Regulatory Agency Report
Regulatory Agency Report
Regulatory Agency Report
1. Drug Laws
4. Quality Control
• Promotion and protection of public and animal health, through
assessment and supervision of medicines meant for human and
veterinary use throughout the European Union.
• Monitoring the safety of drugs for humans and animals,mainly
through a pharmacovigilance programme and the
establishment of safe limits for residues in food. For the benefit
of public and animal health.
• Provide vital information on human and veterinary medicines in
understandable language
1. The Food and Drug Administration is a 1.The European Medicines Agency (EMA) on
regulating body which is a part of the other hand plays role in testing of drugs
Department of Health and Human developed by the pharmaceutical companies . It
Services, USA which is mainly provides scientific protocols for regulation and
responsible for promotion and safe guides the manufacturers to assist with the
guarding public health by regulating evaluation of medicines.
and supervising safety of food, tobacco
products, dietary supplements, - Multiple divisions are involved:
prescription and over-the-counter • EMEA
pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, • CHMP
biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions • National Health Agencies
- It is a Single governing body .
3. It plays its role in safety and security of 3. EMA,s main objective is the protection and
many essential areas such as food supply, promotion of public and animal health, through
cosmetics, dietary supplements and products the evaluation and supervision of drugs for
that give off radiation. human and veterinary use.
5.It strictly regulates the clinical trials. An IND 5. It is not responsible for anything related to the
(Investigational New Drug Application) is to clinical testing (Testing of the new drug in
be submitted to the FDA along with the pre- human volunteers).
clinical (Animal testing data) data to obtain
permission to conduct the experimental studies
in humans.
6. After proper clinical trials evidence has been 6. The EMA does have any role in granting of
reported, the pharmaceutical company files an approvals. It only gives scientific opinions.
NDA (New Drug Application) to seek
marketing approval in the member countries.
7. FDA has the authority to recall (cancel the 7. It does not have any role in withdrawal of
marketing approval of a drug or drug product drugs.
and remove it from the market) if the said
drug or product doesn't meet the requirement
protocols of saftey, quality or efficacy.
Ex: Withdrawal of Ritonavir (Anti-HIV) drug
8. In FDA there are no prior notifications given 8. Notifications are given before the inspection is
for conducting inspections to ensure that the done by the inspectors of the local regions to
organizations are complying with the Good ensure that the organizations are complying with
Manufacturing Practice (GMP). the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
9. It withholds all the expenses for inspection. 9. In EU, the MAA applicant/holder cover all the
expenses coming under inspections e.g. expenses
of inspector’s travelling arrangement etc.
10.Single inspector carries out the inspection. 10.Two or three inspectors may together conduct
the inspection
FDA and EMA are the organisations that protect and promote
public and animal health, through the evaluation and supervision
of drugs meant for human and veterinary use.
These two agencies aim at expansion of public’s knowledge of
drugs , medical devices, and cosmetics.
They, collaborate closely to meet the development standards.
The Drug regulatory bodies in the United States & Europe are
the most preferred and demanding in the entire world.
It is the duty of regulatory authorities to make sure that
pharmaceutical companies fall in with laws governing them.
Further they are legislations that require drugs to be developed,
tested, and manufactured in accordance to the guidelines so that
they are safe and patient’s well - being is ENSURED.
• U.S. Government Accountability Office. Clas-ses of Devices.
Publication No. 21 USC 360c(a);2006 ed. Washington, DC: U.S. Govern-
ment Printing Office, 2006.
• Guideline on process validation for finished products information and
data to be provided in regulatory submissions, European Medical
Agency, Feb-2014.