Statistical Analysis (TALLER)
Statistical Analysis (TALLER)
Statistical Analysis (TALLER)
Introduction to Data Science
Lab 3 – Basic Statistical Analysis with Microsoft Excel Online
In the previous labs, you explored a dataset containing details of lemonade sales.
In this lab, you will apply some statistical analysis techniques to gain a better understanding of the data.
Calculate Descriptive Statistics for Sales
1. If you have not already done so, in your web browser, navigate to,
and sign in using your Microsoft account credentials. Then open the Lemonade.xlsx workbook in
the folder where you uploaded it in the previous labs and view the Lemonade worksheet. Your
workbook should look like this:
2. In cell K1, enter the text Sales Statistics, and format it as bold.
3. In cell K2, enter the text Mean, and then in cell L2, enter the following formula:
This calculates the arithmetic mean for sales, which should be slightly over 25.3.
4. In cell K3, enter the text Median, and then in cell L3, enter the following formula:
This calculates the median for sales, which should be 25.
5. In cell K4, enter the text Mode, and then in cell L4, enter the following formula:
This calculates the mode for sales, which should be 25.
6. In cell K5, enter the text Variance, and then in cell L5, enter the following formula:
This calculates the variance for sales, which should be slightly over 47.39.
Note that the formula for variance in this case applies to the full population of data, hence the .P
extension in the function name – you’ll explore working with data samples later in this lab.
7. In cell K6, enter the text Std Dev, and then in cell L6, enter the following formula:
This calculates the standard deviation for sales, which should be slightly over 6.88.
Note once again that the formula for standard deviation in this case applies to the full
population of data.
Your worksheet should now look like this:
The statistics you have calculated tell you something about the distribution of the sales values,
but it can often be easier to visualize the data to get a sense of how the data is distributed.
Visualize the Distribution of Sales Values
1. Select all the data in the Sales column, including the header. Then on the Insert tab of the
ribbon, in the Other Charts drop‐down list, click the Histogram chart (which is the first one in
the Statistical section).
2. Select the chart that is produced and edit the chart title to change it to Sales. Then move the
chart so that it is to the right of the statistics you calculated in the previous exercise. The chart
should look like this:
3. Examine the chart, and note the following:
The histogram shows the frequency of different values for Sales values grouped into
ranges, or bins. For example, there are around 15 days with a Sales value between 10.4
and 13.8; and there are around 20 days with a Sales value between 34.2 and 37.6.
The most frequently occurring Sales values are between 24 and 27.5. This range
includes the mean, median, and mode statistics you calculated previously. In other
words, on most days, the number of sales was more or less in the middle of the lowest
and highest selling days.
The distribution is approximately symmetrical around the middle values, forming a “bell‐
shaped curve” that tapers evenly towards the ends; where there are few occurrences of
extreme values for Sales. Statisticians refer to this kind of distribution as a normal
The standard deviation you calculated previously is just under 6.9. This statistic provides
a standard unit of variance around the mean (which is just over 25.3). The data within 1
standard deviation above or below the mean) therefore includes values from
approximately 18.4 to around 32.2, as shown here:
In a normal distribution, around 68.26% of the data falls within a single standard
deviation; so in this case, the number of sales was between 18.4 and 32.2 on 68.26% of
the days. Around 95.45% of values fall within 2 standard deviations in a normal
distribution, so there were between 11.5 and 39.1 sales on 95.4% of days.
4. Select all the data in the Sales column, including the header. Then on the Insert tab of the
ribbon, in the Other Charts drop‐down list, click the Box and Whisker chart (which is the third
one in the Statistical section).
5. Select the chart that is produced and edit the chart title to change it to Sales. Then move the
chart so that it is to the right of the histogram you created previously. The chart should look like
6. Examine the chart, and note the following:
The horizontal line in the middle indicates the median value for sales. This is the 50%
percentile – in other words, 50% of the values are higher than this, and 50% are lower.
The X in the box indicates the mean – this is only slightly higher than the median.
The filled box indicates the range of values in the second and third quartiles – in other
words, from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile. These values range from around
20 to 30, indicating that the number of sales on half of the days was within this range,
The lines extending from the box (known as whiskers) show the range for the first and
fourth quartiles, on which there were more or fewer sales than in the second and third
Your worksheet should now look similar to this (you may need to scroll to the right to see the
Analyze Statistics for Rainfall
1. Leave some space under the existing statistics, and in cell K17, enter the text Rainfall Statistics,
and format it as bold.
2. In cell K18, enter the text Mean, and then in cell L18, enter the following formula:
This calculates the arithmetic mean for rainfall, which should be 0.83.
3. In cells K19 to L22, calculate the median, mode, population variance, and population standard
deviation for rainfall, in the same way you did for sales previously. When you’re finished, your
worksheet should look like this:
Note that the mean rainfall is quite a bit higher than the median and mode.
4. Create a histogram of rainfall, and then add an appropriate chart title and move the chart to the
right of the rainfall statistics. The rainfall histogram should look like this:
5. Examine the histogram and note that the distribution of the rainfall data is not normal. The
median value is around 0.74, so on half the days there was less rain than this, and on half there
was more; however, on a rare few days, there was much more rain than this ‐ as much as 2.42
to 2.55. These infrequent days of extremely high rainfall are skewing the distribution by
“pulling” the mean to the right. This results in a long tail of infrequently occurring values that
tapers towards the right. We therefore refer to this as a right‐skewed distribution (had the tail
pulled the mean to the left, it would be a left‐skewed distribution).
6. Create a box and whisker chart of rainfall with an appropriate title; and move it to the right of
the rainfall histogram. The box and whisker chart should look like this:
7. Examine the chart and note the following:
The line indicating the median (50th percentile) noticeably lower than the X indicating
the mean.
The filled box, representing the 2nd and 3rd quartiles represents 50% of the data – in
other words, on half of the days, the rainfall was between around 0.6 and 0.8.
The dots indicate outliers; rare values that are considered extreme compared to the
typical range of values, which lies within the whiskers.
Even discounting the outliers, the range of values in the 4th quartile is larger than that of
the other quartiles.
Challenge: Analyze Temperature Statistics
1. Calculate the mean, median, mode, population variance, and population standard deviation of
2. Create a histogram and a box and whiskers chart for temperature to visualize the distribution.
Create a Random Sample
1. On the Lemonade worksheet, click in cell A1 and then press CTRL+A ( + A on Mac OSX) to
select the entire table of lemonade sales data. Then on the Home tab of the ribbon, click Copy.
2. Add a new worksheet to the workbook and click cell A1 of the new worksheet. Then on Home
tab of the ribbon, click Paste to paste the copied table into the new worksheet.
3. Click cell A1 (the Date header), and then on the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Cells section,
click the Insert drop‐down list and select Insert Table Columns to the Left. This inserts a new
column for a table field named Column1.
4. In the new cell A1, rename Column1 to RandomID, and then select column A and in the format
drop‐down list in the Number section of the Home tab of the ribbon, click Number.
5. in cell A2, enter the following formula:
This will generate random numbers in the RandomID column.
6. Click the drop‐down arrow in the RandomID column header and click Sort Ascending. The data
in the table is then sorted by the RandomID field, which randomizes the order of the data
records. This makes it easier to select a random sample of records (a random sample is more
likely to be representative of the population than a sample that is based on some inherent order
in the data itself). Your worksheet should now look like this:
7. In Cell M1, enter the text Mean Rain, and in cell N1 enter the text Rain StDev.
8. In cell L2, enter the text Population.
9. Then in cell M2, enter the following formula:
10. In cell N2, enter the following formula:
This gives you full population parameters for the mean and standard deviation of rainfall, so you
can compare them with sample statistics. Your workbook should now look like this:
11. In cell L3, enter the text Sample1.
12. Then in cell M3, enter the following formula:
13. In cell N3, enter the following formula:
This gives you sample statistics for the mean and standard deviation of rainfall based on the first
40 random rows of data. Note that you use the same AVERAGE function to calculate a sample
mean or population mean, but you use the STDEV.S function to calculate the standard deviation
for a sample – this incorporates some additional variance to allow for sample bias. Your
spreadsheet should now look similar to this (the figures may not be exactly the same because
of the randomization of the data):
Compare the sample statistics with the population parameters.
14. In cell L4, enter the text Sample2.
15. Then in cell M4 enter the following formula:
16. In cell N4, enter the following formula:
This produces statistics from a different sample. Note that the closeness of the sample statistics
to the population parameters varies depending on the sample. In this case, both samples
include 40 observations ‐ using larger samples generally results in statistics that are closer to
their actual population parameters.
Create a Sampling Distribution
1. Select cells L3 to N4 (the Sample1 and Sample2 statistics you created previously; but not the
population parameters), and then drag the small square “handle” at the bottom right of the
selected cells down to row 292. This creates 290 samples as shown here:
The means of the samples form a sampling distribution of the mean – in other words, a new
data distribution that consists of the sample means.
2. In cell O1, enter the text Sampling Mean. Then in cell O2, enter the following formula:
This calculates the mean of the sample means; in other words, the mean of the sampling
distribution. This should be fairly close to the population mean as shown here (yours may not be
exactly the same as the population mean, but it should be close!)
3. Click cell M3 (the Sample1 mean) and then hold the Shift and Ctrl keys and press the Down‐
Arrow key to select all the other sample means (if you are using a Mac OSX computer, hold the
Shift and keys, and press the Down‐Arrow key).
4. In the Insert tab of the ribbon, in the Other Charts drop‐down list, select Histogram (the first
chart in the Statistical section) and view the histogram that is created, as shown here (yours
may look a little different):
The histogram may not look exactly symmetrical; but when you create a sampling distribution
from a sufficiently large number of reasonably‐sized samples, you’ll find that it has a bell‐curved
appearance. We won’t discuss this any further in this course, but it’s useful to know that with
enough random samples, a sampling distribution generally takes on a normal distribution due to
something called the central limit theorem – even when (as in this case), the population data
from which the sample means are derived is not normally distributed.
Challenge: Analyze Temperature Samples
1. Create a sampling distribution based on 290 samples of mean Temperature. Each sample should
be based on 40 random observations.
2. Calculate the mean of the temperature sampling distribution.
Measure Correlation
1. Switch back to the Lemonade worksheet in the Lemonade.xlsx workbook and select cell A1 (the
Date column header).
2. On the Insert tab of the ribbon, click PivotTable; and insert a PivotTable for the lemonade sales
table into a new worksheet.
3. In the PivotTable Fields pane, drag Date to the ROWS area and drag Temperature and Sales to
the VALUES area so that your worksheet looks like this:
4. Scroll to the bottom of the PivotTable until you can see the Grand Total row. You need to copy
the temperature and sales values, excluding this grand total to a new worksheet.
5. Click cell B368, which should contain the Temperature value for December 31 2017 (above the
grand total). Then press SHIFT + CTRL + (SHIFT + + on Mac OSX) to select the column of
temperature values, and then press SHIFT + to extend the selection to include the sales
values. Finally, copy the selected cells to the clipboard.
6. Create a new worksheet, and then on the new worksheet click cell A1 and paste the copied
data. Then change the columns headers to Temperature and Sales as shown here:
7. Select cell A1 (the Temperature column header) and press CTRL + A ( + A on Mac OSX) to
select the data, and then on the Insert tab of the ribbon, in the Scatter drop‐down list, click the
first scatter plot. This inserts a scatter plot that looks like this:
Note that the scatter plot seems to reflect a linear relationship between temperature and sales,
in which the higher the temperature, the more sales there are.
8. Move the chart to the side of the worksheet to create some space, and then in cell D1, enter the
text Correlation and in cell D2, enter the following formula:
This calculates the correlation between temperature and sales; and should produce a value of
around 0.989832. Correlation is a statistical measurement of the strength of an apparent
relationship between two numeric variables – in this case, temperature and sales.
Your worksheet should look like this:
Correlation is measured as a value between ‐1 and 1. A value close to 1 indicates a positive
correlation; in other words, high values for one variable seem to correspond with high values for
the other variable. A value close to ‐1 on the other hand indicates a negative correlation, in
which high values for one variable correspond to low values for the other variable. A value close
to 0 indicates the lack of any discernible relationship between the variables.
With a correlation of almost 0.99, there is a strong positive relationship between temperature
and sales.
Note: Statisticians often quote the mantra “correlation is not causation”. We can use correlation
to determine that days with high sales volumes tend to have high temperatures; but we can’t
say that Rosie sold a lot of lemonade on a particular day because the temperature was high –
just as we can’t say that a day was particularly hot because Rosie sold a lot of lemonade. In fact,
there could be a “hidden” third factor that affects both sales of lemonade and temperature. For
example, during the summer months, when lemons are in season, the temperature tends to be
Challenge: Calculate Rainfall / Sales Correlation
1. Calculate the correlation between Rainfall and Sales.
2. What does the correlation indicate?
Conduct a Hypothesis Test
1. On the Lemonade worksheet, clear any filters from the table of lemonade sales data. Then click
in cell A1 and then press CTRL+A ( + A on Mac OSX) to select the entire table of lemonade
sales data. Then on the Home tab of the ribbon, click Copy.
2. Add a new worksheet to the workbook and paste the copied data into cell A11 of the new
worksheet (leaving ten blank rows above the pasted data).
You have hypothesized that on days where Rosie distributes a higher than average number of
flyers, sales are higher. You need to test this hypothesis to determine if any increase in sales on
days with higher than average flyer distribution can be explained by chance, or if the variation in
sales is too improbable to be explained by chance alone. To help determine this, you need to
create a data sample containing sales for days with higher than average flyer distribution.
3. In the drop‐down list for the Flyers column header, in the Number Filters sub‐menu, click Above
4. Select and copy the Sales column (including the header), and then select cell K1 and in the Paste
drop‐down list, click Paste Values. This pastes the filtered sales data sample (which contains the
observations from days with higher than average leaflet distribution) as shown here:
5. Clear the filter from the Flyers column so that the table starting in row 11 shows the full
population of sales data.
6. In cell K1, change the column header to Sample. Then select the sample data (including the
header) and move it to cell K11 as shown here:
7. Select the Sales column of data (including the header), and insert a histogram showing the
distribution of sales. Change the chart title to Sales, and then resize and position the histogram
in the space above the data, like this:
8. In cell G2, enter the text Mean, and then in cell H2 enter the following formula:
9. In cell G3, enter the text StDev, and then in cell H3 enter the following formula:
10. In cell G4, enter the text Sample, and then in cell H4 enter the following formula to calculate the
sample mean of sales for days with higher than average flyer distribution (of which there are
In cells G2 to H4, you should now have the following values:
Mean 25.32329
StDev 6.884139
Sample 29.99419
From this, you can see that the sample mean of approximately 29.99 (the mean number of sales
on days with higher than average flyer distribution) is indeed greater than the population mean
of around 25.32 (the mean number of sales on all days). You can also see in the histogram that
the population mean is in the middle, and the sample mean is to the right. However, there is
some variance in the population data resulting in a standard deviation of around 6.88. So can
the higher sales on days where Rosie distributed more flyers be explained simply by this normal
variance (we’ll call this our null hypothesis), or is there enough evidence to reject that
explanation in favor of an alternative hypothesis that the sales increase on these days is
statistically significant enough to have been caused by something other than random chance?
To determine this, we’ll conduct something called a Z‐Test.
11. In cell G5, enter the text P‐Value, and then in cell H5 enter the following formula:
=Z.TEST(K12:K183, H2, H3)
This calculates a p‐value, which is the probability of observing a sample mean at least as high as
our value of 29.99 in a 172 sample distribution from a population with a mean of 25.32, and a
standard deviation of 6.88.
The p‐value is probably displayed in scientific notation, with a value similar to 2.83128E‐19. To
view this as a regular decimal number, select the p‐value (in cell H4) and on the Home tab of the
ribbon, in the Number section select the Number format and then repeatedly click the Increase
Decimal button until the first non‐zero decimal place is shown. It should be close to
This is clearly a very small probability, and in fact it is common to use a value of 0.05 (or 5%) as
the threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis. So in this
case, the p‐value is much lower than this threshold and we can reject the hypothesis that the
increase in sales can be explained by random variance and conclude that there is some non‐
random factor at work here. Note that we can’t categorically say that the increase in sales is
because of the higher number of flyers distributed; but we can say that on the days where more
leaflets were distributed, there was a statistically significant increase in sales.
It’s worth briefly thinking a little bit about what this means. What does this show? We have
shown that, had the results been due to chance (i.e., H0 = true), we could possibly still get these
results. In other words, we haven’t disproven chance as an explanation. However, we showed
that the probability of getting these results is very, very, very small…only
0.0000000000000000003. We are safe in rejecting chance as an explanation for our results here.
Note: There’s a lot more to hypothesis testing than we have room to discuss here. The example above is
a 1‐sample test (it tests a single sample of data to compare the sample mean with a hypothesized
mean). The example is also a 1‐tailed test, and in this case, the test is right‐tailed (our p‐value describes
the probability of a sample mean being significantly higher than the hypothesized mean, which means
the critical area for rejection of the null hypothesis is under the right tail of a normal distribution curve.
You can also use the Excel Z.TEST function to perform a two‐tailed test, in which the alternative
hypothesis is that the sample mean is not equal to the hypothesized mean (so there are critical areas
under both the right and left tails of the normal distribution curve). To perform 2‐tailed tests in Excel,
you need to manipulate the value retuned by the Z.TEST function to calculate the correct p‐value as
= 2*MIN(Z.TEST(SampleRange, HypothesizedMean [,PopStDev]),
1–Z.TEST(SampleRange, HypothesizedMean [,PopStDev]))
For more information about using the Z.TEST function in Excel, see the documentation at‐us/article/Z‐TEST‐function‐D633D5A3‐2031‐4614‐A016‐92180AD82BEE.
Challenge: Test Rainfall Hypothesis
1. Test the following hypotheses:
H0 (null hypothesis): Higher mean sales on days with lower than average rainfall can be
explained by random variance.
H1 (alternative hypothesis): Mean sales on days with lower than average rainfall are
significantly higher than the population mean and can’t be explained by random
2. You should reject the null hypothesis if the p‐value for your test is less than 0.05.