Vivas v. Monetary Board
Vivas v. Monetary Board
Vivas v. Monetary Board
MONETARY BOARD (2013) obtain the prior approval of the BSP anent
the establishment and operation of the
bank’s sub-offices.
Prohibition According to the MB, ECBI unjustly refused
I.FACTS to allow the BSP examiners from examining
and inspecting its books and records. The
The Rural Bank of Faire, Incorporated bank was subsequently ordered to pay a
(RBFI) was a duly registered rural banking monetary fine. ECBI insisted on a deferment
institution. Record shows that the corporate of the examination pending unresolved
life of RBFI expired on May 31, 2005. issues in an earlier MB ruling.
Notwithstanding, petitioner Alfeo D. Vivas
(Vivas) and his principals acquired the Due to the various non-compliance with the
controlling interest in RBFI sometime in directives of the BSP, a complaint for Estafa
January 2006. The Bangko Sentral ng and Through Falsification of Commercial
Pilipinas (BSP) issued a Certificate of Documents was filed against certain officials
Authority extending the corporate life of of the ECBI.
RBFI for another fifty (50) years. The BSP
also approved the change of its corporate On March 4, 2010, the MB issued
name to EuroCredit Community Bank Inc. Resolution No. 276 placing ECBI under
receivership in accordance with the
recommendation of the ISD:
Pursuant to RA. 7653 (New Central Bank
Act),the Integrated Supervision Department a) To prohibit the ECBI from doing
II (ISD II) of the BSP conducted a general business in the Philippines and to
examination on ECBI with the cut-off date of place its assets and affairs under
December 31, 2007. (From this point on, the receivership; and
BSP conducted consecutive examinations
on the bank). BSP ordered the bank to b) To designate the Philippine Deposit
Insurance Corporation as Receiver
infuse fresh capital and address the
of the bank.
violations/exception in the findings of the
Assailing MB Resolution No. 276, Vivas
On several instances, the BSP had invited filed this petition for prohibition before this
the BOD of ECBI to discuss matters Court, ascribing grave abuse of discretion to
pertaining to the placement of the bank the MB.
under Prompt Corrective Action and other
supervisory concerns before making the
appropriate recommendations to the
WON there was grave abuse of discretion
Monetary Board (MB). The proposed
by the Monetary Board – NO
meeting, however, did not materialize due to
postponements sought by Vivas.
The BSP directed ECBI to explain why it
transferred the majority shares of RBFI The petition must fail.
without securing the prior approval of the
MB in apparent violation of the Manual of 1.Vivas availed of the wrong remedy.
Regulation for Banks (MORB). Further, BSP
required ECBI to explain why it did not
Under RA No. 7653, any act of the MB prohibition does not lie to restrain an act
placing a bank under conservatorship, that is already a fait accompli.
receivership or liquidation may not be
restrained or set aside except on a petition 3.The petition should have been filed in
for certiorari. the CA.