A Contingency Approach To International Marketing Strategy and Decision-Making Structure Among Exporting Firms
A Contingency Approach To International Marketing Strategy and Decision-Making Structure Among Exporting Firms
A Contingency Approach To International Marketing Strategy and Decision-Making Structure Among Exporting Firms
A contingency approach to
international marketing strategy
and decision-making structure
54 among exporting firms
Received 18 January 2011
Revised 25 May 2011
Henry F.L. Chung
Accepted 15 September College of Business, Massey University Albany Campus, Auckland, New Zealand
2011 Cheng Lu Wang
College of Business, University of New Haven, West Haven,
Connecticut, USA, and
Pei-how Huang
Department of Business Management, National Sun-Yat Sen University,
Taiwan, Republic of China
Purpose – Although the relation between standardization/adaptation strategy and performance has
been extensively examined in the international marketing literature, the findings concerning these
factors are still inconclusive. The conflicting results might relate to the analysis approach adopted in
prior research, which tends to focus on the direct effect of marketing strategies. By utilizing the
contingency theory, the purpose of this paper is to uncover the moderation factors for the strategy-
structure-performance paradigm in the export sector. Internal, external and product-related factors are
Design/methodology/approach – This study focuses on four strategy and structure combinations:
The global approach (standardization-centralization); the glocal approach (standardization-
decentralization); the regcal approach (adaptation-centralization); and the local approach
(adaptation-decentralization). The interactive effect of the four approaches and a set of contingent
factors are examined based on the experience of 151 exporting firms operating in the EU region. The
respondent firms operate in various manufacturing and service industries.
Findings – It is revealed that firm size, international business experience, consumer characteristics,
the legal environment, cultural distance and the nature of the products play a moderating role between
a firm’s adoption of a particular approach and its performance, as measured by market share and sales
growth, dependent on the relevant marketing program elements (i.e. product, price, promotion
and place).
Originality/value – The research findings presented in the paper have significant implications for
future research and strategic application.
Keywords European Union, Manufacturing industries, Service industries, Exports,
Marketing strategy, Global marketing, Globalization, Organizational structure,
Organizational performance, Interaction
Paper type Research paper
Research concerning marketing standardization/adaptation strategy and performance
has stimulated significant interest among academics and practitioners in developing
International Marketing Review
Vol. 29 No. 1, 2012
international marketing strategies (Cavusgil and Zou, 1994; Jain, 1989; Katsikeas et al.,
pp. 54-87 2006; Lages et al., 2008b; Tan and Sousa, 2011). Early studies focus mainly on whether
r Emerald Group Publishing Limited
standardization/adaptation strategy can lead to higher performance. These studies
DOI 10.1108/02651331211201543 have explored the direct impact of standardization/adaptation strategy on
performance. This research has often yielded quite mixed and inconclusive results International
(Lages et al., 2008b; Samiee and Roth, 1992; Szymanski et al., 1993; Zou and Cavusgil, marketing
2002). Some research has revealed a positive link between standardization/adaptation
and performance (Szymanski et al., 1993; Zou and Cavusgil, 2002), while other strategy
research has reported a non-significant relation between standardization/adaptation
and performance (Samiee and Roth, 1992; Chung, 2003; Lages et al., 2008b). Recent
studies have had a shift in focus, attempting to address the issue of when and how 55
standardization/adaptation strategies improve firm performance (Katsikeas et al.,
2006; Okazaki et al., 2006; Schilke et al., 2009). This later research stream maintains
that the impact of standardization/adaptation on performance becomes evident when it
is co-aligned with a specific moderation factor. For instance, it is revealed that the
standardization and performance relation is associated with environmental and firm
factors (Katsikeas et al., 2006; Schilke et al., 2009). Understanding such a moderating
role of environmental factors offers an alternative explanation to the inconsistent
results revealed in previous studies regarding whether or not standardization
strategies have a direct effect on firm performance (Cavusgil and Zou, 1994; Samiee
and Roth, 1992).
While recent research shows an interest in exploring the moderation effect in the
standardization/adaptation-performance paradigm, such studies are mainly focussed
on multinational corporations (MNCs) and their subsidiaries, or business units
(e.g. Katsikeas et al., 2006; Schilke et al., 2009), but little attention has been paid to
exporting firms in relation to both standardization and decision-making structure
strategies (Cavusgil and Zou, 1994; Chung, 2003). To fill this research gap, this
exploratory study is conducted to investigate whether the interaction of
standardization/adaptation and the decision-making structure is associated with a
higher financial performance, as well as under what conditions a strategic approach
would lead to a better financial result in the export sector.
The decision-making structure is considered to be an important force in a firm’s
international operations (Madsen, 1987; Tai and Wong, 1998; Laroche et al., 2001;
Okazaki et al., 2006; Chung, 2008). A firm’s choice of decision-making structure is a
major driving force behind the formulation and implementation of standardization/
adaptation strategy (Daniels, 1987; Tai and Wong, 1998; Laroche et al., 2001). Extant
examination of the decision-making structure research has primarily focussed on
uncovering the behavior of MNCs (Gates and Egelhoff, 1986; Quester and Conduit,
1996; Laroche et al., 2001; Okazaki et al., 2006). Little attention has, however, been
paid to the issue of organizational structure and performance from the perspective
of export firms in relation to standardization/adaptation strategy and the decision-
making structure (Beamish et al., 1999; Cavusgil and Zou, 1994; Sousa and Bradley,
This study contributes to the extant literature in several ways. First, it integrates
the concepts of standardization/adaptation strategy with the centralization/
decentralization decision-making structure, by examining the effectiveness of four
strategic approaches (i.e. the global, glocal, regcal and local approaches), with a focus
on firms operating in the export sector. Such an approach is meaningful, as the
affiliation of standardization/adaptation strategy and the decision-making structure
may lead to higher performance (Solberg, 2000; 2002; Tai and Wong, 1998). Second,
it identifies relevant moderating variables based on contingency theories (Lages and
Montgomery, 2004; Lee et al., 1993; Zeithaml et al., 1988). Contingency theories have
been viewed as one of the most dynamic research topics in contemporary marketing
IMR research (Kahn, 1998; Wang, 1996). The utilization of contingency theories can provide
29,1 guidance on the conditions under which the alignment of standardization/adaptation
strategy and the decision-making structure can lead to higher financial performance
for firms operating in the export sector. Third, this study develops a group of
propositions regarding the interaction effect between the four strategic approaches
and selected contingency variables that have an effect on firm performance, including
56 firm size, international experience, consumer characteristics, the legal environment,
cultural distance and the nature of products. Thus the disclosure of the roles of these
contingency factors in the standardization-decision-making structure-performance
paradigm can further extend the academic inquiries regarding standardization/
adaptation strategy and performance relationship (Katsikeas et al., 2006; Zou and
Cavusgil, 2002). By examining these interaction effects along with the four strategic
approaches, firms can decide whether they need to include the decision-making
structure in the alignment of standardization/adaptation and environmental/firm
factors (Katsikeas et al., 2006; Schilke et al., 2009). The interaction outcomes will also
offer implications for research focussing mainly on the direct relation between the
concentration and coordination of marketing activities, international experience,
standardization/adaptation and performance (Zou and Cavusgil, 2002). Therefore,
firms can use this information in their decisions regarding whether they should
consider the direct, as well as indirect, effects of these factors in their standardization/
adaptation-decision-making structure-performance formulation.
Decision-making structure
The term decision-making structure refers to the extent to which marketing decision-
making authority is delegated to a firm’s local subsidiary (Okazaki et al., 2006; Picard
et al., 1998). A high level of autonomy given to a local subsidiary denotes a
decentralized decision-making structure, while a low level of autonomy indicates
the adoption of a centralized decision-making structure (Daniels, 1987). The export
literature shows that a firm’s decision-making structure is often determined by the
location (e.g. at HQs, or by local representatives) in which the marketing program
decisions are made (Solberg, 2000). In this context, a centralized decision-making
structure exists when the decision making is mainly conducted by the HQs, and a
decentralized structure indicates that the decision making is mainly conducted by,
or with, a local representative (Solberg, 2000, 2002). As this research is designed to
investigate the behavior of firms operating in the exporting sector, the latter definition
is adopted in this analysis. The terms decision-making structure and centralized/
decentralized (i.e. decision making by HQs/local representatives) structure will be used
interchangeably in the remainder of this paper.
A wide range of export-related performance has been reported in the literature
(Katsikeas et al., 2000; Lages et al., 2005; Lages et al., 2008b; Morgan et al., 2004). Prior
research regarding export-related performance can be generally divided into two
streams. The first stream adopts a composite method, in which the sub-items of export
performance are formed as a general construct. For example, Cavusgil and Zou (1994)
and Zou and Cavusgil (2002) use varied items to form their strategic (e.g. respond to
competitive pressure) and financial performance (e.g. sales growth) measures.
Similarly, Morgan et al. (2004) group export performance items onto three constructs;
economic (e.g. sales volume, market share), distributor (e.g. service quality) and
end-user-related performance (e.g. reputation of the firm). The latter two are related to
strategic performance. In addition to the financial and strategic performance
constructs, Zou et al. (1998) and Lages et al. (2005) have postulated another construct;
satisfaction with export venture; in their research frameworks. A key advantage of the
multi-item measurement practice is that export performance is more robust and International
more representative. This practice is likely to be useful when the research intention marketing
is to uncover a general picture between antecedents and export performance (Morgan
et al., 2004). strategy
On the other hand, studies in the second stream are designed to explore the specific
relation between antecedents and individual performance items. For example,
Chung (2003) uncovers a group of explanatory factors and three economic performance 59
items (profit, sales growth and market share) in relation to exporting firms’ operations
in the Greater China region. It is found that profit is not significantly related to
program elements, but that both sales growth and market share have a significant
relation with antecedents. In studying the effect of an ideal and actual adaptation
study on export performance, Johnson and Arunthanes (1995) also find that sales
growth is significantly related to actual adaptation. Similarly, Ryans (1988) also reveals
that firms adopting a higher adaptation strategy tend to have a higher market share
when operating in Japan. Collectively, these studies suggest the specific relation
between explanatory factors and individual export performance items. It is possible
that, although antecedents might not have a significant influence on a particular
export performance item (e.g. profitability), they might still have a significant influence
on other export performance items (e.g. market share and sales growth). This study
follows the second approach by focussing on market share and sales growth as
individual export performance measures. To be consistent with recent research
practice, this study also adopts the product-market export venture as its unit of
analysis, where export performance is explored in relation to a product marketed in a
specific host country (Cavusgil and Zou, 1994; Chung, 2003; Katsikeas et al., 2006;
Morgan et al., 2004).
Research propositions
Following the contingency framework, this study identifies a set of contingency
variables that may potentially take a moderating role between a firm’s adoption
of an approach and its performance. The analysis of the contingent variables is
presented below.
Firm size
Firm size is an important factor in both centralized and decentralized decision-making
structures (Chung, 2010). It is argued that larger-sized firms often adopt a higher
degree of decentralization, so that efficiency can be obtained in their operations in a
foreign-host market (Quester and Conduit, 1996). For example, large-sized MNCs often
employ a highly delegating structure, so that decision-making efficiency can be
obtained (Blau and Schoenherr, 1971). In particular, a decentralized decision-making
structure can help larger-sized firms to better structure their organizational functional
activities and ensure that managers are not overloaded with too many decisions
and are able to focus on the implementation and formulation of key strategic choices
(Pugh et al., 1969). In a study of the relation between US firms and their foreign
affiliates, Garnier (1982) concludes that firms with large foreign units are often
required to adopt an indirect method of control and the granting of a high degree of
autonomous decision making to local affiliates. Gates and Egelhoff (1986) also find that
the extent of decentralization in the decision-making structure of firms operating
internationally is positively correlated to the size of their overseas operations.
On the other hand, a centralized decision-making structure might allow small-sized
IMR firms to integrate and share their resources (Mullins and Walker, 2010). This resource
29,1 integration and sharing can help small-sized firms achieve effectiveness in their
business operations. Based on the above analysis, we propose the following:
P1. Decentralized-related approaches (glocal and local) will be more effective than
centralized-related approaches (global and regcal) when firm size is large
60 (as opposed to when it is small). In contrast, centralized-related approaches
will be more effective than decentralized-related approaches when firm size is
small (as opposed to when it is large).
As firms gain more IBE they also gain a greater appreciation of the differences across
country markets and are more capable of formulating adapted strategies to address the
uniqueness of the host markets (Cateora, 1990). Cavusgil et al. (1993), for example,
demonstrate that exporting firms’ adaptation of product and promotion strategy is
positively and significantly enhanced by their IBE. Firms are likely to employ an
adapted strategy when they have accumulated IBE. As such, once a firm has more
business experience, its managers will be more able to determine the specific
contingencies of each host market and will be able to implement a more complex
adapted strategy (Chung, 2010; Douglas and Craig, 1989; Lages et al., 2008b; Lages and
Montgomery, 2004). On the other hand, firms with little business experience might be
more suited to adopting a standardized strategy, as it is less complicated and requires
less knowledge of the host market/s. Based on the above analysis, the following
proposition is initiated:
P2. Adaptation-related approaches (local and regcal) will be more effective for a
firm with a long international experience (as opposed to when it has a short
international experience), while standardized-related approaches (global and
glocal) will be more effective for a firm with a short international experience.
Consumer characteristics
The factor of consumer characteristics has received a significant amount of research
attention in the standardization/adaptation literature (Diamantopoulos et al., 1995;
Douglas and Wind, 1987; Jain, 1989; Hill and Still, 1984; Quester and Conduit, 1996).
Wang (1996) classifies consumer characteristics as one of the three key contingency
variables (product, country and consumer characteristics) in the choice of
standardization vs adaptation strategy. Due to their relevancy, both consumer
and product characteristics (see “Discussion and research implications”) are examined
in this study. Based on a thorough review of standardization research, Theodosiou
and Leonidou (2003) conclude that cross-country similarity in consumer profiles is
significantly related to the extent of standardization strategy. The studies conducted
by Boddewyn and Hansen (1977), Boddewyn et al. (1986) and Boddewyn and Grosse
(1995) all reveal that variations in consumer characteristics are key barriers for
cross-market standardization strategy. In a study of firms’ operations in the Greater
China markets, Chung (2003) also reports that consumer behavior similarities between
the home and host country are important for place and promotion standardization
strategies. In research on firms operating in the EU region, Diamantopoulos et al.
(1995) and Chung (2010) both report that cross-market similarity in consumer behavior
is a pre-condition for the employment of cross-market standardized strategy. On the
other hand, when consumption behavior is greatly different between the home and host International
country firms might need to adopt a revised strategy so that their products will be marketing
accepted by the local market (Katsikeas et al., 2006). Based on the above analysis,
we propose that the effectiveness of a standardization/adaptation strategy is strategy
contingent on the similarity of consumer characteristics:
P3. Adaptation-related approaches (local and regcal) will be more effective for a 61
firm operating in an environment where consumer characteristics differ from
those of the home country. On the other hand, standardized-related approaches
(global and glocal) will be more effective where consumer characteristics
are similar to those of the home country.
Legal environment
When operating in a host country where the legal environment differs from that in the
home country, firms might need to delegate their marketing strategy decision to their
local representative so that they can better respond to local legal requirements (Chung,
2010; Hill and Still, 1984; Laroche et al., 2001). Garnier (1982) reveals that, in order to
avoid the risk of misinterpretation of local legal requirements, firms often leave
the decision-making authority to local representatives when the legal environments
of a firm’s local operations and the parent firm are highly different. Quester and
Conduit (1996) list the legal factor as a key factor for centralization decision-making
structures and suggest that firms often need to delegate their decision making to local
representatives when the variability and unpredictability of the host market
environment is high. This delegation allows a firm’s local operations to quickly
and promptly respond to local changes. When operating in host countries whose
environments (e.g. legal) are highly different from each other, the delegation of decision
making is important (Cavusgil et al., 1993; Chung, 2003, 2010). On the other hand,
firms operating in a host country whose legal environment is similar to that of the
home country might be encouraged to retain their marketing decisions within the
firms’ HQs. Firms often centralize their operations in countries that share similar
legal environments (Daniels, 1987). In light of the above analysis, we propose that
the effectiveness of a centralization/decentralization strategy is contingent on the
similarity of the legal environments in the different markets:
P4. Decentralized-related (glocal and local) approaches will be more effective when
legal environments are different from those of the home country. On the other
hand, centralized-related (global and regcal) approaches will be more effective
when legal environments are similar to those of the home country.
Cultural distance
When operating in a highly distant cultural environment, an adapted strategy might
be more appropriate (Jain, 1989; Hill and Still, 1984). Papavassiliou and Stathakopoulos
(1997) suggest that a universal standardized promotion strategy is only applicable
when the cross-country cultural environment is similar. When operating in a host
country whose cultural environment is highly different from that of the home country,
firms might need to modify their marketing program so that their products can be
accepted by local customers (Chung, 2003). Whitelock (1987) also confirms that it is
difficult to implement a standardized program when the host country’s cultural
environment is different from that of the home country. Other researchers show that
IMR firms tend to employ an adapted strategy when operating in a host country with a high
29,1 psychic distance (Sousa and Bradley, 2005; Sousa and Lengler, 2009). Based on this
discussion, we propose that the effectiveness of a standardization/adaptation strategy
formulation is contingent on cultural distances:
P5. Adaptation-related (regcal and local) approaches will be more effective when
62 there is a long cultural distance. On the other hand, standardized-related (global
and glocal) approaches will be more effective when there is a short cultural
Nature of products
The nature of the products being marketed is also found to affect a firm’s choice of
strategy (Chung, 2003; Douglas and Wind, 1987; Jain, 1989; Quester and Conduit, 1996;
Wang, 1996). For example, in comparison to consumer products, industrial products
are less sensitive to cultural norms and infrastructures and, therefore, are more likely
to be marketed using a universal standardized strategy, as their purpose is more likely
to be similar across countries (Birnik and Bowman, 2007; Boddewyn et al., 1986;
Chung, 2003; Jain, 1989; Wang, 1996). On the other hand, consumer products tend to be
sensitive to local tastes, habits and customs (Wang, 1996; Whitelock, 1987; Whitelock
and Pimblett, 1997). It is anticipated that the effectiveness of a standardization/
adaptation strategy formulation is contingent on the nature of the particular industries
involved. Thus, the following proposition is developed:
P6. Standardized-related (global and glocal) approaches will be more effective for
industrial products, while adaptation-related (regcal and local) approaches will
be more effective for consumer products.
Sampling frame and data collection
Western European countries (e.g. the UK, Germany, France and Italy) are among the
most important trading markets for exporters based in Australia and New Zealand
(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2009; Statistics New Zealand, 2009). Due to their
importance to exporting firms from New Zealand and Australia, this study targets
firms operating in these European countries. A postal survey was conducted for the
data collection. The questionnaire was completed by the export marketing manager, or
the most senior staff member (e.g. the CEO), of each respondent firm.
Respondents in the sampling frame were collected from an international database
(Dun & Bradstreet) and other, government, sources (e.g. New Zealand Trade and
Enterprise and Austrade), as well as company websites (e.g. seafood exporters). Most
firms operating in the western European region are listed in these organizations’
databases. Around 700 exporting firms operating in Europe were identified and were
used to formulate the research sampling frame. In total, 151 exporting firms have
offered their assistance to this study, making a response rate of about 22 percent. The
non-response bias issue was tested by the timing of the responses (Armstrong and
Overton, 1977) on some key indicators (firm size, performance), with no significant
differences found between early and late respondents. It is concluded that the
non-response bias issue does not affect this research.
Respondents were asked to complete the survey questions regarding their most
important product/service in their most important European host market (Chung,
2003; Katsikeas et al., 2006). This product-market export venture practice is widely International
recognized as an adequate approach for research concerning exporting firms marketing
(Cavusgil and Zou, 1994; Lages and Lages, 2004; Morgan et al., 2004).
The measures regarding international marketing programs follow common practices
used in prior research (Chung, 2003; Jain, 1989; Lages et al., 2008a; Lages and 63
Montgomery, 2004; Sorenson and Wiechmann, 1975). This study follows the home-host
comparison approach suggested by Lages and Montgomery (2004). This approach is
widely adopted by other academics in the same research field (Cavusgil et al., 1993;
Chung, 2003; Katsikeas et al., 2006). Respondents were instructed to rate the extent of
similarity/dissimilarity of the program elements used in their home country, as
compared to those employed in the host country, on a five-point scale (1 ¼ very similar
to 5 ¼ very different). The product strategy measure is adapted from Jain (1989) and
Lages et al. (2008a), using the characteristics of product/service, brand, packaging,
design and positioning. The price strategy is measured using wholesale price, retail
price, pricing method and price discounts (Chung, 2003; Jain, 1989). The place strategy
is measured by the type of retail outlet, the channel of distribution, the role and
management of the sales force and the role of middlemen (Lages et al., 2008a; Sorenson
and Wiechmann, 1975). The promotion strategy is measured by the role of advertising,
the advertising theme, the advertising copy, creative expression, media allocation and
the role of sales promotion (Chung, 2008; Jain, 1989; Sorenson and Wiechmann, 1975).
When performing the MANOVA analysis (see “Discussion and research implications”),
program elements are converted to a binary category (0 ¼ standardized; 1 ¼ adapted).
The results of this study reveal that exporting firms use a varying degree of adaptation
strategy in their program strategy formulation (Table I). Product adaptation is found to
be lower than for the other elements, which is consistent with results reported in
the previous literature (Grosse and Zinn, 1990). A low level of variation is observed in
the marketing program, which is likely due to the similarity between the home
(Australia, New Zealand) and host (the EU) countries. Both groups of countries are
members of the OECD. It is suggested that a higher level of standardization strategy is
likely to be adopted when operating in countries with a similar level of industrial
development (Akaah, 1991; Jain, 1989; Ohmae, 1985).
The decision-making structure is measured by a binary categorization (1 ¼ HQs
and 0 ¼ local input), which is widely used in the exporting literature (Picard et al., 1998;
Solberg, 2000, 2002). This factor is measured in terms of overall program decision
making. The results indicate that 61 percent of the product decision is made by
HQs, 50 percent of the pricing decision is made by HQs, 42 percent of the place decision
is made by HQs and only 33 percent of the promotion decision is made by HQs. Sales
growth is measured by a seven-point scale (from 1 ¼ negative growth to 7 ¼ 425
percent) (Cavusgil and Zou, 1994). Market share is measured by a ten-point scale
(from 1 ¼ 0-10 percent to 10 ¼ 91-100 percent) (Johnson and Arunthanes, 1995). Both
performance items are related to the most important product, marketed in the most
important EU host country (Chung, 2003). In general, these firms have around
10 percent annual sales growth and an average market share of approximately
20 percent. The four strategic approaches used in MANOVA analysis are formed based
on the decision-making structure and the program elements (global ¼ HQs and
standardized; glocal ¼ local input and standardized; regcal ¼ HQs and adapted;
local ¼ local input and adapted).
IMR % of
29,1 variance Eigen
Construct Item SD Mean Loading a explained values
The contingent variables used in this study include firm size, IBE, consumer,
legal, cultural and the nature of the products. Firm size is measured by the number of
employees and IBE is measured by the number of years in international business
(Schilke et al., 2009; Zou and Cavusgil, 2002). The consumer, legal and cultural
constructs are measured by the extent of similarity/dissimilarity that a respondent
firm faces in the home and host countries (from 1 ¼ very similar to 5 ¼ very different)
(Sousa and Bradley, 2009). These contingent variables are also converted to binary
categories (0 and 1) by median split in the MANOVA analysis. Respondent firms
operated in the consumer (e.g. food and beverage) (53 percent), industrial (e.g.
equipment and component) (30 percent) and service (e.g. education, financial) (17
percent) sectors. All firms (n ¼ 151) are included for the proposition testing (P1-5), with
the exception of the last proposition (P6), where we only include firms operating in
the consumer and industrial product sectors (n ¼ 125), because of the difficulty of
assigning service to either category. In total, the respondents operate in 13 different
European host countries; Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece,
Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the UK. These host
countries are in line with those reported in Szymanski et al. (1993).
Firm size
P1 is formulated to explore the relation between centralized-related (global and regcal)
and decentralized-related strategies (glocal and local) and firm size. The results show
that firm size moderates the relation between decentralization/centralization structure
and market share. In particular, we find the following results.
First, for the product decision, when firm size is small, centralized (global and
regcal) approaches perform better than do decentralized (glocal and local) approaches;
however, when firm size is large, a glocal approach leads to a higher market share
than do the other approaches. A local approach also performs better than a global, or a
regcal, approach (Figure 1). These results are in line with P1 in terms of product
decision and market share.
Second, for the pricing decision, when firm size is small, centralized (global and
regcal) approaches perform better than do decentralized (glocal and local) approaches;
however, when firm size is large, a glocal, followed by a local approach, will
outperform either a global, or a regcal, approach in terms of market share (Figure 2).
Tests of between-
Multivariate tests subjects effects marketing
Pillai’s Mean Related strategy
Dependent trace Wilks’ l square propositions
Interactions variable value value value þ F-value and figures
68 Strategic approach: Sales growth 0.121* 0.880* 15.908 3.727** P5, Figure 10
place culture Market share 2.960 0.622 P5, ns
Strategic approach: Sales growth 0.041 0.959 0.891 0.576 P5, ns
promotion culture Market share 2.037 0.433 P5, ns
Strategic approach: Sales growth 0.096 0.905 3.486 0.778 P6, ns
product nature of Market share 9.109 2.251 P6, ns
Strategic approach: Sales growth 0.273*** 0.735*** 6.596 1.501 P6, ns
price nature of Market share 24.805 7.567*** P6, Figure 11
Strategic approach: Sales growth 0.041 0.960 3.603 0.813 P6, ns
place nature of Market share 1.623 0.359 P6, ns
Strategic approach: Sales growth 0.112 0.891 7.138 1.608 P6, ns
promotion nature Market share 5.439 1.393 P6, ns
of products
Table II. Notes: , all df ¼ 3; *, po0.1; **, po0.05; ***, po0.01; ns, not significant
These outcomes are also in the same direction as predicted in P1 in terms of pricing
decision and market share.
Third, for the place decision, when firm size is small, centralized (global and regcal)
approaches outperform decentralized (glocal and local) approaches. When firm size is
large, however, a glocal approach, followed by a local approach, will perform better
than either a global approach, or a regcal approach (Figure 3). Again, such a result is
expected in P1 for the place decision and market share relation.
Fourth, the results concerning sales growth among product, price, place and
promotion elements and of that related to market share and promotion elements are
not significant.
Collectively, such results demonstrate that P1 has been largely confirmed in relation
to market share (except for promotion decision), but not sales growth.
P2 mainly deals with the interaction effect between the adaptation/standardization
approach and IBE on firm performance. Adaptation-related strategies (local and
regcal) are proposed to be more suitable for a firm with high levels of international
experience (than one with little international experience), while standardized-related
strategies (global and glocal) are more suitable for a firm with a low level of
international experience.
As shown in Figure 4, for the pricing decision, when a firm has more IBE,
adaptation (local and regcal) approaches outperform standardization (global and
glocal) approaches in terms of sales growth. In contrast, when a firm has little
10 Firm
size marketing
Market share
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de cal
Consumer characteristics
P3 explores the relation between consumer characteristics and the four approaches.
It is proposed that adaptation (local and regcal) approaches are more suitable for a firm
IMR 6 Firm
29,1 size
70 4
Market share
ed -
) -
ed -
ed d-
liz d
ed ted
liz ed
nt rd l
nt ar al
ce da ca
ra ize
liz ze
ce and lob
ra pt
liz p
de tan Glo
ra di
ra da
nt da
(s G
Figure 2.
nt (a
ce (a
Interaction effect between
ce al
de cal
Legal environment
P4 investigates the effect of the interactive relation between centralization/decentralization
and the legal environment on firm performance. The decentralized-related
size marketing
Market share
ed d-
) -
ed -
ed -
ed ted
liz ed
liz d
nt ar al
nt rd l
ce da ca
liz ze
ra ize
ce and lob
ra pt
liz p
de tan Glo
ra di
ra da
nt da
(s G
Figure 3.
nt a
ce (a
ce al
de cal
(glocal and local) approaches are proposed to be more suitable when legal environments
differ from those of the home country. On the other hand, centralized-related (global
and regcal) approaches are more applicable when legal environments are similar to
those of the home country.
First, as shown in Figure 7, for the pricing decision, when the legal environment is
different, the glocal approach leads to the highest sales growth, while the global
approach leads to the lowest sales growth. In contrast, when the legal environment
is similar, either the global, or local, approaches outperform both the glocal and regcal
approaches in terms of sales growth. These mixed results suggest that P4 relating to
the pricing decision and sales growth is partially supported by the data.
Second, for the place decision, when the legal environment is different, the local
approach performs better than the other three approaches in terms of sales growth. When
the legal environment is similar, however, the global, glocal and regcal approaches
perform significantly better than does the local approach in terms of sales growth
(Figure 8). These mixed results also provide partial support for P4 regarding the place
decision and sales growth, showing a consistent pattern that a local strategy (a
decentralized structure and adaptation strategy) performs best when the legal
environment is different, while it performs poorest when the legal environment is similar.
Third, the interactions between centralization/decentralization and legal
environment have no effect on either sales growth, or market share, with respect to
29,1 IBE
4.5 High
Sales growth
Figure 4.
ed -
) -
ed -
ed d-
liz d
ed ted
liz ed
nt rd l
nt ar al
ce da ca
ra ize
liz ze
ra pt
liz p
de tan Glo
ra di
ra da
nt da
(s G
ce (a
ce al
de cal
international business
Strategic approach: price
product and promotion elements (Table II). The alignment between centralization/
decentralization and legal environment has no significant impact effect on market
share relating to the price and place components.
In summary, while the proposition regarding the effect of legal environment is
partially confirmed, the results are mixed and still inconclusive.
Cultural distance
P5 explores the relation between standardization/adaptation and cultural distance, and
their interaction effect on performance. Adaptation strategies are suggested to be more
suitable when a long cultural distance exists, while standardized strategies are more
suitable when there exists a short cultural distance.
The results show that, for the product decision, when the cultural distance is long
(different cultures), a local strategy, followed by a regcal strategy, significantly
outperform both glocal and global strategies in terms of market share. In contrast,
when cultural distance is short (similar cultures) the reverse is true, in that global and
glocal strategies outperform regcal and local strategies (Figure 9). These results are
consistent with the prediction of P5 in terms of the product decision and market share.
For the place decision, when the cultural distance is short (similar cultures), global,
glocal and regcal strategies outperform a local (adaptation) approach in terms of
4 IBE International
Low marketing
3 73
Market share
Figure 5.
ed d-
ed -
) -
ed -
liz d
ed ted
liz ed
nt ar al
nt rd l
ce da ca
liz ze
ra ize
ce and lob
liz p
de tan Glo
ra di
ra da
nt da
(s G
ce (a
ce cal
de cal
international business
experience (IBE) in
promotion decision
Strategic approach: promotion
sales growth. When the cultural distance is long, however, regcal performs poorly
comparing to the other approaches (Figure 10). These mixed results also suggest that
P5 relating to the place decision is partially confirmed; in that a local approach is less
suitable when the cultural distance is short (than it is when the cultural distance is
On the other hand, the relation between standardization/adaptation and cultural
distance has no significant effect on sales growth and market share with respect to the
price and promotion elements (Table II). The standardization/adaptation and cultural
distance alignment also has no significant impact on sales growth and market share in
relation to the product and place components.
Nature of products
P6 suggests that standardized-related (global and glocal) approaches are more suitable
for industrial products, while adaptation-related (regcal and local) approaches are more
suitable for consumer products.
In the price decision, as shown in Figure 11, the regcal and local (adaptation-related)
approaches lead to better market share for consumer products than do the
standardized-related approaches (global and glocal). In contrast, the glocal and global
(standardized-related) approaches lead to better market share for industrial products
than do the regcal and local approaches (adaptation-related approaches). Such
outcomes are consistent with the predicted direction of P6 in relation to the price
decision for market share, but no significant effect for sales growth.
74 Different
Market share
) -
ed d-
ed -
ed -
ed ted
liz ed
liz d
nt ar al
nt rd l
ce da ca
liz ze
ra ize
ce and lob
ra pt
Figure 6. liz p
de n lo
ra di
ra da
nt da
(s G
ce (a
ce cal
de cal
consumer characteristics Lo
in product decision
Strategic approach: product
The results also suggest that the interaction of standardization/adaptation and the
nature of the product is insignificant on product, place and promotion with respect to
both sales growth and market share.
Sales growth
ed -
ed d-
ed -
) -
liz d
liz ed
ed ted
nt rd l
nt ar al
ce da ca
ra ize
liz ze
ce and lob
ra pt
Figure 7.
liz p
de tan Glo
ra di
nt da
ra da
(s G
de cal
ce al
legal environment
in price decision
Strategic approach: price
large-sized firms are more likely to benefit when employing decentralized (glocal and
local) approaches. These results are evident in the product, price and place
components. These findings contribute to the extant literature (Blau and Schoenherr,
1971; Garnier, 1982; Gates and Egelhoff, 1986; Quester and Conduit, 1996), not only by
extending the research scope from MNCs to firms operating in exporting sectors, but
also by enhancing our understanding of the effectiveness of these approaches in
relation to relevant international marketing programs. Thus, the relation between firm
size and centralization/decentralization strategies is clearly spelt out. In addition, the
results from this study shed further light on a recent study (Chung, 2010) that
suggested that the decision-making structure has no effect on market share. This can
be explained by the fact that the effect of decision making on performance will become
evident when it is used in conjunction with an appropriate marketing strategy (e.g.
standardization/adaptation) and firm size. As demonstrated in our results, the
interaction of standardization-centralization (global) and adaptation-centralization
(regcal) and small firm size can lead to a higher level of market share performance.
Although the results are mixed concerning the moderation role of IBE between the
four approaches and performance, they provide partial support for the proposition that
global and glocal approaches are likely to perform better when a firm’s IBE is small,
while local and regcal approaches are likely to perform better when a firm’s IBE is
IMR 6 Legal
29,1 environment
Sales growth
ed -
ed d-
) -
ed -
liz d
ed ted
liz ed
nt ar al
nt rd l
ce da ca
ra ize
liz ze
ce and lob
ra pt
liz p
de tan Glo
ra di
Figure 8.
ra da
nt da
(s G
nt (a
ce (a
Interaction effect between
ce l
de cal
large. These results corroborate findings that show that IBE is an important factor for
the choice of standardization strategy (Cavusgil et al., 1993). Firms with a high level
of business experience tend to have more capability to adopt an adapted strategy
(Chung, 2010; Douglas and Craig, 1989). Our results also provide additional
explanation for prior research that fails to locate a significant relation between IBE and
standardization strategy (Tan and Sousa, 2011). As demonstrated in this study, the
effect of IBE is still likely to be evident when standardization/adaptation strategy is
implemented in conjunction with decision-making structure. Such a result is mainly
evidenced in the price element. This result further strengthens the literature that
has explored the direct effect of IBE on performance (Zou and Cavusgil, 2002).
Together with those revealed in prior studies, future research should investigate
both direct and indirect effects of IBE in the standardization-decision-making-
performance paradigm.
For the promotion element, the regcal approach (adaptation related) is shown to
perform better in terms of market share when a firm’s IBE is short, and global and
glocal (standardization-related) approaches lead to better market share when a firm’s
IBE is high. Such an unexpected result may be explained in two ways. First, if
3 Culture International
distance marketing
Long strategy
Market share
ed d-
ed -
) -
ed -
liz d
ed ted
liz ed
nt ar al
nt rd l
ce da ca
liz ze
ra ize
ce and lob
Figure 9.
ra pt
liz p
de tan lo
ra di
ra da
nt da
(s G
ce (a
ce cal
de cal
cultural distance in
product decision
Strategic approach: product
operating in a highly competitive environment, a firm with little IBE might still adopt a
more adapted, but centralized, promotion approach (e.g. regcal) in order to highlight its
product advantages when operating in a foreign-host country. This result is consistent
with the recent experience of firms operating in the Greater China region, where
exporting firms have retained the adaptation formulation process within their HQs
(Chung et al., 2011). Second, a standardized promotion strategy might help highly
experienced firms maintain their global image (Birnik and Bowman, 2007; Jain, 1989).
A consistent global promotion image may help firms to acquire a higher market
share when operating in different host countries. A well-known New Zealand brand
(Anchor) has adopted a universal standardized promotion campaign, so that their
consistent image can be maintained. This firm (Fonterra) has been operating in the
exporting sphere for more than 100 years.
Though this study has revealed some significant results, the interactions of
strategic approaches and firm size and IBE are not significant in a number of key
situations. For example, the moderation effect of firm size and IBE is not significant
on sales growth on the four program elements, with the exception of the interaction
price and IBE. The insignificant result between IBE and strategic approaches is also
noticeable on market share, in relation to the product, price and place elements. These
results stress the importance of a proper match between firm factors, strategic
29,1 5
Sales growth
) -
ed d-
ed -
ed -
ed ted
liz ed
liz d
nt ar al
nt rd l
ce da ca
liz ze
ra ize
ce and lob
ra pt
Figure 10.
liz p
de an lo
ra di
ra da
nt da
(s G
ce (a
ce cal
de cal
strategic approach and
Strategic approach: place
Market share
ed d-
ed -
ed -
) -
liz ed
liz d
ed ted
nt ar al
nt rd l
ce da ca
liz ze
ra ize
ce and lob
Figure 11.
ra pt
liz p
de tan Glo
ra di
nt da
ra da
(s G
de cal
nature of products in
price decision
Strategic approach: price
the interaction effects extend the extant literature, which is mostly focussed on the
direct effect of these factors on standardization strategy (e.g. Boddewyn et al., 1986;
Chung, 2003; Diamantopoulos et al., 1995; Jain, 1989). A proper match of environmental
factors (consumer characteristics and cultural distance) and the choice of strategic
approaches can assist firms in achieving their financial performance.
Second, the findings of this study provide more empirical evidence regarding
the prior conceptual frameworks that are based on contingency theory (e.g. Lages and
Montgomery, 2004; Wang, 1996). In collaborating prior research conceptualizations,
this empirical study sheds further light on the contingency role of consumer
characteristics and cultural distances in the standardization/adaptation-decision-
making-performance paradigm (Sousa and Lengler, 2009).
Meanwhile, it should be noted that the effect of cultural distance in the place
component is less clear, as the glocal (standardization-related) and regcal (adaptation-
related) approaches are both shown to perform better when operating in a low cultural
distance environment, while the local (adaptation-related) approach and the global
(standardization-related) approach are both shown to perform better when operating
in a long cultural distance environment. These mixed results suggest that the place
decision is likely to be more complex than the product component when operating in a
host country. Additional work needs to be carried out to further explore possible
explanations for such mixed results.
IMR The results regarding the legal environment suggest that the glocal and regcal
29,1 approaches for the pricing program lead to high-sales growth when the legal
environment is different, while both the global and local approaches for the pricing
program yield better sales growth when the legal environments are similar. Meanwhile,
for the place program, the local approach outperforms all other approaches when the
legal environment is different, while the local approach performs poorest compared
80 to all the other approaches when the legal environment is similar. Such findings
support the contingent view of the legal environment and extend previous studies that
mainly focus on the direct effect of the legal environment on decision making (Chung,
2010; Garnier, 1982; Quester and Conduit, 1996). Second, this study might also add new
insight to the existing contingency theory research (Lages and Montgomery, 2004;
Wang, 1996), which largely focusses on product, country and consumer characteristics,
while neglecting the moderation effect of the legal environment. Our results show a
strong moderating effect of the legal environment between the adaptation (local)
approach and sales growth, particularly in terms of the place component. These new
results also provide a new direction for research concerning the legal environment and
adaptation strategy (Cavusgil et al., 1993).
Product factor
Findings in this study demonstrate that standardization-related approaches (global
and glocal) lead to higher performance for industrial products, while adaptation-
related approaches (regcal and local) lead to a higher performance for consumer
products concerning the price element. These findings add to the existing literature
through empirical evidence of the interaction effect between product nature and
strategic approach choice (Birnik and Bowman, 2007; Jain, 1989; Schilke et al., 2009).
Similar to those related to internal and external factors, however, the interactions
between the nature of products and strategic approaches are not significant in a
number of combinations, such as those related to product, place and promotion.
These results indicate that the benefit of the choice of strategic approaches for
consumer and industrial products on these components is less clear. One possible
explanation is that the interactions between strategic approaches and the nature of the
product might be more apparent on these elements for service firms, due to the unique
characteristics of service items (e.g. intangibility, inseparability and perishability;
Nicoulaud, 1989).
As shown in Table II, many of our proposed interaction effects show mixed results,
or are partially supported by our data. Such results are quite normal and anticipated,
given that each of our propositions actually covers fours aspects of the marketing mix.
Due to the variation of the relation between the standardization/centralization decision
and firm performance across these four marketing elements, a perfect match between
our propositions and data in all of the four aspects would be unrealistic. In addition,
two reasons might have attributed to these insignificant results. First, as outlined in
the literature (Katsikeas et al., 2006), the benefits of the alignment of environmental
factors and strategies only become evident when the environmental differences
between home and host markets exceed a certain extent. As the home and host markets
examined in the study are all members of the OECD, the cross-market variation is
lower than for those organizations operating in both the developed and developing
regions (Chung, 2003). A lower variation in cross-market differences might have caused
the insignificant results for the selected marketing programs. Second, it is possible that
the measurement scales used to estimate the environmental factors might have
attributed to these insignificant results. As the environmental measurement of this International
study is different from those used in other studies exploring the interactions of marketing
environmental factors (Katsikeas et al., 2006), it is likely that the variation in the results
is influenced by the measurement selection. strategy
Contributions and managerial implications
This study contributes to, and advances, the extant knowledge of standardization/ 81
centralization research, which has been largely focussed on the direct relation between
strategic approaches and firm performance, or simply the relation between firm size,
the legal environment and the decision-making structure (e.g. Chung, 2010; Garnier,
1982; Gates and Egelhoff, 1986).
First, this study is an empirical attempt to simultaneously integrate, and take into
consideration, both standardization and centralization strategies. Our results show
that distinguishing standardization strategies (standard vs adapted) and the decision-
making structure (centralized vs decentralized) is meaningful, given that different
combinations of the four approaches often yield quite different results. This helps in
the development of more accurate predictions and the implanting of marketing mix
strategies. Meanwhile, our results show that separating the performance measure into
market share and sales growth is more appropriate, since the interaction of
standardization strategy/decision-making structure and contingency factors have
different impacts on market share and sales growth. In general, our data shows that the
impact of contingency factors on the marketing program has more effect on market
share than on sales growth. This is likely due to the fact that sales growth will also
depend more on other factors such as the economic environment, product lifecycle and
market turbulence.
Second, this study adopts a contingency framework by incorporating a set of
contingent variables into the research design, considering the fact that such
contingent variables have not been properly examined in prior research (Daniels, 1987;
Svensson, 2001; Wang, 1996). By integrating these contingent factors into the choice
of global, glocal, regcal and local approaches, the research scope concerning the
formulation of strategic approaches has been broadened. Our results, thus, shed
further light on explaining the often inconclusive results in the literature regarding
standardization and performance relations (Chung, 2003; Lages et al., 2008b; Samiee
and Roth, 1992).
Finally, the managerial implications of the research are clear. Our findings suggest
that it is more important to spell out how and when (rather than whether)
standardization/adaptation, or centralization/decentralization, strategies should be
implemented. Only a careful match among the contingency variables, standardization
and the decision-making structure can yield a desirable financial performance.
For example, an appropriate approach can allow firms of different sizes, or IBE, to
achieve their financial performance objectives. Managers of small-sized firms should
consider selecting the global and regcal approaches to formulate their product,
price and place programs, while firms with a low level of business experience should
consider adopting standardized approaches, such as global and glocal, to formulate
their pricing strategies. These combinations are likely to be able to achieve the
market share and sales growth performance objectives of the firm. Likewise, export
managers should consider using a different combination of approaches based on the
level of similarity/difference of consumer characteristics, the legal environment and
cultural distance between the home and host markets. In general, when consumer
IMR characteristics and the legal environment are different, or when cultural distance
29,1 is great, regcal and local approaches are expected to yield better performance
outcomes. On the other hand, the global and glocal approaches tend to be beneficial
when consumer characteristics and the legal environment are similar, or the cultural
distance is short, between the home and host countries. Last, export managers
should consider using the global and glocal approaches when marketing an industrial
82 product and employing the regcal and local approaches when marketing a consumer