Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

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Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services

Routers Software Configuration Guide

June 8, 2015

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Cisco 800M Series, Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

© 2009-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Preface ix

Objectives ix

Audience ix

Organization ix

Conventions x

Related Documentation xi

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request xi

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Overview 1-1

Overview of the Cisco 800M Series ISRs 1-1

Cisco 800M Series ISR Models 1-2

Cisco 800M Series ISR Features 1-3

LEDs on the Cisco 800M Series ISR 1-3

Basic Router Configuration 2-5

Configuring Global Parameters 2-5

Configuring Gigabit Ethernet WAN Interfaces 2-6

Configuring a Loopback Interface 2-7

Example: Configuring the Loopback Interface 2-8
Verifying the Loopback Interface Configuration 2-8
Configuring Command-Line Access 2-9
Configuring Gigabit Ethernet LAN Interfaces 2-10
Configuring Static Routes 2-11
Example: Configuring Static Routes 2-12
Verifying Configuration 2-13
Configuring Dynamic Routes 2-13
Configuring Routing Information Protocol 2-13
Example: RIP Configuration 2-14
Verifying RIP Configuration 2-15
Configuring Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol 2-15
Example: Configuring EIGRP 2-16
Verifying EIGRP Configuration 2-16
Configuring Image and Configuration Recovery Using the Push Button 2-16
Push Button Behavior During ROMMON Initialization 2-17

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide


Push Button Behavior When IOS is up and Running 2-17

Configuring 800M Series ISR using Zero Touch Deployment 2-17

Configuring 3G Wireless WAN 3-19

Overview of 3G Wireless WAN 3-19

3G Wireless WAN Features Supported on Cisco 800M Series ISR 3-19

Pre-requisites for Configuring 3G WWAN on Cisco 800M Series ISR 3-21

Restrictions for Configuring 3G WWAN on the Cisco 800M Series ISR 3-21

Configuring GSM Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISR 3-21

Data Account Provisioning 3-22
Verifying Signal Strength and Service Availability 3-22
Configuring a GSM Modem Data Profile 3-22
Setting up a Data Call 3-24
Configuring a Cellular Interface 3-24
Configuring DDR 3-25
Configuring DDR Backup 3-27
Configuring CDMA Mode on Cisco 800M Series 3G WWAN Module 3-28
Activating the Modem 3-28
Setting up a Data Call 3-29
Configuring a Cellular Interface 3-29
Configuring DDR 3-30
Configuring DDR Backup 3-32
Configuration Examples 3-32
Basic Cellular Interface Configuration 3-32
Tunnel over Cellular Interface Configuration 3-33
Configuring Dual SIM for Cellular Networks 3-33
Usage Guidelines for Configuring a Dual SIM 3-33

Confguring SIM Lock and Unlock 3-35

Upgrading Modem Firmware 3-35

Switching Modem Firmware Image 3-36

Related Documents 3-36

Configuring the Serial Interface 4-39

Configuring the Serial Interface 4-39

Features Supported by Serial Module 4-39

Information About Configuring Serial Interfaces 4-41

Cisco HDLC Encapsulation 4-41
PPP Encapsulation 4-42
Multilink PPP 4-43

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide


Keepalive Timer 4-43

Frame Relay Encapsulation 4-44
LMI on Frame Relay Interfaces 4-45

How to Configure Serial Interfaces 4-45

Configuring a Synchronous Serial Interface 4-45
Specifying a Synchronous Serial Interface 4-46
Specifying Synchronous Serial Encapsulation 4-46
Configuring Asynchronous Serial Interface 4-46
Configuration Examples 4-47
Example: PPP Configuration: 4-47
Example: Frame Relay Configuration 4-48
Example: MLPPP Configuration 4-48
Example: Asynchronous Serial Configuration 4-49

Related Documents 4-49

Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports 5-51

Configuring VLANs 5-51
Example: VLAN configuration 5-52
Configuring VTP 5-52
Example: Configuring VTP 5-53
Configuring 802.1x Authentication 5-53
Example: Enabling IEEE 802.1x and AAA on a Switch Port 5-54
Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol 5-54
Example: Spanning Tree Protocol Configuration 5-55
Configuring MAC Address Table Manipulation 5-56
Example: MAC Address Table Manipulation 5-56
Configuring MAC Address Notification Traps 5-57
Example: Configuring MAC Address Notification Traps 5-57
Configuring the Switched Port Analyzer 5-57
Example: SPAN Configuration 5-58
Configuring IGMP Snooping 5-58
Example: Configuring IGMP Snooping 5-58
Configuring Per-Port Storm Control 5-59
Example: Per-Port Storm-Control 5-59
Configuring HSRP 5-60
Example: Configuring HSRP 5-60
Configuring VRRP 5-61
Example: Configuring VRRP 5-61

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide


Configuring Security Features 6-63

Configuring Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting 6-63

Configuring Access Lists 6-64

Access Groups 6-64
Configuring Cisco IOS IPS 6-65

Configuring VPN 6-65

Configure a VPN over an IPSec Tunnel 6-68
Configure the IKE Policy 6-69
Configure Group Policy Information 6-70
Apply Mode Configuration to the Crypto Map 6-72
Enable Policy Lookup 6-73
Configure IPSec Transforms and Protocols 6-74
Configure the IPSec Crypto Method and Parameters 6-75
Apply the Crypto Map to the Physical Interface 6-76
Where to Go Next 6-77
Create a Cisco Easy VPN Remote Configuration 6-77
Configuration Example 6-79
Configure a Site-to-Site GRE Tunnel 6-80
Configuration Example 6-81
Configuring Dynamic Multipoint VPN 6-83
Example: DMVPN Configuration 6-83
Configuring Group Encrypted Transport VPN 6-90
Example: GETVPN Configuration 6-90
Configuring SSL VPN 6-94
Example: SSL VPN Configuration 6-94
Configuring FlexVPN 6-97
Example: FlexVPN Configuration 6-97

Configuring Zone-Based Policy Firewall 6-103

Configuring VRF-Aware Cisco Firewall 6-103

Configuring Subscription-Based Cisco IOS Content Filtering 6-103

Configuring On-Device Management for Security Features 6-104

Related Documents 6-104

Configuring QoS 7-105

Configuring Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing 7-105

Example: Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing 7-106
Configuring Low-Latency Queueing 7-106
Example: Low-Latency Queueing 7-106

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide


Configuring Class-Based Traffic Shaping 7-107

Example: Class-Based Traffic Shaping 7-107
Configuring Class-Based Traffic Policing 7-107
Example: Class-Based Traffic Policing 7-107
Configuring Class-Based Weighted Random Early Detection 7-108
Example: Class-Based Weighted Random Early Detection 7-108
Configuring QoS Hierarchical Queueing Framework 7-108

Configuring Network-Based Application Recognition 7-108

Example: Network Based Application Recognition 7-109
Configuring Resource Reservation Protocol 7-109

Configuring Quality of Service for VPNs 7-109

Configuring Per Tunnel QoS for DMVPN 7-110
Configuring Layer 2 Auto QoS 7-110

Configuring Network Management Features 8-111

Cisco Configuration Professional 8-111

Cisco Configuration Professional Express 8-112

Cisco Prime Infrastructure 8-112

Embedded Event Manager 8-112

Configuring IP SLAs 8-112

Configuring Radius 8-113

Configuring TACACS+ 8-113

Configuring SSH 8-113

Configuring SNMP 8-114

Configuring NetFlow 8-114
Configuring Flexible NetFlow 8-114

MIB Support 8-114

Configuring IP Addressing and IP Services Features 9-117

Configuring DHCP 9-117

Configuring DNS 9-118

Configuring NAT 9-118

Configuring NHRP 9-118

Configuring RIP 9-119

Configuring EIGRP 9-119

Configuring OSPF 9-119

Configuring BGP 9-119

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide


Configuring Performance Routing v3 9-120

Configuring IP Multicast 9-120

Configuring BFD 9-120

Configuring Multi VRF 9-121

Configuring IPv6 Features 9-121

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide


This preface describes the objectives, audience, organization, conventions of this guide, and the
references that accompany this document set. The following sections are provided:
• Objectives, page ix
• Audience, page ix
• Organization, page ix
• Conventions, page x
• Related Documentation, page xi
• Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page xi

This guide provides information about how to configure the various features of Cisco 800M Series
integrated services routers (ISRs).

This document is written for experienced technical workers who install, monitor, and troubleshoot
routers under a service contract, or who work for an information technology (IT) department.

This document is organized into the following chapters:

Chapter Description
Overview Provides an overivew of the hardware and software features of Cisco
800M Series ISRs.
Basic Router Describes how to perform the basic router configuration, interface
Configuration configuration, and routing configuration.
Configuring 3G Wireless Describes the configuration procedures for 3G Wireless WAN module on
WAN the Cisco 800M Series ISR.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Description
Configuring the Serial Describes how to configure the serial module on the Cisco 800M Series
Interface ISR.
Configuring Ethernet Provides an overview of the configuration tasks for the Gigabit Ethernet
Switch Ports switch on the Cisco 800M Series ISR.
Configuring Security Describes how to configure security features for the Cisco 800M Series
Features ISR.
Configuring QoS Describes configuring the Quality of Service(QoS) features supported on
the Cisco 800M Series ISR.
Configuring Network Describes configuring the network management features for the Cisco
Management Features 800M Series ISR.
Configuring IP Describes configuring IP addressing and IP services features for the Cisco
Addressing and IP 800M Series ISR.
Services Features

This document uses the following conventions:

Convention Indication
bold font Commands and keywords and user-entered text appear in bold font.
italic font Document titles, new or emphasized terms, and arguments for which you supply
values are in italic font.
[ ] Elements in square brackets are optional.
{x | y | z } Required alternative keywords are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars.
[x|y|z] Optional alternative keywords are grouped in brackets and separated by
vertical bars.
string A nonquoted set of characters. Do not use quotation marks around the string or
the string will include the quotation marks.
courier font Terminal sessions and information the system displays appear in courier font.
< > Non-printing characters such as passwords are in angle brackets.
[ ] Default responses to system prompts are in square brackets.
!, # An exclamation point (!) or a pound sign (#) at the beginning of a line of code
indicates a comment line.

Note Means reader take note.

Tip Means the following information will help you solve a problem.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might perform an action that could result in equipment
damage or loss of data.

Timesaver Means the described action saves time. You can save time by performing the action described in
the paragraph.

Warning Means reader be warned. In this situation, you might perform an action that could result in
bodily injury.

Related Documentation
In addition to the Cisco 800M Series ISR Software Configuration Guide (this document), the following
reference guides are included:

Type of Document Links

Hardware Cisco 800M Series Routers Hardware Installation Guide
Regulatory Compliance Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco 800 Series

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request

For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional
information, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and
revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
Subscribe to the What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds
are a free service and Cisco currently supports RSS version 2.0.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
CH A P T E R 1
Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers

This chapter provides an overview of Cisco 800M Series integrated services routers (ISRs), and
information about how to configure the features and contains the following sections:
• Overview of the Cisco 800M Series ISR, page 1
• Cisco 800M Series ISR Models, page 2
• Cisco 800M Series ISR Features, page 3

Overview of the Cisco 800M Series ISR

Cisco 800M Series ISRs are entry level branch routers that provide secure network connectivity for small
offices to a central location. Cisco 800M Series ISRs are modular routers and provides flexibleWAN
connectivity options including Gigabit Ethernet (GE), Serial, and 3G to connect the branch office to
central office over a secure tunnel. The Cisco 800M Series ISR can be used for deployment in remote
small offices, ATMs and retail stores.
The Cisco 800M Series ISR runs Cisco IOS Software and delivers built-in security in a single software
image without any additional software license.The Cisco 800M Series ISR provides an open, extensible
environment for developing and hosting applications at the network edge.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Overview
Cisco 800M Series ISR Models


Figure 1-1 explains a scenario where the Cisco 800M Series ISR is deployed to provide remote
connectivity from a small office to central office over secure VPN tunnels. In this scenario corporate
users use a separate VLAN than the Internet users.

Figure 1-1 Cisco 800M Series Deployment Example

Internet Internet
Access Only

ISP Corporate
Cisco 841M Campus


VPN Access)

Cisco 800M Series ISR Models

Cisco 800M Series ISRs are available in two models:
• Cisco C841M-4X (Integrated 4 port GE LAN and 2 port GE WAN)
• Cisco C841M-8X (Integrated 8 port GE LAN and 2 port GE WAN)

The Cisco 800M Series ISR supports highly available and redundant WAN connection options and
allows you to easily migrate to different WAN connections. The Cisco 800M Series ISR has 2 WAN slots
that can host single port serial module or multi-mode 3G Wireless WAN module. The 3G Wireless WAN
module supports multiple 3G technologies on the same pluggable WAN interface and provides service
provider independence. These modules are field replaceable which provides flexibility and ease of
Table 1-1 describes the pluggable WAN configuration modules available for Cisco 800M Series ISR

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Overview
Cisco 800M Series ISR Features

Table 1-1 Pluggable WAN Modules

Module Description
WIM-3G Multimode 3G Wireless WAN module
WIM-1T Single port serial module

The combination of WAN modules supported by the Cisco 800M Series ISR is given as follows:
• Multimode 3G Wireless WAN module in slot 0 and single port serial module in slot 1
• Single port serial module in slot 0 and multimode 3G Wireless WAN module in slot 1
• Single port serial module in slot 0 and single port serial module in slot 1

Note Only one 3G Wireless WAN module is supported at a time on the Cisco 800M Series ISR. If two 3G
Wireless WAN modules are present in the 800M Series ISR, the 3G Wireless WAN module in the second
slot will be powered down.

Table 1-2 summarizes the LAN and WAN interface options available for the Cisco 800M Series ISR

Table 1-2 LAN and WAN Interfaces of the Cisco 800M Series ISRs

800M Series Models LAN Interfaces Interfaces Serial WAN 3G WAN
Cisco C841M-4X 4 Gigabit Ethernet 2 Gigabit Ethernet Single port Multimode 3G
LAN ports ports serial (GSM/CDMA)

Cisco C841M-8X 8 Gigabit Ethernet 2 Gigabit Ethernet Single port Multimode 3G

ports serial (GSM/CDMA)
LAN ports

Cisco 800M Series ISR Features

The Cisco 800M series ISR comes with advanced IP Services license and support the features available
for advanced IP services license.
Some of the key features supported by Cisco 800M Series ISRs are listed as follows:
• GSM/CDMA 3G Wirless WAN modes
• Serial WAN link with HDLC, PPP and Frame Relay encapsulations
• Advanced security features including IP Security (IPsec) VPNs, Dynamic Multipoint VPN
(DMVPN) andTunnel-less Group Encrypted Transport (GETVPN)
• Layer 2 features including VLAN/802.1q Trunking
• Integrated device management using Cisco Configuration Professional Express.
• Remote management and network monitoring using SNMP, Telnet, and HTTP, and locally through
a console port

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Overview
Cisco 800M Series ISR Features


LEDs on the Cisco 800M Series ISR

Table 1-3 describes the LEDs on the Cisco 800M Series ISR.

Table 1-3 LEDs on the Cisco 800M Series ISR

LED Color Description

SYS Green (blinking) System is booting.
OFF System is off.
Solid Green System is in active status.
Slot 0 Amber Module is inserted in slot 0 but the
module is not in service.
Green Module is inserted in slot 0 and the
module is in service.
OFF No module is present in slot 0.
Slot 1 Amber Module is inserted in slot 1 but the
module is not in service.
Green Module is inserted in slot 1 and the
module is in service.
OFF No module is present in slot 1.
VPN OK Green At least one VPN session is active.
OFF VPN not connected.
PPP OK Green At least one PPP session is active.
OFF PPP session is not connected.
LAN Solid Green LAN connection is established
Green (Blinking) Data transmission is happening on the
OFF LAN is not connected.
WAN Solid Green WAN link is established
Green (Blinking) Data transmission is happening on the
OFF WAN link is not connected.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

CH A P T E R 2
Basic Router Configuration

This module provides basic configuration procedures for the Cisco 800M Series ISR and contains the
following sections.
• Configuring Global Parameters, page 5
• Configuring Gigabit Ethernet WAN Interfaces, page 6
• Configuring a Loopback Interface, page 7
• Configuring Command-Line Access, page 9
• Configuring Gigabit Ethernet LAN Interfaces, page 10
• Configuring Static Routes, page 11
• Configuring Dynamic Routes, page 13
• Configuring Image and Configuration Recovery Using the Push Button, page 16
• Configuring 800M Series ISR using Zero Touch Deployment, page 17

Configuring Global Parameters

To configure the global parameters for your router, follow these steps.


1. configure terminal
2. hostname name
3. enable secret password
4. no ip domain-lookup

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Gigabit Ethernet WAN Interfaces


Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode, when using the
console port.
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Step 2 hostname name Specifies the name for the router.

Router(config)# hostname Router
Step 3 enable secret password Specifies an encrypted password to prevent
unauthorized access to the router.
Router(config)# enable secret cr1ny5ho

Step 4 no ip domain-lookup Disables the router from translating unfamiliar

words (typos) into IP addresses.
Router(config)# no ip domain-lookup

Configuring Gigabit Ethernet WAN Interfaces

You can connect WAN interfaces either by using straight polarity connectors or reversed polarity
• Straight Polarity: If Mag-jack RJ45 connector has a dot or digit marked on front housing, it can be
used with any type of cables.
• Reversed Polarity: If Mag-jack RJ45 connector has no dots or digit marked on front housing, it can
be used with coupler and short cable (Cat5E UTP cable) to connect other devices which doesn’t
support auto polarity correction.
To configure Gigabit Ethernet (GE) WAN interfaces, follow these steps, beginning in global
configuration mode.


1. configure terminal
2. interface gigabitethernet slot/port
3. ip address ip-address mask
4. no shutdown
5. exit

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring a Loopback Interface


Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2 interface gigabitethernet slot/port Enters the configuration mode for a Gigabit
Ethernet interface on the router.
Example: Note GigabitEthernet WAN Interfaces are
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/8 0/8 and 0/9 for Cisco C841M-8X ISR
and 0/4 to 0/5 for Cisco C841M-4X
Step 3 ip address ip-address mask Sets the IP address and subnet mask for the
specified GE interface.
Router(config-if)# ip address

Step 4 no shutdown Enables the GE interface, changing its state

from administratively down to administratively
Example: up.
Router(config-if)# no shutdown

Step 5 exit Exits configuration mode for the GE interface

and returns to global configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit

Configuring a Loopback Interface

The loopback interface acts as a placeholder for the static IP address and provides default routing
To configure a loopback interface, follow these steps, beginning in global configuration mode.


1. configure terminal
2. interface type number
3. ip address ip-address mask
4. exit

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring a Loopback Interface


Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2 interface type number Enters configuration mode for the loopback
Router(config)# interface Loopback 0

Step 3 ip address ip-address mask Sets the IP address and subnet mask for the
loopback interface.
Router(config-if)# ip address

Step 4 exit Exits configuration mode for the loopback

interface and returns to global configuration
Example: mode.
Router(config-if)# exit

Example: Configuring the Loopback Interface

The loopback interface in this sample configuration is used to support Network Address Translation
(NAT) on the virtual-template interface. This configuration example shows the loopback interface
configured on the gigabit ethernet interface with an IP address of, which acts as a static
IP address. The loopback interface points back to virtual-template1, which has a negotiated IP address.
interface loopback 0
ip address
ip nat outside
interface Virtual-Template1
ip unnumbered loopback0
no ip directed-broadcast
ip nat outside

Verifying the Loopback Interface Configuration

To verify that you have properly configured the loopback interface, enter the show interface loopback
command as shown in the following example.
Router# show interface loopback 0
Loopback0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Loopback
Internet address is
MTU 1514 bytes, BW 8000000 Kbit, DLY 5000 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation LOOPBACK, loopback not set
Last input never, output never, output hang never

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Command-Line Access

Last clearing of "show interface" counters never

Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue 0/0, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

You can lso verify the loopback interface by using the ping command as shown in the following example.
Router# ping
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/4 ms

Configuring Command-Line Access

To configure parameters to control access to the router, perform the following steps.


1. configure terminal
2. line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number
3. password password
4. login
5. exec-timeout minutes [seconds]
6. line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number
7. password password
8. login
9. end


Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2 line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number Enters line configuration mode, and specifies the
type of line.
Router(config)# line console 0

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Gigabit Ethernet LAN Interfaces

Command Purpose
Step 3 password password Specifies a unique password for the console
terminal line.
Router(config)# password 5dr4Hepw3
Step 4 login Enables password verification at the terminal
login session.
Router(config-line)# login
Step 5 exec-timeout minutes [seconds] Sets the interval that the EXEC command
interpreter waits until user input is detected. The
Example: default is 10 minutes. You can also optionally add
Router(config-line)# exec-timeout 5 30 seconds to the interval value.
Step 6 line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number Specifies a virtual terminal for remote console
Router(config-line)# line vty 0 4
Step 7 password password Specifies a unique password for the virtual
terminal line.
Router(config-line)# password aldf2ad1
Step 8 login Enables password verifiation at the virtual
terminal login session.
Router(config-line)# login
Step 9 end Exits line configuration mode, and returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-line)# endRouter#

Configuring Gigabit Ethernet LAN Interfaces

To manually configure Gigabit Ethernet (GE) LAN interfaces, follow these steps, beginning in global
configuration mode.


1. configure terminal
2. interface gigabitethernet slot/port
3. ip address ip-address mask
4. no shutdown
5. exit

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Static Routes


Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2 interface gigabitethernet slot/port Enters the configuration mode for a Gigabit
Ethernet interface on the router.
Example: Note GigabitEthernet LAN Interfaces are
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 0/0 to 0/7 for Cisco C841M-8X ISR
and 0/0 to 0/3 for Cisco C841M-4X
Step 3 ip address ip-address mask Sets the IP address and subnet mask for the
specified GE interface.
Router(config-if)# ip address

Step 4 no shutdown Enables the GE interface, changing its state

from administratively down to administratively
Example: up.
Router(config-if)# no shutdown

Step 5 exit Exits configuration mode for the GE interface

and returns to global configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit

Configuring Static Routes

Static routes provide fixed routing paths through the network. They are manually configured on the
router. If the network topology changes, the static route must be updated with a new route. Static routes
are private routes unless they are redistributed by a routing protocol.
To configure static routes, perform these steps in global configuration mode.


1. configure terminal
2. ip route prefix mask {ip-address | interface-type interface-number [ip-address]}
3. end

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Static Routes


Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2 ip route prefix mask {ip-address | interface-type Specifies the static route for the IP packets.
interface-number [ip-address]}

Router(config)# ip route

Step 3 end Exits router configuration mode, and enters

privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# end

Example: Configuring Static Routes

In the following configuration example, the static route sends out all IP packets with a destination IP
address of and a subnet mask of on the Gigabit Ethernet interface to another
device with an IP address of Specifically, the packets are sent to the configured PVC.
You do not need to enter the command marked “(default).” This command appears automatically in the
configuration file generated when you use the show running-config command.
ip classless (default)
ip route!

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Dynamic Routes

Verifying Configuration
To verify that you have properly configured static routing, enter the show ip route command and look
for static routes signified by the “S.”
You should see verification output similar to the following:
Router# show ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets

C is directly connected, Loopback0
S* is directly connected, FastEthernet0

Configuring Dynamic Routes

In dynamic routing, the network protocol adjusts the path automatically, based on network traffic or
topology. Changes in dynamic routes are shared with other routers in the network.
The Cisco routers can use IP routing protocols, such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP) or Enhanced
Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), to learn routes dynamically. You can configure either of
these routing protocols on your router.
• “Configuring Routing Information Protocol” section on page 13
• “Configuring Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol” section on page 15

Configuring Routing Information Protocol

To configure the RIP routing protocol on the router, follow these steps, beginning in global configuration


1. configure terminal
2. router rip
3. version {1 | 2}
4. network ip-address
5. no auto-summary
6. end

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Dynamic Routes


Command Task
Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Router> configure terminal
Step 2 router rip Enters router configuration mode, and enables RIP
on the router.
Router(config)# router rip
Step 3 version {1 | 2} Specifies use of RIP version 1 or 2.

Router(config-router)# version 2

Step 4 network ip-address Specifies a list of networks on which RIP is to be

applied, using the address of the network of each
Example: directly connected network.
Router(config-router)# network
Step 5 no auto-summary Disables automatic summarization of subnet routes
into network-level routes. This allows subprefix
Example: routing information to pass across classful network
Router(config-router)# no auto-summary boundaries.
Step 6 end Exits router configuration mode, and enters
privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-router)# end

Example: RIP Configuration

The following configuration example shows RIP version 2 enabled in IP network and
To see this configuration, use the show running-config command from privileged EXEC mode.
Router# show running-config
router rip
version 2
no auto-summary

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Dynamic Routes

Verifying RIP Configuration

To verify that you have properly configured RIP, enter the show ip route command and look for RIP
routes signified by “R” as shown in this example.
Router# show ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets

C is directly connected, Loopback0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:02, Ethernet0/0

Configuring Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

To configure Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EGRP), perform these steps.


1. configure terminal
2. router eigrp as-number
3. network ip-address
4. end


Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Router> configure terminal
Step 2 router eigrp as-number Enters router configuration mode, and enables
EIGRP on the router. The autonomous-system
Example: number identifies the route to other EIGRP routers
Router(config)# router eigrp 109 and is used to tag the EIGRP information.
Step 3 network ip-address Specifies a list of networks on which EIGRP is to
be applied, using the IP address of the network of
Example: directly connected networks.
Router(config)# network

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Image and Configuration Recovery Using the Push Button

Command Purpose
Step 4 end Exits router configuration mode, and enters
privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-router)# end

Example: Configuring EIGRP

This configuration example shows the EIGRP routing protocol enabled in IP networks and The EIGRP autonomous system number is 109.
To see this configuration use the show running-config command, beginning in privileged EXEC mode.
Router# show running-config...
router eigrp 109

Verifying EIGRP Configuration

To verify that you have properly configured EIGRP, enter the show ip route command, and look for
EIGRP routes indicated by “D “ as shown in the following example:
Router# show ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets

C is directly connected, Loopback0
D [90/409600] via, 00:00:02, Ethernet0/0

Configuring Image and Configuration Recovery Using the Push

A push or reset button is available on the rear side of the Cisco 800M Series ISR and it is designed to
provide a disaster recovery method for the router.
Push button can be useful for recovery during one of the two scenarios:
• During ROMMON initialization
• For loading a specific configuration file without accessing the router IOS prompt after IOS is up and

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring 800M Series ISR using Zero Touch Deployment

Push Button Behavior During ROMMON Initialization

Table 2-1 shows the high level functionality when the push button is pressed during ROMMON

Table 2-1 Push Button Functionality During ROMMON Initialization

ROMMON Behavior IOS Behavior

• Boots using default baud rate. If the configuration named *.cfg is available in
NVRAM storage or flash storage, IOS will
• Performs auto-boot.
perform a backup of the original configuration
• Loads the *.default image if available on and boots up using this configuration.
compact flash

Push Button Behavior When IOS is up and Running

If you press the push button for more than three seconds and then release the push button after IOS is up
and running, IOS detects this event and looks for configuration files in the order of priority.If the IOS
finds the configuration file, it copies the configuration file to the startup configuration file. Then the
router reloads itself and the new configuration takes effect. If the configuration files cannot be found,
pressing reset button has no effect.
The order of priority in which the router looks for configuration file is given as follows:
1. usbflash0:customer-config.SN
2. usbflash0:customer-config
3. flash:customer-config.SN
4. flash:customer-config

Note SN is the hardware serial number.

Configuring 800M Series ISR using Zero Touch Deployment

The Zero Touch Deployment (ZTD) through USB feature in Cisco 800M Series ISRs is an ease-of-use
feature that loads a customized configuration from a USB flash drive. This feature requires that the
router has no startup configuration in its nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM). The feature also requires that a
valid configuration file, with the filename extension .cfg, is stored in the USB flash drive. A valid
configuration file can be created by saving the running configuration of a router to flash, USB flash, or
to a TFTP Server.
When a router with no startup configuration boots up, it checks for a valid configuration file within the
USB flash drive. The pre-requisites for deployment using the Zero Touch Deployment through USB
feature are:
• Boot up router with no startup-configuration.
• Cisco USB flash drive inserted in the first available USB slot.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Basic Router Configuration
Configuring 800M Series ISR using Zero Touch Deployment

• A valid configuration file in ASCII text with the filename extension .cfg
If the USB flash drive has multiple .cfg files, the router chooses the one with the highest index number
in the USB Flash drive. To avoid loading an incorrect .cfg file, ensure that there is only one .cfg file in
the USB flash drive.
The Cisco 800M Series ISR uses second core and it is actively used in detecting USB flash drive if 3G
Wireless WAN module is present on the router. If 3G Wireless WAN module is not present, USB flash
drive is detected by the IOS. When 3G Wireless WAN module is present, USB detection is a bit delayed
for the Cisco 800M series ISR due to the delay in second core initialization. While system startup is in
progress and push button is pressed, a timer is started to check the completion of second core
initialization. For some reason if second core takes more time, system reports an error message and
continues the normal start up. After second core initialization router waits up to 10 seconds for USB
detection and then complete the configuration. In case the USB flash drive does not contain a
deployment configuration, router enters the configuration mode.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

CH A P T E R 3
Configuring 3G Wireless WAN

This chapter provides information about configuring the 3G Wireless WAN interface on Cisco 800M
Series ISRs and contains the following sections:
• Overview of 3G Wireless WAN, page 19
• 3G Wireless WAN Features Supported on Cisco 800M Series ISR, page 19
• Pre-requisites for Configuring 3G Wireless WAN on Cisco 800M Series ISRs, page 21
• Restrictions for Configuring 3G Wireless WAN on the Cisco 800M Series ISR, page 21
• Configuring GSM Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs, page 21
• Configuring CDMA Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs, page 28
• Configuration Examples, page 32
• Configuring Dual SIM for Cellular Networks, page 33
• Upgrading Modem Firmware, page 36
• Related Documents, page 37

Overview of 3G Wireless WAN

3G Wireless WAN offers a highly secure, simplified, and cost-effective WAN alternative to DSL or
Frame Relay. In areas where terrestrial broadband services (cable, DSL, or T1) are not available or are
expensive, 3G Wireless WAN connectivity can be a viable alternative. Using the integrated services
available on the Cisco 800M Series ISR, 3G Wireless WAN can provide instant and mobile
communications during disasters and service outages. Cisco 800M Series ISRs support GSM and CDMA
3G Wireless WAN networks through the pluggable 3G WAN module. The primary application for 3G
Wireless WAN module is WAN connectivity as a backup data link for critical data applications.
However, the 3G wireless interface can also function as the primary WAN connection for the router.

3G Wireless WAN Features Supported on Cisco 800M Series ISR

3G Wireless WAN module on the Cisco 800M Series ISR is based on Sierra Wireless 9090 modem that
supports both GSM and CDMA. Technology mode is auto selected based on the current active firmware.
The following table lists the GSM/CDMA modes and the supported frequency bands.

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
3G Wireless WAN Features Supported on Cisco 800M Series ISR

Table 3-1 Supported Cellular Modes and Frequencies

Mode Frequency
GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
WCDMA 800/850/1900/2100 MHz
CDMA (EVDO Rev A/ 1xRTT) 800/1900 MHz

Cisco 800M Series ISRs support the following 3G Wireless WAN features:
• Dual SIM
• SIM lock and unlock capabilities
• Multiple Profile
• Crash Dump Support
• Diagnostic Monitor Logging
• Firmware upgrade
• Entity MIB

Table 3-2 describes the LEDs on the 3G Wireless WAN module.

Table 3-2 LEDs on the 3G Wireless WAN Module

LED LED Color Description

3G RSSI Solid green High RSSI (–60 dBm or higher)
3 Blinks and long pause Medium RSSI (–74 to –60 dBm)
2 Blinks and long pause -89 to -75 dBm
1 Blink and long pause -109 to -90dBm
Off Low RSSI (less than –100 dBm)
SIM 0 Solid green SIM 0 is active and connected to
Green (1 blink) SIM 0 is active and connected to
SIM 1 Solid green SIM 1 is active and connected to
Green (1 blink) SIM 1 is active and connected to
WWAN Green (fast blinking) Traffic is flowing through the
WAN link.

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Pre-requisites for Configuring 3G Wireless WAN on Cisco 800M Series ISRs

Pre-requisites for Configuring 3G Wireless WAN on Cisco 800M

Series ISRs
The following are prerequisites to configuring the 3G Wireless WAN interface:
• You must have wireless service from a carrier, and you must have network coverage where your
router will be physically placed. For a complete list of supported carriers, see the product data sheet.
• You must subscribe to a service plan with a wireless service provider and obtain a Subscriber
Identity Module (SIM) card from the service provider. For CDMA, you should get an active
Removable User Identity Module (RUIM) card.
• You must check your LEDs for signal strength, as described in Table 3-2.
• To configure your GSM data profile, you need the following information from your service provider:
– Username
– Password
– Access point name (APN)

Restrictions for Configuring 3G Wireless WAN on the Cisco

800M Series ISR
The following restrictions apply to configuring the Cisco 3G wireless interface:
• A data connection can be originated only by the 3G wireless interface. Remote dial-in is not
• Because of the shared nature of wireless communications, the experienced throughput varies
depending on the number of active users or the amount of congestion in a given network.
• Cellular networks have higher latency than wired networks. Latency rates depend on the technology
and carrier. Latency may be higher when there is network congestion.
• Any restrictions that are part of the terms of service from your carrier also apply to the Cisco 3G
wireless interface.
• Short Message Service (SMS) is not supported.
• Global Positioning System (GPS) is not supported.
• Mobile Equipment Personalization (MEP) is not supported.
• Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) search is not supported.

Note Only one 3G module is supported at a time on the Cisco 800M Series Router. If two 3G modules are
present in the 800M Series Router, the 3G module in the second slot will be powered down.

Configuring GSM Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs

To configure GSM mode on the 3G cellular Wireless WAN interface, perform these procedures:

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring GSM Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs

• Data Account Provisioning, page 22

• Setting up a Data Call, page 24

Data Account Provisioning

Note To provision your modem, you must have an active wireless account with a service provider. A SIM card
must be installed in the GSM 3G wireless module.

To provision your data account, follow these procedures:

• Verifying Signal Strength and Service Availability, page 22
• Configuring a GSM Modem Data Profile, page 22

Verifying Signal Strength and Service Availability

To verify the signal strength and service availability on your modem, use the following commands in
privileged EXEC mode.

Table 3-3 Commands for Verifying Signal Strength

Command or Action Purpose

show cellular unit network Displays information about the carrier network,
cell site, and available service.
show cellular unit hardware Displays the cellular modem hardware
show cellular unit connection Displays the current active connection state and
data statistics.
show cellular unit radio Shows the radio signal strength.
show cellular unit profile Displays information about the modem data
profiles created.
show cellular unit security Shows the security information for the modem,
such as active SIM and modem lock status.
show cellular unit all Shows consolidated information about the
modem. The profiles that were created, the radio
signal strength, the network security, and so on.

Note In the configuration procedures given in this chapter, the unit argument identifies the router slot, WIC
slot, and port separated by slashes (0/0/0).

Configuring a GSM Modem Data Profile

Enter the following command to configure or create a new modem data profile in privileged EXEC mode.

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring GSM Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs

Table 3-4 Configuring a GSM Modem Data Profile

Command Purpose
cellular unit profile create profile-number apn Configures a new modem data profile.
authentication username password
• profile-number—Specifies a number for the
profile that you are creating. You can create
Example: up to 16 profiles.
Note For GSM, default data profile is profile1.
Router# cellular 0/0/0 profile create 3 chap GSM GSMPassword
• apn—Specifies the access point name. You
must get this information from your service
• authentication—Specifies the type of
authentication, for example, CHAP, PAP.
• username—Specifies the user name provided
by your service provider.
• password—Specifies the password provided
by your service provider.

Note For deleting a GSM data profile, use the cellular unit profile delete profile-number command.

Example: Configuring GSM Data Profile

This example shows the GSM profiles created on the cellular interface 0/1/0.
Router# show cellular 0/1/0 profile

Profile 1 = ACTIVE*
PDP Type = IPv4
PDP address =
Access Point Name (APN) =
Authentication = None
Primary DNS address =
Secondary DNS address =

Profile 4 = INACTIVE
PDP Type = IPv4
Access Point Name (APN) =
Authentication = CHAP
Username: aircell
Password: aircel

Profile 11 = INACTIVE
PDP Type = IPv4
Access Point Name (APN) = vodafone
Authentication = None

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring GSM Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs


Profile 15 = INACTIVE
PDP Type = IPv4
Access Point Name (APN) =
Authentication = CHAP
Username: aircell
Password: aircel

* - Default profile

Configured default profile for active SIM 0 is profile 1.

Setting up a Data Call

A data call is a call setup through a signaling protocol on the Public Switching Telephony Network
(PSTN) to a Network Access Server (NAS) to transfer data, either as a byte stream (for example, terminal
emulation) or in a packet format (for example, PPP packets) from a data terminal (such as a PC) to a data
To setup a data call, perform the following tasks:
• Configuring a Cellular Interface, page 24
• Configuring DDR, page 25
• Configuring DDR Backup, page 27

Configuring a Cellular Interface

To configure the cellular interface, enter the following commands, beginning in privileged EXEC mode.


1. configure terminal
2. interface cellular unit
3. encapsulation slip
4. asynchronous mode interactive
5. ip address negotiated

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring GSM Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode from the terminal.

Router# configure terminal
Step 2 interface cellular unit Specifies the cellular interface.

Router(config)# interface cellular 0/0/0
Step 3 encapsulation slip Specifies slip encapsulation for an interface
configured for dedicated asynchronous mode or
dial-on-demand routing.
Router(config-if)# encapsulation slip
Step 4 asynchronous mode interactive Returns a line from dedicated asynchronous network
mode to interactive mode, enabling the slip and ppp
commands in privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-if)# asynchronous mode interactive
Step 5 ip address negotiated Specifies that the IP address for a particular
interface is dynamically obtained.
Router(config-if)# ip address negotiated

Note When the cellular interface requires a static IP address, the address may be configured as ip address
negotiated. Through IP Control Protocol (IPCP), the network ensures that the correct static IP address
is allocated to the device. If a tunnel interface is configured with the ip address unnumbered cellular
interface command, the actual static IP address must be configured under the cellular interface, in place
of ip address negotiated. For a sample cellular interface configuration, see the “Basic Cellular Interface
Configuration” section on page 3-32.

Configuring DDR
Perform these steps to configure dial-on-demand routing (DDR) for the cellular interface.


1. configure terminal
2. interface cellular unit
3. dialer in-band
4. dialer idle-timeout seconds
5. dialer string string
6. dialer group number

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring GSM Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs

7. exit
8. dialer-list dialer-group protocol protocol-name {permit | deny | list access-list-number |
9. ip access-list access-list-number permit ip-source-address
10. line unit
11. script dialer regexp
12. exit
13. chat-script script-name ”” “AT!CALL profile-number#” TIMEOUT timeout-value “OK”

14. interface cellular unit

15. dialer string string


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal
Step 2 interface cellular unit Specifies the cellular interface.

Router(config)# interface cellular 0/0/0
Step 3 dialer in-band Enables DDR and configures the specified serial
interface for in-band dialing.
Router(config-if)# dialer in-band
Step 4 dialer idle-timeout seconds Specifies the duration of idle time, in seconds, after
which a line will be disconnected.
Router(config-if)# dialer idle-timeout 30
Step 5 dialer string string Specifies the number or string to dial. Use the name
of the chat script here.
Router(config-if)# dialer string multimode
Step 6 dialer-group number Specifies the number of the dialer access group to
which a specific interface belongs.
Router(config-if)# dialer-group 1

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring GSM Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs

Command or Action Purpose

Step 7 exit Enters the global configuration mode.

Router(config-if)# exit
Step 8 dialer-list dialer-group protocol protocol-name {permit | Creates a dialer list for traffic of interest and permits
deny | list access-list-number | access-group} access to an entire protocol.

Router(config)# dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 1
Step 9 ip access-list access-list-number permit ip-source-address Defines traffic of interest.

Router(config)# ip access list 1 permit any
Step 10 line unit Specifies the line configuration mode.

Router(config-line)# line 3
Step 11 script dialer regexp Specifies a default modem chat script.

Router(config-line)# script-dialer multimode
Step 12 exit Exits line configuration mode.

Router (config-line)# exit
Step 13 chat-script script-name ”” “AT!CALL” TIMEOUT Defines the Attention Dial Tone (ATDT) commands
timeout-value “OK” when the dialer is initiated.

Router(config)# chat-script multimode "" "AT!CALL"
Step 14 interface cellular unit Specifies the cellular interface.

Router(config)# interface cellular 0
Step 15 dialer string string Specifies the dialer script (defined using the chat
script command).
Router(config)# dialer string multimode

Configuring DDR Backup

To monitor the primary connection and initiate the backup connection when needed, the router can use
the following method:

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring CDMA Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs

• Floating Static Route—The route through the backup interface has an administrative distance that
is greater than the administrative distance of the primary connection route and therefore would not
be in the routing table until the primary interface goes down.

Configuring DDR Backup Using Floating Static Route

To configure a floating static default route on the secondary interface beginning in the global
configuration mode, perform the following tasks.

Note Make sure you have ip classless enabled on your router.


1. configure terminal
2. ip route network-number network-mask {ip-address | interface} [administrative distance] [name


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal
Step 2 ip route network-number network-mask {ip-address | Establishes a floating static route with the config-
interface} [administrative distance] [name name] ured administrative distance through the specified
Example: Note A higher administrative distance should be
Device(config-if)# ip route configured for the route through the backup Dialer 2 253 name name1 interface so that it is used only when the
primary interface is down.

Configuring CDMA Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs

Perform the following procedures for configuring CDMA mode on Cisco 800M Series 3G WWAN
• Activating the Modem, page 29
• Setting up a Data Call, page 29

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring CDMA Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs

Activating the Modem

Manual activation of the CDMA modem is not supported. The activation and provisioning procedures
may differ depending upon your carrier. To activate the CDMA modem, contact your service provider.

Setting up a Data Call

Perform these procedures to set up a data call for CDMA mode.
• Configuring a Cellular Interface, page 24
• Configuring DDR, page 25
• Configuring DDR Backup, page 27

Configuring a Cellular Interface

To configure the cellular interface, enter the following commands, beginning in privileged EXEC mode.


1. configure terminal
2. interface cellular unit
3. encapsulation slip
4. asynchronous mode interactive
5. ip address negotiated


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode from the terminal.

Router# configure terminal
Step 2 interface cellular unit Specifies the cellular interface.

Router(config)# interface cellular 0/0/0
Step 3 encapsulation slip Specifies slip encapsulation for an interface
configured for dedicated asynchronous mode or
dial-on-demand routing.
Router(config-if)# encapsulation slip

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring CDMA Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs

Command or Action Purpose

Step 4 asynchronous mode interactive Returns a line from dedicated asynchronous network
mode to interactive mode, enabling the slip and ppp
commands in privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-if)# asynchronous mode interactive
Step 5 ip address negotiated Specifies that the IP address for a particular
interface is obtained via PPP and IPCP address
Router(config-if)# ip address negotiated

Configuring DDR
Perform these steps to configure dial-on-demand routing (DDR) for the cellular interface.


1. configure terminal
2. interface cellular unit
3. dialer in-band
4. dialer idle-timeout seconds
5. dialer string string
6. dialer group number
7. exit
8. dialer-list dialer-group protocol protocol-name {permit | deny | list access-list-number |
9. ip access-list access-list-number permit ip-source-address
10. line unit
11. script dialer regexp
12. exit
13. chat-script script name ”” “AT!CALL profile-number#” TIMEOUT timeout-value “OK”

14. interface cellular unit

15. dialer string string

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring CDMA Mode on Cisco 800M Series ISRs


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Router# configure terminal
Step 2 interface cellular unit Specifies the cellular interface.

Router(config)# interface cellular 0/0/0
Step 3 dialer in-band Enables DDR and configures the specified serial
interface for in-band dialing.
Router(config-if)# dialer in-band
Step 4 dialer idle-timeout seconds Specifies the duration of idle time, in seconds, after
which a line will be disconnected.
Router(config-if)# dialer idle-timeout 30
Step 5 dialer string string Specifies the number or string to dial. Use the name
of the chat script here.
Router(config-if)# dialer string multimode
Step 6 dialer-group number Specifies the number of the dialer access group to
which a specific interface belongs.
Router(config-if)# dialer-group 1
Step 7 exit Enters the global configuration mode.

Router(config-if)# exit
Step 8 dialer-list dialer-group protocol protocol-name {permit | Creates a dialer list for traffic of interest and permits
deny | list access-list-number | access-group} access to an entire protocol.

Router(config)# dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 1
Step 9 ip access-list access-list-number permit ip-source-address Defines traffic of interest.

Router(config)# ip access-list 1 permit any

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuration Examples

Command or Action Purpose

Step 10 line unit Specifies the line configuration mode.

Router(config-line)# line 0/0/0
Step 11 script dialer regexp Specifies a default modem chat script.

Router(config-line)# script-dialer multimode
Step 12 exit Exits line configuration mode.

Router (config-line)# exit
Step 13 chat-script script-name ”” “AT!CALL” TIMEOUT Defines the Attention Dial Tone (ATDT) commands
timeout-value “OK” when the dialer is initiated.

Router(config)# chat-script multimode "" "AT!CALL"
Step 14 interface cellular unit Specifies the cellular interface.

Router(config)# interface cellular 0/0/0
Step 15 dialer string string Specifies the dialer script (defined using the chat
script command).
Router(config)# dialer string multimode

Configuring DDR Backup

The configuration tasks for configuring DDR backup is same for GSM and CDMA. To configure DDR
back up for CDMA, See the Configuring DDR Backup, page 27 for GSM and perform the steps.

Configuration Examples
This section provides the following configuration examples:
• Basic Cellular Interface Configuration, page 32
• Tunnel over Cellular Interface Configuration, page 33

Basic Cellular Interface Configuration

The following example shows how to configure a cellular interface (GSM/CDMA) to be used as a
primary WAN connection. It is configured as the default route.
Router# show running-config

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring Dual SIM for Cellular Networks

chat-script multimode "" "AT!CALL1" TIMEOUT 20 "OK"
interface Cellular0/0/0
ip address negotiated
encapsulation slip
load-interval 30
dialer in-band
dialer idle-timeout 0
dialer string multimode
dialer-group 1
no peer default ip address
async mode interactive
routing dynamic
ip route Cellular0/0/0
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
line 3
script dialer multimode
modem InOut
no exec
transport input all
transport output all

Tunnel over Cellular Interface Configuration

The following example shows how to configure the static IP address when a tunnel interface is
configured with the ip address unnumbered cellular interface command:
interface Tunnel2
ip unnumbered Cellular0/0/0
tunnel source Cellular0/0/0
tunnel destination

interface Cellular0/0/0
bandwidth receive 1400000
ip address
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly
encapsulation slip
no ip mroute-cache
dialer in-band
dialer idle-timeout 0
dialer string dial<carrier>
dialer-group 1
async mode interactive
! traffic of interest through the tunnel/cellular interface
ip route Tunnel2

Configuring Dual SIM for Cellular Networks

The Dual SIM feature implements auto-switch and fail over between two cellular networks. This feature
is enabled by default with SIM slot 0 being the primary slot and slot 1 being the secondary (fail over)

Usage Guidelines for Configuring a Dual SIM

Follow these guidelines while you configure a dual SIM:

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Configuring Dual SIM for Cellular Networks

• Configure the SIM profile for slots 0 and 1 using the sim profile command.
• For auto-switch and fail over to work, configure the chat script without a specific profile number.
• If SIM profile is not configured, profile #1 is used by default.
• If fail over timer is not configured, the default failover timeout is 2 minutes.
• If SIM primary slot is not configured, the default primary SIM is slot 0.

Note Dual SIM feature is supported only when the same firmware image is used for both the SIM cards.


1. configure terminal
2. controller cellular unit
3. sim primary slot
4. sim max-retry number
5. sim authenticate [0 | 7] pin slot {0 | 1}
6. failover timeout-period
7. sim profile number [ims number] slot {0 | 1}


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 configure terminal Enters the global configuration mode.

Device# configure terminal
Step 2 controller cellular unit Enters the cellular controller configuration mode.

Device(config)# controller cellular 0/0

Device(config)# controller cellular 0/1
Step 3 sim primary slot (Optional) Enters either slot number 0 or 1 of the
primary SIM.
Device(config-controller)# sim primary slot 1
Step 4 sim max-retry number (Optional) Specifies the maximum number of fail
over retries from 1 to 65535. The default value is 10.
Device(config-controller)# gsm sim max-retry 20

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Confguring SIM Lock and Unlock

Command or Action Purpose

Step 5 sim authenticate [0 | 7] pin slot {0 | 1} Authenticates the SIM CHV1 code

Device(config-controller)# gsm sim authenticate 0
1234 slot 0
Step 6 failovertimer timeout-period (Optional) By default, the fail over time period is 2
minutes before the primary SIM switches over to the
secondary SIM if service becomes unavailable.
Device(config-controller)# failovertimer 6 Specify a fail over timeout value between 1 and 7
minutes before a switchover occurs.
Step 7 sim profile number slot {0 | 1} Applies the configured profile number to the SIM
and its slot number. The default (primary) slot is 0.
Example: You must also identify the primary and secondary
Device(config-controller)# sim profile 1 slot 0 SIM for the configured profile when two SIMs are

Note Before you start the modem crash dump, turn off the SIM switch over by configuring the sim max-retry
0 command.

Configuration Examples

The following example shows how to configure a dual SIM:

router# configure terminal
router(config)# controller Cellular 0/0
router(config-controller)# sim profile 1 slot 0
router(config-controller)# sim primary slot 1
router(config-controller)# sim max-retry 20
router(config-controller)# sim failovertimer 5

Confguring SIM Lock and Unlock

Use the following commands for locking or unlocking the SIM.
Table 3-5 Commands for Manually Switching the SIM

Command Purpose
cellular sim {lock | unlock} Locks or unlocks the SIM.
cellular unit sim [lock | unlock] pin Locks or unlocks the SIM.

cellular unit sim unlock newpin Unlocks the SIM.

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Upgrading Modem Firmware

Upgrading Modem Firmware

The 3G Wireless WAN module for Cisco 800M Series ISRs comes with SL9090 modem from Sierra
Wireless. The firmware for the modem is upgradable using Cisco IOS commands. The firmware can be
downloaded from the wireless software download page on
Use the following procedure to upgrade the modem firmware:

Note Before upgrading the modem to a new firmware version, please check if the new firmware version has
been certified by your wireless service provider. Using an uncertified firmware version on the modem
may impact the wireless service provider network adversely. See the following web link for the latest
certified firmware version for your carrier and IOS compatibility:

Step 1 Go to the 3G firmware download website and select the carrier:
Step 2 Download the appropriate firmware release under Wireless Integrated Switches and Routers.
Step 3 Copy the files to the device's flash.
Step 4 Use the following command to initiate the firmware upgrade process:
microcode reload cellular bay slot slot modem-provision flash:

Switching Modem Firmware Image

The 3G Wireless WAN module can support firmware images for GSM and CDMA and support carrier
switching. Only one firmware image is supported at a time. Auto switching between different firmware
packages is not supported.
You can use the following commands for switching modem firmware:

Command Description
show cellular unit microcode Displays the list firmware images available on the
cellular 0/0/0 microcode activate Activates the specified modem firmware.

Note Once you perform the modem firmware switching, you need to perform the modem power cycle using
test cellular unit modem-power-cycle command. To enable test commands, you should enter the
service internal command in global configuration mode.

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Related Documents

This example shows displaying the list of firmware images using show cellular unit microcode
command and activating a specific firmware package using cellular microcode activate firmware-id
Router# show cellular 0/1/0 microcode
ID Carrier Technology Version Status
1 Verizon CDMA 02000007 INACTIVE
2 Generic UMTS 02010303 ACTIVE
3 Sprint CDMA 02010001 INACTIVE
4 China Telecom CDMA 02000001 INACTIVE

Router# cellular 0/0/0 microcode activate 2

The interface will be Shut Down for Firmware Activation This will terminate any active
data connections.
Please wait while selected firmware is activated ...
Modem radio has been turned off.
*Feb 6 13:08:13.627: %CISCO800-2-MODEM_DOWN: Cellular0/0/0 modem is now DOWN........
Firmware activated successfully

Related Documents
Topic Document Title
GSM Configuring Cisco EHWIC and 880G for 3.7G
(HSPA+)/3.5G (HSPA)
CDMA Configuring Cisco EHWIC and 880G for 3G
(EV-DO Rev A)
DM Log Collection and modem crashdump support Cisco 3G and 4G Serviceability Enhancement
User Guide
MIB MIB Locator Tool

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring 3G Wireless WAN
Related Documents

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

CH A P T E R 4
Configuring the Serial Interface

This chapter describes configuring the serial interface for Cisco 800M Series ISRs in the following
• Configuring the Serial Interface, page 39
• Features Supported by Serial Module, page 39
• Information About Configuring Serial Interfaces, page 41
• How to Configure Serial Interfaces, page 45
• Configuration Examples, page 47

Configuring the Serial Interface

The Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Router (ISR) provides serial WAN connectivity to remote
sites using Cisco High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC), Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), or Frame Relay
encapsulation through the pluggable, serial WAN interface module. The Cisco 800M Series ISR supports
both synchronous and asynchronous modes of communication.

Features Supported by Serial Module

The Cisco 800M Series ISR has 2 WAN slots that can host single-port serial module or multi-mode 3G
module and supports the following combinations.
• Serial module in slot 0 and 3G module in slot 1
• 3G module in slot 0 and serial module in slot 1
• Serial module in slot 0 and serial module in slot 1
The features supported by the single-port serial module on Cisco 800M Series ISR is given as follows:
• Supports the following encapsulations :
– Frame Relay
– Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)
• Supports the following serial protocols

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Interface
Features Supported by Serial Module

– EIA-232
– EIA-449
– EIA-530
– EIA-530A
– V.35
– X.21
• Supports synchronous speed of up to 8 Mbps
• Supports asynchronous speed of up to 115.2 kbps
• Supports network clock synchronization
Cisco 800M Series ISRs use Cisco smart serial connectors. Information about the cables supported by
Cisco 800M Series ISRs are provided in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Smart Serial Cabling for Cisco 800M Series ISRs

Product Number Cable Type Length Connector Type

CAB-SS-V35MT V.35 DTE 10 ft (3m) Male
CAB-SS-V35FC V.35 DCE 10 ft (3m) Female
CAB-SS-232MT EIA/TIA-232 DTE 10 ft (3m) Male
CAB-SS-232FC EIA/TIA-232 DTE 10 ft (3m) Female
CAB-SS-449MT EIA/TIA-449 DTE 10 ft (3m) Male
CAB-SS-449FC EIA/TIA-449 DTE 10 ft (3m) Female
CAB-SS-X21MT X.21 DTE 10 ft (3m) Male
CAB-SS-X21FC X.21 DTE 10 ft (3m) Female
CAB-SS-530MT EIA/TIA-530 DTE 10 ft (3m) Male
CAB-SS-530AMT EIA/TIA-232 DTE 10 ft (3m) Male

Table 4-2 describes the LEDs on the Cisco 800M series serial WAN module.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Interface
Information About Configuring Serial Interfaces

Table 4-2 LEDs on the Serial WAN Module

LED Name Color/ Status Description

CONN Green Indicates the interface status
and shows that line protocol is
OFF Shows that the line protocol is
LOOP BACK Green Indicates that the hardware
loopback status is configured
on the serial interface.
OFF Indicates that loopback is not

Information About Configuring Serial Interfaces

To configure serial interfaces, you should understand the following concept:
• Cisco HDLC Encapsulation, page 41
• PPP Encapsulation, page 41
• Keepalive Timer, page 43
• Frame Relay Encapsulation, page 44

Cisco HDLC Encapsulation

Cisco High-Level Data Link Controller (HDLC) is the Cisco proprietary protocol for sending data over
synchronous serial links. Cisco HDLC also provides a simple control protocol called Serial Line Address
Resolution Protocol (SLARP) to maintain serial link keepalives. Cisco HDLC is the default for data
encapsulation at Layer 2 (data link) of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) stack for efficient packet
delineation and error control.

Note Cisco HDLC is the default encapsulation type for the serial interfaces.

When the encapsulation on a serial interface is changed from HDLC to any other encapsulation type, the
configured serial subinterfaces on the main interface inherit the newly changed encapsulation and they
do not get deleted.
Cisco HDLC uses keepalives to monitor the link state, as described in the “Keepalive Timer” section on
page 4-43.

PPP Encapsulation
PPP is a standard protocol used to send data over synchronous serial links. PPP also provides a Link
Control Protocol (LCP) for negotiating properties of the link. LCP uses echo requests and responses to
monitor the continuing availability of the link.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Interface
Information About Configuring Serial Interfaces

Note When an interface is configured with PPP encapsulation, a link is declared down and full LCP
negotiation is re-initiated after five echo request (ECHOREQ) packets are sent without receiving an echo
response (ECHOREP).

PPP provides the following Network Control Protocols (NCPs) for negotiating properties of data
protocols that will run on the link:
• IP Control Protocol (IPCP) to negotiate IP properties
• Multiprotocol Label Switching control processor (MPLSCP) to negotiate MPLS properties
• Cisco Discovery Protocol control processor (CDPCP) to negotiate CDP properties
• IPv6CP to negotiate IP Version 6 (IPv6) properties
• Open Systems Interconnection control processor (OSICP) to negotiate OSI properties

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Interface
Information About Configuring Serial Interfaces

PPP uses keepalives to monitor the link state, as described in the “Keepalive Timer” section on
page 4-43.
PPP supports the following authentication protocols, which require a remote device to prove its identity
before allowing data traffic to flow over a connection:
• Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)—CHAP authentication sends a challenge
message to the remote device. The remote device encrypts the challenge value with a shared secret
and returns the encrypted value and its name to the local router in a response message. The local
router attempts to match the remote device’s name with an associated secret stored in the local
username or remote security server database; it uses the stored secret to encrypt the original
challenge and verify that the encrypted values match.
• Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP)—MS-CHAP is the Microsoft
version of CHAP. Like the standard version of CHAP, MS-CHAP is used for PPP authentication; in
this case, authentication occurs between a personal computer using Microsoft Windows and a Cisco
router or access server acting as a network access server.
• Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)—PAP authentication requires the remote device to send a
name and a password, which are checked against a matching entry in the local username database
or in the remote security server database.
Use the ppp authentication command in interface configuration mode to enable CHAP, MS-CHAP, and
PAP on a serial interface.

Note Enabling or disabling PPP authentication does not effect the local router’s willingness to authenticate
itself to the remote device.

Multilink PPP
Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol (MLPPP) is supported on the Cisco 800M Series ISR serial interface.
MLPPP provides a method for combining multiple physical links into one logical link. The
implementation of MLPPP combines multiple PPP serial interfaces into one multilink interface. MLPPP
performs the fragmenting, reassembling, and sequencing of datagrams across multiple PPP links.
MLPPP provides the same features that are supported on PPP Serial interfaces with the exception of
QoS. It also provides the following additional features:
• Fragment sizes of 128, 256, and 512 bytes
• Long sequence numbers (24-bit)
• Lost fragment detection timeout period of 80 ms
• Minimum-active-links configuration option
• LCP echo request/reply support over multilink interface
• Full T1 and E1 framed and unframed links

Keepalive Timer
Cisco keepalives are useful for monitoring the link state. Periodic keepalives are sent to and received
from the peer at a frequency determined by the value of the keepalive timer. If an acceptable keepalive
response is not received from the peer, the link makes the transition to the down state. As soon as an
acceptable keepalive response is obtained from the peer or if keepalives are disabled, the link makes the
transition to the up state.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Interface
Information About Configuring Serial Interfaces

Note The keepalive command applies to serial interfaces using HDLC or PPP encapsulation. It does not apply
to serial interfaces using Frame Relay encapsulation.

For each encapsulation type, a certain number of keepalives ignored by a peer triggers the serial interface
to transition to the down state. For HDLC encapsulation, three ignored keepalives causes the interface
to be brought down. For PPP encapsulation, five ignored keepalives causes the interface to be brought
down. ECHOREQ packets are sent out only when LCP negotiation is complete (for example, when LCP
is open).
Use the keepalive command in interface configuration mode to set the frequency at which LCP sends
ECHOREQ packets to its peer. To restore the system to the default keepalive interval of 10 seconds, use
the keepalive command with the no keyword. To disable keepalives, use the keepalive disable
command. For both PPP and Cisco HDLC, a keepalive of 0 disables keepalives and is reported in the
show running-config command output as keepalive disable.
When LCP is running on the peer and receives an ECHOREQ packet, it responds with an ECHOREP
packet, regardless of whether keepalives are enabled on the peer.
Keepalives are independent between the two peers. One peer end can have keepalives enabled; the other
end can have them disabled. Even if keepalives are disabled locally, LCP still responds with ECHOREP
packets to the ECHOREQ packets it receives. Similarly, LCP also works if the period of keepalives at
each end is different.

Frame Relay Encapsulation

When Frame Relay encapsulation is enabled on a serial interface, the interface configuration is
hierarchical and comprises the following elements:
• The serial main interface comprises the physical interface and port. If you are not using the serial
interface to support Cisco HDLC and PPP encapsulated connections, then you must configure
subinterfaces with permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) under the serial main interface. Frame Relay
connections are supported on PVCs only.
• Serial subinterfaces are configured under the serial main interface. A serial subinterface does not
actively carry traffic until you configure a PVC under the serial subinterface. Layer 3 configuration
typically takes place on the subinterface.
• When the encapsulation on a serial interface is changed from HDLC to any other encapsulation type,
the configured serial subinterfaces on the main interface inherit the newly changed encapsulation
and they do not get deleted.
• Point-to-point PVCs are configured under a serial subinterface. You cannot configure a PVC directly
under a main interface. A single point-to-point PVC is allowed per subinterface. PVCs use a
predefined circuit path and fail if the path is interrupted. PVCs remain active until the circuit is
removed from either configuration. Connections on the serial PVC support Frame Relay
encapsulation only.

Note The administrative state of a parent interface drives the state of the subinterface and its PVC. When the
administrative state of a parent interface or subinterface changes, so does the administrative state of any
child PVC configured under that parent interface or subinterface.

To configure Frame Relay encapsulation on serial interfaces, use the encapsulation (Frame Relay
VC-bundle) command.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Interface
How to Configure Serial Interfaces

Frame Relay interfaces support two types of encapsulated frames:

• Cisco (default)
Use the encap command in PVC configuration mode to configure Cisco or IETF encapsulation on a
PVC. If the encapsulation type is not configured explicitly for a PVC, then that PVC inherits the
encapsulation type from the main serial interface.

Note Cisco encapsulation is required on serial main interfaces that are configured for MPLS. IETF
encapsulation is not supported for MPLS.

Before you configure Frame Relay encapsulation on an interface, you must verify that all prior
Layer 3 configuration is removed from that interface. For example, you must ensure that there is no IP
address configured directly under the main interface; otherwise, any Frame Relay configuration done
under the main interface will not be viable.

LMI on Frame Relay Interfaces

The Local Management Interface (LMI) protocol monitors the addition, deletion, and status of PVCs.
LMI also verifies the integrity of the link that forms a Frame Relay UNI interface. By default, cisco LMI
is enabled on all PVCs.
If the LMI type is cisco (the default LMI type), the maximum number of PVCs that can be supported
under a single interface is related to the MTU size of the main interface. Use the following formula to
calculate the maximum number of PVCs supported on a card:
(MTU - 13)/8 = maximum number of PVCs

Note The default setting of the mtu command for a serial interface is 1504 bytes. Therefore, the default
numbers of PVCs supported on a serial interface configured with cisco LMI is 186.

How to Configure Serial Interfaces

This section contains the following tasks:
• Configuring a Synchronous Serial Interface, page 45
• Configuring Asynchronous Serial Interface, page 46

Configuring a Synchronous Serial Interface

To configure a synchronous serial interface, perform the tasks in the following sections. Each task in the
list is identified as either required or optional.
• Specifying a Synchronous Serial Interface, page 46 (Required)
• Specifying Synchronous Serial Encapsulation, page 46 (Optional)

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Interface
How to Configure Serial Interfaces

Specifying a Synchronous Serial Interface

To specify a synchronous serial interface and enter interface configuration mode, use the following
commands in global configuration mode.

Command Purpose
Router(config)# interface serial wic/slot/port Specifies the serial interface and enters interface configuration
Router# interface serial 0/0/0

Specifying Synchronous Serial Encapsulation

By default, synchronous serial lines use the High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) serial encapsulation
method, which provides the synchronous framing and error detection functions of HDLC without
windowing or retransmission. The serial interfaces support the following serial encapsulation methods:
• Frame Relay
To define the encapsulation method, use the following command in interface configuration mode.

Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# encapsulation {hdlc | frame-relay | ppp Configures synchronous serial encapsulation.

Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp

Encapsulation methods are set according to the type of protocol or application you configure in the
Cisco IOS software.
For configuration examples, see the “Configuration Examples” section on page 4-47.

Configuring Asynchronous Serial Interface

You can use the physical-layer async command to change the interface mode from the default
synchronous mode to asynchronous mode


1. physical-layer async

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuration Examples


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 physical-layer async Specifies the mode of a low-speed interface as either
synchronous or asynchronous.
Router(config-if)# physical-layer async

Note You cannot use the physical-layer async command for frame-relay encapsulation.

When you make a transition from asynchronous mode to synchronous mode in serial interfaces, the
interface state becomes down by default. You should then use the no shutdown option to bring the
interface up.

Configuration Examples

Example: PPP Configuration:

This example shows how to configure PPP encapsulation with CHAP authentication.
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# hostname R1
R1(config)# username R2 password cisco
R1(config)# interface serial 0/0/0
R1(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
R1(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
R1(config-if)# exit

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# hostname R2
R2(config)# username R1 password cisco
R2(config)# interface serial 0/0/0
R2(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
R2(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
R2(config-if)# exit

This example shows how to configure PPP encapsulation with PAP authentication.

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# hostname R1
R1(config)# username R2 password cisco
R1(config)# interface serial 0/0/0
R1(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
R1(config-if)# ppp authentication PAP
R1(config-if)# ppp pap sent-username R1 password cisco
R1(config-if)# end

Router> enable
Router#configure terminal

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuration Examples

Router(config)# hostname R2
R2(config)# username R1 password cisco
R2(config)# interface serial 0/0/0
R2(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
R2(config-if)# ppp authentication PAP
R2(config-if)# ppp pap sent-username R2 password cisco
R2(config-if)# end

Example: Frame Relay Configuration

This example shows how to configure frame relay encapsulation on a serial interface.
Router1#configure terminal
Router1(config)# interface Serial 0/0/0
Router1(config-if)# ip address
Router1(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router1(config-if)# no keepalive
Router1(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 50
Router1(config-if)# end
Router2#configure terminal
Router2(config)# interface Serial 0/2/0
Router2(config-if)# ip address
Router2(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router2(config-if)# no keepalive
Router2(config-if)# clock rate 2000000
Router2(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 50
Router2(config-if)# end

Example: MLPPP Configuration

This example shows how to configure Multilink PPP on a serial interface.
Router1> enable
Router1# configure terminal
Router1(config)# interface Multilink 1
Router1(config-if)# ip address
Router1(config-if)# no ip route-cache
Router1(config-if)# ppp multilink
Router1(config-if)# ppp multilink group 1
Router1(config-if)# end
Router1(config)# interface Serial 0/2/0
Router1(config-if)# no ip address
Router1(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Router1(config-if)# no ip route-cache
Router1(config-if)# ppp multilink
Router1(config-if)# ppp multilink group 1
Router1(config-if)# end
Router1(config)# interface Serial 0/2/1
Router1(config-if)# no ip address
Router1(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Router1(config-if)# no ip route-cache
Router1(config-if)# ppp multilink
Router1(config-if)# ppp multilink group 1
Router1(config-if)# end

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Interface
Related Documents

Example: Asynchronous Serial Configuration

This example shows how to configure a serial interface on asynchronous mode.
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface serial 0/0/0
Router(config-if)# physical-layer async
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# async mode dedicated
Router(config-if)# end

Related Documents
Topic Document Title
PPP and Multilink PPP Configuring Media-Independent PPP and
Multilink PPP
Serial Interface Configuration Interface and Hardware Component
Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release
Frame Relay Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide:
Frame Relay, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 Configuring the Serial Interface
Related Documents

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

CH A P T E R 5
Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

This chapter gives an overview of configuration tasks for the Gigabit Ethernet (GE) switch on the
Cisco 800M Series ISR.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Configuring VLANs, page 51
• Configuring VTP, page 52
• Configuring 802.1x Authentication, page 53
• Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol, page 54
• Configuring MAC Address Table Manipulation, page 56
• Configuring MAC Address Notification Traps, page 57
• Configuring the Switched Port Analyzer, page 57
• Configuring IGMP Snooping, page 58
• Configuring Per-Port Storm Control, page 59
• Configuring HSRP, page 60
• Configuring VRRP, page 61

Configuring VLANs
A VLAN is a switched network that is logically segmented by function, project team, or application,
without regard to the physical locations of the users. VLANs have the same attributes as physical LANs,
but you can group end stations even if they are not physically located on the same LAN segment. Any
switch port can belong to a VLAN, and unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets are forwarded and
flooded only to end stations in the VLAN. Each VLAN is considered a logical network, and packets
destined for stations that do not belong to the VLAN must be forwarded through a router. A VLAN is a
switched network that is logically segmented by function, project team, or application, without regard
to the physical locations of the users. VLANs have the same attributes as physical LANs, but you can
group end stations even if they are not physically located on the same LAN segment. Any switch port
can belong to a VLAN, and unicast, broadcast, and multicast packets are forwarded and flooded only to
end stations in the VLAN. Each VLAN is considered a logical network, and packets destined for stations
that do not belong to the VLAN must be forwarded through a router.
For detailed information on VLANs, see the following web link:

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

For a sample VLAN configuration, see “Example: VLAN configuration”.

Example: VLAN configuration

The following example shows how to configure inter-VLAN routing:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# vlan 1
Router(config)# vlan 2
Router(config)# interface vlan 1
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# no shut
Router(config-if)# interface vlan 2
Roouter(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# no shut
Router(config-if)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1
Router(config-if)# switchport access vlan 1
Router(config-if)# interface gigabitethernet 0/2
Router(config-if)# switchport access vlan 2
Router(config-if)# exit

Configuring VTP
VTP is a Layer 2 messaging protocol that maintains VLAN configuration consistency by managing the
addition, deletion, and renaming of VLANs on a network-wide basis. VTP minimizes misconfigurations
and configuration inconsistencies that can cause several problems, such as duplicate VLAN names,
incorrect VLAN-type specifications, and security violations.
Before you create VLANs, you must decide whether to use VTP in your network. Using VTP, you can
make configuration changes centrally on one or more switches and have those changes automatically
communicated to all the other switches in the network. Without VTP, you cannot send information about
VLANs to other switches.VTP is designed to work in an environment where updates are made on a single
switch and are sent through VTP to other switches in the domain. It does not work well in a situation
where multiple updates to the VLAN database occur simultaneously on switches in the same domain,
which would result in an inconsistency in the VLAN database.
You should understand the following concepts for configuring VTP.
• VTP domain: A VTP domain (also called a VLAN management domain) consists of one switch or
several interconnected switches or switch stacks under the same administrative responsibility
sharing the same VTP domain name. A switch can be in only one VTP domain. You make global
VLAN configuration changes for the domain.
• VTP server: In VTP server mode, you can create, modify, and delete VLANs, and specify other
configuration parameters (such as the VTP version) for the entire VTP domain. VTP servers
advertise their VLAN configurations to other switches in the same VTP domain and synchronize
their VLAN configurations with other switches based on advertisements received over trunk
links.VTP server is the default mode.
• VTP client: A VTP client behaves like a VTP server and transmits and receives VTP updates on its
trunks, but you cannot create, change, or delete VLANs on a VTP client. VLANs are configured on
another switch in the domain that is in server mode.
• VTP transparent: VTP transparent switches do not participate in VTP. A VTP transparent switch
does not advertise its VLAN configuration and does not synchronize its VLAN configuration based
on received advertisements. However, in VTP version 2 or version 3, transparent switches do
forward VTP advertisements that they receive from other switches through their trunk interfaces.
You can create, modify, and delete VLANs on a switch in VTP transparent mode.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

For detailed information on VTP, see the following web link:
For a sample VTP configuration, see “Example: Configuring VTP”.

Example: Configuring VTP

The following example shows how to configure the switch as a VTP server:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# vtp mode server
Router(config)# vtp domain Lab_Network
Router(config)# vtp password WATER
Router(config)# exit

The following example shows how to configure the switch as a VTP client:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# vtp mode client
Router(config)# exit

The following example shows how to configure the switch as VTP transparent:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# vtp mode transparent
Router# exit

Configuring 802.1x Authentication

IEEE 802.1x port-based authentication defines a client-server-based access control and authentication
protocol to prevent unauthorized clients from connecting to a LAN through publicly accessible ports.The
authentication server authenticates each client connected to a switch port before allowing access to any
switch or LAN services. Until the client is authenticated, IEEE 802.1x access control allows only
Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN (EAPOL), Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), and
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) traffic through the port to which the client is connected. After
authentication, normal traffic passes through the port.
With IEEE 802.1x authentication, the devices in the network have specific roles:
• Supplicant—Device (workstation) that requests access to the LAN and switch services and responds
to requests from the router. The workstation must be running IEEE 802.1x-compliant client software
such as that offered in the Microsoft Windows XP operating system. (The supplicant is sometimes
called the client.)
• Authentication server—Device that performs the actual authentication of the supplicant. The
authentication server validates the identity of the supplicant and notifies the router whether or not
the supplicant is authorized to access the LAN and switch services. The Network Access Device (or
Cisco ISR router in this instance) transparently passes the authentication messages between the
supplicant and the authentication server, and the authentication process is carried out between the
supplicant and the authentication server. The particular EAP method used will be decided between
the supplicant and the authentication server (RADIUS server). The RADIUS security system with
EAP extensions is available in Cisco Secure Access Control Server Version 3.0 or later. RADIUS
operates in a client and server model in which secure authentication information is exchanged
between the RADIUS server and one or more RADIUS clients.

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

• Authenticator—Router that controls the physical access to the network based on the authentication
status of the supplicant. The router acts as an intermediary between the supplicant and the
authentication server, requesting identity information from the supplicant, verifying that
information with the authentication server, and relaying a response to the supplicant. The router
includes the RADIUS client, which is responsible for encapsulating and decapsulating the EAP
frames and interacting with the authentication server.
For detailed information on how to configure 802.1x port-based authentication, see the following link:
For a sample 802.1x authentication configuration see “Example: Enabling IEEE 802.1x and AAA on a
Switch Port”.

Example: Enabling IEEE 802.1x and AAA on a Switch Port

This example shows how to configure Cisco 800M series ISR as 802.1x authenticator.
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# dot1x system-auth-control
Router(config)# aaa new-model
Router(config)# aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1
Router(config-if)# switchport mode access
Router(config-if)# authentication port-control auto
Router(config-if)# dot1x pae authenticator
Router(config-if)# end

Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is a Layer 2 link management protocol that provides path redundancy
while preventing loops in the network. For a Layer 2 Ethernet network to function properly, only one
active path can exist between any two stations. Multiple active paths among end stations cause loops in
the network. If a loop exists in the network, end stations might receive duplicate messages. Switches
might also learn end-station MAC addresses on multiple Layer 2 interfaces. These conditions result in
an unstable network. Spanning-tree operation is transparent to end stations, which cannot detect whether
they are connected to a single LAN segment or a switched LAN of multiple segments.
The STP uses a spanning-tree algorithm to select one switch of a redundantly connected network as the
root of the spanning tree. The algorithm calculates the best loop-free path through a switched Layer 2
network by assigning a role to each port based on the role of the port in the active topology:
• Root—A forwarding port elected for the spanning-tree topology
• Designated—A forwarding port elected for every switched LAN segment
• Alternate—A blocked port providing an alternate path to the root bridge in the spanning tree
• Backup—A blocked port in a loopback configuration
The switch that has all of its ports as the designated role or as the backup role is the root switch. The
switch that has at least one of its ports in the designated role is called the designated switch.Spanning
tree forces redundant data paths into a standby (blocked) state. If a network segment in the spanning tree
fails and a redundant path exists, the spanning-tree algorithm recalculates the spanning-tree topology
and activates the standby path. Switches send and receive spanning-tree frames, called bridge protocol
data units (BPDUs), at regular intervals. The switches do not forward these frames but use them to
construct a loop-free path. BPDUs contain information about the sending switch and its ports, including

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

switch and MAC addresses, switch priority, port priority, and path cost. Spanning tree uses this
information to elect the root switch and root port for the switched network and the root port and
designated port for each switched segment.
When two ports on a switch are part of a loop, the spanning-tree port priority and path cost settings
control which port is put in the forwarding state and which is put in the blocking state. The spanning-tree
port priority value represents the location of a port in the network topology and how well it is located to
pass traffic. The path cost value represents the media speed.
For detailed configuration information on STP see the following link:
For configuration examples, see “Example: Spanning Tree Protocol Configuration”.

Example: Spanning Tree Protocol Configuration

The following example shows configuring spanning-tree port priority of a Gigabit Ethernet interface. If
a loop occurs, spanning tree uses the port priority when selecting an interface to put in the forwarding
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/2
Router(config-if)# spanning-tree vlan 1 port-priority 64
Router(config-if)# end

The following example shows how to change the spanning-tree port cost of a Gigabit Ethernet interface.
If a loop occurs, spanning tree uses cost when selecting an interface to put in the forwarding state.
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/2
Router(config-if)# spanning-tree cost 18
Router(config-if)# end
The following example shows configuring the bridge priority of VLAN 10 to 33792:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# spanning-tree vlan 10 priority 33792
Router(config)# end

The following example shows configuring the hello time for VLAN 10 being configured to 7 seconds.
The hello time is the interval between the generation of configuration messages by the root switch.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# spanning-tree vlan 10 hello-time 4
Router(config)# end

The following example shows configuring forward delay time. The forward delay is the number of
seconds an interface waits before changing from its spanning-tree learning and listening states to the
forwarding state.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# spanning-tree vlan 10 forward-time 21
Router(config)# end

The following example shows configuring maximum age interval for the spanning tree. The
maximum-aging time is the number of seconds a switch waits without receiving spanning-tree
configuration messages before attempting a reconfiguration.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# spanning-tree vlan 20 max-age 36
Router(config)# end

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

The following example shows the switch being configured as the root bridge for VLAN 10, with a
network diameter of 4.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# spanning-tree vlan 10 root primary diameter 4
Router(config)# exit

Configuring MAC Address Table Manipulation

The MAC address table contains address information that the switch uses to forward traffic between
ports. All MAC addresses in the address table are associated with one or more ports. The address table
includes these types of addresses:
• Dynamic address: a source MAC address that the switch learns and then drops when it is not in use.
You can use the aging time setting to define how long the switch retains unseen addresses in the
• Static address: a manually entered unicast address that does not age and that is not lost when the
switch resets.
The address table lists the destination MAC address, the associated VLAN ID, and port number
associated with the address and the type (static or dynamic).
See the “Example: MAC Address Table Manipulation” for sample configurations for enabling secure
MAC address, creating a statc entry, set the maximum number of secure MAC addresses and set the
aging time.
For detailed configuration information on MAC address table manipulation see the following link:

Example: MAC Address Table Manipulation

The following example shows configuration for enabling secure MAC address option on the port.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# mac-address-table secure 0004.0005.0006 GigabitEthernet 0/1 vlan 5
Router(config)# end

The following example shows creating a static entry in the MAC address table.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# mac-address-table static 0002.0003.0004 interface GigabitEthernet 0/2 vlan
Router(config)# end

The following example sets the maximum number of secure MAC addresses to 10.

Router# configure terminal

Router(config)# mac-address-table secure maximum 10 GigabitEthernet 0/1
Router(config)# end

The following example shows setting the aging timer.

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# mac-address-table aging-time 300

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

Router(config)# end

Configuring MAC Address Notification Traps

MAC address notification enables you to track users on a network by storing the MAC address activity
on the switch. Whenever the switch learns or removes a MAC address, an SNMP notification can be
generated and sent to the network management system (NMS). If you have many users coming and going
from the network, you can set a trap interval time to bundle the notification traps and reduce network
traffic. The MAC notification history table stores the MAC address activity for each hardware port for
which the trap is enabled. MAC address notifications are generated for dynamic and secure MAC
addresses; events are not generated for self addresses, multicast addresses, or other static addresses.
For configuration examples, see “Example: Configuring MAC Address Notification Traps”.

Example: Configuring MAC Address Notification Traps

This example shows how to enable the MAC notification trap when a MAC address is added to the
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1
Router(config-if)# snmp trap mac-notification added
Router(config-if)# end

This example shows how to enable the MAC notification trap when a MAC address is removed from this
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1
Router(config-if)# snmp trap mac-notification removed
Router(config-if)# end

Configuring the Switched Port Analyzer

You can analyze network traffic passing through ports or VLANs by using SPAN or RSPAN to send a
copy of the traffic to another port on the switch or on another switch that has been connected to a network
analyzer or other monitoring or security device. SPAN copies (or mirrors) traffic received or sent (or
both) on source ports or source VLANs to a destination port for analysis. SPAN does not affect the
switching of network traffic on the source ports or VLANs. You must dedicate the destination port for
SPAN use. Except for traffic that is required for the SPAN or RSPAN session, destination ports do not
receive or forward traffic.
Only traffic that enters or leaves source ports or traffic that enters or leaves source VLANs can be
monitored by using SPAN; traffic routed to a source VLAN cannot be monitored. For example, if
incoming traffic is being monitored, traffic that gets routed from another VLAN to the source VLAN
cannot be monitored; however, traffic that is received on the source VLAN and routed to another VLAN
can be monitored.
See Example: SPAN Configuration, page 58 for SPAN configuration examples.
For detailed information on how to configure a switched port analyzer (SPAN) session, see the following
web link:

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

Example: SPAN Configuration

The following example shows how to configure a SPAN session to monitor bidirectional traffic from a
Gigabit Ethernet source interface:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# monitor session 1 source gigabitethernet 0/1
Router(config)# end

The following example shows how to configure a gigabit ethernet interface as the destination for a SPAN
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# monitor session 1 destination gigabitethernet 0/2
Router(config)# end

The following example shows how to remove gigabit ethernet as a SPAN source for SPAN session 1:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# no monitor session 1 source gigabitethernet 0/1
Router(config)# end

Configuring IGMP Snooping

IGMP snooping constrains the flooding of multicast traffic by dynamically configuring Layer 2
interfaces so that multicast traffic is forwarded to only those interfaces associated with IP multicast
devices. As the name implies, IGMP snooping requires the LAN switch to snoop on the IGMP
transmissions between the host and the router and to keep track of multicast groups and member ports.
When the switch receives an IGMP report from a host for a particular multicast group, the switch adds
the host port number to the forwarding table entry; when it receives an IGMP Leave Group message from
a host, it removes the host port from the table entry. It also periodically deletes entries if it does not
receive IGMP membership reports from the multicast clients.
The multicast router sends out periodic general queries to all VLANs. All hosts interested in this
multicast traffic send join requests and are added to the forwarding table entry. The switch creates one
entry per VLAN in the IGMP snooping IP multicast forwarding table for each group from which it
receives an IGMP join request.
By default, IGMP snooping is globally enabled. When globally enabled or disabled, it is also enabled or
disabled in all existing VLAN interfaces. By default, IGMP snooping is enabled on all VLANs, but it
can be enabled and disabled on a per-VLAN basis. Global IGMP snooping overrides the per-VLAN
IGMP snooping capability. If global snooping is disabled, you cannot enable VLAN snooping. If global
snooping is enabled, you can enable or disable snooping on a VLAN basis.
See the “Example: Configuring IGMP Snooping” for a sample configuration on IGMP snooping.

Example: Configuring IGMP Snooping

The following example shows how to enable IGMP snooping on a VLAN interface.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip igmp snooping vlan 1
Router# end

The following example shows how to enable a static connection to a multicast router.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip igmp snooping vlan 1 mrouter interface gigabitethernet 0/1
Router# end

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

The following example shows how to add a port as a member of a multicast group. Ports normally join
multicast groups through the IGMP report message, but you can also statically configure a port as a
member of a multicast group.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip igmp snooping vlan 1 static 0100.5e02.0203 interface gigabitethernet
Router# end

Configuring Per-Port Storm Control

Storm control prevents traffic on a LAN from being disrupted by a broadcast, a multicast, or a unicast
storm on one of the physical interfaces. A LAN storm occurs when packets flood the LAN, creating
excessive traffic and degrading network performance. Errors in the protocol-stack implementation,
mistakes in the network configuration, or users issuing a denial-of-service attack can cause a storm.
Storm control (or traffic suppression) monitors packets passing from an interface to the switching bus
and determines if the packet is unicast, multicast, or broadcast. The switch counts the number of packets
of a specified type received within the 1-second time interval and compares the measurement with a
predefined suppression-level threshold.
Storm control uses one of these methods to measure traffic activity:
• Bandwidth as a percentage of the total available bandwidth of the port that can be used by the
broadcast, multicast, or unicast traffic
• Traffic rate in packets per second at which broadcast, multicast, or unicast packets are received
With either method, the port blocks traffic when the rising threshold is reached. The port remains
blocked until the traffic rate drops below the falling threshold (if one is specified) and then resumes
normal forwarding. If the falling suppression level is not specified, the switch blocks all traffic until the
traffic rate drops below the rising suppression level. In general, the higher the level, the less effective the
protection against broadcast storms.

Note In C800M platform, when you configure the storm-control action shutdown command, the state of the
port changes to administratively down. Use the no shutdown command to manually revert the state of
the port.

See the “Example: Per-Port Storm-Control” for a sample configuration on per-port storm control.

Example: Per-Port Storm-Control

The following example shows bandwidth-based multicast storm control being enabled at 70 percent on
Gigabit Ethernet interface.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/2
Router(config-if)# storm-control multicast level 70.0 30.0
Router(config-if)# end
Router# show storm-control multicast
Interface Filter State Upper Lower Current
--------- ------------- ------- ------- -------
Gi0/0 inactive 100.00% 100.00% N/A
Gi0/1 inactive 100.00% 100.00% N/A
Gi0/2 Forwarding 70.00% 30.00% 0.00%

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

Configuring HSRP
The Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) is Cisco's standard method of providing high network
availability by providing first-hop redundancy for IP hosts on an IEEE 802 LAN configured with a
default gateway IP address. HSRP routes IP traffic without relying on the availability of any single
router. It enables a set of router interfaces to work together to present the appearance of a single virtual
router or default gateway to the hosts on a LAN. When HSRP is configured on a network or segment, it
provides a virtual Media Access Control (MAC) address and an IP address that is shared among a group
of configured routers. HSRP allows two or more HSRP-configured routers to use the MAC address and
IP network address of a virtual router. The virtual router does not exist; it represents the common target
for routers that are configured to provide backup to each other. One of the routers is selected to be the
active router and another to be the standby router, which assumes control of the group MAC address and
IP address should the designated active router fail.
HSRP uses a priority mechanism to determine which HSRP configured device is to be the default active
device. To configure a device as the active device, you assign it a priority that is higher than the priority
of all the other HSRP-configured devices. The default priority is 100, so if you configure just one device
to have a higher priority, that device will be the default active device. In case of ties, the primary IP
addresses are compared, and the higher IP address has priority. If you do not use the standby preempt
interface configuration command in the configuration for a router, that router will not become the active
router, even if its priority is higher than all other routers.
For more information about configuring HSRP, see the following link:
For a sample HSRP configuration, see “Example: Configuring HSRP”

Example: Configuring HSRP

In this example, Router A is configured to be the active device for group 1 and standby device for group
2. Device B is configured as the active device for group 2 and standby device for group 1.
RouterA# configure terminal
RouterA(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/1
RouterA(config-if)# ip address
RouterA(config-if)# standby 1 priority 110
RouterA(config-if)# standby 1 preempt
RouterA(config-if)# standby 1 ip
RouterA(config-if)# standby 2 priority 95
RouterA(config-if)# standby 2 preempt
RouterA(config-if)# standby 2 ip
RouterA(config-if)# end

RouterB# configure terminal

RouterB(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/1
RouterB(config-if)# ip address
RouterB(config-if)# standby 1 priority 105
RouterB(config-if)# standby 1 preempt
RouterB(config-if)# standby 1 ip
RouterB(config-if)# standby 2 priority 110
RouterB(config-if)# standby 2 preempt
RouterB(config-if)# standby 2 ip

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

Configuring VRRP
The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) is an election protocol that dynamically assigns
responsibility for one or more virtual routers to the VRRP routers on a LAN, allowing several routers on
a multiaccess link to utilize the same virtual IP address. A VRRP router is configured to run the VRRP
protocol in conjunction with one or more other routers attached to a LAN. In a VRRP configuration, one
router is elected as the virtual router master, with the other routers acting as backups in case the virtual
router master fails.
An important aspect of the VRRP is VRRP router priority. Priority determines the role that each VRRP
router plays and what happens if the virtual router master fails. If a VRRP router owns the IP address of
the virtual router and the IP address of the physical interface, this router will function as a virtual router
master. Priority also determines if a VRRP router functions as a virtual router backup and the order of
ascendancy to becoming a virtual router master if the virtual router master fails. You can configure the
priority of each virtual router backup using the vrrp priority command.
By default, a preemptive scheme is enabled whereby a higher priority virtual router backup that becomes
available takes over for the virtual router backup that was elected to become virtual router master. You
can disable this preemptive scheme using the no vrrp preempt command. If preemption is disabled, the
virtual router backup that is elected to become virtual router master remains the master until the original
virtual router master recovers and becomes master again.
The virtual router master sends VRRP advertisements to other VRRP routers in the same group. The
advertisements communicate the priority and state of the virtual router master. The VRRP
advertisements are encapsulated in IP packets and sent to the IP Version 4 multicast address assigned to
the VRRP group. The advertisements are sent every second by default; the interval is configurable.
For more information on VRRP, see the following link:
For a sample VRRP configuration, see “Example: Configuring VRRP”.

Example: Configuring VRRP

In the following example, Router A and Router B each belong to two VRRP groups, group1 and group
5. In this configuration, each group has the following properties:
Group 1:
• Virtual IP address is
• Router A will become the master for this group with priority 120.
• Advertising interval is 3 seconds.
• Preemption is enabled.
Group 5:
• Router B will become the master for this group with priority 200.
• Advertising interval is 30 seconds.
• Preemption is enabled.
RouterA(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/1
RouterA(config-if)# ip address
RouterA(config-if)# vrrp 1 priority 120
RouterA(config-if)# vrrp 1 authentication cisco
RouterA(config-if)# vrrp 1 timers advertise 3

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet Switch Ports

RouterA(config-if)# vrrp 1 timers learn

RouterA(config-if)# vrrp 1 ip
RouterA(config-if)# vrrp 5 priority 100
RouterA(config-if)# vrrp 5 timers advertise 30
RouterA(config-if)# vrrp 5 timers learn
RouterA(config-if)# vrrp 5 ip
RouterA(config-if)# no shutdown
RouterA(config-if)# end
RouterB(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/1
RouterB(config-if)# ip address
RouterB(config-if)# vrrp 1 priority 100
RouterB(config-if)# vrrp 1 authentication cisco
RouterB(config-if)# vrrp 1 timers advertise 3
RouterB(config-if)# vrrp 1 timers learn
RouterB(config-if)# vrrp 1 ip
RouterB(config-if)# vrrp 5 priority 200
RouterB(config-if)# vrrp 5 timers advertise 30
RouterB(config-if)# vrrp 5 timers learn
RouterB(config-if)# vrrp 5 ip
RouterB(config-if)# no shutdown
RouterB(config-if)# end

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

CH A P T E R 6
Configuring Security Features

The Cisco 800M Series ISR provides the following security features:
• Configuring Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting, page 63
• Configuring Access Lists, page 64
• Configuring Cisco IOS IPS, page 65
• Configuring VPN, page 65
• Configuring Dynamic Multipoint VPN, page 83
• Configuring Group Encrypted Transport VPN, page 90
• Configuring SSL VPN, page 94
• Configuring FlexVPN, page 97
• Configuring Zone-Based Policy Firewall, page 103
• Configuring VRF-Aware Cisco Firewall, page 103
• Configuring Subscription-Based Cisco IOS Content Filtering, page 103
• Configuring On-Device Management for Security Features, page 104
• Related Documents, page 104

Configuring Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting

Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) network security services provide the primary
framework through which you set up access control on your router. Authentication provides the method
of identifying users, including login and password dialog, challenge and response, messaging support,
and encryption depending on the security protocol you choose. Authorization provides the method for
remote access control, including one-time authorization or authorization for each service, per-user
account list and profile, user group support, and support of IP, Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX),
AppleTalk Remote Access (ARA), and Telnet. Accounting provides the method for collecting and
sending security server information used for billing, auditing, and reporting, such as user identities, start
and stop times, executed commands (such as PPP), number of packets, and number of bytes.
AAA uses protocols such as Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), Terminal Access
Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+), or Kerberos to administer its security functions. If
your router is acting as a network access server, AAA is the means through which you establish
communication between your network access server and your RADIUS, TACACS+, or Kerberos security

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Access Lists

For information about configuring AAA services and supported security protocols, see the following

Configuring Access Lists

Access lists permit or deny network traffic over an interface, based on source IP address, destination IP
address, or protocol. Access lists are configured as standard or extended. A standard access list either
permits or denies passage of packets from a designated source. An extended access list allows
designation of both the destination and the source, and it allows designation of individual protocols to
be permitted or denied passage.
An access list is a series of commands with a common tag to bind them together. The tag is either a
number or a name. Table 6-1 lists the commands used to configure access lists.

Table 6-1 Access List Configuration Commands

Access Control List (ACL) Type Configuration Commands

Standard access-list {1-99}{permit | deny} source-addr [source-mask]
Extended access-list {100-199}{permit | deny} protocol source-addr
[source-mask] destination-addr [destination-mask]
Standard ip access-list standard name deny {source | source-wildcard | any}
Extended ip access-list extended name {permit | deny} protocol {source-addr
[source-mask] | any}{destination-addr [destination-mask] | any}

For more complete information on creating access lists, see the following web link:

Access Groups
An access group is a sequence of access list definitions bound together with a common name or number.
An access group is enabled for an interface during interface configuration. Use the following guidelines
when creating access groups:
• The order of access list definitions is significant. A packet is compared against the first access list
in the sequence. If there is no match (that is, if neither a permit nor a deny occurs), the packet is
compared with the next access list, and so on.
• All parameters must match the access list before the packet is permitted or denied.
• There is an implicit “deny all” at the end of all sequences.
For information on configuring and managing access groups, see the following link:

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Cisco IOS IPS

Configuring Cisco IOS IPS

The Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) acts as an in-line intrusion detection sensor, watching
packets and sessions as they flow through the router and scanning each packet to match any of the Cisco
IOS IPS signatures. When Cisco IOS IPS detects suspicious activity, it responds before network security
can be compromised and logs the event through Cisco IOS syslog messages or Security Device Event
Exchange (SDEE). The network administrator can configure Cisco IOS IPS to choose the appropriate
response to various threats. When packets in a session match a signature, Cisco IOS IPS can take any of
the following actions, as appropriate:
• Send an alarm to a syslog server or a centralized management interface
• Drop the packet
• Reset the connection
• Deny traffic from the source IP address of the attacker for a specified amount of time
• Deny traffic on the connection for which the signature was seen for a specified amount of time
For more information about configuring Cisco IOS IPS see the following web link:

Configuring VPN
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection provides a secure connection between two networks over
a public network such as the Internet. Cisco 800M Series ISRs support two types of VPNs: site-to-site
and remote access. Remote access VPNs are used by remote clients to log in to a corporate network.
Site-to-site VPNs connect branch offices to corporate offices. This section gives examples for site-to-site
and remote access VPNs.

Remote Access VPN Example

The configuration of a remote access VPN uses Cisco Easy VPN and an IP Security (IPSec) tunnel to
configure and secure the connection between the remote client and the corporate network. Figure 6-1
shows a typical deployment scenario.

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Figure 6-1 Remote Access VPN Using IPSec Tunnel

3 4


1 Remote networked users

2 VPN client—Cisco 800M Series ISR
3 Router—Provides corporate office network access
4 VPN server—Easy VPN server; for example, a Cisco VPN 3000 concentrator with outside
interface address
5 Corporate office with a network address of
6 IPSec tunnel

The Cisco Easy VPN client feature eliminates much of the tedious configuration work by implementing
the Cisco Unity Client protocol. This protocol allows most VPN parameters, such as internal IP
addresses, internal subnet masks, DHCP server addresses, Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)
server addresses, and split-tunneling flags, to be defined at a VPN server, such as a Cisco VPN 3000
series concentrator that is acting as an IPSec server.
A Cisco Easy VPN server–enabled device can terminate VPN tunnels initiated by mobile and remote
workers who are running Cisco Easy VPN Remote software on PCs. Cisco Easy VPN server–enabled
devices allow remote routers to act as Cisco Easy VPN Remote nodes.
The Cisco Easy VPN client feature can be configured in one of two modes—client mode or network
extension mode. Client mode is the default configuration and allows only devices at the client site to
access resources at the central site. Resources at the client site are unavailable to the central site.
Network extension mode allows users at the central site (where the Cisco VPN 3000 series concentrator
is located) to access network resources on the client site.
After the IPSec server has been configured, a VPN connection can be created with minimal configuration
on an IPSec client. When the IPSec client initiates the VPN tunnel connection, the IPSec server pushes
the IPSec policies to the IPSec client and creates the corresponding VPN tunnel connection.

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Note The Cisco Easy VPN client feature supports configuration of only one destination peer. If your
application requires creation of multiple VPN tunnels, you must manually configure the IPSec VPN and
Network Address Translation/Peer Address Translation (NAT/PAT) parameters on both the client and the

Site-to-Site VPN Example

The configuration of a site-to-site VPN uses IPSec and the generic routing encapsulation (GRE) protocol
to secure the connection between the branch office and the corporate network. Figure 6-2 shows a typical
deployment scenario.

Figure 6-2 Site-to-Site VPN Using an IPSec Tunnel and GRE

3 6
2 4 5 7


1 Branch office containing multiple LANs and VLANs

2 Gigabit Ethernet LAN interface—With address (also the inside interface for NAT)
3 VPN client—Cisco 800M Series ISR
4 Gigabit Ethernet interface—With address (also the outside interface for NAT)
5 LAN interface—Connects to the Internet; with outside interface address of
6 VPN client—Another router, which controls access to the corporate network
7 LAN interface—Connects to the corporate network; with inside interface address of
8 Corporate office network
9 IPSec tunnel with GRE

For more information about IPSec and GRE configuration, see the following link:

Configuration Examples
Each example configures a VPN over an IPSec tunnel, using the procedure given in the “Configure a
VPN over an IPSec Tunnel” section on page 68. Then, the specific procedure for a remote access
configuration is given, followed by the specific procedure for a site-to-site configuration.
The examples shown in this chapter apply only to the endpoint configuration on the Cisco 800M Series
ISRs. Any VPN connection requires both endpoints to be properly configured in order to function. See
the software configuration documentation as needed to configure VPN for other router models.

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

VPN configuration information must be configured on both endpoints. You must specify parameters
such as internal IP addresses, internal subnet masks, DHCP server addresses, and Network Address
Translation (NAT).
• “Configure a VPN over an IPSec Tunnel” section on page 68
• “Create a Cisco Easy VPN Remote Configuration” section on page 77
• “Configure a Site-to-Site GRE Tunnel” section on page 80

Configure a VPN over an IPSec Tunnel

Perform the following tasks to configure a VPN over an IPSec tunnel:
• Configure the IKE Policy, page 69
• Configure Group Policy Information, page 70
• Apply Mode Configuration to the Crypto Map, page 72
• Enable Policy Lookup, page 73
• Configure IPSec Transforms and Protocols, page 74
• Configure the IPSec Crypto Method and Parameters, page 75
• Apply the Crypto Map to the Physical Interface, page 76
• Where to Go Next, page 77

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Configure the IKE Policy

To configure the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy, follow these steps, beginning in global
configuration mode.


1. crypto isakmp policy priority

2. encryption {des | 3des | aes | aes 192 | aes 256}
3. hash {md5 | sha}
4. authentication {rsa-sig | rsa-encr | pre-share}
5. group {1 | 2 | 5}
6. lifetime seconds
7. exit


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 crypto isakmp policy priority Creates an IKE policy that is used during IKE
negotiation. The priority is a number from 1 to
10000, with 1 being the highest.
Router(config)# crypto isakmp policy 1 Also enters the ISAKMP1 policy configuration
Step 2 encryption {des | 3des | aes | aes 192 | aes 256} Specifies the encryption algorithm used in the IKE
Example: The example specifies 168-bit DES2.
Router(config-isakmp)# encryption 3des

Step 3 hash {md5 | sha} Specifies the hash algorithm used in the IKE
Example: The example specifies the MD53 algorithm. The
Router(config-isakmp)# hash md5 default is SHA-14.

Step 4 authentication {rsa-sig | rsa-encr | pre-share} Specifies the authentication method used in the
IKE policy.
Example: The example specifies a pre-shared key.
Router(config-isakmp)# authentication

Step 5 group {1 | 2 | 5} Specifies the Diffie-Hellman group to be used in

an IKE policy.
Router(config-isakmp)# group 2

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Command or Action Purpose

Step 6 lifetime seconds Specifies the lifetime, from 60 to 86400 seconds,
for an IKE SA5.
Router(config-isakmp)# lifetime 480

Step 7 exit Exits IKE policy configuration mode and enters

global configuration mode.
Router(config-isakmp)# exit

1. ISAKMP = Internet Security Association Key and Management Protocol

2. DES = data encryption standard
3. MD5 = Message Digest 5
4. SHA-1 = Secure Hash standard
5. SA = security association

Configure Group Policy Information

To configure the group policy, follow these steps, beginning in global configuration mode.


1. crypto isakmp client configuration group {group-name | default}

2. key name
3. dns primary-server
4. domain name
5. exit
6. ip local pool {default | poolname} [low-ip-address [high-ip-address]]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 crypto isakmp client configuration group Creates an IKE policy group containing attributes
{group-name | default} to be downloaded to the remote client.
Also enters the ISAKMP group policy
Example: configuration mode.
Router(config)# crypto isakmp client
configuration group rtr-remote

Step 2 key name Specifies the IKE pre-shared key for the group
Router(config-isakmp-group)# key

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Command or Action Purpose

Step 3 dns primary-server Specifies the primary DNS1 server for the group.
You may also want to specify WINS2 servers for
Example: the group by using the wins command.
Router(config-isakmp-group)# dns

Step 4 domain name Specifies group domain membership.

Router(config-isakmp-group)# domain

Step 5 exit Exits IKE group policy configuration mode and

enters global configuration mode.
Router(config-isakmp-group)# exit

Step 6 ip local pool {default | poolname} Specifies a local address pool for the group.
[low-ip-address [high-ip-address]]
For details about this command and additional
parameters that can be set, see Cisco IOS Dial
Example: Technologies Command Reference.
Router(config)# ip local pool dynpool

1. DNS = Domain Name System

2. WINS = Windows Internet Naming Service

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Apply Mode Configuration to the Crypto Map

To apply mode configuration to the crypto map, follow these steps, beginning in global configuration


1. crypto map map-name isakmp authorization list list-name

2. crypto map tag client configuration address [initiate | respond]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 crypto map map-name isakmp authorization list Applies mode configuration to the crypto map and
list-name enables key lookup (IKE queries) for the group
policy from an AAA server.
Router(config)# crypto map dynmap isakmp
authorization list rtr-remote

Step 2 crypto map tag client configuration address Configures the router to reply to mode
[initiate | respond] configuration requests from remote clients.

Router(config)# crypto map dynmap client
configuration address respond

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Enable Policy Lookup

To enable policy lookup through AAA, follow these steps, beginning in global configuration mode.


1. aaa new-model
2. aaa authentication login {default | list-name} method1 [method2...]
3. aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level | reverse-access | configuration} {default |
list-name} [method1 [method2...]]
4. username name {nopassword | password password | password encryption-type


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 aaa new-model Enables the AAA access control model.

Router(config)# aaa new-model

Step 2 aaa authentication login {default | list-name} Specifies AAA authentication of selected users at
method1 [method2...] login, and specifies the method used.
This example uses a local authentication database.
Example: You could also use a RADIUS server for this. For
Router(config)# aaa authentication login details, see Cisco IOS Security Configuration
rtr-remote local Guide: Securing User Services, Release 15M&T
and Cisco IOS Security Command Reference.
Step 3 aaa authorization {network | exec | commands Specifies AAA authorization of all
level | reverse-access | configuration} {default | network-related service requests, including PPP,
list-name} [method1 [method2...]] and specifies the method of authorization.

Router(config)# aaa authorization network
rtr-remote local

Step 4 username name {nopassword | password Establishes a username-based authentication

password | password encryption-type system.

Router(config)# username username1 password
0 password1

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Configure IPSec Transforms and Protocols

A transform set represents a certain combination of security protocols and algorithms. During IKE
negotiation, the peers agree to use a particular transform set for protecting data flow.
During IKE negotiations, the peers search multiple transform sets for a transform that is the same at both
peers. When a transform set is found that contains such a transform, it is selected and applied to the
protected traffic as a part of both peers’ configurations.
To specify the IPSec transform set and protocols, follow these steps, beginning in global configuration


1. crypto ipsec profile profile-name

2. crypto ipsec transform-set transform-set-name
3. crypto ipsec security-association lifetime {seconds seconds | kilobytes kilobytes}


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 crypto ipsec profile profile-name Configures an IPSec profile to apply protection on
the tunnel for encryption.
Router(config)# crypto ipsec profile pro1
Step 2 crypto ipsec transform-set transform-set-name Defines a transform set—an acceptable
transform1 [transform2] [transform3] combination of IPSec security protocols and
[transform4] algorithms.
See Cisco IOS Security Command Reference for
Example: detail about the valid transforms and
Router(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set combinations.
vpn1 esp-3des esp-sha-hmac

Step 3 crypto ipsec security-association lifetime Specifies global lifetime values used when IPSec
{seconds seconds | kilobytes kilobytes} security associations are negotiated.

Router(config)# crypto ipsec
security-association lifetime seconds 86400

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Configure the IPSec Crypto Method and Parameters

A dynamic crypto map policy processes negotiation requests for new security associations from remote
IPSec peers, even if the router does not know all the crypto map parameters (for example, IP address).
To configure the IPSec crypto method, follow these steps, beginning in global configuration mode.


1. crypto dynamic-map dynamic-map-name dynamic-seq-num

2. set transform-set transform-set-name [transform-set-name2...transform-set-name6]
3. reverse-route
4. exit
5. crypto map map-name seq-num [ipsec-isakmp] [dynamic dynamic-map-name] [discover]
[profile profile-name]


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 crypto dynamic-map dynamic-map-name Creates a dynamic crypto map entry and enters
dynamic-seq-num crypto map configuration mode.
See Cisco IOS Security Command Reference for
Example: more detail about this command.
Router(config)# crypto dynamic-map dynmap 1

Step 2 set transform-set transform-set-name Specifies which transform sets can be used with
[transform-set-name2...transform-set-name6] the crypto map entry.

Router(config-crypto-map)# set
transform-set vpn1

Step 3 reverse-route Creates source proxy information for the crypto

map entry.
Router(config-crypto-map)# reverse-route

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Command or Action Purpose

Step 4 exit Returns to global configuration mode.

Router(config-crypto-map)# exit

Step 5 crypto map map-name seq-num [ipsec-isakmp] Creates a crypto map profile.
[dynamic dynamic-map-name] [discover]
[profile profile-name]

Router(config)# crypto map static-map 1
ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynmap

Apply the Crypto Map to the Physical Interface

The crypto maps must be applied to each interface through which IPSec traffic flows. Applying the
crypto map to the physical interface instructs the router to evaluate all the traffic against the security
associations database. With the default configurations, the router provides secure connectivity by
encrypting the traffic sent between remote sites. However, the public interface still allows the rest of the
traffic to pass and provides connectivity to the Internet.
To apply a crypto map to an interface, follow these steps, beginning in global configuration mode.


1. interface type number

2. crypto map map-name
3. exit


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 interface type number Enters the interface configuration mode for the
interface to which you are applying the crypto
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Command or Action Purpose

Step 2 crypto map map-name Applies the crypto map to the interface.

Router(config-if)# crypto map static-map

Step 3 exit Returns to global configuration mode.

Router(config-crypto-map)# exit

Where to Go Next
If you are creating a Cisco Easy VPN remote configuration, go to the “Create a Cisco Easy VPN Remote
Configuration” section on page 77.
If you are creating a site-to-site VPN using IPSec tunnels and GRE, go to the “Configure a Site-to-Site
GRE Tunnel” section on page 80.

Create a Cisco Easy VPN Remote Configuration

The router that is acting as the Cisco Easy VPN client must create a Cisco Easy VPN remote
configuration and assign it to the outgoing interface.
To create the remote configuration, follow these steps, beginning in global configuration mode.


1. crypto ipsec client ezvpn name

2. group group-name key group-key
3. peer {ipaddress | hostname}
4. mode {client | network-extension | network extension plus}
5. exit
6. crypto isakmp keepalive seconds
7. interface type number
8. crypto ipsec client ezvpn name [outside | inside]
9. exit

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 crypto ipsec client ezvpn name Creates a Cisco Easy VPN remote configuration,
and enters Cisco Easy VPN remote configuration
Router(config)# crypto ipsec client ezvpn

Step 2 group group-name key group-key Specifies the IPSec group and IPSec key value for
the VPN connection.
Router(config-crypto-ezvpn)# group
ezvpnclient key secret-password

Step 3 peer {ipaddress | hostname} Specifies the peer IP address or hostname for the
VPN connection.
Example: Note A hostname can be specified only when
Router(config-crypto-ezvpn)# peer the router has a DNS server available for
hostname resolution.

Note Use this command to configure multiple

peers for use as backup. If one peer goes
down, the Easy VPN tunnel is established
with the second available peer. When the
primary peer comes up again, the tunnel is
reestablished with the primary peer.
Step 4 mode {client | network-extension | network Specifies the VPN mode of operation.
extension plus}

Router(config-crypto-ezvpn)# mode client

Step 5 exit Returns to global configuration mode.

Router(config-crypto-ezvpn)# exit

Step 6 crypto isakmp keepalive seconds Enables dead peer detection messages. Time
between messages is given in seconds, with a
range of 10 to 3600.
Router(config-crypto-ezvpn)# crypto isakmp
keepalive 10

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Command or Action Purpose

Step 7 interface type number Enters the interface configuration mode for the
interface to which you are applying the Cisco Easy
VPN remote configuration.
Router(config)# interface Gigabitethernet

Step 8 crypto ipsec client ezvpn name [outside | inside] Assigns the Cisco Easy VPN remote configuration
to the WAN interface which causes the router to
automatically create the NAT or PAT1 and the
Example: access list configuration needed for the VPN
Router(config-if)# crypto ipsec client
ezvpn ezvpnclient outside

Step 9 exit Returns to global configuration mode.

Router(config-crypto-ezvpn)# exit

1. PAT = port address translation

Configuration Example
The following configuration example shows the EasyVPN client configuration.
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login rtr-remote local
aaa authorization network rtr-remote local
aaa session-id common
username username1 password 0 password1
crypto isakmp policy 1
encryption 3des
authentication pre-share
group 2
lifetime 480
crypto isakmp client configuration group rtr-remote
key secret-password
pool dynpool
crypto ipsec transform-set vpn1 esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 86400
crypto dynamic-map dynmap 1
set transform-set vpn1
crypto map static-map 1 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynmap
crypto map dynmap isakmp authorization list rtr-remote
crypto map dynmap client configuration address respond

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

crypto ipsec client ezvpn ezvpnclient

connect auto
group 2 key secret-password
mode client

interface gigabitethernet 0/4

crypto ipsec client ezvpn ezvpnclient outside
crypto map static-map

interface vlan 1
crypto ipsec client ezvpn ezvpnclient inside

Configure a Site-to-Site GRE Tunnel

To configure a site-to-site GRE tunnel, follow these steps, beginning in global configuration mode.


1. interface type number

2. ip address ip-address mask
3. tunnel source interface-type number
4. tunnel destination default-gateway-ip-address
5. crypto map map-name
6. exit
7. ip access-list {standard | extended} access-list-name
8. permit protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard
9. exit


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 interface type number Creates a tunnel interface and enters interface
configuration mode.
Router(config)# interface tunnel 1

Step 2 ip address ip-address mask Assigns an address to the tunnel.

Router(config-if)# ip address

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

Command or Action Purpose

Step 3 tunnel source interface-type number Specifies the source endpoint of the router for the
GRE tunnel.
Router(config-if)# tunnel source
gigabitethernet 0/0

Step 4 tunnel destination default-gateway-ip-address Specifies the destination endpoint of the router for
the GRE tunnel.
Router(config-if)# tunnel destination

Step 5 crypto map map-name Assigns a crypto map to the tunnel.

Note Dynamic routing or static routes to the
Example: tunnel interface must be configured to
Router(config-if)# crypto map static-map establish connectivity between the sites..

Step 6 exit Exits interface configuration mode and returns to

global configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit

Step 7 ip access-list {standard | extended} Enters ACL1 configuration mode for the named
access-list-name ACL that the crypto map uses.

Router(config)# ip access-list extended

Step 8 permit protocol source source-wildcard Specifies that only GRE traffic is permitted on the
destination destination-wildcard outbound interface.

Router(config-acl)# permit gre host host

Step 9 exit Returns to global configuration mode.

Router(config-acl)# exit

1. ACL = access control list

Configuration Example
The following configuration example shows a portion of the configuration file for a site-to-site VPN
using a GRE tunnel as described in the preceding sections.

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN

aaa new-model
aaa authentication login rtr-remote local
aaa authorization network rtr-remote local
aaa session-id common
username username1 password 0 password1
interface tunnel 1
ip address

tunnel source GigabitEthernet 0/3

tunnel destination interface

ip route tunnel 1

crypto isakmp policy 1

encryption 3des
authentication pre-share
group 2
crypto isakmp client configuration group rtr-remote
key secret-password
pool dynpool
crypto ipsec transform-set vpn1 esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 86400
crypto dynamic-map dynmap 1
set transform-set vpn1
crypto map static-map 1 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynmap
crypto map dynmap isakmp authorization list rtr-remote
crypto map dynmap client configuration address respond
! Defines the key association and authentication for IPsec tunnel.
crypto isakmp policy 1
hash md5
authentication pre-share
crypto isakmp key cisco123 address
! Defines encryption and transform set for the IPsec tunnel.
crypto ipsec transform-set set1 esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
! Associates all crypto values and peering address for the IPsec tunnel.
crypto map to_corporate 1 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set set1
match address 105
! VLAN 1 is the internal home network.
interface vlan 1
ip address
ip nat inside
ip inspect firewall in ! Inspection examines outbound traffic.
crypto map static-map

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Dynamic Multipoint VPN

no cdp enable
! GE4 is the outside or Internet-exposed interface
interface Gigabitethernet 0/4
ip address
! acl 103 permits IPsec traffic from the corp. router as well as
! denies Internet-initiated traffic inbound.
ip access-group 103 in
ip nat outside
no cdp enable
crypto map to_corporate ! Applies the IPsec tunnel to the outside interface.
! Utilize NAT overload in order to make best use of the
! single address provided by the ISP.
ip nat inside source list 102 interface Gigabitethernet 0/1 overload
ip classless
ip route
no ip http server
! acl 102 associated addresses used for NAT.
access-list 102 permit ip any
! acl 103 defines traffic allowed from the peer for the IPsec tunnel.
access-list 103 permit udp host any eq isakmp
access-list 103 permit udp host eq isakmp any
access-list 103 permit esp host any
! Allow ICMP for debugging but should be disabled because of security implications.
access-list 103 permit icmp any any
access-list 103 deny ip any any ! Prevents Internet-initiated traffic inbound.
! acl 105 matches addresses for the IPsec tunnel to or from the corporate network.
access-list 105 permit ip
no cdp run

Configuring Dynamic Multipoint VPN

The Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) feature is a simplified solution to deploy large and small IP
Security (IPsec) VPNs by combining GRE tunnels, IPsec encryption, and Next Hop Resolution Protocol
(NHRP). DMVPN simplifies the configuration tasks in a large scale VPN deployment and reduces the
administrative overhead.
DMVPN is useful in a scenario, when one central router at the head office acts as a hub and other branch
routers act as spoke and connected to the hub router to access the company's resources. DMVPN is also
useful for spoke to spoke deployment and can be used for branch-to-branch interconnections
See the Example: DMVPN Configuration, page 83 for a typical DMVPN configuration for a hub and
spoke deployment. For additional information about configuring DMVPN, see the following link:

Example: DMVPN Configuration

The following configuration example shows the configuration for DMVPN hub and spoke deployment
model. In this example, Cisco 800M series ISR is configured as spoke and Cisco 2900 Series ISR is
configured as hub. For readability some part of the configuration is removed.
This configuration section shows the configuration of 800M Series ISR as a spoke.

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Dynamic Multipoint VPN

800M_spoke# show running-config

Building configuration...
Current configuration : 2546 bytes
! Last configuration change at 09:09:39 UTC Tue Jun 24 2014
version 15.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname 800M_spoke
logging buffered 10000000
no aaa new-model
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
crypto isakmp policy 1
encr aes
hash sha256
authentication pre-share
group 2
crypto isakmp key ISA_KEY address
crypto isakmp keepalive 10 periodic

crypto ipsec transform-set DMVPN-TRANS-SET esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac

mode tunnel
crypto ipsec profile DMVPN-PROFILE
set security-association lifetime seconds 120
set transform-set DMVPN-TRANS-SET

interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Tunnel0
ip address
no ip redirects
ip mtu 1440
ip nhrp authentication ISA_KEY
ip nhrp map multicast
ip nhrp map
ip nhrp network-id 1
ip nhrp holdtime 120
ip nhrp nhs
ip nhrp registration timeout 30
ip nhrp shortcut
tunnel source GigabitEthernet0/9
tunnel mode gre multipoint
tunnel key 0
tunnel protection ipsec profile DMVPN-PROFILE

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Dynamic Multipoint VPN

interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/4
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/5
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/6
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/7
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/8
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/9
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Vlan1
ip address
router eigrp 20
router eigrp 10
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip route
ip route
access-list 101 permit ip
access-list 102 permit ip
line con 0
no modem enable
line vty 0 4

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Dynamic Multipoint VPN

transport input none

scheduler allocate 20000 1000

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Dynamic Multipoint VPN

This configuration section shows the configuraton of 2900 Series ISR as hub.
2901_hub# show running-config
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 3210 bytes

! Last configuration change at 07:34:35 UTC Tue Jun 24 2014
version 15.2
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname 2901_hub
logging buffered 10000000
no aaa new-model
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
license udi pid CISCO2901/K9 sn FGL180322RF
license boot module c2900 technology-package securityk9

lldp run
crypto isakmp policy 1
encr aes
hash sha256
authentication pre-share
group 2
crypto isakmp key ISA_KEY address
crypto isakmp keepalive 10 periodic
crypto ipsec transform-set DMVPN-TRANS-SET esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac
mode tunnel
crypto ipsec profile DMVPN-PROFILE
set security-association lifetime seconds 120
set transform-set DMVPN-TRANS-SET

interface Loopback0
ip address
ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 cisco

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Dynamic Multipoint VPN

interface Loopback1
ip address
interface Loopback2
ip address
interface Loopback3
ip address
interface Loopback4
ip address
interface Tunnel0
ip address
no ip redirects
ip mtu 1440
no ip split-horizon eigrp 10
ip nhrp authentication ISA_KEY
ip nhrp map multicast dynamic
ip nhrp network-id 1
ip nhrp shortcut
ip nhrp redirect
ip summary-address eigrp 20
tunnel source GigabitEthernet0/1
tunnel mode gre multipoint
tunnel key 0
tunnel protection ipsec profile DMVPN-PROFILE
interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 cisco
ip ospf priority 10
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0
switchport access vlan 2
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/1
switchport access vlan 10
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/2
switchport access vlan 10
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/3
switchport access vlan 20
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/4
no ip address

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Dynamic Multipoint VPN

interface GigabitEthernet0/1/5
switchport access vlan 10
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/6
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/7
no ip address
interface Vlan1
no ip address
router eigrp 10
router eigrp 20
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip route


line con 0
line aux 0
line 2
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
stopbits 1
line vty 0 4
transport input all
scheduler allocate 20000 1000

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Group Encrypted Transport VPN

Configuring Group Encrypted Transport VPN

Group Encrypted Transport VPN (GETVPN) is a tunnel-less VPN technology that provides end-to-end
security for network traffic in a native mode and maintain the mesh topology. GET VPN combines the
keying protocol Group Domain of Interpretation (GDOI) with IPsec encryption to provide users with an
efficient method of securing IP multicast traffic or unicast traffic. GET VPN enables the router to apply
encryption to tunnel-less (native) IP multicast and unicast packets and eliminates the requirement to
configure tunnels to protect multicast and unicast traffic.
By removing the need for point-to-point tunnels, meshed networks can scale higher while maintaining
network-intelligence features that are critical to voice and video quality, such as QoS, routing, and
multicast. GET VPN offers a new standards-based IP security (IPsec) security model that is based on the
concept of “trusted” group members. Trusted member routers use a common security methodology that
is independent of any point-to-point IPsec tunnel relationship.
A GETVPN deployment has primarily three components, Key Server (KS), Group Member (GM), and
Group Domain of Interpretation (GDOI) protocol. GMs encrypt or decrypt the traffic and KS distributes
the encryption key to all the group members. The KS decides on one single data encryption key for a
given life time. Since all GMs use the same key, any GM can decrypt the traffic encrypted by any other
GM. GDOI protocol is used between the GM and KS for group key and group SA management.
Minimum one KS is required for a GETVPN deployment.
Unlike traditional IPSec encryption solutions, GET VPN uses the concept of group security association
(SA). All members in the GETVPN group can communicate with each other using a common encryption
policy and a shared SA and therefore no need to negotiate IPSec between GMs on a peer to peer basis;
thereby reducing the resource load on the GM routers.
See the Example: GETVPN Configuration, page 90 for a sample GETVPN deployment configuration.
For additional information about configuring GET VPN, see the following link:

Example: GETVPN Configuration

The following configuration example shows the configuration for GETVPN deployment. In this
example, a Cisco 800M series ISR is configured as GM and the Cisco 1900 Series ISR is configured as
This configuration section shows the configuration of 800M Series ISR as GM.
800M_GM# show running-config
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 1752 bytes

version 15.5
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname 800M_GM

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Group Encrypted Transport VPN

no aaa new-model
bsd-client server url
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
cts logging verbose
license udi pid C841M-8X/K9 sn FOC18170PNJ
license accept end user agreement
license boot module c800m level advipservices
crypto isakmp policy 100
encr aes
authentication pre-share
group 5
lifetime 3600
crypto isakmp key cisco address
crypto gdoi group gdoi
identity number 1234
server address ipv4

crypto map crypto 10 gdoi
set group gdoi
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/4
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/5
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/6
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/7
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/8
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/9
ip address

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Group Encrypted Transport VPN

duplex auto
speed auto
crypto map crypto
interface Vlan1
no ip address
router eigrp 1
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
line con 0
no modem enable
line vty 0 4
transport input none
scheduler allocate 20000 1000

This configuration section shows the configuration of Cisco 1900 Series ISR as KS.
1921_KS# show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 2019 bytes
version 15.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname 1921_KS
no aaa new-model

ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated

license udi pid CISCO1921/K9 sn FGL155022DY

license boot module c1900 technology-package securityk9
license boot module c1900 technology-package datak9

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Group Encrypted Transport VPN

crypto isakmp policy 100
encr aes
authentication pre-share
group 5
lifetime 3600
crypto isakmp key cisco address

crypto ipsec transform-set trans esp-aes esp-sha-hmac

mode tunnel
crypto ipsec profile ipsec
set transform-set trans
crypto gdoi group gdoi
identity number 1234
server local
rekey algorithm aes 256
rekey lifetime seconds 3600
rekey authentication mypubkey rsa vpnkeys
rekey transport unicast
sa ipsec 10
profile ipsec
match address ipv4 getvpn
replay counter window-size 64
no tag
address ipv4
crypto map crypto 10 gdoi
set group gdoi

interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
crypto map crypto
interface Serial0/0/0
no ip address
interface Serial0/0/1
no ip address
clock rate 2000000

router eigrp 1

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring SSL VPN

ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server

ip access-list extended getvpn

permit ip


line con 0
line aux 0
line 2
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport output lat pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
stopbits 1
line vty 0 4
transport input all
scheduler allocate 20000 1000

Configuring SSL VPN

The Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network (SSL VPN) feature provides support for remote user
access to enterprise networks from anywhere on the Internet. Remote access is provided through a
SSL–enabled SSL VPN gateway. The SSL VPN gateway allows remote users to establish a secure VPN
tunnel using a web browser. This feature provides a comprehensive solution that allows easy access to a
broad range of web resources and web-enabled applications using native HTTP over SSL (HTTPS)
browser support. SSL VPN delivers three modes of SSL VPN access: clientless, thin-client, and
full-tunnel client support.
See the “Example: SSL VPN Configuration” section for a sample SSL VPN gateway configuration.
For additional information about configuring SSL VPN, see the following link:

Example: SSL VPN Configuration

This configuration example shows the configuration for SSL VPN gateway using Cisco 800M Series
800M# show running-config
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 4053 bytes

version 15.5

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring SSL VPN

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname 800M
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication login ciscocp_vpn_xauth_ml_1 local

aaa session-id commont

bsd-client server url
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-2716339910
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-2716339910
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-2716339910
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-2716339910
certificate self-signed 01
3082022B 30820194 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030
31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
69666963 6174652D 32373136 33333939 3130301E 170D3134 31313132 31313430
35355A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D32 37313633
33393931 3030819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281
8100A775 D34D41D6 281317C5 427BBC6D 3D97F5B4 F91E924B AB23F5CC F92336E6
29EBDC57 45A455B7 D7300C0C 07C5DDF8 62E2BDFB CDEB57CC EFAE7006 A72D4C20
2D9995E7 472D2C4E 079828B3 B63DDB66 A9D3D77F BC844CBD 255D81F0 84564748
4FAD69E1 94F5AFC9 0450EFDC 9096BD38 3F4FA022 0680E969 174197EA 3F85DD4C
B1490203 010001A3 53305130 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 301F0603
551D2304 18301680 145602C5 80924574 A895C527 F177A81B 4EA03C94 EA301D06
03551D0E 04160414 5602C580 924574A8 95C527F1 77A81B4E A03C94EA 300D0609
2A864886 F70D0101 05050003 81810090 823846F0 FAA084FB F5C17F04 00E11E54
D9D9B32A 4EBB96D4 8414C5DD 0DB8728B 84518031 0B22A20A 989C341C 4AB15B7B
B192E99B E29138E9 56263016 5565DEAA 9CE9E40B D945EF2C 1BFE110C 4622F707
39E7FA48 DA3B15DD CA66AA8F 61783562 7C09932F BD4E5AB4 A1242A71 90E27B22
71CD3A0D A0004521 D1DB1E2C D95BEF
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
cts logging verbose
license udi pid C841M-8X/K9 sn FCW1842005Y
username cisco privilege 15 password 0 cisco

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring SSL VPN

crypto vpn anyconnect sdflash:/webvpn/anyconnect-win-3.1.03103-k9.pkg sequence 1

interface Loopback10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/4
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/5
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/6
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/7
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/8
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/9
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Virtual-Template1
ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/8
ip virtual-reassembly in
interface Vlan1
no ip address
ip local pool IP_Pool
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip route


line con 0
no modem enable

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring FlexVPN

line vty 0 4
transport input none
scheduler allocate 20000 1000

webvpn gateway gateway_1

ip address port 443
ssl trustpoint TP-self-signed-2716339910
webvpn context Test
secondary-color white
title-color #FF9900
text-color black
virtual-template 1
aaa authentication list ciscocp_vpn_xauth_ml_1
gateway gateway_1
ssl authenticate verify all
policy group policy_1
functions svc-enabled
svc address-pool "IP_Pool" netmask
svc default-domain ""
svc keep-client-installed
svc rekey time 240
svc dns-server primary
svc wins-server primary
default-group-policy policy_1

Configuring FlexVPN
FlexVPN is Cisco's implementation of the IKEv2 standard featuring a unified paradigm and CLI that
combines site to site, remote access, hub and spoke topologies and partial meshes (spoke to spoke
direct). FlexVPN offers a simple but modular framework that extensively uses the tunnel interface
paradigm while remaining compatible with legacy VPN implementations using crypto maps.
See the “Example: FlexVPN Configuration” section for a sample FlexVPN hub and spoke configuration.
For additional information about configuring FlexVPN, see the following link:

Example: FlexVPN Configuration

The following configuration example shows the configuration for FlexVPN hub and spoke deployment
model. In this example, Cisco 800M series ISR is configured as a spoke and Cisco 3900 Series ISR is
configured as the hub.
This configuration section shows the configuration of 800M Series ISR as a spoke.
800M# show running-config
Building configuration...

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring FlexVPN

Current configuration : 2461 bytes

version 15.5
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname 800M

aaa new-model
aaa authorization network FLEX local

aaa session-id common

bsd-client server url

ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
chat-script multimode "" "AT!CALL" TIMEOUT 20 "OK"
cts logging verbose
license udi pid C841M-4X/K9 sn FCW1839001E

crypto ikev2 authorization policy FLEX
route set interface
crypto ikev2 keyring KEYRING
peer R1
pre-shared-key CISCO
crypto ikev2 profile default
match identity remote address
identity local key-id FLEX
authentication remote pre-share
authentication local pre-share
keyring local KEYRING
aaa authorization group psk list FLEX FLEX
controller Cellular 0/0
modem link-recovery rssi onset-threshold -110
modem link-recovery monitor-timer 20
modem link-recovery wait-timer 10

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring FlexVPN

modem link-recovery debounce-count 6

interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Tunnel0
ip address negotiated
tunnel source GigabitEthernet0/5
tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
tunnel destination
tunnel protection ipsec profile default
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/4
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/5
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Cellular0/0/0
no ip address
encapsulation slip
dialer in-band
dialer string multimode
interface Serial0/1/0
no ip address
clock rate 2000000
interface Vlan1
no ip address
router eigrp 1
passive-interface default
no passive-interface Tunnel0
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server


Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring FlexVPN

line con 0
no modem enable
line 2
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport input all
stopbits 1
line 3
script dialer multimode
no exec
line vty 0 4
transport input none
scheduler allocate 20000 1000

This configuration section shows the configuration of 800M Series ISR as a spoke.
C3900# show running-config
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 2690 bytes

! Last configuration change at 13:10:19 UTC Fri Oct 31 2014
version 15.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname C3900
aaa new-model
aaa authorization network LOCALIKEv2 local

aaa session-id common

ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated

voice-card 0

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring FlexVPN

license udi pid C3900-SPE200/K9 sn FOC16075NAN

license accept end user agreement
license boot module c3900e technology-package securityk9
license boot module c3900e technology-package datak9
crypto ikev2 authorization policy AUTHOR-POLICY
pool POOL
crypto ikev2 keyring KEYRING
peer R2
pre-shared-key CISCO
crypto ikev2 profile default
match identity remote key-id FLEX
authentication remote pre-share
authentication local pre-share
keyring local KEYRING
aaa authorization group psk list LOCALIKEv2 AUTHOR-POLICY
virtual-template 1

interface Loopback0
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1/0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/1/1
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/1/2
no ip address

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring FlexVPN

interface FastEthernet0/1/3
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/1/4
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/1/5
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/1/6
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/1/7
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/1/8
no ip address
interface Virtual-Template1 type tunnel
ip unnumbered Loopback0
tunnel source GigabitEthernet0/1
tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
tunnel protection ipsec profile default
interface Vlan1
no ip address
router eigrp 1
passive-interface default
no passive-interface Virtual-Template1
ip local pool POOL
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
nls resp-timeout 1
cpd cr-id 1

mgcp behavior rsip-range tgcp-only

mgcp behavior comedia-role none
mgcp behavior comedia-check-media-src disable
mgcp behavior comedia-sdp-force disable
mgcp profile default


Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring Zone-Based Policy Firewall

line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
transport input all
scheduler allocate 20000 1000

Configuring Zone-Based Policy Firewall

Zone-Based Policy Firewall (also known as Zone-Policy Firewall, or ZFW) changes the firewall
configuration from the interface-based model to a more flexible, more easily understood zone-based
model. Interfaces are assigned to zones, and inspection policy is applied to traffic moving between the
zones. Inter-zone policies offer considerable flexibility and granularity, so different inspection policies
can be applied to multiple host groups connected to the same router interface.
For more information about configuring zone-based policy firewall, see the following weblink:

Configuring VRF-Aware Cisco Firewall

VRF-Aware Cisco Firewall applies Cisco Firewall functionality to Virtual Routing and Forwarding
(VRF) interfaces when the firewall is configured on a service provider (SP) or large enterprise edge
device. SPs can provide managed services to small and medium business markets.
For more information about configuring VRF-aware Cisco Firewall, see the following web link:

Configuring Subscription-Based Cisco IOS Content Filtering

The Subscription-based Cisco IOS Content Filtering feature interacts with the Trend Micro URL
filtering service so that HTTP requests can be allowed or blocked, and logged, based on a content
filtering policy. The content filtering policy specifies how to handle items such as web categories,
reputations (or security ratings), trusted domains, untrusted domains, and keywords. URLs are cached
on the router, so that subsequent requests for the same URL do not require a lookup request, thus
improving performance.
For more information about configuring subscription-based Cisco IOS content filtering see the following
web link:

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Security Features
Configuring On-Device Management for Security Features

Configuring On-Device Management for Security Features

The On-Device Management for Security Features provides an intuitive and simple management
interface, the Cisco Configuration Professional Express, to deploy a variety of security features. You can
deploy security features including zone-based firewalls, VPN, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and
URL filtering through the Cisco Configuration Professional Express.
The Cisco Configuration Professional Express uses existing zone-based firewall CLIs in conjunction
with Network-Based Application Recognition 2 (NBAR2) CLIs to determine the application category,
and position NBAR2 protocols supported by the firewall into the relevant application category.
Fro more information about enabling NBAR2 for zone-based firewalls, see the following web link:

Related Documents
Topic Document Title
DMVPN Dynamic Multipoint VPN Configuration Guide,
Cisco IOS Release 15M&T
GETVPN Cisco Group Encrypted Transport VPN
Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release
SSL VPN SSL VPN Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS
Release 15M&T
FlexVPN FlexVPN and Internet Key Exchange Version 2
Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release
IKE for IPSec VPNs Internet Key Exchange for IPsec VPNs
Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release

Cisco 800 M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

CH A P T E R 7
Configuring QoS

This chapter provides information about configuring the Quality of Service (QoS) features on the Cisco
800M Series ISR and contains the following sections:
• Configuring Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing, page 105
• Configuring Low-Latency Queueing, page 106
• Configuring Class-Based Traffic Shaping, page 107
• Configuring Class-Based Traffic Policing, page 107
• Configuring Class-Based Weighted Random Early Detection, page 108
• Configuring QoS Hierarchical Queueing Framework, page 108
• Configuring Network-Based Application Recognition, page 108
• Configuring Resource Reservation Protocol, page 109
• Configuring Quality of Service for VPNs, page 109
• Configuring Per Tunnel QoS for DMVPN, page 110
• Configuring Layer 2 Auto QoS, page 110

Configuring Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing

Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing (CBWFQ) provides congestion-management support for
user-defined traffic classes. For CBWFQ, you define traffic classes based on match criteria including
protocols, access control lists (ACLs), and input interfaces. Packets satisfying the match criteria for a
class constitute the traffic for that class. A FIFO queue is reserved for each class, and traffic belonging
to a class is directed to the queue for that class.
Once a class has been defined according to its match criteria, you can assign it characteristics. To
characterize a class, you assign it bandwidth, weight, and maximum packet limit. The bandwidth
assigned to a class is the guaranteed bandwidth delivered to the class during congestion.
For more information about configuring CBWFQ see the following web link:

Cisco 400 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring QoS
Configuring Low-Latency Queueing

Example: Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing

In this example, two class maps are created and their match criteria are defined. For the first class map
called class1, the numbered ACL 101 is used as the match criterion. For the second map class, called
class2, the numbered ACL 102 is used as the match criterion. Packets are checked against the contents
of these ACLs to determine if they belong to the class.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit udp host host range 16384
Router(config# access-list 102 permit udp host host range 53000
Router(config)# class-map class1
Router(config-cmap)# match access-group 101
Router(config-cmap)# exit
Router(config-cmap)# class-map class2
Router(config-cmap)# match access-group 102
Router(config-cmap)# exit
Router(config)# policy-map policy1
Router(config-pmap)# class class1
Router(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth 3000
Router(config-pmap-c)# queue-limit 30
Router(config-pmap-c)# exit
Router(config-pmap)# class class2
Router(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth 2000
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/4
Router(config-if)# service output policy1
Router(config-if)# exit

Configuring Low-Latency Queueing

Strict priority queueing allows delay-sensitive data such as voice to be dequeued and sent before packets
in other queues are dequeued. Low Latency Queuing (LLQ) provides strict priority queueing for
CBWFQ, reducing jitter in voice conversations. LLQ enables use of a single, strict priority queue within
CBWFQ at the class level, allowing you to direct traffic belonging to a class to the CBWFQ strict priority
queue. To enqueue class traffic to the strict priority queue, you specify the named class within a policy
map and then configure the priority command for the class. Within a policy map, you can give priority
status to one or more classes. When multiple classes within a single policy map are configured as priority
classes, all traffic from these classes is enqueued to the same, single, strict priority queue.
For more information on configuring low latency queuing see the following web link:

Example: Low-Latency Queueing

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# class-map voice
Router(config-cmap)# match access-group 102
Router(config)# policy-map policy1
Router(config-pmap)# class voice
Router(config-pmap-c)# priority 50 60
Router(config-pmap)# class bar
Router(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth 20
Router(config-pmap)# class class-default

Cisco 400 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring QoS
Configuring Class-Based Traffic Shaping

Router(config-pmap-c)# fair-queue
Router(config)# interface serial 0/0/0
Router(config-if)# service-policy output policy1
Router(config-if)# exit

Configuring Class-Based Traffic Shaping

Traffic shaping allows you to control the traffic going out an interface in order to match its flow to the
speed of the remote target interface and to ensure that the traffic conforms to policies contracted for it.
Thus, traffic adhering to a particular profile can be shaped to meet downstream requirements, thereby
eliminating bottlenecks in topologies with data-rate mismatches.
For more information on class-based traffic shaping, see the following web link:

Example: Class-Based Traffic Shaping

The following example defines a class c1 which is configured to shape traffic to 384 kbps, with a normal
burst size of 15440 bits.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# policy-map shape
Router(config-pmap)# class c1
Router(config-pmap-c)# shape average 384000 15440
Router(config-pmap-c)# end
Router(config)# interface Serial 0/0/0
Router(config-if)# service out shape

Configuring Class-Based Traffic Policing

Class-based trafic policing allows you to control the maximum rate of traffic transmitted or received on
an interface. Class-based traffic policing is often configured on interfaces at the edge of a network to
limit traffic into or out of the network. In most class-based policing configurations, traffic that falls
within the rate parameters is transmitted, whereas traffic that exceeds the parameters is dropped or
transmitted with a different priority.
For more information on configuring class-based traffic policing, see the following web link:

Example: Class-Based Traffic Policing

In this example, Class-Based Policing is configured with the average rate at 8000 bits per second and the
normal burst size at 1000 bytes for all packets leaving Gigabit Ethernet interface 0/4.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# class-map access-match
Router(config-cmap)# match access-group 1
Router(config)# policy-map police-setting
Router(config-pmap)# class access-match

Cisco 400 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring QoS
Configuring Class-Based Weighted Random Early Detection

Router(config-pmap-c)# police 8000 1000 1000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop

Router(config-pmap-c)# violate-action drop
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/4
Router(config-if)# service-policy output policy-setting
Router(config-if)# exit

Configuring Class-Based Weighted Random Early Detection

Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) combines the capabilities of the Random Early Detection
(RED), algorithm with the IP Precedence feature to provide for preferential traffic handling of higher
priority packets. WRED can selectively discard lower priority traffic when the interface begins to get
congested and provide differentiated performance characteristics for different classes of service.
You can configure WRED to ignore IP precedence when making drop decisions so that nonweighted
RED behavior is achieved.WRED makes early detection of congestion possible and provides for
multiple classes of traffic. It also protects against global synchronization. For these reasons, WRED is
useful on any output interface where you expect congestion to occur.
For more information about configuring WRED, see the following web link:

Example: Class-Based Weighted Random Early Detection

Router(config-if)# class-map c1
Router(config-cmap)# match access-group 101
Router(config-if)# policy-map p1
Router(config-pmap)# class c1
Router(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth 48
Router(config-pmap-c)# random-detect dscp-based
Router(config-pmap-c)# random-detect dscp 8 24 40
Router(config-if)# service-policy output p1

Configuring QoS Hierarchical Queueing Framework

The QoS Hierarchical Queueing Framework (HQF) feature enables you to manage quality of service
(QoS) at three different levels: the physical interface level, the logical interface level, and the class level
for QoS queueing and shaping mechanisms by using the modular QoS command-line interface (MQC)
to provide a granular and flexible overall QoS architecture.
For more information about configuring hierarchical queueing framework see the following web link:

Configuring Network-Based Application Recognition

Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR) is a classification engine that recognizes and classi-
fies a wide variety of protocols and applications. When NBAR recognizes and classifies a protocol or
application, the network can be configured to apply the appropriate quality of service (QoS) for that

Cisco 400 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring QoS
Configuring Resource Reservation Protocol

application or traffic with that protocol.

For more information about configuring NBAR, see the following web link:

Example: Network Based Application Recognition

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# class-map cmap1
Router(config-cmap)# match protocol citrix
Router(config-cmap)# end
Router(config)# policy-map policy1
Router(config-pmap)# class class1
Device(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth percent 50
Device(config-pmap-c)# end
Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/4
Device(config-if)# service-policy input policy1
Device(config-if)# end

Configuring Resource Reservation Protocol

Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) is the industry-standard protocol for dynamically setting up
end-to-end QoS across a heterogeneous network. RSVP, which runs over IP, allows an application to
dynamically reserve network bandwidth. Using RSVP, applications can request a certain level of QoS
for a data flow across a network.
The Cisco IOS QoS implementation allows RSVP to be initiated within the network using configured
proxy RSVP. Using this capability, you can take advantage of the benefits of RSVP in the network even
for non-RSVP enabled applications and hosts. RSVP is designed to guarantee network bandwidth from
end-to-end for IP networks.
For more information about configuring RSVP, see the following web link:

Configuring Quality of Service for VPNs

The QoS for VPNs feature provides a solution for making Cisco IOS QoS services operate in conjunction
with tunneling and encryption on an interface. Cisco IOS software can classify packets and apply the
appropriate QoS service before the data is encrypted and tunneled. The QoS for VPN feature allows
users to look inside the packet so that packet classification can be done based on original port numbers
and based on source and destination IP addresses. This allows the service provider to treat mission
critical or multi-service traffic with higher priority across their network.
For more information about configuring QoS for VPNs see the following web link:

Cisco 400 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring QoS
Configuring Layer 2 Auto QoS

Configuring Per Tunnel QoS for DMVPN

The Per-Tunnel QoS for DMVPN feature lets you apply a quality of service (QoS) policy on a Dynamic
Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) hub on a per-tunnel instance (per-spoke basis) in the egress direction for
DMVPN hub-to-spoke tunnels. The QoS policy on a DMVPN hub on a per-tunnel instance lets you
shape tunnel traffic to individual spokes (a parent policy) and differentiate individual data flows going
through the tunnel for policing (a child policy). The QoS policy that the hub uses for a specific spoke is
selected according to the specific Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) group into which that spoke is
configured. Although you can configure many spokes into the same NHRP group, the tunnel traffic for
each spoke is measured individually for shaping and policing.You can use this feature with DMVPN with
or without Internet Protocol Security (IPsec).
For more information about configuring Per-Tunnel QoS for DMVPN, see the following web link:

Configuring Layer 2 Auto QoS

You can use the auto-QoS feature to simplify the deployment of QoS features. Auto-QoS determines the
network design and enables QoS configurations so that the router can prioritize different traffic flows. It
uses the ingress and egress queues instead of using the default (disabled) QoS behavior. The switch
offers best-effort service to each packet, regardless of the packet contents or size, and sends it from a
single queue.
When you enable auto-QoS, it automatically classifies traffic based on the traffic type and ingress packet
label. The switch uses the classification results to choose the appropriate egress queue.
For more information about configuring Auto QoS, see the following link:

Cisco 400 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

CH A P T E R 8
Configuring Network Management Features

This chapter provides information about configuring the network management features for the Cisco
800M Series ISR and contains the following sections:
• Cisco Configuration Professional, page 111
• Cisco Configuration Professional Express, page 112
• Cisco Prime Infrastructure, page 112
• Embedded Event Manager, page 112
• Configuring IP SLAs, page 112
• Configuring Radius, page 113
• Configuring TACACS+, page 113
• Configuring SSH, page 113
• Configuring SNMP, page 114
• Configuring NetFlow, page 114
• Configuring Flexible NetFlow, page 114
• MIB Support, page 114

Cisco Configuration Professional

Cisco Configuration Professional is a GUI based device management tool for Cisco access routers. This
tool simplifies routing, firewall, IPS, VPN, unified communications, and WAN, and LAN configurations
through GUI-based wizards. Cisco CP is a valuable productivity enhancing tool for network
administrators and channel partners for deploying routers with increased confidence and ease. It offers
a one-click router lock-down and an innovative voice and security auditing capability to check and
recommend changes to router configurations. Cisco CP also monitors router status and troubleshoots
WAN and VPN connectivity issues.
For more information about configuring Cisco 800M series ISR using Cisco Configuration Professional,
see the following web link:

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Network Management Features
Cisco Configuration Professional Express

Cisco Configuration Professional Express

Cisco Configuration Professional Express (Cisco CP Express), a lightweight version of Cisco
Configuration Professional, is an embedded, device-management tool that provides the ability to
bootstrap and provision a Cisco Integrated Services Router (ISR). The Cisco CP Express helps you set
up a network with complete WAN and LAN configuration, along with security features.
For more information about configuring Cisco 800M series ISR using Cisco CP Express, see the
following web link:

Cisco Prime Infrastructure

Cisco Prime Infrastructure is a network management tool that supports life cycle management of your
entire network infrastructure from one graphical interface. Prime Infrastructure provides network
administrators with a single solution for provisioning, monitoring, optimizing, and troubleshooting both
wired and wireless devices. Robust graphical interfaces make device deployments and operations simple
and cost-effective.
For more information on configuring Cisco 800M Series ISR using Cisco Prime Infrastructure, see the
the following web link:

Embedded Event Manager

Embedded Event Manager (EEM) is a distributed and customized approach to event detection and
recovery offered directly in a Cisco IOS device. EEM offers the ability to monitor events and take
informational, corrective, or any desired EEM action when the monitored events occur or when a
threshold is reached. An EEM policy is an entity that defines an event and the actions to be taken when
that event occurs.
For more information on configuring Embedded Event Manager, see the following web link:

Configuring IP SLAs
IP Service Level Agreements (IP SLAs) allows Cisco customers to analyze IP service levels for IP
applications and services, to increase productivity, to lower operational costs, and to reduce the
frequency of network outages. IP SLAs uses active traffic monitoring--the generation of traffic in a
continuous, reliable, and predictable manner--for measuring network performance. Using IP SLAs,
service provider customers can measure and provide service level agreements, and enterprise customers
can verify service levels, verify outsourced service level agreements, and understand network
performance. IP SLAs can perform network assessments, verify quality of service (QoS), ease the
deployment of new services, and assist administrators with network troubleshooting. IP SLAs can be

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Network Management Features
Configuring Radius

accessed using the Cisco software commands or Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
through the Cisco Round-Trip Time Monitor (RTTMON) and syslog Management Information Bases
For more information on configuring IP SLAs, see the following web link:

Configuring Radius
The RADIUS security system is a distributed client/server system that secures networks against
unauthorized access. In the Cisco implementation, RADIUS clients run on Cisco devices and send
authentication requests to a central RADIUS server that contains all user authentication and network
service access information.
For more information about configuring Radius, see the following web link

Configuring TACACS+
TACACS+ is a security application that provides centralized validation of users attempting to gain access
to a device or network access server. TACACS+ services are maintained in a database on a TACACS+
daemon running, typically, on a UNIX or Windows NT workstation.
TACACS+ provides for separate and modular authentication, authorization, and accounting facilities.
TACACS+ allows for a single access control server (the TACACS+ daemon) to provide each
service--authentication, authorization, and accounting--independently. Each service can be tied into its
own database to take advantage of other services available on that server or on the network, depending
on the capabilities of the daemon. The goal of TACACS+ is to provide a methodology for managing
multiple network access points from a single management service.
For more information about configuring TACACS+, see the following web link:

Configuring SSH
Secure Shell (SSH) runs on top of a reliable transport layer and provides strong authentication and
encryption capabilities.SSH provides a means to securely access and securely execute commands on
another computer over a network.
For more information about configuring SSH see the following web link:

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Network Management Features
Configuring SNMP

Configuring SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an application-layer protocol that provides a message
format for communication between SNMP managers and agents. SNMP provides a standardized
framework and a common language that is used for monitoring and managing devices in a network.
For more information about configuring SNMP, see the following web link:

Configuring NetFlow
NetFlow is a Cisco IOS application that provides statistics on packets flowing through the routing
devices in the network. It is emerging as a primary network accounting and security technology.
NetFlow identifies packet flows for both ingress and egress IP packets. It does not involve any
connection-setup protocol, either between routers or to any other networking device or end station.
NetFlow does not require any change externally--either to the packets themselves or to any networking
device. NetFlow is completely transparent to the existing network, including end stations and application
software and network devices like LAN switches. Also, NetFlow capture and export are performed
independently on each internetworking device; NetFlow need not be operational on each router in the
For more information about configuring NetFlow, see the following web link:

Configuring Flexible NetFlow

Flexible NetFlow is a Cisco IOS technology that provides statistics on packets flowing through the
router. NetFlow is the standard for acquiring IP operational data from IP networks. NetFlow provides
data to enable network and security monitoring, network planning, traffic analysis, and IP accounting.
Flexible NetFlow improves on original NetFlow by adding the capability to customize the traffic analysis
parameters for your specific requirements. Flexible NetFlow facilitates the creation of more complex
configurations for traffic analysis and data export through the use of reusable configuration components.
For more information about configuring NetFlow, see the following web link:

MIB Support
The Cisco 800M series ISR supports the MIBs supported by Cisco 800 series ISRs. The following MIBs
are modified for Cisco 800M series ISR:

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Network Management Features
MIB Support


Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring Network Management Features
MIB Support

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

CH A P T E R 9
Configuring IP Addressing and IP Services

This chapter provides information about configuring IP addressing and IP services features for the Cisco
800M Series ISR and contains the following sections:
• Configuring DHCP, page 117
• Configuring DNS, page 118
• Configuring NAT, page 118
• Configuring NHRP, page 118
• Configuring BFD, page 120
• Configuring RIP, page 119
• Configuring BGP, page 119
• Configuring OSPF, page 119
• Configuring BGP, page 119
• Configuring Performance Routing v3, page 120
• Configuring Multi VRF, page 121
• Configuring IPv6 Features, page 121

Configuring DHCP
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is based on the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP), which
provides the framework for passing configuration information to hosts on a TCP/IP network. DHCP adds
the capability to automatically allocate reusable network addresses and configuration options to Internet
hosts. DHCP consists of two components: a protocol for delivering host-specific configuration
parameters from a DHCP server to a host and a mechanism for allocating network addresses to hosts.
DHCP is built on a client/server model, where designated DHCP server hosts allocate network addresses
and deliver configuration parameters to dynamically configured hosts. DHCP provides a framework for
passing configuration information dynamically to hosts on a TCP/IP network. A DHCP client is an
Internet host that uses DHCP to obtain configuration parameters such as an IP address.A DHCP relay
agent is any host that forwards DHCP packets between clients and servers. Relay agents are used to
forward requests and replies between clients and servers when they are not on the same physical subnet.
For more information on configuring DHCP, see the following web link:

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring IP Addressing and IP Services Features
Configuring DNS

Configuring DNS
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed database in which you can map host names to IP
addresses through the DNS protocol from a DNS server. Each unique IP address can have an associated
hostname. The Cisco IOS software maintains a cache of hostname-to-address mappings for use by the
connect, telnet, and ping EXEC commands, and related Telnet support operations. This cache speeds the
process of converting names to addresses.
For more information about configuring DNS, see the following web link:

Configuring NAT
Network Address Translation (NAT) enables private IP inter networks that use nonregistered IP
addresses to connect to the Internet. NAT operates on a device, usually connecting two networks, and
translates the private (not globally unique) addresses in the internal network into legal addresses before
packets are forwarded onto another network. NAT can be configured to advertise to the outside world
only one address for the entire network. This ability provides additional security by effectively hiding
the entire internal network behind that one address.NAT is also used at the enterprise edge to allow
internal users access to the Internet and to allow Internet access to internal devices such as mail servers
For more information on configuring NAT, see the following web link:

Configuring NHRP
Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) is an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)-like protocol that
dynamically maps a non-broadcast multiaccess (NBMA) network. With NHRP, systems attached to an
NBMA network can dynamically learn the NBMA (physical) address of the other systems that are part
of that network, allowing these systems to directly communicate.
NHRP is a client and server protocol where the hub is the Next Hop Server (NHS) and the spokes are
the Next Hop Clients (NHCs). The hub maintains an NHRP database of the public interface addresses
of each spoke. Each spoke registers its real address when it boots and queries the NHRP database for
real addresses of the destination spokes to build direct tunnels.
For more information on configuring NHRP, see the following web link:

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring IP Addressing and IP Services Features
Configuring RIP

Configuring RIP
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a commonly used routing protocol in small to medium TCP/IP
networks. It is a stable protocol that uses a distance-vector algorithm to calculate routes.
For more information on configuring RIP, see the following web link:

Configuring EIGRP
Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is an enhanced version of the Interior Gateway
Routing Protocol (IGRP) developed by Cisco. The convergence technology of EIGRP is based on an
algorithm called the Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL). The algorithm guarantees loop-free operation
at every instant throughout a route computation and allows all devices involved in a topology change to
synchronize. Devices that are not affected by topology changes are not involved in recomputations.
For more information about configuring EIGRP, see the following web link:

Configuring OSPF
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) developed by the OSPF working
group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). OSPF was designed expressly for IP networks
and it supports IP subnetting and tagging of externally derived routing information. OSPF also allows
packet authentication and uses IP multicast when sending and receiving packets.
For more information about configuring OSPF, see the following web link:

Configuring BGP
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an interdomain routing protocol designed to provide loop-free
routing between separate routing domains that contain independent routing policies (autonomous
systems). The Cisco software implementation of BGP version 4 includes support for 4-byte autonomous
system numbers and multiprotocol extensions to allow BGP to carry routing information for IP multicast
routes and multiple Layer 3 protocol address families including IP Version 4 (IPv4), IP Version 6 (IPv6),
Virtual Private Networks Version 4 (VPNv4), Connectionless Network Services (CLNS), and Layer 2
For more information about configuring BGP, see the following web link:

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring IP Addressing and IP Services Features
Configuring Performance Routing v3

Configuring Performance Routing v3

Performance Routing v3 (PfRv3) delivers a set of solutions on automatic prefix and Service Level
Agreement (SLA) discovery through an intelligent framework. It provides easier application
performance management controls including path optimization, managing over-subscription
intelligently in the network for P2P, multi-site deployments, optimizing network infrastructure usage,
policy distribution and enforcement and network based bandwidth management.
PfRv3 is an intelligent path control for improving application delivery and WAN efficiency. PfRv3
protects critical application and increases bandwidth utilization and servers as an integral part of the
overall Cisco Intelligent WAN (IWAN) solution.
For more information about configuring PfRv3, see the following web link:

Configuring IP Multicast
IP multicast is a bandwidth-conserving technology that reduces traffic by delivering a single stream of
information simultaneously to potentially thousands of businesses and homes. Applications that take
advantage of multicast include video conferencing, corporate communications, distance learning, and
distribution of software, stock quotes, and news.IP multicast routing enables a host (source) to send
packets to a group of hosts (receivers) anywhere within the IP network by using a special form of IP
address called the IP multicast group address. The sending host inserts the multicast group address into
the IP destination address field of the packet and IP multicast routers and multilayer switches forward
incoming IP multicast packets out all interfaces that lead to the members of the multicast group. Any
host, regardless of whether it is a member of a group, can send to a group. However, only the members
of a group receive the message.
For more information about configuring PfRv3, see the following web link:

Configuring BFD
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) provides a consistent failure detection method for network
administrators, in addition to fast forwarding path failure detection. Because the network administrator
can use BFD to detect forwarding path failures at a uniform rate, rather than the variable rates for
different routing protocol hello mechanisms, network profiling and planning will be easier, and
reconvergence time will be consistent and predictable.
For more information about configuring BFD, see the following web link:

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring IP Addressing and IP Services Features
Configuring Multi VRF

Configuring Multi VRF

The Multi-VRF feature enables a service provider to support two or more Virtual Private Networks
(VPNs), where the IP addresses can overlap several VPNs. The Multi-VRF Support feature uses input
interfaces to distinguish routes for different VPNs and forms virtual packet-forwarding tables by
associating one or more Layer 3 interfaces with each virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.
Interfaces in a VRF can be either physical, such as FastEthernet ports, or logical, such as VLAN
switched virtual interfaces (SVIs), but a Layer 3 interface cannot belong to more than one VRF at any
one time. The Multi-VRF Support feature allows an operator to support two or more routing domains on
a customer edge (CE) device, with each routing domain having its own set of interfaces and its own set
of routing and forwarding tables. The Multi-VRF Support feature makes it possible to extend the label
switched paths (LSPs) to the CE and into each routing domain that the CE supports.
For more information about configuring Multi-VRF, see the following web link:

Configuring IPv6 Features

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) expands the number of network address bits from 32 bits (in IPv4) to
128 bits, which can provide enough globally unique IP addresses for every networked device. The
unlimited address space provided by IPv6 allows Cisco to deliver more and newer applications and
services with reliability, improved user experience, and increased security.
For more information about configuring IPv6 addressing and basic connectivity, see the following web

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Chapter Configuring IP Addressing and IP Services Features
Configuring IPv6 Features

Cisco 800M Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide


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