⎜ ⎟ (2.2.1-5)
σ eng Ea ε a 3 2 ⎝ ta ⎠ ⎝ ta ⎠
In this equation the Kg1 is a function of x. This is not the form that engineers are
accustomed to seeing. One will notice that σeng is used in this equation. This is done to
indicate that engineering judgment was used in determining the method used to perform a
calculation. This convention will be used throughout the text to call attention to these
The peak σa is at x = 0 and this is the stress of interest, therefore, this is the Kg1 of interest.
Solving Equation (2.2.1-5) for x = 0 results in Equation (2.2.1-6).
⎛4 w 2 ⎞
Eaε a ⎜ + a 2 ⎟ 2
σ a (0) ⎝ 3 2ta ⎠ 4 1 ⎛ wa ⎞
K g1 = = = + ⎜ ⎟ (2.2.1-6)
σ eng Eaε a 3 2 ⎝ ta ⎠
This equation can be represented graphically with Kg1 as a function of the adhesive width
to thickness ratio (wa / ta) as shown in Figure 2.2.1-2.
σ eng = Ea ε a
Kg1 (σa / σeng)
10 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10
wa / ta
Figure 2.2.1-2 Stress Concentration Factor vs. wa / ta for l / wa > 20.
This indicates that the peak adhesive stress can be considerably higher than what would
be predicted by the engineering stress. Calculating the normal stress within a PSA joint
requires an understanding of the stress gradient for the specific joint geometry. Great
care must be taken when calculating σa using these equations due to the assumption that
νa is 0.5. It has been shown by Dillard and Lai [9] that a 1% change in νa can result in an
80% drop in the peak σa.
If the joint consists of a flexible adherend bonded to a rigid or flexible adherend with a
PSA it is necessary to use a beam-on-elastic-foundation analysis. The solution to a
flexible adherend bonded to a rigid adherend with a transverse end loading was
developed by Winkler [10]. The joint can be end loaded with a force (P), a moment (M),
or both as indicated in Figure 2.2.1-3. Winkler’s beam-on-elastic-foundation model is
shown in Equations (2.2.1-5) and (2.2.1-6) [10] and plotted in Figure 2.2.1-4.
M Adhesive (Ea)
Flexible Adherend (Es, Is) ta
σ a ( x) = e − βx [P cos(βx ) + Mβ (cos(βx ) − sin (βx ))] (2.2.1-4)
2t a E s I s β 3
E a wa
β =4 (2.2.1-5)
4Es I s t a
P=1000 N, M =1000 N-m
β=6.3 m m -1
P=1000 N, M =0 N-m
l= 2.0 m m
15 P=0 N, M =1000 N-m
σa (GPa)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
x (m m )
Figure 2.2.1-4 Beam-on-elastic foundation with end load and moment.
This model only considers a transverse stress state and is only valid if the total bond
length (l) is greater than 5 / β, because of an assumption of infinite bond length.
As shown in Figure 2.2.1-4, the stress at the end of the beam is much greater than the
stress in the remaining section. For the load cases shown there is approximately zero
load carried by the section past 1.0 mm. If the stress were calculated using Equation
(2.2.1-1), the engineering stress, the stress level would be grossly underestimated.
This analysis is a good starting point to get a better understanding of the stress
distributions associated with flexible adherends. The analysis of other loading
conditions, finite lengths, and a variety of boundary conditions can be found in Hetenyi
[11] as well as Young [12]. For example, the solutions for the peak displacement in a
finite strip supported by an elastic foundation with an end load is shown in Equations
(2.2.1-6), (2.2.1-7), and (2.2.1-8). This geometry is the same as the one shown in Figure
2.2.1-3 with the load (P) applied at the midpoint and the moment (M) equal to zero.
λ= 4 (2.2.1-7)
4 Es I s
wa Ea
k= (2.2.1-8)
The method that an engineer would use to calculate the tensile stress in a rectangular
section subjected to an end load would be as follows. First the load would be moved to
the center of the section. Second, a moment couple would be added to compensate for
moving the load. Third, the resulting stress would be calculated using the principle of
superposition. For an end load it is known that the largest stress will be at the end of the
section where the two stresses are the in the same direction. This method is represented
in Equations (2.2.1-9) through (2.2.1-11).
P Mc
σ eng = + (2.2.1-9)
l l
P ∗
σ eng = + 2 32 (2.2.1-10)
wa l wa l
σ eng = (2.2.1-11)
wa l
Combing Equations (2.2.1-8) and (2.2.1-11) one can formulate a stress concentration
factor for a finite strip with an end load. The first stress concentration factor for elastic
foundations (Kef1) is shown in Equation (2.2.1-12) and Figure 2.2.1-5.
σ a λl sinh(λ l ) cosh(λ l ) − sin(λ l ) cos(λl )
K ef 1 = = ∗ (2.2.1-12)
σ eng 2 sinh 2 (λ l ) − sin 2 (λl )
End Load
σ eng =
wa l
Kef1 = σa / σeng
10 -2 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10
Figure 2.2.1-5 End-load elastic foundation stress concentration factor, Kef1.
As one can see a good estimate of the stress concentration factor is 1.0 for all values of λl
< 1.0. In this region the adherend will act as a rigid body and the engineering stress can
be used.
These techniques can be applied to flexible adherends bonded together. If the adherends
are the same, symmetry can be used by using half of the actual bond thickness (ta ) and
applying the equations as usual. It is important to note that in these analyses the adhesive
modulus (Ea) is required. As discussed in the previous section the in-situ modulus and
the bulk modulus may not be the same and therefore, these equations should be used with
The application of a longitudinal load to a lap shear joint such as that shown in Figure
2.2.2-1 will result in a shear stress (τ).
Adhesive (Ga, αa)
ta P
Adherend 1 (Es1, ts1, αs1)
Assuming rigid (see Equations (2.2.2-6) and (2.2.2-9)) substrates, the average shear stress
can be calculated using Equation (2.2.2-1).
τ ave = (2.2.2-1)
The application of a torque (T) to rigid substrates also results in shear stress. Assuming
linear superposition, the torque-based shear stress can be added vectorially to the load-
based shear stress to calculate the total shear stress. The torque-based shear stress is a
function of the distance from the centroid (c) and the polar-area-moment of inertia (J) as
indicated in Equation (2.2.2-2). The direction is orthogonal to c and is directed in the
direction of the torque.
τ (c ) = (2.2.2-2)
Thus, the shear stress has a linear gradient from the centroid of the bond area to any
portion of the adhesive cross-section. The maximum shear stress is at the furthest radial
position from the centroid. This will not be the case if there are large rotations or if the
cross-section becomes twisted as is the case of a rectangular cross-section. Methods have
not been developed and verified in adhesive design applications to deal with torsion in
rectangular sections as has been done in weld-design technology. As such Equation
(2.2.2-2) is only valid for pure torsion applied to a circular cross-section.
The shear stress in a bonded joint containing a PSA will not be uniform when the
adherends are flexible. When calculating the shear stresses in bonded joints with flexible
adherends Equation (2.2.2-1) should not be used (flexible is defined in the following
paragraph). If the adherends are flexible and one assumes there are no longitudinal or
transverse normal stresses in the adhesive, the stress distribution can be calculated using
Volkerson’s shear-lag model [10,13,14]. Volkerson’s model is presented in Equations
(2.2.2-3) and (2.2.2-4). The joint geometry and model parameters are shown in Figure
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
Pω ⎜ Pω E s 2 t s 2 − E s1t s1 ⎟
τ a ( x) = cosh (ωx ) + sinh (ωx )
⎛ ωl ⎞ ⎜ ⎛ ωl ⎞ E s1t s1 + E s 2 t s 2 ⎟
2wa sinh ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 2 wa cosh⎜ ⎟ ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ ⎝ 2⎠ ⎠
Ga ⎛ E s1t s1 + E s 2 t s 2 ⎞
ω= ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (2.2.2-4)
ta ⎝ E s1t s1 E s 2 t s 2 ⎠
The stress distribution is dependent on the joint geometry as well as the material
properties of the adhesive and the adherends. This model can be simplified to Equations
(2.2.2-5) and (2.2.2-6) if both adherends are identical.
τ a ( x) = cosh (ωx ) (2.2.2-5)
⎛ ωl ⎞
2 wa sinh ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2⎠
ω= (2.2.2-6)
ta Est s
Dividing Equation (2.2.2-5) by the τave (Equation 2.2.2-1) one obtains the second
geometry-dependent stress concentration factor (Kg2) shown in Equation (2.2.2-7) below.
cosh (ω x )
⎛ ωl ⎞
2wa sinh ⎜ ⎟
τ ( x) ⎝ 2 ⎠ ωl
K g 2 ( x) = a = = cosh (ω x )
τ eng P ⎛ ωl ⎞
2sinh ⎜ ⎟
wa l ⎝ 2 ⎠
In most instances the peak stress is what is of interest. In Equation (2.2.2-7) the peak
stress will occur at x = l/2. This relationship is shown in Equation (2.2.2-8) and is plotted
in Figure 2.2.2-2.
ωl ⎛ ωl ⎞
Kg2 = cosh ⎜ ⎟ (2.2.2-8)
⎛ ωl ⎞ ⎝ 2 ⎠
2sinh ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
τ eng =
Kg2 = τa / τeng
10 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10
Figure 2.2.2-2 Shear stress concentration factor, Kg2.
As one can see Kg2 is approximately 1.0 for values of ωl less than 1.0. This leads us to a
definition of flexible for this geometry. For ωl < 0.75 the peak τa will be no more than
5% larger than τave. If ωl > 0.75 there will more than a 5% difference and the beam
should be treated as flexible using Volkerson’s relations, Equations (2.2.2-3) or (2.2.2-5).
These relationships can be represented as shown in Equation (2.2.2-9).
⎧ P ⎫
⎪τ eng = ωl ≤ 0.75 ⎪
τa = ⎨ A ⎬ (2.2.2-9)
⎪ K g 2 *τ eng ωl > 0.75⎪
⎩ ⎭
To provide additional insight into the effect of ta and Ests on the stress distribution the
stress distributions for two cases are presented in Figures 2.2.2-3 and 2.2.2-4. In each
case increasing the respective parameter (ta in Figure 2.2.2-3 and Ests in Figure 2.2.2-4)
results in a decrease in the stress gradient. For rigid adherends and thick adhesive layers
the stress level will approach the value calculated using Equation
ta = 1 mm
30 G a = 1.0 M Pa ta = 2 mm
E s = 1.0 GPa ta = 5 mm
28 t s = 1.0 m m ta = 10 m m
w a = 12.5 m m
26 l = 50.8 m m
τ (MPa)
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
x (m m )
Figure 2.2.2-3 Effect of ta on the shear stress distribution.
E sts = 10 kN/m
G a = 1.0 M Pa E sts = 100 kN /m
100 t a = 1.0 m m E sts = 1 M N/m
w a = 12.5 m m E sts = 10 M N/m
l = 50.8 m m
τ (MPa)
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
x (m m )
Figure 2.2.2-4 Effect of Ests on the shear stress distribution.
Volkerson’s analysis is intended for pure shear loading which is very difficult to achieve.
The thickness of the adherends and adhesive will result in a moment given the loading in
Figure 2.2.2-1. To account for bending or torsional loading a different model must be
used. Goland and Reissner [15], and Adams and Peppiat [16] have presented models for
these loading conditions. These models are more complex and will not be presented here.
In some designs, the stress level may not be the controlling factor in determining failure.
The design may have a design parameter that limits the maximum strain. The application
of a tensile load will result in an increase in length (thickness). The ratio between the
change in length (δ) to the original length (thickness) is the normal strain (ε). This
relationship is shown in Equation (2.3-1).
εx = (2.3-1)
In an elastic material a strain in the loading axis will result in a negative strain in the
transverse axes as shown in Figure 2.3-1a.
Original Shape
δy Original Shape
σx σx
ta δx
Shear Strain
Normal and Transverse Strain (b)
This leads to the definition of another material property known as Poisson’s Ratio (v),
which is calculated using Equation (2.3-2).
εy ε
v=− =− z (2.3-2)
εx εx
Poisson’s Ratio must be between 0.0 and 0.5. For steel ν is typically 0.26 - 0.30 and for
elastomers ν is very close to 0.5. A ν of 0.0 indicates that a strain in one axis will not
result in a strain in the other two axes. This is approximately the case in foam materials.
In shear the equivalent concept to ε is the shear strain (γ). The γ represents the angular
rotation in radians as indicated in Figure 2.3-1b. Equation (2.3-4) is used to calculate γ.
⎛δ y ⎞
γ = tan −1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (2.3-3)
⎝ ta ⎠
It should be apparent from Equation (2.3-3) that the shear strain will approach π/2 as δy
⇒ ∞. Also note that the sides of the element do not change length and the longitudinal
sides move toward one another. In real-world applications these conditions are difficult
to obtain. These conditions limit δ y < ta since at δy = ta the two longitudinal sides
approach one another. With δy = ta Equation (2.3-3) yields γ = π/4, but one can see that
the geometry demands that γ = π/2 for this case. This is strong evidence that the
conventional engineering shear strain definition is inadequate for dealing with PSA’s
with large shear deflections. Physical testing has yielded δy up to 8 times ta. These
deflections require large extension in the element sides and violate the basic assumptions
made in the formulation of Equation (2.3-3). Not withstanding these problems the
definition given in Equation (2.3-3) will be used to keep with engineering convention.
2.4 Moduli
The ratio between σx and εx is known as the modulus of elasticity or Young’s Modulus
(E). This property can be used to determine the deformation associated with a normal
stress. This is only valid in the linear portion of the σ-ε diagram before plastic
deformation sets in. Young’s Modulus is calculated for the plane-stress and plane-strain
conditions using Equations (2.4-1) and (2.4-2), respectively.
E= (Plane Stress) (2.4-1)
σ x (1 − v 2 )
E= (Plane Strain) (2.4-2)
In shear, the equivalent property is known as the shear modulus or modulus of rigidity
(G). The modulus of rigidity is the ratio of τx to γx as shown in Equation (2.4-3).
G= (2.4-3)
In the linear region of an isotropic material stress-strain relationship Equation (2.4-4) can
be used to calculate E, G, or v as long as two of the quantities are known.
E = 2G (1 + v) (2.4-4)
Both of the moduli are obtained based on stress and strain, which are calculated nominal
values. The calculated values of stress and strain are limited by the measurement
technique used. In a bonded system it may be very difficult to calculate E and G from
measured stress and strain. This is due to the difficulties associated with obtaining
accurate values for the cross-sectional area, specimen displacement, and stress
distribution. In addition to the errors associated with measurement resolution, the
constraints at the interface must also be taken into account. In general, the adhesive joint
is a mixed plane-stress and plane-strain problem. As indicated in section 2.2.1, bonded
joints loaded in tension develop σ and τ due to the constraint at the bond line. This
constraint also results in an increase in the stiffness of the bonded system compared to the
constitutive properties. This is because the bonded surface cannot contract under
Poisson’s Ratio effect, as they should in a plane-stress situation. This results in shear
stresses at the surface of the adhesive to hold the adhesive in place. Applying Equation
(2.4.1) to a bonded joint will result in the apparent E (Eapp). For adhesive joints
containing PSAs, the Ea is much lower than Es. Therefore, the E will represent the in-situ
adhesive Eapp. To determine Ea one must correct Eapp based on the specific joint
geometry. Shape factors can be used to calculate Ea from Eapp. The relationship between
Eapp and Ea is show in Equation (2.4-5).
⎛4 w 2 ⎞
Eapp = Ea ⎜ + a 2 ⎟ (2.4-5)
⎝ 3 3ta ⎠
Equation (2.4-5) is only valid for an infinite strip and v = 0.5, the same type of
relationship can be found for other geometries as mentioned in section 2.2.1. By
graphing Equation (2.4-5) (see Figure 2.4-1) one can see that the joint geometry can have
a significant effect on the in-situ modulus.
Apparent E vs. Bond Width/Bond Thickness
Eapp / Ea = (4/3+wa2/3ta2)
νa = 0.5
Ea = 1.0 MPa
Eapp / Ea
10 -1 0 1
10 10 10
wa / ta
Figure 2.4-1 The effect of the bond geometry on the apparent E.
For example, when wa is 10 times larger than ta the Eapp is predicted to be over 30 times
the constitutive Ea. The Eapp of the bonded system would need to be calculated for the
particular joint geometry using the Ea and νa. Experience with some PSA’s, however,
indicates that these theoretical shape factors do not accurately predict the relationship
between Eapp and Ea. Therefore, it is suggested that experimental data be taken for the
development of empirical shape factors for the PSA material being used.
α= (2.5-1)
The importance of α becomes apparent when adhesively bonded joints are exposed to
operating environments containing large ∆T. In an adhesively bonded joint, the adhesive
is not free to expand and stresses develop due to the constraint at the bond line. For
joints in which the adhesive and adherends have dissimilar α, normal stresses develop in
the adhesive layer. Using the nomenclature and joint geometry are shown in Figure 2.5-
1, the relationship for the normal stresses are shown for uniaxial and biaxial stresses in
Equations (2.5-2) and (2.5-3), respectively [10]. In Equations (2.5-2) and (2.5-3) αs1 and
αs2 are the same resulting in uniform strain across the thickness of the bond.
z z
Εs1, αs1, ts1
Εa, αa
x Εs2, αs2, ts2 Y
σ x = − Ea ∆Τ (α a − α s ) (2.5-2)
Ea ∆Τ
σx =σy = − (α a − α s ) (2.5-3)
1 − va
Equation (2.5-2) is only valid for uniaxial stress states, as would be seen in a long narrow
bond line. Equation (2.5-3) is more realistic for most bonded systems in that it takes into
account the additional stress caused by the Poisson’s Ratio effect.
If the adherends have different αs the normal strain will not be uniform across the bond
thickness. Normal and shear stresses occur in the adhesive layer due to this strain state.
Both the normal and shear stresses will be non-uniform along the length of the bond as
indicated in Equations (2.5-4) and (2.5-5) [10].
⎡ (α s1 − α s 2 ) x + ta (α a − α s1 ) ⎤
σ a ( x) = − Ea ∆T ⎢ ⎥ (2.5-4)
⎣ ta ⎦
(α s1 − α s 2 )∆Τω
τ ( x) = sinh (ωx ) (2.5-5)
⎛ 1 ⎞ ωl
⎟⎟ cosh⎛⎜ ⎞⎟
⎜⎜ +
⎝ E s1t s1 E s 2 t s 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2⎠
Again, these equations are intended for long narrow bonds. For both equations x = 0 is
the center of the bond length. In Equation (2.5-5) ω is calculated using Equation (2.2.2-
These equations indicate that even the process of assembling the joint itself can result in
stresses. Many PSAs are applied as a liquid and then cure to a solid. This process of
changing state most often results in an exothermic reaction and, most often, in a volume
change. After the reaction is complete, the change in the volume of the adhesive will
produce residual stresses. As the adhesive and adherends return to ambient temperature,
additional residual stresses can develop.
2.6 Temperature/Humidity/Rate Effects
The material properties of PSA are governed by the operating conditions; including
temperature, relative humidity, and loading rate. The breaking strength of a PSA joint
will become greater as the strain rate increases or as the temperature decreases [5, 17,
18]. Both of these conditions result in an increase in the modulus of the adhesive. As the
temperature approaches the glass transition temperature (Tg) the adhesive will become
brittle. This same effect can be seen above the Tg if the strain rate is high enough.
Conversely, an increase in the relative humidity (RH) will result in a decrease in the
breaking strength [19, 20]. Water acts as a plasticizer, which decreases the modulus of
the adhesive. In addition to the effect on the modulus, water can cause swelling which
will induce “environmental” stresses at the bond line similar to those caused by α
mismatch [18, 21].
The humidity effect is a time-dependent process. The diffusion and wicking of the water
molecules into the adhesive and along the bond line is not instantaneous. This process is
controlled by the adhesive properties, temperature, and the stress state [6, 21]. Work has
been done to predict the effect of exposure time on the joint properties (adhesive and
interfacial strength) [22, 23].
For any design to be successful, the worst-case operating conditions must be known.
This allows for the correct material properties to be used in the design process. The use
of master curves and shift-factor plots [5] will allow the material properties to be known
for a wide range of environmental conditions and loading rates. If this data is not
available, the material cannot be used safely in any design that is not operating under the
exact same condition as the available test data.
After the stresses on the joint have been determined, it is necessary to relate them to the
known material properties. Typically, the stress state of the joint will be compared to the
known shear strength (Ss) or tensile strength (St), which is obtained from test data. In
most cases only one of these values will be available and, therefore, it is necessary to
transform the design stress state to one that can be directly related to the known strength.
One approach to solving this problem is to use the linear mechanics Mohr’s Circle
analysis. Mohr’s Circle is a graphical/analytical method of transforming/rotating a
combined stress state to an equivalent stress state, typically one of only shear or one of
only normal stresses. This is known as the principal stress state. Both biaxial and triaxial
stress elements can be transformed using Mohr’s circle. In using one of the variants of
the Mohr’s circle approach, tensile stresses and clockwise shear stresses are positive,
while, compressive stresses and counterclockwise shear stresses are negative. The
Mohr’s circle method is illustrated in Figure 2.7-1, for a biaxial stress element (σz = τxy =
τxy = 0). The following analysis has been done using the nomenclature normally
associated with a triaxial analysis. This has been done to eliminate any confusion
associated with failure criteria.
τyx τ1
τxy τxy
σ3 σave σx σ1
(c) (b)
Figure 2.7-1 Mohr’s circle analysis for a biaxial-stress element (σy = -0.2σx, σz = 0).
As indicated, the stresses are plotted on σ-τ axes, then the circle diameter and the rotation
angle (θ) are calculated using simple trigonometry. Knowing the diameter, the stress
circle can be drawn with the average of the normal stresses (σave) as the origin. Finally,
the principal stresses (σ1 - σ3) can be determined with σ1 > σ2 > σ3. Using these values the
new stress element drawn, as shown in Figure 2.7-1(c). Principal stresses are used to
predict failure in brittle materials under tensile stress. However, ductile materials are
found to fail or yield under shear stress action or through shear (distortion) strain energy
accumulation. Thus, the maximum shear stress (τmax) is important. As indicated in
Figure 2.7-1(b) the τmax = τ1 = -τ2. Mohr’s circle helps determine the τmax for the stress
element so that the selected failure theory can be applied.
The values obtained using Mohr’s circle can be obtained numerically using Equations
(2.7-1)-(2.7-4) [24].
2τ xy
tan(2θ ) = (2.7-1)
σ x −σ y
σ x +σ y
σ ave = (2.7-2)
⎛σ −σ ⎞
σ 1 , σ 3 = σ ave ± ⎜ x y ⎟ + τ xy2 (2.7-3)
⎝ 2 ⎠
⎛ σx − σ y ⎞
τ max = τ 1 ,τ 2 = ± ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy
⎝ 2 ⎠
This same approach can be used to determine the principal strains as indicated in
Equations (2.7-5) through (2.7-8) [25].
γ xy
tan(2θ ) = (2.7-5)
εx −εy
εx +εy
ε ave = (2.7-6)
⎛ ε −ε ⎞ γ
ε1 , ε 3 = ε ave ± ⎜ x y ⎟ + xy (2.7-7)
⎝ 2 ⎠ 4
⎛ ε x − ε y ⎞ γ xy
γ max = γ 1, γ 2 = ± ⎜ ⎟ + (2.7-8)
⎝ 2 ⎠ 4
Typically these equations are written using the facial shear strain (εxy). They were
reformulated and presented here using the engineering shear strain (γxy) for consistency.
There are many different failure theories that can be used in design. In this thesis the
focus is on static strength-based design techniques and, therefore, fracture and fatigue
theories will not be covered. In ductile systems exceeding the yield strength will result in
a permanent deformation in the material. This deformation changes the system geometry
and is used as the failure criteria. Of the many static theories the maximum-shear-stress
theory and the maximum-distortion-energy theory (von Mises-Hencky theory) are the
most widely used. Both of these theories can be related to the principal stresses and the
known material yield strength to predict yield or failure. The predicted failure envelope
for each of these theories is shown in Figure 2.8-1. It is important to note that the
distortion-energy theory has a larger envelope and, therefore, a larger design space.
Predicted Design Space
Maximum-Distortion-Energy Theory
Maximum-Shear-Stress Theory
σ 2 / Sy
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
σ 1 / Sy
Figure 2.8-1 Failure theory design space.
σ1 − σ 3
τ max = ; σ1 > σ 2 > σ 3 (2.8.1-1)
τ max ≤ = S sy (2.8.1-2)
Most strength data has been collected on tensile specimens and, therefore, Sy is generally
reported. This makes it logical to predict failure based on an equivalent tensile stress
(σ’MSST). This represents the predicted stress for the design and is calculated using
Equation (2.8.1-3). By combining Equations (2.8.1-3) and (2.8.1-2) one can develop an
equation to predict yield failure based on σ’MSST and Sy. This final relationship is shown
in Equation (2.8.1-4). The maximum-shear-stress theory is very easy to apply and is
conservative compared to test data. Again it is only valid for predicting failure in yield
and, therefore, should only be applied to ductile materials.
= 2τ max = σ 1 − σ 3 (2.8.1-3)
≤ Sy (2.8.1-4)
It has been observed that elements stressed hydrostatically have yield strengths that are
much higher than those stressed in uniaxial tension. This indicates that yielding is not
directly related to hydrostatically induced strain energy, but rather to the angular
distortion energy in the stress element. The maximum-distortion-energy theory is based
on the energy required to produce the angular distortion [24, 25]. The distortion energy
(ud) can be calculated by subtracting the hydrostatic strain energy from the total strain
energy induced by the externally applied forces. The hypothesis of the theory is that as
long as ud is less than ud at yield, yield failure will not occur. To make use of this theory,
it is necessary to relate the ud to stresses. This derivation can be found in Mechanical
Engineering Design [24]. The triaxial failure criterion for the distortion-energy theory is
given in Equation (2.8.2-1).
For the biaxial stress state, one of the principal stresses will be zero. In practice it is more
convenient to define the von Mises stress for the biaxial stress case in terms of the
principal or the operating stresses as indicated in Equations (2.8.2-2) and (2.8.3-3).
(σ 1 − σ 2 ) + ( σ 2 − σ 3 ) (σ 3 − σ 1 )
2 2 2
σ '
MDET = ≤ Sy (2.8.2-2)
= σ x2 + σ y2 − σ xσ y + 3τ xy2 ≤ S y (2.8.2-3)
In any design there is uncertainty and variability in the design load(s) and the material
properties. To achieve a safe and reliable design it is necessary to account for these
uncertainties. One approach is to use factors of safety (N). The safety factor can be
calculated with respect to the allowable load (Pu) or the yield strength (Sy) as indicated in
Equations (2.9-1) and (2.9-2).
Nl = (2.9-1)
Ns = (2.9-2)
In Equation (2.9-1) Pd is the design load and in Equation (2.9-2) σd is the design stress.
In many cases the design stresses do not directly reflect the external design load.
Moreover, in some cases the design stress is not a linear function of the design load or
can be a function of many loads, not all of which can be overloaded. This makes
Equation (2.9-2) dangerous to use. Equations (2.9-1) and (2.9-2) are not necessarily
equivalent. Equation (2.9-1) should be used unless the designer is absolutely sure of the
applicability of the stress-based approach, Equation (2.9-2).
This chapter contains many equations and theories that are used to predict the stresses
and strains in materials. Four of these theories are very important when dealing with
adhesive joints. The basic principles of time-temperature superposition, shape factors,
beam-on-elastic foundation, and shear lag will be covered again here. This is being done
in an attempt to provide the reader with an appreciation for these theories with respect to
adhesive joints.
As stated in section 2.1.2 time-temperature superposition is used to predict the properties
of visco-elastic materials over a wide range of frequencies and temperatures. Typically
modulus data will be collected over a frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz and a
temperature range of -100 °C to 200 °C. This data is used to generate shift factors which
allow material properties to be predicted (shifted) for several decades outside of the test
domain. There are two important assumptions that are made in doing this. First: there is
no change in state over the shifted domain and second, Poisson’s Ratio is constant over
the shifted domain [26]. Both of these assumptions may be violated when dealing with
adhesive, especially if the applications will include large temperature gradients or if the
loading conditions range from creep to impact. One must also ask if time-temperature
superposition is valid if there is a change in the failure mode of the joint itself.
Shape factors are intended to predict the tensile-stress gradient and tensile modulus in an
adhesive joint (see sections 2.2.1 and 2.4). Both the stress gradient and the apparent
modulus are a result of the constraint of the adhesive at the bond line. In an adhesive
joint the adhesive is not allowed to contract under Poisson’s Ratio effects. This
constraint causes the adhesive to appear stiffer than the bulk material; the greater the
constraint of the adhesive the larger the difference between the true modulus and the
apparent modulus. The constraint of the adhesive will increase from the free edge to the
center of the bond. A uniform tensile strain will result in tensile stress gradient across the
width of the bond due to the variation in apparent modulus. To complicate things even
more the level of constraint is dependent of the joint geometry and Poisson’s Ratio.
Beam-on-elastic foundation is probably one of the most useful theories for designing
adhesive joints, especially those with polymeric adherends. As indicated in section 2.2.1
a flexible adherend will deform under a load or moment which will result in large
stress/strain gradient along the length of the beam. This indicates that any stress
calculation made using the full length of the joint (Equations (2.2.1-1) and (2.2.1-3)) will
underestimated the tensile stress. This was very evident in Figure 2.2.1-5 which
demonstrated the difference between the stress predicted by beam-on-elastic foundation
and the engineering stress. As the beam becomes more flexible or as the length increases
the discrepancy between the stress calculations will intensify. One must remember that
the models presented do not include Poisson’s Ratio effects. One possibility method of
dealing with this limitation is to use the apparent-adhesive modulus in the beam
In section 2.2.2 Volkerson’s shear-lag model was presented. In this section the shear
stress distribution was shown to be a function of both the adherends and the adhesive.
Fundamentally the stress gradient will be controlled by the ratio of the adhesive-shear
stiffness and the adherend-tensile stiffness. As the adherends become more compliant
with respect to the adhesive the stress gradient will become more severe. As the shear
stress is transferred to the adherends the adherends experience local tensile strain. The
stiffness ratio determines the length of the shear transfer and tensile strain. This causes
the stressed area to be far less than the total area and the stresses to be much greater than
those predicted by Equation (2.2.2-1).
2.11 Visco-Elastic Joint Design
As the previous sections have indicated designing adhesive joints requires a complete
understanding of the materials and the stress distribution. The strength of an adhesive
joint will be affected by temperature, relative humidity, and the joint geometry. The
strength of the bond will be influenced by the pretreatment applied to the adherends. It
will be very difficult to bond to an oily piece of steel or maintain consistent bond
strengths in a dirty work environment. Even with carefully prepared adherends and a
controlled operating environment it may still be difficult to obtain a consistently strong
joint. There are some general guidelines that have been established to improve the
strength of adhesive joints [10, 13, 27]. Several of these are listed below:
1. Design the joint to minimize tensile-normal stresses. Most, but not all,
adhesives have a lower tensile strength than shear strength. Redesigning the
joint into a compression or shear mode will improve the joint strength.
However, there are exceptions to the strength relationship in some PSAs.
2. Use ductile adhesives when possible. This will reduce the stresses at the
edges and increase the resistance to crack propagation.
3. Make the bond area larger so that the joint can survive a partial debond or
errors during manufacturing which result in unbonded regions.
4. Bond to multiple surfaces if possible to minimize the impact of loading in
other directions.
5. Use aggressive substrate pretreating to improve the bond strength. This can
increase the bond strength by 10 - 20 times [6].
6. Design fixtures to hold the adherends in the correct orientation while the
adhesive is cured and use a consistent curing process.
7. Design the substrate to be “rigid”, if possible, to prevent large stress gradients.
These guidelines are general and may not be applicable to every joint system, but they are
a good starting point. Other modifications to the joint geometry can be made to reduce
the stresses associated with shear lag. The use of scarf, bevel, and step joints has been
shown to reduce the peak-shear stress by more than 50% [28, 29, 30, 31]. These joint can
be difficult and expensive to manufacture. Another option to reduce the peak stresses is
to round the edge of the adherend and/or add an adhesive fillet. These techniques are less
expensive and can increase the strength up to 50% [32]. These systems are difficult to
analyze and the equations that have been presented to calculated stress contain many
assumptions. Unless these equations are used with great care large errors will result.
Regardless of the final design geometry, it is very important to test the joint system to
validate the design.
3.0 Test Procedures
It has already been stated that the strength of PSAs is affected by rate, temperature and
relative humidity. It has also been shown that the normal stress distribution and the
measured elastic modulus can be effected by the width of the bond. The strength tests
conducted for this work were designed to capture the rate dependence of the strength and
to determine the effect of the bond width on the in-situ material properties. Additional
tests were conducted to determine the effects of load rates, displacement rates, and
moments on the bond strength. All of the tests were conducted under recorded ambient
lab conditions. To minimize the affect of variations in the temperature and relative
humidity the tests were conducted over as short a time as possible.
For each test load-displacement data was recorded using National Instruments Labview®
program along with a 12-bit data acquisition board referenced to 10 volts. The load cell
and cross-head displacement voltages were sampled at 100 points/mm (10 µm/point) and
saved as a text files using the part number as the file name. This data was then scaled
using Microsoft Excel® into the units of newtons and millimeters.
The test specimen consists of two 6061-T6 adherends bonded together with double-sided
tape as shown in Figure 3.1-1.
PSA Adhesive
The adherends are 2.000+0.002 in (50.80 + 05 mm) long and were manufactured from
Alpco roof bow #250 [33]. This product is used in the manufacture of trailers and is
considered a good representation of a real-world-adhesive application. The dimensions
and cross-section of the roof bow is shown in Figure 3.1-2.
1.748” (44.4mm)
Side 1
0.091” (2.3mm)
0.998” (25.3mm)
0.063” (1.6mm)
0.091” (2.3mm)
0.998” (25.3mm)
Figure 3.1-2 Adherend cross section.
As one can see the web of the I-beam is not symmetric. The side with the protrusion will
be designated “Side 1” for future reference. The adhesive is 3MTM VHBTM 4950 acrylic
tape. This is a multilayer acrylic foam tape with a nominal thickness of 0.045 in (1.1
mm). Unless otherwise indicated the specimens were assembled using 0.5 in (12.7 mm)
wide adhesive tape.
To better understand the stress distribution under both shear and tensile loading an
analysis of the proposed specimen was conducted. Under tensile loading it is possible
that the strain across the width of the bond will not be uniform. The flange (bond
surface) of the specimen is thin and may deform under loading. This deformation would
result in a non-uniform tensile stress and further complicate the stress analysis. To
determine the axial strain across the bond a continuum based transfer matrix analysis was
conducted. BEAM VI version 6.1 [34] and the material data collected from preliminary
testing was used to predict the axial strain across the bond width. For a bond width of
12.7 mm the axial strain was found to vary by ≈ 2.0%. This variation increases to ≈ 13%
for bond widths of 38.1 mm. Most of the testing will be conducted using 12.7 mm wide
tape and, therefore, will result in a “uniform” axial stress state. The results from this
analysis can be found in Appendix A.
To determine the shear gradient the stress concentration form of Volkerson’s Shear Lag
Theory (Equation 2.2.2-8) was applied. As stated in section 2.2.2 the shear stress will
very less than 5% if ωl < 0.75. Using preliminary test data for Ga and equivalent ts the ωl
for the proposed specimen was calculated to be 0.075. This value is well below the 0.75
suggested. This means that the adherends are rigid relative to the adhesive, thus implying
a close to uniform shear strain/stress applied to the adhesive. These calculations can be
found in Appendix A.
The surface preparation and cleaning procedure are based on the recommendations of 3M
[35, 36]. The manufacturing and handling of the aluminum roof bows results in a non-
uniform surface finish. In order to produce a visually consistent surface finish, the bond
surface of each of the adherends were abraded using 3M™ Scotch-Brite™ #7447 pads
mounted on a Black and Decker® palm orbital sander. After abrading, the bond surfaces
were cleaned with Kimberly-Clarke® Kimwipes® EX-L using a 50:50 mixture of
isopropyl alcohol and distilled water. The cleaning process was repeated until the
Kimwipe® did not pick up any additional observable contaminants from the surface. The
adherends were then allowed to dry before bonding. A representative abraded and
cleaned surface pair is shown in Figure 3.1.2-1.
At this point the adherends are ready to be bonded. This was started immediately after
the surface preparation was completed to minimize the possibility of surface
The following procedure was used to bond the adherends into specimens:
1. One of the adherends was placed bond side up and with side 1 facing the
3. The tape was then applied along the length of the bond surface going from left to
right. A tape guide was used to center the tape, as indicated in Figure 3.1.3-1 and
3.1.3-2. This part of the specimen will be referred to as Adherend A.
4. The tape guide and the adhesive liner were then removed.
5. The second adherend (Adherend B) was then brought into contact with the
adhesive (both with Side 1 facing the assembler) using the alignment jig, (see
Figure 3.1.3-3)
6. The excess tape was trimmed to the end of the specimen using a razor blade.
7. The bonded specimen was then loaded to 20-30 psi for 15 seconds. This was
accomplished using the using the preloaded fixture shown in Figure 3.1.3-4. The
fixture uses a pneumatic cylinder to provide the desired pressure and the
application time is controlled by a timing relay. The applied preload exceeds the
manufacture’s requirement of 15 psi for 15 seconds.
8. The completed specimen was then labeled on both sides. The label consists of the
letter “a” to indicate an Arcan specimen, date of assembly, number assigned, and
the adherend designation (A or B). [Ex. a08-07-01-24A].
9. The adhesive was allowed to wet the adherends for at least 72 hours before
Detail drawings of the tape guide, alignment jig, and preload fixture can be found in
Appendix B.
a) Tape guide positioned b) Tape applied to adherend A using
on adherend A. the alignment guide.
Figure 3.1.3-2 Aligning tape on Adherend A. (Top View of tape guide with adherend A
inserted below.)
Figure 3.1.3-3 Bonding Adherend B using alignment jig. (Tape guide and adhesive
backing removed. Adherend A positioned in alignment pins. Adherend B brought into
contact with tape guided by alignment pins.)
Figure 3.1.3-4 Specimen in preloading fixture. (Specimen removed from alignment jig
and placed in preload fixture.)
All of the strength data was collected using a modified Arcan fixture (Arcanm). The
Arcan butterfly specimens were replaced with butterfly grips designed to accept the I-
beam specimens. The ability to balance the Arcan fixture (each half independently) was
also added to eliminate the moment generated by the asymmetry of the design. This
moment may be very small compared to the loads applied when testing high strength
materials, but will be significant when testing PSAs. To eliminate this moment, weights
were added to the Arcan to generate a counter moment. Using this method it was
possible to balance the Arcan to within the mounting-pin friction. An exploded view of
the modified Arcan fixture (Arcanm) is shown in Figure 3.2-1. The application of the
counterweights can be seen in Figure3.2-2 and complete detail drawings are can be found
in Appendix B.
Figure 3.2-1 Modified Arcan (Arcanm) test fixture. (See Figure 3.2-2 for illustration of
Strength tests were conducted over a range of combined normal and shear stress states at
various displacement rates using the Arcanm in an Instron Model 4505 load frame
equipped with a 1 kN load cell. The maximum displacement of the cross head was
adjusted to reduce the cycle time and increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The stress state
of the test specimen is controlled by the orientation of the Arcanm during loading. Pure
normal is referenced as 0° rotation and pure shear as 90° rotation. In addition to these
two rotation angles, 30° and 60° rotations were tested. These four rotation angles were
selected based on preliminary testing and are sufficient to capture the shape of the failure
curve. The 0° and 60° rotation angles are shown in Figure 3.2-2. Each rotation angle
was loaded at displacement rates of 0.05, 0.5, 5.0 and 50.0 mm/min. Note the balancing
weights in these photographs. Each test sequence was repeated four times resulting in a
total of 64 tests at ambient lab conditions. The load-displacement data was analyzed to
determine the best method to represent the strength and modulus data for use in design.
a) 0°-Pure Normal b) 60°-Pure Shear
As stated in the previous section the cross-head displacements were recorded during the
tests. The cross-head displacement included the displacement in all of the mechanical
joints as well as the strain in the Arcanm Fixture the adherends, and the adhesive. To
determine the load-train displacement a “rigid” specimen was constructed by bonding a
specimen together using 3M Scotch-Weld™ DP100 Plus Epoxy. The bond line was
made as thin as possible (≈ 0.03 mm) to minimize the contribution of the adhesive layer
in the displacement measurements. This specimen was then tested at a rotation angle of
0° and a displacement rate of 5 mm/min. The load-displacement data was recorded and
used to determine the amount of recorded displacement associated with the load-train.
As indicated in sections 2.2.1 and 2.4 the width of the bond may effect the stress
distribution and modulus calculation. A series of test with different bond widths were
conducted to determine if the calculations of σa and Ea need to be corrected. Bond widths
of 0.5 in, 1.0 in, and 1.5 in were tested at 0° rotation (pure normal stress) and 0.5 mm/min
displacement rate. Four specimens were tested at each test configuration and load –
displacement data recorded. The peak stresses and elastic moduli of the three bond
widths were compared to determine if this system has a geometric width effect.
The linear portion of the 0° rotation data was used to determine the range the equivalent
loading rates. Tests were then conducted under load control using the Arcanm and an
MTS 204. The same load train was used in both machines to reduce the impact of non
adhesive-based displacements. Tests were then conduced over the load range previously
determined. Four tests were conducted at four load rates and load-displacement data
collected. The peak stress and strain under load control and displacement control were
then compared to determine if there is a relationship between the two loading conditions.
The strength data that was collected using the Arcanm does not give any insight into how
moments will affect the strength of the joint. It has been shown that some materials do
not have the same tensile strength when subjected to gradient rather than uniform normal
stresses [37, 38]. To determine if VHB demonstrated this behavior a second test fixture
was designed which allows for the load to be applied through an adjustable moment arm.
This fixture consists of a fixed loading angle of 60° and a moment arm that can be
adjusted from 0.0 mm to 75.0 mm. This fixture is shown in Figure 3.5-1 and complete
detail drawings can be found in Appendix B.
This configuration results in a normal stress that is a function of both the load and the
moment arm length and a shear stress that is only a function of the load. Assuming linear
superposition the normal stress can be calculated using Equations (3.5-1). The shear
stress is represented by Equation (3.5-2).
P * L*c P
σ eng = + cos(60° ) (3.5-1)
I Aa
τ eng = sin(60° ) (3.5-2)
In these equations P is the applied load and L is the moment arm length. It should be
noted that the fixture is not symmetric and this asymmetry results in an additional
moment that is not a function of the moment arm length. This geometric-moment was
determined to be 156.6 N-mm, which corresponds to ≈ 10% of the tensile stress at L = 0
mm. The fixture moment acts in the opposite direction of the load-based moment and,
therefore, will need to subtracted when calculating the normal stress.
Knowing the individual tensile and shear stresses the equivalent Arcanm loading angle
can be calculated using Equation (3.5-3). This allows the complex-load and bi-axial
strength data to be compared directly.
⎛ τ eng ⎞
θ eff = tan −1 ⎜ ⎟⎟ (3.5-3)
⎜ σ eng
⎝ ⎠
Tests were conducted at a displacement rate of 5.0 mm/min at the loading point of the
moment arm. Moment arm lengths of 0, 6, 12, 16, and 20 mm were used. The tests were
repeated four times and the load-displacement data was recorded. These tests were
conducted during the summer and the lab environment was not the same as previous
testing. To reduce the effects of temperature and RH additional strength tests were
conducted in parallel with the complex-load tests using the Arcanm. This allowed for
direct comparison of the complex-load data and the strength data. These tests were
conducted at 5.0 mm/min and 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, and 60° rotation. It was not necessary to
retest at 90° since the complex-load data is limited to a maximum of a 60° loading angle.
The additional rotation angles were added to further define the strength envelope over
this region. This was helpful since the complex-load scenarios produce many different
equivalent Arcan angles per Equation (3.5-3).
4.0 Results
This sections details the methods used to analyze the test data to determine the material
properties of the adhesive. This includes the strength and modulus of the adhesive, as
well as determining the effects of joint geometry, moments, and “load” rate (load control
vs. displacement control). Specific attention was given to dealing with the differences in
the in-situ properties verses the bulk adhesive constitutive properties. For the
constitutive-adhesive properties to be useful in joint designs they must be independent of
the geometry and the loading conditions. This means that a method of applying the bulk-
material properties to any joint design is critical for any mechanical design to be
4.1 Strength
As stated in section 3.0 the cross-head displacement was recorded, not the adhesive
displacement. This can result in inflated displacement rates which are not representative
of the adhesive load rate. The load-displacement data collected on the “rigid” specimen
(see section 3.2.1) was used to determine the extent of the load-train displacement. This
data is shown in Figure 4.1-1.
P (N)
Mechanical Play
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
δ (mm)
Figure 4.1-1 Load-Train Data (θArcan=0°, Rd=5.0 mm/min, Temp≈20°C, and RH≈25%).
As one can see there is a large span of deflection where the load does not increase very
much with increased displacement (marker with blue arrow). It is believed that this is
associated with mechanical play in the test fixture and is not associated with true load-
induced strain in the load-train.
To get a better idea of the load-train strain the original data was shifted to eliminate the
“mechanical slop”. The shifted load-displacement data is shown in Figure 4.1-2.
P = 30681δ
R = 0.9988
P (N)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035
δ (mm)
This data indicates that the load-train will displace 0.033 mm with an applied load of 1.0
kN. This represents ≈ 10% of the total displacement recorded in tension at 50 mm/min.
For this reason the data collected for θArcan = 0.0° were corrected for the load-train
displacements. The displacement in the load-train causes the loading rate of the adhesive
to be decreased. A cross-head displacement rate of 50 mm/min will correspond to
approximately a 45 mm/min adhesive displacement rate. This is approximate due to the
nonlinear nature of the adhesive. In reality the adhesive displacement will vary
throughout the test. For simplicity the cross-head displacement will still be reported.
The displacements at the other test angles were greater than 1.0 mm making the load-
train displacement less than 5%. This is small when compared to the errors associated
with determining the peak displacement and the variation between specimens. For this
reason no corrections were made for the lower test rates.
The load-displacement data for several specimens of different loading conditions are
shown in Figure 4.1-3 and 4.1-4. Data for all of the tests can be found in Appendix C.
0°@0.5 mm/min
1200 30°@0.5 mm/min
0°@50 mm/min
30°@50 mm/min
P (N)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
δ (mm)
Figure 4.1-3 Load-Displacement Data – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
60°@0.5 mm/min
700 90°@0.5 mm/min
60°@50 mm/min
600 90°@50 mm/min
P (N)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
δ (mm)
Figure 4.1-4 Load-Displacement Data – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
As one can see this data is nonlinear and in some cases shows multiple peaks before
adhesive failure. These are indicated by the red arrows in Figure 4.1-4. The blue circle
in Figure 4.1-3 and 4.1-4 indicates the load-train mechanical slop which was previously
discussed. The data does show some addition load and displacement noise indicated by
the red arrows. Much of this may be do to stick slip and cavitation of the adhesive.
A great deal of information can be extracted from the load-displacement data. Equations
(4.1-1) through (4.1-4) were used to determine the stress and strain.
σ a = cos θ Arcan (4.1-1)
τ a = sin θ Arcan (4.1-2)
δ max
ε a = cos θ Arcan (4.1-3)
These equations separate the Arcanm load-displacement data into its normal and shear
components as well as scale them to stress and strain. As indicated in section 3.1 the
nominal adhesive area (Aa) is 645 mm2 (1.0 in2) and the nominal adhesive thickness (ta) is
1.14 mm (0.045 in). In these equations δmax is the corrected displacement. The
displacements associated with the mechanical slop have been subtracted from the total
displacement to obtain δmax.
Plots of the stress-strain data were then generated and the failure stresses and strains were
determined. This was not as simple a task as it may sound. The PSA tape has a non-
linear stress-strain curve with some plastic deformations before failure. ASTM standard
D 638-01 [1] was used as a guide determining the methods used for calculating the
failure stresses and strains. Based on this standard the peak stress was reported as well as
the corrected peak strain. As with ductile materials it is desirable to have a material
property that establishes a strength just prior to permanent damage. Many of the curves
have a pronounced change in slope before the last peak. This change in slope is
correlated to failure of the adhesive and, in some cases, rotation of the Arcanm fixture.
For this reason the last peak or the slope transition was set as the failure point in
establishing maximum design strengths. In reality some damage to the adhesive has
occurred at this point, but for consistency and convenience these values were used.
This requires that each of the curves be examined to determine the point at which failure
initiated. In most cases the curves demonstrate a clear change in slope that could be
correlated to the failure. This process is demonstrated in Figure 4.1-5 and 4.1-6.
σa (MPa)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
τa (MPa)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
The difference between the shape of Figure 4.1-5 and 4.1-6 is due to the method used to
calculate the shear strain as indicated in Equation (4.1-4). The inverse tangent function is
nonlinear and can never exceed π/2 or 1.57 (see Section 2.3). This results in a skewed
plot with respect to strain. For example, the actual shear displacement at peak load was
6.24 mm compared to ta = 1.14 mm. This displacement is well beyond the small
displacement region that makes Equation (4.1-4) valid. This issue is not pursued here,
but is pointed out so that other researchers can study and define a more appropriate
definition for shear strain in visco-elastic materials.
A sample of the peak stresses and strain for the strength data is presented in Table 4.1-1.
A complete set of strength data can be found in Appendix D.
The collected strength data will only be valuable if it can be used to predict failures in
future joint designs. One possible method is to present the data in a form that can be used
with existing failure theories or at least in a form that is familiar to designers. With this
in mind the strength data was plotted in as many possible combinations as feasible. The
plots shown in Figures 4.1-7 through 4.1-13 were considered relevant to design and will
be discussed. Additional plots of the data can be found in Appendix H. For clarification
a single curve has been added to each plot to insure the correct interpretation of the data.
These curves were generated using the trend-line function in Microsoft Excel® and are
only intended as a guide. The color of the added curve is the same as the corresponding
data set. In addition the Arcanm angle has been added to the appropriate figures.
50 mm/min
1.40 5.0 mm/min
90° 0.5 mm/min
1.20 0.05 mm/min
1.00 60°
τa (MPa)
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
σ a (MPa)
Figure 4.1-7 Stress Based Design Envelope – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
In Figure 4.1-7 the shear stress is plotted against the normal stress. This results in an
allowable stress envelope for each of the tested rates. Each envelope spans stress states
from pure normal to pure shear. The change in the level and shape of the envelopes
demonstrates the rate dependence of the system. The dip in the 50 mm/min, 5.0 mm/min,
and the 0.5 mm/min data at 60° is most likely due to a change in the failure mode of the
adhesive layer. The variation in the curve shapes makes it very difficult to compress this
data into a single curve and brings into to question the validity of applying time-
temperature superposition. This requires that a family of design envelopes be generated
covering the intended loading rates from creep to impact. This group of curves
represents sections through a design surface which is continuous in rate. With enough
test data the surface can be completely defined for all rates and stress states. With this
surface an engineer could easily determine the validity of a design for a specified loading
rate and stress state.
Figure 4.1-8 is the stain version of Figure 4.1-7. In this case the shear strain is plotted
with respect to the normal strain. Again this results in a series on design envelopes
covering the entire test domain. The rate effect is very apparent when looking at the
strain at failure. This is especially true at the 30° and 60° loading angles. Again, this will
make it very difficult to develop a single design envelope and, therefore, requires a series
of curves. Unlike the stress plot, the strains in pure shear and pure tension have a small
rate effect. This may make strain a better design criterion for these stress states.
However, when a more general state of stress/strain is applied the allowable strains very
by as much as 250% with respect to the displacement rate.
1.00 60°
0.40 30°
0.05 mm/min
0.5 mm/min
0.20 5.0 mm/min
0° 50 mm/min
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
Figure 4.1-8 Strain-Based Design Envelope – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
Figures 4.1-9 and 4.1-10 were generated using Mohr’s Circle analysis of the stress and
strain data resulting in the principal stresses and strains. The use of Mohr’s Circle and
the relevant equations are described in section 2.7. It is a common practice to use the
principal stresses and strains in the analysis of brittle mechanical systems. Here where
the adhesive is visco-elastic little usefulness is expected. The principal stresses shown in
Figure 4.1-9 have little to no correlation to the curves presented in Figure 2.8-1. Figure
2.8-1 demonstrated the design space associated with the Maximum-Shear-Stress Theory
and the Maximum-Distortion-Energy Theory. The lack of correlation between the
Arcanm data and the common failure theories is another indicator of the uniqueness of
this adhesive compared to linear-elastic materials. Unfortunately, this may prohibit the
application of a rate dependent form of one of the failure theories used and understood by
design engineers for this adhesive. The variation in the pattern of the principal stress and
strain data as well as the strong rate dependence makes it very difficult to develop a new
material specific failure model. At this point it does not appear that the principal stresses
or strains will be of much value in this design process.
-0.40 30°
σ2 (MPa)
-0.10 30°
Engineers are familiar with using a failure criteria based on a single strength value.
Typically the yield strength is used and there are no rate effects. For linear-elastic
materials this method has been proven to be reliable. The Arcanm data has shown that
VHB is far from a linear-elastic material. This requires that any design methodology for
VHB must include rate. But, this does not rule out using a rate dependent form of one of
the failure theories.
Figures 4.1-11 through 4.1-13 are the application of the MSST, MDET, and the
Maximum-Shear Strain Theory. The appropriate equations for the MSST and the MDET
can be found in sections 2.8.1 and 2.8.2. The Maximum Shear Strain was obtained from
a Mohr’s Circle analysis of the strains at yield (see Section 2.7).
50 mm/min
5.0 mm/min
2.50 0.5 mm/min
0.05 mm/min
σ'MSST (MPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100
θ Arcan (°)
Figure 4.1-11 MSST vs. θArcan – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
50 mm/min
5.0 mm/min
0.5 mm/min
2.00 0.05 mm/min
σ'MDET (MPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100
θ Arcan (°)
Figure 4.1-12 MDET vs. θArcan – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
0.05 mm/min
1.60 0.5 mm/min
5.0 mm/min
1.40 50 mm/min
0 20 40 60 80 100
θ Arcan (°)
Figure 4.1-13 Maximum Shear Strain vs. θArcan – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
All three of these figures display a strong rate effect. This is most apparent in the 50
mm/min displacement data. The 0.05 mm/min, 0.5 mm/min, and 5.0 mm/min data sets
show a similar pattern. This allows each data set to be fit with a common formula as a
function of Arcan angle. This process was completed for the MSST data since the order
of the curve was the lowest. For simplicity a second-order fit was applied to each of the
data sets using the trend function in Microsoft Excel©. The resulting envelopes are
shown on Figure 4.1-14 and the values for a, b, and d for each of the curves can be found
in Table 4.1-2.
50 mm/min
5.0 mm/min σ ' MSST =a *θ Arcan 2 + b *θ Arcan + d
0.5 mm/min
0.05 mm/min
σ'MSST (MPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100
θ Arcan (°)
Figure 4.1-14 MSST Regression – VHB 4950 at 23°C and 35%RH.
Table 4.1-2 MSST Regression Equations – VHB 4950 at 23°C and 35%RH.
Rd a b d R2
(mm/min) (10-5) (10-3)
0.05 2.7 1.7 0.28 0.9666
0.5 5.9 −0.4 0.46 0.8550
5.0 8.2 −1.4 0.81 0.8387
50 22.8 −16.0 1.97 0.6529
As one can see the four curves have very different shapes and coefficients. At this point
the complexity of the final equation must be decided. To generate the best fit the
coefficients on θArcan (a and b) and the intercept (d) need to be functions of Rd. A “fit” for
each of these values was performed using Microsoft Excel©. The plot of the data and
resulting fit for a, b, and d are shown in Figures 4.1-15 to 4.1-17
a = 6.46158R d
R = 0.96581
a (MPa/Deg )
0.0100 0.1000 1.0000 10.0000 100.0000
R d (mm/min)
Figure 4.1-15 Coefficient “a” Regression – VHB 4950 at 23°C and 35%RH.
-4 b = -0.3304R d + 0.4889
b (Mpa/Deg)
R = 0.9865
0.0100 0.1000 1.0000 10.0000 100.0000
R d (mm/min)
Figure 4.1-16 Coefficient “b” Regression – VHB 4950 at 23°C and 35%RH.
d = 0.5832R d
R = 0.9886
d (MPa)
0.0100 0.1000 1.0000 10.0000 100.0000
R d (mm/min)
Figure 4.1-17 Intercept “d” Regression – VHB 4950 at 23°C and 35%RH.
All four data sets were then refit using a(Rd), b(Rd), and c(Rd) the selected coefficients
and resulting intercepts. This is shown in Figure 4.1-18.
σ ' MSST = (6.4616E-5R d 0.2923 )θ Arcan 2
+ (0.3304E-5R d +0.4889E-5)θ Arcan + 0.5832R d 0.2611
50 mm/min
5.0 mm/min
2.00 0.5 mm/min
0.05 mm/min
σ'MSST (MPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100
θ Arcan (°)
Figure 4.1-18 MSST Regression – VHB 4950 at 23°C and 35%RH.
As one can see this method results in a non-conservative prediction of the available
design space. For example, the strength for an Rd of 50 mm/min and a θArcan of 60° is
overestimated by > 10%. For quick calculations this may be acceptable to get an idea
about the system, but not for final calculation of the joint stresses and failure predictions.
A better fit of the data is required for actual design work. This would require a regression
to be performed over all of the data including the Rd. It may be necessary to use a higher
order equation and allow each exponent and coefficient to be functions of Rd. This would
allow for a statistical basis of the fit and facilitated the generation of prediction intervals
which can be used in a probabilistic design.
Using a unified failure theory will require an additional step beyond the Tau-Sigma
Design Envelopes, but is more inline with traditional design methodology.
system. Two data points from the linear region of the load-displacement curve were
selected and Equation (4.2-1) was used to calculate the system stiffness (Ksys).
P2 − P1
K sys = (4.2-1)
δ 2 − δ1
The system stiffness includes the stiffness of the load frame, the Arcanm fixture, and the
two adherends. The load-train stiffness must be taken into account to correctly calculate
the adhesive tensile modulus and determine the geometric effect. In section 4.1 the load
train stiffness was calculated to be 30681 N/mm. Modeling the system stiffness as a
series of springs and using the calculated load-train stiffness one can determine the in-situ
adhesive stiffness (Kapp). This relationship is shown in Equation (4.2-2).
30681* K sys
K app = (4.2-2)
30681 − K sys
The apparent-tensile modulus of the adhesive was then calculated using Equation (4.2-3).
l 1.14mm K
Eapp = K app = K app = 2.27(10) −2 app (4.2-3)
A wa *50.8mm wa
The resulting values for the system stiffness, adhesive stiffness, and apparent adhesive
modulus are shown in Table 4.2-1. To better demonstrate the width effect Equation (2.4-
5) was used to predict the Eapp using a constitutive Ea of 0.81 MPa (see section 4.3).
Both the calculated and predicted Eapp are plotted with respect to bond width in Figure
Eapp (MPa)
5 Equation (2.4-5)
3 R d = 5.0 mm/min
E a = 0.81 MPa
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
w a (mm)
Figure 4.2-1 Measured and Predicted Eapp vs. wa – VHB 4950 at 23°C and 35%RH.
As one can see the Eapp do not follow the trend that would be expected based on the
discussion given in section 2.4 and Equation (2.4-5). The in-situ modulus was expected
to significantly increase with greater bond width. As previously stated the width effects
are strongly influenced by the Poisson’s Ratio of the bonding material. Equation (2.4-5)
is based on a Poisson’s Ratio of 0.5. If the Poisson’s Ratio of VHB is not 0.5 the
geometric effects will be considerable less or possibly non-existent, as demonstrated by
the data. Any trend in the data may be due to the inherent variability of the material and,
therefore, additional work needs to be done to answer this question for VHB.
4.3 Modulus
Both the tensile and shear moduli are needed to perform mechanical designs. It was
thought that both of these properties could be determined from the slope of the tensile
and shear stress-strain data. Unfortunately, as indicated in the previous section the shape
factor is not known for this adhesive. Without the correct shape factor it is not possible
to calculate the adhesive constitutive modulus from the in-situ modulus. Because of this
the tensile modulus was calculated from the shear modulus using Equation (4.3-1).
In this equation the Poisson’s Ratio is assumed to be 0.5. Small errors in this value will
not cause large errors in the tensile modulus. Moreover, the determination of the shear
modulus is thought by most, but not all investigators, to be independent of the geometry
[11]. That is, there is no shape factor associated with the in-situ versus constitutive shear
modulus. Thus, the shear modulus is used to determine the Young’s Modulus. The
resulting shear and tensile moduli are shown in Figure 4.3-1.
Shear Modulus
Young's Modulus E a = 0.3084Log(R d ) + 0.5973
G a = 0.1028Log(R d ) + 0.1991
w a = 12.7 mm
Moduli (MPa)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
R d (mm/min)
Figure 4.3-1 Adhesive Moduli vs. Rd – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
It is important to note that the shear modulus was calculated based on the slope of the
stress-strain curves. In many cases large strain values (> 0.75) were used to determine
the slope. Shear strains of this magnitude correspond to large displacements and may not
be valid. Unfortunately, this is the accepted method for calculating the shear strain and is
carried over to the calculations of the shear modulus.
Without knowing if the selected approach is valid or even accurate it is difficult to draw
any conclusions from the calculated moduli. If we believe that the method is reasonably
accurate for the strain region several observations can be made. First, if one compares
the Eapp from Figure 4.2-1 and the E from Figure 4.3-1 it is apparent that there is a
difference between the in-situ and bulk adhesive modulus. Second, the in-situ modulus
will be larger than the bulk modulus by as much as 3.5 times, for the geometries tested.
not complete data sets would need to be generated for both loading states. This
transformation requires the relationship between load- and displacement-control be
determined. The loading rate (N/sec.) was determined for each of the displacement-
control data sets using Equation (4.4-1).
⎛ P −P ⎞ R
Rl = ⎜ 2 1 ⎟ d (4.4-1)
⎝ δ 2 − δ1 ⎠ 60sec
In this equation the loads (P) and displacements (δ) were taken from the linear portion of
the load-displacement curves. The same method was used to determine the displacement
rate for the load-control data using Equation (4.4-2). The resulting data points for both
the displacement-control and load-control cases are shown in Figure 4.4-1.
⎛ δ −δ ⎞
Rd = ⎜ 2 1 ⎟ Rl *60sec (4.4-2)
⎝ P2 − P1 ⎠
Displacement Control
Load Control
1000 1.1631
R l = 20.554*R d
R d = 0.059*R l
Rl (N/sec)
0.1 1 10 100
R d (mm/min)
Figure 4.4-1 Load/Displacement Rate Conversion – VHB 4950 at 25°C and 35%RH.
4.5 Complex-Loading
Uniform stresses are only half the story as far as stresses go. Bending-moment-induced-
gradient stresses do not affect materials in the same way as uniform stresses. In many
cases the apparent failure stress of a material will be larger when subjected to a gradient
stress. This difference is typically neglected and results in a more conservative design
when gradients stresses are present [37, 38]. If this phenomenon can be understood in
VHB the increase in allowable failure stress can be used to reduce the amount of tape
required in a design. This could make VHB more competitive.
The data collected with the complex loading fixture (see section 3.5) was used to
generate Tau-Sigma data to be compared to Arcanm Tau-Sigma data. For the complex
loading fixture the normal stress is a combination of the bending stress, the tensile
component of the combined stress, and the residual fixture stress (see section 3.5). The
geometric–moment resulting from the fixture was calculated to be 156.6 N-mm and
corresponds to a σa of 0.029 MPa. The shear stress is simply the shear component of the
combined stress. Both of these relationships are shown in Equations (4.5-1) and (4.5-2).
P * L*c P
σ eng = − 0.029MPa + *cos(60°) (4.5-1)
I Aa
τ eng = *sin(60°) (4.5-2)
In Equation (4.5-1) the stress that results from the gravity effects of the asymmetry of the
complex loading fixture has been subtracted from the load-based gradient stress. The
absolute value of the resultant is then added to the uniform tensile stress. The absolute
value is used to account for the fact that under the gradient stress one end of the specimen
is under tension, while the other is under compression of equal magnitude. From
experience it is known that the specimens failed under tension and, therefore, the peak
tensile stress is of interest. The peak tensile stress will occur when the moment-based
stress and the uniform stress are in the same direction and are added together.
The new Arcanm data and the complex loading data are shown in Figure 4.5-1.
0.45 60°
12 mm
0.40 6 mm 20 mm
16 mm
0.30 0 mm 45°
τa (MPa)
R d = 5.0 mm/min
0.10 15°
Figure 4.5-1 Gradient Normal Stress Effect – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
As one can see, the failure stresses under complex loading tend to be larger than what
would be predicted by the uniform stress data. It is interesting to note that the failure
stress with no moment (from the moment arm) is lower than those obtained with the
Arcanm. One would expect these values to be the same or slightly higher than those
obtained from the Arcanm. The complex-loading fixture and the Arcanm, at a θArcan = 60°,
should give the same results given that both fixtures have the same loading state (θArcan =
60°, and Rd = 5.0 mm/min). The moment that results from the asymmetry of the
complex-loading fixture should increase the tensile failure stress, if gradient stresses act
as predicted and is demonstrated by all of the rest of the test data. This disagreement
between the data makes it very difficult to determine the effect of the gradient stress on
this system. The most reasonable explanation is that the two test fixtures do not produce
the same stress state at this test point. A misalignment in the fixture or incorrect
placement of the moment arm would result in errors in the calculated adhesive stress.
To demonstrate the effect of the moment arm length (l) on the adhesive stress the stresses
were recalculated with + 1.0 mm error. These results are shown in Figure 4.5-2.
0.45 60°
12 mm
0.40 6 mm 20 mm
16 mm
0.30 0 mm 45°
τa (MPa)
0.20 R d = 5.0 mm/min
As one can see a 1.0 mm error has a significant impact on the adhesive stress. It is
conceivable that there was an error in the moment arm length. This could have been
caused when the locking nut was tightened. This would also explain the consistent error
in the data.
At this point all that can be said is there is an effect and the effect is considerable when
the moment arm is > 12 mm. Any other conclusions at this time would be unjustified.
Additional work needs to be done to resolve the gradient stress effect for moment arms <
12 mm.
A great deal of additional data has been collected on VHB tape. All of which is outside
the scope of this thesis. Some of this additional research will be presented in this section
to help the reader understand section 5.5 and the recommendations made in Chapter 7.
4.6.1 Shift Factors
In section 2.6 the importance of temperature and relative humidity were discussed. To
develop the temperature shift factor DMA data was collected for multiple frequencies
over a range of temperatures. The shift factor for relative humidity was generated from a
series of tensile tests conducted at a fixed loading rate (5.0 mm/min) and at 0-100 %RH.
The resulting shift factors are shown in Figures 4.6.1-1 and 4.6.1-2.
L og(aT ) = −0.000004* (T − 20°C ) + 0.0007 * (T − 20°C ) − 0.0678* (T − 20°C )
3 2
Log(a T)
Log (aT)
-50 0 50 100
Temp (°C)
T ( C)
Figure 4.6.1-1 VHB Temperature Shift Factor – Tref = 20°C.
y ( )
L og(aH ) =
( 0.3915039-0.061841247*%RH ) 0.5
− 0.010653
(1 + 1.8172859*%RH 0.5
-0.19995223*%RH )
L og(aH ) = −0.0015*% RH 2 + 0.21*% RH − 7.419866
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 4.6.1-2 VHB Relative Humidity Shift Factor – RHref = 30%.
As one can see the temperature shift factor predicts a substantial impact on the effective
loading rate with small changes in temperature. A 10 °C shift in temperature could
represent a loading rate 100 times faster, when compared to the reference test conditions.
The impact of relative humidity is not as great. The data indicates that the relative
humidity has little impact below 60 %RH.
The usefulness of these shift factors has not been determined. During adhesive testing a
change in the failure mode was found between low and high rate as well as low and high
temperature. At low rates and high temperatures the failures tended to be adhesive, while
the failures at high rates and low temperatures tended to be cohesive. There is no
justification to believe that the shift factors will be valid over changing failure modes.
The effects of loading and displacement rate have already been shown, but the rate data
that has been collected is incremental and very limited. What is needed is continuous rate
data that spans all possible loading/displacement rates. By testing at multiple rates and
temperatures it was possible to develop strength curves that span many decades of
loading rates. This is accomplished by combining test data and the shift factors. The
shift factors allow the data which was collected at multiple temperatures to be “shifted”
in rate to a common temperature. Preliminary work in this area has been completed. The
resulting σa and τa strength curves are shown in Figures 4.6.2-1 and 4.6.2-2 respectively.
σa =
⎛ ⎛ Rd ⎞ −0.2895 ⎞
⎜⎜1 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎝ 132523 ⎠ ⎠
σa (MPa)
Rd (mm/min)
Figure 4.6.2-1 Preliminary Tensile Data – VHB
τ a = 0.0370 +
⎛ ⎛ Rd ⎞ −0.2910 ⎞
⎜⎜1 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎝ 40799 ⎠ ⎠
τa (MPa)
Rd (mm/min)
Figure 4.6.2-2 Preliminary Shear Data - VHB
These curves give us an idea of what is possible with limited testing and shift factors.
This data is by no means usable in a design. It is presented here just as an example of the
process. Many more tests need to be conducted to provide statistical significance to the
data and to validate the shift factors. Even though this method is widely accepted [26] it
has not been validated for this adhesive.
5.0 Design Examples
The intent of this research was to develop a design methodology for PSAs, specifically
VHB™ tape. All of the data that was collected and the design charts that have been
produced are without purpose unless they can be applied to real-world design problems.
To this end the following design examples are presented to demonstrate that this work
can be used to design and analyze adhesive joints. The first three design examples are
intended to familiarize the reader with the design/analysis process and the use of the τ - σ
plot. The fourth example was taken from a real application of VHB™ tape. In all of the
examples it has been assumed that the environment is the same as the test environment
(Temp = 20°C and RH = 25%).
Two separate analyses have been completed using this geometry. In the first case the
stress and safety factor were calculated. For the second case the size of the joint was
determined based on the desired safety factor.
Case # 1:
The calculations in this example are based on the data given in Table 5.1-1.
Variable Value
F 7.0 N/mm
l 75 mm
wa 50 mm
Rl 10 N/s
The stress in the adhesive was calculated as shown in Equations (5.1-1) and (5.1-2).
P = F * wa = 7.0N/mm*50mm=350N (5.1-1)
P Mc P P ( 2l )( 2l ) 4 P 4*350N
σ eng = + = + = = = 0.37MPa (5.1-2)
A I wa l wa l 3
wa l 50mm*75mm
To determine the safety factor the allowable stress is needed. Unfortunately, all of the
strength data is with respect to the displacement rate. Using the relationship between Rd
and Rl found in Figure 4.4-1 the loading rate can be converted to a displacement rate as
shown in Equation (5.1-3).
At this point a decision has to be made concerning the allowable stress. All of the data
was collected at fixed displacement rates and nothing is known outside of these test
points. In addition this loading results in a gradient stress. In Figure 4.5-1 it was shown
that there is strong relationship between the stress gradient and the allowable stress.
Unfortunately, there is no data at this displacement rate or for a pure tensile gradient.
Therefore, there is no choice but to use the data found in Figure 4.1-7. Since the
displacement rate is between test rates both the upper and lower displacement rates must
be considered or an attempt at interpolation must be made. In this case interpolating
would be a guess at best do to the non-linear nature of the data and it is considered safer
to use the existing data points. From Figure 4.1-7 the allowable stress were determined
to be 0.44 MPa (Rd = 0.50 mm/min) and 0.29 MPa (Rd = 0.05 mm/min). Using these
values the safety factor for each case was calculated as shown in Equations (5.1-4) and
S y (0.05mm/min ) 0.29MPa
ns (0.05mm/min ) = = = 0.78 (5.1-4)
σa 0.37MPa
ns (0.50mm/min ) = = 1.19 (5.1-5)
As one can see the rate dependence of the adhesive can be critical. The safety factor for
the higher displacement rate is marginal at best and one would predict failure of the joint
at the lower displacement rate. The allowable stress must be known for the applied
displacement rate to correctly perform the analysis of this joint.
Case # 2:
In this case the design is worked in reverse using the data provided in Table 5.1-2. The
design is to determine the length (l) required to meet the specified safety factor, nd = 3.0.
Table 5.1-2 Design Calculation Data.
Variable Value
F 7.0 N/mm
Rl 10 N/s
wa 50 mm
nd 3.0
From the first case it is already known that the loading rate corresponds to an Rd of 0.427
mm/min. Again both the upper and lower allowable stresses must be considered in this
design. The design stresses for each case was determined using the corresponding yield
strength and desired safety factor as shown in Equations (5.1-6) and (5.1-7).
σ d (0.05mm/min ) = = 0.097MPa (5.1-6)
σ d (0.50mm/min) = = 0.147MPa (5.1-7)
To determine the required joint lengths Equation (5.1-1) is rearranged to solve for l. The
calculated joint lengths are shown in Equations (5.1-8) and (5.1-9).
4P 4*350N
l(0.05mm/min) = = = 289mm (5.1-8)
waσ d (0.05mm/min) 50mm*0.097MPa
l(0.50mm/min) = = 190mm (5.1-9)
Again the displacement rate plays an important role in the design. There is more than a
50% difference in the length of the joint and the amount of tape required for the design.
This represents a significant difference in the size and cost of the design.
The second design example is a joint consisting of two polycarbonate bars bonded
together and subjected to a shearing load as shown in Figure 5.2-1.
The necessary data to determine the shear stress in the adhesive and the safety factor is
shown in Table 5.2-1
Variable Value
P 100 N
Rl 10 N/s
wa 50 mm
ta 1.143 mm
Es 2.4 GPa
ts 5.0 mm
l 250 mm
It is very simple calculate the engineering shear stress in the adhesive as shown in
Equation (5.2-1). This assumes a rigid substrate.
P P 100N
τ eng = = = = 8.0kPa (5.2-1)
A wa l 50mm*250mm
Unfortunately this is not the end of this analysis. As stated in section 2.2.2 the geometry
of an adhesive joint may effect the stress distribution under shear loading. To complete
the analysis the joint needs to be check for “shear lag”
Using the relationship found in Figure 4.3-1 the adhesive modulus of rigidity was
determined, as shown in Equation (5.2-2), to be 0.16 MPa.
The stress concentration was then calculated using Equations (5.2-3) and (5.2-4) (see
section 2.2.2 for additional information).
2Ga 2*0.161MPa
ω= = = 0.0048mm -1 (5.2-3)
t a Es t s 1.143mm*2.4GPa*5.0mm
ωl 1.2
Kg2 = cosh ( ω2l ) = cosh(0.6) = 1.12 (5.2-4)
2sinh ( 2 )
This indicates that the shear stress will be 1.12 times higher than calculated in Equation
(5.2-1). In some designs a 12% error in the stress calculations would result in failure of
the joint since the centricity of the applied load and load rate are in question.
From the previous example it is known that a loading rate of 10 N/s corresponds to a
displacement rate of 0.427 mm/min. From Figure 4.1-7 the allowable shear stress was
determined to be 0.31 MPa (Rd = 0.05 mm/min) and 0.45 MPa (Rd = 0.50 mm/min). The
corresponding safety factors were calculated as shown in Equations (5.2-5) and (5.2-6).
S sy 310kPa
ns (0.05mm/min) = = = 38.75 (5.2-5)
τa 8.0kPa
ns (0.50mm/min) = = 56.25 (5.2-6)
In this example the rate was not critical due to the size of the safety factor. It is worth
noting that there was a 32% difference between the two safety factors. This is a
substantial difference and must not be taken lightly.
The focus of this example will be the process of working with both a shear and tensile
load and how to apply use the τ - σ plot in this case. For this reason “shear lag” and
beam on elastic foundation will not be considered to simplify the analysis. In this
example the adhesive stress will be determined for a rigid bracket/hook attached to a rigid
surface as shown in Figure 5.3-1.
Table 5.3-1 Stress Calculation Data.
Variable Value
P 350 N
Rd 5.0 mm/min
wa 25 mm
ta 1.143 mm
l 50mm
x 20 mm
The tensile and shear stresses were calculated in a similar manner to that used in the
previous examples. The stresses in the adhesive were calculated to be 0.67 MPa (tensile)
and 0.28 MPa (shear) as shown in Equations (5.3-1) and (5.3-2).
Mc xP 2l 20mm*350N*25mm 50kN-mm 2
σ eng = = = = 0.67MPa (5.3-1)
I wa l 3 25mm* ( 50 ) mm
2.60E5mm 4
12 12
P P 350N
τ eng = = = = 0.28MPa (5.3-2)
A wa l 25mm*50mm
To determine the allowable shear and tensile stresses the equivalent Arcan angle must
first be calculated. This was accomplished using simple geometry as demonstrated in
Equation (5.3-3)
⎛ τ eng ⎞ −1 ⎛ 0.28MPa ⎞
θ Arcan = tan −1 ⎜ ⎟⎟ = tan ⎜ ⎟ = 22.7
⎜σ ⎝ 0.67MPa ⎠
⎝ eng ⎠
In a perfect world this would mean that the same stress state can be achieved by applying
the load at an angle of 22.7° on the σ - τ profile. This is the point that gradient stresses
become a problem again. In this case we do have a pretty good idea of what expect for
this displacement rate and stress state. To demonstrate this effect the load line for this
stress state has been plotted on both Figures 4.1-7 and 4.5-1. They are both presented
here as Figures 5.3-2 and 5.3-3.
50 mm/min
1.40 5.0 mm/min
90° 0.5 mm/min
1.20 0.05 mm/min
Design Point
1.00 60°
τa (MPa)
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
σ a (MPa)
0.45 22.7°
12 mm
0.40 6 mm 20 mm
16 mm
0.35 60°
0.30 0 mm
τa (MPa)
0.25 45°
Figure 5.3-3 5.0 mm/min gradient stress τ-σ data with 22.7° load line.
As one can see this design is very close to failure using the data from Figure 4.1-7
(Figure 5.3-2). If the gradient stress effect is as shown in Figure 4.5-1 (Figure 5.3-3) the
design is well below the allowable stress level for this stress state. Understanding the
gradient stress effect has the potential to greatly increase the design space and reduce
design costs.
VHB™ tape has been used successfully to bond handles onto appliances for some time.
One such application is the handle of a freezer as shown in Figure 5.4-1.
The handle is typically manufactured from an aluminum extrusion and can either run the
full length of the door or just long enough to grab. The geometry shown in Figure 5.4-1
will be used for this example with an end load as shown in Figure 5.4-2.
F wa
Without knowing the exact geometry of the handle and the force required to open the
doors several assumptions needed to be made to calculate the stress in the adhesive. All
of the assumptions can be found in Table 5.4-1.
Variable Value
F 0.33 N/mm
Rl 1000 N/s
wa 150 mm
ta 1.143 mm
Es 70 GPa
ts 2.5 mm
l 75 mm
Is 50mm4
The adhesive stress was calculated to be 0.018 MPa as shown in Equations (5.4-1) and
P = F * wa = 0.33N/mm*150mm=50N (5.4-1)
P Mc 4 P 4*50N
σ eng = + = = = 0.018MPa (5.4-2)
A I wa l 11250mm 2
Due to the geometry of the handle it is necessary to check for a beam on elastic
foundation effect. This analysis requires the adhesive’s Young’s modulus, which is a
function of the displacement rate.
The displacement rate was calculated using the relationship found in Figure 4.4-1. For a
load rate of 1000 N/s the equivalent displacement rate was calculated to be 22.4 mm/min
as shown in Equation (5.3-3).
The Young’s modulus was then calculated using Equation (5.4.4) from Figure 4.3-1 and
was found to be 1.01 MPa.
This provides all of the necessary information to determine any beam effects. In section
2.2.1 this specific loading case was discussed and formulated in to stress concentration
factor (Kef1). Kef1 is a function of λl which is calculated to be 2.96. These calculations
are shown in Equations (5.4-5), (5.5-6), and (5.4-7).
wa Ea 150mm *1.01MPa
k= = = 133MPa (5.4-5)
ta 1.143mm
k 133MPa
λ=4 =4 = 0.039mm −1 (5.4-6)
4 Es I s 4*70GPa *195.3mm 4
The stress concentration factor (Kef1) was calculated to be 1.49 using Equation (2.2.1-12),
as shown in Equation (5.4-8)
This leaves two options for determining the safety factor. The allowable stress for 5.0
mm/min or 50 mm/min can be used. Since the allowable stress increases with rate it will
be more conservative to use the one corresponding to 5.0 mm/min. From Figure 4.1-7
the allowable stress was determined to be 0.84 MPa (Rd = 5.0mm/min). This results in a
safety factor of 31.3 as shown in Equation (5.4.7).
ns (5.0mm / min) = = 31.3 (5.4.7)
This indicates that there will be at least a factor of safety of 31.3 based on the
assumptions made here. Unfortunately, this is only half of the story for this geometry.
For simplicity it was assumed that the load was evenly distributed along the length. The
handle is longer than most hands are wide, therefore, the loading would be non-uniform.
To complete the analysis a similar set of calculations would also need to be performed on
the handle in the y-axis (along the length). The actual estimated stress in the adhesive
would be a combination of the two analyses.
The previous examples demonstrate that the collected data can be used to solve specific
design problems. Unfortunately, the solutions for these problems demonstrate the
shortcomings of the method and data set. First, the relative humidity and temperature
were picked to be the same as the test conditions. It goes without saying that this will not
be the case in the real operating environment. Figures 4.6.1-1 and 4.6.1-2 demonstrate
how large an impact the operating environment can have on the material characteristics.
For any design to be successful the material properties for the actual design environment
must be used. Second, in all but one of the examples the allowable stress(es) could not
be determined accurately. The displacement rate was between one of the test rates
resulting in an upper and lower bound on the allowable stress(es). This results in huge
uncertainty in the design and inefficient designs. The allowable stress data must be
continuous for the entire application range. Figures 4.6.2-1 and 4.6.2-2 give some insight
into what is needed, but even this is not enough. These figures only deal with tensile and
shear loading, nothing has been done to try and generate a continuous surface which
encompasses all combined stress states and rates (for the desired design space). This will
not be possible without a great deal of testing and validation of the shift factors. Third,
both shear lag and beam-on-elastic-foundation were applied in these examples. Neither
of these models has been shown to be valid for this system. VHB demonstrates large
plastic regions before failure which may cause the stress distribution to be very different
that those predicted by these models. Fourth, shape factors and gradient stresses have
effectively been ignored in these examples. Considerable work needs to be done to
understand the impact that the geometry and gradient stresses have on the failure stress of
the joint.
6.0 Conclusions
This thesis details the unique requirements associated with designing PSA joints. A
methodology for analyzing adhesive stresses, collecting material data, and presenting the
strength data as failure envelopes has been presented. During the course of collecting
and analyzing the data many observations were made and additional questions arose. The
following list is an overview of these conclusions, observations, and questions;
5. The moduli were determined as a function of rate, but there is a great deal
of uncertainty in the data. First, it was not possible to measure the
Young’s Modulus directly due to the lack of understanding of the shape
factor’s (Poisson’s Ratio) effect on the apparent modulus. Thus, the true
Young’s Modulus can not be reliability from the measured apparent
modulus. This required that Young’s Modulus be calculated from the
shear modulus. This calculation is dependent on Poisson’s Ratio, but not
as heavily. The major issue is in how the shear modulus is calculated. It
was assumed that there is not shape factor in shear. This implies that the
in-situ shear modulus is the same as the bulk shear modulus. This is a
huge assumption and, unfortunately, the only one available currently.
7. Using the Arcan data failure envelopes were generated. These envelopes
were successfully used in the design and analysis of simple adhesive
joints. This demonstrates that design envelopes are an effective method of
presenting adhesive strength data. These envelopes that were generated
are incremental in rate and only span tension to shear. This limits their
usefulness, but is a result of the limited testing that was conducted. With
additional data or a method of applying shift factors the range and
precision can be greatly improved.
The groundwork for this design process has been laid in the pages of this thesis. The
application of stress-concentration factors and strength envelopes to simple deign
problems has shown the validity of the process. With additional testing this design
process can become a useful deign tool.
7.0 Recommendations
The work conducted in this thesis demonstrates the potential for collecting, presenting,
and applying adhesive data in a manner familiar to designers. Unfortunately, there are
many questions to be answered and steps to be completed before a design methodology
can be developed. The following list represents, what are believed to be, the most critical
problems left to be solved enroute to a complete adhesives design methodology:
1. Beam-on-Elastic Foundation.
At this point beam-on-elastic foundation is only a theory that has not been
validated for this visco-elastic adhesive system. To make it useful as a
design tool stress concentration factors for the most common\useful
loading conditions need to be developed. Each one of the factors must
then be validated with test data and the application range defined.
Superposition must also be show to be applicable. This will most likely
require the development of a computer program due to the complexity
involved in determining the location and value of the peak stress.
2. Shape Factors.
Shape factors are readily available for many joint geometries, but most of
them are based on a Poisson’s Ratio of 0.5 and, therefore, not applicable to
this adhesive system. Shape factors for the most common joint geometries
need to be derived as a function of Poisson’s Ratio. These shape factors
will then need to be validated with test data and the limits of their
application range defined... In addition the question of whether or not
shape factors exist in shear needs to be addressed. If they do the entire
process will have to be repeated in shear.
3. Shear Lag.
4. Shift Factors.
Shift factors have the potential of being one of the most valuable tools
available to adhesive designers. At this point there are just too many
questions regarding the development of shift factors and there application.
Basically one can not force the adhesive, in this case a PSA, to obey
linear-time-temperature superposition. It either does or does not. If it
does obey the theory the useful range must be determined by conducting
low and high rate experiments that span the design space (creep to impact
in this case). This data should match the values predicted from the
“shifted” adhesive data. It is doubted that there will be a magic-universal
shift factor for all of the adhesives material properties. This may require
that this process will need to be repeated for every material property that
will be shifted. A similar approach will need to be taken to develop and
validate a shift factor for relative humidity.
The design space has been referred to several times, but what is it? All of
the testing and validation is to be done in a manner that will encompass
the entire design space. With all of the material properties dependent on
rate, temperature, and relative humidity the design space needs to be
defined upfront to provide guidance in the experimental design and will
greatly effect the difficulty in characterizing the adhesive.
Constant load and displacement rates were used to collect all of the data in
this thesis, but this is not the only loading state in real-world applications.
Many designs will undergo a static load (gravity) and a dynamic (ramp)
load. At this point it is not know how to analyze this loading state to
determine the allowable stresses. Tests need to be run with a range of
static loads/stresses and dynamic loads/stresses to determine the failure
stresses. Temperature, rate, and relative humidity will also need to be
considered in this analysis.
8. Global Superposition
All of the stress concentration factors and theories are being developed
and validated independent of the rest. In a design many of them could be
applied to the same design, but at this point it is unknown how this will be
done. When should the apparent modulus be used instead of the true
modulus? Can all of the stress-concentration factors be multiplied
together? If so, over what operating range will this be valid? These
questions must be answered before this methodology is released to the
design community.
After all of these issues have been resolved a detailed design methodology
must be developed. All of the techniques must be explained in a clear
concise manner, especially all of the assumptions made and the valid
operating range of each technique. The application of each stress-
concentration factor and shift factor must be explained in detail and
demonstrated in sample joint designs.
1. American Society of Testing and Measuring, Annual Book of ASTM
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Jan. 1984, pp. 145-157.
5. Ferry, J. D., Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons,
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9. Lai, Y., Dillard, D. A., and Thornton, J. S., “The Effect of Compressibility on
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12. Young, W. C. and Budynas, R. G., Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain, 7th
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Vol. 15, 1938, pp. 41-47.
15. Goland, M. and Reissner, E., “The Stress in Cemented Joints,” Journal of
Applied Mechanics, March 1944, pp. A-17-A27.
16. Kinloch, A. J., Adhesion and Adhesives Science and Technology, Chapman
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17. Brown, T. A., “The Strain-Rate Sensitivity of Adhesive Tape and Its
Significance For Design,” Proceedings of the Second Australasian Congress
on Applied Mechanics, ACAM 1999, Canberra, Australia, Feb. 1999.
19. Parker, B. M., “The Strength of Bonded Carbon Fiber Composite Joints
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Adhesives, 1990, Vol. 10, pp. 187-191.
22. Gledhill, A., Kinloch, A. J., and Shaw, S. J., “A Model for Predicting Joint
Durability,” Journal of Adhesion, 1980, Vol. 11, pp.3-15.
25. Beer, F. P. and Johnston, E. R., Mechanics of Materials, 2nd Ed., McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1992, pp. 364-371.
27. van Straalen, I. J., Wardenier, L., Vogelesang, F., and Soetens, F., “Structural
Adhesive Bonded Joints in Engineering-Drafting Design Rules,” International
Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 1998, Vol. 18, pp. 41-49.
32. Adams, R. D. and Harris, J. A., “The Influence of Local Geometry on the
Strength of Adhesive Joints,” International Journal of Adhesion and
Adhesives, Vol. 7, No. 2, April 1987, pp. 69-80.
34. Mitchell, L. D., Young, J. K., and Mitchell, S. D., BEAMIV, ver 6.0,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, Blacksburg, VA, 1992
35. Anonymous, “VHBTM Double Coated Acrylic Foam Tapes and Adhesive
Transfer Tapes,” 3M Bonding System Division, March 1998, pp. 9-12.
37. Peretz, D., and Ishai, O., “Mechanical Characterization of an Adhesive Layer
in situ under Combined Load,” Journal of Adhesion, 1980, Vol. 10, pp.317-
38. Sors, L., Fatigue Design of Machine Components, Pergamon Press, New
York, 1971, pp. 42.
Appendix A
Table A-1A BEAMVI Model Data.
For section # 1 :
Length of this section 6.2400D-01 in
Cross Sectional Area 1.8200D-01 in^2
Area Moment of Inertia 1.2560D-04 in^4
Modulus of Elasticity 1.0100D+07 psi
Weight Density 9.8000D-02 lb/in^3
Distance to Outer Fiber 4.5500D-02 in
Shape of this Beam Section Rectangular Solid
Shear Stress Correction Factor 1.5000D+00
For section # 2 :
Length of this section 2.1850D-01 in
Cross Sectional Area 1.8200D-01 in^2
Area Moment of Inertia 1.2560D-04 in^4
Modulus of Elasticity 1.0100D+07 psi
Weight Density 9.8000D-02 lb/in^3
Continuum Beam Foundation Stiffness 7.7757D+03 lb/in/in
Distance to Outer Fiber 4.5500D-02 in
Shape of this Beam Section Rectangular Solid
Shear Stress Correction Factor 1.5000D+00
For section # 3 :
Length of this section 6.3000D-02 in
Cross Sectional Area 1.8200D-01 in^2
Area Moment of Inertia 1.2560D-04 in^4
Modulus of Elasticity 1.0100D+07 psi
Weight Density 9.8000D-02 lb/in^3
Continuum Beam Foundation Stiffness 7.7757D+03 lb/in/in
Magnitude of Uniformly Distributed Load -4.6280D+03 lb/in
Distance to Outer Fiber 4.5500D-02 in
Shape of this Beam Section Rectangular Solid
Shear Stress Correction Factor 1.5000D+00
For section # 4 :
Length of this section 2.1850D-01 in
Cross Sectional Area 1.8200D-01 in^2
Area Moment of Inertia 1.2560D-04 in^4
Modulus of Elasticity 1.0100D+07 psi
Weight Density 9.8000D-02 lb/in^3
Continuum Beam Foundation Stiffness 7.7757D+03 lb/in/in
Distance to Outer Fiber 4.5500D-02 in
Shape of this Beam Section Rectangular Solid
Shear Stress Correction Factor 1.5000D+00
Table A-1B BEAMVI Model Data.
For section # 5 :
Figure A-2 BEAMVI output for I-Beam Model.
Table A-2A BEAMVI Static Results.
LENGTH (in) DEFLECTION (in) SLOPE (radians) MOMENT (in-lb) SHEAR (lb)
0.000D+00 6.608D-06 1.436D-06 0.000D+00 0.000D+00
1.248D-02 6.590D-06 1.436D-06 -1.389D-06 -2.226D-04
2.496D-02 6.572D-06 1.436D-06 -5.556D-06 -4.452D-04
3.744D-02 6.554D-06 1.436D-06 -1.250D-05 -6.678D-04
4.992D-02 6.536D-06 1.436D-06 -2.222D-05 -8.904D-04
6.240D-02 6.518D-06 1.435D-06 -3.472D-05 -1.113D-03
7.488D-02 6.500D-06 1.435D-06 -5.000D-05 -1.336D-03
8.736D-02 6.482D-06 1.434D-06 -6.806D-05 -1.558D-03
9.984D-02 6.465D-06 1.434D-06 -8.889D-05 -1.781D-03
1.123D-01 6.447D-06 1.433D-06 -1.125D-04 -2.003D-03
1.248D-01 6.429D-06 1.431D-06 -1.389D-04 -2.226D-03
1.373D-01 6.411D-06 1.430D-06 -1.681D-04 -2.449D-03
1.498D-01 6.393D-06 1.428D-06 -2.000D-04 -2.671D-03
1.622D-01 6.375D-06 1.426D-06 -2.347D-04 -2.894D-03
1.747D-01 6.358D-06 1.424D-06 -2.722D-04 -3.116D-03
1.872D-01 6.340D-06 1.421D-06 -3.125D-04 -3.339D-03
1.997D-01 6.322D-06 1.417D-06 -3.556D-04 -3.561D-03
2.122D-01 6.304D-06 1.414D-06 -4.014D-04 -3.784D-03
2.246D-01 6.287D-06 1.409D-06 -4.500D-04 -4.007D-03
2.371D-01 6.269D-06 1.405D-06 -5.014D-04 -4.229D-03
2.496D-01 6.252D-06 1.400D-06 -5.556D-04 -4.452D-03
2.621D-01 6.234D-06 1.394D-06 -6.125D-04 -4.674D-03
2.746D-01 6.217D-06 1.388D-06 -6.723D-04 -4.897D-03
2.870D-01 6.200D-06 1.381D-06 -7.348D-04 -5.120D-03
2.995D-01 6.182D-06 1.373D-06 -8.001D-04 -5.342D-03
3.120D-01 6.165D-06 1.365D-06 -8.681D-04 -5.565D-03
3.245D-01 6.148D-06 1.356D-06 -9.390D-04 -5.787D-03
3.370D-01 6.132D-06 1.346D-06 -1.013D-03 -6.010D-03
3.494D-01 6.115D-06 1.336D-06 -1.089D-03 -6.233D-03
3.619D-01 6.098D-06 1.325D-06 -1.168D-03 -6.455D-03
3.744D-01 6.082D-06 1.313D-06 -1.250D-03 -6.678D-03
3.869D-01 6.065D-06 1.300D-06 -1.335D-03 -6.900D-03
3.994D-01 6.049D-06 1.287D-06 -1.422D-03 -7.123D-03
4.118D-01 6.033D-06 1.272D-06 -1.513D-03 -7.346D-03
4.243D-01 6.018D-06 1.257D-06 -1.606D-03 -7.568D-03
4.368D-01 6.002D-06 1.241D-06 -1.702D-03 -7.791D-03
4.493D-01 5.987D-06 1.224D-06 -1.800D-03 -8.013D-03
4.618D-01 5.971D-06 1.205D-06 -1.902D-03 -8.236D-03
4.742D-01 5.956D-06 1.186D-06 -2.006D-03 -8.459D-03
4.867D-01 5.942D-06 1.166D-06 -2.113D-03 -8.681D-03
4.992D-01 5.927D-06 1.145D-06 -2.222D-03 -8.904D-03
5.117D-01 5.913D-06 1.122D-06 -2.335D-03 -9.126D-03
5.242D-01 5.899D-06 1.099D-06 -2.450D-03 -9.349D-03
Table A-2B BEAMVI Static Results.
LENGTH (in) DEFLECTION (in) SLOPE (radians) MOMENT (in-lb) SHEAR (lb)
5.366D-01 5.886D-06 1.074D-06 -2.568D-03 -9.572D-03
5.491D-01 5.873D-06 1.048D-06 -2.689D-03 -9.794D-03
5.616D-01 5.860D-06 1.021D-06 -2.813D-03 -1.002D-02
5.741D-01 5.847D-06 9.927D-07 -2.939D-03 -1.024D-02
5.866D-01 5.835D-06 9.631D-07 -3.068D-03 -1.046D-02
5.990D-01 5.823D-06 9.323D-07 -3.200D-03 -1.068D-02
6.115D-01 5.812D-06 9.001D-07 -3.335D-03 -1.091D-02
6.240D-01 5.801D-06 8.667D-07 -3.472D-03 -1.113D-02
6.284D-01 5.797D-06 8.546D-07 -3.521D-03 -1.093D-02
6.327D-01 5.793D-06 8.424D-07 -3.568D-03 -1.074D-02
6.371D-01 5.789D-06 8.300D-07 -3.614D-03 -1.054D-02
6.415D-01 5.786D-06 8.175D-07 -3.660D-03 -1.034D-02
6.459D-01 5.782D-06 8.048D-07 -3.705D-03 -1.015D-02
6.502D-01 5.779D-06 7.920D-07 -3.749D-03 -9.949D-03
6.546D-01 5.775D-06 7.790D-07 -3.792D-03 -9.753D-03
6.590D-01 5.772D-06 7.658D-07 -3.834D-03 -9.557D-03
6.633D-01 5.769D-06 7.526D-07 -3.875D-03 -9.361D-03
6.677D-01 5.765D-06 7.391D-07 -3.916D-03 -9.165D-03
6.721D-01 5.762D-06 7.256D-07 -3.955D-03 -8.969D-03
6.764D-01 5.759D-06 7.119D-07 -3.994D-03 -8.773D-03
6.808D-01 5.756D-06 6.981D-07 -4.032D-03 -8.578D-03
6.852D-01 5.753D-06 6.841D-07 -4.069D-03 -8.382D-03
6.896D-01 5.750D-06 6.700D-07 -4.105D-03 -8.187D-03
6.939D-01 5.747D-06 6.558D-07 -4.141D-03 -7.991D-03
6.983D-01 5.744D-06 6.415D-07 -4.175D-03 -7.796D-03
7.027D-01 5.742D-06 6.271D-07 -4.209D-03 -7.601D-03
7.070D-01 5.739D-06 6.125D-07 -4.242D-03 -7.406D-03
7.114D-01 5.736D-06 5.978D-07 -4.274D-03 -7.211D-03
7.158D-01 5.734D-06 5.831D-07 -4.305D-03 -7.016D-03
7.201D-01 5.731D-06 5.682D-07 -4.335D-03 -6.821D-03
7.245D-01 5.729D-06 5.532D-07 -4.364D-03 -6.626D-03
7.289D-01 5.726D-06 5.381D-07 -4.393D-03 -6.432D-03
7.332D-01 5.724D-06 5.229D-07 -4.421D-03 -6.237D-03
7.376D-01 5.722D-06 5.077D-07 -4.447D-03 -6.043D-03
7.420D-01 5.720D-06 4.923D-07 -4.473D-03 -5.848D-03
7.464D-01 5.717D-06 4.768D-07 -4.498D-03 -5.654D-03
7.507D-01 5.715D-06 4.613D-07 -4.523D-03 -5.460D-03
7.551D-01 5.713D-06 4.457D-07 -4.546D-03 -5.266D-03
7.595D-01 5.711D-06 4.300D-07 -4.569D-03 -5.072D-03
7.638D-01 5.710D-06 4.142D-07 -4.591D-03 -4.878D-03
7.682D-01 5.708D-06 3.983D-07 -4.611D-03 -4.684D-03
7.726D-01 5.706D-06 3.824D-07 -4.631D-03 -4.490D-03
Table A-2C BEAMVI Static Results.
LENGTH (in) DEFLECTION (in) SLOPE (radians) MOMENT (in-lb) SHEAR (lb)
7.769D-01 5.705D-06 3.664D-07 -4.651D-03 -4.296D-03
7.813D-01 5.703D-06 3.504D-07 -4.669D-03 -4.102D-03
7.857D-01 5.701D-06 3.343D-07 -4.687D-03 -3.908D-03
7.901D-01 5.700D-06 3.181D-07 -4.703D-03 -3.715D-03
7.944D-01 5.699D-06 3.019D-07 -4.719D-03 -3.521D-03
7.988D-01 5.697D-06 2.856D-07 -4.734D-03 -3.327D-03
8.032D-01 5.696D-06 2.692D-07 -4.748D-03 -3.134D-03
8.075D-01 5.695D-06 2.529D-07 -4.761D-03 -2.940D-03
8.119D-01 5.694D-06 2.364D-07 -4.774D-03 -2.747D-03
8.163D-01 5.693D-06 2.200D-07 -4.785D-03 -2.553D-03
8.206D-01 5.692D-06 2.035D-07 -4.796D-03 -2.360D-03
8.250D-01 5.691D-06 1.869D-07 -4.806D-03 -2.166D-03
8.294D-01 5.690D-06 1.704D-07 -4.815D-03 -1.973D-03
8.338D-01 5.690D-06 1.538D-07 -4.823D-03 -1.780D-03
8.381D-01 5.689D-06 1.371D-07 -4.831D-03 -1.586D-03
8.425D-01 5.688D-06 1.205D-07 -4.837D-03 -1.393D-03
8.438D-01 5.688D-06 1.157D-07 -4.839D-03 -1.337D-03
8.450D-01 5.688D-06 1.109D-07 -4.840D-03 -1.282D-03
8.463D-01 5.688D-06 1.061D-07 -4.842D-03 -1.226D-03
8.475D-01 5.688D-06 1.012D-07 -4.844D-03 -1.170D-03
8.488D-01 5.688D-06 9.643D-08 -4.845D-03 -1.114D-03
8.501D-01 5.688D-06 9.162D-08 -4.846D-03 -1.059D-03
8.513D-01 5.688D-06 8.681D-08 -4.848D-03 -1.003D-03
8.526D-01 5.687D-06 8.199D-08 -4.849D-03 -9.472D-04
8.538D-01 5.687D-06 7.717D-08 -4.850D-03 -8.915D-04
8.551D-01 5.687D-06 7.236D-08 -4.851D-03 -8.357D-04
8.564D-01 5.687D-06 6.754D-08 -4.852D-03 -7.800D-04
8.576D-01 5.687D-06 6.272D-08 -4.853D-03 -7.243D-04
8.589D-01 5.687D-06 5.790D-08 -4.854D-03 -6.686D-04
8.601D-01 5.687D-06 5.307D-08 -4.855D-03 -6.129D-04
8.614D-01 5.687D-06 4.825D-08 -4.855D-03 -5.571D-04
8.627D-01 5.687D-06 4.343D-08 -4.856D-03 -5.014D-04
8.639D-01 5.687D-06 3.861D-08 -4.857D-03 -4.457D-04
8.652D-01 5.687D-06 3.378D-08 -4.857D-03 -3.900D-04
8.664D-01 5.687D-06 2.896D-08 -4.858D-03 -3.343D-04
8.677D-01 5.687D-06 2.413D-08 -4.858D-03 -2.786D-04
8.690D-01 5.687D-06 1.930D-08 -4.858D-03 -2.229D-04
8.702D-01 5.687D-06 1.448D-08 -4.859D-03 -1.671D-04
8.715D-01 5.687D-06 9.653D-09 -4.859D-03 -1.114D-04
8.727D-01 5.687D-06 4.826D-09 -4.859D-03 -5.571D-05
8.740D-01 5.687D-06 1.219D-20 -4.859D-03 6.636D-18
8.753D-01 5.687D-06 -4.826D-09 -4.859D-03 5.571D-05
Table A-2D BEAMVI Static Results.
LENGTH (in) DEFLECTION (in) SLOPE (radians) MOMENT (in-lb) SHEAR (lb)
8.765D-01 5.687D-06 -9.653D-09 -4.859D-03 1.114D-04
8.778D-01 5.687D-06 -1.448D-08 -4.859D-03 1.671D-04
8.790D-01 5.687D-06 -1.930D-08 -4.858D-03 2.229D-04
8.803D-01 5.687D-06 -2.413D-08 -4.858D-03 2.786D-04
8.816D-01 5.687D-06 -2.896D-08 -4.858D-03 3.343D-04
8.828D-01 5.687D-06 -3.378D-08 -4.857D-03 3.900D-04
8.841D-01 5.687D-06 -3.861D-08 -4.857D-03 4.457D-04
8.853D-01 5.687D-06 -4.343D-08 -4.856D-03 5.014D-04
8.866D-01 5.687D-06 -4.825D-08 -4.855D-03 5.571D-04
8.879D-01 5.687D-06 -5.307D-08 -4.855D-03 6.129D-04
8.891D-01 5.687D-06 -5.790D-08 -4.854D-03 6.686D-04
8.904D-01 5.687D-06 -6.272D-08 -4.853D-03 7.243D-04
8.916D-01 5.687D-06 -6.754D-08 -4.852D-03 7.800D-04
8.929D-01 5.687D-06 -7.236D-08 -4.851D-03 8.357D-04
8.942D-01 5.687D-06 -7.717D-08 -4.850D-03 8.915D-04
8.954D-01 5.687D-06 -8.199D-08 -4.849D-03 9.472D-04
8.967D-01 5.688D-06 -8.681D-08 -4.848D-03 1.003D-03
8.979D-01 5.688D-06 -9.162D-08 -4.846D-03 1.059D-03
8.992D-01 5.688D-06 -9.643D-08 -4.845D-03 1.114D-03
9.005D-01 5.688D-06 -1.012D-07 -4.844D-03 1.170D-03
9.017D-01 5.688D-06 -1.061D-07 -4.842D-03 1.226D-03
9.030D-01 5.688D-06 -1.109D-07 -4.840D-03 1.282D-03
9.042D-01 5.688D-06 -1.157D-07 -4.839D-03 1.337D-03
9.055D-01 5.688D-06 -1.205D-07 -4.837D-03 1.393D-03
9.099D-01 5.689D-06 -1.371D-07 -4.831D-03 1.586D-03
9.142D-01 5.690D-06 -1.538D-07 -4.823D-03 1.780D-03
9.186D-01 5.690D-06 -1.704D-07 -4.815D-03 1.973D-03
9.230D-01 5.691D-06 -1.869D-07 -4.806D-03 2.166D-03
9.274D-01 5.692D-06 -2.035D-07 -4.796D-03 2.360D-03
9.317D-01 5.693D-06 -2.200D-07 -4.785D-03 2.553D-03
9.361D-01 5.694D-06 -2.364D-07 -4.774D-03 2.747D-03
9.405D-01 5.695D-06 -2.529D-07 -4.761D-03 2.940D-03
9.448D-01 5.696D-06 -2.692D-07 -4.748D-03 3.134D-03
9.492D-01 5.697D-06 -2.856D-07 -4.734D-03 3.327D-03
9.536D-01 5.699D-06 -3.019D-07 -4.719D-03 3.521D-03
9.579D-01 5.700D-06 -3.181D-07 -4.703D-03 3.715D-03
9.623D-01 5.701D-06 -3.343D-07 -4.687D-03 3.908D-03
9.667D-01 5.703D-06 -3.504D-07 -4.669D-03 4.102D-03
9.711D-01 5.705D-06 -3.664D-07 -4.651D-03 4.296D-03
9.754D-01 5.706D-06 -3.824D-07 -4.631D-03 4.490D-03
9.798D-01 5.708D-06 -3.983D-07 -4.611D-03 4.684D-03
9.842D-01 5.710D-06 -4.142D-07 -4.591D-03 4.878D-03
Table A-2E BEAMVI Static Results.
LENGTH (in) DEFLECTION (in) SLOPE (radians) MOMENT (in-lb) SHEAR (lb)
9.885D-01 5.711D-06 -4.300D-07 -4.569D-03 5.072D-03
9.929D-01 5.713D-06 -4.457D-07 -4.546D-03 5.266D-03
9.973D-01 5.715D-06 -4.613D-07 -4.523D-03 5.460D-03
1.002D+00 5.717D-06 -4.768D-07 -4.498D-03 5.654D-03
1.006D+00 5.720D-06 -4.923D-07 -4.473D-03 5.848D-03
1.010D+00 5.722D-06 -5.077D-07 -4.447D-03 6.043D-03
1.015D+00 5.724D-06 -5.229D-07 -4.421D-03 6.237D-03
1.019D+00 5.726D-06 -5.381D-07 -4.393D-03 6.432D-03
1.023D+00 5.729D-06 -5.532D-07 -4.364D-03 6.626D-03
1.028D+00 5.731D-06 -5.682D-07 -4.335D-03 6.821D-03
1.032D+00 5.734D-06 -5.831D-07 -4.305D-03 7.016D-03
1.037D+00 5.736D-06 -5.978D-07 -4.274D-03 7.211D-03
1.041D+00 5.739D-06 -6.125D-07 -4.242D-03 7.406D-03
1.045D+00 5.742D-06 -6.271D-07 -4.209D-03 7.601D-03
1.050D+00 5.744D-06 -6.415D-07 -4.175D-03 7.796D-03
1.054D+00 5.747D-06 -6.558D-07 -4.141D-03 7.991D-03
1.058D+00 5.750D-06 -6.700D-07 -4.105D-03 8.187D-03
1.063D+00 5.753D-06 -6.841D-07 -4.069D-03 8.382D-03
1.067D+00 5.756D-06 -6.981D-07 -4.032D-03 8.578D-03
1.072D+00 5.759D-06 -7.119D-07 -3.994D-03 8.773D-03
1.076D+00 5.762D-06 -7.256D-07 -3.955D-03 8.969D-03
1.080D+00 5.765D-06 -7.391D-07 -3.916D-03 9.165D-03
1.085D+00 5.769D-06 -7.526D-07 -3.875D-03 9.361D-03
1.089D+00 5.772D-06 -7.658D-07 -3.834D-03 9.557D-03
1.093D+00 5.775D-06 -7.790D-07 -3.792D-03 9.753D-03
1.098D+00 5.779D-06 -7.920D-07 -3.749D-03 9.949D-03
1.102D+00 5.782D-06 -8.048D-07 -3.705D-03 1.015D-02
1.107D+00 5.786D-06 -8.175D-07 -3.660D-03 1.034D-02
1.111D+00 5.789D-06 -8.300D-07 -3.614D-03 1.054D-02
1.115D+00 5.793D-06 -8.424D-07 -3.568D-03 1.074D-02
1.120D+00 5.797D-06 -8.546D-07 -3.521D-03 1.093D-02
1.124D+00 5.801D-06 -8.667D-07 -3.472D-03 1.113D-02
1.136D+00 5.812D-06 -9.001D-07 -3.335D-03 1.091D-02
1.149D+00 5.823D-06 -9.323D-07 -3.200D-03 1.068D-02
1.161D+00 5.835D-06 -9.631D-07 -3.068D-03 1.046D-02
1.174D+00 5.847D-06 -9.927D-07 -2.939D-03 1.024D-02
1.186D+00 5.860D-06 -1.021D-06 -2.813D-03 1.002D-02
1.199D+00 5.873D-06 -1.048D-06 -2.689D-03 9.794D-03
1.211D+00 5.886D-06 -1.074D-06 -2.568D-03 9.572D-03
1.224D+00 5.899D-06 -1.099D-06 -2.450D-03 9.349D-03
1.236D+00 5.913D-06 -1.122D-06 -2.335D-03 9.126D-03
1.249D+00 5.927D-06 -1.145D-06 -2.222D-03 8.904D-03
Table A-2F BEAMVI Static Results.
LENGTH (in) DEFLECTION (in) SLOPE (radians) MOMENT (in-lb) SHEAR (lb)
1.261D+00 5.942D-06 -1.166D-06 -2.113D-03 8.681D-03
1.274D+00 5.956D-06 -1.186D-06 -2.006D-03 8.459D-03
1.286D+00 5.971D-06 -1.205D-06 -1.902D-03 8.236D-03
1.299D+00 5.987D-06 -1.224D-06 -1.800D-03 8.013D-03
1.311D+00 6.002D-06 -1.241D-06 -1.702D-03 7.791D-03
1.324D+00 6.018D-06 -1.257D-06 -1.606D-03 7.568D-03
1.336D+00 6.033D-06 -1.272D-06 -1.513D-03 7.346D-03
1.349D+00 6.049D-06 -1.287D-06 -1.422D-03 7.123D-03
1.361D+00 6.065D-06 -1.300D-06 -1.335D-03 6.900D-03
1.374D+00 6.082D-06 -1.313D-06 -1.250D-03 6.678D-03
1.386D+00 6.098D-06 -1.325D-06 -1.168D-03 6.455D-03
1.399D+00 6.115D-06 -1.336D-06 -1.089D-03 6.233D-03
1.411D+00 6.132D-06 -1.346D-06 -1.013D-03 6.010D-03
1.424D+00 6.148D-06 -1.356D-06 -9.390D-04 5.787D-03
1.436D+00 6.165D-06 -1.365D-06 -8.681D-04 5.565D-03
1.448D+00 6.182D-06 -1.373D-06 -8.001D-04 5.342D-03
1.461D+00 6.200D-06 -1.381D-06 -7.348D-04 5.120D-03
1.473D+00 6.217D-06 -1.388D-06 -6.723D-04 4.897D-03
1.486D+00 6.234D-06 -1.394D-06 -6.125D-04 4.674D-03
1.498D+00 6.252D-06 -1.400D-06 -5.556D-04 4.452D-03
1.511D+00 6.269D-06 -1.405D-06 -5.014D-04 4.229D-03
1.523D+00 6.287D-06 -1.409D-06 -4.500D-04 4.007D-03
1.536D+00 6.304D-06 -1.414D-06 -4.014D-04 3.784D-03
1.548D+00 6.322D-06 -1.417D-06 -3.556D-04 3.561D-03
1.561D+00 6.340D-06 -1.421D-06 -3.125D-04 3.339D-03
1.573D+00 6.358D-06 -1.424D-06 -2.722D-04 3.116D-03
1.586D+00 6.375D-06 -1.426D-06 -2.347D-04 2.894D-03
1.598D+00 6.393D-06 -1.428D-06 -2.000D-04 2.671D-03
1.611D+00 6.411D-06 -1.430D-06 -1.681D-04 2.449D-03
1.623D+00 6.429D-06 -1.431D-06 -1.389D-04 2.226D-03
1.636D+00 6.447D-06 -1.433D-06 -1.125D-04 2.003D-03
1.648D+00 6.465D-06 -1.434D-06 -8.889D-05 1.781D-03
1.661D+00 6.482D-06 -1.434D-06 -6.806D-05 1.558D-03
1.673D+00 6.500D-06 -1.435D-06 -5.000D-05 1.336D-03
1.686D+00 6.518D-06 -1.435D-06 -3.472D-05 1.113D-03
1.698D+00 6.536D-06 -1.436D-06 -2.222D-05 8.904D-04
1.711D+00 6.554D-06 -1.436D-06 -1.250D-05 6.678D-04
1.723D+00 6.572D-06 -1.436D-06 -5.556D-06 4.452D-04
1.736D+00 6.590D-06 -1.436D-06 -1.389D-06 2.226D-04
1.748D+00 6.608D-06 -1.436D-06 5.204D-18 3.469D-18
1.748” (44.4mm)
Section #1
0.091” (2.3mm)
Section #2
0.998” (25.3mm)
0.063” (1.6mm)
Section #1
0.091” (2.3mm)
0.998” (25.3mm)
Figure A-3 I-Beam Cross-Section.
A1 = 44.4mm*2.3mm=102.6mm 2
A2 = 20.7mm*1.6mm=33.1mm 2
A3 = 25.3mm*2.3mm=58.2mm 2
∑A n = 193.9mm 2
Calculate the distance from a reference (point O) to the centroid of each section.
y1 = 25.3mm - = 24.2mm
y2 = + 2.3mm = 12.7mm
y3 = = 1.2mm
A1 y1 = 102.6mm 2 * 24.2mm = 2482.9mm3
A2 y2 = 33.1mm 2 *12.7mm = 420.4mm3
A3 y3 = 58.2mm 2 *1.2mm = 69.8mm3
∑A y n n = 2973.1mm3
Y =
∑A y n n
= 15.3mm
∑A n 193.9mm 2
The centroid of the I-beam is 15.3mm from the bottom (point O).
Calculate the moment of inertia for each section with respect to its own centroid.
I x′1 = = = 45.0mm 4
12 12
1.6mm * ( 20.7mm )
I x′1 = = 1182.6mm 4
25.3mm * ( 2.3mm )
I x′1 = = 25.7mm 4
Apply the parallel-axis theorem to determine the moment of inertia for each section with
respect to the centroid or the I-beam.
This indicates that the moment of inertia about the x-axis for the I-beam is 21175mm4.
Ix =
12 I x 3 12* 21174.7mm 4
h= 3 = = 27.1mm
b 12.7mm
Step #4: Determine ωl for the specimen.
2Ga 2*1.2MPa
ωl = *l = *50.8mm=0.057
t a Es t s 1.016mm *70GPa * 27.1mm
This value is based on the highest value of Ga calculated during testing and therefore,
represents the highest value of ωl for the specimen.
Appendix B
Fixture Drawings
Figure B-1 Tape Alignment Fixture.
Figure B-2 Preload Fixture – Top Level.
Figure B-3 Preload Fixture – Bottom Plate.
Figure B-4 Preload Fixture – Cross Member.
Figure B-5 Preload Fixture – Gusset.
Figure B-6 Preload Fixture – Grip.
Figure B-7 Preload Fixture – Ram.
Figure B-8 Arcanm – Top Level.
Figure B-9 Arcanm – Fixture A.
Figure B-10 Arcanm – Fixture B.
Figure B-11 Arcanm – Butterfly.
Figure B-12 Arcanm – Grip Base.
Figure B-13 Arcanm – Grip.
Figure B-14 Complex Loading Fixture – Top Level.
Figure B-15 Complex Loading Fixture – Bottom Plate.
Figure B-16 Complex Loading Fixture – Grip Mount.
Figure B-17 Complex Loading Fixture – Moment Arm.
Appendix C
Experimental Data
P (N)
50 a-03-02-01-02
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
δ (mm)
Figure C-1 Arcan Data (θArcan=0°, Rd=0.05mm/min, Temp≈20°C, and RH≈25%).
P (N)
50 a-03-05-01-06
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
δ (mm)
P (N)
100 a-03-05-01-17
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
δ (mm)
P (N)
200 a-03-05-01-10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
δ (mm)
P (N)
40 a-03-06-01-06
20 a-03-06-01-12
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
δ (mm)
300 a-03-02-01-05
P (N)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
δ (mm)
P (N)
100 a-03-02-01-23
50 a-03-02-01-22
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
δ (mm)
P (N)
200 a-03-02-01-29
100 a-03-02-01-26
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
δ (mm)
P (N)
50 a-03-02-01-15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
δ (mm)
P (N)
50 a-03-02-01-21
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
δ (mm)
400 a-03-02-01-06
P (N)
0 1 2 3 4 5
δ (mm)
600 a-03-02-01-31
P (N)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
δ (mm)
P (N)
50 a-03-02-01-16
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
δ (mm)
300 a-03-06-01-10
P (N)
0 2 4 6 8 10
δ (mm)
P (N)
0 2 4 6 8 10
δ (mm)
800 a-03-05-01-11
P (N)
0 2 4 6 8 10
δ (mm)
P (N)
100 A-05-29-01-01
50 A-05-29-01-04
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
δ (mm)
900 A-05-29-01-09
800 A-05-29-01-11
P (N)
0 1 2 3 4 5
δ (mm)
Figure C-18 Arcan Data (wa=25.4mm, Rd=5.0mm/min, Temp≈20°C, and RH≈25%).
1000 A-05-29-01-12
P (N)
0 1 2 3 4 5
δ (mm)
P (N)
50 a-08-07-01-03
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
δ (mm)
P (N)
50 a-08-05-01-11
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
δ (mm)
P (N)
100 a-08-09-01-22
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
δ (mm)
200 a-09-05-01-02
P (N)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
δ (mm)
P (N)
150 a-08-08-01-04
100 a-08-08-01-29
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
δ (mm)
400 a-08-09-01-09
P (N)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
δ (mm)
P (N)
100 a-09-05-01-09
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
δ (mm)
P (N)
50 a-05-25-01-33
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
δ (mm)
P (N)
50 a-05-25-01-20
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
δ (mm)
P (N)
50 a-04-16-01-17
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
δ (mm)
300 a-05-25-01-25
P (N)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
δ (mm)
P (N)
0 2 4 6 8 10
δ (mm)
300 a-05-25-01-09
P (N)
0 2 4 6 8 10
δ (mm)
300 a-05-29-01-02
P (N)
0 2 4 6 8 10
δ (mm)
350 a-05-28-01-13
300 a-05-25-01-41
P (N)
0 2 4 6 8 10
δ (mm)
250 a-05-28-01-11
P (N)
0 2 4 6 8 10
δ (mm)
300 a-05-28-01-15
P (N)
0 2 4 6 8 10
δ (mm)
P (N)
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
δ (mm)
Appendix D
Failure Data
Table D-1A Arcan Strength Data.
Table D-1B Arcan Strength Data.
Table D-2 Shape Factor Data.
Table D-3B Load Control Data (Load Control Data).
Table D-4B Complex Load Data (Complex Load Testing).
Appendix E
Data Analysis
2.50 0°
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
R d (mm/min)
σa (MPa)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
R d (mm/min)
1.40 60°
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
R d (mm/min)
1.40 60°
τa (MPa)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
R d (mm/min)
0.05 mm/min
0.5 mm/min
2.50 5.0 mm/min
50 mm/min
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
θ Arcan (°)
Figure E-5 εa vs. θArcan – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
50 mm/min
5.0 mm/min
0.5 mm/min
0.05 mm/min
σa (MPa)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
θ Arcan (°)
0.05 mm/min
1.40 0.5 mm/min
5.0 mm/min
1.20 50 mm/min
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
θ Arcan (°)
Figure E-7 γa vs. θArcan – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
50 mm/min
1.40 5.0 mm/min
0.5 mm/min
1.20 0.05 mm/min
τa (MPa)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
θ Arcan (°)
Figure E-8 τa vs. θArcan – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
-0.10 30°
-0.40 30°
σ2 (MPa)
1.00 60°
0.40 30°
0.05 mm/min
0.5 mm/min
0.20 5.0 mm/min
0° 50 mm/min
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
Figure E-11 Strain Based Design Envelope – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
50 mm/min
1.40 5.0 mm/min
90° 0.5 mm/min
1.20 0.05 mm/min
1.00 60°
τa (MPa)
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
σ a (MPa)
Figure E-12 Stress Based Design Envelope – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
0.05 mm/min
1.60 0.5 mm/min
5.0 mm/min
1.40 50 mm/min
0 20 40 60 80 100
θ Arcan (°)
Figure E-13 Maximum Shear Strain vs. θArcan – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
50 mm/min
5.0 mm/min
2.50 0.5 mm/min
0.05 mm/min
σ'MSST (MPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100
θ Arcan (°)
Figure E-14 MSST vs. θArcan – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
50 mm/min
5.0 mm/min
0.5 mm/min
2.00 0.05 mm/min
σ'MDET (MPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100
θ Arcan (°)
Figure E-15 MDET vs. θArcan – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
w a (mm)
σa (MPa)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
w a (mm)
Eapp (MPa)
Equation (2.4-5)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
w a (mm)
Shear Modulus
Young's Modulus E a = 0.3084Log(R d ) + 0.5973
G a = 0.1028Log(R d ) + 0.1991
Moduli (MPa)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
R d (mm/min)
Figure E-19 Adhesive Moduli vs. Rd – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
Displacement Control
Load Control (Equivalent Rate)
σa (MPa)
0.1 1 10 100
R d (mm/min)
Figure E-21 σa vs. Rd – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
Displacement Control
Load Control
R l = 20.554*R d
R d = 0.059*R l
Rl (N/sec)
0.1 1 10 100
R d (mm/min)
Figure E-22 Load/Displacement Rate Conversion– VHB 4950 at 25°C and 35%RH.
60° 20mm
0.40 6mm
0.30 0mm
τa (MPa)
0.20 30°
0.10 15°
Figure E-23 Gradient Normal Stress Effect– VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.
P = 30681δ
R = 0.9988
P (N)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035
δ (mm)
Figure E-24 Adjusted Load-Train Stiffness – VHB 4950 at 20°C and 25%RH.