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May 2020


If you recently worked on an amazing project that featured structural steel,
we want to hear from you. Submit it for a 2021 IDEAS2 award!
Entries close on SteelDay, September 25, 2020.

enter now at

2020 IDEAS2 National Award
Mori Hosseini Student Union— AWARDS
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,
Daytona Beach, Fla. Innovative Design in Engineering and
Photo: Brad Feinknopf Architecture with Structural Steel
May 2020

in every issue 28 2020 IDEAS2 Awards
departments All about the great ideas that became the
6 EDITOR’S NOTE winning projects in this year’s IDEAS2
Awards competition.
62 NEWS & EVENTS 48 Upscale and Urbane
66 STRUCTURALLY SOUND Steel provides efficiency at all levels of
a new hotel in the center of the City of
Brotherly Love.
EMPLOYMENT 54 California Dreaming
A northern fabricator discusses the
challenges and solutions of fabricating an
aquarium addition in a SoCal locale.

58 Tub Time
A new report showcases the development
of economical and efficient shallow press
brake-formed tub girder bridges.

16 Sound Control
Tips on designing for sound isolation
and noise control in steel buildings.

field notes
20 Judge and Jury
John Parucki weighs in on 25 years as
head judge of AISC’s Student Steel
Bridge Competition.

business issues
22 Smile, You’re on Camera!
Video meetings have abruptly evolved
from as-needed to must-use for many
54 businesses. Here are some best practices
for making the most of them.

ON THE COVER: A steel canyon bisects Canyon View High School in suburban Phoenix, one of this year’s IDEAS2 Award winners, p. 28.
Photo: Bill Timmerman.
MODERN STEEL CONSTRUCTION (Volume 60, Number 5) ISSN (print) 0026-8445: ISSN (online) 1945-0737. Published monthly by the American Institute of Steel
Construction (AISC), 130 E Randolph Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601. Subscriptions: Within the U.S.—single issues $6.00; 1 year, $44. Outside the U.S. (Canada and
Mexico)—single issues $9.00; 1 year $88. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send address changes to MODERN
STEEL CONSTRUCTION, 130 E Randolph Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601.
DISCLAIMER: AISC does not approve, disapprove, or guarantee the validity or accuracy of any data, claim, or opinion appearing under a byline or obtained or quoted
Printed on paper made
from an acknowledged source. Opinions are those of the writers and AISC is not responsible for any statement made or opinions expressed in MODERN STEEL from a minimum of
CONSTRUCTION. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without written permission, except for noncommercial educational purposes where fewer than 25 10% recycled content.
photocopies are being reproduced. The AISC and Modern Steel logos are registered trademarks of AISC.

4 | MAY 2020
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Powerful Partnerships. Powerful Results.

editor’s note
Editorial Offices
130 E Randolph St, Ste 2000
Chicago, IL 60601
Editorial Contacts
Scott Melnick
Geoff Weisenberger
Keith A. Grubb, SE, PE
The other day I started making pizza for dinner and my youngest casually PRODUCTION SPECIALIST
mentioned he had eaten pizza for lunch. Oops. I asked if we wanted Erika Salisbury
something else, and he just smiled and said, “Law Five.”
Years ago, I wrote up a set of “Scott’s Kristin Hall
Rules” and number five happens to be “You
can never have pizza too often.” (You can
AISC Officers
view them at CHAIR
Given my love of pizza, you can imagine Jack Klimp, Cianbro Fabrication
my happiness when a recent episode of my & Coating Corporation
favorite TV show, Shark Tank, had a segment Stephen Knitter
on a fantastic outdoor pizza oven. This inex- Geiger & Peters, Inc.
pensive steel (of course) oven allows you to SECRETARY/LEGAL COUNSEL
use a variety of fuels, and you can cook a Edward Seglias, Cohen Seglias
pizza in just a few minutes. Pallas Greenhall & Furman, PC
Even better, the oven was created by Eric
Charles J. Carter, SE, PE, PhD
Bert, a former bridge engineer and AISC SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT
member, and his brother Andy. Scott Melnick
My favorite moment in the episode was VICE PRESIDENT
when one of the Sharks extending offers, Lawrence F. Kruth, PE
Barbara Corcoran, said she thought the VICE PRESIDENT
Mark W. Trimble, PE
entrepreneurial brothers were boring and
Kevin “Mr. Wonderful” O’Leary responded, Of course, given how attractive, versatile, Editorial Advisory Panel
Caroline R. Bennett, PE, PhD
“I like engineers.” and economical steel bridges are, and given University of Kansas
I think we can all learn something from this Eric’s background in steel bridges, would you Amanda Dean, PE
pizza oven. really expect anything else? Walter P Moore
First, it works well and looks good (the You can check out the Shark Tank episode Bryan Frazier,
Zalk Josephs Fabricators, LLC
sleek, portable oven cooks a pizza at more (season 11, episode 15) on or learn
Keith R. Griesing, PE
than 500 °F in just two to three minutes). Sec- more about the pizza oven at Hardesty and Hanover
ond, it’s versatile (unlike its competitors, you And if my wife lets me, with a little luck I’ll Stephen Knitter
can use propane, wood, charcoal, or pellets). be cooking up some pizzas in my backyard Geiger & Peters, Inc.
And third, it’s economical (it’s currently listed this summer! Advertising Sales
on Amazon at less than $300). M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc.
2 W Taunton Avenue
Berlin, NJ 08009
Scott Melnick
Address Changes and
Subscription Concerns
Erika Salisbury

6 | MAY 2020
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If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why?” about something
related to structural steel design or construction, steel
Modern Steel’s monthly Steel Interchange is for you! interchange
Send your questions or comments to

All mentioned AISC publications, unless noted otherwise, refer to the sections. So perhaps in this case, the loads are not as large as I
current version and are available at Modern might imagine.
Steel Construction articles can be found in the Archives section at While it might still be that the effect of the eccentricity is, and AISC Design Guides are available at negligible, to me it is not obvious or intuitive that this is the case. Therefore, I would either explicitly account for the eccentricity
or do some more calculations to convince myself that I don’t
Column Eccentricity need to. The effort required to convince myself I don’t need to
A transfer girder is connected to a hollow structural explicitly account for the eccentricity would likely be as great
section (HSS) column using a single-plate shear or greater than the effort required to just go ahead and include
connection. There is an internal discussion on whether the eccentricity. The eccentricity is not neglected, but rather
the connection eccentricity can be treated as negligible or it is somehow relieved and ceases to exist. Eccentricity is often
should be considered in the design of the girder-to-column negligible because the simple models used underestimate the
connection. Can you offer any direction? effects of restraint (as noted in the Steel Interchange mentioned
above) or because the moment can be distributed among multiple
There is a Steel Interchange item in the February 2016 elements such that the effect on any given element is quite small.
issue that more broadly addresses a common question about One way to look at this is that if one is not certain that the effect
eccentricity on columns. of eccentricity could be explicitly accounted for without changing
The AISC 15th Edition Steel Construction Manual almost the size of any element, then the eccentricity is not negligible and
universally neglects the eccentricity at the face of the column for should likely be explicitly accounted for in the design.
standard beam end shear connections. However, when a vertical Larry Muir, PE
brace or a truss delivers the shear, the effect of the eccentricity is
typically not neglected in my experience. AISC Design Guide 29: Intermittent Fillet Weld Spacing for
Vertical Bracing Connections—Analysis and Design, for example, does Tension Members
not neglect the eccentricity. The difference must be assumed to I am using intermittent welds to connect two shapes. What
be due (at least in part) to the magnitude of the load. is the recommended maximum intermittent weld spacing for
The rationale discussed in the February 2016 item is as a tension member?
follows: “The restraint a connection provides to the column
will help mitigate the eccentric effects in normal framing Section D4 of the AISC Specification for Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC
configurations.” It should be noted that here the position is 360) refers to Section J3.5 for the maximum spacing of connectors
limited to “normal framing configurations,” but more at plates for built-up tension members. According to Section
importantly, the rationale relies on “the restraint a connection J3.5(a), “For painted members or unpainted members not subject
provides to the column.” This restraint will generally be greater to corrosion, the spacing shall not exceed 24 times the thickness
(I suspect) for a wide-flange column than for an HSS column, of the thinner part or 12 in.” Note, however, that this is addressing
not due to any difference in the connection itself but rather the spacing of bolted fasteners and not intermittent welds.
due to the inherent flexibility of the HSS wall relative to the For intermittent fillet welds, according to Sub-clause
out-of-plane actions. Is the restraint at an HSS column still in AWS D1.1:D1.1M:2015, “The longitudinal spacing between
sufficient? Ultimately, it is a matter of engineering judgment. intermittent fillet welds connecting two or more rolled shapes
Still, I would be less comfortable neglecting the eccentricity for shall not exceed 24 in.” Also, the User Note in Section D4 of the
an HSS column because there will be less restraint provided to Specification recommends a maximum slenderness ratio of 300 for
the column by the connection when framing to HSS columns. each component between connectors.
There is another factor that differs from the “standard” Bo Dowswell, PE, PhD
conditions. You indicate that you are considering a transfer
girder. This implies big loads to me—more akin to a truss or
vertical bracing than the standard shear connections addressed Beam Stability Bracing
in Part 10 of the Manual. Having said this, though, I will also I have two girders that support beams at uniform spacing
state that I have never seen a “transfer girder” framed to the (see Figures 1a and 1b). There is no deck or grating at the
face of an HSS column using a single-plate shear connection. top. The beams are connected to the girder with typical
In my experience, it is more common to see transfer girders shear connections (see Figure 1c). If I use the equations in
framed to wide-flange “jumbo” shapes and built-up box Appendix 6 of the AISC Specification, I calculate a point load

Modern Steel Construction | 9

steel interchange
that would need to be resisted, but the resisting element would be the other
girder in weak-axis bending. When checking lateral-torsional buckling, how do
I determine what the unbraced length is? Should I consider adding horizontal
bracing to help brace the girders (again, see Figure 1b)?

Carlo Lini ( is AISC’s

director of technical assistance.
Bo Dowswell, principal with ARC
Fig. 1c. Section A – A.
International, LLC, and Larry Muir
are both consultants to AISC.

Fig. 1a. Beams only. Fig. 1b. Beams and horizontal bracing members.

Joseph Yura and Todd Helwig wrote a paper titled “Bracing for Stability,” which
provides a lot of great information on bracing beams. You can access it at
Lateral beam bracing is covered on page 12 of the paper. The authors state: “Lateral
bracing can be relative, discrete, continuous or lean-on.” Note that what is referred to as
relative and discrete bracing is now referred to as panel and point bracing in Appendix
6 of the AISC Specification. I believe relying on the beams to brace the girder for the
configuration shown in Figure 1a is what the authors refer to as lean-on bracing. The
authors provide some additional guidance on lean-on bracing, stating: “Buckling of
an individual beam can occur only between the cross members in a lean-on system.
No additional bracing requirements are necessary for lean-on systems. If two adjacent
beams are interconnected by a properly design cross frame or diaphragm at midspan,
that point can be considered a brace point when evaluating the beam buckling strength.
Since the beams can move laterally at midspan, the effectiveness of such a bracing
system is sometimes questioned. As long as the two flanges move laterally the same
amount, there will be no twist. If twist is prevented, the beam can be treated as braced.
Tests and theory confirm this approach (Yura, 1992).”
The key here is that we are bracing the girders to prevent twist between the top and
bottom flanges, not lateral displacement of the girder itself. Section 6.3 of Appendix
6 Member Stability Bracing of the AISC Specification clarifies this, stating: “When
a braced point is assumed in the design between points of support, lateral bracing,
torsional bracing, or a combination of the two shall be provided to prevent the relative
displacement of the top and bottom flanges—i.e., to prevent twist.”
You could try evaluating the configuration shown in Figure 1a as a torsional point
brace using Section 6.3.2a of Appendix 6 in the Specification. The value calculated
Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful
and practical professional ideas and information for Mbr per Equation (A-6-9) could be converted into a force couple acting on each
on all phases of steel building and bridge girder, which would transfer these forces back to the girder supports. The stiffness
construction. Contact Steel Interchange with
questions or responses via AISC’s Steel Solutions would also need to be evaluated. Depending on the stiffnesses you decided to include
Center: 866.ASK.AISC | in this evaluation (stiffness of the beam, girder, and connections, for example),
The complete collection of Steel Interchange Commentary Equation C-A-6-4 could be used to combine these various stiffnesses.
questions and answers is available online at 1 1 1
= + Eq. C-A-6-4
The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange βact βconn βbrace
do not necessarily represent an official position
of the American Institute of Steel Construction
and have not been reviewed. It is recognized
The configuration shown in Figure 1b, where diagonal members have been added
that the design of structures is within the to restrain movement of the top (compression) flange, could be evaluated as a panel
scope and expertise of a competent licensed
bracing (previously known as a relative bracing) using Section 6.3.1a in Appendix 6.
structural engineer, architect or other licensed
professional for the application of principles to There may also be other models that could be used to determine the unbraced length.
a particular structure. Carlo Lini, PE
10 | MAY 2020
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This month’s Quiz focuses on design considerations of the various 2020
steel AISC IDEAS2 Award winners. All mentioned AISC publications are available

quiz at And to view all of the winners, see our

IDEAS2 Awards coverage, starting on page 28.

1 What is the tallest U.S. building west of Chicago? 6 In an eccentrically braced frame (EBF), for a link length
of 2.6 Mp/Vp or greater, the link rotation angle shall not
2 True or False: In the manufacturing process of a buckling
exceed _____ rad.
restrained brace (BRB), the bonding of steel with the mortar
is prevented so as not to form a composite section. 7 At what viewing distance should an element be finished to
meet the requirements of AESS Category 3?
3 Buckling restrained braced frames (BRBF) are designed so
that inelastic deformations under the design earthquake 8 Which of the following statements are true about erection
will occur primarily as brace yielding in: requirements for AESS:
a. Tension c. Both “a” and “b” a. Tack welds not incorporated into final welds
b. Compression d. None of the above shall be ground smooth.
b. All bolt heads in connections shall be
4 Which AISC standard contains requirements for a member
on the same side, as specified, and consistent
to be designated as architecturally exposed structural steel
from one connection to another.
c. Both “a” and “b” are correct.
5 True or False: For an ASTM A500 HSS (hollow structural d. Both “a” and “b” are incorrect.
section) member, the wall thickness used in design, tdes, is
taken as the nominal wall thickness.

All questions and answers were created by Bhavnoor Dhaliwal, a graduate student TURN TO PAGE 14
at the University of Illinois at Chicago and AISC intern. (Thanks, Bhavnoor!) FOR THE ANSWERS

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12 | MAY 2020

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Everyone is welcome to submit questions and answers for the Steel Quiz.

steel quiz ANSWERS

If you are interested in submitting one question or an entire quiz, contact
AISC’s Steel Solutions Center at 866.ASK.AISC or

1 Wilshire Grand Center. Completed in 2017,

Wilshire Grand Center is a 73-story mixed-use high-
rise in downtown Los Angeles. It is steel-framed
(with a concrete core wall).
2 True. A BRB provides separation between the steel
and mortar, with the mortar and surrounding steel cas-
ing providing restraint against buckling of the yielding
segment in the center of the section. If a composite
section is formed, this action would not be possible.
This is illustrated in Figure C-F4.1 (pictured, right) from
the 2016 AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel
Buildings (ANSI/AISC 341). Note that Wilshire Grand
Center incorporates dozens of BRBs.
3 c. The steel casing and concrete allows inelastic
yielding in both tension and compression.
4 AESS requirements are found in Section 10 of the
AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Bridges and
Buildings (ANSI/AISC 303). Note that IDEAS2 winners
Belmont Gateway Canopy, Embry-Riddle Aeronauti-
cal University Student Union, and Marvin Gaye Recre-
ation Center all prominently incorporate AESS.

5 False. ASTM A500/A500M toler-

ances allow for a wall thickness that
is within ±10% of the nominal value.
Because the plate and strip from
which these HSS are produced have
a much smaller thickness tolerance,
manufacturers consistently produce
them with a wall thickness that is near
the lower-bound wall thickness limit.

A BREAK LIKE THIS Consequently, the AISC Specification

for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/
AISC 360) requires, in Section B4.2,


that 0.93 times the nominal wall
thickness be used for the design wall
thickness in calculations. Note that

IDEAS2 winners Little Charlotte mon-
umental stairs and Hartsfield-Jackson
Airport modernization prominently
use HSS members.
AEROLON IS THE FIRST FLUID-APPLIED COATING 6 0.02 rad. Link rotation angle defi-
nition and restricted values can be
TO ACT AS AN EFFECTIVE THERMAL BREAK. found in Section F3.4a of the AISC
Seismic Provisions.
7 20 ft. This is specified in Section
A low VOC, water-based coating that can be easily spray-applied in the shop 10.1.1 of the AISC Code.
or in the field, Aerolon provides significant cost-saving advantages over 8 c. Both of these requirements must
structural thermal breaks, limiting design restrictions for architects and reducing be satisfied according to the Section
application and labor time for contractors. Find out more at 10.6 of the AISC Code.

| MAY 2020 1 1/18/19 3:03 PM
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SOUND Tips on designing for sound isolation
CONTROL and noise control in steel buildings.

SOUND, BY ITS NATURE, is not something that can be easily shown on a plan.
Likewise, with the exception of spaces like concert halls or auditoriums, where
acoustics is a major determinant of the space’s form, it’s not something that is often
at the forefront of facility design. Still, while it’s true that poor acoustics won’t make
a building collapse, a poor acoustical design can still cripple the usability of the space,
leading to invasive and costly modifications down the road.
Among the various aspects of acoustical design, one of the most essential in every
type of building is proper sound isolation. But to understand that, we first need to
understand what sound is and how it propagates.
Robert Connick
( is a Introduction to Sound
senior consultant with acoustic Sound is defined as vibration in an elastic medium, whether that medium be air, water,
consulting firm Acentech. or the steel structure of a building. In practice, sound is often described in terms of two
things: decibels (dB), which represents the amplitude of the sound and is perceived as
loudness; and hertz (Hz), which represents the frequency of the sound, perceived as
pitch, which can be high frequency (an alarm clock beeping or a glass breaking), low
frequency (the “thumping” of a subwoofer), or somewhere in the middle (typical speech).
Rather than a definitive value (like feet), decibels represent a logarithmic ratio between
two different pressure values: 1) the sound in question and 2) a reference pressure (typi-
cally 20 micropascals). A logarithmic scale is used in lieu of a linear scale, because the
pressure range for the levels of sound we typically interact with is immense, reaching
from 20 micropascals to about 63 pascals (about 3 million times greater). Converted to
a logarithmic scale, this range shrinks to a much more manageable 0 dB (at reference
pressure: 20 micropascals) to 130 dB (at 63 pascals). This logarithmic scaling also maps
well to our perception of a sound’s loudness. In general, a sound that is increased by 10
dB will be perceived to be about two times louder, and likewise a sound that is reduced
by 10 dB will be perceived to be about half as loud.
The important thing to remember here, with regard to sound isolation in a building, is
that the degree of sound attenuation provided by typical building assemblies (or reduction
in loudness) is greater with regard to higher frequencies than to low frequencies.

For more on sound control and Sound Propagation

noise isolation, see AISC’s Design When we discuss sound propagation through a building, we are specifically look-
Guide 30: Sound Isolation and ing at how sound travels from a source space (the origin of the sound), through various
Noise Control in Steel Buildings, paths (demising walls, ducts, and other building constructions), into a receiver space (a
available at nearby room or other area where noise intrusion is a concern). In general, suitable
(Note that Figures 2–4 are from control of intruding noise relies on a good understanding of all three of these compo-
this Design Guide.) nents (the loudness of the sound source, the sensitivity of the receiver, and the attenu-
ation provided along the path). Here, we’ll focus specifically on the path.
Sound propagation through buildings typically occurs in one of two ways: air-
borne propagation (sound waves travelling through the air and then passing into and
through, or around, demising assemblies) and structure-borne propagation (sound
waves induced directly into the building structure). A common example of airborne
sound might be someone talking, while primarily structure-borne sound might be
that same person walking up a flight of stairs or stomping their feet. While we address
these sources differently, there are some overlaps and transition between the two.
16 | MAY 2020

Through Connected
Connected Ductwork
Open Air
Air Space AboveWall
Space Above Wall

ACT Ceiling

Rigid Connection
Rigid Connection
Through SingleStud

Electrical Outlets

Fig. 1: A summary of typical flanking paths.
Structural Floor

When airborne sound impinges on a surface, such as the face of as “flanking paths” (see Figure 1). In most cases, there are as many
a wall, floor, or ceiling, the energy is split in three ways: solutions to noise transmission through flanking paths as the flank-
1. Some of the energy is reflected back into the room such ing paths themselves (and more).
that it travels back to the ears of whoever might be inside,
possibly “bouncing” off several surfaces along the way. The Tools for Sound Isolation
strength and timing of these reflections is what determines Now that we’ve established the basics of how sound propagates
how “reverberant” a room sounds, with stronger reflections through a building, let’s look at the basic tools we use to try to limit
leading to a longer, more prominent reverberance (like a that propagation. The general principle of sound isolation is to
church) and weaker reflections leading to less reverberance make the path from one space to another as “difficult” as possible.
(a recording studio). As discussed above, sound does not like changes in medium, but
2. Some of the energy is transformed into heat and “absorbed” this is only part of the story.
into the structure. Mass. Heavy structures are more effective at blocking sound than,
3. Some of the energy transmits through the structure, con- say, a curtain for the simple reason that they weigh more. For a given
tinuing its journey via the new medium of the wall, floor, etc. frequency, each doubling of mass leads to a roughly 6-dB increase
Each time the sound attempts to pass to a new medium, portions in the transmission loss (TL), which is a measure of the sound level
of energy are lost to reflection and absorption, and this is what lies reduction provided by the barrier. This 6-dB rule is what is referred to
at the heart of both airborne and structure-borne sound isolation. as the mass law, which also states that for a given mass, the degree of
With structure-borne sound, the same effects are taking place, transmission loss increases by about 6 dB for each increase in octave
although typically with fewer transitions; the stomping feet trans- band. (One octave is a doubling of frequency.) This means that in gen-
fer energy directly into the floor structure, which then travels eral, low-frequency sounds are less attenuated by barriers than higher
through the structural connections in the building until it is radi- frequencies, which is why you are more likely to hear more of the
ated out into the air inside another room, often via a panel—e.g., a thumping bass of your neighbor’s music than the vocals.
gypsum board wall or ceiling. The mass law is primarily relevant for a monolithic, limp,
Because sound can travel through nearly any medium and will homogenous structure, like a concrete slab. While a single, heavy
take whatever path is available, it is often important to consider mass can be a good starting place, these types of structures can
not only what might be considered the primary path (such as the have other limitations associated with the resonance and other
demising wall separating two rooms) but every other possible properties of the structure itself. In part because of these limita-
avenue (such as paths around the wall via the floor, ceiling, ducts, tions, it is both acoustically superior and structurally more efficient
electrical outlets, etc.). These circumventing paths are referred to to construct a two-mass system using a resilient separation.
Modern Steel Construction | 17
Acoustical sealant
at deck flutes
where required


Min. 1" between studs

(2) Layer GWB
per side Ceiling

Varies – ref details


Metal stud Metal studs

Sound attenuation

Sound attenuation
blanket 2 Layers GWB per side

Floor structure


Floor structure

a. Provide a cont. bead of acoustical sealant around ceiling b. Provide a cont. bead of acoustical sealant around ceiling
and floor perimeters of partition. and floor perimeters of partition.

Fig. 2. A single-stud wall (both masses are rigidly connected, allowing easier transmission of sound), versus a double-stud wall (the structural
break between the studs reduces sound transmission and improves acoustic performance). These walls have essentially the same surface weight
(most of the mass is in the gypsum board) but the double-stud wall provides vastly greater sound isolation performance.

Separation. In a two-mass system (such as a steel/concrete deck and

Floating gypsum board ceiling, or a double-wall with two separate rows of studs)
mechanical the masses are separated by a gap (whether it be via isolation hangers or
room slab
where it occurs an unbridged airspace). The benefit here is that you are creating a more
resistive path for the sound (it needs to transfer from air to the solid
mass, back to the air inside the cavity, and then into another layer of
2" Isolation pad solid mass) before it can reach the adjacent space. Because these separate
6¼" Composite masses are in close proximity, and never completely separated from each
other, the final combined transmission loss of the assembly won’t be

concrete deck

Isolation hanger quite as good as a simple sum of their two individual performances, but
3" Acoustic it will still be a significant improvement over a single mass.
batt insulation A two-mass system also helps mitigate the resonances and other
internal factors that would lead to specific weaknesses in a single-mass
1½" Cold rolled channels system, although the cavity between the two masses can sometimes cre-
ate resonances of its own. For this reason, we typically fill those cavities
7⁄ 8" Hat channels with sound-absorptive material to absorb some of the sound bouncing
2 Layers 5⁄ 8" GWB (continuous)
around inside. These materials also help by dampening the movement
of the masses, which helps reduce the amount of energy transmitting
through. See Figure 2 for a comparison between two different scenarios
Resilient acoustical caulk at of equal mass but significantly unequal transmission loss.
partition at inner wall Creating a resilient separation is also effective in mitigating
structure-borne noise, whether it be footfalls on a floor or impact
noise from bumping furniture against a wall. However, as it is diffi-
cult to simply create an air cavity between rooms with no structural
Fig. 3. A robust floor-ceiling assembly with a floating floor and a
resiliently suspended ceiling on spring isolators. Often only some of connections, we look to resilient pads and isolators such as springs
these measures will be needed except at very sensitive adjacencies. or neoprene that work to reduce sound energy as it tries to pass
18 | MAY 2020
through. Because of the added mass and resilient con- Floor/ceiling slab
nection, many of these methods can also be effective in
mitigating airborne noise. Figures 3 and 4 show some
examples of floating floor and resiliently suspended
ceiling systems, which are both particularly effective
at mitigating both airborne and impact noise between
vertically stacked spaces.
In most buildings, good acoustical design involves
proper acoustical separation, which means not only
understanding the concerns of the spaces (i.e., what
kind of noise will be present and who it might affect)
and providing the right wall or floor/ceiling assembly,
but also addressing the myriad other paths by which
sound can travel. Further, while the basics presented
here can help set the baseline for the design, the con-
trol of sound transmission can be as complicated as
many other trades. It is best to consult with someone Vibration
Blocking to restrict
experienced in acoustical design for the specific type elevation of framing
of building at hand. ■ hanger
(do not fasten furring
to blocking or wall)
gypsum board
Fig. 4. A typical sound barrier ceiling detail. Less Caulk around perimeter on steel furring
sensitive adjacencies may only require neoprene hangers
or clips with the gypsum board suspended much closer 3" glass-fiber
Scheduled partition batt insulation
to the structure above.




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Modern Steel Construction | 19

field notes
John Parucki weighs in on 25 years
JUDGE as head judge of AISC’s
AND JURY Student Steel Bridge Competition.

WELCOME TO FIELD NOTES, Modern Steel Construction’s podcast series, where

we interview people from all corners of the structural steel industry with interesting
stories to tell.
Our subject this time is John Parucki, who has been the head national judge of
AISC’s Student Steel Bridge Competition (SSBC) for a quarter-century. He talks about
the competition, what it means to him, how it’s changed over the years, and also how
many holes-in-one he’s hit.

You’re the longtime national head judge of the SSBC. How long have you been
doing it, and how did you get started?
Geoff Weisenberger
I’ve been the national head judge since 1995. Our regional fabricators associa-
( is senior
tion started supporting the steel bridge competition in the early 1990s when it was a
editor of Modern Steel Construction.
smaller regional competition. As our members got more involved, I ended up becom-
ing the head judge for the region. Then, one day I got a phone call from [former AISC
Director of Education] Fromy Rosenberg, asking, “Would you be interested in being
the national head judge for the competition to be held in Buffalo?” Who knew that by
saying yes, I’d still be doing this 25 years later!

What was it like judging the first time?

It was stressful. We were putting together the first national competition and working
with a large number of teams being invited to participate after competing at a regional
level. In those days, the rules were a lot different, and we allowed many things that we
don’t allow now. Back then, bridges had to span between abutments provided by the
host. One of the biggest early changes was that teams had to incorporate abutments as
part of their bridge design. The rules are changed from year to year so as to continue
to give new design challenges. This competition is still just as exciting as the first day I
got involved.

To hear more from John, visit In all your years of judging, were there any particularly memorable experiences?, where you I think all competitions are memorable in their own way. Each national event is dif-
can listen to the interview podcast in ferent and they all have their own challenges. Each national host student committee
its entirety. And for more on AISC’s works hard and they are ready to go when we start with the first bridges at eight o’clock
Student Steel Bridge Competition, in the morning. I’ve seen a lot of bridges over the years, and it has always amazed me
see this month’s Structurally Sound how unique each bridge design is, as well as the methods of construction used to opti-
on page 66. mize that year’s set of rules.

Has the build portion gotten faster and faster over the years?
I tend to think the better teams are quicker, yes, but it doesn’t necessarily mean
that they’re going to be the best team overall. We do have a wide range of build speeds

20 | MAY 2020
field notes

throughout the year. I think last year, at the national event, we there is a collapse, it’s a eureka moment! Teams see these failures
had a range of five-minute builds to 45-minute builds. However, in real time in a way that no design software could ever show
that time is relative because it depends on the number of builders them. They see how a connection unexpectedly reacted under
that they use. So a longer build with fewer builders can actually be load that the team did not design for. That might be a lesson they
more efficient than a quick build with more builders. will remember if they continue designing in steel. You learn from
your mistakes.
Would you say the students have changed since you started
judging? Let’s talk a little bit about your history in the steel industry.
I would say yes. I think the students back when I started were You used to run a fabrication shop.
more traditional students—18-, 19-, 20-year-olds. Now you see After serving in the Air Force, I returned home and got involved
such a blend of students, some with families and/or establishing in our family-run miscellaneous shop. My brother and I eventually
their second careers after working for ten to twelve years. Their ended up buying the shop and, unfortunately, after a few years and
families come to the competition with them. So now we have a a bad economy, we had to sell. I ended up going to work for a large
wide variety of student backgrounds and more diversity than we fabricator, managing their plant. I was then offered a position as
had back then. It’s funny that I am now judging student competi- president at another fabrication company, where I worked for 20
tors whose parents I judged years ago. years until 2003. After that I kept involved by working for a few
large fabricators on a number of large projects, doing on-site man-
It seems like one of the biggest things with the competition agement and dealing with constructability issues.
is that it’s very applicable to the real world.
Yes, we want them to design a bridge that is functional, in- So it sounds like you like to play golf. Is that an
cluding fabrication, constructability, and the ability to carry a understatement? Is this a lifelong passion or is it something
load, as well as being aesthetically pleasing. We specify a bridge that’s cropped up and recently?
in the problem statement of the rules, but how teams use their Yes, I started right after leaving the service. I’m a member of
engineering skills in designing this bridge can be scaled up into a club in my area. I’ve been lucky to have played Pebble Beach,
bridge construction as well as building construction. It’s all about Doral, Whistling Straits, among others, and I don’t really have a
designing connections and members to hold loads. Teams have favorite course. As they say, any bad day on a golf course is better
to generate shop drawings, and by working with other students, than a good day at work. I play two or three times a week, when
they learn project management and scheduling. Some teams have the weather permits since I am from Rochester, New York. It’s not
the facilities to fabricate their own bridges, and some ship their like living in Florida!
bridges out for fabrication. After fabrication is complete, teams
have to construct it under conditions where the rules try to rep- Have you ever hit a hole-in-one?
licate real-world problems using rivers and restricted sites. Then, No, but I’ve been within one inch of that hole! However, I’ve
the team and the judges see how it responds when loaded with played with a few people who have had a couple of hole-in-ones. It
2,500 lb of steel. Many times, especially at the regionals, when drives me crazy! Why not me? ■

Modern Steel Construction | 21

issues Video meetings have abruptly evolved from
SMILE, as-needed to must-use for many businesses.
YOU’RE ON Here are some best practices for making
CAMERA! the most of them.

IT’S Q2 2020, and the world as we know it has changed.

Video calls are now ubiquitous. Whether using Zoom, Skype, Facetime, Google
Hangouts, or countless other video applications, many of us have been expected to
abruptly replace in-person interactions with video. It’s safe to say that our methods for
working together will be forever changed—to what degree, only time will tell.
Video conferencing isn’t new, and its benefits have become apparent to many. In the
AEC industry, multi-office companies have long collaborated using video conferenc-
ing in myriad ways, such as forming high-performance project teams composed of
subject matter experts from across the firm. Video conferencing has also cut down on
reimbursable travel costs, a savings transferred directly to the client. Corporate cul-
Anne Scarlett is president of tures from across the world have become more solidified thanks to video conferencing.
Scarlett Consulting, a Chicago- Cross-training, knowledge transfer, and mentoring are all more abundant and effective.
based company specializing in The list goes on and on.
AEC-specific strategic marketing That said, the marketing touchpoints—specifically business development visits to
plans, marketing audits, and prospective clients—have largely remained as in-person meetings or traditional phone
coaching. She is also on the adjunct calls. As well, many single-office boutique or small businesses have stuck with tradi-
faculty at Columbia College of tional modes of communication with business partners and clients.
Chicago and DePaul University. Until now. Moving forward, video conferencing is likely to be a part of our new
She can be contacted via her normal, long after we’ve weathered the current crisis. The majority of professionals
website, will become reasonably versed in these tools, and you don’t want to be left behind. On
the contrary, why not get out in front? Here are some tips on how to make video calls
productive and second-nature.
View video calling as an opportunity. Unlike a traditional voice call, now you
can read people’s body language. Sure, it would be easier in person, but with practice,
you’ll get the hang of video calls. In addition, a video call allows you to further convey
your own messages through nonverbal cues, something that is much harder to do by
phone. As a result, you will communicate with far more clarity.
Select the optimal background. For most of us, finding a streamlined background
for the video call will make good sense (a blank wall, a well-organized bookshelf, taste-
fully placed artwork, etc.) Whether your home office space is makeshift or permanent,
ensure that the background is tidy. You want your peers to focus on you and your
content rather than becoming distracted by background sounds or visuals. In certain
programs such as Zoom, you can also be playful by adding a virtual background. Maybe
you want to add some humor with a background that includes large stacks of toilet
paper, or bunny ears (two fingers) behind your head. Or perhaps you want to exhibit a
sense of calm, with an inspirational wonder such as Machu Picchu in the distance. The
options for free virtual backgrounds are abundant and growing. In addition, it goes
without saying that you’ll want to ensure that everyone in your immediate vicinity
(partners, children, pets) knows that you are on the video call so that they don’t make
a cameo appearance while you are explaining your latest design or presenting your
project progress report.

22 | MAY 2020
business issues
That said, depending on the context of the meeting, it can be personable and charming
to get a quick peek of your cat sitting by your side or your child’s latest doodle hanging
behind you. For each meeting, decide how to make the most of sharing appropriate slivers A video call allows
of your personal life.
Present yourself in the best light—literally! Once you’ve found the best spot to hold you to further convey
your video call, make sure the lighting is top-notch. I recently watched two video calls where
the speaker was awash in shadows, as if they were hiding their true identity. This made me your own messages
question their credibility. Try to have the primary light source come from in front of you—i.e.,
from behind the recording device (computer, phone, tablet). Eliminate backlighting and play through nonverbal
with overhead lighting until you are satisfied that your entire face is evenly and favorably lit.
Get to know the software features. I’m personally learning about new features every cues, something
day, and it can feel overwhelming. However, familiarity breeds confidence, and the more you
take advantage of free help tools and webinars on managing the software, the more comfort- that is much harder
able and confident you will be. Allow time for learning rather than scrambling right before
the call to become familiar with the interface. to do by phone.
Practice with others, to create a low- (no-) stakes interaction. Before my first time hosting
a video meeting with a small group of colleagues, I roped a couple of friends into trying it As a result, you will
out. This allowed me to adjust settings, play with recording options, share screens, field chat
questions, view multiple participant windows versus a single speaker, use reactions, explore
differences between various devices, and all the rest. While I’m still no expert at hosting a
communicate with
video meeting, the practice was extremely helpful.
Adjust settings to protect your privacy. In most video software, you can adjust some
far more clarity.
simple settings, such as first entering each meeting on mute and sans video. If you are hosting,

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Modern Steel Construction | 23

you can often set it so that everyone enters
on mute/sans video. This gives people time
to get settled so that you won’t see or hear
something that you’d rather not. (After all,
we’re not all seasoned news anchors.) And
If you are screen-sharing at some point
during the call, take care that you are show-
ing only what you want to show rather than
all items open on your computer.
Dress for success. You’ve likely already
heard this solid work-at-home advice:
Dress as if you are actually going into work.
This simple tip psychologically prepares
you to be in work mode. Whether you are
holding a video meeting with a client for a
virtual tour of their project or a video call
with a prospect to win new business, dress
as you always would for those meetings. It
will make the participants “experience” you
as the professional person that you are.
When you’re the speaker, exhibit
Contact CoreBrace at: your very best presentation skills. Just
like in a live presentation, be mindful of
5789 West Wells Park Road, West Jordan, UT 84081 801.280.0701 your body and paralanguage on video calls.
Refined body movement is essential. For
example, if you are a gesticulator like me,
be mindful that gestures must match your
Hope it’s tight? Know it’s tight! tempo and your messaging. In general, only
your torso and shoulders will be visible, so
any gestures should be deliberate, just to
accentuate a key point. The same holds
true with other body movement, such as
shifting around in your seat, touching your
face and hair, or fidgeting in a manner that
causes distraction. If used in moderation,
some level of movement can add some
interest and engagement, such as reacting
with a smile, head nod, tilt, etc. As well,
make sure that your vocal delivery remains
engaging (not monotone!) with inflection
and strong volume.
Position yourself to enhance eye
contact and appearance. Depending
with with upon your device of choice, you may be
in a situation where it appears as though
Torque Control DuraSquirt DTIs ®
you are looking off at an angle rather than
directly at the other speakers. Do you what
you can to keep your eyes aimed towards
the camera to create solid eye contact.
Also, consider what your best angle is.
It might seem vain, but you will be less dis-
tracted by your own image (which shows
up on the screen in most programs, unless
1 800 552 1999 you alter the settings) if you look reason-
1 802 460 3100
ably good. My personal preference is to
position the laptop on a stack of books so

24 | MAY 2020
business issues
that it’s elevated. This causes me to look video calling platform, having the Zoom account will be an easy way for you to emulate
slightly up rather than down, framing various scenarios in advance.
my head and shoulders. Experiment with In these days of flux, no one expects perfection when it comes to video calls. As long
various angles and distances. You can also as you give it your best shot and remain authentic during the call, you’ll experience a
adjust settings to make yourself look good, human-to-human connection that will be productive, useful, and real. And best of all,
including Zoom’s “Touch up my appear- when in-person meetings become common again—and they will—video calls will still
ance” feature. likely need to be an important part of your business communication repertoire, and you’ll
Squelch any and all technical dif- have already hit the ground running. ■
ficulties. Don’t be that person, distracting
or delaying the meeting due to a host of
avoidable issues. Instead, check to see if
you need to pre-download software; sync
and test your microphone with the pro-
gram; confirm a strong WiFi connection
to ensure your screen will not freeze; and
so forth. Rather than scrambling to fix the
last-minute issues, you’ll come across as
smooth and in control.
Invest in a few inexpensive tools.
If you decide to use your smart phone
as opposed to a computer (particularly
if your computer doesn’t have a video
camera), then consider investing in a mini
tripod to hold the phone. Similarly, if you
think you could have issues with back-
ground sound, echoes, or crackling, then
purchase headphones with a mic to obtain
clearer audio and to eliminate extraneous Behind schedule?
sounds. Small (but important) accessories
can make a big difference. JGM gets you back on track.
Above all, practice by recording
yourself. If you take away nothing else Partner with JGM – We’re there when you need help the most.
from this article, please record yourself on When a large DOT bridge project needed extra horsepower, they
practice videos until you are satisfied. Can
chose JGM to hit their aggressive schedule milestones. JGM quickly
it be a bit painful to watch yourself? Maybe
completed 30 overlength girders including complete joint penetration
at first. But you must trust me on this:
Whether you are presenting by video or web to flange welds each weighing 32,000 pounds. Order restored and
in person, watching a self-recording is the timelines met with JGM.
fastest way to improve. With a discerning
eye, you can then more objectively witness Why JGM?
how others “experience” you—from body • D1.5 fabrication able to meet the demands of any state DOT
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visual aids. You’ll be able to quickly experi- • Heavy lifting and hauling capabilities to ensure your logistics stay on track
ment and make adjustments on all of the • Close proximity to the Northeast Corridor
aforementioned tips. Further, you’ll have a • Submerged arc welding equipment for efficiency gains
better firsthand understanding of the feed- • In-house CWI’s with non-destructive testing certifications
back that you may later receive from others
on your performance. When you need it yesterday, JGM is ALL IN.
And keep this tip in mind if you go
the Zoom route: All Zoom subscrib-
ers, even free accounts, have the ability
to record locally to their devices. You can
initiate a solo meeting, record it, and then
voila! This gives you the ability to assess
and adjust your overall performance. Even 610-873-0081 | JGMUSA.COM
if your colleagues opt to use a different
Modern Steel Construction | 25
Winners Choose
Chicago Metal
TO Curve Steel

2015 IDEAS2 Merit Award - 73 pieces

of curved 8” sch 40 pipe totaling
35 tons for Circuit of the America
Observation Tower. Austin, TX
2014 SEAOI Best Project - Elliptically
curved trusses rolled from 5” and
8” diameter AESS pipe for Institute
of Environmental Sustainability at
Loyola University. Chicago, IL

2007 IDEAS2 National Winner

- 400 tons of 12” square
tubing curved for the
retractable, lenticular room
trusses at the University of
Phoenix Stadium. Phoenix, AZ

2005 EAE Merit Award - 570 tons of 12”, 14”, 16”, 2003 IDEAS2 National Winner - 300 tons of 5”
18” and 20” pipe curved for the Jay Pritzker square tubing curved 45° off-axis for the Kimmel
Pavilion. Chicago, IL Center. Philadelphia, PA

Call us at 866-940-5739 to make your next project a winner!

2015 AIA Distinguished Building Award - HSS 8” pipe featuring an 2012 IDEAS2 Merit Award - 133 tons of
ellipse curvature with multi-radius bends for the structural 16” pipe curved for the Rooftop Tiara of
ribs for CTA Cermak-McCormick Place Station. Chicago, IL the Great American Tower at Queen City
Square. Cincinnati, OH
2011 IDEAS2 National
Winner - 420 tons of
rectangular tubing, pipe
and beams for the roof at
the Norman Y. Mineta San
Jose International Airport.
San Jose, CA

2013 IDEAS2 Merit Award -

3600 pounds of pipe each
curved with multiple radii for
a solar canopy to recharge
batteries on electrical
vehicles. Chicago, IL

2007 NSBA Special Purpose Prize Bridge Award - 152 tons of 18” pipe
curved in our Kansas City plant for the Highland Bridge. Denver, CO

2010 NCSEA Award Winner -

200 tons of beams, channels and
angle for the roof of the University of
Illinois at Chicago Forum. Chicago, IL
A PUBLIC TRANSIT CANOPY that invokes a waterfall—or connections, gravity systems, lateral load-resisting systems,
a giant blue butterfly wing. An office stairwell that appears to fire protection, and blast protection
defy gravity. A supertall mixed-use tower with a hotel lobby at • The aesthetic impact of the project, particularly in the
the top. A hospital boasting the country’s first use of viscous coordination of structural steel elements with other materials
wall dampers. • Innovative uses of architecturally exposed structural
They’re all steel-framed. And they’re all winners. steel (AESS)
Specifically, these four projects, as well as five others, are win- • Advancements in the use of structural steel, either
ners of this year’s AISC IDEAS2 Awards technically or in the architectural expression
Why “IDEAS2?” Because the program recognizes Innovative • The use of innovative design and construction methods such
Design in Engineering and Architecture with Structural Steel. as 3D building models, interoperability, early integration of
Awards for each winning project are presented to the project team steel fabricators, alternative methods of project delivery, and
members involved in the design and construction of the structural sustainability considerations
framing system—including the architect, structural engineer of
record, general contractor, owner, and AISC member fabricator, A panel of design and construction industry professionals judged
erector, detailer, and bender-roller. the entries in four categories, according to their constructed value
New buildings, as well as renovation, retrofit and expansion in U.S. dollars:
projects, are eligible, and entries must meet the following criteria: • Less than $15 million
• A significant portion of the framing system must be wide- • $15 million to $75 million
flange or hollow structural sections (HSS) • $75 million to $200 million
• Projects must have been completed between January 1, 2017 • More than $200 million
and December 31, 2019
• Projects must be located in North America National and Merit honors were awarded in all categories
• Previous AISC IDEAS2 award-winning projects are except $75 million to $200 million. In addition, Sculptures/Art
not eligible Installations/Non-Building Structures National and Merit win-
ners were also selected.
This year’s six judges considered each project’s use of structural The IDEAS² Award program also recognizes the importance
steel from both an architectural and structural engineering per- of teamwork, coordination, and collaboration in fostering suc-
spective, with an emphasis on: cessful construction projects. Awards will be presented to project
• Creative solutions to the project’s program requirements team members at ceremonies held at each of the winning projects
• Applications of innovative design approaches in areas such as throughout the year.
28 | MAY 2020
ally circulated trade magazines, including a residential remodeling
magazine and a commercial green building magazine. Christina
2020 Judges has traveled extensively across North America and Europe, meet-
Kari Berg, AIA ing with architects, engineers, contractors, and manufacturers to
Senior Project Manager/Construction Manager, learn about innovations and successes in design and construction.
UrbanWorks She is active in industry trade associations and has been inter-
Kari is a licensed architect with more than 30 years of experience viewed by well-known news organizations, including The New York
in architecture, interior design, and construction project manage- Times and San Francisco’s KTRB-AM 860 radio station. She con-
ment. With a background in a wide range of projects including siders interviewing former Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley to be
multifamily residential, commercial, office, banks, and healthcare, her most memorable professional experience.
her balance of architectural knowledge and construction acumen
ensures high-quality built projects for UrbanWorks, where she Hollie Noveletsky
serves as a senior project manager/construction manager. Prior to CEO, Novel Iron Works
joining UrbanWorks, Kari served as a senior associate and archi- Hollie Noveletsyk is the CEO of Novel Iron Works, a family-
tectural manager at various architecture firms for more than 10 owned WBE-certified AISC member structural steel fabricator
years, followed by working and managing design-build and GC located in Greenland, N.H. Hollie is a past president of Steel Fab-
construction services for over 15 years. Kari earned a B.S. in Archi- ricators of New England and a current board member of AISC.
tectural Studies from the University of Illinois.
Sheryl Van Anne
Cynthia Duncan Project Executive, Mortenson Construction
Director of Engineering, AISC With more than 20 years of experience in the construction industry,
Cynthia Duncan is AISC’s director of engineering. As secretary Sheryl Van Anne serves as a project executive in Mortenson’s Chicago
of the AISC Committee on Specifications and the AISC Com- office. Since joining Mortenson in 2003, Sheryl has helped build more
mittee on Manuals, Cynthia oversees the planning and devel- than $500 million in large-scale projects throughout the Chicagoland
opment of AISC technical publications, including standards, area. Her primary responsibilities are working with clients to deliver
manuals, design guides, and Engineering Journal. Having been their projects on time and within budget. She does this through
at AISC for most of her career, she works with technical com- strong communication, a heavy emphasis on preconstruction analysis
mittees involving volunteer educators, consulting engineers, and to align the program and budget, and ensuring the project undergoes
industry representatives to develop AISC standards and manu- a thorough review for constructability. Sheryl earned her B.S. in Civil
als. Most notable are the Specification for Structural Steel Buildings Engineering from Missouri Science and Technology. She is a mem-
and the Steel Construction Manual. Her involvement began with ber of the Society of College and Urban Planning (SCUP) and has
the 1st Edition Load and Resistance Factor Design Manual of Steel presented multiple times to the Illinois Community College Chief
Construction and includes the 15th Ed. Steel Construction Manual. Financial Officers (ICCCFO). In 2016, Sheryl was selected as one of
Cynthia’s education includes a B.S. in Architectural Engineering Building Design + Construction’s 40 Under 40 and was named one of
at University of Colorado, Boulder, and a Master of Engineer- Constructech’s 2018 Women in Construction.
ing–Civil (Structures) from Cornell University.

Christine Freisinger
Associate Principal, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
Since joining WJE, Christine Freisinger has been involved in
the investigation, evaluation, and repair of a variety of structures,
including stadiums, warehouses, parking garages, low-rise build-
ings, and high-rise buildings. Her projects have included docu-
menting the condition of existing structures, evaluation of struc-
tures under a variety of design and proposed loading conditions,
and development of repair drawings. Christine’s structural inves-
tigations have involved steel, timber, concrete, and masonry struc-
tures, and she has significant experience with structural analysis
The 2020 judging panel, from left: Cynthia Duncan, Hollie Noveletsky,
computer software programs. While attending the University of Christine Freisinger, Christina Koch, Kari Berg, and Sheryl Van Anne.
Minnesota, Christine completed her Master’s thesis on the load
rating and load testing of horizontally curved composite steel
girder bridges. She designed and completed a truck load test on an These six judges weighed each project’s use of structural steel
in-service bridge in Duluth, Minn., to research the load ratings of from both an architectural and structural engineering perspec-
horizontally curved bridges according to AASHTO. tive, with an emphasis on creative solutions to the project’s pro-
gram requirements; applications of innovative design approaches
Christina Koch in areas such as connections, gravity systems, lateral load resisting
Editorial Director/Associate Publisher, retrofit systems, fire and/or blast protection; aesthetic and visual impact
Under Christina’s direction, retrofit magazine has won several of the project; innovative use of AESS; technical or architectural
awards, including national AZBEE Awards for editorial and design. advances in the use of the steel; and/or the use of innovative design
Prior to joining retrofit, Christina was the editor of several nation- and construction methods.
Modern Steel Construction | 29
The exposed steel
at the top of the
building, as well
Jim Pearson
as the curvature of
the steel down in
the lobby area, is
really exciting and
provides a great
interaction with the
public that’s using
that space.
—Sheryl Van Anne

Gerard Nieblas

Jim Pearson Len Joseph

NATIONAL AWARD Greater than $200 Million

Wilshire Grand Center, Los Angeles

WILSHIRE GRAND CENTER is the best in the west. The design team implemented a performance-based design meth-
The 73-story steel-framed tower in downtown Los Angeles odology to accommodate the owner’s desire for floor-to-ceiling glass
is the tallest building west of Chicago and the tallest building in in the hotel and office spaces. A code-prescribed lateral design would
the United States outside of that city and New York. Built for a have required a perimeter lateral system on the structure in addition
cost of $1.3 billion, the tower and its podium structure comprise to the concrete core wall. This would have resulted in deep perimeter
approximately two million sq. ft of space. The upper 43 stories beams that would have either increased the floor-to-floor heights or
house a 900-room InterContinental Hotel—whose lobby is at the reduced the heights of the perimeter windows—as well as increased
top floor—and the lower 30 stories are reserved for office space. construction time in order to add a perimeter moment frame.
A five-level subterranean parking structure provides space for The building is designed to be linearly elastic for a service-level
approximately 1,000 vehicles. earthquake with a 43-year return period, and for collapse preven-
The structural steel-framed tower is geometrically complex, with tion for the extremely rare 2,475-year return period earthquake.
many of the steel columns sloping over their height to accommodate To achieve this performance, the design team created three buck-
the curved edges of the structure. Between the 28th and 30th floors, ling-restrained brace (BRB) regions over the height of the struc-
the exterior building columns slope inward 6 ft over three floors to ture. A total of 180 BRBs distribute lateral overturning forces to
transition the floor plate configuration from office to hotel space. the exterior concrete-filled steel box columns.
The tower’s columns are embedded the full depth of the 18-ft-thick At the top of the structure are ten 2,200-kip BRBs extending
concrete mat foundation to anchor seismic uplift forces. from floors 70 to 73, and the single-pin connections for these
30 | MAY 2020
Jim Pearson Jim Pearson

Gerard Nieblas

braces are exposed with a patina finish in the hotel lobby for all Wilshire Grand Center is featured in the February 2017 article “West
to see. Between floors 53 and 59 are 130 800-kip BRBs, with each Coast Boast,” available at
spanning only one floor and hidden in the hotel room demising
walls—a unique configuration that allowed the developer to max- Owner
imize the hotel room count. Closer to the bottom of the struc- Hanjin International Corporation, Los Angeles
ture, between floors 28 to 31, are 40 2,200-kip BRBs. Bundled General Contractor
in groups of four at ten locations, they span three floors and are Turner Construction Company, Los Angeles
capable of resisting 8,800 kips at each location.
The extensive system of BRBs is complemented by perimeter
AC Martin Partners, Inc., Los Angeles
belt trusses around the exterior between levels 28 and 31 and levels
70 and 73. These elements all work together to provide torsional Structural Engineer
resistance and load path redundancy. Brandow & Johnston, Los Angeles
The five-story podium—which also employs structural steel Performance-Based Design Consultant
framing, along with concrete shear walls—contains restaurants, retail Thornton Tomasetti, Los Angeles
space, meeting rooms, ballrooms, and a rooftop pool. The podium Steel Team
and tower are seismically separated over the building’s ground-floor Fabricator and Erector
lobby, which is covered by an undulating, curved glass roof that pays Schuff Steel Company, San Diego
homage central California’s Merced River. Steel trusses, comprised
of round hollow structural section (HSS) members, frame the roof
BDS VirCon, Brisbane, Australia
and are rigidly attached to the podium at the tower with slip connec-
tions designed to move up to 15 in. in any direction.
Modern Steel Construction | 31
ol bE
g enk

Degenkolb Engineers

Brett Drury Degenkolb Engineers

The project advanced

the use of viscous wall
dampers in the U.S.
market to address
seismic concerns.
—Hollie Noveletsky

Degenkolb Engineers

32 | MAY 2020
MERIT AWARD Greater than $200 Million
Sutter Health CPMC Van Ness Campus –
Viscous Wall Dampers
San Francisco

A NEW SAN FRANCISCO acute care an IPD environment. The IPD method
facility is not only at the forefront of streamlined the entire process by allowing
healthcare, but also structural design. HerreroBoldt, Sutter Health, and Smith-
The new $2.1 billion Sutter Health Group to collaborate from start to finish,
California Pacific Medical Center with design consultants and contractors
(CPMC) Van Ness Campus is a 13-story, working together as early as the valida-
989,230-sq.-ft hospital with 274 patient tion phase. The team analyzed, scheduled,
beds and state-of-the-art diagnostic and quantified, and documented the design in
treatment centers. It is also the first use of real time, reducing waste in the design and
Brett Drury viscous wall dampers (VWDs) in the U.S. construction of the hospital. Additionally,
The building’s 119 VWDs are installed Degenkolb worked closely with the steel
Brett Drury behind the façade on the nine above-grade fabricator, The Herrick Corporation, to
floors of the 13-story skeleton and will help drive the VWD production.
the facility remain open even after a shock In addition, a building information
as strong as the 1906 San Francisco Earth- modeling (BIM) approach provided the
quake, which registered a magnitude of 7.9. ultimate coordination, allowing the IPD
Van Ness Campus Hospital (VNC) team to “build” the hospital in the virtual
consolidated the acute care services of two world before going to the site to build the
older Sutter Health CPMC campuses to real structure. The entire team was able to
create this new flagship hospital, which observe each other’s work and adjust sys-
opened to patients in March 2019. Given tems and components before they created
the location in a famously high-seismic real-world clashes. When steel fabrication
city, structural engineer Degenkolb and began, the IPD team had a strong need to
the rest of the design team studied several monitoring the progress and sequence of
seismic-resisting systems via an integrated steel fabrication in the shop. To create an
project delivery (IPD) approach, eventually effective method for reporting progress
settling on VWDs. Originally developed across the structural steel supply chain, the
and implemented in Japan over the past various team members established a stan-
three decades and seismically superior to dard process for collecting, verifying, and
more traditional systems, VWDs had never integrating field data to the model to pro-
been used in the U.S., nor had the system duce a weekly report.
been reviewed or approved by California’s The Sutter Health CPMC Van Ness
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Campus cleared the way for other struc-
Development (OSHPD). tures to implement VWD technology
Degenkolb led a team effort to validate in California and beyond. Future U.S.
the technology, implementing full-scale buildings will now be able to take advan-
testing of the dampers at the University of tage of this system, which creates the
California, San Diego. Based on nonlin- opportunity for improved seismic perfor-
ear analyses, the VWD system is expected mance, especially in critically important
to absorb nearly 90% of the earthquake acute care facilities following powerful
energy at the design earthquake level. It earthquakes.
also reduced the weight of the steel fram- Owner
ing by one-third compared to a conven- Sutter Health, Sacramento, Calif.
tional steel moment resisting frame, thanks
General Contractor
to its ability to by control inter-story drift.
HerreroBoldt, San Francisco
This helped reduce the cost of the over-
all structural system by 25%, which more Architect
than offset the cost of the dampers. SmithGroup, San Francisco
The design and construction teams Structural Engineer
worked together in a “Big Room” across Degenkolb, San Francisco
from the construction site. Daily and Steel Fabricator and Erector
weekly Big Room meetings kept the proj- The Herrick Corporation,
ect on schedule, even as new team mem- Stockton, Calif.
bers were still learning how to function in
Modern Steel Construction | 33
NATIONAL AWARD $15 Million to $75 Million
Mori Hosseini Student Union at
Aeronautical University,
Daytona Beach, Fla.


at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is a soaring
example of symbolic design.
Inspired by the gracefulness of birds in flight, the
building is an expression of the school’s mission to
teach the science, practice, and business of aviation and
aerospace. Sited to serve as the front door to Embry- It’s like steel literally flies away with the
Riddle’s Daytona Beach, Fla., campus, the facility’s award because it’s a bird-like structure.
gently soaring form creates an iconic identity for the
university and embodies its student’s values of fearless-
It looks like it’s getting ready to take off!
ness, adventure, and discovery. —Cynthia Duncan
Key to embodying the ethos of Embry-Riddle in
architectural form is the exuberant and creative struc-
tural steel expression that illustrates movement, flight,
and aerodynamics both externally and internally. The
curving bowed roof on top of the structure not only
provides solar shading from the harsh Florida sun, but
also invokes sinuous avian forms. The vertical, exposed
struts convey a feather-like quality and are structural
members that tie down the curved roof form from
wind uplift, particularly in terms of hurricanes. The
massive exposed double arches that wrap the exterior
support the vertical roof struts at the shading over-
hang and signify the main entrances to the building.
Internally, an exposed 200-ft curving steel arch bisects
the middle of the plan and supports a glass roof above,
All photos in this spread by Brad Feinknopf
allowing students the ability to look skyward while
inside. The building’s architecturally exposed struc-
tural steel (AESS) is an integral design element and
helps create an exterior and interior aesthetic that feels
finished and dynamic.
Programmatically, the 177,000-sq.-ft student union
building is an aeronautical athenaeum combining
social learning spaces, an events center, club offices,
student affairs offices, career services, dining, and the
university library. A soaring triple-height commons
area integrates the collaborative social and learning
environments. The lounges, dining venues, group
study rooms, club and organization offices, career ser-
vices, student affairs, and library wrap the commons
and lead to a multistory amphitheater—a place to see
and be seen—that overlooks the commons and build-
ing entry. The events center, which can accommodate
events for up to 900 people, is housed on the first floor
and employs long-span trusses to create a clear and
column-free uninterrupted floor space. The top floor
houses the university library, which is set beneath the
dynamic 200-ft arching skylight that opens to the sky.
A roof terrace on the second floor allows students to
gaze upon the adjacent runway of Daytona Interna-
tional Airport and beyond to rocket launches from the
Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral.

34 | MAY 2020
Crucial to creating such a structurally expres-
sive building was the architect’s and structural
engineer’s commitment to work hand-in-glove
during the design phase to properly detail the
facility’s expressive steel forms and connections.
Working in both Rhino and Tekla Systems, the
design team created a 3D virtual model of the
project that was then turned over to the steel
fabricators and erector to bring the idea to real-
ity. During construction, the design team peri-
odically visited the multiple fabricators involved
in the project to answer questions and observe
the progress of the steel before arrival on-site.
In addition to solar shading, the great curv-
ing roof also collects rainwater and siphons it
to below-grade cisterns for storage and cam-
pus irrigation, just one of a number of sustain-
able approaches that make the student union a
high-performing and resource-efficient build-
ing. Additionally, the lighting design strategy
reinforces and highlights the architectural
forms and spaces that are inspired by flight.
The lighting further enhances the airiness of
the structure and creates a series of identifiable
program zones within the larger open flex-
ible spaces to provide activity rooms without
walls. In reinforcing the organic architectural
expression of the spaces, the overall effect cre-
ates a glowing beacon at the campus entry.

The Mori Hosseini Student Union at Embry-

Riddle Aeronautical University is featured in the
November 2019 article “Winging It,” available

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,
Daytona Beach, Fla.
General Contractor
Barton Malow Company, Orlando, Fla.
ikon.5 architects, New York
Structural Engineer
Thornton Tomasetti, Newark, N.J.
Connection Designer and
Erection Engineer
McGill Engineering, Tampa, Fla.
Steel Team
Steel, LLC, Scottdale, Ga.
Greiner Industries, Inc., Mount
Joy, Pa. (also Bender-Roller)
Fabco Metal Products, LLC,
Daytona Beach, Fla.
Superior Rigging and Erecting
Company, Atlanta

Modern Steel Construction | 35

MERIT AWARD $15 Million to $75 Million
Canyon View High School, Waddell, Ariz.

THE NEW CANYON VIEW HIGH SCHOOL in Waddell, Ariz., perature of 85 °F. In addition, this 225 KW photovoltaic system
was driven by energy-efficiency goals. reduces solar radiation while contributing 20% of the energy
And its structural system was a driving factor in meeting them, needed for the campus.
becoming the centerpiece of the design conversation early on as Early designs traversed buildings made from the two primary
the key element to providing flexible learning environments that framing systems—steel and masonry—throughout campus. How-
extend to comfortable outdoor spaces. The design team’s exposed ever, working with contractor Chasse Building Team, architect and
structural steel framing concept allows natural lighting to pene- structural engineer DLR Group realized labor savings by separat-
trate deep into the learning spaces and creates a unique experience ing the two building types on either side of the Agora. By rear-
seldom found in a traditional high school. ranging all of the steel buildings to the north side and all of the
The new 231,000-sq.-ft high school in suburban Phoenix masonry buildings to the south side, the build team cut nearly two
extends beyond the built environment into the realm of how months off the schedule, thus streamlining the work and having
a building interacts with people, resulting in an unprecedented both steel and masonry subs working simultaneously. Early and
design that elevates learning. A first-of-its-kind learning “Accel- continued collaboration with the contractor and steel fabricator
erator” contains unique and flexible space imagined and exe- during the design phase allowed the team to validate cost, detail-
cuted through spatial agility in modern, real-world curriculum. ing, and constructability. Ultimately, this collaboration was instru-
And towering solar structures shade the central “Agora” span- mental to the success of the project and recognizing the school
ning the entire length of the campus, maintaining a peak tem- district’s overall program and design goals.

This high school breaks all the norms of institutional architecture. It actually
makes the classroom seamlessly flow into the outside environment. If I were
going back to school now, this is the high school I would want to go to.
—Cynthia Duncan

Bill Timmerman

DLR Group Thomas Reich

36 | MAY 2020
Exposing the structural elements as opposed to hiding them the rotational force to the masonry shear walls on each side of the
behind finishes helped further reduce the project budget, as well Accelerator and auditorium spaces.
as demonstrates to students, faculty, and visitors how typically hid- A high-tech school called for high-tech design solutions. The
den structural framing elements can create stability, enclosure, and use of animation and virtual reality were key to communicating
aesthetic contributions. The structural steel-framed buildings form the design and functionality of the spaces to the client and stu-
flexible academic “Forts” that create high volumes for daylighting dents. The contractor used 360° photography during construction
and extensive shading for the outdoor space. Movable space parti- to help document embedded systems for quality control and future
tions and mobile, flexible furniture create the spatial agility required maintenance. Aerial drone imagery was also used to document
for the district’s curriculum. In addition, the combination of build- construction progress to share with the design team, school dis-
ing-supported and freestanding cantilevered steel structures that trict, and community.
make up the solar components are patterned after the human DNA Owner
genome and serve as yet another learning tool for students. Agua Fria Union High School District #216, Avondale, Ariz.
When it came to the Accelerator, the two masonry buildings
General Contractor
were bridged via long-span steel framing, which created a cohesive
Chasse Building Team, Tempe, Ariz.
framing and lateral system without introducing a building expan-
sion joint and secondary support/bracing systems. With the space Architect and Structural Engineer
anchored by two masonry buildings on each side, the long-span DLR Group, Phoenix
joist and joist girder system allowed for minimal columns, and the Steel Erector and Detailer
masonry buildings created lateral stability for the interior steel Schuff Steel Management Company, Mesa, Ariz.
framing. In addition, the roof diaphragm design helped resolve

Bill Timmerman Bill Timmerman

Bill Timmerman Thomas Reich

Modern Steel Construction | 37

NATIONAL AWARD Less than $15 Million
Hinterland, Green Bay, Wis.

WHETHER OR NOT YOU’RE a Green Bay Packers fan,

you can’t deny that the new Hinterland Brewery has a primo
It also has a primo structural steel design. Inspired by the
industrial architecture of the Great Lakes region, the restau-
rant and functioning brewery is the cornerstone of a mixed-
use development within a stadium entertainment district—
and it sits right across the street from the Packers’ storied
stadium, Lambeau Field. The simple palette of materials—
steel, brick, and glass—was selected to express careful work-
manship and highlight the detailed process of the building’s
construction. Like the quality grains, hops, and water used
in the brewing process, these fundamental building materials
were the ingredients used to shape the experience through-
out—and steel was the predominant material used to achieve
these design goals.
The building is organized by a spine of structural steel
frames that serve as both the primary lateral and gravity sys-
tems. The roof elements are structural steel bents fabricated
from complete joint penetration (CJP) welded wide-flange sec-
tions, and the framing evokes early twentieth-century factories
and brings a unique form to the rooftop, giving the structure
its distinctive shape and filling the interior with daylight.
The roof is a standing-seam steel roof system, with steel
members and purlins dominating the expression of the inte-
rior spaces. The exposed steel aesthetic extends throughout
the interior detailing of various areas, such as a mezzanine
that overlooks and surrounds the brewing equipment, to
express both strength and artistry. The pigmented lacquer Rafael Gamo
that protects the interior steel permanently captures the
industrial feel and preserves the grease pencil markings
placed on the steel at the time of fabrication. Two sculptural
stairways escort patrons between floors of the restaurant Hinterland has blended exposed
space, with steel plate guardrails serving as stringers to pro- structural steel into the design seamlessly
vide both support and enclosure for the stairs; wood treads
complement the steel. In addition, much of the building’s to provide a warm, welcoming
exterior is clad in a raw weathering steel rain screen. atmosphere. —Christine Freisinger
This new home for a brewery that started more than
twenty years ago—and whose previous location was a few
miles away in the city’s Broadway District—has allowed
Hinterland to improve its quality and increase its capacity.
Business has grown exponentially since the brewery moved
into its new home, with much of the credit for that success
going to its design and exposed steel aesthetic. And its prox-
imity to one of the shrines of the NFL doesn’t hurt.
Hinterland, Green Bay, Wis.
Structural Engineer
SDI Structures, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Steel Fabricator, Erector, Detailer,
and General Contractor
Schuh Construction, Inc., Seymour, Wis.

38 | MAY 2020
Rafael Gamo John Disbrow

Rafael Gamo


Rafael Gamo Rafael Gamo

Modern Steel Construction | 39

MERIT AWARD Less than $15 Million
Marvin Gaye Recreation Center, Washington

WHILE MANY of Washington’s famously grand edifices are ing on the site itself. The project team took one of the site’s largest
named for prominent politicians, a new recreation center hon- challenges and turned it to an opportunity, creating a building that
ors another American legend—and a native of the nation’s capi- cantilevers into the tree canopy above the stream, offering indi-
tal: singer, songwriter, producer, and one of the creators of the viduals a unique vantage point to the neighboring surroundings. In
Motown sound, Marvin Gaye. order to cantilever the balcony above the stream, the steel columns
The new facility, the Marvin Gaye Recreation Center, is elevated had to be angled to avoid the floodway. While they are necessary
above a 100-year floodplain to bring visitors into the tree canopy as to carry the structural loads, the angled steel is elevated beyond
steel girders, supported by angled columns, cantilever the second that duty to become a prominent design feature. The design of
floor over an adjacent stream. The strength of structural steel brings the columns was an iterative and collaborative effort between the
the resilience needed for withstanding floodplain requirements and architect and structural engineer, with the engineer sharing the
creates a light and tensile touch to the final design. structurally required column angles and locations while the archi-
Bordering a do-not-build floodway and located within the tect responded to coordinate site constraints, ADA clearances, and
floodplain, the tight constraints limited the location of the build- alignment to the architectural concept.

The Marvin Gaye Recreation Center celebrates

structural ingenuity as it cantilevers above an adjacent
stream into the tree canopy by using angled steel
columns to make use of a challenging site.
—Christine Freisinger


1. location 2. plinth 3. cantilever 4. balcony 5. path 6. art 7. ventilation 8. screen

between the raised above to get closer push in the up through add automated control solar
floodway + the 100 year to the stream exterior to the building expression to natural gain and glare
athletic field floodplain create and to a vantage the exterior ventilation while framing
outdoor space point and interior throughout views

40 | MAY 2020
Implementing “wash and wear” materials is a necessity for a (with thermal break elements separating the outriggers from
recreation center, and using exposed steel accomplished the struc- the screen).
tural goals while also providing a durable, long-term solution to In addition to its protective and shading functions, the screen
create a low-maintenance facility. In keeping with the theme of also gives the building its identity, drawing the eye and creating a
sturdy materials, the building is clad with perforated façade pan- neighborhood icon—especially at night, when the building glows
els (also steel) that are designed to withstand stray soccer balls like a lantern in a previously underserved neighborhood in the far
and such from the heavily used recreation fields adjacent to the eastern reaches of the District.
building. The perforated metal façade also functions as mechani- Owner
cal screening for the rooftop units, controls solar heat gain and Department of General Services, Washington
glare to reduce mechanical loads, and creates unique views from
General Contractor
the second floor.
MCN Build, Washington
One of the key coordination items for the project’s design-
build team was determining how to connect the screen back Architect
to the building’s steel frame. The solution came in the form ISTUDIO Architects, Washington
of steel outriggers, welded to the structural beams, that pro- Structural Engineer
trude from the building to accept the screen’s support clips Simpson Gumpertz and Heger, Inc., Washington





Modern Steel Construction | 41

Sculptures/Art Installations/Non-Building Structures
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International
Airport Modernization, Atlanta


(ATL), the busiest in the world, recently looked to transform its
David Camp HOK
40-year-old terminals by introducing a new architectural icon.
But a question emerged: How could ATL modernize without
impacting ongoing operations and risking its title as the world’s
most efficient airport? The airport’s planners initially envisioned
fabric-covered steel canopies. However, they were structurally
The project’s complex 3D
problematic as they required new support columns along the ter- modeling had to precisely
minal curbs, and foundations that would have been extremely dis- plan each section component
ruptive to airport facilities located beneath the curbside.
The design team began examining how the canopy might con- for quick construction,
nect to the terminal without the need for new columns at the ter- and the pieces had to
minal curb. A threefold solution emerged that incorporated: an
in-depth investigation of the terminal’s structural integrity; HOK
be timed perfectly.
STREAM, a custom-built program that allows for rapid design —Kari Berg
evolution and analysis; and the use of lightweight steel and ethyl-
ene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) cladding that would form a beau-
tiful free-span structure. Using STREAM—developed by design
firm HOK’s engineering group—which performs steel design and
optimization, the team developed an alternative canopy design
that distributed two-thirds of the structure’s load onto new sup-
port piers located near the parking garages, reducing the increased
demand and associated retrofit work to the terminal columns
by 75%. This process, which typically would have lasted several
months, took only three weeks from start to final owner accep-
tance of the design.
The dual 864-ft-long canopies feature curved hollow structural
section (HSS) steel Vierendeel trusses. The compression chords of Matt Breidenthal HOK
the trusses are connected by a diagrid. The trusses span 174 ft and
are supported along one edge by 10-ft-deep by 21-ft-tall concrete
piers, and at the other edge on bearing pads atop the existing ter-
minal columns. Both canopies support two pedestrian bridges that
thread through the diagrids, connecting parking garages to the
terminal. The sweeping form of the diagrid canopy represents the
most efficient structural load path and is key to the canopy design.
While it was found that the existing structure could be reinforced
to resist new vertical loads, it could not resist new lateral loads.
The diagrid transfers lateral forces to the piers, which are sup-
ported by micropiles, and the system provides sufficient elastic
deformation to relieve the stresses associated with thermal move-
ment of the structure. At the terminal-side supports, multidirec-
tional slide bearings allow lateral movement of the canopy relative
to the existing structure.
The canopies were optimized with fabrication and construction Mark Ejnes HOK
feasibility in mind. While the truss chords appear to have gradu-
ally varying curvature, they are actually comprised of discrete con-
stant-curvature sections, which are significantly less expensive to
fabricate. The design and construction teams worked together to
design connections that allowed construction to progress in stages
during the overnight road closure time period. The truss splice
connections have internal bolts that were rapidly installed and
concealed with welded cover plates afterward.

42 | MAY 2020
Miltivista-drone NSMS
Throughout the project, the airport emphasized that construc-
tion of the canopies could not impact operational efficiency. This
flipped the usual process on its head. Whereas in most cases logis-
tics are secondary, in this case logistics drove the fabrication. The
steel was detailed and sequenced to allow installation during limited
roadway shutdowns between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. The team
used a 4D schedule to explain the sequence of construction associ-
ated with a 500-page logistics plan, and 3D printing and virtual real-
ity applications were used to plan and monitor bearing movement
during steel erection.
The biggest fabrication challenge was controlling steel movement
due to welding and temperature changes. Steel fabricator Beck’s fab-
rication of 38 identical trusses was successful thanks in large part to
three key strategies. First, 50 tons of custom fixtures were built and
welded to the floor to hold each truss’ position during fabrication.
This was crucial because the steel would move during the day as the
shop heated up, and had to be frequently laser surveyed to monitor
the geometry and adjust fabrication as needed. The second strategy
involved cutting the HSS members with constantly varying miters
that covered a range of 20° to 90° in a single pipe to minimize the
amount of required weld material. Beck effectively had to “trick”
the CNC machine’s software to make some of these cuts. The alter-
native would have resulted in two or three times as much welding,
which would have exacerbated steel distortion, and providing perfect
cuts every time was critical to minimize welds and achieve identical
behavior for each truss. And the third strategy? Weld everything flat.
Rather than welding around the pipe, Beck kept the welding station-
ary in a flat position and rotated the steel, performing every weld
identically on each truss assembly. This fabrication process involved
trial and error but ultimately proved very successful.
The size and scale of the canopy trusses required the team to
develop a system to expedite their on-site assembly. Manufactured
1,000 miles away in Beck’s Lubbock, Texas, facility, the trusses arrived
in five separate pieces. Shipping was easier than anticipated due to
extensive planning; similar carriages were built for each piece and
there were five different repeated arrangements mounted on the
Matt Breidenthal HOK trucks. At the site, construction crews reassembled the trusses into
three sections: a column piece connected to the pier, a mid-span piece,
and a long-span assembly that fastened to the terminal. Each section
took one evening to erect, and bolted connections allowed crews to
quickly assemble the pieces. The team used telescopic crawler cranes
that complied with FAA height regulations and made efficient use
of pick lengths while minimizing point loads on the roadway, which
is built over subterranean airport facilities. This successful collabo-
ration returned the active seven-lane road to service each morning
without any delay throughout two years of construction.
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Atlanta
General Contractor
New South | McCarthy | Synergy, Atlanta
Matt Breidenthal HOK
Architect and Structural Engineer
Miltivista-drone NSMS HOK, St. Louis and Atlanta
Steel Team
Fabricator and Detailer
Beck Steel, Lubbock, Texas
Derr & Isbell Construction, LLC, Roswell, Ga.
Bendco, Pasadena, Texas
Chicago Metal Rolled Products, Chicago
Modern Steel Construction | 43
Aesthetically, the design bridges
the urban setting with nature
by incorporating elements of a
bygone park from the area.
—Hollie Noveletsky

Ross Barney Architects

Simpson, Gumpertz and Heger

Ross Barney Architects

MERIT AWARD Sculptures/Art Installations/Non-Building Structures

Belmont Gateway Canopy, Chicago

FIFTY YEARS AFTER BEING BUILT, the Belmont Blue Line Sta- requirements, the project team was able to simplify fabrication.
tion is no longer a stylistic afterthought, but rather has been trans- The primary HSS framing members efficiently resist biaxial and
formed into one of the most recognizable stations in the Chicago torsional stresses. Rectangular shapes were selected since they are
Transit Authority’s (CTA) vast rail system. more commonly used in the U.S. and are easier to connect. Plates
As part of the Your New Blue program, CTA is reenvision- were cut into trapezoids, curved, and welded together to form the
ing and improving 14 Blue Line “L” train stations. The Belmont curved tapering sections. Cast steel nodes were selected for the
station had not been significantly modified since its construc- complicated moment connections where the petal loops meet the
tion in 1970, so upgrading the entrance provided an opportunity spine, as a means to adequately resist the forces, simplify construc-
to improve the station’s visual presence and create a community tion, and meet aesthetic requirements.
focal point within Chicago’s Avondale neighborhood. The design, The overall structural system includes the cantilevered canopy
inspired by a waterfall from the bygone Olson Park, becomes “ani- supported on three columns, and over 90% of the project’s total
mated” when it rains as water cascades down the sloping canopy. weight (approximately 162 tons) is located in the canopies. A net-
The canopy structure is formed by five petal-shaped, architectur- work of primary framing members provides stiffness to control
ally exposed structural steel (AESS) frames that cantilever 68 ft over deformations and is anchored to the ground with large concrete-
the station’s plaza and 28 ft in the other direction. AESS was chosen filled steel columns that act as “tree trunks” to support the overlap-
as a way to emphasize the overlapping outlines of the petals without ping steel “branches” of the canopy.
adding unnecessary cladding. The primary framing members that To facilitate the connection at the geometrically complex regions
form the outline of the petals are built-up rectangular tube sections where the petal loops intersect, built-up plate nodes were prefab-
that support hollow structural section (HSS) purlins that connect ricated to join the members and provide the desired aesthetic of
to the canopy’s blue polycarbonate panels. The petals frame into a member cleanly passing through each other. Prefabrication simpli-
horizontal spine at the low point of the slope with custom castings fied erection and field welding and provided the means to achieve
that are supported on three 38-in. steel-encased concrete pipe col- the AESS Category 3 requirements of visually seamless joints (for
umns concealing the drainage downspouts within the concrete. details on the various AESS categories, see “Maximum Exposure”
The canopy’s geometry required the primary structural fram- in the November 2017 issue, available at
ing members to be curved in one dimension, sloped in a second To transfer significant biaxial bending forces and torsion into
dimension, and tapered in the third dimension. Through creative the columns, accommodate the downspouts concealed within the
design and by evaluating how the geometry influenced the strength columns, and provide access to place the concrete in the columns,
44 | MAY 2020
Ross Barney Architects Ross Barney Architects

Ross Barney Architects

the design team worked closely with the cast steel designer and considering the varying cantilever lengths; framing plans (e.g., num-
supplier, Cast Connex, to develop customized cast-steel connec- bers of columns, petals, and intersecting petal nodes); plate thickness
tion nodes. Coordinating this design decision early in the sche- for the primary petal framing; column diameters and thicknesses; and
matic phase allowed the project team to evaluate the connection’s the amount of welding required. The automated parametric structural
ability to meet the required demands of the structure and provide analyses enabled the design team to analyze stresses and deflections
confidence to the design team and CTA that the project vision for each combination of options and achieve the aesthetic goals while
would not be compromised within future phases of the job. In helping to minimize fabrication and erection costs.
addition, minimizing the disruption to the surrounding area was The cantilevered boxed sections were fabricated out of 2-in.
important to CTA and the project team. A deep foundation sys- 50-ksi steel plate with mostly complete joint penetration (CJP)
tem with small-diameter drilled piers was chosen to bypass existing welds. AESS requirements reduced tolerances by half, minimized
below-grade structures and limit the effects on the adjacent street, joint gaps, and stipulated that all welds had to be continuous with
active bus routes, and subgrade trains. a uniform and smooth appearance within close visual proximity.
The steel castings found at the top of each column are each The steel was fabricated and coated in Houston and shipped to
designed to connect the built-up sections forming the spine, petal Chicago in five sections on specialty heavy-haul trailers. Tekla was
canopies, and column below. The external form of the casting was used to model the geometry, and fixtures were developed to ensure
designed to match the architectural language of adjacent structural the correct layout was achieved so that a “drag and drop” fabrica-
steel, while the internal form was carefully designed to be as light- tion process could be implemented.
weight as possible while satisfying the structural loading, welded- Owner
joint considerations, and casting manufacturing constraints. Chicago Transit Authority, Chicago
Machined holes were also included through the casting to provide
a port for the concrete to fill the column below and also provide a
Ross Barney Architects, Chicago
conduit for electrical and mechanical components.
This design-build project provided many opportunities for the Structural Engineers
design, casting, and fabrication teams to collaborate. Bringing these EXP, Chicago
parties together early allowed the project team to work together to Simpson, Gumpertz and Heger, Chicago
develop creative, efficient, and successful solutions. The design team Steel Team
used 3D and structural analysis models to coordinate and evaluate Fabricator and Detailer
this complex structure, as well as to help facilitate information shar- King Fabrication, Houston
ing. Architectural models developed in Rhino 3D were incorporated Erector and General Contractor
in the structural analysis model while customized software packages The Walsh Group, Chicago
were used to automate portions of the analysis and evaluate numer-
ous iterations and structural variables: the size of the AESS framing,
Cast Connex Corporation
Modern Steel Construction | 45
MERIT AWARD Sculptures/Art Installations/Non-Building Structures
Little Charlotte Office Monumental Stair, Charlotte, N.C.

WHEN IT RECENTLY RELOCATED to a new high-rise in ing as it was originally designed reduced the carbon footprint
downtown Charlotte, N.C., architecture and engineering firm of the renovation while also making it more cost-effective. With
Little didn’t just move into a new space; it created a new self- the stair connecting three of Little’s floors, the team was able to
designed experience. remove the mildly reinforced concrete slab and a 21-in. mildly
Designed by the firm itself, the flexible, attractive, sustainable reinforced concrete beam at two levels, which totaled 28 tons of
space—which is pursuing LEED and WELL Silver certifications concrete—more weight than the stair itself.
(with hopes of becoming the first Charlotte facility to achieve both The four-pronged structural mast distributes the load of the
certifications)—the new office occupies the 14th, 15th, and 16th stair to the underside of the 17th floor beams with bolted steel
floors of the building. And connecting all three floors is an open, channels and transfers some of the load to the 16th and 15th floors,
internal staircase that acts as a focal point, an architectural center allowing the existing structure to adequately carry the appropri-
of gravity. ate load as required by code. Approximately 55% of the dead and
This monumental centerpiece, however, isn’t just any con- live loads are carried by the 17th floor, while the 16th and 15th
necting stair. Little used its engineering, design, and architectural floors support the remainder of the load transferred from the
expertise to create a structure that not only provides a destination inside HSS14×4 stringers. The mast connection to the 17th floor is
for ideas, culture, experience, story, work, and interaction, but also accomplished by four 2¼-in.-diameter pins, and was used to elimi-
an unexpected visual statement—starting at the top. nate the transfer of any moment into the existing structure while
Instead of being traditionally anchored and reinforced at the also complementing the rawness of the design.
lowest level, which would disturb existing tenants on the 13th The main stair structure was designed to give the impres-
floor below, this 15-ton stair hangs from a four-pronged, struc- sion that the stair “floats.” Two HSS10×6 outriggers are cantile-
tural mast anchored to the underside of the building’s 17th floor. vered from the steel mast at each level supporting each HSS14×4
Ensuring structural reliability was a challenge for the design stringer, and an HSS14×4 outrigger cantilevers from the mast to
team, which knew it did not want to add significant strengthen- support the landing. The main HSS14×4 stringer runs along the
ing to the existing building structure. Using the existing build- inside edge of the stair directly under the inside railing and is

channels –
bolted to concrete beams

2¼” pin

four pronged
structural mast

existing concrete beam

slab opening


metal ribbon

locally sourced
stone treads

mast tip – outrigger
stops 24” above 14th floor HSS6×6 secondary
existing concrete slab main stringer


Ricardo Pulido

46 | MAY 2020
supported by the 15th and 16th floors as well as the HSS10×6 the 17th floor and attaching the stringers to the 15th and 16th
outriggers at the intermediate landings, which frame back to the floors (bolted to the PT girders). All reinforcement and PT
center mast. A secondary HSS6×6 stringer runs along the stair cables were located by use of X-ray and ground-penetrating
approximately 2 ft, 4 in. from the outside edge of the stair. The radar prior to drilling.
architects requested that the edge of the stair treads be exposed While the structural integrity of the stair was important, so
steel and termed this element the “zipper,” which in turn sup- was its architectural design. A winding ribbon of structural steel
ports the outside railing. The design of the stair also included creates a finished backbone rendered in white and contrasts with
checking step live loading with live load on only half the stair as the rawness of the steel that it threads together. All exposed steel
well as only on the landings to verify stresses and movement. Dif- was left to patina for several months in the field, and was later
ferential deflections of the 15th and 16th floor structural mem- rubbed with a protective bee’s wax (selected to meet the WELL
bers were also checked, as altering these movements changed the requirements for the space).
amount of load supported by the 17th floor. The materials chosen for the stair were critical to how it would
Even with diligent planning from both the engineering invite users—the more “raw” the better. Bolted connections, welds,
and design team, the stair execution did not come without its bends, and cuts express the inherent beauty of the materials in
challenges. One obstacle was the limited size of the building’s terms of how they look, feel, and sound. To keep with this inten-
freight elevator, which in turn limited the size of elements and tional rawness, the visible welds were only lightly ground, and the
assemblies that could be transported to the space. The solu- railing surrounding the stairway mimics the shading of architec-
tion? Construct the stair at the fabricator’s (C.M. Steel) shop tural sketches. ■
and then cut it into 42 pieces to be delivered and reconnected Owner, Architect, and Structural Engineer
on-site. Once in the space, the stair was pieced back together Little Diversified Architectural Consulting, Charlotte, N.C.
using full-penetration welds. The construction sequence took
General Contractor
advantage of the existing floor by installing the hanger frame-
DPR Construction, Charlotte
work on the underside of the 17th floor prior to cutting the new
holes in levels 16 and 15. Steel Fabricator, Erector, and Detailer
The team also had to take care not to damage rebar and C.M. Steel, Inc., York, S.C.
post-tensioned (PT) cables while adding the connections to

Ricardo Pulido Ricardo Pulido

Tim Buchman Ricardo Pulido

Modern Steel Construction | 47

Steel provides efficiency at all levels
of a new hotel in the center of
the City of Brotherly Love.


48 | MAY 2020 DAS Architects

opposite page: Hyatt Centric Philadelphia is the latest of the below: The 175,000-sq.-ft, 13-story hotel houses 332 guest rooms,
hotel chain’s smaller, upscale, urban core-focused properties. 40 modern executive suites, and amenity spaces.

Harman Group
SOMETIMES, IT’S GOOD to be in the heart of it all.
This is the mindset behind Hyatt Centric, the famed hotel company’s smaller, upscale,
urban core-focused line of properties.
With nearly 40 locations around the globe and more than 20 in the U.S., the latest
Hyatt Centric is nearly complete in Philadelphia, rising a block from historic Rittenhouse
Square in the heart of the city’s premier dining and retail district.
The 175,000-sq.-ft, 13-story hotel houses 332 guest rooms, 40 modern executive
suites, a street-level and an upper-floor restaurant, a fitness center, event spaces, meeting
facilities, lounges, and a small green roof. There are also two levels of underground park-
ing with stackers, including spaces for 220 cars and 32 bicycles.

Framing Flexibility
In determining the structural system, structural engineer the Harman Group con-
sidered multiple options, including two-way flat plate concrete. Ultimately, lower cost,
increased flexibility, and reduced construction time led to the choice of a steel frame.
The building incorporates 1,340 tons of steel in all. The overall width-to-length ratio
of the hotel’s footprint (57 ft by 249 ft) necessitated the use of steel braced frames to
provide lateral resistance in both directions. These frames—using HSS12×8 and HSS8×8
for the bracing elements, W12 columns, and W10 gravity members—are located around
elevator shafts and stairs. At the center of the building, the elevator and stair openings Lea Cosenza (lcosenza
cut off direct lateral load transfer from the diaphragm to these frames. Located below is an associate
the plank, L4×4×¾ drag struts in an “X” configuration drag the load into the frames. In and the director of The Harman
addition, two large transfer girders at the third floor, one a W40×503 and the other a Group’s New York office. Albert Meyer
W40×593, provide a large, column-free area for the second-floor ballroom and also sup- ( is
port hanging partitions. an associate and senior project
engineer with The Harman Group’s
Philadelphia office.
Modern Steel Construction | 49
Berlin Steel

The overall width-to-length ratio of the hotel’s footprint (57 ft by 249 ft) necessitated the use of steel braced frames to provide lateral resistance
in both directions. These frames—using HSS12×8 and HSS8×8 for the bracing elements, W12 columns, and W10 gravity members—are located
around elevator shafts and stairs.

The basement level up through the third floor uses composite Creating Clearance
slab on metal deck supported on wide-flange beams and girders, For the floor system at the hotel room levels, it was impera-
and columns are transferred at the third floor on W36×210 transfer tive for the design team to minimize floor depth at the hotel
girders to allow for an efficient column layout in the parking levels. room levels in order to achieve the required clear height and
Hung spans are used for the third-floor transfer girders, which run allow maximum room for MEP systems. The typical hotel level
over and cantilever past the supporting column, with the girder floor-to-floor height is 10 ft and the finished ceiling height in
beyond connecting to the cantilevered end of the transfer girder. majority of the hotel room spaces outside of bathroom area is 9
This geometry, which effectively makes the primary span of the ft, 4 in., with the underside of precast plank serving as the ceil-
transfer the back span for a cantilever portion, reduces the mag- ing. The more common system of composite metal deck sup-
nitude of the positive moment in the transfer girder, allowing for ported by steel beams was not ideal for this project as it didn’t
smaller members. At the roof level, wide-flange beams and gird- easily facilitate the required clearance. As such, the design team
ers, ranging from W18s to W24s, support the precast plank and turned to the Girder-Slab system to frame the floors at the hotel
facilitate flexibility in locating and supporting the screen wall posts room levels. In this system, elements known as D-BEAM gird-
(HSS8×8×½), which are located at mid-span of each bay, as well as ers act compositely with precast hollow core plank, providing an
the dunnage supports for heavy mechanical equipment. overall floor structure depth of 8 in. nominal. An 8-in. precast

50 | MAY 2020
Harman Group

above: The typical hotel level floor-to-floor

height is 10 ft and the finished ceiling height
in majority of the hotel room spaces outside of
bathroom area is 9 ft, 4 in., with the underside of
precast plank serving as the finished ceiling.
right: A detail of a plank bearing on a Girder-
Slab D-BEAM.

plank spans between the D-BEAM girders

and is grouted solid with reinforcing bars
at the girders to make the system compos-
ite. The D-BEAM girders typically frame
from column to column, but at the center of
the building they frame to tree beams that
match the girder profile. A tree beam is a
segment of beam that is nearly identical in
profile to the D-BEAM without web open-
ings. These tree beams are cantilevered from
the columns to allow for longer spans using
the same girder size.
All Girder-Slab system components are
fabricated off-site and shoring for the floor
structure isn’t required as it would be for a
flat-plate concrete slab, yet the system main-
tains an overall thickness like a flat-plate con-
crete slab, thus improving constructability and
saving on construction time. For this project,
the tree beams were welded to the columns
in the shop, so bolted connections could then
be used in the field to allow for ease of erec-
tion. Connection design for the Girder-Slab
components, as well as the entire framing
system, was performed by Harman’s construc-
tion engineering group, which allowed for a
more efficient transition from design to con-
struction. Responses to questions between the
connection design engineer and the engineer
of record (EOR) can often take up to a week
when going through the typical channels of
the design and construction team—but this A tree-beam-to-column connection.

Modern Steel Construction | 51

Harman Group

Harman Group

above and left: The building incorporates

1,340 tons of structural steel in all.

time frame can often be reduced to less

than an hour where the connection design
engineer is in the same office as the EOR,
as was demonstrated by this project.

Stacks and Storage Tanks

The City of Philadelphia requires that
storm water be managed with on-site
basins, which then meter water into the
storm sewer system. However, the building
occupies the entire footprint of the site, thus
preventing these basins from being placed
below grade. As such, a steel platform was
designed to support steel storm water stor-
age tanks that were suspended below the
second floor level above the entry drive to
the car elevators. Similar to a mezzanine,
this galvanized steel platform is hung from
the underside of the second-floor structure,
using L6×6 hangers, so that drive lanes to
the car elevators could remain clear; posts
from below would have conflicted with the
drive lanes.
The steel framing at the below-grade
parking levels, which is accessed via three car
elevators, is similar to a traditional slab-on-
metal deck for typical floor levels except that,

52 | MAY 2020
due to exposure to deicing salts, the metal
deck is designed as sacrificial and the rein-
forcing steel in the slab is designed such that
the deck serves only as a form for the con-
crete. A soon-to-be-installed steel-framed
vehicle stacker system will allow for the max-
imum number of cars within these two lev-
els, and loading for the system was accounted
for during design to allow for flexibility in
location of posts. The parking stacker system
was anticipated to typically be supported by
directly connecting to the primary building
columns and perimeter basement wall, but
it was expected that some locations would
be required to be posted down to the floor
structure in certain locations. The exact
layout of the parking stacker system was
not known at the time the primary struc-
ture was being designed and documented.
As such, anticipated loading and connec-
tion points were assumed and applied to the
Over the Top Call or email us your inquiry!
St. Louis Screw & Bolt
structure to provide an economical primary
structure design with flexibility of the park-
ing stacker system layout without actually
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The industry’s toughest, most weather
knowing what the final configuration and 800-237-7059
loading would be. Where the stacker system
resistant pallet wrapping!
layout did not allow connections to primary
building columns or basement walls, sup-
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ports posts could be placed at virtually any
point on the foundation mat surface, the top
of which is used as the lowest parking level.
This mat foundation was designed by WZG
Structural Consulting Engineers, which also
assisted with shop drawing review, to fulfill
the project’s Minority and Women-owned
Business Enterprises requirement.
Once completed later this year, the
Hyatt Centric Philadelphia will be a prime
addition to the many major hotel openings
in Philadelphia over the last few years.
And it will be smack-dab in the middle of
all of them. ■

Owner and Developer

Hyatt Hotels Corporation, Chicago
General Contractor
Clemens Construction Company,
DAS Architects, Philadelphia
Structural Engineers
The Harman Group, Philadelphia
(also Connection Designer)
WZG Structural Consulting
Engineers, Inc., Limerick, Pa.
Steel Fabricator, Erector, and Detailer
The Berlin Steel Construction
Company, West Chester, Pa.

Modern Steel Construction | 53


AN ADDITION to Long Beach, California’s Aquarium of the Pacific undulates like the
sea itself.
The expansion, called Pacific Visions, opened in 2019 and houses an immersive theater,
additional special exhibition and art galleries, and increased space for live animal exhibits
within a curvaceous façade clad with a grid of privacy glass of various shades. It used 350
tons of structural steel and 4,831 connection bolts to hold it all together—all delivered
from Minnesota in 30 truckloads.
We talked with Nicholas Zacher, a TrueNorth Steel project manager—the project’s fabri-
cator—about what it was like detailing and fabricating a project with virtually no right angles.

It sounds like the building isn’t your typical “box” design.

Definitely not. There are minimal 90° angles in the design. This building is not a per-
fect oval or a circle but it is curved. The exterior gives the illusion of curved steel, yet we
did not bend any steel in the superstructure or hire any external specialty steel contractors.
The structure was completed primarily with straight wide-flange components set on a
skew by the TrueNorth Steel drafting team.

So why wasn’t curved steel used, given the building’s clearly curved form?
Initially, we considered bringing in a specialty partner to curve the steel, which we’ve
Geoff Weisenberger done before successfully. But in this case, while following the skewed connections pro-
( is senior vided by the design team, we were able to create a solution that met the desired aesthetic
editor of Modern Steel Construction. appeal and budget without the need for curving. That said, once we committed to the
Nicholas Zacher is a project approach we wanted to take, it meant we were going to basically custom fit every beam
manager with TrueNorth Steel. into this nonstandard shape, all the way around.
54 | MAY 2020
A northern fabricator discusses the challenges and solutions
of fabricating an aquarium addition in a SoCal locale.

All images: TrueNorth Steel

above: Pacific Visions is a new expansion to Long Beach’s

Aquarium of the Pacific.
right: Right angles are virtually nonexistent in the framing,
which achieves a curved aesthetic without curved steel.

Can you elaborate on how you achieved a curved look

without actually curving any steel?
We’ve done many complicated geometry projects, but
none that encompass a radius structure with no curved
steel. The team took radius dimensions and installed
all beam-to-beam connections to columns to create the
radius. Stadiums have a radius component, but we haven't
seen one made of straight connecting pieces—at least
not to this extent. A lot of stadiums are oval or at least
a standard “shape.” This project is what we call multi-
axes. It is not a constant circle. It’s concave and convex
as you work your way around the building. When you
marry steel beams with curves, you find yourself seek-
ing the expertise of your design team. And that’s what we
did. Our solution meant we had to custom fit every sin-
gle beam into this non-standard shape. The only square
design of this project was the elevator. Even the stairs
were tied into radius requirements. Getting deep into the

Modern Steel Construction | 55

details prior to modeling was key to getting
the 3D model dialed in correctly prior to
printing drawings.
When it comes to the theater seating, it
is framed with ¼-in. and 3∕8-in. steel plate
on steel rakers with form deck infill. This
was a complex system to install as the riser
plate doubled as the pour stop, so hitting
elevations was critical.

above and below: Given the geometry, I’m guessing con-

The framing for the addition
used 350 tons of structural nections were a challenge.
steel and 4,831 connection The curvature of the building definitely
bolts to hold it all together— created another unique problem to solve
all delivered from North Dakota to
Long Beach in 30 truckloads.
in terms of the connections. The team at
the general contractor, Clark Construction,
collaborated with our team on a consistent
basis to make sure we were all on the same
page. We had to make a structural steel
connection to a glass façade that had no
adjustability. Tie-in plates had an agreed-
upon tie in advance. This made it tough
because the outrigging connections were
square. All of them had an “X,” “Y,” and “Z”
axis that had to be coordinated.
There were 96 unique outrigger con-
nections in all. We got them set to where
we believed to be right based on the infor-
mation provided, but the on-site tolerances
didn’t agree. These were galvanized hollow
structural sections (HSS) with shop-welded
plate that encompassed variations in all
three axes, and they had to be installed with
a variation of ¼ in. maximum in the X and
Z axes and ½ in. in the Y axis. We knew the
variations would exist but we did not know
exactly how much variation would exist until
the building was plumb and lined up in the
field. The major contributor here is heat
expansion. Depending on the time of day
the surveys were shot, we would see up to
1∕8 in. in variation from survey to survey.

Luckily, no re-fabrication was needed, but

we did have to move a handful of plates and
provide a few shims. Clark performed a 3D
scan of the building and our drafting team
extrapolated these points in space, which
drove the final locations of the glass tie
in outriggers, then we made the required
adjustments. At the end of the day, success
boils down to the partners you have on the
project and your working relationship, and
this was a perfect example.

left: The addition is clad in a curvaceous grid

of privacy glass of various shades.

56 | MAY 2020
left: An example connection detail for the steel framing. All steel for the theater
¾” gusset 1½” 7” 1½” superstructure was detailed, fabricated, and erected on a radius with straight
plate connecting members.

1½” 8” 1½”
below: The theater seating is framed with ¼-in. and 3∕8-in. steel plate on steel rakers with
typ. 5
∕16 18” form deck infill, a complex system to install as the riser plate doubled as the pour stop.
1” offset

1½” 8” 1½”
WF column

brace see
1” thick plate
W/8-1ӯ F1554
Gr. 105 bolts

How did a fabricator in North Dakota get

involved with a project in Greater Los Ange-
les? Were there any challenges with transpor-
tation and erection?
We have a good relationship with Clark Con-
struction from previous projects. As for transpor-
tation, as always, winter delays are expected in the
northern states but fall on deaf ears in Southern
California! Lay-down area was enough for one
truck’s worth of material. That was it. So just-in-
time deliveries were critical, as was the need to
provide smaller manageable sequences.
In the end, having accurate information at the
onset and consistent on-site and off-site team col-
laboration with partners, especially Clark, is what
drove the success of the project. And thanks to
our in-house detailing expertise, our drafters had
the vision and ability to draw the final require-
ments for what was a relatively new type of design
for us. ■

For an infographic on the Aquarium of the Pacific, see

the Project Extras section at

Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, Calif.
General Contractor
Clark Construction
EHDD Architecture, San Francisco
Structural Engineer
Wheeler and Gray Consulting Engineers,
Pasadena, Calif.
Steel Team
Steel Fabricator and Detailer
TrueNorth Steel, Fargo, N.D.
Steel Erector
Bragg Crane and Rigging Co.,
Long Beach

Modern Steel Construction | 57

A new report showcases the development of economical
and efficient shallow press brake-formed tub girder bridges.

Tub Time

Barry Hatfield II, WVDOH

IN 2009, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) chal- up the challenge and initiated research into an alternative to
lenged the North American steel industry to develop a “cost- prestressed concrete beams for short-span bridge applications.
effective short-span steel bridge with modular components, which SSSBA’s technical working group—consisting of 30 organiza-
could be placed into the mainstream and meet the needs of today’s tions including the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI),
bridge owners, including accelerated bridge construction (ABC).” AISC’s National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA), National Asso-
And the Short Span Steel Bridge Alliance (SSSBA) delivered. ciation of County Engineers, steel bridge fabricators, univer-
SSSBA is a group of bridge and buried soil structure indus- sity faculty members, steel manufacturers, government organi-
try leaders who have joined together to provide educational zations, and bridge owners—developed a solution: a modular,
information on the design and construction of short-span steel shallow press brake-formed steel tub girder (PBTG). The gird-
bridges in installations up to 140 ft in length. The group took er’s design is shown in Figure 1.
The comprehensive research, development, and proof-of-
concept efforts were led by West Virginia University and Marshall
University. And the complete research study is available in a six-
volume report, available at
Following are brief summaries of each volume.
rsi Volume I—Development and Feasibility Assessment of
Fig. 1. A model Un
a Shallow Press-Brake-Formed Steel Tub Girders for Short
of a composite tV
press brake- We
s Span Bridge Applications. Design of the modular tub girder
art system was completed in two stages. First, a spreadsheet was
formed tub rl B
girder (PBTG). developed to compute the section properties of any tub girder

58 | MAY 2020


opposite page and above: Installing the Fourteen Mile Bridge in Lincoln County (District 2) near Karl E. Barth (karl.barth
East Lynn, W.V., a PBTG bridge. Comprehensive research, development, and proof-of-concept is the Jack H.
efforts for the PBTG design were led by West Virginia University and Marshall University.
Samples Distinguished Professor
in the Department of Civil and
configuration. Next, design iterations were performed based on conservative estimates Environmental Engineering at
of press brake tub girder capacity, limiting the capacity of the composite girders to the West Virginia University. Gregory
yield moment. K. Michaelson (michaelson
In order to verify the performance and capacity of this newly developed modular tub is an assistant pro-
girder, physical testing was conducted at the Major Units Laboratory at West Virginia fessor in the Department of Civil
University. Flexural testing was conducted on simply supported composite and non- Engineering at Marshall University.
composite press brake tub girder specimens in three-point bending. The test load was Robert M. Tennant (rmtennant
applied at mid-span using a servo-hydraulic actuator which was mounted to a large is a PhD Student
structural reaction frame. in the Department of Civil and
Next, two separate analytical tools using nonlinear finite element methods and strain- Environmental Engineering at West
compatibility procedures were developed and benchmarked against experimental data. Virginia University. Adam D. Roh
Results demonstrate the proposed system is an economically competitive alternative for ( is a Masters
the short span bridge market. Student in the Department of Civil
Volume II—Experimental Evaluation of Non-Composite Shallow Press-Brake- and Environmental Engineering at
Formed Steel Tub Girders. The originally proposed system consisted of a reinforced West Virginia University.
concrete deck cast on the girder in the fabrication shop, forming a composite modular unit

Modern Steel Construction | 59

The Amish Sawmill Bridge in
Buchanan County, Iowa, was
the first bridge designed,
constructed, and opened to
traffic using the PBTG concept.


once cured. The composite unit would then be shipped to the con- Volume IV—Field Performance Assessment of Press-
struction site to be installed. However, the option of implement- Brake-Formed Steel Tub Girder Superstructures. After several
ing a cast-in-place deck was also explored. A critical design stage years of lab testing at West Virginia University, the Amish Sawmill
for these girders occurs during the pouring of the concrete deck, Bridge in Buchanan County, Iowa, was the first bridge designed,
when the non-composite steel section must support the construc- constructed, and opened to traffic using the PBTG concept. Upon
tion load, including the weight of the wet concrete. the completion of this bridge, researchers from West Virginia
Flexural testing was performed on two non-composite University and Marshall University traveled to Iowa to perform a
specimens to assess the ultimate capacity of the system. Both live load field test.
specimens failed from global lateral torsional buckling. It was Live load distribution factors (LLDFs) calculated for each
also observed that the non-composite girders may be suscep- method were nearly identical and displayed how the composite
tible to torsional amplification due to geometric imperfections. system transferred the various loading between the four girders.
External bracing configurations, which are not required with Based on the results and conclusions drawn from this research,
modular composite units, were recommended for cast-in-place PBTG bridges exhibit consistent performance and are a practical
construction. Available system capacity equations agreed with option in the short-span bridge industry, especially when paired
experimental results. with ABC methods.
Volume III—Evaluation of Modular Press-Brake-Formed Volume V—Fatigue Performance of Uncoated and Gal-
Tub Girders with UHPC Joints. The use of prefabricated bridge vanized Composite Press-Brake-Formed Tub Girders. The
elements and systems has led to the recognition that durable con- cold-bending of the steel plate into the desired tub girder shape
nections are the key components in this type of construction. Ultra- creates residual stresses in the bends of the girder. It was unknown
high-performance concrete (UHPC), which is a steel fiber rein- if the high heat of galvanization would affect the residual stresses
forced, Portland cement-based product with advantageous fresh in the bends of the tub girder.
and hardened properties, is used for creating robust connections Laboratory testing was conducted to determine if hot-dip
between the prefabricated components. The use of the UHPC as a galvanization affects the fatigue performance of a cold-bent
joint media is becoming more popular during bridge construction. shallow PBTG. Two composite steel tub girders were con-
A model of a bridge system comprised of two composite modu- structed, one composed of an uncoated steel tub and the other
lar PBTGs connected with a UHPC joint was proposed and evalu- composed of a galvanized steel tub. The composite system was
ated. This was accomplished by constructing two modular units fatigue loaded simulating a 75-year life in a rural environment.
and joining them with a UHPC joint. The system was then fatigue Experimental results were used to evaluate any difference in
loaded simulating 75-year rural traffic conditions. Experimental the performance of the different steels used in the composite
results were used to evaluate the reliability of the longitudinal tub girder system. Results demonstrated galvanization did not
UHPC joint in a composite tub girder system. Results demonstrate influence the fatigue performance of the girders and is therefore
the performance of the joint was consistent throughout the test. the recommended means of corrosion protection.

60 | MAY 2020

Volume VI—Field Performance and Rating Evaluation above and below: The Cannelville Road Bridge in
of a Modular Press-Brake-Formed Steel Tub Girder with Muskingum County, Ohio, is the second press brake-formed
steel tub girder bridge to be installed. The bridge is a 2018
a Steel Sandwich Plate Deck. The Cannelville Road Bridge NSBA Prize Bridge Award winner.
in Muskingum County, Ohio, is the second PBTG bridge to be
installed in the field. The structure is composed of two modular SSSBA
tub girder and sandwich plate steel (SPS) deck units that were
constructed off-site and erected using ABC methods. The main
superstructure elements of this bridge were installed in just over
22 minutes. The research team also conducted live load field
testing of this structure. (For more on this project, see its descrip-
tion in the 2018 Prize Bridge Awards coverage in the June 2018
issue. And be sure to see the upcoming July 2020 issue, which will
feature this year’s Prize Bridge Award winners. All issues of Mod-
ern Steel Construction are available at
The results of the live load field test and finite element analy-
sis were used to generate bottom flange bending stress, LLDFs,
and interior and exterior girder ratings. These values, experi-
mental and analytical, were then compared with equivalent
LLDFs, and live-load girder ratings were computed referenc-
ing AASHTO LRFD Specifications. The results of this testing
demonstrated current AASHTO LRFD Specifications for ana-
lyzing shallow PBTGs are conservative, with field performance
exceeding calculated performance.
In addition to high performance, tub girders are practical in
ABC applications and compatible with various deck designs as
modular units. With a growing demand and need for rapid infra-
structure replacement, shallow PBTGs have proven to be an
effective application in response to the growing industry demand.
They are cost-effective, can remain in service for up to 100 years,
and can be installed in far less time than conventional bridges due
to the precast nature of the composite deck. ■

Modern Steel Construction | 61

news & events
Printed Manual Companion Now Available People and Companies
Your Manual now has a companion. Volume 2—Design Tables includes • Modular building manufacturer Z
The v15.1 Companion to the AISC Steel many design tables that expand on what’s Modular, a division of Zekelman
Construction Manual is now available as included in the Manual. New for the Man- Industries (parent company of
a printed two-volume set. Developed by ual is an all-in-one member design—“Super AISC member HSS manufacturer
industry leaders in the AISC Committee on Table”—for determining the available Atlas Tube), has commissioned
Manuals, the Companion is the perfect com- strength for W-shapes subject to axial, shear, robotics in its new automated
plement to your 15th Edition Manual. It flexure, and combined forces (Table 6-2). manufacturing facility in Killeen,
includes more than 1,600 pages of examples Volume 2 of the Companion includes this Texas. The specially developed
and tables that illustrate how to apply the same style of table for ASTM A913 (Grades robotics—a first for the
provisions of the 2016 Specification for Struc- 65 and 70) W-shapes, and HSS members of construction industry, according
tural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360) and both ASTM A500 Gr. C and ASTM A1085. to Z Modular—were implemented
the Manual for designing members, connec- Volume 2 also has compression tables for to ensure greater precision and
tions, and structural systems. composite HSS columns and the combined accelerate production. The
For ease of use, the Companion is sepa- loading table for W-shapes, both of which Killeen facility is one of several
rated into the following volumes: last appeared in the 14th Edition Manual. Z Modular manufacturing
Volume 1—Design Examples includes There is also a plastic section modulus table locations in the U.S.—including
detailed examples covering the provisions of for coped W-shapes. a Chicago plant that opened this
the Specification. Guidance is also provided The printed Companion will quickly past summer—and features over
on how to apply the tables of the Manual to become a go-to reference in your bookcase. It 200,000 sq. ft of manufacturing
simplify the design process. Complete con- is also a helpful tool for training new engineers space and 2 million sq. ft of
nection design examples are provided for on steel design. For more information on this production capacity. Specialized
the most common shear, moment, axial, and resource and other useful resources provided equipment at the Killeen plant
bracing connections. Volume 1 also has an by AISC, visit includes material-handling robots,
example that covers the step-by-step pro- And visit to access welding robots, automated
cedure for load determination and member the Manual, Specification, and other AISC cranes, CNC machines for
selection of a four-story building. publications. structural floorboards, conveyors,
and 30+ stations for outfitting
modules and preparing them
for transportation to job sites.
The equipment allows a team
of nearly 200 tradespeople,
engineers, and operations
managers to complete up to 80%
of a project’s total construction
within the factory, which is
currently producing modules for
apartments and hotels.
• Two companies have joined
the network of SEAA/NCCER
Ironworker Training Units and
Assessment Sites: S&H Steel
(an AISC certified member
fabricator and erector) and L&L
Construction, Inc. (an AISC
certified erector). The Steel
Erectors Association of America
is an NCCER Accredited
Training Sponsor, which affords
member companies access to
nationally recognized credentials,
with the benefit of reduced
administrative costs. Learn more

62 | MAY 2020
safety matters
MEMBERSHIP Welcome to Safety Matters, which high- comfort of personal protective equipment
AISC Board Approves lights various safety-related items. This (PPE) and how job tasks can possibly be
month’s topics include fall protection, wir- augmented to avoid unneeded noise expo-
New Full and ing methods, and hearing conservation. sures. Helpful hearing conservation ideas:
Associate Members • Conduct noise monitoring on workplace

Wiring Methods equipment and processes
General Industry regulations on wiring • Where possible, use tools and
methods appear in OSHA 1910.305. Most machinery specifically geared towards
Allfasteners USA, LLC, “quiet” operation
of these regulations are probably best con-
Medina, Ohio • Follow audiometric testing guidelines
ducted by licensed electricians, but a cou-
ARC Steel Enterprises, from OSHA
ple we know to watch for include 305(b)
Little Mountain, S.C. • Provide PPE that workers have been
(1)(i)&(ii), which require that openings in
CT&C Fabrication, able to supply input on
electrical boxes be closed and openings
Grantsville, Utah • Train people on how to protect
with cables be covered.
Greybeard Steel, LLC, their hearing
Post Falls, Idaho • Reevaluate your hearing conservation
Hub Steel, Groveland, Fla. Fall Prevention program regularly
Intech Contracting, Lexington, Ky. National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent
RISA Management Corp., Falls takes place May 4-8. While this
Maspeth, N.Y. may seem to apply more to field erection Dates to Note
crews, falls from lower elevations, ladders, • Global Employee Health and Fitness
Signature Steel, LLC,
and general industry environments can be Month. Month of May,
Amarillo, Texas
highlighted during this week as well. Con- • Mental Health Awareness Month.
Southern Spear Ironworks, LLC,
sider sharing one topic related falls with Month of May,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
your crews during the stand-down week. In • OSHA National Safety Stand-Down
Team Industries, Inc.,
addition, information to improve your fall to Prevent Falls. May 4–8,
Kaukauna, Wis.
protection policies is available in several
Turner Construction Co.,
Huntsville, Ala. locations. Take some time to review these
sources for information on how to reduce We are always on the lookout for ideas
fall-from-height injuries and fatalities: for safety-related articles and webinars that and are of interest to AISC member companies.
fall-from-heights. If you have any safety-related questions or
suggestions, we would love to hear them.
Amcad Solutions, Bangalore, India
Contact us at And visit
Bend-Tech, Osceola, Wis. Hearing Conservation AISC’s Safety page at for
DP Steel Detailing, Hearing conservation is an important part
various safety resources.
Point Edward, Ontario, Canada of any good safety program. In the United
Drivensteel, Inc., Folsom, Calif. States, loss of hearing is ranked third in
D’s Design and Construction, chronic physical conditions, following
Fall River, Mass. arthritis and high blood pressure. The
Endproc Technical Services, Inc., loss of hearing can be brought on in many
Calgary, Canada different ways, but perhaps the most com- “Safety is something
Global Structural Detailing, Ltd., mon is due to loud noise exposures in the
Edmonton, Canada workplace. Often, these noise exposures that happens
GSource Technologies, LLC, slowly diminish a worker’s hearing, creat-
Miramar, Fla. ing a dangerous misconception that any between your ears,
India-Steel, Kolkata, India loss is normal.
Josh Griffin Detailing, The bottom line is that hearing loss is not something you
Grand Haven, Mich. preventable if employers and employees
Manni Sipre Spa, Mozzecane, Italy work together to identify and address dan- hold in your hands.”
Ra-Tech Engineering, LLP, gerous noise levels. Employers can reduce
Mumbai, India exposures by conducting noise studies and
providing the correct type of noise-reduc-
—Jeff Cooper
Ricardo E. Munoz Detailing,
Chicago ing hearing protection or finding alterna-
Rocky Point Detailing, LLC, tive methods of producing work. Employ-
Las Vegas, Nev. ees can provide valuable feedback on
X Steel Detailing, Sumter, S.C.

Modern Steel Construction | 63

news & events
AISC Celebrates Women in Construction Week
The first week of March was Women in After I had my first child, I felt tremen-
Construction Week, and we celebrated by dous pressure to get “up to speed” and to
highlighting an array of women in the steel “prove my worth” relative to my peers and
industry that week in our online Steel in colleagues. It was an exhausting as well as
the News section. physically and emotionally challenging
One of the featured women was Nata- period of my life and career. Since I had
lie Tse, SE, a project manager with Tip- limited time in the office, I struggled in
ping Structural Engineers. Here are her getting everything I had intended to get
thoughts on how she got her start in the done each week, and found myself work-
industry, what challenges she’s had to over- ing late nights and on weekends to meet
come, and what changes she’d like to see the demands of my projects. In addition,
for the industry moving forward. spending so much time on my career led to only to your well-being, but also to the suc-
feelings of “mommy guilt” and social anxi- cess of your career.
How did you get your start in the ety with my disconnect from friends who
buildings world? didn’t have any children. What piece of advice would you give to
Tse: In high school, I loved art, math, Although I successfully pushed hard your 10-year-old self?
solving problems, and building and cre- to attain my credentials and professional Tse: Here are a few pieces of advice I
ating things. Unfortunately, I was never licensure, I suffered from feelings of anxi- would offer to my 10-year-old self:
really exposed to what engineering was ety, stress, and self-doubt associated with 1. No matter how educated, talented, rich,
and I definitely wasn’t aware of the breadth my performance and professional compe- or cool you think you are, treat everyone
of career options associated with applied tence. These feelings were perpetuated by with respect. Be kind, courteous, and
sciences. It wasn’t until I was about a year the fact that my project assignments were honest with your peers and with your-
or two into my undergraduate degree that considerably less technically challenging self, and show integrity and accountabil-
I started to question my decision to study than the ones that my male counterparts ity for your actions.
biology and math. received. This didn’t change until I sought 2. Surround yourself with people who
That’s when I “discovered” structural out and requested to be put on specific share your values and celebrate your
engineering: A profession that requires tech- projects that were aligned with my own differences.
nical skill, spatial awareness, creativity, excel- development goals. 3. Be courageous. Be bold. Don’t be afraid
lent communication skills, collaboration, I was able to alleviate some effects of to try something new. Keep an open
patience, perseverance, and curiosity. No “imposter syndrome” by forming a huge mind and don’t be quick to judge.
matter where you are in your career, every cohort, seeking support, counsel, encour- 4. Be aware of your strengths and weak-
day is unique and the learning never ends. agement, and accountability in each other’s nesses. Don’t let other people put limits
career aspirations. I have also mentored on you or to try to define who you are.
What barriers or challenges have you other women who have experienced similar In every one of your circles, find a men-
had to overcome as a female in the difficulties in their careers. Through con- tor and an advocate you can rely on to
industry? tinued professional development and learn- give you encouragement during your
Tse: As a mother of three children, I ing to swallow my pride by asking for help successes and through your struggles.
experienced some challenges in establish- from peers and managers, I have been able 5. Take time to see things from a bird’s-eye
ing continued career growth and progres- to reduce even more self-doubt and anxiety view. Consider the impact you may have
sion, especially in the early years of par- and attain better work-life balance. Finding on others around you in your community.
enting. Although I am fortunate to have a advocates who champion and appreciate Click the News link at www.
husband who believes in gender equity in the talents and skills you possess and con- for all six profiles. And
domestic and caregiving responsibilities, I tribute to the organization and communi- for more information about Women in
struggled in finding work-life integration. ties to which you belong is important not Construction Week, visit

New AISC Standard Available for Public Review
A new AISC standard, Seismic Provi- review form, will be available for down- submit comments, using the online form,
sions for Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing load at during to Cynthia J. Duncan, AISC director of
Structural Steel Buildings, will be available this time. You can request a printed ver- engineering, at by June
for public review from May 1 to June 15, sion (for a $35 nominal charge) by calling 15 for consideration.
2020. The draft document, along with the Rachel Jordan at 312.670.5411. Please

64 | MAY 2020
marketplace & employment
Contract Auditor
Quality Management Company, LLC (QMC) is seeking
qualified independent contract auditors to conduct site
audits for the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
Certified Fabricators and Certified Erector Programs.

This contract requires travel throughout North America and

limited International travel. This is not a regionally based
contract and a minimum travel of 75% should be expected.
Contract auditors must have knowledge of quality
management systems, audit principles and techniques.
Knowledge of the structural steel construction industry
quality management systems is preferred but not required as
is certifications for CWI, CQA or NDT. Prior or current auditing
experience or auditing certifications are preferred but not
required. Interested contractors should submit a statement of
interest and resume to

Structural Engineers
Are you looking for a new and exciting opportunity?
We are a niche recruiter that specializes in matching great
structural engineers with unique opportunities that will help
you utilize your talents and achieve your goals.
• We are structural engineers by background and enjoy
helping other structural engineers find their “Dream Jobs.”
• We have over 30 years of experience working with
structural engineers.
• We will save you time in your job search and provide
additional information and help during the process of
finding a new job.
• For Current Openings, please visit our website and
select Hot Jobs.
• Please call or email Brian Quinn, PE (616.546.9420 or so we can learn
more about your goals and interests.
All inquiries are kept confidential.
SE Impact by SE Solutions, LLC |
Search employment ads online at To advertise, contact M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc.: 856.768.9360 |

advertiser index
AISC 3 | 8 | 15 | 67 QuickFrames USA 53
Applied Bolting 24 SDS/2 7
Bull Moose Industries back cover SidePlate 12
Chicago Metal Rolled Products 26–27 St. Louis Screw & Bolt 53
CoreBrace LLC 24 Tnemec Company 14
FICEP 11 V&S Galvanizing LLC 13
JGM 25 Voortman Corporation 19
Nucor Vulcraft-Verco Group – Redicor 5 Whitefab, Inc. 23
Peddinghaus Corporation 2

Modern Steel Construction | 65

structurally sound
UT San Antonio UT Arlington

UT El Paso UT Tyler Houston Engineering Center


THE AISC STUDENT STEEL BRIDGE COMPETITION (which, in the case of Texas, is pretty far): University of Texas at
(SSBC) Texas Regional event in Arlington in early March was Arlington, University of Texas at San Antonio, University of Texas
supposed to kick off SSBC season as the first of 18 regional events Tyler Houston Engineering Center (you read that right; the main
leading up to the national finals at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va. campus is in Tyler while the engineering department is based in
But we all know what happened next. The events—along Houston), and University of Texas at El Paso.
with everything else—became part of the rolling list of cancel- UTSA took first place overall as well as in five of six categories:
lations that, as of this printing, still continues thanks to the construction speed, economy, efficiency, lightness, and stiffness,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. And so the Texas event, and second place in aesthetics (first place in that category went to
held at Esports Stadium in Arlington, would be the only 2020 UT Tyler).
SSBC event to take place. For the complete results, visit
But take place it did, with four Texas teams making the trip And for photos of the event, see the Project Extras section at
from as close as a couple miles away to all the way across the state ■

66 | MAY 2020
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