Park and Recreation Designs
Park and Recreation Designs
Park and Recreation Designs
This section is presented in the interest of assisting park and recreation agencies in the development of a
system of parks and recreation areas. A recreation system is composed of many different components, the
combination of which provide facilities and landscapes for outdoor recreation. Many entities are involved
in the development and management of recreational areas and facilities for a community or region.
Facilities provided by these entities should be complementary and serve a particular geographic area or
recreational need. For this plan, parks and recreation areas have been classified on the basis of their
service areas. They are described as the following:
5. Orientation:
Multi-purpose service area and regional
recreation resource serving a significant
portion of a state or regional population.
6. Function:
To provide for public recreation and
education of conservation and nature study.
To preserve, protect, interpret and enhance
the scenic and cultural resources of the state.