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Estimation of Time to Maximum Rate Under Adiabatic

Conditions(TMRad)Using Kinetic Parameters Derived From DSC-
Investigation of Thermal Behavior ....

Article  in  Gaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering · January 2011


1 266

15 authors, including:

Patrick Folly Francesco Mascarello

Armasuisse DSM Nutritional Products


Thomas Glarner Jacques Wiss

Roche Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland


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.84. Chemical Propellants&Polymeric Materials 201 1年第9卷第i期

Estimation of Time to Maximum Rate Under Adiabatic

Conditions(TMR ad)Using Kinetic Parameters Derived

From DSC.-Investigation of Thermal Behavior of

Bertrand Roduitl,Patrick Folly2,Alexandre Sarbach2,Beat Berger2,Franz Brogli3,Francesco Mascarell04,

Mischa Schwaninger4,Thomas Glarners,Eberhard Irle6,Fritz Toblet6,Jacques Wiss’,

Markus Luginbtihl8。Craig Williams8,Pierre Reuse9,Francis Stoessel’
(1.AKTS AG,TechnoArk l,3960 Siders,Switzerland,http://www.akts.conl,b.roduit@akts.corn;2.Armasuisse,Science
and Technology Centre,3602 Thun。Switzerland;3.Ciba Schweizerhalle AG,P.O.Box,4002 Basel,Switzerland;

4.DSM Nutritional Products Ltd..Safety laboratory,4334 Sisseln,Switzerland;5.F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd’

Safety laboratories,4070 Basel。Switzerland;6.Lonza AG,Safety Laboratory Visp,Rottenstr.6,3 93 0 Visp,

Switzerland;7.Novartis Pharma AG.Novartis Campus,WSJ-145.8.54,4002 Basel,Switzerland;8.Syngenta

Crop Protection Mtinchwilen AG。WMU 3 120.1.54,4333 M[ttnchwilen,Switzerland;9.Swiss Safety

Institute.Schwarzwaldallee 21 5,WRO—l 055.5.02,4002 Basel,Switzerland)

Abstract:Kinetic parameters of the decomposition of hazardous chemicals can be applied for the

estimation of their thermal behavior under any temperature profile.Presented paper describes the application

of the advanced kinetic approach for the determination of the thermal behavior also under adiabatic conditions

occurring batch reactors in case of cooling failure.

The kinetics of the decomposition of different samples(different manufacturers and batches)of 3一

methyl.4.nitrophenol were investigated by conventional DSC in non・isothermal(few heating rates varying

from 0.25 to 8.0 K/min)and isothermal(range of 200~260℃)modes.The kinetic parameters obtained with
AKTS.Thermokinetics Software were applied for calculating reaction rate and progress under different heat-

ing rates and temperatures and verified by comparing simulated and experimental signals.After application of

the heat balance to compare the amount of heat generated during reaction and its removal from the system.the

knowledge of reaction rate at any temperature profiles allowed the determination of the temperature increase
due to the self-heating in adiabatic and pseudo—adiabatic conditions.

Heat-Wait—Search(rtwsl mode
Applied advanced kinetic approach allowed simulation the course of the

of operation of adiabatic calorimeters.The thermal safety diagram depicting dependence of Time to Maximum

Rate(TMR、on the initial temperature was calculated and compared with the results of HWS experiments
carried out in the system with中.factor amounting to 3.2.The influence of the毋一factor and reaction

progress reached at the end of the HWS monitoring on the TMR is discussed.Presented calculations clearly

indicate that even very minor reaction progress reduces the TMRad of 24 h characteristic for a
sample with
. .. . ●

mlttal reaction progress amounting to zero.

Described estimation method can be verified by iust one HWS.ARC,or by one correctly chosen ISO—

ARC run of reasonable duration by knowing in advance the dependence of the TMR on the initial temperature

for any垂-factor.Proposed procedure results in significant shortening of the measuring time compared to a

safety hazard approach based series of ARC the beginning of

experiments carried process safety
on out at a


Key words:adiabatic condition;methyl;nitrophenol;DSC;中.factor;kineties;thermal runaway.TMR

中图分类号:0642.1 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672—2191(2011)01—0084一13


. …..Estimation
Bertrand Roduit,ct al
of Time to Maximum Rate Under Adiabatic Conditions(TMR)Using Kinetic
Par锄et盯s Derived Fr咖DSC山ves堍ati伽of The肌aI Behavior of 3-Meth。yl-4-Nitrophen01

IntrOductiOn methods of the kinetic determination are based on

the assumptions that the reaction rate da/dt for a

Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC)‘1一羽and
given reaction progress d is only a function of the
Accelerating Rate Calorimetry(ARC)‘“91 are often

used for the precise determination of the heat flow temperature.This assumption is valid for most of
the decomposition reactions but as it is not an axiom
generated(or consumed)by a sample during
it needs to be verified in each analysis.If the
experiments carried out in non-isothermal or

isoconversional assumption is valid,the calculated

isothermal(DSC),adiabatic or pseudo—adiabatic
kinetic parameters can be applied for simulating the
conditions(ARC).In the DSC technique the heating
reaction rate at any temperature change mode such
rate,being the very important experimental parameter,
is arbitrarily chosen by the user,in contrary,in ARC,

the temperature increase during exothermic reactions (i)‘non・isothermal’(constant heating rate);

results from the self-heating of the material. (ii)‘isothermal’(constant temperature);

The runaway reactions (iii)‘adiabatic’(progressive temperature rise
are generally investigated
due to‘self-heating’of the sample)
by the time-consuming ARC experiments or in

the type of technique and

isothermal(ISO..ARC)or Heat・・Wait.-Search(HWS) on

modes.In the present paper we discuss the application experimental set-up e.g.non-isothermal or isothermal

of the DSC traces after advanced kinetic analysis for DSC,HWS or ISO-ARC,the process of data

the determination of the Time to Maximum Rate under collection can be more or less time consuming.

adiabatic simulation of the Below we propose the optimization of the

course of ARC experiments performed in both modes. experimental procedure which will be illustrated by

We advanced kinetic elaboration of the the prediction of the TMR value for the 3-methyl—-4・・
propose an

DSC data which allows constructing link between nitrophenol(MN),CAS N。:258 1-34-2,using the
the results collected in different experimental results collected in a round robin test in which few

conditions: participants have investigated the different batches

of MN in different calorimeters using company
(i)DSC signals recorded in non—isothermal

specific experimental set-ups.In the procedure

conditions(constant temperature rise)using heating

rates in the range generally between O.25-1 0 K/min; proposed by us all non—iso and isothermal data

DSC data obtained at different delivered by the participants of the test were used
rate amounts to 0 for the determination of the kinetic parameters of the
temperatures(heating K/rain);
data obtained from reaction of the MN decomposition and the heat of
(iii)ARC adiabatic(①=1)or
the reaction A Ht.The correctness of the procedure
pseudo—adiabatic conditions(①>1)in which the

of the determination of kinetic parameters was

temperature rise changes progressively from zero to

several K/min due to the sample self-heating.This verified by the comparison of the experimental and

process depends mainly on the kinetics of the simulated signals.The DSC derived kinetic parameters
were applied for the simulation of the adiabatic
decomposition,adiabatic temperature rise,cp of the

sample and中一factor. .。’


The key factor allowing the simulation of the
reactions course under any temperature mode is the

knowledge of the kinetic parameters depicting the For the determination of the kinetic parameters

dependence of the rate of heat evolution on different of the decomposition of MN originating from different

heating rates.These kinetic parameters are calculated suppliers and different batches,the DSC technique

from the nonoiso or isothermal signals using advanced was applied.Different DSC apparatus from various

kinetic analysis based on the differential manufacturers were used.The measured data were

isoconversional approach【10一¨1.Isoconversional subsequently exported in ASCII format and

・86・ Chemical Propellants&Polymeric Materials 201 1年第9卷第l期

elaborated with AKTS—Thermokinetics Software.111e 4.8 and 12.22 mg.

decomposition of the MN was investigated in non.

Results and Discussion
iso experiments in the range of 20℃to 350℃at

different heating rates of 0.25,0.5,1,2,4 and 8 K/ DSC Data.Elaboration and Simulation

IIlin and,isothermally,at temperatures 200,2 1 0,220, The typical DSC signal of MN recorded in non-

230,240,250 and 2600C.A1l experiments were isothermal conditions is presented in Figure 1(top).

performed in gold plated high pressure sealed After endothermic melting(maximum of endo・peak

crucibles【1叫with a sample nlass varying between centred at 128.2。C,the sample starts to decompose.


125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325


,、 2


喜 t

号O 0.5

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340


Fig.1(Top)Typical DSC trace of 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol recorded at 4 K/min and sigmoid baseline construction

(Bottom)The reaction rates for all samples at 4 K/min.Despite of the different experimental setups
and sample origins the reproduci.bility of the DSC traces is acceptable.

For the depicted sample,analysed with the quite higll reproducibility of the results.Experimental

heating rate of 4 K/min,the maximum of the exo- discrepancy between the curves concerns mainly the

peak iS centred at 294.3 oC.With the applied sigmoid- occurrence of a small thermal event in the region of

type baseline the determined reaction heat and the detected decomposition onset as well as the

temperatures of the beginning and the end of the temperature of the exothermal event.A1l data collected

decomposition amount to about-2 1 94 J/g;1 99℃and in non—isothermal and isothermal experiments are

344。C,respectively.In order to present the results displayed in Figure 2.

for all samples in one diagram(Figure 1,bottom) The simulation of the experimental data(see
they are norma lized and the reaction course is insets in Figure 2)requires the determination of the

displayed as the dependence of the reaction rate(rate kinetic parameters of the decomposition reaction.It

of the change of the reaction progress a varying was done applying a differential isoconversional

between 0 and 1 at the beginning and the reaction method based on Friedman approach[15|.
end,respectively)on the temperature. The reaction rate can be expressed as

The comparison of the DSC traces recorded for

different samples on different calorimeters at the same 鲁=㈨)以a蚓一半亩) (1)

heating rate of 4 K/min(Figure 1,bottom)shows



了曲奄;-口o{ 一岂

l 00

O 8

O 6

O 4

∞ 2∞o邕口。一芍器酲 O 2

200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340



l m




嚣pl甚。墨口o_l嚣∞0州 O 0

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


da/dt and progresses corresponding to the normalized DSC。signals for the decomposition of
Fig.2 Reaction rates a

values of
a11 3-methyl-4.nitrophenol samples under non-isothermal(top)and isothermal(bottom)conditions・The
marked on the curves.The comparison of the experimental and
the heating rates and temperatures are

simulated signals at chosen experimental conditions is shown in the respective

the time,tempera’ The logarithm of the reaction rates iS presented

where t,及r),E(a)and a(a)are
function of the reciprocal temperature for the
ture,apparent activation energy and preexponemial
as a

factor at conversion口,respectively.In logarithmic different temperatures and heating rates(Figure 3,

form one can write: top).The differential isoconversional analysis allows

for any,arbitrarily
finding the Arrhenius dependence

ln㈦=ln㈣M咖半酉1) (2)
chosen progress
decomposition Ot.The
slope of this
where一层(d)/R and ln(A(a)・八IX))are the slope dependence gives the apparent activation energy
the decom-
and the intercept with the vertical axis of the plot of preexponential factor at each stage of

ln(da/dt)VS.1/孔f)(Figure 3,top),八d)depicts position progress口(Figure 3,bottom).For example

that for reaction progress a of 0.5 the

the differential form of the function of the reaction we see a

1 02
n depending on the reaction mechanism- apparent activation energy amounts to about

・88・ Chemical Propellants&Polymeric Materials 201 1年第9卷第l期






1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.85 1.9 1.95 2.0 2.05 2.1 2.15 2.2
1 000/丌1 000/K)

35 一一O. 8

-一O. 825
.1 8著 -0. 85
一16皇 一一O. 875
1 5
一14< 一一O. 9
一l -一O. 925
05 JJoou_lo匕oU
00 :10言 -一O. 95

-8 3 一一O. 975

90 —.1

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Reaction progress aIpha

Fig.3(Top)Differential isoeonversional analysis of the decomposition of 3-methyl一4一nitrophenol based on the non-isother・

real and isothermal data.The values of the heating rates and temperatures are marked on the curves.(Bottom)Apparent
activation energy.pre—exponential factor and a correlation coefficient as a function of the reaction progress a.

kJ/mol and for a=0.9 the apparent activation energy non-linear numerical analysis for baseline optimization

is only slightly larger(different slope)and amounts to reach that best value by adj usting the tangents used

to ca.103 kJ/m01. for the constructions of all sigmoid baselines.The

The construction of the baseline of the DSC average value of all regression coefficients is a

signal(Figure 1,top)plays an important role in the measure of the quality of the experimental data(1evel

correct determination of the reaction progress which of experimental noise,correctness of baseline

is based on the integration of the DSC signals area. construction,correct choice of the temperature in

Incorrect baseline construction influences the integral the isothermal experiments,etc.)and the correctness

intensity of the signal what leads to the incorrect of the assumption concerning the isoconversional

determination of the reaction progress what,in turn, principle stating that the reaction rate depends only

influences the values of the kinetic parameters.In on the temperature.The optimized adjustment of the

order to optimize the determination of the kinetic baseline changes additionally the standard deviation

parameters from DSC traces in AKTS—Thermokinetics ofthe value ofthe reaction heat&HT.The mean value

Software Version 3 the reaction range iS divided into of the A Ht was measured from the DSC traces by

numerous intervals and the evaluation ofthe apparent calculating the average of the values measured at

preexponential factor A
activation different heating rates(non-isothermally)and
energy E(a)and
carried for each differential temperatures(isothermally).The standard deviation
(a)・f(a)is out

reaction progress口.In an ideal situation,i.e.without is calculated using the following formula:

experimental noise and with the isoconversional

盯2 (3)
assumption holding in 1 00%,the average value of all
correlation coefficients of all straight lines obtained where 1。A。。。’。H。’。——r is the mean value of the heat of reaction

in the coordinates expressed in the eq.2 and depicted obtained from the various DSC traces,△珥.f is the

in Figure reach the best value of heat of reaction determined from each DSC trace and
‘一l’.AKTS.Thermokinetics Software applies 胛is the number of applied heating rates and

Estimati姗of T曲。to Maximum Rat。Under圳abatic con曲i0Ins(TMRad)using胁etic
Bertrand Roduit,et al ~
Parameters Derived From DSC—Investigation of Thermal Behavior of 3.Methyl-4-Nitrophenol

temperatures.Since,generally,we don’t know the (ii)minor change of the temperature range of the
value of the heat of reaction we are measuring.its selected of thermal analysis curves;

standard deviation may help in estimation how reliable (iii)new measurements when necessary.

our measurements and baseline construction are.If In the current study,the average value of all

the isoconversional principle applies to the examined correlation coefficients amounts to一0.992 8 and the

reaction,the heat of reaction should be independent mean reaction heat A日to(-2 001.7±216.5)J/g.
of the heating rate and therefore the same for all Deviation of the average regression coefficient from
considered thermoanalytical CUlTes.Depending on the its maximal value and relatively large standard

quality ofthe measured data,the additional deviation of the A

adjustment Ht value result mainly from the
ofthe baseline construction enables a beaer estimation experimental error i.e.the not optimal choice of

of the average heat of reaction for all curves.As a temperatures in isothermal mode of the investigations.
rule of thumb the values of the reaction heat used At too high isothermal temperatures(as 250 and 260

later for the kinefic evaluation should have the maximal ℃1 the significant part of the data collected at the

standard deviation lower than l O%.In addition.a beginning of the decomposition is not fully applicable

kinetically dependent relationship should be retrieved in kinetic analysis.Due to the time required for the

when plotting the reaction progress function of

as a
temperature sealing in the sample,some part of the
the temperature.Consequently,when increasing decomposition(as larger as temperature is higher)
heating rate one should observe a consistent shift of occurs at temperatures lower than set.Also,if the
a-T dependences into the direction of the higher reactions rate are high,the problem of the time

temperatures.An improper baseline construction leads constant of the measuring sensors—see e.g.intl“17】
however to low value of the average correlation ・・——starts
a to play an important role in the correct
coefficient and confirms an inconsistent relationship evaluation of the thermograms.These remarks are

ot—r Generally.our average correlations coefficients illustrated by the results of the isothermal thermal

amounting to at least to‘0.99’willlead to reliable decomposition of the MN at 260。C depicted in Figure

kinetic analysis. 4.Due to the very fast reaction at the beginning,the avoid improper baseline significant part of the decomposition OCCurS in not
construction and achieve reliable analyses three well defined experimental conditions what leads to

procedures can be applied: the decreasing of the accuracy of the kinetic analysis.

(i)slight modification of the tangents at the T11is issue will be discussed in details in a

beginning or at the end of the signals; paper.






0 20 40 60 80 100

Fig.4 Experimental(symbols)and simulated(solid line)DSC signals of MN decomposed isothermally at 260℃.Note that

the significant part of the reaction occurs in very narrow time range and in not well defmed temperature.

・90’ Chemical Propellants&Polymeric Materials 201 1年第9卷第l期
=;;=;=======================;===================: :=

The optimal procedure of the recording of D SC

data which are later used for kinetic calculations

垒!一~ 垒!.
consists in carrying out 4~5 non.isothermal

experiments in the range ofheating rates ofO.25—10 with所:mass,Cp:specific heat,乃temperature,沙

K/rain and one or two isothermal experiments rather overall heat transfer coefficient.A:contact surface

in lower limit of the applicable temperature range. between the sample and the calorimetric eell or

The verification of the correctness of the kinetic container,A/-L:heat of reaction,indices c,s and

parameters be achieved by comparing the env."calorimetric eell container,sample and

can course or

of the experimental and simulated signals.

environment,respectively.In a fully adiabatic

Adiabatic and Pseudo.Adiabatic Conditions environment(泸0)all the heat released is used to

heat the sample and the calorimetric eell or container.

Kinetic parameters calculated from DSC If there is thermal equilibrium within the sample and
measurements can be used for describing thermal
the cell then
behavior at any heating rate therefore also for

progressive heating rate(self-heating rate)which To(0=r.(t)-->dQrfo=亟dt=d_dZf_r (6)

corresponds to thermal runaway reactions in adiabatic and the whole system will have the same temperature
or pseudo-adiabatic conditions as in ARC experiments
rise rate,therefore we can simplify the above equation
in batch reactors containing larger amount of
or a a

substance(in case of cooling failure).However,when

considering the problem ofmodelling ofthe adiabatic 卫工: 竺!!型 生垒皇&』生
dt rficCp,c+所s唧,l Cp.5 dt
reactions two important factors have to be taken into
that can be rewritten as

(i)the application of advanced kinetics,which

properly describes the complicated,multistage course

一币“1 3^“。df (8)

of the decomposition process, with:

(ii)the effect of heat balance in the adiabatic (i)the adiabatic temperature rise:

system when all(fully adiabatic)or majority(pseudo—

adiabatic)of the generated reaction heat stays in the △%,。=下(-all,) (9)

system in contrary to the DSC experiments where it (ii)the phi factor:

is assumed that all generated heat is fully transferred

to the environment.
m)01( 、 7


Heat Balance (iii)the reaction rate d a/dt calculated from the

kinetic parameters(eqs.1 and 2)derived from the

In heat transfer problems it is convenient to
DSC traces using isoconversioual analysis.
write a heat balance and to treat the conversion of
For the adiabatic process as batch reactor
chemical energy into thermal energy as heat
with large sizes(>l m3),it can be assumed that m。>>
generation.The energy balance in that case can be
聊c0∽融)SO that we obtain
expressed as

、————-—v————J-—vo nf
(4) 誓=△‰百dot(with中≈1)
№¨“呦姗H嘲g“”妇Bn言吕乏Ⅲ静 and finally r=八f,kinetics,△月0 c”) (1 2)
The energy balance of an exothermic reaction The graphical presentation ofthe main parameters

taking place in semi—adiabatic conditions(ARC of the process running in the adiabatic conditions is

calorimeter or batch reactor)can read follow presented in Figure 5.



R缸。。。。。。。TMR“,/厂 宇。


1—刁 Time/h

Graphical presentation of key parameters of the

process in

the adiabatic conditions.


Self-heating rate and△Tad are

expressed by the eqs.8 and 9.respectively.

It comes from the above equations that using parameters for the prediction of the adiabatic
the kinetic based approach for predicting the reaction at which the process
temperature can be investigated

progress d(,)and rate da/dt one can,in tum,predict in a reasonable time scale.Such prediction leads to

the development of the temperatures及力and d刀出 the optimization of the experimental work because if
and Time to Maximum Rate(dT/dt)m。。for several an ISO—ARC test iS performed at an initial temperature
initial temperatures after integration of d刀出.This that iS tOO lOW.then the duration of the experiment

allows constructing a thermal stability diagram.The last hours

can over or even days.In the current study
simulation of an ARC curve and its TMR can be for a MN mass of 1.597 5 g and the ARC bomb with
obtained similarly for any initial temperatures. and
垂23.2,taking Cp=2 J/(g・K1 an average heat
However,one has to additionally consider the effeCt release AH,=(-2 001.7±216.51 J/g we obtained
of the vessel’s inertia and take into account the

value of the中.factor which influences: 卫L:一1—(-A—Hr)
df 口 c。 百2西× (14)

(i)the△%.m%。。d because it comes from above

that A‰删=案△几,№; Jl(g ・K、 .堕dt-(312.8±33.8)K.监dt

” ……。
(ii)and the TMRad in different ways,depending The initial temperatures may contain some
on the decomposition kinetics. uncertainties.For initial temperature
an T=I 84℃

Determination of TIMR may be also influenced assuming a deviation A丁=±l℃.after integration

by some uncertainties in the values of various one obtains

parameters such as the adiabatic temperature rise (i)a conservative TMR of 4.22 h for r=f1 84+

△死±矿resulting from deviations in heat△圮±矿: 1)℃=185℃and△Tu=(312.8+33.8)℃=346.6℃

After all,the numerical integration of dT/dt


best TMR prediction of c.a.4.86 hours for

non—conservative TMR of 5.63 h for丁=
enables to predict TMR in ISO.ARC tests for several
initial temperatures To and①.factors within some 279℃.
confidence interval. The safety diagram based on these calculations

is presented in Figure 6.
Simulation of Iso-ARC and HWS Adiabatic
Results shown in Figure 6 illustrate how the
kinetic parameters obtained from DSC data enable to

In time-consuming adiabatic experiments it estimate precisely the initial temperature of an ISO.

seems to be advantageous to the kinetic ARC which results in reasonable duration of the

.92. Chemical Propellants&Polymeric Materials 201 1年第9卷第1期



3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5


Fig.6 Thermal safety diagram for 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol simulated for the following parameters:
initial ISO-ARC
△研=(-2 001.7±216.5)J/g,△‰=(一AHr)/(cp・中=(312.8±33.8)℃,咖=3.2 and cp=2 J/(g・℃).For an

temperature of 184。C.TMR amounts to ca.4.86 h with the confidence interval(range 4.22—5.63 h)calculated for the
adiabatic temperatures lower by l K(top curve)and higher by 1 K(bonom curve).

collection without necessity of carrying out some Presented results show that the good fit of simulated

preliminary HWS
testing.However,the ARC test and experimental results in can

carried out in a HWS mode can be simulated as well. additionally applied for the verification of the

As presented in Figure calculated kinetic parameters.

7(symbols)the temperature

at the detection limit which corresponds usually to a The next important advantage of the use of the

rate ofO.02 K/min amounts to ca.183.8 kinetic parameters derived from DSC data consists

℃with①.factor=3.2 and was reached after 11.29 in the possibility of the simulation of the reaction

h.The time remaining from this point to the measured course in fully adiabatic conditions(①=1)for the

TMR(see Figure 7)amounts to(15.67-1 1.29)h2 totally not decomposed sample(a=0)what is very
4.3 8 h.The measured TMR value is consistent with difficult to achieve from the experimental point of

the calculated results presented in Figure 6 confirming view.Such a simulation is presented in Figure 8

that an initial ISO.ARC temperature of 1 84 oC lcads depicting the safety diagram for 3-methyl一4一

to a TMR of about 4.86 h.However,some minor nitrophenol calculated for few initial temperatures by
reaction progress a OCCurS during the initial period the procedure applied for the simulation of TMR in

of a HW S.ARC test when the sample is stillin the ISO—ARC shown in Figure 6.Depending on the mode.When the detection limit of decomposition kinetics and A Ld,the initial

the ARC apparatus is reached,the reaction progress temperatures differently influenee the TMk values
and the rate of the temperature evolution under
a is ilo longer=0.but a>0.Having the kinetic

description of the reaction rate derived from the DSC adiabatic conditions.For 9=l the determined TMk
data,one can estimate that the reaction progress a is about 8 hours at an initial temperature of about

after the 11.29 h of HWS testing(Figure 71 amounts l 64.9 oC(for that temperature a more conservative
value for TMR州js 6.76 b).’111e critical value
to about 0.009 5(ca.1%).The simulation of the TM&d
adiabatic temperature rise from that temperature of =24 hours,commonly accepted as the safety limit in
l 83.8℃can be further calculated and is presented in the industrial obtained at about l 5 1℃(for
Figure 7 as a solid line.The numerical results are in that temperature a more conservative value for TMk
accordance with the experimental data and indicate is 20.22 h1.The confidence interval is determined

that the calculated remaining TMR is ca.4.4 h. similarly as explained in Figure 6.

Estimation of Time tO Maximum Rate Under Adiabatic Conditions(TMR耐)Using Kinetic ,、.

Bertrand Roduit,et al
Parameters Derived From DSC-Investigation of Thermal Behavior of 3-Methyl-4.Nitrophenol








100 O.8

50 O.4

∞ o.IM2Q口01u矗Q譬
O 2 4 6 8 lO 12 14 16

Fig.7 Typical ARC test for 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol carried out in HWS mode.Having the kinetic descrirItion of the reaction

rate from the DSC can estimate that the reaction progress瑾after ca.1 1.3 h of HWS testing amounts to

about 0.009 at
5(ca.1%).From the time which the temperature ofthe detection limit(183.8l℃)was reached
the value ofTMR amounts ca.4.4h(15.67-11.29h).Solid line depicts the simulation being ”

in a
good agreement with the experimental HWS—ARC data presented as

The Table l contains the results of the order reaction.Similar approach was presented in the

calculations of the TMR。d for a11 experimental data paper of Pastre et al【19】which verified his model by

delivered by the participants of the round robin test. Dewar vessel experiments.They proposed the linear

Despite the variety of the experimental set—ups and regression procedure to find out a conservative value

dif如rent origins of the samples the mean value of of the initial temperature that leads to TMRad=24 h

the initial temperature at.which TMRad=24 h amounts as a function of Tonict:

to(15 1.27 4-3.01)oC which is in accordance with TMRld.“K)=0.65・%一(1()+50K (15)

the temperature displayed in the Figure 8. If one estimates roughly from Figure l that the

The TMRad values calculated by the presented possible detected onset lays between 220 and 250℃.

method are less conservative as those derived by using then according the Keller’S approximation TMR。d=
the estimation of Keller et altl 81.He presented the 24 h will be reached for initial temperatures between

estimation method for TMR。d from non-isothermal 97 and l l 7 oC。These values are 30~50 oC more

DSC measurements based on the model of zeroth conservative compared to presented by US value of

Tab.1 Summary of the results of determination of the initial temperatures leading to TMRad2 24h with AKTS-Therrno・

test.(’)Two HWS—ARCs with中-factor

kinetics Software by using all DSC data collected in round robin 3.2 and DSC

with 2.5 K/min were applied.Determination of the initial temperature leading to TMR“=24h was done by combining

the non—isothermal DSC data of 2.5 KJmin with the ARC data using AKTS—Thermokinetics Software.

.94・ Chemical Propellants&Polymeric Materials 201 1年第9卷第1期




O 5 10 l 5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig.8 Thermal safety diagram for 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol in fully adiabatic conditions with中=1.The choice of
the initial temperatures strongly influences the adiabatic induction time.With A E;(-2 00 1.7±2 1 6.5)J/g,

A%=(一△H,)/(cp。中=1 000.9 4-108.3 oC and Cp=2 J/(g‘℃),TMR。d are 8 and 24h for initial temperatures

of 164.86 and 151.06℃.respectively.Dashed lines depict the confidence interval.

1 5 1℃.Nevertheless.this of Keller’s rule of thumb At a constant temperature of 1 5 1 oC one can see

can be considered as an interesting preliminary step (Figure 91 that the reaction progress口after 3 days

in a thermal hazard assessment for determining amounts to about 0.038(ca.3.8%1 only.The decrease
TMRad=24 h. .
of the①value significantly changes the time required

Influence of口.factor on the reaction course for the total decomposition.As presented in this figure

The interesting feature of the simulation method the total decomposition under fully adiabatic

ppesented in this paper is the possibility of the conditions Occurs after 1 day(24 h)however,with
comparison of the predicted signals in isothermal, 0=3.2(value applied with ARC calorimeter Figure

pseudo.adiabatic and fully adiabatic conditions. 61 the reaction ends after ca.2.4 days.

1 200 中 ;1

1 000




200 ——I/ 士。l×lo’o

r 、L
O 口 =1


O.4 g

/ 口=1x 101。 0.2譬
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 l 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3

Fig.9 Comparison between the T-t relationship(top)and reaction progress(bottom)in isotl_ermal(T=I 5 1.06。C)and adia-
batic conditions.TMR,a were calculated for a
starting temperature of 151.06。C with 0=3.2 and 1,respectively using the
values of△珥=(一2001.7 4-216.5)J/g and cp2 2 J/g/。C.Under isothermal conditions the reaction progress d after ca 2.4

days amounts to only ca.0.038(3.8%).The decrease ofthe中-factor results in significant shortening ofthe time

required for the total decomposition which occurs after 2.5 and 1 day for中-factors 3.2 and 1.0.respectively.

. EstimatiOil ofTime to Maximum Rate Under Adiabatic Conditions(TMR耐)Using Kinetic 一一

B。ra'aad Rodult,et al ‘95’

Par锄e衙s Derived From DSC血vestigation of ThenIlaI Behavior of 3.Mcthyl.4-N“rophenoI

Note that isothermal conditions can be Influence of Reaction Progress Occurring

numerically retrieved by setting an exceptionally large During Initial Period of HWS Adiabatic

value of the thermal inertia factor such as∞=1 010 to on Determination of TMR_d
achieve an insignificant adiabatic temperature rise
The correct interpretation and simulation of the
△死一0.Ifthe①is very high all heat released by
adiabatic experiments requires introducing into
the reaction is dissipated to the surrounding.As a
considerations the problem of the certain,unknown
consequence,the sampl‘e temperature remains
degree of the decomposition of the investigated
constant because with
material which starts to decompose before the

盟dt=古△‰舢普 中一‘”4”df
temperature of the detection limit is reached.This,
even being relatively small,reaction progress leads
for very large values of①we have
to the shortening TM‰value comparing to the value
0 and Ts(a=O)錾兀@=1)望死酬(17) characteristic for the absolutely not decomposed

material having the reaction progress or=0.

Simulated can be not only the temperature but
The simulation ofthe TM‰for the samples with
the rate of the heat evolution during self-heating

as well.The simulated reaction rate in fully

different initial decomposition degree理(in the range
0-5%)is depicted in Figure 1 1.The value of TMR。d
adiabatic conditions(①=1)as a function of
=24 h for the initial temperature of about 1 5 1℃and
temperature(top)and time(bottom)is presented in
the sample with ot=0 decreases to 23.03;21.49;
Figure 10.
1 7.59 and 9.75 h for the samples with the reaction

× 06 progress of0.001,0.0 1;O.025,and O.05,respectively.
× 03

≮ 1 200

∞∞∞∞ X o一3
200 300 400 500 700 900 l 100
芝1 000

矗 600
X 06 A

X 03

∞I =爵oIl-J13∞ 0 5 lO l 5 20 25
一I.a一目.护v,a;- ∞∞∞∞ × 0’3
0 lO 1 5 20 25
Fig.1 1 Influence of preliminary reaction progress

Fig.10 Simulated self-heating rate curves for 3-methyl-4- a on TMRad values.Note that the reaction

nitrophenol under adiabatic conditions(口=1)as a function

progress“is displayed in percent.
of temperature(top)and time(bottom)calculated for an
Presented results of the simulations clearly show
initial temperature of l5 l oC.Typical detection limit of
that a special care has to be taken when interpreting
adiabatic calorimeters(O.02 K/min)is reached aflerl3.56 h
results of TMRad obtained experimentally for the
i.e.1 0.44 h before TMR,d=24 h.Reaction progress
鑫t 13.56 h amounts to about 0.009 5(ca.1%1. sample with unknown decomposition degree(1ike in
The simulation indicates that the typical detection HWS—ARC).This uncontrolled reaction progress

limit of the heat evolution rate 0.02 K/min is reached depends not only on the experimental settings(the
after 13.8 h i.e.10.2 h before TMRad value of 24 h. choice of the initial temperature in adiabatic

During this initial period of the adiabatic reaction the experiments)but also on the kinetics of the

the kind of the rate—

sample starts to decompose,the reaction progress at decomposition.Depending on

the point of the detection limit amounts to 0.009 5 controlling step in the decomposition process this

(ca.1%、.Even such a small reaction progress can influence of the preliminary口value on the TMR。d
influence the value of the time remaining to 24 h,this can be different and this issue will be discussed in

issue is discussed in the following paragraph. our next paper.

・96・ Chemical Propellants&Polymeric Materials 201 1年第9卷第1期

Conclusion 6.4 h the value of TMR。d(24 h for a=0 and ca.

17・6 h for口20.025)・
The decompositi。n。f 3.methyl.4.nitrophen。1
samples of different origins was studied using DSC

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value on the reaction course.Due to the possibility

。f the simulati。n。f IsO.and HWS m01des of

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