Final NIP Ethiopia
Final NIP Ethiopia
Final NIP Ethiopia
September 2006
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................... 2
LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................. 5
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 8
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 14
1.1 Purpose and Structure of the National Implementation Plan (NIP)........................ 14
Purpose of the NIP ........................................................................................................ 14
1.2 Persistent Organic Pollutants .................................................................................. 18
1.3 The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants................................ 20
2.1 COUNTRY PROFILE ............................................................................................ 29
2.1.1 Geography and Population............................................................................... 29
2.1.2 Political and Economic Profile ........................................................................ 31
2.1.3 Profiles of Economic Sectors........................................................................... 32
2.1.4 Environmental Overview ................................................................................. 35
ETHIOPIA .................................................................................................................... 39
2.2.1 Environmental Policy, Sustainable Development Policy and General
Legislative Framework ............................................................................................. 39
2.2.2 Roles and Responsibilities of Relevant Governmental Institutions................. 43
2.2.3 Relevant International Commitments .............................................................. 47
2.2.4 Existing Legislation and Regulations Addressing POPs ................................. 48
2.2.5 Key Approaches and Procedures for POPs Chemicals and Pesticides
Management.............................................................................................................. 49
2.3 ASSESSMENT OF POPS ISSUE IN ETHIOPIA ................................................. 50
2.3.1 Assessment with Respect to Annex A, Part I Chemicals (POPs Pesticides) ... 54
2.3.2 Assessment with Respect to Annex A, Part II Chemicals (PCBs) .................. 55
2.3.3 Assessment with respect to Annex B chemicals - DDT .................................. 58
2.3.4 Assessment of releases from unintentional production of Annex C Chemicals
(PCDD/PCDF, HCB and PCBs) ............................................................................... 59
2.3.5 Information on the state of knowledge on stockpiles, contaminated sites and
wastes, identification, likely numbers, relevant regulations, guidance, remediation
measures and data on releases from sites.................................................................. 61
2.3.6 Summary of future production, use and releases of POPs - requirements for
Exemptions ............................................................................................................... 65
2.3.7 Existing programmes for monitoring releases and environmental and human
health impacts, including findings ............................................................................ 65
2.3.8 Current level of information, awareness and education among target groups;
existing systems to communicate such information to the various groups;
mechanism for information exchange with other parties to the Convention ............ 66
2.3.9 Relevant activities of non-governmental stakeholders .................................... 68
2.3.10 Overview of technical infrastructure for POPs assessment, measurement,
analysis, alternatives and prevention measures, management, research and
development - linkage to international programmes and projects ............................ 69
2.3.11 Identification of impacted populations or environments, estimated scale and
magnitude of threats to public health and environmental quality and social
implications for workers and local communities ...................................................... 70
2.3.12 Details of any relevant system for the assessment and listing of new
chemicals................................................................................................................... 71
2.3.13 Details of any relevant system for the assessment and regulation of chemicals
already in the market................................................................................................. 72
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ........................................................................................... 74
3.1 POLICY STATEMENT ......................................................................................... 74
3.2 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY....................................................................... 76
3.2.1 Coordinating Mechanism for the Implementation of NIP ............................... 76
3.2.2 Implementation Approach and Priorities for NIP............................................ 77
3.2.3 Monitoring and Evaluation, Reporting and Updating of NIP Activities ......... 78
3.3 Activities, Strategies and Action Plans................................................................... 79
3.3.1 Activity: Institutional and Regulatory Strengthening Measures...................... 79
3.3.2 Activity: Measures to Reduce or Eliminate Releases from Intentional
Production and Use ................................................................................................... 81
3.3.3 Activity: Production, Import and Export, Use, Stockpiles, Wastes and Release
of Annex A POPs Pesticides (Annex A, Part I Chemicals)...................................... 81
3.3.4 Activity: Production, Import and Export, Use, Identification, Labeling,
Removal, Storage, Release and Disposal of PCBs and Equipment containing PCBs
(Annex A, Part II chemicals) .................................................................................... 84
3.3.5 Activity: Production, Import and Export, Use, Stockpiles, Wastes and Release
of DDT (Annex B chemicals) ................................................................................... 87
3.3.6 Activity: Register for Specific Exemptions and the Continuing Need for
Exemptions (Article 4).............................................................................................. 89
3.3.7 Action plan: Measures to Reduce Releases from Unintentional Production
(Article 5).................................................................................................................. 90
3.3.8 Activity: Measures to Reduce Releases from Stockpiles and Wastes (Article 6)
................................................................................................................................... 93
3.3.9 Strategy: Identification of Stockpiles, Articles in Use and Wastes ................. 93
3.3.10 Activity: Manage Stockpiles and Appropriate Measures for Handling and
Disposal of Articles in Use ....................................................................................... 93
3.3.11 Strategy: Identification of Contaminated Sites (Annex A, B and C Chemicals)
and Remediation in an Environmentally Sound Manner.......................................... 93
3.3.12 Activity: Facilitating or Undertaking Information Exchange and Stakeholder
Involvement .............................................................................................................. 95
3.3.13 Activity: Public Awareness, Information and Education (Article 10)........... 96
3.3.14 Activity: Effectiveness of Evaluation (Article 16) ........................................ 97
3.3.15 Activity: Reporting ........................................................................................ 98
Goal and Objectives.......................................................................................................... 99
3.3.17 Activity: Technical and Financial Assistance.............................................. 100
PRIORITIES ............................................................................................................... 102
3.5. Timetable for NIP Implementation...................................................................... 110
3.6 Cost of NIP Implementation ................................................................................. 113
DDT……………… Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
HCB…………….. Hexachlorobenzene
PASDEP………. Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable Development to End Poverty
Table 1. Main Activities Identified in the NIP Action Plan for each Category of POPs
Table 2: POPS regulated under the Stockholm Convention
Table 11: Action Plan for Institutional and Regulatory Strengthening Measures
Table 12: Action Plan for Production, Import and Export, Use, Stockpiles and Wastes of
Annex A POPs Pesticides (Annex A Part I Chemicals)
Table 13: Production, Import and Export, Use, Identification, Labeling, Removal, Storage
and Disposal of PCBs and Equipment Containing PCBs (Annex A, Part II Chemicals)
Table 14: Action Plan for Production, Import and Export, Use, Stockpiles and Wastes of
Table 15: Action Plan on Register for Specific Exemptions and the Continuing Need for
Table 17: Action Plan for Identification of Contaminated Sites (Annex A, B and C
Chemicals) and Remediation in an Environmentally Sound Manner
Table 18: Action Plan for Facilitating or Undertaking Information Exchange and
Stakeholder Involvement
Table 19: Action Plan for Public Awareness, Information and Education
Table 22: Action Plan for Research, development and monitoring (Article 11)
The main objective of the NIP is to prepare a comprehensive and realistic action plan for
the effective management of POPs chemicals in the Ethiopian context and to reduce, and
ultimately eliminate, the use and release of POPs in accordance with the requirements of
the Stockholm Convention and national sustainable development objectives and
strategies such as the Environmental Policy and the Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable
Development to End Poverty (PASDEP).
The specific policy objectives of the NIP are the following:
Develop national legislation to regulate, control, reduce and eventually eliminate
the import, use and production of POPs chemicals in the country.
Establish appropriate institutional mechanisms to regulate the impact of POPs on
human health and the environment and strengthen enforcement capacity of such
Strengthen national capacity and infrastructure to enable the country to adequately
address the requirements of the Stockholm Convention and the implementation of
the NIP.
Identify and promote the application of best available techniques (BATs) and best
environmental practices (BEPs) to enable the reduction and eventual elimination
of POPs chemicals particularly from unintentional sources.
Promote the establishment of research and development centers in order to search
for alternatives to the use of POPs chemicals and to address their effects on
human health and the environment.
Create public awareness on the requirements of the Stockholm Convention and
ensure the participation of the public in addressing the adverse impacts of POPs
Establish appropriate mechanism for adequate data collection, exchange and
dissemination and information management system for POPs chemicals.
Aware of the adverse human health and environmental impacts of POPs chemicals both
at the national and global level, and the need for concerted action to address such
impacts, Ethiopia signed the Stockholm Convention on 17 May 2002 and ratified the
instrument on 2 July 2002.
Ethiopia had, as a first step, prepared a National Chemical Profile in 1999 that provided
an assessment of the country’s chemical management infrastructure; an initial assessment
of chemicals existing at the national level and the extent of their use as well as the legal,
institutional, administrative and technical issues related to chemicals management of the
country. The profile provides a comprehensive assessment of the national chemicals
management infrastructure relating to the legal, institutional, administrative and technical
aspects, along with an understanding of the nature and extent of chemicals availability
and use.
Subsequent to the ratification of the Stockholm Convention and related international
conventions such as the Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movement of
Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (2000); the Bamako Convention on the Ban of the
Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of
Hazardous Wastes within Africa (2002) and the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior
Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in
International Trade (2002), Ethiopia has taken several prior steps towards meeting its
commitments under the Convention and the preparation of the NIP. The steps taken are:
The objective of the Stockholm Convention is the protection of human health and the
environment from the adverse impacts posed by the Persistent Organic Pollutants of the
twelve initially listed chemicals. It aims to do this based on the precautionary approach
enshrined under the Rio Declaration (a set of non binding principles set forth under the
1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development). It therefore targets its actions
on preventive mechanisms.
3 Production, Import/Export, Use, Identification, Labeling, • Conduct comprehensive inventory and assessment.
Removal, Storage, Release and Disposal of PCBs and • Ensure proper management and handling of PCBs in use,
Equipment Containing PCBs stockpiles and wastes
• Phase out PCBs in use
• Dispose of current stockpiles and wastes.
• Dispose of PCBs to be removed from equipment in use.
4 Production, Import/Export, Use, Stockpiles, Wastes and • Conduct comprehensive inventory and assessment.
Release of DDT • Ensure proper management and handling of DDT use,
stockpiles and wastes.
• Environmentally sound disposal of stockpiles and wastes.
• Assess and monitor the health and environmental impacts of
• Identify and implement alternatives to DDT
5 Register for Specific Exemptions and Continuing Need for • Prepare a report justifying the continued use of DDT
Exemptions • Conduct periodic reviews on the continued use of DDT
6 Measures to Reduce Releases from Unintentional Production • Conduct Inventory and Assessment of current and projected
• Develop and implement strategies to reduce releases.
• Assess and monitor health and environmental impacts.
• Review strategies every five years
7 Identification of Contaminated Sites and Remediation in an • Complete inventory and assessment of contaminated sites and
Environmentally Sound Manner initially determine the extent and severity of the
environmental and socio-impacts of sites.
• Undertake proper management of contaminated sites.
• Undertake remediation measures of sites including risk
assessment and clean-up.
8 Facilitating or Undertaking Information Exchange and • Establish a focal point for information exchange.
Stakeholder Involvement • Development of information gathering and exchange system.
• Implement information exchange.
9 Public Awareness, Information and Education • Assess level of awareness and information needs.
• Conduct public awareness and sensitization.
• Undertake training and education.
10 Effectiveness of Evaluation • Develop criteria to evaluate the impacts of implementation of
the Stockholm Convention.
• Undertake periodic evaluation of impacts of implementation.
11 Reporting • Identify and evaluate measures taken to implement the
• Compile statistical data on use, production, import/export and
release of POPs chemicals.
• Prepare and submit report to the COP of the Convention.
12 Research, Development and Monitoring • Conduct periodic studies on sources and releases of each
category of POPs.
• Develop a system to monitor the presence and levels of POPs
in human and the environment
• Conduct periodic studies on health, environment and socio-
economic impact of POPs.
13 Technical and Financial Assistance • Identify assistance needs and source of funding.
• Prepare and submit proposals for funding.
• Secure assistance.
Target for Implementation of NIP
The time schedule for the NIP implementation is provided in Table 21. Activities in the
action plan are scheduled to be implemented during a twenty-year period from 2007-
2026. The time frame for implementation is further divided into the short term (2007-
2011); the mid-term (2012-2016) and the long-term (2017-2026). This division has, as far
as possible, taken into account, the institutional, human resources and technical
infrastructure requirements needed to effectively implement the discrete activities
identified in the action plan. The implementation schedule is subject to review and
updating during the implementation period.
The detailed estimated cost of implementing the NIP is provided in Table 25. This is
presented by dividing the cost into the short-term (2007-2011), the mid-term (2012-2016)
and the long-term (2017-2026). The total cost for implementing the whole NIP activities
over the 20-year period would be USD 53,493,000. The cost of implementing the short-
term activities of the NIP is USD 14,308,000, while the cost of implementing the mid-
term and long-term action plans is USD 21,935,000 and USD 17,250,000, respectively.
The cost of action plans on PCBs, in particular, the cost of substituting existing electrical
equipment to phase out PCBs in use, constitutes the major cost of the NIP
implementation amounting to about 50% of the total cost. The cost also indicates the
amount to be generated from internal sources (mainly government) and to be sought from
external sources. The costs to be covered from internal sources are mainly those costs
related to activities that can be implemented using the resources of existing government
I. Introduction
The main objective of the NIP is to prepare a comprehensive and realistic action plan for
the effective management of POPs chemicals in the Ethiopian context and to reduce, and
ultimately eliminate, the use and release of POPs in accordance with the requirements of
the Stockholm Convention and national sustainable development objectives and
strategies such as the Environmental Policy and the Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable
Development to End Poverty (PASDEP).
Before reaching the NIP preparation phase, several activities have been undertaken on the
basis of which the NIP was prepared. At the outset, the Environmental Protection
Authority (EPA) approached UNIDO in 2002 to provide it with the necessary support to
develop a project proposal for the preparation of the NIP for subsequent submission to
the GEF. The project proposal was accepted in 2003 and funding secured from GEF
under its enabling activities window. Accordingly, the POPs/NIP project started in
January 2004 with the overall objective of formulating a National Implementation Plan
for Ethiopia in accordance with the requirements of the Stockholm Convention on POPs.
The national executing agency for the project is the EPA whereas the GEF implementing
agency is UNIDO.
Following the successful completion of the first phase of the project, which mainly
focused at putting in place the necessary coordination mechanism by establishing a
steering committee (list of steering committee members is provided in Annex 2), a two-
day inception workshop on “ The Enabling Activities to Facilitate Early Action on the
Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants” was
organized in Adama on January 22-23 2004. The objective of the workshop was to
officially launch the project as well as to present papers on various national and
international aspects of POPs issues in order to create awareness of POPs issues among
the main stakeholders including decision-makers. Various stakeholders attended the
inception workshop, namely, relevant government sectors from the federal and regional
level; environmental NGOs, the academia and representatives from the private sector (list
of stakeholders represented is provided in Annex 2).
Subsequent to the inception workshop, a two-day POPs inventory training was given by
an international consultant to six task teams who were contracted to undertake the
assessment and inventory of POPs chemicals in the country.
Phase two of the POPs/NIP project, which commenced in February 2004, was directed
towards undertaking a preliminary inventory and assessment of the national infrastructure
for POPs management. To this effect, five task teams were established to carry out
inventory and assessment of POPs chemicals, contaminated sites, health impacts of
POPs, legal and institutional infrastructures including an assessment of gaps in chemicals
management respectively. The work was completed in April/May 2005 and the following
six documents were produced accordingly:
Report on the assessment of the Health Impact of POPs pesticides;
Report on inventory and assessment of Contaminated Sites;
Report on chemicals management in Ethiopia with particular emphasis on POPs.
The draft POPs inventory and assessment reports were initially reviewed by the national
steering committee, the project office and EPA. Thereafter, a two-day workshop was held
in Addis Ababa during 16-17 June 2005 where a wider stakeholder consultation was
carried out on the documents for further comments and refinements of the respective
reports (workshop participants is provided in Annex 2).
The final and third phase of the POPs/NIP process was the preparation of the National
Implementation Plan. This phase was commenced in late November 2005 and was
divided into two parts. The first part focused on priority setting and determination of
national objectives. Once the initial report was prepared, two consultation meetings were
held with a view to ensuring the participation of stakeholders and enhancing the quality
of the report. The first one was a Peer Review Group Meeting, which took place from
January 14-15 2006 at the EPA meeting hall in which members of the peer review group
forwarded several comments. Subsequently, a draft report was prepared after
incorporating the relevant comments of the peer review group. The second consultation
meeting was a validation workshop comprising of a wider group of relevant stakeholders.
This workshop took place during February 23-24, 2006 in Addis Ababa (list of
participants is provided in Annex 2). The validation workshop reviewed the draft report
and provided their inputs and a final report was submitted to the project office and EPA
in March 2004.
The second part of the NIP preparation phase, which commenced in mid-March 2004,
comprised the formulation of a National Implementation Plan and Development of
specific Action Plans on POPs. A draft National Implementation Plan was prepared in
May 2006. The draft NIP was initially reviewed by a peer review group formed by the
Federal EPA in June 2006. Once the comments of the peer review group were
incorporated a validation workshop was held from July 20-21. The participants of this
validation workshop were drawn from governmental, non-governmental and private
organizations involved in the management of POPs chemicals (list of participants is
provided in Annex 2). The participants at the validation workshop provided valuable
comments on the draft NIP report and this final report has been prepared after
incorporating the comments forwarded at the validation workshop.
More importantly, the third part and main body of the report incorporates the Strategy
and Action Plan Elements of the NIP. The first sub-section elaborates the various steps
taken by Ethiopia to date towards meeting the commitments of the Stockholm
Convention and in preparing the national implementation plan. It provides a policy
statement including the overall national policy goals and specific objectives of the NIP. It
also describes the formal procedure to be taken for the formal endorsement of the NIP by
stakeholders and by the government. The second sub-section discusses the strategy
towards implementing the NIP which includes what coordinating mechanism is to be
established; the implementation approach and the procedures for review, updating and
reporting of the NIP. The third sub-section provides specific action plans for each
category of POPs chemicals and for the various subject areas that need to be addressed in
order to meet the requirements of the Stockholm Convention. Sub-section four, describes
priority areas required for capacity building in Ethiopia in order to adequately discharge
the requirements of the Convention. Subsection 5, provides the timetable for
implementing the NIP during the short, medium and long-term in tabular form. The final
section, provides the cost requirements for implementing the action plan identified in the
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are a group of chemicals that contain carbon in their
chemical structure. These substances either occur naturally or are results of
anthropogenic activities. Those POPs intentionally produced for human use have wider
applications in agriculture and industrial processes. Still some of these chemicals are
byproducts of certain industrial activities. Within this category fall Dioxins, Furans,
HCBs and PCBs which are unintentionally produced as a result of incomplete
combustion of organic substances containing chlorine.
POPs have a character of low water and high fat solubility. This makes them to dissolve
in plant and animal fatty tissues. The substances can easily access their ways through the
food chain. To complicate matters these chemicals have a high tendency to
bioaccumulate as one goes up the ladder of the food chain. Plants take up the chemicals
from the environment in the event of preparing their food. Animals depending on these
plants indirectly receive the same chemicals while feeding themselves. Some evidences
establish that the concentration of POPs escalate as one moves up the ladder of the food
chain. Hence, higher animals like fish, predatory birds, mammals and human beings
which are at the apex of the food chain will have more of these toxic substances.
The chemicals are also known for their potential of long–range transport. They are not
contained within the geographic area of their release or application. The substances
generally attach themselves with such media as air, water, soil, sediments etc. to circulate
around. POPs chemicals even take the agency of migratory species such as birds and
mammals to travel long distances as the animals move into their seasonal abode. This
makes the problems they cause transboundary in nature. Evidences suggest that the
chemicals have moved into areas that even had no history of utilizing the chemicals. (It is
reported that they surface in such fairly uninhabited regions as the Arctic.)
These toxic chemicals are noted for their harmful effects including the thinning of
eggshells in birds and decreased lactation period in nursing mothers. Specific adverse
effects on human beings include neurobehavioral disorders, liver damage, cancer,
allergies, hyper-sensitivity, and birth defects. Some of the chemicals are generally termed
as endocrine disruptors because of their interference in the normal functioning of the
endocrine system in the human body. “In a 2003 study of endocrine disrupting chemicals
(EDC) found in the air and dust in 120 US homes, over 60 of the EDCs were found.
Prevalent among them were three POPs—heptachlor, chlordane, and DDT—pesticides
that have all been banned for years in the US.”
The danger posed by these chemicals became a widely observed problem and the United
Nations Environment Program (UNEP) launched an investigation on an initial list of 12
chemicals that possess the characteristics noted above. These are Aldrin, Chlordane,
DDT, Dieldrin, Endrin, Heptachlor, Mirex, Toxaphene, Hexachlorobenzene, PCBs,
Chlorinated dioxins and Chlorinated furans. Most of these are pesticides while some are
chemicals that have industrial applications. Still others are byproducts of certain
industrial processes. These chemicals are designated for global action through the
Stockholm Convention. Though the action is to begin only on these 12 POPs chemicals,
similar action is yet to be undertaken on a consecutive batch of chemicals through the
machinery of the Convention. That is to say, POPs of similar nature, are expected to be
added to the initial list as scientific evidences justify it. The Conference of the Parties to
the Stockholm Convention will, during its periodic meetings, decide on this issue of
adding a new set of POPs to the current list of controlled chemicals.
The Objective of the Stockholm Convention is the protection of human health and the
environment from the adverse impacts posed by the Persistent Organic Pollutants of the
twelve initially listed chemicals. It purports to do this based on the precautionary
approach enshrined under the Rio Declaration (a set of non binding principles set forth
under the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development). It therefore targets
its actions on preventive mechanisms.
The Convention starts by immediately targeting only the 12 particularly toxic POPs for
reduction and eventual elimination. It, however, sets up a system for tackling additional
chemicals identified as unacceptably hazardous. Major obligations of parties to the
Convention relate to control of releases, drawing up implementation plans, complying
with mandatory provisions of elimination, reduction or restricted usage, duty of
information exchange, public awareness and education, and cooperation through research
and development.
The control provisions of the Convention require parties to prohibit and/or take legal and
administrative measures of reduction or elimination from releases of the intentionally
produced POPs, unintentionally produced POPs, and stockpiles and wastes containing the
Obligations relating to intentionally Produced POPs
Under Article 3 of the Convention each Party is required to prohibit and/or take legal and
administrative measures to eliminate the production and use of all the intentionally
produced POPs listed in Annex A. The chemicals slated for elimination are Aldrin,
Chlordane, Dieldrin, Endrin, Heptachlor, Hexachlorobenzene (HCB), Mirex, Toxaphene,
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). Among these POPs, PCBs are industrial chemicals,
whereas HCB is used both an industrial chemical and pesticide. The remaining POPs
listed in Annex A are pesticides.
The Convention also restricts the production and use of intentionally produced POPs
listed in Annex B and only DDT is listed in this Annex currently. As far as DDT is
concerned, the Convention requires parties to eliminate the production and use of DDT
except for disease vector control programs. A party that intends to produce and/or use
DDT has to notify the Secretariat of the Convention. In addition it is required to meet
certain conditions, one of which is the development and implementation of an action
plan, which include:
Development of regulatory and other mechanisms to ensure that DDT use is
restricted to disease vector control;
Implementation of suitable alternative products, methods and strategies;
Measures to strengthen health care and to reduce the incidence of the disease.
reduction of these releases; (ii) promote and/or require use of substitute materials or
processes to prevent the formation of these chemicals; (iii) promote and implement, in
accordance with the action plan, the use of best available techniques and best
environmental practices for existing and any newly identified sources of the chemicals.
The chemicals listed in Annex C are unintentionally formed and released from thermal
processes involving organic matter and chlorine as a result of incomplete combustion or
chemical reactions. The activities that are the main sources in the generation of
unintentionally produced POPs are listed in Annex C. These activities cover a wide range
of economic activities including industrial processes such as ferrous and non-ferrous
metals production, cement and other minerals production, production and use of
chemicals and consumer goods, such as manufacture of pulp and paper, chemicals,
petroleum, textiles and leather products. The other categories include waste incineration,
power generation and other fuel burning, transport, uncontrolled combustion processes
such as agricultural and forest fires. Drying of biomass, crematoria, dry cleaning and
tobacco smoking are also considered as having potential for formation and release of
these chemicals to the environment.
Ensure that disposal shall not lead to recovery or reclamation for direct reuse or
alternative uses;
Take appropriate measures so that wastes containing or contaminated with POPs
shall not be transported across international boundaries without taking into
account relevant international rules, standards and guidelines; and
Make efforts to identify sites that are contaminated with chemicals covered in the
However, the Convention does not explain as to what an Environmentally Sound
Management (ESM) of wastes entails. But inferences can be made from the relevant
provisions of the most widely accepted Multilateral Environmental Agreement currently
in force regarding the handling of wastes: the Basel Convention. It refers to an ESM as
the mechanism of “…taking all practicable steps to ensure that hazardous wastes and
other wastes are managed in a manner which will protect human health and the
environment against adverse effects which may result from such wastes…”
Article 7 of the Convention urges each Party to develop and endeavor to implement a
plan for meeting its obligations under the Convention. Each party is under obligation to
communicate its implementation plan to the Conference of the Parties within two years of
the coming into force of the Convention. The plan shall be reviewed and updated where
appropriate on a periodic basis. The Convention requires Parties, where appropriate to
cooperate directly or through global, regional or sub-regional organizations and consult
their national stakeholders including women’s groups and groups involved in the health
of children, in order to facilitate the development, implementation and updating of their
implementation plans. Parties are also required to endeavour to utilize and, where
necessary, establish the means to integrate national implementation plans for POPs in
their sustainable development strategies where appropriate.
Information Exchange
Each Party to the Convention is obliged under Article 9 to facilitate or undertake the
exchange of information relevant to POPs, either directly among Parties or through the
Secretariat. The Convention also requires each Party to appoint a national focal point for
information exchange. In addition, the Convention states that information on health and
safety to human beings and the environment shall not be regarded as confidential.
Box 1. Summary of the Requirements of the Stockholm Convention relating to
Annex A POPs pesticides (provisions relating to stockpiles and wastes apply both to
DDT, PCBs, Dioxins and Furans)
• Prohibit and/or take all legal and administrative measures necessary to eliminate
the production, use, import and export of Annex A POPs pesticides.
• Restrict import and export of POPs pesticides, except under conditions in Article
4 of the Convention (specific exemptions registered with the Secretariat) or for
the purpose of environmentally sound disposal of POPs pesticides taking into
account any relevant provisions existing in international PIC instruments.
• Develop and apply strategies for identification of stockpiles, products and articles
in use and waste containing POPs pesticides.
• Prohibit the use, recycling, recovery and direct or alternative uses of persistent
organic pollutants.
• Manage stockpiles in a safe, efficient and environmentally sound manner upon
their becoming waste.
• Take appropriate measures so that POP pesticides are handled, transported and
stored in an environmentally sound manner, as well as disposed of, so that the
POPs content is destroyed or transformed in a way that they do not exhibit the
characteristics of persistent organic pollutants. Their disposal should be made in
an environmentally sound manner taking into account international regulations,
standards and guidelines.
• Immediately stop the production of PCBs (by the date of entry into force of the
• Eliminate the use of PCBs in equipment by 2025.
• Identify, label and remove from use the equipment containing greater than 10%
PCBs and volumes greater than 5 litres.
• Identify, label and remove from use the equipment containing greater than
0.005% PCBs and volumes greater than 0.05 litres.
• Prohibit the export and import of PCBs and equipment containing PCBs (except
for purposes of environmentally sound management).
• Achieve the environmentally sound management of PCB wastes as soon as
possible, but not later than 2028.
• Develop and implement strategies for identification of stockpiles, products and
articles in use and waste containing PCBs.
• Manage stockpiles in a safe, efficient and environmentally sound manner upon
their becoming waste.
• Take appropriate measures so that PCBs are handled, transported, stored and
disposed of in an environmentally sound manner.
Box 3. Summary of Requirements of the Stockholm Convention relating to DDT
• Eliminate the production and use of DDT except for the exceptions in Annex B
part I for: disease vector control in accordance with WHO recommendations and
guidelines; production and use of DDT as intermediate in production of dicophol.
• Promote research and development of alternative chemicals to DDT.
• The production and use of DDT shall be eliminated except for Parties that have
notified the Secretariat of their intention to produce and/or use it (DDT Register
established with the Secretariat).
• Import is allowed for the use or purpose which is permitted for the party under
Annex B (use and production in disease vector control or specific exemption for
production of dicofol)
• Export only for the purpose of environmentally sound disposal or to a Party which
is permitted to use that chemical under Annex B.
• Each party that uses DDT shall, every three years, provide the Secretariat and the
WHO information on the amount used, conditions of such use and its relevance to
the Party’s disease management strategy.
• Each party is encouraged to develop and implement an action plan as part of NIP
with the goal of reducing and ultimately eliminating the use of DDT. The action
plan shall include: I) development of regulatory and other mechanism to ensure
that DDT use is restricted to disease vector control; ii) implement suitable
alternatives products, methods and strategies, including resistance management
strategies to ensure the continuing effectiveness of these alternatives; iii)
measures to strengthen health care and to reduce the incidence of the disease.
• Within their capabilities, to promote research and development of safe alternative
chemical and non-chemical products, methods and strategies, relevant to the
conditions of those countries and with the goal of decreasing the human and
economic burden of the disease. Factors to be considered in this respect shall
included human health risks and environmental implications of such alternatives.
• The Conference of Parties, in consultation with the WHO, shall every three years,
evaluate the continued need for DDT for disease vector control on the basis of
available scientific, technical, environmental and economic information,
including: a) the production and use of DDT and the conditions set out in para 2;
b) the availability, suitability and implementation of the alternatives to DDT; and
c) progress in strengthening the capacity of countries to transfer safely to reliance
to such alternatives.
• A party may, at any time, withdraw its name from the DDT Registry upon written
notification to the Secretariat. The withdrawal shall take effect on the date
specified in the notification.
Box 4. Summary of the Requirements of the Stockholm Convention relating to
PCCD/PCDF, HCB and PCB (Annex C)
II Country Baseline
Ethiopia is a landlocked country lying in the north-eastern part of the Horn of Africa. It
stretches between 30N and 150N latitudes and 330 E and 480E longitudes. The country
borders with Djibouti in the east, Somalia in the southeast, Kenya in the south, Sudan in
the west, and Eritrea in the north and northeast.
The total geographic area of the country is 440,284 square miles (1.104 million square
Fig.1.Map of Ethiopia.
approximately 1,500 m above sea level, "Woina Dega" which is within the range of
height between 1,500 and 2,400 m, and "Dega" so termed because of its cool temperature
and covers the highlands of the country above 2,400 m. The regions in the Dega zone
generally receive more rain than the lowlands.
Only nine urban centers in Ethiopia have a population size over 100,000 inhabitants.
(Ministry of Health, 2006). Addis Ababa is the largest in terms of population, and the
only one with the number of inhabitants more than one million (see table 3). According to
a household survey conducted in 1998 urban unemployment rate was estimated at 29.9
percent. (MOFED, 2004)
Somali 4,109,000
Tigray 4,113,000
Ethiopia 71,076,000
Source: CSA, 2005
Ethiopia is established as a federal republic under the 1995 Constitution. The executive
branch includes the President, the Council of States, and the Council of Ministers.
Executive power resides with the Prime Minister. The Parliamentary system in Ethiopia
is bicameral whereby representation is assumed through national legislative elections
conducted every five years. The judicial branch comprises of federal and regional courts.
The country is divided into nine regional states and two City administrations. The
regional states are Afar, Amhara, Benishangul/ Gumuz, Gambela, Hareri, Oromiya,
Somali, Tigray, and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples. Addis Ababa and Dire
Dawa are the two autonomous city administrations that enjoy full measure of self-
administration, and are accountable to the Federal Government. Delimitation of the 9
regional states is made solely on the basis of settlement patterns, language, identity and
consent of the people concerned. These States assume exclusive powers that is not given
to the Federal Government, or powers concurrently given to both the federal government
and the regions. Powers of the Federal Government include: the duty to protect and
defend the Constitution, formulate and implement the country's policies, strategies and
plans with respect to overall economic, social and development matters, formulate and
implement foreign policy and negotiate and ratify international agreements; formulate
and execute the country's financial, monetary and foreign investment policies and
strategies; regulate inter-state and foreign commerce etc.
The powers of regional governments, on the other hand, include establishment of a State
administration that advances self-government and democratic order, protection of the
Federal Constitution, enactment of the State constitutions and subordinate laws;
formulation and execution of economic, social and development policies, strategies and
plans of the State; administration of land and other natural resources in accordance with
Federal laws and establishment and administration of the state police force; maintaining
public order and peace within the State. The Federal Government and the States have
concurrent power on matters of taxation. Accordingly, they jointly levy and collect profit,
sales, excise and personal income taxes on enterprises they jointly establish. They also
jointly levy and collect taxes on the profits of companies, on dividends due to
shareholders, on incomes derived from large-scale mining and all petroleum and gas
operations, and royalties on such operations.
Local government entities consist of Regional States, Zonal and Woreda governments.
The Federal Government is responsible for drawing up general policies pertaining to
common interests and benefits while Regional Governments are usually implementers of
these policies. Each of the nine states has its own parliamentary assembly, which elects
representatives to the upper chamber of the federal parliament, the House of the
Federation. Each has taxing powers and administers its own budget, but in practice the
assemblies have had to rely on the central government for funding.
By and large the Ethiopian economy is based on agriculture, which contributes for 50%
to the GDP and more than 80% of the country's exports. The sector employs 85% of the
population. The major agricultural export crop is coffee, providing for 35% of Ethiopia's
foreign exchange earnings, (down from 65% a decade ago because of the slump in coffee
prices since the mid-1990s). Other traditional major agricultural exports are semi-
processed hides and skins, pulses, and oilseeds. Sugar and floriculture development have
also become important in the economy in recent years.
Several seasonal crops are grown in different parts of the country. The main ones are
cereals (teff, barley, maize, wheat, sorghum, oats and millet), pulses (horse beans,
fenugreek, field peas, haricot beans, chickpeas, vetch and lentils), and oil crops (niger
seed, linseed, rapeseed, groundnuts, sunflower and sesame). The main cash and industrial
crops are coffee, oil seeds, pulses, cotton, sisal, tobacco, fruits and sugar cane.
Ethiopia's agriculture is, however, plagued by periodic drought, land degradation caused
by inappropriate agricultural practices and overgrazing, deforestation, population
pressure, undeveloped water resources, and poor transport infrastructure.
The industrial sector, despite its small contribution to GDP, supplies important consumer
goods both to the domestic and international markets. The main manufacturing products
are textiles, foodstuffs, beverages, leather and non-metallic products.
The sector comprises of mining and quarrying activities, large and medium scale
manufacturing industries (that engage on the average 10 persons and use power driven
machines), small-scale industries and handicrafts (that engage less than 10 persons),
electric, water and construction industries accounted on the average for 11 percent of the
GDP for the period between 1994/95 and 2002/03. Reports establish that during this
period, the sector has been growing at the rate of 7 percent per annum.
The role of industry as it stands now is very limited in terms of supply of consumer
goods, generating employment opportunities, absorbing agricultural raw materials and
earning foreign exchange through exports. This sector is currently dominated by light
manufacturing products such as construction materials, metal and chemical products as
well as basic consumer goods such as food, beverages, leather, clothing and textiles. The
manufacturing belt in the country is concentrated in and around the capital, Addis Ababa
and mostly caters for the domestic market, although the number of exported goods is
growing. The Government is making all efforts in dismantling barriers for investment and
creating conducive atmosphere for private sector participation in the country.
Ethiopia offers opportunities for mineral exploration and development. The gold deposits
in the southern, western, and northern parts of the country are sources of the country's
gold production. Besides, there are opportunities in Ethiopia for large-scale production of
salt, potash, tantalum, platinum, sulphur and iron. However, currently the mineral sector
is a minor contributor to the national economy. Mining operations are expected to be an
important economic factor for the Government in the export oriented development
strategy. In this regard, platinum deposits of Yubdo in western Ethiopia, the Dallol potash
deposits in the Danakil depression area, the condensate and natural gas deposits in
Ogaden, the columbo-tantalite deposits in Adola (Kenticha), and the Bikailal iron-ore and
phosphate deposits are potential areas in the sector. The country has potential for marble
resources available for export as well as local consumption. Marbles are found largely in
the northern part of Ethiopia and at present a lot of activities are taking place in
exploration and production.
Tourism sector
The tourism sector has a great potential for generating revenue and to contribute to
economic development in Ethiopia. There are a number of natural, human-made and
cultural sites in the various regions of Ethiopia among which some have been designated
as world heritage sites by UNESCO. To cite a few examples these are: the Semien
Mountains National Park, the Historical and Archaeological sites of Axum, the Rock-
Hewn Churches of Lalibela, the Medieval Castles of Gondar, the Tiya Monolithic Stone
Stelae, the Lower Awash Valley Paleontology, and The Omo Valley Paleontology and
Prehistoric Sites. Other tourist destinations mainly include the wildlife centers along the
Great Rift Valley and the South-West including the eastern historic area of the walled
city of Harar. The present constraints to the growth of this sector can be largely identified
as shortage of tourist facilities and limited tourism promotion.
Service sector
The service sector constitutes trade, hotels and restaurants, transport and
communications, banking, insurance and real estate development, public administration
and defense, construction, education, health, and other services. The sector on average
accounted for 42 percent of GDP for the period 1994/955 –2002/03. Within the service
sector, the largest sub-sector is the distribution service, which comprises trade, hotels and
restaurants, transport and communications.
In general, the overall sectoral decomposition of Real GDP: agriculture, industry and
services, their changes over the pervious years and share of GDP are shown in Table 4
Table 4: GDP by Industrial Origin, 1994/95-2002/03
1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03
Indicators Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimate Estimat Estimate Estimat
e e
Change over the previous year
Real GDP 5.4 10.2 5.1 -1.4 6.0 5.3 7.7 1.6 -4.1
Agriculture 3.4 14.7 3.4 -11.2 3.8 2.2 11.5 -2.3 -12.9
Industry 8.1 1.6 6.7 2.4 8.6 1.8 5.0 5.8 4.9
Services 7.2 6.9 6.9 10.4 7.7 9.3 4.7 4.6 2.0
Agriculture 49.7 51.7 50.9 45.9 44.9 43.6 45.1 43.4 39.4
Industry 11.2 10.3 10.5 10.9 11.1 10.7 10.5 10.9 11.9
Services 39.1 38.0 38.6 43.3 43.9 45.7 44.4 45.7 48.6
horse beans, field peas, lentils and linseed. Out of the total known wildlife resources, 30
mammals (12%), 16 bird (2.5%), 3 reptile (3.9%), and 17 amphibian (31.5%) species are
endemic to Ethiopia. There are 862 bird species recorded in Ethiopia among which
30.2% have been accorded international importance. Ethiopia has a livestock population
which is the largest in Africa and the tenth largest in the world. Livestock in Ethiopia are
the principal capital of the farmer (4.0 TLU per household). The resources are however
affected by continuous malpractices and natural catastrophes. Natural causes of resource
degradation have mainly stemmed from the recurrent drought and famine throughout
much of the history of Ethiopia. This has led to enormous loss of assets on the part of
small holder farmers and pastoralists which in turn has resulted in natural resources
degradation and aggravation of poverty.
Unattended human activities prompted by the rapid growth of population and the
consequent increase in the exploitation of natural resources is a major cause of natural
resource depletion.
Land degradation is the biggest challenge of the country. The problem ranges from
desertification or soil degradation, due to deforestation and soil erosion, to environmental
pollution, ensuing from the unwise use of a wide variety of chemicals for agriculture,
domestic purposes or for the manufacturing of industrial products with steadily growing
devastating effects on the environment and public health.
In Ethiopia, up to 400 tons of fertile soil / hectare is lost annually from lands devoid of
vegetative cover as well as from lands where no soil conservation has been carried out
(EPA, State of Environment Report, 2003). The soil thus lost annually is from the
farmlands, which makes up 13 % of the total area. Such kind of erosion is common at
places where extensive farming activities are carried out. The amount of soil carrying
nutrients and that is lost every year through the agency of erosion is estimated at 1.5 to
1.9 billion tons. The impact of soil erosion is considerable particularly in the highlands of
the country. It has led to the loss of nutrient in agricultural farmlands which in turn
become the reason for decreased agricultural outputs and hence to food insecurity. It is
also the major reason to the damage of water bodies like lakes through siltation.
Industrial Environmental Problems
Ethiopia is not an industrialized country. The limited number of factories the country has
is situated in and around the capital city by the Akaki river designed deliberately to let
their emissions into it. Despite the fact that their number is few, their impact in terms of
pollution is enormous, for these industries use old and outdated technology. Moreover, a
great majority of these industries discharge their waste in the form of liquid, dust
iparticles and smoke, without any treatment. Studies indicate that only a few of the
industries located in Addis Ababa treat their wastes before final disposal. However the
majority discharge their waste without any treatment into nearby water bodies and open
spaces. This has exposed streams flowing across Addis Ababa into the Awash River to
serious pollution and reportedly being the cause for ailments to the people and animals
using the water.
Occupational health hazards in industries is also serious because of lack of adequate
safety equipment and inadequate guidelines for appropriate use of safety equipment,
weak inspection services and lack of occupational safety standards.
Source: Factory Questionnaire Response, EPA, 2003
Ethiopia's rich biodiversity is being affected by a number of factors. Among the causes
contributing to biodiversity loss are included: the introduction of invasive alien species,
settlement and investment activities that do not take into account environmental
concerns; inappropriate use of natural resources resulting from the lack of land use policy
and land use planning; the continuous increase in the amount of toxic waste and other
pollutants; low awareness level of the public regarding the value of biodiversity; high
degradation of forests, vegetative cover and water & soil resources; the impact of
widespread poverty in the country and the recurring drought and desertification.
Water Resources
Ethiopia is often known for its vast water resources that could be applicable for various
economic and social purposes. However, due to various reasons, including limited
national capacity, the resource is not presently being used to the desired extent.
Furthermore, the water resource and the related aquatic eco-systems are facing a great
deal of pressure. Siltation as a result of poor farming practices, devegetation and erosion
as well as chemical pollution from farms, industries, mining operations and urban sewers
are the major problems affecting the resource.
Aquatic Resources
The major causes for the depletion of aquatic resources are [State of the Environment
Report, 2003]:
o Failure to practice sustainable production methods;
o Using sub-standard fishing gear;
o Failure to select appropriate fishing spots;
o Lack of control and protection system;
o Siltation of water bodies due to inadequacy of soil and water conservation
activities; and
o The difficulty of ensuring sustainable fishing practices in a situation where
unlicensed fishermen far outnumber those licensed.
The policy constitutes ten sectoral and ten cross-sectoral policy elements amongst which
the Control of hazardous materials and pollution from industrial waste is included. The
need to adhere to the precautionary principle is emphasized under this policy section. It is
stipulated that the precautionary approach shall be employed with a view to minimizing
and preventing discharges of substances from industrial plants and personal or communal
appliances, and to disallow the discharge when they are likely to be hazardous.
The other policies under this section include establishment of clear linkages between the
control of pollution and other policy areas including water resources, agriculture, human
settlements, health and disaster prevention and preparedness; provision of adequate
regulation of agricultural (crop and livestock) chemicals; keeping registers of toxic,
hazardous and radioactive substances, and to make the information available on request;
maintaining regular environmental audits to ensure the adoption of environmentally sound
practices in all public and private development activities including industrial and mining
The Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy Program [SDPRP], issued
on July 2002 recognizes the importance of environmental protection as a prerequisite for
any development activity in the country. Environmental protection is however treated
under the document as one of the cross cutting issues with little emphasis on its core
There is currently a move on the part of the government to amend this programme with
what is known as the Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable Development to End Poverty
(PASDEP) in an effort to link the prevalent poverty with environmental concerns.
The major aim of the PASDEP is the realization of the Millennium Development Goals
within the Ethiopian context, which in effect calls for integrating environmental goals
with in the development agenda.
The PASDEP within its elaborate environmental component has encompassed the
Environmentally Sound Development vision of the country. The vision is to bring about a
self-reliant Ethiopian population with a high quality of life in a productive environment,
which assures equity between genders and among generations. The strategic goals sought
to achieve this vision are, among other things:
o Ensure community-led environmental protection and the sustainable use of
environmental resources,
o Remove the adverse impacts of municipal waste;
o Prevent environnemental pollution;
o Ensure proactively the integration of environmental and ethical dictates especially
mainstreaming gender equity in development.
the coordination of environmental activities, avoids duplication and improves the
dissemination of environmental information. In compliance to this, all regional states
have already established environmental agencies or have assigned environmental
responsibilities to existing agencies.
This Proclamation came into force on the 3rd of December 2002 with an objective of
realizing the effective implementation of environmental objectives and goals enshrined
within the Environmental Policy. The Proclamation recognized that some of the social
and economic development endeavours in the country may be capable of causing
environmental impacts that might be detrimental to the ensuing developmental activities
of the nation. It has thus emphasized the need to prevent when possible or minimize
pollution resulting from economic development through appropriate measures.
the adverse environmental impacts that a proposed development activity is likely to cause
as a result of its design, location, construction, operation, modification and cessation.
This law came into force as of the 3rd day of 2002 with a view to ensuring that assessment
and consideration of the environmental impacts of projects and public documents are
made prior to their approval, providing effective means of harmonizing and integrating
environmental, economic, social and cultural considerations and aspirations into the
decision-making process in a manner that promotes sustainable development. The law
has put in place the procedures to be followed in order to go through the impact
assessment requirements.
Pesticides Registration and Control Council of State Special Decree No. 20/1990
The decree was promulgated on the 1st of September 1990 as Council of State Special
Decree No.20/1990. It establishes that:
Certain line ministries and agencies have responsibilities, in one way or another, to
manage chemicals or address their impacts on health and the environment in Ethiopia.
The main agencies with respect to the POPs issues are outlined hereunder.
The Ministry of Health
This Ministry is vested with the power of registering and controlling the administration of
pharmaceuticals, medical appliances, and pesticides for public health in the country. It
also rules over the issue of disease vector control like malaria and other vector borne
• Prepares and submits and, upon approval, implements standards relating to the
smoke, gas, vapour and the like emitted from the exhaust pipes of vehicles with a
view to preventing pollution; and
• Supervises the use of waterways.
• determine standards and measures for the safety and health of workers;
• supervise and ensure that where undertakings are constructed, expanded,
renovated or their appliances installed, they are not dangerous to the safety and
health of workers;
• prepare a list of occupational diseases and schedules or degrees of disablement;
• classify dangerous trades or undertakings.
The Ministry of Water Resources
The Ministry is, among other things, expected to prepare draft laws concerning the
protection and utilization of water resources; and prescribe the quality standard for waters
to be used for various purposes.
• Prepare environmental protection policies, strategies and laws and, upon approval,
follows up their implementation;
• establish a system for environmental impact assessment of public and private
projects, as well as social and economic development policies, strategies, laws,
and programmes;
• prepare standards that help in the protection of soil, water and air as well as the
biological systems they support and follow up their implementation; and
• follow up the implementation of international treaties on environmental protection
to which the country is a party.
• Initiates a patent law that encourages and supports technology transfer, enhances
the practical application of inventions and encourages the development of
inventions and innovations.
However most of the obligations embedded under the conventions need national
mainly related to the limited capacity in the field of chemicals management, meagre
resources for national implementation and lack of a clear national goal to list out
priorities. The relevant chemical conventions related to POPs are outlined under table 6
There is no legislation, which is directly and wholly devoted to the management of POPs
chemicals. However, there are several legislations, which are applicable to POPs in one-
way or another. Environmental Pollution Control Proclamation No. 300/2002 and
Pesticide Registration and Control Council of State Special Decree No. 20/1990 are
among the most important legislations for regulating POPs chemicals in Ethiopia.
However, analysis of the relevant legislations and their enforcement indicates that the
legal system that relates to the management and use of chemicals in general and POPs in
particular in Ethiopia is far from well developed. Lack of comprehensive approach and
coverage is one of the major shortcomings of the legal framework. The other major gap
and limitation in the area is lack of legislations and standards in the following areas:
Lack of rules that expressly ban the production, import and use of POPs pesticides
Lack of legislation that directly and comprehensively regulate industrial
chemicals, including PCBs;
Lack of proper regulatory mechanism for the use of DDT;
Lack of enabling legislations and standards to regulate releases of unintentionally
produced POPs from different source categories;
Lack of proper regulatory mechanism on the management of POPs stockpiles and
Lack of proper regulatory framework on information gathering and exchange;
Lack of regulatory framework on public awareness and participation.
2.2.5 Key Approaches and Procedures for POPs Chemicals and Pesticides
Perhaps the most strictly enforced legislation we have is the Explosive Proclamation of
1942. This Proclamation, however, did not provide for a public body to be responsible for
its implementation and such essentials as the system of inspection to be put in place for
the service of adequate enforcement. This apparent flaw, however, is overcome by
another legislation, Proclamation 6/1995, which bestows upon the Security, Immigration
and Refugee Affairs Authority the responsibility of implementation. The Authority, by
means of directives, has instituted an elaborate system of controls complete with the
necessary manpower (including inspectors) and procedures. The latter requires, among
o Permits from the relevant government body establishing the need for the
explosive in question;
o The contract document of the work requiring the use of the explosive;
o Certificate of competence of the expert that is to handle the explosive;
o The availability of an adequately guarded and constructed explosive
magazine; and
o Others, concerning the type, quantity and make of the explosive(s), route
of transport and port of arrival in Ethiopia, and schedule of consumption.
The Pharmacy Regulation of 1964, the Pesticide Registration and Control Council of
State Special Decree No. 20/1990, the Radiation Protection Proclamation No. 79/1993
and the Fertilizer Manufacturing and Trade Proclamation No. 137/1998 each, in its own
peculiar fashion, provides for the requirements of its respective implementing body to be
met by users, the various procedures to be resorted to, a system of inspection, and
punitive measures (fines and/or imprisonment). The legislative adequacy that is more or
less discerned here is, however, compromised when it comes to enforcement. This is
attributed to the lack of sufficient resources manifested in the shortage of manpower and
facilities, and financial constraints. A good example, in this regard, is the accumulation of
some 1500 tons of obsolete pesticide over a period of 40 years. The same goes for the
other legal instruments partially or indirectly dealing with chemicals. Proclamation No.
42/1995, the Labor Law, is a case in point. In spite of being a fairly good law, the state of
occupational safety and health in the country is very weak, ensuing from lack of
enforcement due to weak or inadequate commitment expressed, inter alia, by an
inadequate budget. This law has been amended twice, the latest of which is awaiting
publication on the Federal Negarit Gazeta for application.
As was mentioned in the previous section, one of the objectives of the Plan for
Accelerated and Sustainable Development to End Poverty (PASDEP) is the integration of
environmental goals with the development agenda that Ethiopia is undertaking. The
PASDEP within its elaborate environmental component has encompassed the
Environmentally Sound Development vision of the country. The vision is to bring about a
self-reliant Ethiopian population with a high quality of life in a productive environment,
which assures equity between genders and among generations. Some of the major POPs
issues to be addressed under the NIP and the elaborated action plans are also aimed at
meeting the basic objective that are contained in the PASDEP as well as to meet the
sustainable development objectives of the country.
With respect to Annex A POPs pesticides, the main issue relates to the existence of huge
amounts of stockpiles, wastes and contaminated sites. Such stockpiles, wastes and
contaminated sites, if left unmanaged, entail adverse socio-economic and environmental
impacts. According to the study on human health and environmental effects of POPs
chemicals conducted during the POPs inventory phase, cases of death, abortion,
infertility, nervous system disorders, kidney, respiratory and chronic skin problems,
which are most likely related to exposure to POPs, have been observed among most of
the pesticides sprayers and storekeepers visited. Communities living around some of
pesticide stores have also reported health problems like headache, asthma, nausea
sinusitis, etc. The health effects of POPs pesticides are not limited to the areas where the
chemicals are used or stored, since exposure to the chemicals may result from
contaminated water, air or food. These in turn lead to expenses for medical treatment and
loss of productivity due to poor health. The social effects resulting from the health
impacts of POPs pesticides also include putting an additional burden on the already weak
health services of the country and affecting the living conditions of children and other
family members of persons whose health is affected by exposure to POPs pesticides. It is
therefore imperative to dispose of Annex A POPs pesticides in an environmentally sound
manner to mitigate the adverse socio-economic impacts of Annex A POPs pesticides and
improve the living standards of the Ethiopian population.
There is a significant environmental pollution from DDT, since even in strictly indoor
spraying the chemical eventually reaches out to the environment. Some studies have
shown that up to 80% of indoor-sprayed DDT leaks out into the environment within a
few months. When releases from illegal use for agriculture and from stockpiles and
wastes are considered, DDT release to the environment is expected to be very significant.
There are some indicative evidences that the significant release of DDT to the
environment is adversely affecting human health and the environment with significant
social and economic adverse consequences. The study on human health and
environmental effects of POPs chemicals conducted during the POPs inventory phase has
identified probable cases of health problems among DDT storekeepers and sprayers as
well as communities residing in nearby stores. According to a study, mothers in Addis
Ababa have significant residue level of DDT in their breast milk. These adverse health
and environmental impacts of DDT have produced social and economic consequences
like increased expenses for medical treatment, decreased income due to loss of
productive work force and increased burden on the health service. The environmental
impacts have also the potential to affect the tourism industry and the export market. Thus,
replacing DDT for controlling malaria by considering other chemical and non-chemical
option, disposing obsolete DDT in environmentally sound manner and ensuring the
restricted use of DDT for vector disease control pending its replacement are the major
issues requiring action. Accordingly, the environmental and sustainable development
goals of PASDEP will thus be met through these actions.
toxicity of the chemical and the existence of significant releases in the country from
PCBs in use as well as in stockpiles and wastes, it can be assumed that the chemical is
resulting in health and environmental problems with various social and economic
consequences. Accordingly, the main measure that Ethiopia should take with regard to
PCBs is their replacement and disposal of stockpiles and wastes through a phase-by-
phase approach taking into account the huge cost that this requires as well as the various
social and economic effects that may result due to power interruptions during the
substitution phase.
The assessment on the health and environmental impacts of POPs chemicals conducted
during the inventory phase has scant information regarding impacts of dioxin and furans
releases. No other studies in the area could also be found. It is observed that respiratory
and cardiovascular disorders are prevalent among the residents of Metehara and Wonji,
which could be related to exposure to dioxin. This case could be indicative of the health
and environmental impacts of dioxins and furans with the resulting social and economic
consequences related to medical expenses, loss of productivity, etc.
2.3.1 Assessment with Respect to Annex A, Part I Chemicals (POPs Pesticides)
Ethiopia has not produced or exported Annex A POPs pesticides to date. However,
Annex A POPs pesticides have been imported and used in the country in the past as
evidenced by a significant amount of such pesticides found as stockpiles and wastes
(obsolete pesticides) together with other pesticides in some parts of Ethiopia during the
inventory phase of the NIP preparation. Since the inventory did not cover all stockpiles of
pesticides in the country, the findings in the inventory should be considered preliminary
and further inventory is required to come up with exhaustive and accurate information on
the amount of stockpiles and wastes of Annex A POPs pesticides found in the country. It
is to be noted here that there has been no available information of Annex A POPs
pesticides from Addis Ababa during the preliminary inventory because the current
inventory in Addis Ababa focuses on pesticides in general and not distinctly on Annex A
POPs pesticides.
According to the inventory results, four types of obsolete Annex A POPs pesticides were
found, namely, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Heptachlor and Chlordane. Types and quantity of Annex
A POPs pesticides found in the inventory phase in different regions of Ethiopia is shown
in Table 7 below.
Table 7: Types of Annex A POPs Pesticides and Quantity by Region (Kg/Lt)
Source: A Report on POPs and Other Pesticides Inventory in Ethiopia, March 2005 (NB: NA is
for data not available)
No reliable data or record of past imports and use of Annex A POPs pesticides exists in
the country and it is difficult, therefore, to determine the extent of their use in the past.
Moreover, there has been no monitoring or risk assessment made of such POPs chemicals
to determine their human health and environmental impacts in the country. The Ethiopian
Customs Authority has taken the task of recording imports since the year 2000. However,
the records show register of chemicals by groups as insecticides, fungicides or herbicides
and do not show the type of chemicals imported. Thus, these do not help to understand
what particular POPs have been imported, if any or what particular hazardous chemical
has been introduced in the country.
It is worth mentioning here that no Annex A POPs pesticides are at present legally
imported, produced and used in the country. The Pesticide Registration and Control
Council of State Special Decree issued in 1990, requires registration by the Ministry of
Agriculture for pesticides used in the country. The Ministry of Agriculture has registered
none of the Annex A POPs pesticides since then. Thus, the import or use of Annex A
POPs pesticides may be considered to have been prohibited by administrative action
since the issuance of the decree although no legislation has been put in place to
specifically ban them yet.
The main concern with regard to Annex A POPs pesticides in Ethiopia is, therefore, that
of managing and disposing of existing stockpiles and wastes in a safe and
environmentally sound manner and monitoring their impacts on human health and the
The National Inventory on PCB releases carried out for the year 2003, covered PCB
containing electrical equipment operational within the Ethiopian Electric Power
Corporation (EEPCO). The electrical equipment assessed in the inventory is power
capacitors and transformers. Accordingly, the number of PCB- containing transformers
and capacitors within the operational premise of EEPCO are 2505 and 40, respectively.
Corresponding quantities of PCB containing dielectric fluids are in the order of 1,181,667
kgs and 1255kgs for transformers and capacitors respectively. The highest number of
PCB containing transformers is found in the central Region of EEPCO (i.e. 674 units),
followed by 309 transformers in the Western Region. These transformers are those
imported until 1989 G.C where some are currently in use, few are stand-by; still few are
kept in workshops for maintenance, and the remaining are said to have transcended their
useful lives and hence discarded.
Gofa main store of EEPCO located in Addis Ababa is the largest store of
decommissioned transformers and capacitors. A total of 90 transformers manufactured
from 1957-1987 G.C are open stored and are exposed to rain and sunlight. The dielectric
fluid, contained in these transformers, is estimated at 14054 kgs. The inventory indicates
that there are few capacitors stored together with transformers. Moreover, dielectric
fluids in stores to be used for top-up and replacement purposes are estimated to be 4776
Gofa main store has a dimension of about 50 meters by 60 meters, and is identified as one
of the hotspots in the national inventory. Due to poor management and handling of
decommissioned transformers and capacitors, and long years of open storage, the land in
the vicinity of the main store and the nearby stream are believed to be contaminated by
PCBs that have spilled over or discarded dielectric fluids. Due to poor fencing of the
store, the area is easily accessible to dogs, cattle and even human beings.
Power transformers are maintained at Mexico square and Kotebe maintenance centers.
Due to absence of awareness on impacts of PCBs on human health, EEPCO technicians
do not take any precaution during repair work. There is, therefore, a high possibility of
dermal contact to PCBs and of inhaling PCB vapors. PCB containing dielectric fluids are
stored in concrete pits located at the two repair and maintenance workshops of the
The national inventory on PCB releases was, however, not able to determine the exact
quantity of PCB containing electrical equipment within the EEPCO system. This is due to
the absence of any data (either on the name plate or on equipment manual) on the amount
of dielectric fluids in each PCB- concentration range. It is therefore recommended that, in
order to determine PCB concentrations, tests such as density test and chlorine presence
test have to be conducted by taking oil samples from PCB- containing electrical
equipment. This calls for establishing local oil testing capacity by installing a laboratory
equipped with testing devices, chemicals and required expertise. Moreover, in order to
strengthen the national coverage of the inventory on PCB releases, further data collection
within the EEPCo system, and assessment of the industrial enterprise and commercial
facilities need to be worked out.
2.3.3 Assessment with respect to Annex B chemicals - DDT
DDT is currently used, produced and imported in Ethiopia for the purpose of disease
vector control (malaria). There is no information on export of DDT. The production and
use of DDT for disease vector control is accepted under the Stockholm Convention with
the proviso that parties to the convention are encouraged to reduce and ultimately
eliminate the use of DDT through the development of an action plan as part of the NIP.
According to the inventory conducted on POPs pesticides and other pesticides, both
active and obsolete DDT were found in stores/sites in different parts of Ethiopia to the
tune of 160, 573 Kg/Lt and 55, 720 Kg/Lt respectively. It should be mentioned, that the
inventory is preliminary and does not cover all pesticide stockpiles and wastes found in
Ethiopia including DDT.
As mentioned earlier on with respect to Annex A POPs pesticides, there are no reliable
records of past imports of DDT. According to the data obtained from the Nazareth
Customs Office in the inventory phase, the Adami Tulu Pesticides Processing Share
Company has been importing technical grade DDT since 2001 for formulation and
production. The sole buyer of DDT is the Ministry of Health for malaria control
The main concern with DDT in Ethiopia is related to ensuring and monitoring that the
production and use of DDT is restricted to disease vector control in Ethiopia in
accordance with the WHO guidelines and recommendations and to devise action plans
and strategies for safe, effective and affordable alternatives to use DDT for disease vector
The inventory indicates that the storage, use and handling of DDT is far from desirable
and that there may be a high risk of impact on human health and the environment.
Moreover, there may also be cases of illegal use of DDT for agricultural pest control. It is
therefore recommended that adequate storage and awareness raising and capacity
building in the safe management, use and handling of DDT for indoor residual spraying
is required. The inventory also recommends that adequate support and focus should be
made on research and development for alternatives to DDT and other POPs in the future.
Obsolete POPs including DDT should also be cleaned up and disposed of as an
immediate measure in accordance with the provisions of the Stockholm Convention.
The national inventory on PCDD/PCDF release for the year 2003 has been carried out.
The inventory covered ten main categories taking into account the five release vectors,
namely air, water, land, residue and products. The result of the inventory indicates that
“uncontrolled combustion process” is the major contributor to PCDD/PCDF emissions
amounting to 92 gm TEQ/annum followed by “Waste Incineration” releasing an annual
emission of about 56 gm TEQ/annum. The annual release figure corresponding to
“waste incineration” is mainly accounted for by uncontrolled batch combustion without
employing automatic pollution control system (APCS), of medical/hospital waste, which
is comprised of open burning of solid waste generated from hospitals, health centers,
clinics, drug stores, and burning of expired medicines.
The national assessment on ferrous and non – ferrous metal production (main category
2) has identified iron and steel plants that utilize as inputs materials like billets, scraps,
lime additives and auxiliaries. Accordingly, the iron and steel production sector of the
country produces spare parts for industries, hand tools, farm implements and construction
materials. Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF) for direct melting of scraps are employed in
some of the iron and steel plants, while others utilize heavy fuel oil to operate furnaces.
The iron and steel plants assessed in the study do not employ pollution control equipment
such as fabric filters. They are found to be causes of PCDD/PCDF emissions. Gases
emitted from such furnaces are difficult to capture. Emissions seem to increase greatly by
poor quality mixed scrap feeds, particularly when dirty scraps containing cutting oils,
plastic and other external materials are found attached to metal scraps. Some foundries
assessed during the study are operated with induction furnaces attached with fabric
The national assessment on power generation and heating (main category 3) has
examined the major subcategories that are believed to be potential contributors to furan
/dioxin emissions. Heavy and light fuel oil boilers operational in industries and
commercial establishments are thoroughly studied. The case of virgin wood/ biomass
fired stoves at rural and urban areas of the country is also considered. Moreover,
household heating and cooking with fossil fuels (charcoal, kerosene and LPG) has been
part of the study. PCDD/PCDF emissions generated by all relevant subcategories in main
category 3 have been determined. The total PCDD/PCDF emission to air due to power
generation and heating is 11.202 gm TEQ/a, of which 10.84 gm TEQ/a is accounted for
household heating and cooking with biomass.
Mineral products (main category 4) like cement, lime, bricks, glass and ceramics are
produced in the country at varying rates. Automatic pollution control systems like
Electro-Static Precipitators (ESP) are properly utilized in cement production. Glass
production is also equipped with dust bag filters. The ceramics plant uses mixing plant
with fabric filters. However, brick production does not at all employ dust control
According to the National Inventory on PCDD/PCDF for the year 2003, dioxin/furan
emissions from uncontrolled combustion processes (category 6) is mainly contributed by
uncontrolled domestic waste burning which is composed of solid waste generated and
burnt in twelve towns of the country and solid waste generated and burnt in industrial
enterprises of Ethiopia.
Open biomass burning (i.e. forest and grassland fire) releases PCDD/PCDF into air and
land amounting to 7.44 gm TEQ/a and 5.92 gm TEQ/a, respectively. Uncontrolled
domestic waste burning is a major contributor to PCDD/PCDF emissions into air,
amounting to 77.32 gm TEQ/a. Statistics on accidental fires in domestic, commercial and
industrial buildings, and in vehicles are thoroughly examined in the study, and
corresponding PCDD/PCDF emissions have been determined.
Other sources of PCDD/PCDF emissions into the environment considered in the National
Inventory, and incorporated in category 6, are open burning of biomass during Ethiopian
holidays, fires in houses, factories, vehicles and commercial enterprises. Contribution of
each of the nine categories to national PCDD/PCDF emissions is indicated in the Table
inventory and accordingly 44 contaminants are POPs and non-POPs chemicals (mixed),
79 are POPs only, 80 are non-POPs chemicals and 21 are of unknown chemical identity.
During the national inventory, it has been found necessary to classify the contaminants.
The main factor employed for the classification were such parameters as the distance of
water resources and streams from contaminated sites, degree and extent of contamination
and observed effects on the health and environment. The contaminants were classified as
“highly severe”, “severe”, “moderate” and “low”. But it should be noted that such
rankings made to the contaminated sites did not follow any international standard and
hence calls for its revision according to acceptable standards of tolerable contamination
hazard, pollution etc. Following this mode of classification, however, 64 sites/ stores
were observed to be “highly severe”, 61 to be “severe”, 35 to be “moderate”, and 60 to be
“low” in the level of contamination. Fifty three of the highly severely contaminated sites
have been recommended for priority action and clean up in the first five years. These
sites are mainly burial sites and open dumping fields. Eighty four sites drawn from the
severe, moderate, and low categories have been recommended for clean up in the second
five years. Another group of 77 sites have been considered for clean up in the third five
years quarter of action.
With regard to stockpiles of obsolete pesticides and contaminated sites, an FAO project
task force was established with Swedish support upon the request of the Ethiopian
Government in 1997 in order to evaluate the scale of the problem of obsolete pesticides
in the country. In 1998, a mission composed of a multi-disciplinary group of experts was
fielded to verify the inventory of obsolete pesticides conducted by the Ministry of
Agriculture and to assess the suitability and acceptability of options for their complete
and environmentally sound disposal.
The use of cement kilns was considered as a first option for the destruction of obsolete
pesticides but was found to be technically not feasible. It was therefore considered that
the sole disposal option would be through High Temperature Incineration (HTI) at a
licensed hazardous waste incineration facility which is found only in developed countries.
To this effect, the FAO mission prepared a project document which made an initial
estimate of 1500 tonnes of obsolete pesticides, areas of heavily contaminated soil and
unspecified numbers of pesticide contaminated containers and equipment such as
sprayers in over 450 sites. The cost of disposal was estimated at USD 4.5 million.
After some delays due to lack of funds, project operations started in April 2000 under the
supervision of a full-time project coordinator. During the first 18 months of project
operations the following main activities were undertaken:
Meeting held with representatives of donors, concerned ministries, NGOs and
IGOs to discuss project goals and to secure the necessary pledges for financial
and political support.
Setting project objectives in consultation with counterparts from the Ministry of
Agriculture (MoA) and senior Ministry personnel.
Designing a realistic project plan in consultation with the MoA and other parties.
5 day training of 40 selected federal and regional MoA personnel on inventory
Establishing a National Project Coordination Committee representing all project
Subsequent to the above activities, the FAO opened an international tender for bids for
the disposal of obsolete pesticides and the clean-up of contaminated sites. Accordingly,
the first batch of 1500 tonnes of obsolete pesticides was shipped to Finland for
environmental disposal.
The second phase of the actual operation of the project commenced in 2004 with a plan to
dispose of 1000 tons of obsolete pesticides existing in different parts of the country. A
British Company has won the bid for this second phase, and currently, 500 tonnes of
obsolete pesticides have been collected in various interim storage sites ready to be
shipped for disposal to the U.K.
The plan of the FAO/MoA project is to dispose of all obsolete pesticides including clean-
up of contaminated sites in the country.
2.3.6 Summary of future production, use and releases of POPs - requirements for
Except for DDT which is currently being produced (see Section 2.3.3.), no other POPs
chemical is manufactured in Ethiopia. There is no future plan to request for exemption or
to engage in manufacturing any of these chemicals in the country.
2.3.7 Existing programmes for monitoring releases and environmental and human
health impacts, including findings
There is a serious dearth of sufficient and reliable data or records on the effects of POPs
on human health and the environment in Ethiopia. According to the preliminary
assessment on this issue, pesticide sprayers and storekeepers are on top of the list of
groups of people affected by POPs chemicals. People living near the areas of pesticide
stores are also affected by releases from stockpiles. Pesticide storekeepers, especially
women are the most vulnerable group in relation to POPs releases from stockpiles.
Headache, nausea, asthma, vomiting, bronchitis, skin allergies and abdominal cramps are
common among those occupationally exposed groups. Besides abortion, infertility,
nervous system disorders and kidney problems, deaths of storekeepers were observed on
some sites that are probably related to exposure to POPs.
Utilization of POPs pesticides near lakes and rivers has also adversely affected the
environment. Aquatic organisms inhabiting these contaminated lakes and rivers are
inevitably exposed to POPs. Some birds preying on fish from these water bodies showed
a reduction both in number and species.
The indoor spraying of DDT for malaria control constitutes one of the highest releases of
POPs in the country. The high concentration of DDT compounds residues detected in
milk from mothers indicate that apart from DDT sprayers and storekeepers, the general
public, in particular women are significantly affected by POPs releases from DDT.
Information on the health and environmental effects of releases from PCBs as well as
from dioxins and furans is not available.
2.3.8 Current level of information, awareness and education among target groups;
existing systems to communicate such information to the various groups;
mechanism for information exchange with other parties to the Convention
The majority of the populations of Ethiopia are not well informed about POPs chemicals
and their harmful effects on human health and environment. It is only very recently that a
very few sector of the population came to know their harmful effects. What have so far
been known about POPs chemicals was their application in the industry and agriculture
and particularly their benefits in controlling insects, animal pests, infectious diseases and
Since the inception of the project on developing a National Implementation Plan on POPs
a series of awareness workshops were held to a variety of professionals and the larger
public. Workshops on national inventory and assessment on POPs chemicals and
validation have been carried out. Participants from NGOS, representatives of government
organizations, stakeholders and individuals have attended the above workshops which
enabled them to get information on the types and effects of POPs chemicals. The national
study tours conducted by experts during the POPs inventory have provided opportunity to
transfer awareness to municipalities of city administrations, health bureaus, hospitals and
industries of 12 major towns of the country.
Existing system to communicate information to the various groups
The availability of information exchange system with regard to POPs chemicals is one of
the shortfalls generally exhibited in the country. Establishment of such a system is one of
the activities envisioned in the National Implementation Plan (NIP). The FDRE
Environmental Protection Authority also has a plan to establish information exchange
system at a national level.
• The Department of Plant Protection and Technology control under the Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development ( MoARD) carries out various awareness and
training programs on safe use of chemical pesticides.
• Concerning occupational safety and health the Labor Inspection Services under the
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs or Bureaus are offering training programs on the
prevention of employment injuries and diseases including those posed by chemicals.
• The Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions, through the Department of
Occupational Safety and Health, conducts various awareness programs aimed at
raising the safety and health consciousness of industrial workers.
2.3.9 Relevant activities of non-governmental stakeholders
The body of information charting out environmental organizations that have activities in
Ethiopia is very inadequate. The only database to be found in the country, so far, is the
one developed by Forum for Environment in December 2004. Classification is made
between the many environmental actors based on whether the organization in question is
a Governmental, Bilateral or multilateral entity, an NGO, a religious institution, or a
cooperative. From the information incorporated in the database the following Non
governmental stakeholders are found to engage in chemicals management, advocacy
services related to chemicals and research and development.
There are other organizations indicated in the database that are engaged in environmental
matters and remotely touching upon the issue of POPs in their programmatic activities.
However, as can be seen from the discussions above, PCBs are used in power
transformers and capacitors by EEPCO and industrial enterprises in Ethiopia. Reports
suggest that technicians engaged in handling and repairing this electrical equipment have
been exposed to dermal contacts. Despite this, however, hospitals and public health
institutes have not taken any study to prove the presence of PCBs in the blood of
workers. There is even no record that any change in the health of technicians was traced
back to any form of exposure to POPs chemicals.
There is no accredited laboratory in the country to detect the presence of POPs chemicals
in food, air and water. According to the report made by the Health Task Team of the NIP,
the agency duty bound to analyse the residue levels of POPs chemicals on samples, i.e.
the Ethiopian Quality and Standards Authority, have no record of monitoring residue
levels of POPs and other agricultural chemicals (Report of the Health Task Team, March
2005). Pesticide residues in water have not so far been analysed in the laboratory of the
agency vested with the mandates (Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute).
The outstanding cause for lack of appropriate mechanism in the assessment of POPs
chemicals in Ethiopia is the poor human resource capacity in the sector. According to the
same report, there are currently no occupational physicians, nurses or clinical
toxicologists among the specialized doctors and nurses that are capable of solving the
health problems caused by POPs chemicals in Ethiopia.
The preliminary assessment carried out in the past on the impact of POPs chemicals on
human health did not indicate any tangible evidence or any marked risk of professionals
or workers occupationally exposed to organochlochlorine pollutants. Ethiopia has not yet
eliminated obsolete pesticides (generally organoclorine pesticides), PCBs and other POPs
chemicals. Neither has Ethiopia yet controlled PCDD/PCDF emission levels. In all cases
of POPs chemicals, the Ethiopian population and the environment are at potential risk.
Given the absence of awareness on the harmful effects of DDT, obsolete pesticides,
contaminated sites, stockpiles and wastes scattered all over the rural areas of the country,
the farmers, cattle and wild animals residing in the vicinity of POPs pollutants are
exposed to the chemicals. Considering the limited skill of the technicians working on
EEPCOs transformer station and repair workshops, it is apparent that they are exposed to
PCBS. One cannot entirely eliminate potential risk of accidents with transformers and
capacitors with PCBs and the resulting local contamination, the scope of which is hard to
accidental fires, are the population at risk because of their exposure to PCDD/PCDF. It is
known that any fire generates PCDD and PCDF and firemen are the most exposed to past
fire smoke. These firemen have never been examined to record the PCDD/PCDF levels in
their blood.
In rural areas and some urban areas of Ethiopia biomass is the mainstay of household
energy supply. It is burnt at home for cooking and as a source of light. The rural
population in general and mothers and infants in particular are openly exposed to
PCDD/PCDF emissions.
Another pant of the population at a potential risk of POPs chemicals are those living in
the vicinity of rivers that are potential discharge points of industrial and residential
wastes. Rivers like Akaki, kebena, Gullele in Addis Ababa and Borkena River in
Kombolcha are few to mention. One can easily notice the irritating smell of the air if one
stood in the vicinity of one of the polluted rivers mentioned above, caused by chemicals
wastes put into the water. The rivers in Addis Ababa are reported to be used as potential
sources of urban agriculture form which vegetables like lettuce, carrot and cabbage are
constantly supplied to several ‘Gulits’ and groceries located at different areas of the city
and consumed by a large portion of the population in Addis Ababa.
2.3.12 Details of any relevant system for the assessment and listing of new chemicals
There is no comprehensive system that provides for the assessment and listing of POPs
chemicals in Ethiopia. Nonetheless there is a law regarding pesticides registration and
control in Ethiopia. This law (Council of State Special Decree No.20/1990) prohibits to
manufacture, import, sale or use unregistered pesticides. This would call for the
establishment of a national registry and the setting in place of procedures for assessing
and listing the chemicals. The body designated for the purpose (Ministry of Agriculture
and Rural Development) has not so far established the Registry. Nor has it laid down the
rules and procedures necessary in dealing with pesticides. The same is true for the
assessment and listing of non-pesticide chemicals in Ethiopia where the set of available
rules are unsatisfactory. These laws include a proclamation on explosives, drugs and
Psychotropic substances, pesticides, radioactive substances and fertilizers.
2.3.13 Details of any relevant system for the assessment and regulation of chemicals
already in the market
It has been stated under Section 2.2.4 above that there is no legislation in Ethiopia that
currently enforces the POPs issue. The scrap of legislations that directly or indirectly
touches upon chemicals administration and management are far from sufficient to
embrace upcoming issues of concern particularly related to the POPs chemicals.
Different ministries, agencies and other governmental institutions are responsible for, and
concerned with, various aspects of the management of POPs in Ethiopia. Environmental
Protection Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of
Health, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Customs Authority, Road Transport
Authority and Drug Administration and Control Authority are some of the major players
in regulating the use and management of chemicals including POPs. The existing
institutional arrangement and capability related to the management and control of
hazardous chemicals, including POPs, is compounded with a number of problems.
Outstanding among these are the lack of effective coordination among institutions,
mandate overlaps, lack of clarity as to the role of regional states, insufficient linkage with
federal institutions, lack of awareness among decision makers, merger and creation of
new institutions from time to time and weak implementing capacity of institutions.
Most government ministries and institutions are constrained by the lack or shortage of
facilities; human and financial resources that are needed to properly manage and regulate
POPs chemicals. The number of available professionals in many institutions is inadequate
and requires further capacity building in this direction. The infrastructure and resource
available to properly manage chemicals, including POPs, in Ethiopia is very low and
totally below the actual needs.
Information on chemicals, including POPs, is very limited and is found scattered in many
institutions. Establishing an effective data collection, treatment and exchange mechanism
is highly required. The limited efforts being exerted by various bodies to raise chemical
awareness includes the risks attached with the management of chemicals, research into
environmentally sound alternatives and occupational safety. But given the amount and
extent of chemical usage in the country, the efforts are far from adequate.
Aware of the adverse human health and environmental impacts of POPs chemicals both
at the national and global level, and the need for concerted action to address such
impacts, Ethiopia has signed the Stockholm Convention on 17 May 2002 and ratified
the instrument on 2 July 2002.
Ethiopia had at the outset prepared a National Chemical Profile in 1999 that provided an
assessment of the country’s chemical management infrastructure; an initial assessment of
chemicals existing at the national level and the extent of their use as well as the legal,
institutional, administrative and technical issues related to chemicals management of the
section 2), Ethiopia has taken several prior steps towards meeting its commitments under
the Convention and the preparation of the NIP. The steps taken are:
Promote the establishment of research and development centers in order to search
for alternatives to the use of POPs chemicals and to address their effects on
human health and the environment.
Create public awareness on the requirements of the Stockholm Convention and
ensure the participation of the public in addressing the adverse impacts of POPs
Establish appropriate mechanism for adequate data collection, exchange and
dissemination and information management system for POPs chemicals.
Since the implementation of the NIP requires the participation and commitment of all
national stakeholders, this draft NIP shall initially be presented for prior endorsement at a
stakeholder workshop in which all relevant federal and regional government agencies, the
private sector, NGOs, the academia and research institutions will be represented. Once,
stakeholders endorse the NIP, the NIP document will be submitted to the government for
formal endorsement.
The multi-sectoral nature of POPs issues calls for a concerted action of all stakeholders.
Therefore, a Steering Committee (SC) composed of relevant government and non-
government institutions shall be established to oversee and coordinate the implementation
of the NIP. The steering committee shall be composed of representatives from the
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; the Ministry of Health; the Ministry of
Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs; the Drug Administration
and Control Authority; the Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute; the
Ethiopian Cleaner Production Center; the Ethiopian Private Industries Association; the
Ethiopian Labor Union, representative of NGOs and the academia. Similarly, steering
committees with corresponding representation of governmental and non-governmental
institutions will be established in each regional state. The latter will report their activities
to the Secretariat established at the Federal level. The steering committee shall meet bi-
annually and will:
The management and practical implementation of the NIP shall be coordinated and run
by a secretariat to be hosted by the EPA. The secretariat shall be responsible for
coordinating and follow up of the implementation of the NIP by Implementing Agencies.
The action plan prepared below has assigned different activities for different agencies.
These implementing agencies shall be responsible to carry out the activities specifically
given to them in the action plan.
Each institution designated to implement the various POPs activities identified in the
action plan shall develop their own detailed action plans including specific tasks required
to meet the activities they are expected to implement in line with the timeframe provided
in the NIP (Table 21). These plans shall be submitted to the Secretariat and will be
reviewed and approved by the NIP Steering Committee. Where certain revisions of the
submitted plans are required, the secretariat shall recommend to the implementing agency
such revisions and the plans will be revised accordingly after consultations.
Priorities identified for NIP based on criteria set during the priority setting phase are:
Strengthening Human and Institutional Capacity for the Management of POPs.
Developing Capacity and Capability for the Identification, Analysis, Research and
Monitoring of POPs.
Conducting Risk Assessment of POPs on Human Health and the Environment.
Development of Information and Communication System for the Management of
Carrying out Public Awareness, Sensitization, Training and Education.
Each implementing institution shall monitor and evaluate the implementation of the
activities designated to them and submit an annual progress and financial report to the
NIP secretariat. The reports submitted to the NIP secretariat shall be evaluated by using
performance indicators to be prepared by the respective responsible institutions. The
reports will be compiled by the secretariat and submitted to the steering committee for
review to ensure sufficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of NIP. Where the
performance indicators demonstrate that certain objectives/goals have not been achieved
and further actions are necessary for the appropriate implementation of the NIP, such
further actions may be recommended by the Secretariat and be submitted to the steering
committee for consideration and approval. Once further actions are approved, the NIP
will be revised and updated accordingly. The updated NIP will be presented to a
stakeholder workshop in which all implementing agencies are represented and endorsed
for subsequent implementation. The NIP secretariat shall submit the annual NIP
implementation report to the secretariat of the Stockholm Convention in accordance with
the requirements of the Stockholm Convention.
3.3 Activities, Strategies and Action Plans
The goal of the action plan on institutional and regulatory strengthening measures is to
provide an enabling institutional and legal framework for the proper management of
POPs chemicals. It aims also to achieve the following specific objectives:
Table 11: Action Plan for Institutional and Regulatory Strengthening Measures
3.3.2 Activity: Measures to Reduce or Eliminate Releases from Intentional
Production and Use
The majority of POPs chemicals targeted by the Stockholm Convention are intentionally
produced for pest control and industrial purposes. Article 3 of the Convention requires
Parties to take legal and administrative as well as other measures to reduce or eliminate
releases from intentionally produced POPs. The inventory on POPs chemicals established
that, from the POPs chemicals targeted by the Stockholm Convention, only DDT is
produced in the country. It also established the existence of releases from the use as well
as stockpiles and wastes of different classes of intentionally produced POPs.
3.3.3 Activity: Production, Import and Export, Use, Stockpiles, Wastes and Release
of Annex A POPs Pesticides (Annex A, Part I Chemicals)
The over all aim of this action plan is the elimination of the use, import, stockpiles and
wastes of Annex A POPs pesticides. The specific objectives of the action plan are:
o Make available comprehensive and accurate data and information on past and
existing, use, import, stockpiles and wastes of Annex A POPs pesticides;
o Ensure the proper management and handling of current stockpiles and wastes of
Annex A POPs Pesticides;
o Establish interim storage to properly manage stockpiles and wastes of Annex A
POPs pesticides until disposal;
o Dispose all Annex A POPs pesticides stockpiles and wastes in an environmentally
sound manner;
o Identify the health and environmental effects of Annex A POPs pesticides; and
o Establish mechanism to regularly monitor the health and environmental effects of
Annex A POPs pesticides.
Table 12: Action Plan for Production, Import and Export, Use, Stockpiles, Wastes
and Release of Annex A POPs Pesticides (Annex A, Part I Chemicals)
5 years EPA, MOARD Experts
Proper management and
handling of stockpiles and wastes
of POPs pesticides
3.3.4 Activity: Production, Import and Export, Use, Identification, Labeling,
Removal, Storage, Release and Disposal of PCBs and Equipment containing PCBs
(Annex A, Part II chemicals)
The National Inventory on PCB releases carried out in 2003 covered PCB containing
electrical equipment operational within the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
(EEPCO). The electrical equipment assessed in the inventory are power transformers and
capacitors. The result of the inventory indicates that PCB – containing transformers and
capacitor within EEPCO are 2505 and 40, respectively. Corresponding quantities of
PCB- containing dielectric fluids are 1,181,667 kgs and 1255 kgs for transformer and
capacitors, respectively. These electrical equipment are those imported until 1989 G.C,
where some are currently in use, some are stand by under maintenance in workshops and
the remaining are discarded as non – serviceable. The result of the inventory indicates
that further assessment will have to be carried out on PCB- containing electrical
equipment in EEPCO system. Due to absence of data either on the nameplate or
equipment manual, the amount of dielectric fluids in each PCB – concentration range has
not been determined. Thus, lack of adequate data on PCB and the existence of significant
PCB releases from the use, stockpiles and wastes are major problems that need to be
addressed by the action plan.
The overall objective of the action plan is the reduction and ultimate elimination of PCBs
releases into the environment from PCB use, stockpiles and wastes. The specific
objectives of the action plan are:
o Make available comprehensive and accurate information on past and existing, use,
import, stockpiles and wastes of PCBs in the country;
o Prohibit the import and use of PCBs and PCB containing equipment and
o Promote measures to reduce exposure to human health and the environment from
PCBs releases;
o Identify and remove from use damaged equipment containing PCBs;
o Ensure safe management of PCBs containing equipment;
o Monitor and assess impact of PCBs in human and environmental media;
o Build facilities for safe disposal of all PCB and PCB containing equipment;
o Build the capacity of institution to handle PCBs and PCB containing equipment.
Table 13: Production, Import and Export, Use, Identification, Labeling, Removal,
Storage, Release and Disposal of PCBs and Equipment Containing PCBs (Annex A,
part II Chemicals)
19 years EPA, EEPCO, Experts
Proper management of PCBs in
Industry Finance
use, stockpiles and wastes
Develop guidelines on safe Logistics
Personnel trained in
handling and management of PCBs
safe handling and
USD 250,000
Provide training to personnel management of PCBs
involved in handling and managing
PCBs managed and
handled safely
Upgrading storage facilities of
Interim storage
stockpiles and wastes
facilities for PCB
Identify sites and construct equipment
appropriate interim storage constructed
Place warning notices near PCB Risks of release from
containing equipment and storages PCBs minimized or
Establish mechanism for reporting
monitor the health and regular reports on the
environmental effects of PCBs health and
environmental effects
Regularly monitor the health and
environmental effects of PCBs
3.3.5 Activity: Production, Import and Export, Use, Stockpiles, Wastes and Release
of DDT (Annex B chemicals)
DDT has been used, produced and imported in Ethiopia for the purpose of disease vector
control (malaria). The inventory on POPs, though not comprehensive, also found both
active and obsolete DDT stockpiles in the order of 160, 573 Kg/Lt and 55, 720 Kg/Lt
respectively. The major concerns in Ethiopia related to DDT include lack of
comprehensive and accurate data, lack of proper and effective regulatory and monitoring
mechanism to ensure DDT use is restricted to disease vector control, improper
management and storage of stockpiles and wastes, lack of risk assessment and monitoring
of releases from DDT use as well as from stockpiles and wastes, and lack of well-
developed strategy and research on alternative disease vector control. The action plan on
DDT intends to address these concerns.
The goal of this action plan is the reduction, proper regulation and ultimate elimination of
the use, production, import, stockpiles and wastes of DDT. The specific objectives are:
o Make available comprehensive and accurate data and information on past and
existing, use, import, stockpiles and wastes of DDT.
o Ensure the proper management and handling of the use of DDT as well as current
stockpiles and wastes.
o Establish interim storage to properly manage stockpiles and wastes of DDT until
o Dispose obsolete stockpiles and wastes of DDT in an environmentally sound
o Establish mechanism to regularly monitor the health and environmental effects of
DDT use, stockpiles and wastes.
o Identify and implement appropriate alternatives to DDT use.
Table 14: Action Plan for Production, Import and Export, Use, Stockpiles, Wastes
and Release of DDT
Activities Indicators Timeframe Implementers Resources
Required and
2 years EPA, MOH Experts
Making comprehensive and accurate
Adamitulu Logistics
data available
A comprehensive and
Review current inventory on DDT and complete inventory USD 40,000
identify data and information gaps and assessment of
DDT use, import,
Conduct a complete inventory to update
stockpiles and wastes
the data and information on past and
exiting import, use, stockpiles and
wastes of DDT
9 years EPA, MOH Experts
Proper management and handling of
Adamitulu Finance,
DDT use and DDT stockpiles and
Guidelines and Equipment
training materials Logistics
Prepare guidelines and training prepared
materials for the proper management USD 250,000
Training of personnel
and handling of DDT use, stockpiles
for handling and
and wastes
management of DDT
Provide training to personnel involved conducted.
in DDT handling and management
Storage facilities for
Upgrading DDT storage facilities DDT constructed.
Provide protective devices for staff Risk from DDT
handling stockpiles and wastes release minimized or
5 Years EPA, MOH Finance
Disposal of DDT stockpiles and
Adamitulu Logistics
Identify sites and construct appropriate USD 1,200,000
No of interim storage
interim storage for DDT stockpiles and
Assess the alternatives on
environmentally safe disposal of The amount of DDT
stockpiles and wastes stockpiles and wastes
Dispose all stockpiles and wastes of disposed
DDT in an environmentally sound
15 Years EPA, MOH Experts,
Assessment and monitoring of the Mechanism for
Adamitulu Equipment
health and environmental impacts of periodic monitoring
DDT of health and
Develop a mechanism to regularly USD 300,000
impacts of DDT
monitor the health and environmental
effects of DDT
Periodic monitoring
Regularly monitor the use, health and
of the health and
environmental effects of DDT
environmental effects
of POPs conducted
15 Years EPA, MOH Experts
Identification and implementation of
Adamitulu Finance
alternatives to DDT
Conduct a research and cost-benefit USD 5,000,000
Research on
analysis on alternative vector disease
alternative use to
control options to the use of DDT
DDT and cost-benefit
Design and implement alternative analysis conducted
vector disease control strategies such as
DDT use reduced
IVM to the use of DDT
3.3.6 Activity: Register for Specific Exemptions and the Continuing Need for
Exemptions (Article 4)
Article 4 of the Stockholm Convention allows a Party to register for specific exemptions
with respect to chemicals listed in Annex A or B. The article also requires a Party using
this right to submit a report to the Secretariat justifying its continuing need for
registration of the exemption. Although Ethiopia did not formally register for a specific
exemption on DDT upon ratifying the Convention, it has continued producing and using
DDT. As most parts of Ethiopia are prone to malaria and as malaria is a one of the
leading health problem in the country, there is actual need for the use of DDT for malaria
control in the country for some time to come until DDT is replaced by an effective
The overall objective of this action plan is to meet Ethiopia’s obligation under article 4 of
the Stockholm Convention. It has the following specific objectives:
Table 15: Action Plan on Register for Specific Exemptions and the Continuing Need
for Exemptions (Article 4)
The national inventory on PCDD and PCDF has revealed the existence of PCDD and
PCDF releases from all source categories. According to the inventory, the total PCDD
and PCDF annual release in 2003 from 10 major source categories was about 214 gm
TEQ/annum, with uncontrolled combustion process being the major source contributing
about 92 gm TEQ/annum followed by waste incineration which released about 56 gm
TEQ/annum. Lack of adequate data and information on releases of unintentionally
produced POPs from different source categories, absence of mechanism for maintaining
release inventories for different source categories, lack of adequate regulatory
mechanism, absence of emission standards and limited capacity and research for the
application of BAT and BEP are among the pressing issues in Ethiopia related to
unintentionally produced POPs. Thus, an action plan that addresses these problems is
The overall objective of the action plan is to reduce and ultimately eliminate releases
from unintentionally produced POPs. The action plan has the following specific
o Develop and apply a mechanism to monitor the releases of PCDD/PCDF, HCB
and PCBs;
o Update the types of sources of unintentional production of PCDD/PCDF, HCB
and PCBs and their releases and develop data management system on same;
o Strengthening of public awareness and education and their integration in the
decision- making process and implementation of measures.
o To promote the use of alternative methods to reduce/eliminate emissions form
uncontrolled combustion.
o To promote the adoption of best available techniques (BAT) and best
environmental practices (BEP)
Table 16: Action Plan to Reduce Releases from Unintentional Production (Article 5)
monitor the health and environmental MoH
Mechanism USD 360,000
effects of releases from unintentionally MoT,
produced POPs through establishing a
PRTR Regular reports on
the health and
Regularly monitor the health and
environmental effects
environmental effects of releases
15 EPA, Experts
Review of strategies every 5 years Revision and
Industry, Finance
updating of strategies
MoA USD 80,000
3.3.8 Activity: Measures to Reduce Releases from Stockpiles and Wastes (Article 6)
Release from stockpiles and wastes of Annex A and B POPs chemicals is a serious POPs
issue in Ethiopia. The nature, sites and facilities in which stockpiles and wastes of POPs
pesticides, PCBs and DDT are stored varies. Thus, action plans to deal with releases from
stockpiles and wastes for each of these groups of POPs chemicals are already provided
under 3.3.3, 3.3.4 and 3.3.5.
Measures required for identifying stockpiles, articles in use and wastes of POPs
pesticides, PCBs and DDT are already presented in sections 3.3.3, 3.3.4 and 3.3.5,
3.3.10 Activity: Manage Stockpiles and Appropriate Measures for Handling and
Disposal of Articles in Use
Activities needed to manage identified stockpiles of POPs pesticides, PCBs and DDT and
to appropriately handle and dispose articles in use are also presented under 3.3.3, 3.3.4
and 3.3.5.
Article 6 of the Stockholm Convention requires a party to develop appropriate strategies
for identifying sites contaminated by POPs chemicals and to undertake remediation of
contaminated sites in an environmentally sound manner. Though not conclusive, the
inventory on contaminated sites identified 77 sites wholly contaminated by POPs
chemicals and 44 sites contaminated by POPs and other chemicals. This finding shows
that the issue of contaminated sites by POPs chemicals is a serious problem in the
country. Thus, an action plan that addresses this problem is required.
The overall objective of the action plan is to properly manage and ultimately clean up all
sites contaminated by Annex A, B and C POPs chemicals. The specific objectives are:
Table 17: Action Plan for Identification of Contaminated Sites (Annex A, B and C
Chemicals) and Remediation in an Environmentally Sound Manner
Secure and label identified sites Contaminated sites 1 Year EPA, MOA, Experts
secured and labeled MOH Equipment
USD 100,000
5 years EPA, MOA, Experts
Remediation of contaminated sites
MOH, Finance
Conduct risk assessment of Sites prioritized EEPCO Equipments
contaminated sites and prioritize sites Logistics
for clean up. USD 5,100,000
Table 18: Action Plan for Facilitating or Undertaking Information Exchange and
Stakeholder Involvement
Promoting and facilitating public information, awareness and education about POPs
chemicals is one of the obligations imposed on Parties under the Stockholm Convention.
The level of awareness and information about POPs among decision makers and other
actors as well as among the general public in Ethiopia is indicated as significantly low in
the preliminary inventory on POPs. There is a need, therefore, to provide for measures to
promote and facilitate public awareness, information and education.
The overall goal of this action plan is to make policy/decision makers and the general
public informed and active participants in the control and proper management of POPs
chemicals. The specific objectives are:
o Create awareness about POPs among policy/decision makers, other actors and the
general public;
o Provide information about POPs to stakeholders and the general public;
o Promote education programs on POPs.
Table 19: Action Plan for Public Awareness, Information and Education (Article 10)
Article 16 of the Stockholm Convention provides that the Conference of Parties shall
evaluate the effectiveness of the Convention starting four years after the coming into
force of the Convention. It also provides that the evaluation shall be conducted on the
basis of available scientific, environmental, technical and economic information,
including national reports. The CoP expects each party to generate comparable
monitoring data on the presence of the chemicals listed in Annex A, B and C as well as
their regional and global environmental transport. An action plan is needed to meet this
requirement of the Convention.
Goal and Objectives
The overall goal of this action plan is to facilitate the evaluation of the effectiveness of
the Stockholm Convention at global level. The specific objectives are:
Article 15 of the Stockholm Convention requires a Party to report on the measures it has
taken to implement the Convention and on the effectiveness of the measures taken. It also
requires a party to provide the Secretariat statistical data on POPs chemicals in the
country. Thus, an action plan is required to meet this obligation.
The goal of this action plan is to meet the reporting obligation of the country under the
Stockholm Convention. It has the following specific objectives:
o Identify measures taken to implement the Convention;
o Assess the effectiveness of the measures taken
o Collect/compile statistical data on production, import and export of intentionally
produced POPs;
o Prepare periodic reports in the format to be decided by the COP
The overall aim of this action plan is to minimize and ultimately eradicate the negative
impacts of POPs chemicals by systematically monitoring their sources, levels in human
and the environment and impacts and by finding alternatives to them. The specific
objectives of the action plan are:
Table 22: Action Plan for Research, development and monitoring (Article 11)
Activities Indicators/outputs Timeframe Implementers Resources
Required and
Conduct periodic studies on sources Study reports 15 year EPA, MOA, Experts
and releases for each category of MOH, EEPCO, Logistics
POPs chemicals-Annex A, B, C Research and USD 300,000
Develop a system and monitor the System developed 15 Year EPA, MOA, Experts
presence and levels of POPs in human MOH, EEPCO, Logistics
and the environment Research and USD 300,000
Conduct periodic studies on the Study reports 15 year EPA, MOA, Experts
health, environmental and socio- MOH, EEPCO, Logistics
economic impacts of POPs Research and Equipment
academic USD 500,000
Since Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries, it lacks the financial and technical
capacity to successfully implement this national implementation plan and thereby met its
obligation under the Stockholm Convention. Thus, Ethiopia needs to obtain financial and
technical assistance from the international community as envisaged in the Convention.
Action plan is, thus, required to facilitate and secure financial and technical assistance.
Table 23: Action Plan for Technical and Financial Assistance
The task of development and capacity building proposals to achieve the objectives of the
NIP in the Ethiopian context has five major priority components, namely:
Strengthening the human and institutional capacity for managing POPs chemicals
in Ethiopia.
Developing capacity and capability for the identification, analysis and monitoring
of POPs chemicals.
Developing information and communication system for the management of POPs
Conducting risk assessment of POPs chemicals on human health and the
The major goal for implementing the above capacity building proposals is to improve the
management of risks to human health and the environment from POPs.
The main goal of this project is to build the appropriate human and institutional capacity
for POPs management.
The objective of this project component is to strengthen the human and institutional
capacity for the management of POPs in Ethiopia so as to improve the management of
risks to human health and the environment from POPs.
The major activities to be accomplished include:
Development and issuance of legislation for the management and control of
Establishment of an appropriate system for coordination of activities of relevant
institution for the management and control of POPs.
Conducting education and creation of awareness among decision-makers and the
general public on the risks posed by POPs and the need to address such issues
through the implementation of the NIP.
Training of staff of relevant institutions in the management and control of POPs
Training of staff in the judiciary system and other law enforcement agencies with
the view to appropriate enforcement of POPs legislation.
The expected outputs are:
Policy and legislation for the management and control of POPs will be developed.
A system for coordination of activities of relevant institutions on POPs will be
laid down.
Awareness among decision-makers and the public at large on POPs issues and the
NIP will be created.
Capacity of relevant institutions for the management and control of POPs will be
Enforcement capacity of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies regarding
POPs chemicals will be strengthened.
The timeframe for the implementation of this project is proposed to be two years.
The estimated budget for this project is USD 257,000
The main goal of this component is to improve the management of risks to human health
and the environment from POPs.
The objective of the project is to develop capacity and capability for the identification,
analysis and monitoring of POPs in the environment.
The major activities envisaged under this proposal are as follows.
Identify at least two laboratories to be upgraded.
Procure equipment and other inputs.
Upgrade physical infrastructure.
Recruit and train staff.
Analyze POPs releases into the environment and POPs containing equipment.
Monitor and assess the health effects of POPs.
The expected outputs for the implementation of the above activities are :
Analytical equipment for analyzing POPs will be acquired.
Staff required to run laboratories will be trained.
Levels of POPs in the environment are properly assessed.
The time-frame for implementing this project is proposed to be five years.
VI. Budget
The estimated budget for this project is USD 3,800,000
The main goal of the project is to improve the management of risks to human health and
the environment from POPs.
The objective of this project is to develop and implement information and communication
system for the management of POPs.
The expected outputs for the above-mentioned activities are:-
National data and information centre on POPs established.
Communication strategy formulated and implemented.
Networking among stakeholders at the national and international levels promoted.
Poison information and management centers established.
The timeframe to implement this project is proposed to be two years.
The estimated budget for this project is USD 260,000
The main goal of the project is to protect human health and the environment from the
harmful effects of POPs.
The objective of the project is to investigate and assess the extent and severity of the
health and environmental effects of POPs in Ethiopia.
The main activities to be undertaken include the following:
Compile data on the types, sources and routes of releases of POPs into the
Identify high–risk groups by carrying out studies through administration of
Determine the routes of human exposure to POPs.
Identify cases of POPs poisoning at hospitals in identified risk locations.
Determine sample size for study.
Collect and analyze blood and breast milk samples from identified risk groups.
Conduct health/medical surveillance on the sample population.
Develop modeling approaches for the assessment of exposure and risk posed by
POPs to identified high risk groups.
Estimate the nature and severity of health effects of POPs on the exposed
Identify opportunities for management interventions required to reduce identified
adverse effects and risks to acceptable levels.
The expected outputs of the project will include
Data on the types sources and releases of POPs into the environment collated.
Data and other gaps in the information available on the health effects of POPs
High risk groups identified and sample population (subjects) determined.
Levels and trends of POPs in subjects determined.
Medical surveillance on the sample population to establish a dose-response
relationship carried out.
Nature and severity of the health effects experienced by sample population to
POPs exposure assessed.
Management and preventive interventions required to reduce identified adverse
effects and risks to acceptable levels recommended.
The timeframe for implementing this project is two years.
The estimated budget for this project is USD 468,600
The main goal of the project is to improve the management of risks to human health and
the environment from POPs.
The objective of the project is to undertake safe and environmentally sound (SES)
treatment and disposal of POPs, POPs- laden equipment and remediation of contaminated
Conduct survey of institutional capabilities of EEPCO, industrial
enterprises, commercial establishment, municipalities and hospitals for the
safe and environmentally sound collection, transportation and storage of
POPs wastes and POPs – containing equipment.
Retool relevant institutions to effectively handle POPs absolute POPs-
containing equipment.
Conduct two workshops at Federal level and four workshops at regional
level to sensitize and promote public and private sectors participation in
safe and environmentally sound management of POPs.
Prepare BID documents for treatment and disposal of POPs.
The project outputs include the following:-
Capability of line institutions and for the safe and environmentally sound
collection, transportation and storage of POPs enhanced.
Public and private sector participation in the safe and environmentally
sound collection, transportation, storage, treatment and disposal of POPS
Facilitate for the safe and environmentally sound storage and disposal of
existing POPS pesticide and POPs- containing equipment identified and
rehabilitated and /or redesigned.
Procedures for the safe and environmentally sound treatment and disposal
of POPs. Pesticide, PCBs – containing equipment developed.
Treatment and disposal of existing stockpiles of PCB- containing, POPs
Pesticides contacted.
The timeframe for implementing this project is five years.
The estimated budget for this project is USD 4,605,000.
3.5. Timetable for NIP Implementation
Table 24: Timetable for NIP Implementation
4 Management of DDT
4.1 Comprehensive inventory on DDT
4.2 Proper management and handling of DDT use
and DDT stockpiles and wastes
4.3 Environmentally sound disposal of DDT
stockpiles and wastes
4.4 Assessment and monitoring of the health and
environmental impacts of DDT
4.5 Identification and implementation of
alternatives to DDT
5 Register for specific exemptions and the
continuing need for exemptions
5.1 Preparation of a report justifying the
continuing use of DDT
5.2 Conducting periodic reviews on the
continuing need to use DDT
6 Measures to reduce releases from
unintentional production
6.1 Assessment/inventory of current and projected
releases of unintentionally produced POPs
6.2 Development and implementation of strategies
to reduce releases
6.3 Assessment and monitoring of the health and
environmental impacts
6.4 Review of strategies every 5 years
7 Identification and remediation of
contaminated sites
7.1 Identification of contaminated sites
7.2 Proper management of contaminated sites
7.3 Remediation of contaminated sites
8 Information exchange and stakeholder
8.1 Establishment of a focal point
8.2 Development of information gathering and
exchange system
8.3 Implementation of information exchange
9 Public Awareness, Information and
9.1 Assessment of level of awareness and
information need
9.2 Public awareness and sensitization
9.3 Training and education
10 Effectiveness of Evaluation
10.1 Development of criteria to evaluate the
impacts of implementation of the Convention
10.2 Periodic evaluation of the impacts of the
implementation of the Convention
11 Reporting
11.1 Preparation and submission of a report
12 Research, development and monitoring
12.1 Conduct periodic studies on sources and
releases for each category of POPs chemicals
12.2 Develop a system and monitor the presence
and levels of POPs in human and the
12.3 Conduct periodic studies on the health,
environmental and socio-economic impacts of
13 Technical and financial assistance
13.1 Identification of assistance needs and sources
13.2 Securing assistance
3.6 Cost of NIP Implementation
The cost of implementing the NIP is presented by dividing the cost into short-term (2007-
2011), mid-term (2012-2016) and long-term (2017-2026). The total cost for
implementing the whole NIP activities over the 20-year period would be USD
53,493,000. The cost of implementing the short-term activities of the NIP is USD
14,308,000, while the cost of implementing the mid-term and long-term action plans is
USD 21,935,000 and USD 17,250,000, respectively. The cost of action plans on PCBs, in
particular, the cost of substituting existing electrical equipment to phase out PCBs in use,
constitutes the major cost of the NIP implementation amounting to about 50% of the total
cost. The cost also indicates the amount to be generated from internal sources (mainly
government) and to be sought from external sources. The costs to be covered from
internal sources are mainly those costs related to activities that can be implemented using
the resources of existing government structures like enacting laws and enforcing them.
8 Information 370,000 150,000 220,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 400,000 200,000 200,000
exchange and
19 Public 390,000 20,000 370,000 100,000 0 100,000 0 0 0
10 Effectiveness 50,000 10,000 40,000 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 40,000
of Evaluation
11 Reporting 48,000 48,000 0
12 Research, 400,000 0 400,000 350,000 0 400,000 350,000 0 400,000
13 Technical and 60,000 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 0
Total 14,308,000 1,243,000 13,065,000 21,935,000 855,000 21,080,000 17,250,000 710,000 16,540,000
Annex 1 Records of Stakeholders and Public Participation
A. List of Participants at the Inception Workshop on POPs (22-23 January 2004)
No Name Institution
1 Shimelis Fekadu Federal EPA
2 Ababu Anage Federal EPA
3 Yigzaw Ayalew Federal EPA
4 Wondwosen Sintaheyu Federal EPA
5 Mohammed Ali Federal EPA
6 Birhanu Solomon Federal EPA
7 Geremew G/Selassie Federal EPA
8 Tamene Bekele Federal EPA
9 Tewodros Mulugeta Federal EPA
10 Achayelesh Kibru Federal EPA
11 Ammanuel Malifu Federal EPA
12 Dagnachew Debru Federal EPA
13 Solomon Abate Federal EPA
14 Etsegenet Dagne Federal EPA
15 Tewodros Bekele Federal EPA
16 Mohamed Daud Plant Protection
17 Aklilu Bekele Ethiopian Customs Authority
18 Hailu Mecha EWCO
19 Assefa Desta Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute
20 Belete Tekiwe Ministry of Information
21 Dr. Abera Ijigu Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
22 Ayele Kebede FFE
23 Bekele Jembere BSE- Addis Ababa University
24 Aseged Taue Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute
25 Ginjo Giya Christian Relief and Development Association
26 Yohannes G/Eyesus National Meteorology Service Agency
27 Getaneh Gebre Addis Abeba EPA
28 Yalem Birhan Abraha Chemical Society of Ethiopia
29 Girma Demissie Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
30 Tezera Taye Oromia Reporter
31 Fisseha Tesfu Ministry of Foreign Affairs
32 Andualem Ayalew Chemical Society of Ethiopia
33 Kifle Lemma Consultant
34 Gufla Fitiwe ENNMS
35 Kinfe Yemerou Akaki Metal
36 Sue Edwards Institute for Sustainable Development
37 Yemane Gedamu Federal EPA
38 Molalign Wakjira Federal EPA
39 Tadesse G/Medhin Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization
40 Sintayehu Alemu Drug Administration and Control Authority
41 Sileshi Taye Ministry of Health
42 Melaku Mengistu Ethiopian Cleaner Production Center
43 Zerihun Gezahegn Ministry of Labor
44 Teketsel Tsige Ministry of Mines
45 Wario Gelgalo PES
46 Dr. Nigussie Megersa Addis Ababa University
47 Endale Gorfu Ethiopian Energy Development
48 Abiy Alemu Safe Environment Group
49 Dr. Alemayehu Wodajeneh FAO
50 Biratu Oljira Ministry of Agriculture
51 Hadera G/Medhin Safe Environment Group
52 Abiy Girma Ministry of Water Resources
53 Worku Ayele Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
54 Muhie Endrie Quality and Standards Authority
55 Berhanu Kibret Consultant
56 Eyasu Tekie Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission
57 Semret Mezgebi UNIDO
58 Filseta Birhane UNIDO
59 Abdinasir Mohamed BoFED, Jigiga
60 Wondwosen Gizaw EPPS.C
61 Muhedin Ahmend BoFED, Harari
62 Belachew Bunarie Adamitulu Pesticide S.Co
63 Abdu Mohammed BoFED, Dire Dawa
64 Mesfin Kebede Benishangul, EPA
65 Admassu Molla Amahara Environmental P.L.A
66 Alemayehu Geleta Oromia Environmental Protection
67 Brook Lemma Alemaya University
68 Alay Hagos Debub University
69 Gashaw Abate Federal EPA
70 Gosaye Mengiste Ministry of Information
71 Shewangizaw Kifle EEA
72 Berhanu Genet ENDA Ethiopia
73 Tensaye W/Mariam Ethiopian Customs Authority
74 Alemayhu Woldeamanuel Ministry of Agriculture
75 Hailu Bekele GETU
76 Habekristos Beyene Central Statistics Authority
77 Beletu Abate Ethiopian News Agency
78 Imeru Tamrat Consultant
79 Ahmed Kedir Walta Information Center
80 Dr. Nebiyeleul Gessese UNIDO
81 Siyoum Semu UNIDO
82 Birhanu Gobena UNIDO
83 Mohammed Ali Federal EPA
B. List of Participants at the Workshop on Preliminary Inventory and Assessment
of POPs (16-17 June 2005)
No Name Institution
1 Muhuye Endrie Quality and Standards Authority
2 Mehari Wondimagegn Federal EPA
3 Tayech Ourgicho Federal EPA
4 Mamush Teka Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
5 Amha Abay ECUA??
6 Sintayehu Alemu Drug Administration and Control Authority
7 Wondwosen Sintayehu Federal EPA
8 Siraj Bekelie Oromia Environmental Protection Bureau
9 Gebresilassie G/Amlak Federal EPA
10 Alemayehu Takele Ethiopian News Agency
11 W/Birhan Kuma Oromia Health Bureau
12 Tewodros Nega Federal EPA
13 Abdi Hakim Mohamed Somali Region Environment Protection Bureau
14 Dress Bizualem Tigray Region EPA
15 Alemayehu Getachew Federal Ministry of Health
16 Zerihun Gezahegn Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
17 Dr. Abera Kumie Addis Ababa University
18 Sileshi Taye Ministry of Health
19 Belachew Bunarie Adamitulu Pesticide Production Sh. Co.
20 Woudeneh Assefa Oromia Health Bureau
21 Yeyesuswork Bekele Federal EPA
22 Tesfaye Ayele Federal EPA
23 Abdu Mohamed Diredawa EPA
24 Getnet Hunegnaw Amhara Region Environmental Protection, Land
Use and Administration Authority
25 Biniyam Solomon Federal EPA
26 Aster Tefera EWNHS
27 Feleke Gezahegn Ethiopian Seed Enterprise
28 Delelegn Woyessa BSE
29 Melaku Mengistu Ethiopian Cleaner Production Center
30 Kinfemichael Yemerou Akaki Metal Products
31 Nuwala Muktar Harar EPA
32 Zerfie Mersha Addis Abeba Region EPA
33 Dr. Aynalem Abebe Federal EPA
34 Yalemberhan Abraha Chemical Society of Ethiopia
35 Gizaw Woldeyohannes Burayu Brick Factory
36 Shewangizaw Kifle Ethiopian Electricity Agency
37 Yohannes Yoseph Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
38 Abdulwahib Idris Clean and Green Addis Ababa Society
39 Kaleab Aismaw ATF
41 Berhanu Wondimu AABGSc
42 Tekle Woldegerima Addis Ababa EPA
43 Birhanu Solomon Federal EPA
44 Abera Assefa SBPD Agency
45 Teketel Tsige Ministy of Mines
46 Abiy Girma Ministry of Water Resources
47 Fikreyohannes Yadessa Addis Ababa City Roads Authority
48 Libawit H/Michael Federal EPA
49 Samson John Ministry of Foreign Affairs
50 Wario Gulgalo PPESA
51 Kaleyesus Bekele MCC
52 Tassisa Kaba Addis Ababa University
53 Tassene Negash TNT Chemie En.
54 Mohammed Ali Federal EPA
55 Zereu Ghirmay Federal EPA
C. List of Participants at the Validation Workshop on POPs Priority Issues (23-24
February 2006)
No Name Institution
1 Zekarias Fante Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority
2 Aynalem Abebe Federal EPA
3 Addisu Meshesha Ethiopia Radio
4 Belachew Bunarie Adamitulu Pesticide Production Sh. Co.
5 Feleke Gezahegn Ethiopian Seed Enterprise
6 Yazew Teferi Federal EPA
7 Muhiye Endris Quality and Standard Authority of Ethiopia
8 Abdu Mohmmed Dire Dawa Environmental Protection Agency
9 Ayele Kebede Forum for Environment
10 Jemal Seid Afar Agriculture, Natural Resources and
Environmental Protection Office
11 Lishan Kenea FESA
12 Woldeberhan Kuma Southern NNP Regional EPA
13 Mekonen Workneh Ethiopian Customs Authority
14 Dr. Abdikadir Risku Ministry of Foreign Affairs
15 Dintayehu Alemu DACA
16 Tadesse Amera Institute of Sustainable Development
17 Mehari Wondmaghegn Federal EPA
18 Assefa Allaho Adamitulu Pesticide Production Sh. Co.
19 Yesuswork Bekele Federal EPA
20 Amanu Legesse Agricultural Institute
21 Wagnew Tassew Ethiopia Health and Nutrition Research Institute
22 Zeru Girmay Federal EPA
23 Kidane Gizaw Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
24 Tesfaye Ayele Federal EPA
25 Zelalem Tezera Federal EPA
26 Zerfie Mersha Addis Ababa EPA
27 Kemal Mohammed Amhara Environmental Protection Agency
28 Zenebe Fikere Central Statistics Authority
29 Mesfin Kebede Benshangul Environmental Protection Agency
30 Ashenafi Dereje Ministry of Information
31 Solomon Kebede Ministry of Mines and Energy
32 Kassahun Shiferraw Dire Dawa EPA
33 Eshetu Ahmed Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
34 Tesfye Woldeyes Federal EPA
35 Alemayehu Geleta Oromia Environmental Protection Office
36 Demis Wondaferaw Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions
37 Meskir Tesfye Federal EPA
38 Tedros Nega Federal EPA
39 Dereje G/Michael Institute of Sustainable Development
40 Melaku Mengistu Ethiopian Cleaner Production Center
41 Solomon Demissie Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
42 Abera Assefa Sanitation, Beautification and Parks Development
43 Belayneh Kebede Federal EPA
44 Abebayew Wassie Oromia Health Bureau
45 Fikreyohannes Yadessa Addis Ababa City Roads Authority
46 Alemayehu Getachew Federal Ministry of Health
47 Samson John Ministry of Foreign Affairs
48 Mohammed Salah Walta Information Center
49 Oman Agwa Gambella EPA
50 Abebe Dirriba Oromia Agriculture and Rural Development
51 Lalisa Wereti Transport Authority
52 Hadera Medhin Safe Environment Association
53 Abiye Aleme Safe Environment Association
54 Yonas Tekelemaraim Federal EPA
55 Haddish Berhe Tigrai Environmental Protection Agency
56 Selamawit Tesaye Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
57 Musa Hassen Sanitation, Beautification and Parks Development
58 G/Selassie G/Amlak Federal EPA
59 Berhanu Kebret Consultant
60 Melese Tafese Federal EPA
61 Rahel Abebe Ethiopian News Agency
62 Tayech Ourgicho Federal EPA
63 Samuel Assefa Oromyia Agricultural Bureau
64 Mohammed Ali Federal EPA
D. List of Participants at the Validation Workshop of the Draft POPs National
Implementation Plan (20-21 July 2006).
Name of participant Institution
35. Yohannes Yosef EEPCO
36. Selhadin Tewfik Harari EPA
37. Abdu Mohammed Diredawa EPA
38. Mesfin Kebede BGRS - EPLAUA
39. Zerihun Gezahegne MOLSA
40. Gebreslassie G/amlak FEPA
41. Lishan Kenea PESA
42. Gefiye Ashebir OEPO
43. Demis Wondaferu CETU
44. Belachew Bunarie Adamitulu Pesticides P. Sh.
45. Teshale Belihu
46 Mohammed Ali FEPA
47. Zereu Girmay FEPA