Criminal Law Book 1
Criminal Law Book 1
Criminal Law Book 1
Criminal Law – A branch of municipal law which defines crimes, treats of their
nature and provides for their punishment.
Limitations on the power of Congress to enact penal laws (ON)
1. Must be general in application.
4. Must not impose cruel and unusual punishment or excessive fines.
Likewise when the special laws requires that the punished act be committed
knowingly and willfully, criminal intent is required to be proved before
criminal liability may arise.
When the act penalized is not inherently wrong, it is wrong only because a law
punishes the same.
Distinction between crimes punished under the Revised Penal Code and crimes
punished under special laws
1. As to moral trait of the offender
In crimes punished under the Revised Penal Code, the moral trait of the
offender is considered. This is why liability would only arise when there is
dolo or culpa in the commission of the punishable act.
In crimes punished under special laws, the moral trait of the offender is not
considered; it is enough that the prohibited act was voluntarily done.
In crimes punished under special laws, the act gives rise to a crime only when
it is consummated; there are no attempted or frustrated stages, unless the
special law expressly penalize the mere attempt or frustration of the crime.
As a general rule, the Revised Penal Code governs only when the crime
committed pertains to the exercise of the public official’s functions, those
having to do with the discharge of their duties in a foreign country. The
functions contemplated are those, which are, under the law, to be performed
by the public officer in the Foreign Service of the Philippine government in
a foreign country.
Exception: The Revised Penal Code governs if the crime was committed within
the Philippine Embassy or within the embassy grounds in a foreign country.
This is because embassy grounds are considered an extension of sovereignty.
Paragraph 5 of Article 2, use the phrase “as defined in Title One of Book Two
of this Code.”
This is a very important part of the exception, because Title I of Book 2
(crimes against national security) does not include rebellion.
Art 3. Acts and omissions punishable by law are felonies.
Acts – an overt or external act
Omission – failure to perform a duty required by law. Example of an
omission: failure to render assistance to anyone who is in danger of
dying or is in an uninhabited place or is wounded – abandonment.
Felonies – acts and omissions punishable by the Revised Penal Code
Crime – acts and omissions punishable by any law
What requisites must concur before a felony may be committed?
There must be (1) an act or omission; (2) punishable by the Revised Penal
Code; and (3) the act is performed or the omission incurred by means of dolo
or culpa.
How felonies are committed:
1. by means of deceit (dolo) – There is deceit when the act is performed
with deliberate intent.
1. freedom
2. intelligence
3. intent
Examples: murder, treason, and robbery
Criminal intent is not necessary in these cases:
(1) When the crime is the product of culpa or negligence, reckless
imprudence, lack of foresight or lack of skill;
(2) When the crime is a prohibited act under a special law or what
is called malum prohibitum.
In criminal law, intent is categorized into two:
(1) General criminal intent; and
(2) Specific criminal intent.
General criminal intent is presumed from the mere doing of a wrong act. This
does not require proof. The burden is upon the wrong doer to prove that he
acted without such criminal intent.
Specific criminal intent is not presumed because it is an ingredient or
element of a crime, like intent to kill in the crimes of attempted or
frustrated homicide/parricide/murder. The prosecution has the burden of
proving the same.
Distinction between intent and discernment
Intent is the determination to do a certain thing, an aim or purpose of the
mind. It is the design to resolve or determination by which a person acts.
On the other hand, discernment is the mental capacity to tell right from
wrong. It relates to the moral significance that a person ascribes to his
act and relates to the intelligence as an element of dolo, distinct from
Distinction between intent and motive
Intent is demonstrated by the use of a particular means to bring about a
desired result – it is not a state of mind or a reason for committing a
On the other hand, motive implies motion. It is the moving power which
impels one to do an act. When there is motive in the commission of a crime,
it always comes before the intent. But a crime may be committed without
If the crime is intentional, it cannot be committed without intent. Intent
is manifested by the instrument used by the offender. The specific criminal
intent becomes material if the crime is to be distinguished from the
attempted or frustrated stage.
1. by means of fault (culpa) – There is fault when the wrongful act
results from imprudence, negligence, lack of foresight, or lack of skill.
1. Imprudence – deficiency of action; e.g. A was driving a truck along a
road. He hit B because it was raining – reckless imprudence.
2. Negligence – deficiency of perception; failure to foresee impending
danger, usually involves lack of foresight
3. c. Requisites:
1. Freedom
2. Intelligence
3. Imprudence, negligence, lack of skill or foresight
4. Lack of intent
The concept of criminal negligence is the inexcusable lack of precaution on
the part of the person performing or failing to perform an act. If the
danger impending from that situation is clearly manifest, you have a case
of reckless imprudence. But if the danger that would result from such
imprudence is not clear, not manifest nor immediate you have only a case
of simple negligence.
Mistake of fact – is a misapprehension of fact on the part of the person
who caused injury to another. He is not criminally liable.
a. Requisites:
1. that the act done would have been lawful had the facts been as the
accused believed them to be;
2. intention of the accused is lawful;
3. mistake must be without fault of carelessness.
Example: United States v. Ah Chong.
Ah Chong being afraid of bad elements, locked himself in his room by placing a
chair against the door. After having gone to bed, he was awakened by somebody
who was trying to open the door. He asked the identity of the person, but he
did not receive a response. Fearing that this intruder was a robber, he
leaped out of bed and said that he will kill the intruder should he attempt to
enter. At that moment, the chair struck him. Believing that he was attacked,
he seized a knife and fatally wounded the intruder.
Mistake of fact would be relevant only when the felony would have been
intentional or through dolo, but not when the felony is a result of culpa.
When the felony is a product of culpa, do not discuss mistake of fact.
Art. 4. Criminal liability shall be incurred:
1. By any person committing a felony, although the wrongful act
done be different from that which he intended.
Article 4, paragraph 1 presupposes that the act done is the proximate cause of
the resulting felony. It must be the direct, natural, and logical consequence
of the felonious act.
In the same way the court shall submit to the Chief Executive, through the
Department of Justice, such statement as may be deemed proper, without
suspending the execution of the sentence, when a strict enforcement of the
provisions of this Code would result in the imposition of a clearly excessive
penalty, taking into consideration the degree of malice and the injury caused
by the offense.
When a person is charged in court, and the court finds that there
is no law applicable, the court will acquit the accused and the judge will
give his opinion that the said act should be punished.
Paragraph 2 does not apply to crimes punishable by special law,
including profiteering, and illegal possession of firearms or drugs.
There can be no executive clemency for these crimes.
Art. 6. Consummated felonies, as well as those which are frustrated and
attempted, are punishable.
A felony is consummated when all the elements necessary for its execution and
accomplishment are present; and it is frustrated when the offender performs
all the acts of execution which would produce the felony as a consequence but
which, nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of causes independent of the
will of the perpetrator.
There is an attempt when the offender commences the commission of a felony
directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of execution which
should produce the felony by reason of some cause or accident other than his
own spontaneous desistance.
Development of a crime
1. Internal acts – intent and plans; usually not punishable
2. External acts
1. Preparatory Acts – acts tending toward the crime
2. Acts of Execution – acts directly connected the crime
Frustrate Consummate
Attempt d d
acts of
Not all
acts of
Due to
other than
of the
All acts
sought to
is not
Due to
g causes
t of the
will of
All the
acts of
sought is
Conspiracy Proposal
Elements Agreement
among 2 or
persons to
commit a
decide to
commit it
A person
has decided
to commit a
to another
1. Conspiracy
to commit
2. Conspiracy
to commit
3. Conspiracy
to commit
4. Proposal
to commit
5. Proposal
to commit
rebellion 6.
Less grave felonies are those which the law punishes with penalties which in
their maximum period are correctional, in accordance with the above-mentioned
Light felonies are those infractions of law for the commission of which he
penalty of arresto mayor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, or both is
Capital punishment – death penalty.
Penalties (imprisonment): Grave – six years and one day to reclusion
perpetua (life); Less grave – one month and one day to six years; Light
–arresto menor (one day to 30 days).
This question was asked in the bar examination: How do you classify felonies
or how are felonies classified?
What the examiner had in mind was Articles 3, 6 and 9. Do not write the
classification of felonies under Book 2 of the Revised Penal Code. That was
not what the examiner had in mind because the question does not require the
candidate to classify but also to define. Therefore, the examiner was after
the classifications under Articles 3, 6 and 9.
Felonies are classified as follows:
(1) According to the manner of their commission
Under Article 3, they are classified as, intentional felonies or those
committed with deliberate intent; and culpable felonies or those resulting
from negligence, reckless imprudence, lack of foresight or lack of skill.
(2) According to the stages of their execution
Under Article 6., felonies are classified as attempted felony when the
offender commences the commission of a felony directly by overt acts, and
does not perform all the acts of execution which should produce the felony by
reason of some cause or accident other than his own spontaneous desistance;
frustrated felony when the offender commences the commission of a felony as a
consequence but which would produce the felony as a consequence but which
nevertheless do not produce the felony by reason of causes independent of the
perpetrator; and, consummated felony when all the elements necessary for its
execution are present.
(3) According to their gravity
Under Article 9, felonies are classified as grave felonies or those to which
attaches the capital punishment or penalties which in any of their periods
are afflictive; less grave felonies or those to which the law punishes with
penalties which in their maximum period was correccional; and light felonies
or those infractions of law for the commission of which the penalty is
arresto menor.
Why is it necessary to determine whether the crime is grave, less grave or
To determine whether these felonies can be complexed or not, and to determine
the prescription of the crime and the prescription of the penalty. In other
words, these are felonies classified according to their gravity, stages and
the penalty attached to them. Take note that when the Revised Penal Code
speaks of grave and less grave felonies, the definition makes a reference
specifically to Article 25 of the Revised Penal Code. Do not omit the phrase
“In accordance with Article 25” because there is also a classification of
penalties under Article 26 that was not applied.
If the penalty is fine and exactly P200.00, it is only considered a light
felony under Article 9.
If the fine is imposed as an alternative penalty or as a single penalty, the
fine of P200.00 is considered a correctional penalty under Article 26.
If the penalty is exactly P200.00, apply Article 26. It is considered as
correctional penalty and it prescribes in 10 years. If the offender is
apprehended at any time within ten years, he can be made to suffer the fine.
This classification of felony according to gravity is important with respect
to the question of prescription of crimes.
In the case of light felonies, crimes prescribe in two months. If the crime
is correctional, it prescribes in ten years, except arresto mayor, which
prescribes in five years.
Art. 10. Offenses which are or in the future may be punishable under special
laws are not subject to the provisions of this Code. This Code shall be
supplementary to such laws, unless the latter should specially provide the
For Special Laws: Penalties should be imprisonment, and not reclusion
perpetua, etc.
Offenses that are attempted or frustrated are not punishable, unless
otherwise stated.
Plea of guilty is not mitigating for offenses punishable by special
No minimum, medium, and maximum periods for penalties.
No penalty for an accessory or accomplice, unless otherwise stated.
Provisions of RPC applicable to special laws:
1. Art. 16 Participation of Accomplices
2. Art. 22 Retroactivity of Penal laws if favorable to the accused
3. Art. 45 Confiscation of instruments used in the crime
In Article 10, there is a reservation “provision of the Revised Penal Code
may be applied suppletorily to special laws”. You will only apply the
provisions of the Revised Penal Code as a supplement to the special law, or
simply correlate the violated special law, if needed to avoid an injustice.
If no justice would result, do not give suppletorily application of the
Revised Penal Code to that of special law.
For example, a special law punishes a certain act as a crime. The special
law is silent as to the civil liability of one who violates the same. Here
is a person who violated the special law and he was prosecuted. His
violation caused damage or injury to a private party. May the court
pronounce that he is civilly liable to the offended party, considering that
the special law is silent on this point? Yes, because Article 100 of the
Revised Penal Code may be given suppletory application to prevent an
injustice from being done to the offended party. Article 100 states that
every person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable. That
article shall be applied suppletory to avoid an injustice that would be
caused to the private offended party, if he would not be indemnified for the
damages or injuries sustained by him.
In People v. Rodriguez, it was held that the use of arms is an element of
rebellion, so a rebel cannot be further prosecuted for possession of
firearms. A violation of a special law can never absorb a crime punishable
under the Revised Penal Code, because violations of the Revised Penal Code
are more serious than a violation of a special law. But a crime in the
Revised Penal Code can absorb a crime punishable by a special law if it is a
necessary ingredient of the crime in the Revised Penal Code
In the crime of sedition, the use of firearms is not an ingredient of the
crime. Hence, two prosecutions can be had: (1) sedition; and (2) illegal
possession of firearms.
But do not think that when a crime is punished outside of the Revised Penal
Code, it is already a special law. For example, the crime of cattle-rustling
is not a mala prohibitum but a modification of the crime theft of large
cattle. So Presidential Decree No. 533, punishing cattle-rustling, is not a
special law. It can absorb the crime of murder. If in the course of cattle
rustling, murder was committed, the offender cannot be prosecuted for
murder. Murder would be a qualifying circumstance in the crime of qualified
cattle rustling. This was the ruling in People v. Martinada.
The amendments of Presidential Decree No. 6425 (The Dangerous Drugs Act of
1972) by Republic Act No. 7659, which adopted the scale of penalties in the
Revised Penal Code, means that mitigating and aggravating circumstances can
now be considered in imposing penalties. Presidential Decree No. 6425 does
not expressly prohibit the suppletory application of the Revised Penal Code.
The stages of the commission of felonies will also apply since suppletory
application is now allowed.
Circumstances affecting criminal liability
There are five circumstances affecting criminal liability:
There are two others which are found elsewhere in the provisions of the
Revised Penal Code:
(1) Absolutory cause; and
(2) Extenuating circumstances.
Art. 11: Justifying Circumstances – those wherein the acts of the actor are
in accordance with law, hence, he is justified. There is no criminal and
civil liability because there is no crime.
3. Self-defense
3. Defense of property:
a. The owner or lawful possessor of a thing has a right to exclude any person
from the enjoyment or disposal thereof. For this purpose, he may use such
force as may be reasonably necessary to repel or prevent an actual or
threatened unlawful physical invasion or usurpation of his property. (Art.
429, New Civil Code)
b. defense of chastity
4. Elements:
2. A light push on the head with the hand is not unlawful aggression, but a
slap on the face is, because his dignity is in danger.
4. The nature, character, location, and extent of the wound may belie claim
of self-defense.
The rule here is to stand your ground when in the right which may
invoked when the defender is unlawfully assaulted and the aggressor is
armed with a weapon.
The rule is more liberal when the accused is a peace officer who, unlike
a private person, cannot run away.
When even if provocation was given by the person defending himself, such
was not sufficient to cause violent aggression on the part of the
attacker, i.e. the amount of provocation was not sufficient to stir the
aggressor into the acts which led the accused to defend himself.
When even if the provocation were sufficient, it was not given by the
person defending himself.
When even if provocation was given by the person defending himself, the
attack was not proximate or immediate to the act of provocation.
Kinds of Self-Defense
2. Defense of Relative
A. Elements:
4. unlawful aggression
6. in case provocation was given by the person attacked, that the person
making the defense had no part in such provocation.
B. Relatives entitled to the defense:
2. spouse
3. ascendants
4. descendants
4. The third element need not take place. The relative defended may even
be the original aggressor. All that is required to justify the act of
the relative defending is that he takes no part in such provocation.
6. The unlawful aggression may depend on the honest belief of the person
making the defense.
Defense of Stranger
A. Elements
4. unlawful aggression
Be not induced by evil motive means that even an enemy of the aggressor
who comes to the defense of a stranger may invoke this justifying
circumstances so long as he is not induced by a motive that is evil.
2. State of Necessity
Any person who, in order to avoid an evil or injury, does an act which causes
damage to another, provided that the following requisites are present:
First. That the evil sought to be avoided actually exists;
Second. That the injury feared be greater than that done to avoid
it; and
Third. That there be no other practical and less harmful means of
preventing it.
4. A state of necessity exists when there is a clash between unequal
rights, the lesser right giving way to the greater right. Aside from the
3 requisites stated in the law, it should also be added that the
necessity must not be due to the negligence or violation of any law by
the actor.
5. The person for whose benefit the harm has been prevented shall be
civilly liable in proportion to the benefit which may have been
received. This is the only justifying circumstance which provides for
the payment of civil indemnity. Under the other justifying
circumstances, no civil liability attaches. The courts shall determine,
in their sound discretion, the proportionate amount for which law one is
3. Elements:
3. The accused must prove that he was duly appointed to the position he
claimed he was discharging at the time of the commission of the offense.
It must be made to appear not only that the injury caused or the offense
committed was done in the fulfillment of a duty, or in the lawful
exercise of a right or office, but that the offense committed was a
necessary consequence of such fulfillment of duty, or lawful exercise of
a right or office.
3. Elements:
there is an order;
5. The subordinate who is made to comply with the order is the party which
may avail of this circumstance. The officer giving the order may not
invoke this.
8. Even if the order be patently illegal, the subordinate may yet be able
to invoke the exempting circumstances of having acted under the
compulsion of an irresistible force, or under the impulse of an
uncontrollable fear.
are exempt from criminal liability:
1. An imbecile or insane person, unless the latter has acted during a lucid
4. When the imbecile or an insane person has committed an act which the law
defines as a felony (delito), the court shall order his confinement on
one of the hospital or asylums established for persons thus afflicted. He
shall not be permitted to leave without first obtaining the permission of
the same court.
5. Requisites:
Offender is an imbecile
Insanity at the time of the commission of the crime and not that at the
time of the trial will exempt one from criminal liability. In case of
insanity at the time of the trial, there will be a suspension of the
trial until the mental capacity of the accused is restored to afford him
a fair trial.
Evidence of insanity must refer to the time preceding the act under
prosecution or to the very moment of its execution. Without such
evidence, the accused is presumed to be sane when he committed the
crime. Continuance of insanity which is occasional or intermittent in
nature will not be presumed. Insanity at another time must be proved to
exist at the time of the commission of the crime. A person is also
presumed to have committed a crime in one of the lucid intervals.
Continuance of insanity will only be presumed in cases wherein the
accused has been adjudged insane or has been committed to a hospital or
an asylum for the insane.
Instances of Insanity:
4. Under nine years to be construed nine years or less. Such was inferred
from the next subsequent paragraph which does not totally exempt those
over nine years of age if he acted with discernment.
6. Age is computed up to the time of the commission of the crime. Age can
be established by the testimonies of families and relatives.
9 years
and below Absolute irresponsibility
Conditional responsibility
15 and 18
years old Mitigated responsibility
18 and 70
years old Full responsibility
Over 70
years old Mitigated responsibilit
3. A person over nine years of age and under fifteen, unless he has
acted with discernment, in which case, such minor shall be proceeded against
in accordance with the provisions of article 80 of this Code.
When such minor is adjudged to be criminally irresponsible, the court, in
conformity with the provisions of this and the preceding paragraph, shall
commit him to the care and custody of his family who shall be charged with his
surveillance and education; otherwise, he shall be committed to the care of
some institution or person mentioned in said article 80.
QUALIFIED MINORITY: Basis: complete absence of intelligence
Such minor over 9 years and under 15 years of age must have acted
without discernment to be exempted from criminal liability. If with
discernment, he is criminally liable.
4. Any person who, while performing a lawful act with due care, causes
an injury by mere accident without fault or intention of causing it.
11. With the fact duly established by the prosecution that the appellant was
guilty of negligence, this exempting circumstance cannot be applied
because application presupposes that there is no fault or negligence on
the part of the person performing the lawful act.
12. Accident happens outside the sway of our will, and although it comes
about some act of our will, lies beyond the bounds of humanly foreseeable
13. The accused, who, while hunting saw wild chickens and fired a shot can
be considered to be in the performance of a lawful act executed with due
care and without intention of doing harm when such short recoiled and
accidentally wounded another. Such was established because the deceased
was not in the direction at which the accused fired his gun.
14. The chauffeur, who while driving on the proper side of the road at a
moderate speed and with due diligence, suddenly and unexpectedly saw a
man in front of his vehicle coming from the sidewalk and crossing the
street without any warning that he would do so, in effect being run over
by the said chauffeur, was held not criminally liable, it being by mere
5. Any person who acts under the compulsion of an irresistible force.
12. Elements:
13. Force, to be irresistible, must produce such an effect on an individual
that despite of his resistance, it reduces him to a mere instrument and,
as such, incapable of committing a crime. It compels his member to act
and his mind to obey. It must act upon him from the outside and by a
third person.
14. Baculi, who was accused but not a member of a band which murdered some
American school teachers and was seen and compelled by the leaders of the
band to bury the bodies, was not criminally liable as accessory for
concealing the body of the crime. Baculi acted under the compulsion of
an irresistible force.
6. Any person who acts under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of
an equal or greater injury.
UNCONTROLLABLE FEAR: Basis: complete absence of freedom
that the threat which causes the fear is of an evil greater than, or at
least equal to that w/c he is required to commit
that it promises an evil of such gravity and imminence that the ordinary
man would have succumbed to it.
9. That his failure to perform such act was due to some lawful or
insuperable cause
Exception: Par 4 (causing an injury by mere accident) and Par 7 (lawful cause)
b. Justifying – person does not transgress the law, does not commit any crime
because there is nothing unlawful in the act as well as the intention of the
Exempting Justifying
Circumstance Circumstance
Absolutory Causes – are those where the act committed is a crime but for
some reason of public policy and sentiment, there is no penalty imposed.
4. Instigation v. Entrapment
NOT a bar to
Accused will be prosecution and
acquitted conviction
NOT an absolutory
Absolutory cause cause
Definition – Those circumstance which reduce the penalty of a crime
Effect – Reduces the penalty of the crime but does not erase criminal
liability nor change the nature of the crime
Privileged Ordinary
Mitigating Mitigating
Article 13.
1. Those mentioned in the preceding chapter, when all the requisites necessary
to justify the act or to exempt from criminal liability in the respective
cases are not attendant
Justifying circumstances
Example: Juan makes fun of Pedro. Pedro gets pissed off, gets a knife and
tries to stab Juan. Juan grabs his own knife and kills Pedro. Incomplete self-
defense because although there was unlawful aggression and reasonable means to
repel was taken, there was sufficient provocation on the part of Juan. But
since 2 elements are present, it considered as privileged mitigating.
b. State of Necessity (par 4) avoidance of greater evil or injury; if any of
the last 2 requisites is absent, there’s only an ordinary Mitigating
Example: While driving his car, Juan sees Pedro carelessly crossing the
street. Juan swerves to avoid him, thus hitting a motorbike with 2 passengers,
killing them instantly. Not all requisites to justify act were present because
harm done to avoid injury is greater. Considered as mitigating.
c. Performance of Duty (par 5)
Example: Juan is supposed to arrest Pedro. He thus goes to Pedro’s hideout.
Juan sees a man asleep. Thinking it was Pedro, Juan shot him. Juan may have
acted in the performance of his duty but the crime was not a necessary
consequence thereof. Considered as mitigating.
1. Exempting circumstance
a. Minority over 9 and under 15 – if minor acted with discernment, considered
Example: 13 year old stole goods at nighttime. Acted with discernment as shown
by the manner in which the act was committed.
b. Causing injury by mere accident – if 2nd requisite (due care) and 1st part
of 4th requisite (without fault – thus negligence only) are ABSENT, considered
as mitigating because the penalty is lower than that provided for intentional
Example: Police officer tries to stop a fight between Juan and Pedro by firing
his gun in the air. Bullet ricocheted and killed Petra. Officer willfully
discharged his gun but was unmindful of the fact that area was populated.
c. Uncontrollable fear – only one requisite present, considered
Example: Under threat that their farm will be burned, Pedro and Juan took
turns guarding it at night. Pedro fired in the air when a person in the
shadows refused to reveal his identity. Juan was awakened and shot the
unidentified person. Turned out to be a neighbor looking for is pet. Juan may
have acted under the influence of fear but such fear was not entirely
uncontrollable. Considered mitigating
2. That the offender is under 18 years of age or over 70 years. In the case of
a minor, he shall be proceeded against in accordance with the provisions of
Art 192 of PD 903
1. Applicable to:
3. Judge by considering (1) the weapon used, (2) the injury inflicted and
(3) the attitude of mind when the accuser attacked the other.
Example: Pedro stabbed Tomas on the arm. Tomas did not have the wound treated,
so he died from loss of blood.
1. Not applicable when offender employed brute force
Example: Rapist choked victim. Brute force of choking contradicts claim that
he had no intention to kill the girl.
1. Art 13, par 3 addresses itself to the intention of the offender at the
particular moment when he executes or commits the criminal act, not to
his intention during the planning stage.
2. In crimes against persons – if victim does not die, the absence of the
intent to kill reduces the felony to mere physical injuries. It is not
considered as mitigating. Mitigating only when the victim dies.
4. That the sufficient provocation or threat on the part of the offended party
immediately preceded the act.
1. Provocation – any unjust or improper conduct or act of the offended
party, capable of exciting, inciting or irritating anyone.
3. Requisites:
3. Example: Juan likes to hit and curse his servant. His servant thus killed
him. There’s mitigating circumstance because of sufficient provocation.
4. When it was the defendant who sought the deceased, the challenge to fight
by the deceased is NOT sufficient provocation.
1. Why? Law says the provocation is “on the part of the offended party”
2. Example: Tomas’ mother insulted Petra. Petra kills Tomas because of the
insults. No Mitigating Circumstance because it was the mother who insulted
her, not Tomas.
3. Provocation by the deceased in the first stage of the fight is not
Circumstance when the accused killed him after he had fled because the
deceased from the moment he fled did not give any provocation for the accused
to pursue and attack him.
1. Why? If there was an interval of time, the conduct of the offended party
could not have excited the accused to the commission of the crime, he
having had time to regain his reason and to exercise self-control.
5. That the act was committed in the immediate vindication of a grave offense
to the one committing the felony (delito), his spouse, ascendants,
descendants, legitimate, natural or adopted brother or sisters, or relatives
by affinity within the same degree.
1. Requisites:
1. there’s a grave offense done to the one committing the felony etc.
3. Example: Juan caught his wife and his friend in a compromising situation.
Juan kills his friend the next day – still considered proximate.
Necessary that
provocation or
threat immediately May be proximate.
preceded the act. Time interval
No time interval allowed
2. PASSION AND OBFUSCATION are Mitigating Circumstances only when the same
arise from lawful sentiments (not Mitigating Circumstance when done in
the spirit of revenge or lawlessness)
3. Requisites for Passion & Obfuscation
b. That the act was committed not in the spirit of lawlessness or revenge
d. The victim must be the one who caused the passion or obfuscation
1. Example: Juan saw Tomas hitting his (Juan) son. Juan stabbed Tomas. Juan
is entitled to Mitigating Circumstance of P&O as his actuation arose from
a natural instinct that impels a father to rush to the rescue of his son.
Example: Juan’s boss punched him for not going to work he other day. Cause is
1. There could have been no Mitigating Circumstance of P&O when more than
24 hours elapsed between the alleged insult and the commission of the
felony, or several hours have passed between the cause of the P&O and the
commission of the crime, or at least ½ hours intervened between the
previous fight and subsequent killing of deceased by accused.
5. PASSION AND OBFUSCATION arising from one and the same cause should be
treated as only one mitigating circumstance
Mitigating Exempting
Produced by an
impulse which may
be caused by Comes from injured
provocation party
Effect is loss of
reason and self-
control on the
part of the
offender Same
6. RPC does not make distinction among the various moments when surrender
may occur.
c) confession of guilt was made prior to the presentation of evidence for
the prosecution
1. plea made after arraignment and after trial has begun does not entitle
accused to have plea considered as Mitigating Circumstance
2. plea in the RTC in a case appealed from the MTC is not mitigating –
must make plea at the first opportunity
6. plea to the offense charged in the amended info, lesser than that
charged in the original info, is Mitigating Circumstance
1. Basis: one suffering from physical defect which restricts him does not
have complete freedom of action and therefore, there is diminution of
that element of voluntariness.
3. The physical defect of the offender should restrict his means of action,
defense or communication with fellow beings, this has been extended to
cover cripples, armless people even stutterers.
4. The circumstance assumes that with their physical defect, the offenders
do not have a complete freedom of action therefore diminishing the
element of voluntariness in the commission of a crime.
9. Such illness of the offender as would diminish the exercise of the will-
power of the offender w/o depriving him of consciousness of his acts.
2. Requisites:
a) illness of the offender must diminish the exercise of his will-power
b) such illness should not deprive the offender of consciousness of his
10. And any other circumstance of a similar nature and analogous to those
1. Examples of “any other circumstance”:
1. NOT analogous:
Example: Juan and Tomas killed Pedro. Juan acted w/ PASSION AND OBFUSCATION.
Only Juan will be entitled to Mitigating Circumstance
b) private relations with the offended party
Example: Juan stole his brother’s watch. Juan sold it to Pedro, who knew it
was stolen. The circumstance of relation arose from private relation of Juan
and the brother. Does not mitigate Pedro.
c) other personal cause
Example: Minor, acting with discernment robbed Juan. Pedro, passing by, helped
the minor. Circumstance of minority, mitigates liability of minor only.
1. Shall serve to mitigate the liability of the principals, accomplices and
accessories to whom the circumstances are attendant.
Example: Juan saved the lives of 99 people but caused the death of the last
person, he is still criminally liable
1. Definition – Those circumstance which raise the penalty for a crime
without exceeding the maximum applicable to that crime.
2. Basis: The greater perversity of the offense as shown by:
1. Kinds:
c) Qualifying – those that change the nature of the crime (evident
premeditation – becomes murder)
Need not be
alleged. May be
proved over the
objection of the
Must be alleged in defense.
the information. Qualifying if not
Integral part of alleged will make
the offense it generic
1. Requisites:
2. The commission of the crime would not have been possible without the
powers, resources and influence of the office he holds.
1. Requisites:
4. The public authority’s presence did not prevent the criminal act
1. Example: Juan and Pedro are quarrelling and the municipal mayor, upon
passing by, attempts to stop them. Notwithstanding the intervention and
the presence of the mayor, Juan and Pedro continue to quarrel until Juan
succeeds in killing Pedro.
1. Governor
2. Mayor
3. Barangay captain
4. Councilors
5. Government agents
6. Chief of Police
4. Sex – refers to the female sex, not to the male sex; not applicable when
2. there exists a relation between the offender and the victim (but in
cases of divorce decrees where there is a direct bearing on their child,
it is applicable)
2. basis for this is the sanctity of privacy the law accords to human abode
2. sufficient
1. although the 8.
offender fired
the shot from
outside the
house, as long
as his victim
was inside
2. even if the
killing took
place outside
the dwelling, so
long as the
commission began
inside the
3. when adultery
is committed in
the dwelling of
the husband,
even if it is
also the
dwelling of the
wife, it is
because she and
her paramour
committed a
grave offense to
the head of the
4. In robbery with
violence against
persons, robbery
with homicide,
abduction, or
5. If the offended
party has given
6. If both the
offender and the
offended party
are occupants of
the same
7. In robbery with
force upon
things, it is
4. That the act be committed with (1) abuse of confidence or (2) obvious
Requisites of
Abuse of Requisite of Obvious
Confidence Ungratefulness
a) a)
Offended party ungratefulness must
has trusted the be obvious, that is,
offender there must be
something which the
offender should owe
Offender abused
the victim a debt of
such trust
gratitude for
1. malversation
2. qualified theft
3. estafa by conversion
4. misappropriation
5. qualified seduction
5. That the crime be committed in the palace of the Chief Executive, or in his
presence, or when public authorities are engaged in the discharge of their
duties, or in a place dedicated to religious worship.
6. the offender must have intention to commit a crime when he entered the
2. Offender must have decided to commit the crime when he entered the place
of worship
When Paragraph 2 and 5 of Article 14
are applicable
Committed in the
presence of the
Chief Executive, in Committed in
the Presidential contempt of
Palace or a place Public Authority
of worship(Par. 5,
Art. 14) (Par. 2, Art 14)
Public authorities
are performing of
their duties when
the crime is
committed Same
When crime is
committed in the
public office, the
officer must be
performing his
duties, except in Outside the
the Presidential office (still
Palace performing duty)
6a. That the crime be committed (1) in the nighttime, or (2) in an uninhabited
place (3) by a band, whenever such circumstances may facilitate the commission
of the offense.
1. Nighttime, Uninhabited Place or By a Bang Aggravating when:
2. Nighttime begins at the end of dusk and ending at dawn; from sunset to
3. Uninhabited Place – one where there are no houses at all, a place at a
considerable distance from town, where the houses are scattered at a
great distance from each other
1. when the offender took the advantage thereof for the purpose of impunity
3. absorbed by Treachery
1. The place facilitated the commission or omission of the crime
6b. – Whenever more than 3 armed malefactors shall have acted together in the
commission of an offense, it shall be deemed to have been committed by a band.
1. Requisites:
2. Deliberately sought
1. Requisites:
1. Conflagration
2. Shipwreck
3. Epidemic
2. based on time
12 of Article 14
Crime is committed
BYusing fire,
Crime is committed inundation,
DURING any of the explosion or other
calamities wasteful means
8. That the crime be committed with the aid of (1) armed men or (2) persons
who insure or afford impunity
1. based on the means and ways
2. Requisites:
3. Exceptions:
1. that armed men or persons took part in the commission of the crime,
directly or indirectly
2. that the accused availed himself of their aid or relied upon them when
the crime was committed
1. when both the attacking party and the party attacked were equally armed
2. not present when the accused as well as those who cooperated with him in
the commission of the crime acted under the same plan and for the same
3. Casual presence, or when the offender did not avail himself of any of
their aid nor did not knowingly count upon their assistance in the
commission of the crime
1. if there are more than 3 armed men, aid of armed men is absorbed in the
employment of a band.
3. Requisites:
4. What is controlling is the time of the trial, not the time of the
commission of the offense. At the time of the trial means from the
arraignment until after sentence is announced by the judge in open court.
3. that both the first and the second offenses are embraced in the same
title of the RPC
A: No. Because the judgment in any of the first two offenses was not yet final
when he was tried for the third offense
1. Recidivism must be taken into account no matter how many years have
intervened between the first and second felonies
2. Pardon does not obliterate the fact that the accused was a recidivist,
but amnesty extinguishes the penalty and its effects
4. Exceptions: if the accused does not object and when he admits in his
confession and on the witness stand.
10. That the offender has been previously punished for an offense to which the
law attaches an equal or greater penalty or for two or more crimes to which it
attaches a lighter penalty
Necessary that
offender shall Enough that final
have served out judgment has been
his sentence for rendered in the
the first sentence first offense
Previous and
offenses must not
be embraced in the
same title of the
Code Same title
Not always an
aggravating Always
circumstance aggravating
1. 4 Forms of Repetition
1. Recidivism – generic
1. At least 2 principals
2. Requisites:
Involves the
use of Involves the Involves
intellectual use of the use
trickery and direct of
cunning to inducement devise
arouse by insidious to
suspicion of words or conceal
the victim machinations identity
15. That (1) advantage be taken of superior strength, or (2) means be employed
to weaken the defense
1. To purposely use excessive force out of the proportion to the means of
defense available to the person attacked.
2. The means used must not totally eliminate possible defense of the
victim, otherwise it will fall under treachery
2. Requisites:
1. that at the time of the attack, the victim was not in the position to
defend himself
1. does not exist if the accused gave the deceased chance to prepare or
there was warning given or that it was preceded by a heated argument
methods or
forms are
employed by Offender
the does not
offender to employ Means are
make it means, employed
impossible methods or but it only
or hard for forms of materially
the attack, he weakens the
offended only takes resisting
party to advantage power of
put any of his the
sort of superior offended
resistance strength party
17. That the means be employed or circumstances brought about which add
ignominy to the natural effects of the acts
1. Requisites:
2. Examples: accused embraced and kissed the offended party not out of lust
but out of anger in front of many people, raped in front of the husband,
raped successively by five men
3. tend to make the effects of the crime more humiliating
4. Ignominy not present where the victim was already dead when such acts
were committed against his body or person
2. The circumstance made the crime more humiliating and shameful for the
2. Why aggravating? One who acts, not respecting the walls erected by men
to guard their property and provide for their personal safety, shows
greater perversity, a greater audacity and hence the law punishes him
with more severity
4. Inherent in: Trespass to dwelling, robbery with force upon things, and
robbery with violence or intimidation against persons.
19. That as a means to the commission of the crime, a wall, roof, door or
window be broken
1. Requisites:
20. That the crime be committed (1) with the aid of persons under 15 years of
age, or (2) by means of motor vehicles, airships or other similar means.
Example: Juan instructed a 14-year old to climb up the fence and open the gate
for him so that he may rob the house
1. Reason for #2: to counteract the great facilities found by modern
criminals in said means to commit crime and flee and abscond once the
same is committed. Necessary that the motor vehicle be an important tool
to the consummation of the crime (bicycles not included)
Example: Juan and Pedro, in committing theft, used a truck to haul the
appliances from the mansion.
21. That the wrong done in the commission of the crime be deliberately
augmented by causing other wrong not necessary for its commission
1. Cruelty: when the culprit enjoys and delights in making his victim
suffer slowly and gradually, causing him unnecessary physical pain in the
consummation of the criminal act. Cruelty cannot be presumed nor merely
inferred from the body of the deceased. Has to be proven.
2. no cruelty when the other wrong was done after the victim was dead
1. Requisites:
2. that the other wrong be unnecessary for the execution of the purpose of
the offender
Moral suffering –
subjected to Physical
humiliation suffering
2. They are:
Mitigating Aggravating
Circumstance Circumstance
a) if a) if
intoxication is intoxication is
not habitual habitual – such
habit must be
b) if
actual and
intoxication is
not subsequent to
the plan to commit b) if its
a felony intentional
(subsequent to the
plan to commit a
1. Must show that he has taken such quantity so as to blur his reason and
deprive him of a certain degree of control
Low degree of
education or the
lack of it.
Because he does High degree of
not fully realize instruction and
the consequences education –
of his criminal offender avails
act. Not just mere himself of his
illiteracy but learning in
lack of committing the
intelligence. offense.
3. crime of treason
Art 16. Who are criminally liable. — The following are criminally liable for
grave and less grave felonies:
1. Principals.
2. Accomplices.
3. Accessories.
2. Only natural persons can be criminals as only they can act with malice
or negligence and can be subsequently deprived of liberty. Juridical
persons are liable under special laws.
5. General Rule: Corpses and animals have no rights that may be injured.
2. carried out their plan and personally took part in its execution by acts
which directly tended to the same end
Establishment of Conspiracy
1. proven by overt act
1. Conspirator not liable for the crimes of the other which is not the
object of the conspiracy or is not a logical or necessary consequence
2. Multiple rape – each rapist is liable for another’s crime because each
cooperated in the commission of the rapes perpetrated by the others
Example: Juan and Pedro conspired to kill Tomas without the previous plan of
treachery. In the crime scene, Juan used treachery in the presence of Pedro
and Pedro knew such. Both are liable for murder. But if Pedro stayed by the
gate while Juan alone killed Tomas with treachery, so that Pedro didn’t know
how it was carried out, Juan is liable for murder while Pedro for homicide.
1. That the culprits “carried out the plan and personally took part in the
execution, by acts which directly tended to the same end”:
1. The principals by direct participation must be at the scene of the
crime, personally taking part, although he was not present in the scene
of the crime, he is equally liable as a principal by direct
1. If the second element is missing, those who did not participate in the
commission of the acts of execution cannot be held criminally liable,
unless the crime agreed to be committed is treason, sedition, or
Principals by Induction
a. “Those who directly force or induce others to commit it”
1. Principal by induction liable only when principal by direct
participation committed the act induced
2. Requisites:
d. Forms of Inducements
1. By Price, reward or promise
1. Words uttered in the heat of anger and in the nature of the command that
had to be obeyed do not make one an inductor.
Induce others Same
Punishable at once
when proposes to
commit rebellion or
treason. The person
to whom one proposed
should not commit
Liable only when the crime, otherwise
the crime is the latter becomes
executed an inductor
2. One can not be held guilty of instigating the commission of the crime
without first showing that the crime has been actually committed by
another. But if the one charged as principal by direct participation be
acquitted because he acted without criminal intent or malice, it is not a
ground for the acquittal of the principal by inducement.
2. Requisites:
Art. 18. Accomplices. — Accomplices are those persons who, not being
included in Art. 17, cooperate in the execution of the offense by previous or
simultaneous acts.
1. Requisites:
2. Examples: a) Juan was choking Pedro. Then Tomas ran up and hit Pedro
with a bamboo stick. Juan continued to choke Pedro until he was dead.
Tomas is only an accomplice because the fatal blow came from Juan. b)
Lending a dagger to a killer, knowing the latter’s purpose.
4. There must be a relation between the acts done by the principal and
those attributed to the person charges as accomplice
5. In homicide or murder, the accomplice must not have inflicted the mortal
3. There be a relation between the acts of the principal and the alleged
2. Example of Par 2: placing a weapon in the hand of the dead who was
unlawfully killed to plant evidence, or burying the deceased who was
killed by the principals
5. Exception: when the crime was in fact committed but the principal is
covered by exempting circumstances.
Example: Minor stole a ring and Juan, knowing it was stolen, bought it. Minor
is exempt. Juan liable as accessory
1. Accessory does not take direct part or cooperate in, or induce the
commission of the crime
3. Participation of the accessory in all cases always takes place after the
commission of the crime
4. Takes part in the crime through his knowledge of the commission of the
Art. 20. Accessories who are exempt from criminal liability. — The
penalties prescribed for accessories shall not be imposed upon those who are
such with respect to their spouses, ascendants, descendants, legitimate,
natural, and adopted brothers and sisters, or relatives by affinity within the
same degrees, with the single exception of accessories falling within the
provisions of paragraph 1 of the next preceding article.
1. Basis: Ties of blood and the preservation of the cleanliness of one’s
name which compels one to conceal crimes committed by relatives so near
as those mentioned.
5. Public officer who helped his guilty brother escape does not incur
criminal liability as ties of blood constitutes a more powerful incentive
than the call of duty.
7. 3 fold purpose:
Art. 22. Retroactive effect of penal laws. — Penal Laws shall have a
retroactive effect insofar as they favor the persons guilty of a felony, who
is not a habitual criminal, as this term is defined in Rule 5 of Article 62 of
this Code, although at the time of the publication of such laws a final
sentence has been pronounced and the convict is serving the same.
5. General Rule: Criminal laws are given prospective effects
7. New law may provide that its provisions not to be applied to cases
already filed in court at the time of the approval of such law.
8. The favorable retroactive effect of a new law may find the defendant in
one of the 3 situations
11. But new law increasing civil liability cannot be given retroactive
13. The right to punish offenses committed under an old penal law is not
extinguished if the offenses are still punished in the repealing penal
law. However, if by re-enactment of the provisions of the former law, the
repeal is by implication and there is a saving clause, criminal liability
under the repealed law subsists.
18. sentence has been passed but service has not begun
a Makes criminal an act done before the passage of the law and which was
innocent when done, and punishes such an act.
b Aggravates the crime or makes it greater than it was when committed.
c Changes the punishment and inflicts a greater punishment than the law
annexed to the crime when committed.
d Alters the legal rules of evidence and authorizes conviction upon less
or different testimony than the law required at the time of the commission of
the crime.
e Assuming to regulate civil rights and remedies only, in effect imposes
penalty or deprivation of a right for something which when done was lawful.
a With enactment of a penal law punishing the offense – the action is not
dismissed. The penalty in the new law if favorable to the accused.
b Without enactment of a penal law punishing the offense – the previous
offense is obliterated and the action is dismissed.
Art. 23. Effect of pardon by the offended party. — A pardon of the offended
party does not extinguish criminal action except as provided in Article 344 of
this Code; but civil liability with regard to the interest of the injured
party is extinguished by his express waiver.
5. Even if injured party already pardoned the offender – fiscal can still
prosecute. Not even considered a ground for dismissal of the information.
Exception: Art 344 – crimes of seduction, abduction, rape or acts of
lasciviousness – pardon must be expressed.
11. The pardon afforded the offenders must come BEFORE the institution of
the criminal proceedings. Complaint for any of the above-mentioned crimes
in Art 344 will still be prosecuted by the court on the ground that the
pardon (basis for the motion to dismiss) was given after the filing of
the complaint.
12. The only act that extinguishes the penal action, after the institution
of criminal action, is the marriage between the offender and the offended
13. Pardon under Art 344 is only a bar to criminal prosecution. It DOES NOT
extinguish criminal liability. It is not one of the causes that totally
extinguish criminal liability in Art 89.
14. Civil liability with regard to the interest of the injured party is
extinguished by his express waiver because personal injury may be
repaired through indemnity anyway. State has no reason to insist on its
Art. 24. Measures of prevention or safety which are nor considered penalties.
— The following shall not be considered as penalties:
1. The arrest and temporary detention of accused persons, as well as their
detention by reason of insanity or imbecility, or illness requiring their
confinement in a hospital.
2. The commitment of a minor to any of the institutions mentioned in Article
80 and for the purposes specified therein.
3. Suspension from the employment of public office during the trial or in
order to institute proceedings.
4. Fines and other corrective measures which, in the exercise of their
administrative disciplinary powers, superior officials may impose upon their
5. Deprivation of rights and the reparations which the civil laws may
establish in penal form.
Par 1 refers to the “accused persons” who are detained “by reason of
insanity or imbecility” not an insane or imbecile who has not been
arrested for a crime.
They are not considered penalties because they are not imposed as a
result of judicial proceedings. Those in par 1, 3 and 4 are merely
preventive measures before the conviction of offenders.
Fines in par 4 are not imposed by the court because otherwise, they
constitute a penalty
Art. 25. Penalties which may be imposed. — The penalties which may be imposed
according to this Code, and their different classes, are those included in the
Capital punishment:
Afflictive penalties:
Reclusion perpetua,
Reclusion temporal,
Perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification,
Perpetual or temporary special disqualification,
Prision mayor.
Correctional penalties:
Prision correccional,
Arresto mayor,
Light penalties:
Arresto menor,
Public censure.
Penalties common to the three preceding classes:
Fine, and
Bond to keep the peace.
Perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification,
Perpetual or temporary special disqualification,
Suspension from public office, the right to vote and be voted for the
profession or calling.
Civil interdiction,
Forfeiture or confiscation of instruments and proceeds of the offense,
Payment of costs.
5. Classification of penalties:
a divisible – those that have fixed duration and are divisible into 3
5. According to gravity
a capital
b afflictive
c correccional
d light
Penalty cannot be imposed in the alternative since it’s the duty of the
court to indicate the penalty imposed definitely and positively. Thus,
the court cannot sentence the guilty person in a manner as such as “to
pay fine of 1000 pesos, or to suffer an imprisonment of 2 years, and to
pay the costs.”
If the fine imposed by the law for the felony is exactly 200 pesos, it
is a light felony.
Article 9 Article 26
Applicable in
Applicable in determining the
determining the prescriptive
prescriptive period of
period of felonies penalties
b failure to give bond for good behavior ( a person making threat may be
required to give bond not to molest the person threatened, if not destierro)
d in cases where the reduction of the penalty by one or more degrees
results in destierro
8. Bond to keep the peace is not specifically provided as a penalty for any
felony and therefore cannot be imposed by the court. It is required in
Art 284 and not to be given in cases involving other crimes.
7. Summary:
g Bond to keep the peace – the period during which the bond shall be
effective is discretionary to the court
Impris 20 days and 12 years 6 years and
on- 1 day to 40 and 1 day 1 day to 12
ment None years to 20 years years
None, ation
unless -Perpetual
pardoned: special
-Civil -Civil
-Perpetual disqualific
Interdictio Interdictio
absolute ation from
n or during n or during
disqualific the right
his his
ation of suffrage
sentence sentence
which the
Access -Civil -Perpetual -Perpetual offender
ory interdictio absolute absolute suffers
Penalt n for 30 disqualific disqualific although
ies years ation ation pardoned
- -
Suspens Suspens
ion of ion of
right right
-Suspension to hold to hold
from public office office
office - -
-Suspension Suspens Suspens
from the ion of ion of
right to the the
follow a right right
profession of of
or calling suffrag suffrag
e e
-Perpetual during during
special the the
Access disqualifica term of term of
ory tion on the the the
Penalt right of sentenc sentenc
ies suffrage e e
c The duration of the other penalties – the duration is from the day on
which the offender commences to serve his sentence
7. Reason for rule (a) – because under Art 24, the arrest and temporary
detention of the accused is not considered a penalty
12. Offender under preventive imprisonment, rule (c) applies not rule (a)
3. the full time or 4/5 of the time during which the offenders have
undergone preventive suspension shall be deducted from the penalty
6. Habitual Delinquents not entitled to the full time or 4/5 credit of time
under preventive imprisonment since he is necessarily a recidivist or has
been convicted previously twice or more times of any crime.
7. Example: X who was arrested for serious physical injuries, detained for
1 year and went out on bail but was later on found guilty. He was
consequently summoned for the execution of the sentence, but having
failed to appear, X will not be credited in the service of his sentence
for serious physical injuries w/ one year or 4/5 of one year preventive
Art. 30. Effects of the penalties of perpetual or temporary absolute
disqualification. — The penalties of perpetual or temporary absolute
disqualification for public office shall produce the following effects:
1. The deprivation of the public offices and employments which the offender
may have held even if conferred by popular election.
2.The deprivation of the right to vote in any election for any popular office
or to be elected to such office.
3. The disqualification for the offices or public employments and for the
exercise of any of the rights mentioned.
In case of temporary disqualification, such disqualification as is comprised
in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article shall last during the term of the
4. The loss of all rights to retirement pay or other pension for any office
formerly held.
6. The exclusion is a mere disqualification for protection and not for
punishment – the withholding of a privilege, not a denial of a right.
d All these effects last during the lifetime of the convict and even
after the service of the sentence except as regards paragraphs 2 and 3 of the
above in connection with Temporary Absolute Disqualification.
23. Cannot hold any public office during the period of disqualification.
Art. 33. Effects of the penalties of suspension from any public office,
profession or calling, or the right of suffrage. — The suspension from public
office, profession or calling, and the exercise of the right of suffrage shall
disqualify the offender from holding such office or exercising such profession
or calling or right of suffrage during the term of the sentence.
The person suspended from holding public office shall not hold another having
similar functions during the period of his suspension.
6. Effects:
a Disqualification from holding such office or the exercise of such
profession or right of suffrage during the term of the sentence.
b Cannot hold another office having similar functions during the period
of suspension.
Art. 34. Civil interdiction. — Civil interdiction shall deprive the offender
during the time of his sentence of the rights of parental authority, or
guardianship, either as to the person or property of any ward, of marital
authority, of the right to manage his property and of the right to dispose of
such property by any act or any conveyance inter vivos.
16. Effects:
Parental rights
Martial authority
Right to manage property and to dispose of the same by acts inter vivos
7. Reclusion perpetua
8. Reclusion temporal
Art. 35. Effects of bond to keep the peace. — It shall be the duty of any
person sentenced to give bond to keep the peace, to present two sufficient
sureties who shall undertake that such person will not commit the offense
sought to be prevented, and that in case such offense be committed they will
pay the amount determined by the court in the judgment, or otherwise to
deposit such amount in the office of the clerk of the court to guarantee said
The court shall determine, according to its discretion, the period of duration
of the bond.
Should the person sentenced fail to give the bond as required he shall be
detained for a period which shall in no case exceed six months, is he shall
have been prosecuted for a grave or less grave felony, and shall not exceed
thirty days, if for a light felony.
Bond to keep the peace is different from bail bond which is posted for
the provisional release of a person arrested for or accused of a crime.
Bond to keep the peace or for good behavior is imposed as a penalty in
Art. 36. Pardon; its effect. — A pardon shall not work the restoration of the
right to hold public office, or the right of suffrage, unless such rights be
expressly restored by the terms of the pardon.
A pardon shall in no case exempt the culprit from the payment of the civil
indemnity imposed upon him by the sentence.
6. Pardon by the President does not restore the right to public office or
suffrage except when both are expressly restored in the pardon. Nor does
it exempt from civil liability/from payment of civil indemnity.
if the facts and circumstances of the case show that the purpose of the
President is to precisely restore the rights i.e., granting absolute
pardon after election to a post (mayor) but before the date fixed by law
for assuming office to enable him to assume the position in deference to
the popular will
Art. 37. Cost. — What are included. — Costs shall include fees and indemnities
in the course of the judicial proceedings, whether they be fixed or
unalterable amounts previously determined by law or regulations in force, or
amounts not subject to schedule.
Costs include:
Costs (expenses of the litigation) are chargeable to the accused in vase
of conviction.
In case of acquittal, the costs are de oficio, each party bearing is own
No costs allowed against the Republic of the Philippines until law
provides the contrary
1. fees
2. indemnities in the course of judicial proceedings
11. Example: Juan inflicted serious physical injuries against Pedro and
took the latter’s watch and ring. He incurred 500 worth of hospital bills
and failed to earn 300 worth of salary. Given that Juan only has 1000
pesos worth of property not exempt from execution, it shall be first
applied to the payment of the watch and ring which cannot be returned as
such is covered by “reparation of the damage caused” thus, no. 1 in the
order of payment. The 500 and 300 are covered by “indemnification of the
consequential damage” thus, no. 2 in the order of payment.
Art. 39. Subsidiary penalty. — If the convict has no property with which to
meet the fine mentioned in the paragraph 3 of the nest preceding article, he
shall be subject to a subsidiary personal liability at the rate of one day for
each eight pesos, subject to the following rules:
1. If the principal penalty imposed be prision correccional or arresto and
fine, he shall remain under confinement until his fine referred to in the
preceding paragraph is satisfied, but his subsidiary imprisonment shall not
exceed one-third of the term of the sentence, and in no case shall it continue
for more than one year, and no fraction or part of a day shall be counted
against the prisoner.
2. When the principal penalty imposed be only a fine, the subsidiary
imprisonment shall not exceed six months, if the culprit shall have been
prosecuted for a grave or less grave felony, and shall not exceed fifteen
days, if for a light felony.
3. When the principal imposed is higher than prision correccional, no
subsidiary imprisonment shall be imposed upon the culprit.
4. If the principal penalty imposed is not to be executed by confinement in a
penal institution, but such penalty is of fixed duration, the convict, during
the period of time established in the preceding rules, shall continue to
suffer the same deprivations as those of which the principal penalty consists.
5. The subsidiary personal liability which the convict may have suffered by
reason of his insolvency shall not relieve him, from the fine in case his
financial circumstances should improve. (As amended by RA 5465, April 21,
8. There is no subsidiary penalty for non-payment of reparation,
indemnification and costs in par 1, 2 and 4 of Art 38. It is only for
9. Art 39 applies only when the convict has no property with which to meet
the fine in par 3 of art 38. Thus, a convict who has property enough to
meet the fine and not exempted from execution cannot choose to serve the
subsidiary penalty instead of the payment of the fine.
Not to exceed 6
months if
prosecuted for
grave or less grave
felony, not to
exceed 15 days if
prosecuted for
Fine only light felony
Higher than
prision No subsidiary
correccional imprisonment
Same deprivations
Not to be as those of the
executed by principal penalty
confinement but under rules 1, 2
of fixed duration and 3 above
14. If financial circumstances improve, convict still to pay the fine even
if he has suffered subsidiary personal liability.
15. the penalty imposed must be PC, AM, Am, suspension, destierro and fine
only. – other than these (PM, RT, RP) court cannot impose subsidiary
16. Even if the penalty imposed is not higher than PC, if the accused is a
habitual delinquent who deserves an additional penalty of 12 yrs and 1
day of RT, there is no subsidiary imprisonment.
Art. 40. Death — Its accessory penalties. — The death penalty, when it is not
executed by reason of commutation or pardon shall carry with it that of
perpetual absolute disqualification and that of civil interdiction during
thirty years following the date sentence, unless such accessory penalties have
been expressly remitted in the pardon.
Art. 44. Arresto — Its accessory penalties. — The penalty of arresto shall
carry with it that of suspension of the right too hold office and the right of
suffrage during the term of the sentence.
Outline of accessory penalties inherent in principal penalties
1. death – if not executed because of commutation or pardon
1. perpetual absolute disqualification
2. civil interdiction during 30 years (if not expressly remitted in the
3. civil interdiction for life or during the sentence
4. perpetual absolute disqualification (unless expressly remitted in the
5. temporary absolute disqualification
6. perpetual absolute disqualification from suffrage (unless expressly
remitted in the pardon)
7. suspension from public office, profession or calling
8. perpetual special disqualification from suffrage if the duration of the
imprisonment exceeds 18 months (unless expressly remitted in the pardon)
2. RP and RT
3. PM
4. PC
The accessory penalties in Art 40-44 must be suffered by the offender,
although pardoned as to the principal penalties. To be relieved of these
penalties, they must be expressly remitted in the pardon.
No accessory penalty for destierro
Persons who served out the penalty may not have the right to exercise
the right of suffrage. For a prisoner who has been sentenced to one year
of imprisonment or more for any crime, absolute pardon restores to him
his political rights. If the penalty is less than one year,
disqualification does not attach except if the crime done was against
The nature of the crime is immaterial when the penalty imposed is one
year imprisonment or more.
The accessory penalties are understood to be always imposed upon the
offender by the mere fact that the law fixes a certain penalty for the
crime. Whenever the courts impose a penalty which by provision of law,
carries with it other penalties, it’s understood that the accessory
penalties are also imposed.
the accessory penalties do not affect the jurisdiction of the court in
which the information is filed because they don’t modify or alter the
nature of the penalty provided by law. What determines jurisdiction in
criminal cases is the extent of the principal penalty w/c the law imposes
of the crime charged.
the MTC has exclusive jurisdiction over offenses punishable with
imprisonment of not exceeding 4 years and 2 months or a fine of not more
than 4000 or both regardless of other imposable accessory or other
Exception: when the law fixes a penalty for the frustrated or attempted
felony. Whenever it is believed that the penalty lower by one or two
degrees corresponding to said acts of execution is not proportionate to
the wrong done, the law fixes a distinct penalty for the principal in the
frustrated or attempted felony.
The graduation of penalties refers to:
a stages of execution (consummated, frustrated, attempted)
the division of a divisible penalty (min, med, max) refers to the proper
period of the penalty which should be imposed when aggravating or
mitigating circumstances attend the commission of the crime.
Art. 47. In what cases the death penalty shall not be imposed. — The death
penalty shall be imposed in all cases in which it must be imposed under
existing laws, except in the following cases:
1. When the guilty person be more than seventy years of age.
2. When upon appeal or revision of the case by the Supreme court,
all the members thereof are not unanimous in their voting as to the propriety
of the imposition of the death penalty. For the imposition of said penalty or
for the confirmation of a judgment of the inferior court imposing the death
sentence, the Supreme Court shall render its decision per curiam, which shall
be signed by all justices of said court, unless some member or members thereof
shall have been disqualified from taking part in the consideration of the
case, in which even the unanimous vote and signature of only the remaining
justices shall be required.
whenever the judgment of the lower court imposes the death penalty, the
case shall be determined by 10 justices of the court. When 10 justices
fail to reach a decision (as to the propriety of the imposition of the
death penalty), the penalty next lower in degree than the death penalty
shall be imposed.
Death penalty not imposed in the ff cases:
a) when the person is more than 70 years old at time RTC sentenced him
b) when upon appeal or revision of the case by the SC, 10 justices are
not unanimous in their voting
c) when the offender is a minor under 18 yrs of age. Why? Because
minority is always a mitigating circumstance
Justification for the death penalty: social defense and exemplarity. Not
considered cruel and unusual because does not involve torture or
lingering death.
Crimes where death penalty is imposed:
a) treason
f) parricide
g) murder
k) when death resulted from the commission of arson or other crime
involving destruction
b) one or more grave and one or more less grave felonies
2) that one or some of the offenses must be necessary to commit the other
3) that both or all the offenses must be punished under the same statute
b) When the acts are wholly different, not only in themselves, but also
because they are directed against 2 different persons, as when one fires his
gun twice in succession, killing one and injuring the other.
Light felonies produced by the same act should be treated and punished
as separate offenses or may be absorbed by the grave felony.
a) several light felonies resulting from one single act – not complex
Juan hit Pedro’s car, resulting in several light injuries and light felony of
damage to property. No complex crime because the crime of slight physical
injuries and damage to property are light felonies. There are as many crimes
as there are persons injured w/ light physical injuries and as many penalties
as there are light felonies committed, even though they are produced by a
single act of the offender.
b) Juan raped Petra, causing her physical injuries w/c required a month’s
worth of medical attention. This is a complex crime of rape w/ less serious
physical injuries. The injuries were necessary to the commission of the rape.
When a complex crime is charged and one offense is not proven, the
accused can be convicted of the other.
Plurality of crimes – consists in the successive execution by the same
individual of different criminal acts upon any of w/c no conviction has
yet been declared.
Kinds of plurality of crimes:
a) formal or ideal – only one criminal liability
b) real or material – there are different crimes in law as well as in the
conscience of the offender, in such cases, the offender shall be punished for
each and every offense that he committed.
Example: Juan stabbed Pedro, then Juan stabbed Tomas too. There are 2
committed as 2 acts were performed.
There must be
conviction by
No conviction of final judgment of
the crimes the first prior
committed offense
b) when the law specifically fixes a single penalty for 2 or more
offenses committed: robbery w/ homicide, kidnapping w/ serious physical
There is a series
of acts performed
by the offender Same
Different acts
Each act performed constitute only
constitutes a one crime because
separate crime all of the acts
because each act is performed arise
generated by a from one criminal
criminal impulse resolution.
Art. 49. Penalty to be imposed upon the principals when the crime committed is
different from that intended. — In cases in which the felony committed is
different from that which the offender intended to commit, the following rules
shall be observed:
1. If the penalty prescribed for the felony committed be higher
than that corresponding to the offense which the accused intended to commit,
the penalty corresponding to the latter shall be imposed in its maximum
2. If the penalty prescribed for the felony committed be lower than
that corresponding to the one which the accused intended to commit, the
penalty for the former shall be imposed in its maximum period.
3. The rule established by the next preceding paragraph shall not
be applicable if the acts committed by the guilty person shall also constitute
an attempt or frustration of another crime, if the law prescribes a higher
penalty for either of the latter offenses, in which case the penalty provided
for the attempted or the frustrated crime shall be imposed in its maximum
Art 49 has reference to the provision in the 1st par of Art 4 which
provides that criminal liability shall be incurred “by any person
committing a felony although the wrongful act done be different from that
which he intended”
Art 49 applicable only in cases when there is a mistake in identity of
the victim of the crime and the penalty for the crime committed is
different from that for the crime intended to be committed.
Art 49 also has no application where a more serious consequence not
intended by the offender befalls the same person.
Example: Juan only wanted to inflict a wound upon Pedro but because he lost
control of his right arm, he killed Pedro. Art 49 not applicable.
ART 49 ART 48
1. Art. 49 has reference to Art. 4(1). It applies only when there is error
in personae.
2. In Art. 49 (Paragraphs 1 and 2) the lower penalty in its maximum period
is always imposed.
3. In Par. 3 the penalty for the attempted or frustrated crime shall be
imposed in its maximum period. This rule is not necessary and may well be
covered by Art. 48, in view of the fact that the same act also
constitutes an attempt or a frustration of another crime.
Application of Article 50 to 57
Art 50-57 not applicable when the law specifically prescribes the penalty for
the frustrated and attempted felony or that to be imposed upon the accomplices
and accessories.
Degree – one whole penalty, one entire penalty or one unit of the penalties
enumerated in the graduated scales provided for in Art 71
Degree Period
Refers to the
Refers to the duration of the
penalty imposable penalty consisting
for a felony of the maximum,
committed medium, and
considering the minimum, after
stages of considering the
execution and the presence or
degree of absence of
participation of aggravating
the offender circumstances
b) one who furnished the place for the perpetration of the crime of
slight illegal detention.
Art. 61. Rules for graduating penalties. — For the purpose of graduating the
penalties which, according to the provisions of Articles 50 to 57, inclusive,
of this Code, are to be imposed upon persons guilty as principals of any
frustrated or attempted felony, or as accomplices or accessories, the
following rules shall be observed:
1. When the penalty prescribed for the felony is single and
indivisible, the penalty next lower in degrees shall be that immediately
following that indivisible penalty in the respective graduated scale
prescribed in Article 71 of this Code.
2. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is composed of two
indivisible penalties, or of one or more divisible penalties to be impose to
their full extent, the penalty next lower in degree shall be that immediately
following the lesser of the penalties prescribed in the respective graduated
3. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is composed of one or
two indivisible penalties and the maximum period of another divisible penalty,
the penalty next lower in degree shall be composed of the medium and minimum
periods of the proper divisible penalty and the maximum periods of the proper
divisible penalty and the maximum period of that immediately following in said
respective graduated scale.
4. when the penalty prescribed for the crime is composed of several
periods, corresponding to different divisible penalties, the penalty next
lower in degree shall be composed of the period immediately following the
minimum prescribed and of the two next following, which shall be taken from
the penalty prescribed, if possible; otherwise from the penalty immediately
following in the above mentioned respective graduated scale.
5. When the law prescribes a penalty for a crime in some manner not
especially provided for in the four preceding rules, the courts, proceeding by
analogy, shall impose corresponding penalties upon those guilty as principals
of the frustrated felony, or of attempt to commit the same, and upon
accomplices and accessories.
The rules provided in this Art should also apply in determining the
minimum of the Indeterminate Sentence Law (ISL). It also applies in
lowering the penalty by one or two degrees by reason of the presence of
the privileged mitigating circumstance or when the penalty is divisible
and there are two or more mitigating circumstances.
Graduated Scale in Art 71
Indivisible Penalties:
a) Death
Divisible Penalties:
a) Reclusion Temporal
e) Destierro
Rule No. 1:
When the penalty is single and indivisible (ex. RP), the penalty next lower
shall be reclusion temporal.
Rule No. 2:
a) when the penalty is composed of two indivisible penalties
Ex. penalty for parricide is reclusion perpetua to death, the next lower
penalty is reclusion temporal
Rule No. 3:
When the penalty is composed of 2 indivisible penalties and the maximum period
of a divisible penalty/ or when composed of one divisible penalty the maximum
of one divisible penalty
Ex. penalty for murder is reclusion temporal to death. The point of reference
will be on the proper divisible penalty which is reclusion temporal. Under the
3rd rule, the penalty next lower to reclusion temporal is composed of the
medium and minimum periods of reclusion temporal and the maximum of prision
Rule No.4:
When the penalty is composed of several periods
Rule No.5:
When the penalty has only 2 periods
b) robbery
c) estafa
d) falsification
Crimes to be
committed are
specified Same title
No time fixed by
W/ in 10 years law
Must be found
guilty 3rdtime or
oftener Second conviction
Is not offset by
Additional penalty MC, increases
is imposed penalty to maximum
b) ten yr pd is counted not from the date of commission of the subsequent
offense but to the date of conviction thereof in relation to the date of his
last release or last conviction
d) convictions on the same day or at about the same time are considered
as one only (days, weeks..)
In no case shall be the total penalties imposed upon the offender
exceed 30 years
The law does not apply to crimes described in Art. 155
The imposition of the additional penalties on habitual delinquents are
constitutional, it is simply a punishment on future crimes on account of
the criminal propensities of the accused.
The imposition of such additional penalties are mandatory.
Habitual delinquency applies at any stage of the execution because
subjectively, the offender reveals the same degree of depravity or
perversity as the one who commits a consummated crime.
Habitual delinquency applies to all participants because it reveals
persistence in them of the inclination to wrongdoing and of the
perversity of character that led them to commit the previous crime.
Cases where the attending aggravating or mitigating circumstances are
not considered in the imposition of penalties.
Penalty that is single and indivisible
Felonies through negligence
Penalty is a fine
Penalty is prescribed by a special law
Art. 63. Rules for the application of indivisible penalties. — In all cases in
which the law prescribes a single indivisible penalty, it shall be applied by
the courts regardless of any mitigating or aggravating circumstances that may
have attended the commission of the deed.
In all cases in which the law prescribes a penalty composed of two indivisible
penalties, the following rules shall be observed in the application thereof:
1. When in the commission of the deed there is present only one
aggravating circumstance, the greater penalty shall be applied.
2. When there are neither mitigating nor aggravating circumstances
and there is no aggravating circumstance, the lesser penalty shall be applied.
3. When the commission of the act is attended by some mitigating
circumstances and there is no aggravating circumstance, the lesser penalty
shall be applied.
4. When both mitigating and aggravating circumstances attended the
commission of the act, the court shall reasonably allow them to offset one
another in consideration of their number and importance, for the purpose of
applying the penalty in accordance with the preceding rules, according to the
result of such compensation.
Art 63 applies only when the penalty prescribed by the Code is either
one indivisible penalty or 2 indivisible penalties
When the penalty is composed of 2 indivisible penalties, the penalty
cannot be lowered by one degree no matter how many mitigating
circumstances are present
Exception: in cases of privileged mitigating circumstances
Par.4: the moral value rather than the numerical weight shall be taken
into account
Rules for the application of indivisible penalties
Penalty is single and indivisible – applied regardless of the
presence of aggravating and mitigating circumstances
Penalty composed of two indivisible penalties
1. One aggravating circumstance present – higher penalty
2. One mitigating circumstance present – lower penalty
3. Some mitigating circumstances present and no aggravating – lower penalty
4. Mitigating and Aggravating Circumstance are present – basis in number
and importance
Art. 64. Rules for the application of penalties which contain three periods. —
In cases in which the penalties prescribed by law contain three periods,
whether it be a single divisible penalty or composed of three different
penalties, each one of which forms a period in accordance with the provisions
of Articles 76 and 77, the court shall observe for the application of the
penalty the following rules, according to whether there are or are not
mitigating or aggravating circumstances:
1. When there are neither aggravating nor mitigating circumstances,
they shall impose the penalty prescribed by law in its medium period.
2. When only a mitigating circumstances is present in the
commission of the act, they shall impose the penalty in its minimum period.
3. When an aggravating circumstance is present in the commission of
the act, they shall impose the penalty in its maximum period.
4. When both mitigating and aggravating circumstances are present,
the court shall reasonably offset those of one class against the other
according to their relative weight.
5. When there are two or more mitigating circumstances and no
aggravating circumstances are present, the court shall impose the penalty next
lower to that prescribed by law, in the period that it may deem applicable,
according to the number and nature of such circumstances.
6. Whatever may be the number and nature of the aggravating
circumstances, the courts shall not impose a greater penalty than that
prescribed by law, in its maximum period.
7. Within the limits of each period, the court shall determine the
extent of the penalty according to the number and nature of the aggravating
and mitigating circumstances and the greater and lesser extent of the evil
produced by the crime.
Art 64 applies when the penalty has 3 periods because they are
divisible. If the penalty is composed of 3 different penalties, each
forms a period according to Art 77
Par 4: the mitigating circumstances must be ordinary, not privileged.
The aggravating circumstances must be generic or specific, not qualifying
or inherent.
Example: a qualifying circumstance (treachery) cannot be offset by a generic
mitigating circumstance (voluntary circumstance)
The court has discretion to impose the penalty within the limits fixed
by law
Art 64 not applicable when the penalty is indivisible or prescribed by
special law or a fine
Rules for the application of divisible penalties
No aggravating and no mitigating circumstances – medium period
One mitigating circumstance – minimum period
One aggravating circumstance – maximum period
Mitigating and aggravating circumstance o offset each other and
according to relative weight
2 or more mitigating without any aggravating circumstance – on
degree lower
Art. 65. Rule in cases in which the penalty is not composed of three periods.
— In cases in which the penalty prescribed by law is not composed of three
periods, the courts shall apply the rules contained in the foregoing articles,
dividing into three equal portions of time included in the penalty prescribed,
and forming one period of each of the three portions.
A. Example: Prision Mayor (6 yrs, 1 day to 12 yrs)
1) subtract the minimum (disregard 1 day) from the maximum
12yrs – 6yrs = 6 yrs
3) use the minimum (6 yrs and 1 day) as the minimum of the minimum
period. Then add the 2 yrs (disregarding the 1 day) to the minimum to get the
maximum of the minimum
6 yrs (minimum of the minimum)
4) use the maximum of the minimum period as the minimum of the medium
period and add 1 day to distinguish from the minimum period. Then add 2 years
to the minimum of the medium (disregarding the 1 day) to get the maximum of
the medium period.
8 yrs (minimum of the medium)
5) use the maximum of the medium period as the minimum of the maximum pd,
add 1 day to distinguish it from the medium period. Then add 2 yrs to the
minimum of the maximum pd (disregarding the 1 day) to get the maximum of the
maximum period)
10 yrs (maximum of the medium)
3) Use the minimum of the given example as the minimum period. Then to
get to get the maximum of the minimum, add the 8 months
6 yrs + 8 months = 6 yrs and 8 months
4) Use the maximum of the minimum as the minimum of the medium period.
Add 1 day to distinguish it from the maximum of the minimum. Add the 8 months
and this becomes the maximum of the medium
6 yrs 8 months + 8 months = 7 yrs 4 months
Therefore, the medium period of prision mayor minimum; 6 yrs 8 mos 1 day to 7
yrs 4 mos
5) Use the maximum of the medium as the minimum period of the maximum
period and add 1 day to distinguish. Add the 8 months to get the maximum of
this maximum
7 yrs 4 mos + 8 mos = 8 yrs
if these conditions are not all present, then the ff penalties shall be
a) grave felony – arresto mayor max to prision correccional min
b) less grave felony – arresto mayor min to arresto mayor med
Art. 68. Penalty to be imposed upon a person under eighteen years of age. —
When the offender is a minor under eighteen years and his case is one coming
under the provisions of the paragraphs next to the last of Article 80 of this
Code, the following rules shall be observed:
1. Upon a person under fifteen but over nine years of age, who is
not exempted from liability by reason of the court having declared that he
acted with discernment, a discretionary penalty shall be imposed, but always
lower by two degrees at least than that prescribed by law for the crime which
he committed.
2. Upon a person over fifteen and under eighteen years of age the
penalty next lower than that prescribed by law shall be imposed, but always in
the proper period.
Art. 68 applies to such minor if his application for suspension of
sentence is disapproved or if while in the reformatory institution he
becomes incorrigible in which case he shall be returned to the court for
the imposition of the proper penalty.
Art. 68 provides for 2 privileged mitigating circumstances
If the act is attended by two or more mitigating circumstance and no
aggravating circumstance, the penalty being divisible a minor over 15 but
under 18 may still get a penalty two degrees lower.
Art. 74. Penalty higher than reclusion perpetua in certain cases. — In cases
in which the law prescribes a penalty higher than another given penalty,
without specially designating the name of the former, if such higher penalty
should be that of death, the same penalty and the accessory penalties of
Article 40, shall be considered as the next higher penalty.
25. if the decision or law says higher than RP or 2 degrees than RT, then
the penalty imposed is RP or RT as the case may be. Death must be
designated by name. However, for the other penalties, this does not
Example: the penalty for crime X is 2 degrees lower than RP. The penalty
imposed is prision mayor.
Art. 75. Increasing or reducing the penalty of fine by one or more degrees. —
Whenever it may be necessary to increase or reduce the penalty of fine by one
or more degrees, it shall be increased or reduced, respectively, for each
degree, by one-fourth of the maximum amount prescribed by law, without
however, changing the minimum.
The same rules shall be observed with regard of fines that do not consist of a
fixed amount, but are made proportional.
7. To get the lower degree:
Art. 77. When the penalty is a complex one composed of three distinct
penalties. — In cases in which the law prescribes a penalty composed of three
distinct penalties, each one shall form a period; the lightest of them shall
be the minimum the next the medium, and the most severe the maximum period.
Whenever the penalty prescribed does not have one of the forms specially
provided for in this Code, the periods shall be distributed, applying by
analogy the prescribed rules.
17. if there are 3 distinct penalties; there shall be a minimum, a medium
and a maximum
a) after final sentence, suspend the sentence regarding the personal
b) a youthful offender held for examination or trial who cannot furnish
bail will be committed to the DSWD/local rehab center or detention home
c) judgment of the court shall not be pronounced but suspended except
for the ff cases:
d) the DSWD may dismiss the case if the youth behaves properly
e) the records of the proceeding shall be privileged and shall not be
f) the civil liability of the youthful offender may be voluntary assumed
by a relative or a friend
g) the parent or guardian of the child is liable when he aids, abets or
connives w/ the commission of the crime or does an act producing, promoting or
contributing to the child’s being a juvenile delinquent.
h) The penalties for the parent or guardian: Fine not exceeding 500
and/or imprisonment not exceeding 2 years
Art. 84. Place of execution and persons who may witness the
same. — The execution shall take place in the penitentiary of Bilibid in a
space closed to the public view and shall be witnessed only by the priests
assisting the offender and by his lawyers, and by his relatives, not exceeding
six, if he so request, by the physician and the necessary personnel of the
penal establishment, and by such persons as the Director of Prisons may
Art. 85. Provisions relative to the corpse of the person
executed and its burial. — Unless claimed by his family, the corpse of the
culprit shall, upon the completion of the legal proceedings subsequent to the
execution, be turned over to the institute of learning or scientific research
first applying for it, for the purpose of study and investigation, provided
that such institute shall take charge of the decent burial of the remains.
Otherwise, the Director of Prisons shall order the burial of the body of the
culprit at government expense, granting permission to be present thereat to
the members of the family of the culprit and the friends of the latter. In no
case shall the burial of the body of a person sentenced to death be held with
Art. 86. Reclusion perpetua, reclusion temporal, prision
mayor, prision correccional and arresto mayor. — The penalties of reclusion
perpetua, reclusion temporal, prision mayor, prision correccional and arresto
mayor, shall be executed and served in the places and penal establishments
provided by the Administrative Code in force or which may be provided by law
in the future.
Art. 87. Destierro. — Any person sentenced to destierro shall
not be permitted to enter the place or places designated in the sentence, nor
within the radius therein specified, which shall be not more than 250 and not
less than 25 kilometers from the place designated.
27. Destierro shall be imposed in the ff cases:
8. Execution of Distierro
a) Convict shall not be permitted to enter the place designated in the
sentence nor within the radius specified, which shall not be more than 250 and
not less than 25 km from the place designated.
Art. 88. Arresto menor. — The penalty of arresto menor shall
be served in the municipal jail, or in the house of the defendant himself
under the surveillance of an officer of the law, when the court so provides in
its decision, taking into consideration the health of the offender and other
reasons which may seem satisfactory to it.
18. Served where:
20. In the house of the offender, but under the surveillance of an officer
of the law whenever the court so provides in the decision due to the
health of the offender. But the reason is not satisfactory just because
the offender is a respectable member of the community
Art. 89. How criminal liability is totally extinguished. —
Criminal liability is totally extinguished:
(1) By the death of the convict, as to the personal penalties and as to
pecuniary penalties, liability therefor is extinguished only when the death of
the offender occurs before final judgment.
Extinguishment of criminal liability is a ground of motion to quash
The death of the offended party however does not extinguish criminal
liability of the accused because it is a crime against the state.
Extended to
classes of persons
who may be guilty Exercised
of political individually by
offenses the president
Exercised even
before trial or Exercised when one
investigation is convicted
Does not
extinguish civil
liability Same
(6) By the marriage of the offended woman, as provided in Art 344 of this
Prescription does not take away the court’s jurisdiction but only
absolves the defendant and acquits him.
b) authorities
28. If a person witnesses the crime but only tells the authorities 25 years
later, prescription commences on the day the authorities were told.
b) filing the proper complaint w/ the fiscal’s office and the prosecutor.
Police not included.
c) Filing complaint with the court that has proper jurisdiction
9. When the period commences to run again
a) When the proceeding is terminated without the accused being convicted
or acquitted
22. “unjustifiably stopped for any reason” – example: accused evades arrest,
proceedings must be stopped
23. Art 91 applies to a special law when said law does not provide for the
application but only provides for the period of prescription
Art. 92. When and how penalties prescribe. — The penalties
imposed by final sentence prescribe as follows:
1. Death and reclusion perpetua, in twenty years;
2. Other afflictive penalties, in fifteen years;
3. Correctional penalties, in ten years; with the exception of the
penalty of arresto mayor, which prescribes in five years;
4. Light penalties, in one year.
Note that final sentence must be imposed
Fines less than 200 fall under light penalty. Those above are
d) penalty has prescribed because of lapse of time from the date of the
evasion of the service of the sentence
2. If he is captured
11. Sentence evasion clearly starts the running of the prescription. It does
not interrupt it. Acceptance of the conditional pardon interrupts the
prescriptive period.
12. Rolito Go case: since he was captured, he is only supposed to serve the
remainder of his sentence. Reason: during the period he escaped, his
existence is one of fear and discomfort
Violation of conditions:
Offender is re-arrested and re-incarcerated
Commutation – change in the decision of the court by the chief regarding the
(1) degree of the penalty;
Prisoner is also allowed special time allowance for loyalty w/c is 1/5
deduction of the period of his sentence.
Given after
Given after final service of the
judgement minimum penalty
Years Allowance
– a convict who has evaded the service of his sentence by leaving the penal
institution on the occasion of disorder resulting from conflagration,
earthquake or similar catastrophe or during mutiny in which he did not
participate is liable to an increased penalty (1/5 of the time still remaining
to be served – not to exceed 6 months), if he fails to give himself up to the
authorities w/in 48 hrs ff the issuance of a proclamation by the President
announcing the passing away of the calamity.
2 classes:
a) social injury – produced by disturbance and alarm w/c are the outcome of
the offense
b) personal injury – caused by the victim who may have suffered damage, either
to his person, property, honor or chastity
Art. 100. Civil liability of a person guilty of felony. — Every
person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable.
obligation to repair or to make whole the damage caused to another by reason
of an act or omission, whether done intentionally or negligently and whether
or not punishable by law
b) the private person injured unless it involves the crime of treason,
rebellion, espionage, contempt and others where no civil liability arises on
the part of the offender either because there are no damages or there is no
private person injured by the crime
Exemplary Damages: imposed when crime was committed with one or more
aggravating circumstances
b) Dismissal of the info or the crime action does not affect the right of
the offended party to institute or continue the civil action already
instituted arising from the offense, because such dismissal does not carry
with it the extinction of the civil one.
c) When accused is acquitted on ground that his guilt has not been
proven beyond reasonable doubt, a civil action for damages for the same act or
omission may be instituted
e) Acquittal in the crim action for negligence does not preclude the
offended party from filing a civil action to recover damages, based on the
theory that the act is quasi-delict
f) When the court found the accused guilty of crim negligence but failed
to enter judgement of civil liability, the private prosecutor has a right to
appeal for the purposes of the civil liability of the accused. The appellate
court may remand the case to the trial court for the latter to include in its
judgement the civil liability of the accused
g) Before expiration of the 15-day of for appealing, the trial court can
amend the judgement of conviction by adding a provision for the civil
liability of the accused, even if the convict has started serving the
h) An independent civil action may be brought by the injured party during
the pendency of the criminal case provided the right is reserved. Reservation
is necessary in the ff cases:
18. defamation, fraud and physical injury (bodily injury and not the crime
of physical injury)
20. in an action for damage arising from fault or negligence and there is no
pre-existing contractual relation between the parties (quasi-delict)
Extinction of the penal action does not carry with it the extinction of
the civil, unless the extinction proceeds from a declaration in a final
judgement that the fact from which the civil might arise did not exist
Exception: no civil liability in par 4 and 7of art 12. Par 1,2,3,5 and 6 are
NOT exempt from civil liability although exempt from criminal liability
14. primarily devolve upon perosns having legal authority or control over
him, if at fault or negligent (except if proven that they acted w/o fault
or w/ due diligence)
2. guardians
*final release of a child based on good conduct does not remove his civil
liability for damages.
Those who benefited by the act and court shall determine the proportionate
amount for which each shall be liable. If the government or majority of the
inhabitants are liable, such will be determined by special laws or
when all these are present, the innkeeper and the like are subsidiarily
Elements of Par 2:
14. guests notified in advance the innkeeper of the deposit of such goods
w/in the inn
15. guests followed the directions of the innkeeper w/ respect to the care
and vigilance over the such goods
3. such goods of the guest lodging therein were taken by robbery w/ force
upon things or theft
13. When all these are present, the innkeeper is subsidiarily liable
15. Actual deposit of the things of the guest to the innkeeper is not
necessary, it is enough that they were within the inn.
14. the said employee is insolvent and has not satisfied his civil liability
Hospitals are not engaged in industry; hence nit subsidiarily liable for
acts of nurses
Art. 104. What is included in civil liability. — The civil
liability established in Articles 100, 101, 102, and 103 of this Code
1. Restitution;
2. Reparation of the damage caused;
3. Indemnification for consequential damages.
First remedy granted by law is no. 1, in case this is not possible no.
Includes reparation
and indemnification Same
No restitution
Includes as the
restitution (return liabilities are
property taken), to paid out of
nothing to pay in the property of
terms of money the offender
Includes fines
No fines and costs and costs of
of proceedings proceedings
8. General Rule: the owner of the property illegally taken by the offender
can recover it from whomsoever is in possession thereof. Thus, even if
the property stolen was acquired by a 3rd person by purchase w/o knowing
that it has been stolen, such property will be returned to the owner.
13. When the liability to return a thing arises from a contract, not from a
criminal act, the court cannot order its return in the criminal case.
17. The court has authority to order the reinstatement of the accused
acquitted of a crime punishable by the penalty of perpetual or temporary
Art. 106. Reparation. — How made. — The court shall determine
the amount of damage, taking into consideration the price of the thing,
whenever possible, and its special sentimental value to the injured party, and
reparation shall be made accordingly.
12. Reparation will be ordered by the court if restitution is not possible
Payment by the insurance company does not relive the offender of his
obligation to repair the damage caused
Art. 107. Indemnification — What is included. — Indemnification
for consequential damages shall include not only those caused the injured
party, but also those suffered by his family or by a third person by reason of
the crime.
21. Indemnity refers to crimes against persons; reparation to crimes against
23. Contributory negligence on the part of the offended party reduces the
civil liability of the offender
24. The civil liability may be increased only if it will not required an
aggravation of the decision in the criminal case on w/c it is based
25. The amount of damages for death shall be at least 50,000, even though
there may have been mitigating circumstances.
26. In addition:
if the deceased was obliged to give support, the recipient who is not an
heir, may demand support from the defendant
8. physical injuries
Art. 108. Obligation to make restoration, reparation for
damages, or indemnification for consequential damages and actions to demand
the same — Upon whom it devolves. — The obligation to make restoration or
reparation for damages and indemnification for consequential damages devolves
upon the heirs of the person liable.
The action to demand restoration, reparation, and indemnification likewise
descends to the heirs of the person injured.
The heirs of the person liable has no obligation if restoration is not
possible and the deceased left no property
Civil liability is possible only when the offender dies after final
If the death of the offender took place before any final judgement of
conviction was rendered against him, the action for restitution must
necessarily be dismissed.
Art. 109. Share of each person civilly liable. — If there are
two or more persons civilly liable for a felony, the courts shall determine
the amount for which each must respond.
In case of insolvency of the accomplices, the principal shall be subsidiarily
liable for their share of the indemnity and in case of the insolvency of the
principal, the accomplices shall be subsidiarily liable, jointly and severally
liable, for the indemnity due from said principal
5. payment or performance
9. compensation
10. novation
5. Breach of contract – CC
6. Tortious act – CC
The civil liability from any of these is extinguished by the same causes
enumerated above
The accused shall still be liable for the payment of the thing stolen
even if it is lost or destroyed
10. Under the law as amended, even if the subsidiary imprisonment is served
for non-payment of fines, this pecuniary liability of the defendant is
not extinguished.
11. while amnesty wipes out all traces and vestiges of the crime, it does
not extinguish the civil liability of the offender. A pardon shall in no
case exempt the culprit from the payment of the civil indemnity imposed
upon him by the sentence