MillerCoors recently relaunched the Mexican import beer brand Sol with a new packaging design created by the brand agency Soulsight. The new design draws on Sol's 119 year history and heritage inspired by a ray of sunlight in the brewery. Soulsight modernized the packaging while retaining iconic elements like the red script and sun graphic to appeal to Sol's core consumers aged 21-29 without alienating loyalists. Applying vibrant colors and imagery from old Mexican signs and murals, the redesigned packaging communicates Sol as an authentic Mexican lager.
MillerCoors recently relaunched the Mexican import beer brand Sol with a new packaging design created by the brand agency Soulsight. The new design draws on Sol's 119 year history and heritage inspired by a ray of sunlight in the brewery. Soulsight modernized the packaging while retaining iconic elements like the red script and sun graphic to appeal to Sol's core consumers aged 21-29 without alienating loyalists. Applying vibrant colors and imagery from old Mexican signs and murals, the redesigned packaging communicates Sol as an authentic Mexican lager.
MillerCoors recently relaunched the Mexican import beer brand Sol with a new packaging design created by the brand agency Soulsight. The new design draws on Sol's 119 year history and heritage inspired by a ray of sunlight in the brewery. Soulsight modernized the packaging while retaining iconic elements like the red script and sun graphic to appeal to Sol's core consumers aged 21-29 without alienating loyalists. Applying vibrant colors and imagery from old Mexican signs and murals, the redesigned packaging communicates Sol as an authentic Mexican lager.
MillerCoors recently relaunched the Mexican import beer brand Sol with a new packaging design created by the brand agency Soulsight. The new design draws on Sol's 119 year history and heritage inspired by a ray of sunlight in the brewery. Soulsight modernized the packaging while retaining iconic elements like the red script and sun graphic to appeal to Sol's core consumers aged 21-29 without alienating loyalists. Applying vibrant colors and imagery from old Mexican signs and murals, the redesigned packaging communicates Sol as an authentic Mexican lager.
Consumers face an onslaught of brands in the beer aisle, so when they’re on-pack communication, then refined the brand mark to be more appeal- searching for cold brews, packaging can deliver differentiation and shelf ing and approachable. appeal. Applying a meaningful treatment of the sun iconography—a visual MillerCoors knows that well. So when it recently relaunched the Mexi- representation of the Spanish word “Sol”—gives the brand a sense of can import brand Sol, it partnered with Chicago-based brand agency Soul- placement with the sun shifted lower. Another touch here is the use of sight to redesign a vibrant new look and feel that stands out amongst the more vibrant rays radiating across the pack to illuminate the script. A competition and further solidifies the brand as a high-premium offering. brighter color palette replaces the previous black-and-white-dominated Steeped in 119 years of history, the Sol brand was inspired by a ray of background, lending a fresher, more optimistic feel. sunlight streaming through a hole in the “We’re bringing back the sun to Sol,” brewery’s roof. Drawing upon this mo- says the company’s Marketing Manager ment of inspiration, the brewmaster cre- We had a lot of conversations about Elizabeth Hitch. “With the brand having ated a refreshing, lighter-bodied lager to such a rich, consistent design history, it differentiate itself from the darker beers how to capture the spirit of this would be a total miss if we did not restore of the era. brand, and the main touchpoints we its heritage-inspired iconography and With so much history behind the glob- bring it back to the U.S. for this relaunch. al brand, Soulsight’s creative team had kept coming back to [were] the old The idea was to connect with consumers to master the fine balance of reposition- signage around Mexico—the old tin with a message rooted in authenticity and ing and modernizing it with fresh energy, optimism. The new packaging is the first while retaining its iconic heritage to en- signs and the murals. step in making that connection.” Beyond sure the redesign didn’t alienate existing using the sun as a nod to the authenticity brand loyalists comprising 21- to 29-year-old consumers. of Sol’s Mexican heritage, medallions placed at the bottom of the pack “We had a lot of conversations about how to capture the spirit of this and the top of the cans serve as credibility cues through a stylized inter- brand, and the main touchpoints we kept coming back to [were] the old pretation of the gold medals awarded to the beer around the turn of the signage around Mexico—the old tin signs and the murals,” explains Gra- century. New on-pack messaging adds clarity in communicating that this ham Ebetsch, Soulsight’s Senior Design Director. “We wanted to leverage is an authentic Mexican lager or Cerveza, Original de Mexico. the brand’s heritage in a really meaningful way to create a strong sense The refreshed design applies to all of Sol’s offerings, including bottles, of place by drawing out the colors and vibrancy of the heart of Mexico.” 12-oz cans, and single-serve 24-oz cans as well as six-pack and 12-pack The initial step included taking stock of which core equities to carry cartons. Additional global applications of the rebrand include an on- and into the new look and feel. Soulsight identified two of the most promi- off-premise look and feel, in-store POS, and interactive consumer experi- nent and recognizable design elements conveying the brand’s personal- ences at festivals and events, as well as holiday rollouts slated for 2019. ity: its bold red script and sun graphic. The team worked to clean up the —Jim Butschli