Impact of Growth Strategies On Business Profit A Study of Ashakacem PLC, Gombe-Nigeria
Impact of Growth Strategies On Business Profit A Study of Ashakacem PLC, Gombe-Nigeria
Impact of Growth Strategies On Business Profit A Study of Ashakacem PLC, Gombe-Nigeria
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 20, Issue 2. Ver. IX (February. 2018), PP 23-29
I. Introduction
There is much to gain when growth in business is seen as akin to individual growth. Businesses must
develop growth strategies to attract human resources, remain in business and compete in order to increase the
level of profit. It is against this background that Foster & Browne (2006)1 considered growth to mean various
things including increase in the total sales volume per annum, an increase in the production capacity, increase in
employment, increase in production volume, increase in the use of raw material, increase energy and power.
Simply stated, business growth means an increase in the size or scale of operations of a firm usually
accompanied by increase in its resources and output. Business growth is a natural process of adaptation and
development that occurs under favorable conditions. Growth in strategy of a business is similar to that of a
human being who pass through the stages of infancy, childhood, adulthood and maturity (Hamel, 2006)2.
Strategy is about setting direction and having a more future oriented approach in undertaking future activities of
organizations. In business, it also defines an organization and encourages staff to focus on the objectives which
are the end result of planned activity of a company.Objectives indicate what is to be accomplished by when and
quantified if possible. Strategy which is a fundamental management tool in any organization is a multi-
dimensional concept that various authors have defined in different ways. It is the match between an
organization‟s resources and skills and the environmental opportunities as well as the risks it faces and the
purposes it wishes to accomplish (David, 2003)3. Mintzberg and Quinn (2002)4 also had a hand in strategy
definition whereby he perceives strategy as a pattern or a plan that integrates organization‟s major goals,
policies and actions into a cohesive whole. Porter (2006) 5 has defined strategy as a creation of a unique and
vulnerable position of tradeoffs in competing, involving a set of activities that neatly fit together, that are simply
consistent, reinforce each other and ensure optimization of effort. Pearce and Robinson (2007) 6 defines strategy
as the company‟s “game plan” which results in future oriented plans interacting with the competitive
environment to achieve the company‟s objectives.Mankins & Steele (2005)7 state clearly that growth strategy is
an ongoing process that evaluates and controls the business and the industry in which the company is involved,
assesses its competitors and set goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors, and then re-
assess each strategy annually or quarterly (regularly) to determine how it has been implemented and whether it
has succeeded or needs replacement by a new strategy to meet changing circumstances. According to Kiptugen
(2003)8 growth strategies that a business enterprise may wish to adopt include: understanding customer
3.5. Karma
As used here, „karma‟ refers to „action, work or deed‟. It is suggestive of a person‟s destiny or fate,
luck or in spiritual terms, accountability for ones actions. Karma is not regarded simply as good or bad fortune,
DOI: 10.9790/487X-2002092329 24 | Page
Impact of Growth Strategies on Business ProfitA Study of Ashakacem
rather, it is the causal responsibility for those results which is physical but spiritual which may play out on the
stage of everyday live through our bodies, thoughts, feelings, relationships, experiences and circumstances
(Johnson, 2012>wha...)15
3.6.4. Diversification
Growth strategies in business also include diversification, where companies will sell new products to
new market. This type of strategy can be very risky, according to ( a company will need to plan
carefully when using a diversification growth strategy. Marketing research is essential because a company will
need to determine if consumers in the new market will potentially like the new products.
3.6.5. Acquisition
An acquisition is the purchase of one company by another company. An acquisition may be private or
public, depending on whether the acquired is or isn't listed in public markets. An acquisition may be friendly or
hostile. Whether a purchase is perceived as a friendly or hostile depends on how it is communicated to and
received by the target company's board of directors, employees and shareholders. It is quite normal for
acquisition deal communications to take place under confidentiality situation whereby information flows are
restricted due to confidentiality agreements.
III. Methodology
The paper relies on secondary sources of data. It reviews existing literature on business growth
strategies and interviewed entrepreneurs and human resource experts. Relevant materials were consulted from
papers on strategy, business growth strategies and concept of profit, Dexit & Pandey, (2011)29, Susmitha,
(2014)30, Vasu & Javachanandra, (2014)31, Watts et al, (2008)32, Kotler, (1999)33 and Smallbone et al, (2005)34.
End of year records and other company books of Ashakacem Plc were also consulted and examined. In addition,
literature for the review and conceptual clarifications were sourced online. Findings reveal that Ashakacem Plc
and indeed other businesses in Nigeria earn greater profit as a result of crafting and implementing effective
growth strategies. For businesses to grow and compete in the Cement Industry, managers and owners need to
devise comprehensive growth strategies that will impact the business performance positively. Strategies such as
diversification, acquisition, product development, market penetration and pricing are some few of the growth
strategies that if adopted effectively, business profit will grow. Growth strategy has positive and negative impact
on profit. The positive impact may include increasing market share, achieving competitive advantage, increasing
business profit, increasing productivity. If the growth strategies proxies are not adopted effectively it will lead to
negative impact such as market failure, low profit, and low productivity. Nathan (2013)35 also asserts that firms
should develop strategies that aim to increase the market share in a bid to achieve competitive advantage. This is
so because, market development strategy has been shown to lead to growth in size of firms, helped firms to
effectively pursue and achieve competitiveness by increasing sales and customer numbers and has enabled firms
to expand into new geographical regions thus increasing their profits.
IV. Conclusion
The paper theorizes growth strategy and how it affects corporate profit. The paper introduces the reader
to the problem and objective. It examined how growth strategies impact on business profit at the global level
and show Ashakacem Plc can benefit from growth strategies. Further it considered growth options beginning
from market penetration through product development to the karma. The concept of profit and how it can
enhance investment and economic development were reviewed. Based on the above it is recommended that
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