Software Synthesis: Barry Vercoe
Software Synthesis: Barry Vercoe
Software Synthesis: Barry Vercoe
, The Csound Book, edited by Richard Boulanger, The MIT Press, 2000
Foreword xxvii
Barry Vercoe
Preface xxxi
Max Mathews
Acknowledgments xxxiii
Introduction xxxvii
How to Use This Book xxxix
Software Synthesis
Csound Fundamentals
1. Introduction to Sound Design in Csound, 5
Richard Boulanger
Imitative Synthesis
6. Designing Acoustically Viable Instruments in Csound, 155
Stephen David Beck
Algorithmic Synthesis
11. A Survey of Classic Synthesis Techniques in Csound, 223
Rajmil Fischman
12. FM Synthesis in Csound, 261
Russell Pinkston
Mathematical Models
16. A Look at Random Numbers, Noise, and Chaos with Csound, 315
John ffitch
Signal Processing
Understanding Signal Processing through Csound
20. An Introduction to Signal Processing with Csound, 389
Erik Spjut
27. Working with Csound's ADSYN, LPREAD, and LPRESON Opcodes, 521
Magdalena Klapper
Adding Opcodes
31. Extending Csound, 599
John ffitch
1. List of the Csound Book Chapter Instruments, 637
2. Recommended Reading, 645
3. Recommended Listening, 647
4. Sound Intensity and Formants, 653
5. Pitch Conversion, 657
6. Csound's Error Messages, 663
7. Csound Quick Reference, 701
Index, 727