If My People PDF
If My People PDF
If My People PDF
God has prom - ised in His Word, His peo - ple to re - new;
God is seek - ing faith - ful men, Who dare to stand a - lone;
Now God search - es
the earth, To
show His strength to
If we fol - low His com - mand, He'll heal our na - tion too.
Count - ing not the sac - ri - fice, To make His pur - pose known.
Those whose hearts are
pure toward God, Can
know His pow'r a -
If My peo - ple which are called by My name hum - ble them - selves and pray, and seek My
face, "If My peo - ple which are called by My name, Re - pent of
sin, And turn from their wick - ed ways. If My peo - ple which are called by
My name, will look to Me, and call up - on My name, Then will I
hear from heav'n and will for - give their sin, And heal their land, and heal their land."