Evaluating Health Claims Assignment: Duration of A Cold
Evaluating Health Claims Assignment: Duration of A Cold
Evaluating Health Claims Assignment: Duration of A Cold
Please fill out the table below with information from the GetAnAnswerNow.com posting and the
scientific article about zinc’s effects on colds. Some entries have been filled in for you. Give your overall
evaluation of these two health claims by answering the question below the table. Save the completed
document as a Word file and upload it to the Evaluating Health Claims Assignment drop box.
What was the hypothesis Missing - None was stated before The test was done to examine
(what did the author set testing and a conclusion was made the total amount of zinc that’ll
out to test BEFORE the explain part of the results.
claim was made)? The test was to examine whether the
total dose of zinc might explain parts of
the results.
What was the If you consume gummy bears it can Zinc doses over 75 mg per day
conclusion? cure a cold or lessen the day that you have a significant effect in
are sick. shortening the duration of colds
Evidence that this was a There was no controlled experiment There were two methods that
controlled experiment done. The results were based on were used. Search of the trials
(how did the author someone who consumed gummy bears method and statistical method.
prove that other factors and explained that they were cured in 2 Both methods were tested out
that could give false days, and when they were sick and individually for the low and high
results or an incorrect didn't consume it, their cold lasted up zinc dose.
conclusion were to 2 weeks.
How do you feel about There are no references at all There are various sources and
the sources that were references from scientists to
used to make each claim groups of reviewers. This makes
(literature used to carry me feel that the information
out background research, that they provided was accurate
design the experiment, or since experts did it.
interpret results)?
How do you feel about I feel like there were zero experts and This was published in a scientific
the level of peer-review no proof that theory was true. journal and has peer-reviewed
for each claim (how many status
experts in the field
reviewed the article
before it was published)?
How do you feel about the credibility of each of these two health claims based on the authors’ use of
the scientific method (or lack thereof)? Use your table to support your conclusions. Why is the scientific
method important in humans’ efforts in gaining scientific knowledge? Please answer these questions in
a well-constructed paragraph with at least 5 meaningful sentences.