(Desert War) Crossing The Minefields
(Desert War) Crossing The Minefields
(Desert War) Crossing The Minefields
1 x11
Div. Trieste
2 x4
3 x5
4 x8
Trighel Abd
5 x1
6 x4
vers Bir Hakeim RotondaUaleb
7 x4
8 x18
Historical Background
On the 27th of May, the Italian division "Trieste" entered in the British minefields north of Bir Hakeim. After crossing a
first minefield, the division was slowed down by a second minefield and the harassment of a Free French "Jock Column" 9 x2
from Bir Hakeim. On the 28th of May, the Trieste division opened the way near Got el Ualeb after a combat between the
65°Fanteria supported by M13/40 tanks of the XI° Battaglione and some British units of the 150th Brigade which
defended the minefields.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.
Axis player [Italy] : 6 command cards, you move first.
Allied player [United Kingdom/Free French] : 6
command cards.
Conditions of Victory
6 medals.
Exit markers are in effect on the portion of the Allied
baseline in between the two Exit markers, for the Axe
Special Rules
- Use "BCF Command" rules (Nations 5) to all Allied
units except the Free French car.
- Use "Royal Italian Army" rules (Nations 6) to all Axis
- Use "Specialized Units" rules (Troops 2) to the five
Italian infantry units with Elite badge.
- Use "Combat Engineers" rules (Troops 4) to the three
units with Engineer badge.
- Use "Long Range Patrol Cars" rules (Troops 19) to the
unit with PC badge. It's a Free French "Jock Column".
- Use "North African Desert" rules (Actions 9).
- The Allied player lays out the minefields (Terrains 29).
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Produced with permission, for non-commercial use only.