Experimental Study of Strengthening For Increased Shear Bearing Capacity
Experimental Study of Strengthening For Increased Shear Bearing Capacity
Experimental Study of Strengthening For Increased Shear Bearing Capacity
Bearing Capacity
Anders Carolin1 and Björn Täljsten2
Abstract: The need for structural rehabilitation of concrete structures all over the world is well known, and a great amount of research
is going on in this field. The use of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer 共CFRP兲 plate bonding has been shown to be a competitive method
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with regard to both structural performance and economic factors. This method consists of bonding a thin carbon-fiber laminate or sheet
to the surface of the structure to act as an outer reinforcement layer. However, most research in this area has been undertaken to study
flexural behavior. This paper deals with shear strengthening of reinforced concrete members by use of CFRP. Tests on rectangular beams
3.5 to 4.5 m long have been undertaken to study different parameters, such as fatigue, anchorage, and others. The strain field in shear
spans of beams simultaneously subjected to shear and bending is also studied. The tests presented also contribute to the existing literature
on tests of concrete members strengthened for increased shear capacity.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0268共2005兲9:6共488兲
CE Database subject headings: Concrete structures; Retrofitting; Shear; Fiber reinforced polymers; Laboratory tests.
Fig. 2. Naming of strengthened beams Fig. 3. Strengthening scheme for type A beams
strengthening had been applied, and all beams were finally tested
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Fig. 10. Results from tests with different composite thicknesses Fig. 11. Effect of different anchorage configurations
Fiber Amount
sented in Fig. 8. The loading of beams R2, R3, R4, and R5 was To investigate the influence on shear-bearing capacity and failure
cancelled when a shear crack suddenly arose because these beams mode for different amounts of bonded fibers, beams have been
were going to be strengthened after being damaged. However, strengthened with composites with different thickness and amount
this can be considered the ultimate capacity since the remaining of fibers. The strengthening effect due to thickness of the com-
shear capacity only consisted of dowel action from the longitudi- posite, that is, the fiber amount, is shown in Fig. 10, which shows
nal rebars. that an increase in fiber amount gives a higher strengthening ef-
Beam R1 was not supposed to be repaired, and the loading fect. Final failure of beam 145 共125 g / m2兲 was complete fiber
continued after a shear crack formed. The ductile behavior is due rupture, and the load was therefore controlled by the amount of
to dowel action on the heavily bending reinforcement. There is a fibers. The 245 beams 共200 g / m2兲 failed finally with a combina-
negligible difference between the reference beams, and therefore tion of anchorage and fiber failure. It was not possible to deter-
in the following figures only beam R2 will be used as a reference mine which was the primary failure. Final failure of beam
and will be called REF. 345 共300 g / m2兲 was characterized by complete anchorage failure.
The final failure might have been preceded by deformations caus-
ing decrease of aggregate interlocking and therefore increase in
Fiber Direction
deformations causing the anchorage failure of the composite, but
Unidirectional carbon-fiber composites are highly anisotropic, this cannot be determined from the test.
and the effectiveness of strengthening depends to a large extent
on the fiber direction. The results from the tests with different
alignment of the fibers are summarized in Fig. 9.
The first thing to note is that a significant strengthening effect As found by the study of fiber amount, the anchorage is of utmost
can be achieved if the fibers are placed in the correct direction in importance. Fibers bonded on sides only may have debonding
relation to the shear crack. It is also obvious that strengthening without reaching the rupture strain. By wrapping the sheets
scheme 20 共0°兲 did not contribute significantly to the load-bearing around the entire beam, a good anchorage is obtained. Fig. 11
capacity. The small increase of shear-bearing capacity might be shows load-deflection plots for different anchorage schemes.
due to increased concrete contribution from the distribution of As can be seen clearly in Fig. 11, anchoring by wrapping
cracks and the crack opening being limited by the longitudinal around corners significantly increases the load-bearing capacity.
fibers. The tests showed no difference in bearing capacity be- The mode of failure actually changed for beam 290W from shear
tween the 45° and 90° fiber directions, which is in good agree- to bending with yielding of longitudinal steel reinforcement and
ment with the theory presented in Carolin and Täljsten 共2005兲. concrete crushing at the top of the beam. At onset of concrete
Fibers bonded in a 90° direction debonded at failure, while fibers crushing in bending, the beam was unloaded and inspected. The
bonded in the 45° direction debonded and ruptured at failure. At fibers at this stage had debonded on both sides of the crack zone
failure of beam 20, the fibers had neither ruptured nor debonded. but were still attached outside this zone. This may indicate that
Fig. 13. Precracked and repaired beams Fig. 14. Fatigue load on strengthened beams
debonding started from a shear crack in the cracked zone and capacity cannot be explained other than by a favorable stress
propagated toward the bottom and top of the beam and is ex- distribution together with good anchorage that gives a high fiber
plained by stress concentrations at the crack, as schematically utilization, a combination not found for any of the other speci-
shown in Fig. 12. The shear stresses become too high at the crack mens. Therefore the result is considered exceptional rather than
and the anchorage is reduced. Depending on the fracture energy reliable. However, the final failure mode followed the expected
of the concrete and the possibility of strain redistribution, the pattern. Beam 145F 共125 g / m2兲 failed by fiber fracture,
stress concentration is moved outward from the crack and the 345F 共300 g / m2兲 by debonding, and 245F 共200 g / m2兲 by a com-
anchorage failure propagates or the stress concentration becomes bination of the two failure modes.
smaller, anchorage is sufficient, and the composite may be loaded There is a tendency for fatigue-loaded beams to have a higher
further. For a fiber thickness of 200 g / m2 shear stress concentra- load-bearing capacity when tested to failure compared to beams
tion higher than the capacity of the concrete occurs for fiber without a fatigue history. If this is the case, it might be explained
strains on the order of 6,000 microstrain. by crack distribution that gives a propitious stress situation that in
Beams 245W and 290WR were also strengthened in bending turn gives better anchorage. With only small differences and a
with a high modulus laminate, as presented above, to enforce the small amount of tests, it is however not possible to make any
failure mode to shear. These wrapped beams failed by complete conclusion about this. During fatigue loading of beam 245RF, the
fiber rupture and debonding for all fibers crossed by the final matrix started to crack. This happened during the first 10,000
shear crack. The composite debonded prior to fiber rupture, but cycles and was detected by a color change of the matrix, changing
the wrapping gave satisfactory anchorage and the fibers ruptured from transparent to a whiter, frosted color at the location of the
after additional loading. Beam 290b failed by debonding, and crack.
245b by a combination of debonding and fiber rupture.
Measurements were undertaken during all load cycles. Here only
the measurements from loading to failure are presented 共Fig. 14兲.
The initial deformation of the beams comes from the fatigue load-
ing that caused flexural cracking. Unfortunately, the displacement
gauges for beam 145F were damaged during fatigue loading, and
therefore no load-deflection plot is presented for this beam. How-
ever, the 145F beam was loaded to 338 kN before failure. This is
the highest load for all tests of nonwrapped beams and unex-
pected since that beam has the lowest amount of fibers. The high Fig. 15. Load-deflection plots for type B beams
Fig. 16. Maximal measured fiber strains on beams 245W, 290W, 290b, and 290WR
The reference beam was not unloaded at the onset of shear beam, approximately 125 kN. The fibers to be subjected to strains
cracking, but rather, several shear cracks started to develop in the are located at the center of the height of the beam. Fibers bonded
middle of the height of the beam. As loading continued the cracks in the 45° direction are subjected to compression forces at the
grew both in width and length. Finally, the beam failed by severe upper part of the beam. Fiber strains measured directly over the
shear failure from one large shear crack. The drop in stiffness for crack on the precracked beam, 290WR, show that the fibers are
the reference beam at approximately 120 kN comes from the stressed from the beginning of the test. This was also found from
onset of the formation of shear cracks, which is not found on the the fatigue loading of beam 145F, which showed a change in
strengthened beams since the composite distributes the strains and color of the matrix just at the location of the shear crack, the color
also holds the cracks together. Both of the strengthened beams change being due to high cyclic strains in the composite.
failed with complete debonding of the composite, which occurred The strains presented in Fig. 16 show that for the nonwrapped
at the same load for both beams. The tests show that concrete beam, 290, the fibers at the top 共E兲 and bottom 共K兲 of the beam
beams with stirrups can be strengthened with externally bonded are hardly stressed at all, but are most stressed at the middle of
fibers for a higher shear-bearing capacity. Beams with stirrups do
the beam height 共H兲. For the wrapped beams, debonding takes
not have the same lack of shear reinforcement, and the strength-
place at about 300 kN, and not until then do the upper and lower
ening effect cannot be as large as for beams without stirrups. If a
parts of the fibers start to be stressed. This becomes more evident
beam with steel stirrups is in need of a large strengthening effect
if the strains at the different heights are plotted for different loads
in shear, it is probable that the beam also must be strengthened in
in the same figure. These strains become strain profiles over the
flexure. Since the higher amount of fibers in the tests did not give
any higher bearing capacity but instead debonded for the same height of the cross section, that is, along the crack, and show the
load, it is of utmost importance also to anchor the fibers when strain distributions. In Figs. 17 and 18, the strain profiles for some
beams with stirrups are strengthened. chosen loads have been plotted along the length of an idealized
final shear crack. The strains have been plotted versus the height
of the beam instead of the location on the crack to make compari-
Strains son possible between nonprecracked members and the precracked
Strains are measured not only to investigate the strain distribution member. On the precracked member, the gauges have been placed
but also to get an understanding of how the composite and con- at the same heights, but along the real crack instead of the ideal-
crete will act together, and furthermore to measure to what level ized crack, as shown in Fig. 5.
the composite is stressed. Fig. 16 shows the maximum measured Fig. 17 shows how strains for the 45° fiber direction are dis-
strains in fiber direction at the seven heights 共Fig. 5兲 for beams tributed over the cross section. The fibers start to be stressed when
245W, 290W, and 290WR 共all 200 g / m2兲. On members that were the concrete cracks, and already at 150 kN the strain distribution
not precracked, the fibers are not subjected to strains until the can be noticed. At 270 kN, the nonuniform distribution is obvi-
load reaches the cracking load for a nonstrengthened reference ous: fibers at the upper and lower part of the crack are hardly
Fig. 17. Fiber strains over cross section 245W, 200 g / m2 Fig. 18. Fiber strains over cross section 290W, 200 g / m2