STS Intro 01-1 PDF
STS Intro 01-1 PDF
STS Intro 01-1 PDF
Nature .
Science Truth
The demise of the “classical” view
The classical view began to fall apart in the process of 20th century
investigations of scientific activity.
Good = Progress
Progress = Technology
Definition (Technoscience)
Technoscience is the combined total of scientific and technological
ideas and activities in their social, political and economic realities.
Modern society is thoroughly technoscientific
There is, obviously, no clear boundary between the social and the
Technoscience is political
• There are formal and informal rules that dictate who can make
decisions about how to proceed with technoscientific work.
• Different political structures create different opportunities, at
the national level, the level of institutions, and the level of
• Individual knowledge workers (technoscientists), various
institutions, and different professional groups all use economic
and cultural resources to advance their aims.
• Discourses can be developed by appeal to both social and
scientific norms. These discourses can then be used as
resources to advance technoscientific work.
• This is often referred to as the production of social capital.
Final remarks