New - Elite - Plus Brochure - V2
New - Elite - Plus Brochure - V2
New - Elite - Plus Brochure - V2
PLAN FOR YOU? • Decide on the amount you want to receive as monthly payout;
• Annual payout and guaranteed maturity benefit will depend on the
monthly payout chosen by you
• The premium amount will be based on your age, chosen plan
What is SUD Life Elite Assure Plus? option and monthly payout
SUD Life Elite Assure Plus is a Limited Premium Non-Linked Non- • To enjoy the full benefits of your plan, all you have to do is to pay
Participating Endowment Life Insurance Plan that offers protection for the premiums throughout the premium payment term. There is a
your family in case of unfortunate death and offers you additional deferment period after the premium payment term. Your payouts
protection by way of inbuilt accidental death benefit. The plan also start from the end of the deferment period and continue throughout
helps you build up your savings and provides assured monthly the payout period
payouts. Payouts are enhanced by way of guaranteed annual payouts
and lump-sum at maturity. • In case of death of the life assured during the policy term, the nominee
will receive death benefit in the form of lump-sum amount
However, if you fail to pay your premium before the expiry of the
grace period:
• Where your policy has not acquired surrender value: Your policy
will Lapse
• Where your policy has acquired surrender value: Your policy will
continue with reduced benefits (as a Reduced Paid up policy)
Reduced Paid-Up:
If the premiums due under this policy have been paid for at least first
two full policy years and subsequent premiums are not paid, then the
policy will acquire Reduced Paid-Up status. The reduced paid-up
policy will continue with the following benefits:
Death Benefit under Reduced Paid up policy: • Paying the outstanding premium amount with the applicable
On death of the Life Assured during the policy term due to causes interest rate, currently 9.00% p.a. for FY 18-19
other than accident, the original death benefit (as defined above) • The prevailing interest rate is calculated as equal to 10 year G-sec
multiplied by Paid-up factor will be payable without deducting the benchmark interest rate as on last working day of the previous
paid-up monthly and paid-up annual payout already paid and the financial year +1.50%, rounded up to the next multiple of 25 basis
contract ceases immediately: points
• Fulfilling all medical and financial requirements as required by the
Total number of premiums paid Company as per the Board approved underwriting policy (the cost
Paid-up Factor
Total number of premiums payable of medical examination, if any, will be borne by you i.e.
policyholder/ Life Assured).
On death of the Life Assured during the policy term due to accident,
The Company reserves the right to accept or reject the revival of
the original death benefit due to accident multiplied by Paid-up factor
Lapsed/ Reduced Paid-up Policy as per the Board approved
will be payable without deducting the paid-up monthly and paid-up
Underwriting Policy. Once the policy is revived, all the benefits will be
annual payout already paid and the contract ceases immediately.
restored to original benefits level, any due and unpaid benefit shall be
paid immediately.
Survival & Maturity Benefit under Reduced Paid up policy:
The benefits on survival (monthly payout, annual payout) and maturity Can the plan be discontinued in between?
benefit will be reduced proportionately by the ratio:
Life insurance works best if you invest regularly and for the long term.
Total number of premiums paid
However in case of an emergency/ contingency, you can surrender
Total number of premiums payable your policy anytime during the Policy Term, provided it has acquired
Surrender Value. Policy acquires Surrender value after payment of
Surrender Benefit under Reduced Paid up policy: first two full policy years’ premiums.
On surrender of Reduced Paid-up policy, the Surrender Value will be
paid and contract gets terminated.
Are there any Riders available? What if you realize this is not the right plan for you?
Yes. You have the option of availing the following Rider: If you disagree to any of those terms or conditions in the policy, you
SUD Life Family Income Benefit Rider - Traditional have an option to return the policy to us within 30 days from the date of
(UIN:142B007V01) the receipt of the policy document, stating the reasons for your
objection. In this case we will return your premium as follows –
Please refer to the respective rider brochures for more details. Premium paid less:
i. Proportionate risk premium for the period on cover
ii. Expenses incurred by us on medical examination, if any
iii. Stamp duty charges
How is the premium calculated?
Your premium depends upon the Life Assured’s age, chosen Monthly TERMS &
Payout, Plan Option and Premium Payment Mode. The following
modal factors are applied to Annualized Premium: CONDITIONS
(E) Nomination:
Nomination is allowed as per Section 39 of The Insurance Act
1938 as amended from time to time.
(F) Assignment:
Assignment is allowed as per Section 38 of The Insurance Act
1938 as amended from time to time.
Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company Limited is the name of the Insurance Company and “SUD Life Elite Assure Plus” is the name of the plan.
Neither the name of the Insurance Company nor the name of the plan in anyway indicates the quality of the plan, its future prospects or returns.