Oral Rehydration Solution: Who Guidelines
Oral Rehydration Solution: Who Guidelines
Oral Rehydration Solution: Who Guidelines
Ions Normal State Diarrhea Dehydration Pale yellow, odorless, very fine amorphous powder
Sodium 135- Rapid depletion Water
- 150mmol/L of sodium and conservation Test for Impurities:
Extracellular for proper water = Anuria: Reagent Impurity Test Result Conclusion
(body fluids functioning of less than
& blood the body 50mL urine / a) Litmus Neutral Neutral pH
plasma) - Controlled day paper
by renal fxn
Loss of 10% body fluid = death b) 2mL K2C2O4 Ca2+ White ppt Presence of Ca2+
No ppt Absence of Ca2+
Potassium 3.5-5mmol/L Chronic loss = -‐
- Intracellular muscular c) 2mL AgNO3 Cl White ppt Presence of Cl-‐
weakness, No ppt Absence of Cl-‐
lethargy, d) 1mL CS2 Soluble Absence of
other forms of
State of Dosage
Mild 50mL/kg body weight Solution is kept alkaline in the preparation of Ppt Sulfur
Moderate 100mL/kg body weight Flowers of sulfur
• Contains small amount of As2S5
Diarrheal stool 100mL/kg body weight -‐ Insoluble contaminant
Reassess patient every 4 hours
• When digested with Ca(OH)2 forms Ca3(AsO4)2 &
Patient is vomiting 5mL, increasing gradually as
every 5 mins tolerated
-‐ contaminant
-‐ soluble in alkaline liquid
Computation: 2 As2S5 + 6 Ca(OH)2 ® Ca3(AsO4)2 + Ca3(AsS4)2
Calculate the amount total amount of Na+ (from NaHCO3 & + 2 H2S + 4 H2O
NaCl), K+(from KCl), total Cl-‐ (from NaCl & KCl), HCO3-‐(from
NaHCO3) and glucose (C6H12O6) express in mmol/L present If solution is made acidic
in the prepared solution Ca3(AsS4)2
• Decomposes into As2S5
-‐ Insoluble contaminant
Ca3(AsS4)2 + 6 HCl ® 3 CaCl2 + As2S5↓ + 3 H2S
yellow ppt
WHO GUIDELINES Slaking – adding water to a powder in limited amount at a
Ions Prescribed limit time until it absorbs and swells, liberating heat and finally
Sodium 60-‐90 mmol/L disintegrating into fine powder
Potassium 15-‐25 mmol/L
Chloride 50-‐80 mmol/L Forms of sulfur: Rhombic stable
Glucose Nmt 111 mmol/L 1. Sublimed Sulfur Monoclinic Heated just above
GLUCOSE / Flowers of Sulfur melting point
§ 1 molecule glucose co-‐transports 1 molecule Na+ or Azufre Liquid or Heated at much
§ increases conc of Na+ across the intestinal wall 2. Precipitated mobile higher temperature
that pulls water through it Sulfur Plastic Cooled
POTASSIUM or milk of sulfur Amorphous
§ Promotes a feeling of well-‐being & appetite 3. Allotropic forms
§ Passively absorbed
BICARBONATE Precipitated sulfur in liquid form
§ Correction of metabolic acidosis ü Lighter particles
ü Easily suspended
Commercial drinks vs ORS Uses:
ORS-‐ Complex carbohydrates or 2% glucose; 60-‐90 • Scabicide
mmol/L Na+; Formulated especially for diarrhea • Keratolytic
Comm. Drinks-‐ Formulated to replace electrolytes lost • Fungicide
in sweat and exercise • Cathartic
ü Seborrhea
ü Psoriasis 3.Evaporating dish –pinch amount of H3BO3 + CH3OH to
ü Acne dissolve + 1 mLH2SO4 mix and set on fire .
Chemical Names: Note color of the flame
§ CaO – Lime • H3BO3+ 3 CH3OH → (CH3)3BO3+ 3H2O
§ CaCO3 – Limestone • green bordered flame or green tint
§ Ca(OH)2 – Lime water/Slaked lime
§ Ca(OH)2 suspension – Milk of lime C. Tests for impurities
Preparation of Precipitated Sulfur 1. Test for water insoluble substances: 1 gram H3BO3+ 10
3 CaO + 3 H2O ® 3 Ca(OH)2
• If clear –absence of water insoluble substances
3 Ca(OH)2 + 12 S ® 2 CaS5 + CaS2O5 + 3 H2O 2. Detect presence of:
2 CaS5 + 4 HCl ® 8 S↓ + 2 CaCl2 + 2 H2S • a) Na+
KH2SbO4 = white ppt
Problem solving: K2H2Sb2O7= white ppt
1. Calculate for the theoretical yield (in grams) of Ppted Zn(UO2)3(CH3COO)9= pale yellow ppt.
Sulfur (32) that will be obtained from 9.5g of lime • b)Cl-‐
(56)? ANSWER : 14.48 g AgNO3= white ppt
1. Why is HCl used instead of H2SO4 in the preparation?
• volatile acid, no residual traces will remain on the
2. What is the percentage yield if 8.3g of Ppted Sulfur is crystal surfaces when dried
actually obtained in the preparation? ANS : 57.32% H2SO4
• non-‐volatile, less easily removed
2. How did you test the washing for chloride ions?
• By the addition of silver chloride giving a white ppt.
If precipitation occurs , washing is the continuously
BORIC ACID, NF perform, until such time that no precipitate is
observed by the addition of the said reagent. Then
Na2B4O7.10H2O + 2HCl → 4H3BO3 + 2NaCl + 5H2O the ppt. is said to be free from chloride.
3. Why is cold water used in washing the boric acid crystals?
Theoretical Yield: • Boric acid crystals are less soluble in cold water.
• Solubility: 1 gram in 18 mL cold water,
4. What are the therapeutic uses ?
• Eyewash or collyria, has mild antibiotic properties
fungal or bacterial infection.
• Boric acid ophthalmic (for the eyes) is used as an eye
A. Physical Properties to cleanse or irrigate the eyes. Concentration 2.5-‐4.5%
1.Observe: color, odor & taste of the product
• Boric acid provides soothing relief from eye
Colorless, odorless, sour taste
irritation, and
2. Describe the form of H3BO3
helps remove pollutants from the eye such as smog, chlorine,
or other chemicals.
3. Describe the feeling to touch: rub between the fingers
• Bacteriostatic agent
a small amount of H3BO3
At concentrations between 10 and 20 g/l boric acid
Soapy feeling/unctuous to touch was bacteriostatic or fungistatic for very nearly all the
B. Test for identity
common urinary pathogens. At 10 g/l boric acid was weakly
1. Pinch amount of H3BO3+ 5 mL dist. water → test with
bactericidal for some strains of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus
litmus paper
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, though higher concentrations
§ Red-‐ acid
were bacteriostatic only.
2. Turmeric paper moistened with solution in no. 1. If no
• Buffer component
visible change add a few crystals of H3BO3 and dry.
most effectively at a pH between 8 and 10. ..
§ brownish black
5. What should be done with the official solution before using
To the dry paper moisten with 15M NH4OH. it for ophthalmic purposes? Reason.
Observe the color change.
§ greenish black
Solution should be warmed or diluted with an equal volume 2. Temp. at which the ppt. is dried.
of water, some will crystallize out and should be dissolved LV Dried in a temp. NMT100oC
otherwise it irritates the eyes. HV Dried without heat
Vacuum Filtration
6. What forms of boric acid are preferred for preparing the • Use of Buchner Funnel
aqueous solution? Why? • For rapid filtration of voluminous substances
Crystalline/Scaly Forms
• soluble in H2O Chemical formula
Powder Light Variety
• tends to float on the surface of the H2O
Note: 3 forms: 1.) pearly crystal 2.) 6 sided triclinic crystal
odourless powder
7. Calculate the volume of 12M HCl ( ρ=1.85g/mL containing
36.31% by mass of HCl)necessary to react with the amount of
borax used in the preparation
Theoretical yield: (MgCO ) .Mg(OH) .5H O
3 4 2 2
Amount of Na2CO3 . H2O
Chemical formula
• It is not absorb through the intact of the skin but is
highly toxic when ingested orally. A. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES:
A. Describe color, taste & relative bulk of the 2 varieties of the
DOSAGE FORMS product prepared.
• Solution, ointment and powder § White amorphous powder, slight earthly taste
§ Bulky powder = composed of a large number of very
fine particles that may flow freely when shaken or
(Light and heavy) § Friable mass
§ Water Solubility 0.1g/L, very slightly soluble
Method of preparation :
Simple mixing of solutions
Factors that determine the variety of the MgCO3 prepared:
1. Amount or volume & temp. of the water used in the prepn.
LV cold water
HV boiling water
Specific Gravity:
about 1.700
Identity Test:
Reaction of Formula of Color and nature
KISS product
KMnO4, H2SO4, I2 violet gas
CHCl3 With CHCl3 –Violet
C. TEST FOR THE PRESENCE OF By-‐product or purple layer
CH3COOH, I2 violet gas
NaNO2, Iodo-‐starch With starch -‐ Blue
Starch complex soln
HgCl2, Sn metal Hg2Cl2 → Hg White to gray ppt
+ excess KISS
What is the solubility of the iodides in water?
§ 1 gram dissolves in 0.7 mL water, 0.5 mL
boiling water; 51 mL absolute ethanol; 22 mL alcohol;
8 mL methanol; 75 mL acetone; 2 mL glycerol; about
Therapeutic uses: 2.5 mL glycol
1. As antacid. Contraindication: Full stomach § Very soluble in water/hot water;
2. Clarifying agent or filtering agent in Tolu Balsam syrup § except : lead, silver, mercury and cuprous salts.
3. Use in the preparation of Magnesium citrate solution( -‐ soluble in the presence of alkali iodides
lemonade Purgante/Purgative lemonade as saline cathartic) -‐ lead and silver iodides least readily
Saline cathartics are purgative agents that quicken and
increase the evacuation of bowels
4. A mineral supplement used to prevent and treat low
amounts of magnesium in the blood. Magnesium is very
important for the normal functioning of cells, nerves,
muscles, bones, and the heart. Usually, a well-‐balanced diet
provides normal blood levels of magnesium.
Potassium iodide oral solution, USP is a saturated solution of
potassium iodide containing 1 gram of potassium iodide per
What are the incompatibilities of the iodides?
§ In the presence of acid iodides are decomposed
Equation for the preparation:
rapidly with the liberation of iodine. Sugar retards
KI(s) + H2O(l) → KI saturated solution
the reaction.
§ Oxidizing agents liberate iodine with simultaneous
Physical Properties:
reduction of the agent.
§ Describe the color, odor and taste of the prepn.
§ By reaction with cupric sulfate, iodine is liberated
Clear, colorless, and odorless solution having a characteristic,
and cuprous iodide is precipitated;
strongly salty taste
§ With ethyl nitrite spirit, iodine and nitric oxide
(which forms brown NO2 on contact with air) are
Reaction with litmus paper:
Neutral or slightly alkaline to litmus paper;
§ The alkali iodides precipitate most alkaloids. sometimes used alone in the treatment of sporotrichosis
Addition of alcohol will frequently preserve the (chronic fungal infection producing nodules and ulcers in the
solubility. lymph nodes and skin)
used to help resolve gummatous lesions.
What are the difficulties that may be encountered in What is the dose of KISS as:
preparing capsules and powders containing iodides?
Dose of KISS as:
Due to their deliquescent property. a. Expectorant
§ To obtain satisfactory products, use may be made § by increasing respiratory tract secretions and
of dried ingredients and suitable diluents thereby decreasing the viscosity of mucus.
§ Usual , 0.3 mL, equivalent to 300 mg of potassium
A deliquescent substance is a material that readily absorbs iodide every 4 to 6 hours.
water out of the air. b. Antifungal
Deliquescent substances keep absorbing water until they § 0.6 mL, equivalent to 600 mg 3 times a day,
dissolve themselves into liquid solutions. gradually increased to 12 mL (12 g) daily if tolerated.
Potassium iodide can cause fetal harm, abnormal thyroid
What are the mild untoward reactions that frequently occur function, and goiter when administered to a pregnant
with iodide medication? woman. Because of the possible development of fetal goiter,
Syndrome is known as iodism. if the drug is used during pregnancy or if the patient becomes
q symptoms include salivation, lacrimation, coryza, pregnant during therapy, apprise the patient of the potential
soreness of the teeth and gums, swelling of the hazard.
salivary glands and eruption of the skin.
q symptoms disappear when the drug is POTASSIUM ACETATE U.S.P.
discontinued. Serious reactions occur only very
rarely. Method of preparation:
What are the mild untoward reactions that frequently occur Note: Addition of KHCO3 in divided portion until
with iodide medication? effervescence ceases-‐ complete reaction
Usual side effects:
Nausea, vomiting , stomach ache, runny nose, headache, Amount of CH3COOH contained in 10 mL of
metallic taste and diarrhea that frequently occur with iodide 6N CH3COOH
medication Molarity = g/MW
Serious side effects : g = Molarity x MW x L
burning mouth/throat, sore teeth/gums, swelling inside = 6 mol/L x 60 g/mol x 0.01 L = 3.6 g CH3COOH
the mouth, increased saliva, eye irritation/swollen eyelids, 10 mL X 1L/1000 mL = 0.01L
severe headache, swelling of the front of the neck/throat
(goiter), signs of decreased thyroid gland function Theoretical yield
(e.g., weight gain, cold intolerance, slow/irregular
heartbeat, constipation, unusual tiredness),confusion,
numbness/ tingling/ pain/ weakness of the hands/feet.
Therapeutic uses of KISS Weight of KHCO3 needed to react with CH3COOH in the expt.
1. Iodide supplement and expectorant.
-‐ as an expectorant to liquefy thick and tenacious sputum
in chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and bronchial asthma.
2. Effective in the prevention of goiter.
Only minute doses are required and these small amounts A.PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
can best be administered in the form of iodized salt (1 part of Form, color, odor & taste
potassium iodide to 100,000 parts of salt). § White/colorless monocyclic crystalline powder
Used in the of Lugol’s Solution for the treatment of toxic § Faint acetous odor
goiter, in the dose of 0.3 mL, 3 times daily. § Slightly alkaline taste
§ Deliquescent nature , prescribe in liquid state
3. Used in certain kinds of antifungal therapy.
1. Aqueous soln. of KCH3COO(0.5 in 10), divide into2 portions kidney stones by lowering the amount of acid in urine which
a. K+ test can be administered orally or by intravenous infusion.
Formerly, it was used in DIURETICS and EXPECTORANTS.
1st portion + Na3Co(NO2)6 dropwise until a change is observed
CH3COOK + Na3Co(NO2)6 →K2NaCo(NO2)6 + NaCH3COO Purpose of Sand bath
Yellow crystalline ppt
To increase the temperature to over 100oC and not to exceed
b. CH3COO-‐ test 140oC during the evaporation of CH3COOK
2nd portion: + FeCl3 dropwise until distinct change is observed Reason why CH3COOK is bottled immediately:
+ acidify with 6M HCl
FeCl3 + CH3COOK → Fe(CH3COO) 3 + KCl→ + HCl, forms FeCl3 Deliquescent in nature
yellow soln Red soln -‐ a property of solid that absorbs moisture when expose to air
and dissolve in it.
2. Pinch amount CH3COOK + 5 mL 3M H2SO4 & heat –
note odor of vapors evolved POTASSIUM SODIUM TATRATE, U.S.P.
Vinegar odor Synonyms
Rochelle’s salt, Seignette Salt
3. Solution in (2) + 2 mL 95% C2H5OH, heat in H2O
water –note odor of vapors evolved EQUATION:
CH3COOH + C2H5OH → CH3COOC2H5+ H2O 2 KHC4H4O6 + Na2CO3.H2O + 6H2O → 2 KNaC4H4O6.4H2O + CO2 ↑
Fruity odor/ Plastic balloon odor
Ethyl acetate Properties
White crystalline powder or colorless rhombic prism
Saline cooling taste
Test for Identity
Heating strongly an organic substance which Reagent Test Result Conclusion
decomposes into volatile and inflammable vapors a) 3-‐5gtts Yellow ppt Presence of K+
and leaves a residue containing particles of carbon. Na3CO(NO2)6
2KNaC4H4O6.4H2O + Na3CO(NO2)6 → K2Na3CO(NO2)6 ↓
b) KH2SbO4 or White crystalline Presence of Na+
K2H2Sb2O7 ppt
1. Heat small amount of crystals in a crucible until change
2KNaC4H4O6.4H2O + KH2SbO4→ NaH2SbO4 ↓
is observed
◦ A. to the residue + 3M H2SO4dropwise – c) Mother liquor Silver mirror Presence of C4H4O6-‐2
10mL H2O + AgNO3
describe results
2KNaC4H4O6.4H2O + 2AgNO3 → Ag2C4H4O6↓ + KNO3 + NaNO3 +
CH3COOK + O2→ K2CO3+ CO2+ H2O Ag2C4H4O6 + excess NH4OH → Ag(NH3)2+ → Ag0
White residue d) 6M CH3COOH White crystalline Presence of C4H4O6-‐2
K2CO3+ H2SO4→ K2SO4 + CO2 + H2O ppt
effervescence 2KNaC4H4O6.4H2O + CH3COOH → KHC4H4O6.4H2O↓ + CH3COONa
CH3COOK + O2 → K2CO3 + C + H2O Heating strongly an organic substance which decomposes
Black residue into volatile and inflammable vapors and leaves a residue
K2CO3+ H2SO4 → K2SO4+ CO2+ H2O containing particles of carbon.
Complete Oxidation
2KNaC4H4O6.4H2O+ O2 → K2CO3 + NaCO3 + CO2↑ + H2O
Therapeutic use: White residue
K2CO3 + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + CO2↑ + H2O
Potassium acetate is a potassium salt used to replenish
electrolytes, for restoration of WATER-‐ELECTROLYTE Incomplete Oxidation
BALANCE 2KNaC4H4O6.4H2O+O2 → K2CO3 + NaCO3 + C + H2O
Black residue
K2CO3 + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + CO2↑ + H2O
Medicinal Uses
ü Mild laxative
ü Potent hydragogue
ü Component of Seidlitz powder : Cathartic
Fehling’s Solution
§ Alkaline CuC4H4O6
§ Sequestration or chelate complexation
§ Tartrate chelates Cu+
Deliquescent–absorbs moisture and liquefy
Efflorescence–give up water of hydration or crystallization
Hygroscopic–absorbs moisture without liquefaction or