Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule
Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule
Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule
Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 73, “Physical Protection of Plants and Materials,” Section 73.54, “Protection of
Digital Computer and Communication Systems and Networks,” requires licensees to provide high assurance that digital computer and
communication systems and networks are adequately protected against cyber attacks, up to and including the design basis threat as
described in 10 CFR 73.1. As required by 10 CFR 73.54 (b)(3) the cyber security program is a component of the physical protection
program. The physical protection and cyber security programs are mutually supportive of the goal of preventing acts of radiological
sabotage. The physical protection program currently in place, including the access authorization program and insider mitigation
program, supports the protection of plant equipment from unauthorized access by an un-trusted individual. The insider mitigation
program critical group has been expanded to include addressing cyber security staff in accordance with RG 5.77, and was completed
by March 31, 2010. This action in combination with the other elements of insider mitigation program supports addressing the insider
threat. The critical group of the Insider Mitigation Program includes: any individual who has the combination of electronic access
and the administrative control (e.g., “system administrator" rights) to alter one or more security controls associated with one or
more critical digital assets; and any individual with extensive knowledge of the site-specific cyber defensive strategy.
Ensuring physical protection is a fundamental driver of cyber security by eliminating threat vectors associated with direct physical
access. The deployment of a [deterministic isolation] communication barrier ensures protection from remote attacks on plant
systems. While the deployment of the [deterministic isolation] barrier is critical to protection from external cyber threats, it also
impacts remote access to plant data systems by authorized personnel. This elimination of remote access will require Licensees to
develop and implement a detailed change management plan. [Site/Fleet] also recognizes the threats associated with portable media
(e.g., USB thumb drives, CDs, etc.) and portable equipment (e.g., laptops) that connect to un-trusted networks. Cyber security
management, operational, and technical controls to address portable media and equipment will be implemented early in the
program. A common control is a security control that, once fully implemented, provides cyber security protection to one or more
Critical Digital Assets (CDA) or Critical Systems (CS). The protections provided by a common security control can be inherited by
CDAs and CSs throughout the facility. Therefore, the establishment of common controls will be prioritized in the implementation of
the Cyber Security Program.
Target sets are protected commensurate with their impact on safety. Target set equipment or elements are contained within a
protected or vital area or are identified and documented consistent with the requirements in §73.55(f)(1) and accounted for in the
[licensee's] protective strategy. The site physical protection program provides high assurance that these elements are protected
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from physical harm by an adversary. The consideration of cyber attack during the development of target sets is performed in
accordance with 10 CFR 73.55 (f)(2). The cyber security program will enhance the defense-in-depth nature of the protection of
CDAs associated with target sets.
A final date by which all management, operational, and technical cyber security controls will be implemented for CDAs is provided
within the [Licensee] proposed Implementation Schedule. The priority implementation of key aspects of the cyber security program
will be accomplished by establishing the following elements, as described in the schedule below, by December 31, 2012: [
• Deterministic isolation, as described in Section 4.3, “Defense-In-Depth Protective Strategies” of the Cyber Security Plan, will
be in place;
• The training of staff and the implementing steps to add signs of cyber security-related tampering to insider mitigation rounds
will be complete;
• Implementation of the management, operational, and technical cyber security controls that address attacks promulgated by
use of portable media, portable devices, and portable equipment will be complete;
• As a parallel activity to the above, [the Licensee] will identify, document, and implement common controls from those
controls listed in the Cyber Security Plan, and outstanding CDA-specific modifications associated with the implementation of
site common controls not complete by 12/31/2012 will be documented in the site configuration management and/or change
control program; and,
• Ongoing monitoring and assessment activities will commence, as described in Section 4.4, “Ongoing Monitoring and
Assessment” of the Cyber Security Plan, for those CDAs whose security controls have been implemented.
Full implementation of the cyber security program involves many supporting tasks. Major activities include: program and procedure
development; performing of individual critical digital asset (CDA) assessments; and identification, scheduling, and implementing
individual asset security control remediation actions through the site configuration management program. The cyber security
assessment teams are also being established for execution of program requirements. These teams are required to have extensive
knowledge of plant systems and cyber security control technology. A comprehensive training program will be required to ensure
competent personnel for program execution.
The configuration management program specifies a modification process governed by engineering design control. The plant
modification process is used for design and configuration changes to CDAs. The plant modification process plans, analyzes, budgets,
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designs, evaluates risk, implements, installs, and tests configuration changes to CDAs. Some plant modifications to CDAs may be
done while the plant is operational. Changes to CDAs whose function supports safety or operational requirements (e.g., safety,
surveillance tests, operational decisions, technical specification requirements, security) must be scheduled and performed outside the
normal day-to-day operation of the CDA. Based on the complexity of the modification and potential impact to the site, the
modification may take 18 to 24 months to fully implement. This time duration ensures the modification is scheduled and performed
at a time that minimizes impact to plant safety and operations, up-to and including the need for scheduling the modification during a
scheduled plant refueling outage.
Train and Qualify Cyber [6/2011] The CSAT will require a broad and very specialized knowledge of information
Security Assessment Team and digital systems technology. The CSAT will need to have digital plant
(CSAT) systems knowledge as well as nuclear power plant operations, engineering and
nuclear safety experience and technical expertise. The personnel selected for
this team will require additional training in these areas to ensure adequate
capabilities to meet the regulation requirements.
Identify Critical Systems [6/2011] This milestone builds on work done to identify critical assets under NEI 04-04.
(CSs) and Critical Digital The scope of 10 CFR 73.54 expands the scope of NEI 04-04, and therefore, a
Assets (CDAs) truing up of the identification of critical assets will be performed.
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Implementation Completion Date Basis
Develop Cyber Security [6/2011] The Defensive Strategy expands upon the high level model in the Cyber
Defensive Strategy (i.e., Security Plan and requires assessment of existing site and corporate policies,
defensive model) comparison to new requirements, revisions as required, and communication to
plant personnel.
Implement cyber security [6/2012 – for The implementation of communication barriers protects the most critical SSEP
defense-in-depth isolation functions from remote attacks on our plant systems. Isolating the plant
architecture boundaries] control systems from the Internet as well as from the corporate business
[6/2013 – for other systems is an important milestone in defending against external threats.
boundaries] [Recognizing the threat vectors associated with electronic access, the
installation of hardware-based deterministic isolation devices will be
prioritized.] While the deployment of the barriers is critical to protection from
external cyber threats, it also prevents remote access to core monitoring and
plant data systems for reactor engineers and other plant staff. This elimination
of remote access to reactor core monitoring systems requires the development
and execution of a detailed change management plan to ensure continued safe
operation of the plants.
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Implementation Completion Date Basis
Establish Cyber Security [12/2013] The implementation of the cyber security program is expected to require
Program policies/procedures policy/procedure development and/or upgrades for nearly every plant
department. The procedural development for the cyber security program
requirements and all of the individual security controls will be far-reaching.
Many of the security controls will require development of the technical
processes for implementing the control in a nuclear plan environment including
development of new procedures for surveillances, periodic monitoring and
reviews. Procedure development will begin early in the implementation of the
program and continue until the specified completion date. The development
and modification of associated policies and procedures will be performed in a
risk-informed process, supporting the addressing of security controls as
identified during the assessment.
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Implementation Completion Date Basis
Perform and document the [12/2013] Based on the existing cyber security program, it is known that the number of
cyber security assessment digital assets requiring assessment is extensive. As previously discussed, the
described in the Cyber CDA assessment methodology required for this regulation is extremely rigorous
Security Plan and deterministic. The completion of these assessments will require a
significant commitment of resources. The assessments will not begin prior to
having a fully established CSAT and the required procedures.
Implement Security Controls [DATE, not Although the scope of individual CDA assessment remediation actions is
not requiring a plant contingent on the unknown, based on the number and complexity of the required security
modification. The Cyber approval of the controls, it is expected to be a significant effort. Each of the individual CDA
Security Program is Plan] remediation actions will need to be planned, resourced, and executed. This
implemented and the date is only a commitment for the remediation actions not requiring a plant
Program has entered modification.
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Implementation Completion Date Basis
maintenance phase.
Changes requiring a plant modification may be implemented during the
ongoing maintenance of the cyber security program. A rigorous planning
process is used to ensure safe execution of refueling outage work. The
potential system modifications required by this regulation need to be carefully
planned and executed to ensure no detrimental effect to safe plant operations.
Beginning on this date, during the ongoing maintenance of the Program, the
following will be included:
• The requirements of Section 4 of the Plan will be effective; and
• Implementing plant modifications, per the schedule developed above, that
have not been completed.
Implement security controls [DATE] By this date, if there are outstanding modifications or controls that required a
requiring a plant scheduled plant refueling outage to complete, then these associated:
modification. • Modifications are implemented;
• Procedures are updated; and
• Training completed.
By this date, all management, operational, and technical security controls will
be implemented for CDAs
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