Avaya Cloud Office by Ringcentral Winkit Playbook: © 2020 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved

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Avaya Cloud Office by

RingCentral WinKit

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Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral is the cloud communications
product the market has been waiting for. It provides a hassle-free,
secure, reliable communications platform that enables employees
to call, chat, collaborate and access business apps on any device,
anywhere. Channel Partners can now offer organizations all
the benefits of a modern cloud solution that’s backed by the
combined strength and support of two industry leaders.

The information and assets contained in this WinKit will allow you
and your agents a full suite of messaging and campaign materials
to begin selling Avaya Cloud Office to your customers. The WinKit
will be updated as new materials become available.

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Table of Contents
What is Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral?.....................................................4

What is a Partner WinKit?............................................................................................5

Details of this Campaign...............................................................................................6


How To Qualify Your Leads..........................................................................................9

Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral High Level Messaging........................10

Overall Positioning Message.......................................................................................11

Simple Communications: Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral..................12

Six Steps to Success Campaign Cadance...........................................................13

Step 1: Email Outreach with Video..........................................................................14

Step 2: Email Outreach with Infographic.............................................................15

Step 3: Email Outreach with Fact Sheet..............................................................16

Step 4: Outbound Call...................................................................................................17

Step 5: Follow up call, up-sell and quote.............................................................18

Step 6: Close!.....................................................................................................................19

Recommended Timing.................................................................................................20

Creative Direction: Images.........................................................................................21

Social Media Posts.........................................................................................................22

Campaign Deployment Options.............................................................................23

Get Started Now.............................................................................................................24

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What is Avaya Cloud Office by

Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral provides a reliable platform
enabling employees to call, chat, collaborate and access business
apps on any device, anywhere. By leveraging the combined strength
and support of two industry leaders, organizations can easily enjoy
the features, reliability and security inherent to
cloud communications.

There is an enormous market for cloud-based unified

communications. 46% of companies are feeling pressure to fully
move to the cloud. According to Gartner Research, the four reasons
why a company would move to cloud-based communications are:

• For a unified suite of communication tools, including phone, fax,

chat, and messaging

• Collaboration tools for teams working in multiple locations

• Performance management and analytics

• A wide choice of apps and APIs

Now is the perfect time to add Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral

to your portfolio and offer new and existing customers the features
and reliability of a cloud-based system backed by the strength and
support of the industry leaders.

To support your efforts, this WinKit contains an entire campaign

with a cohesive message to help engage leads. Messaging in this
campaign is focussed on how simple it is to migrate to, own, and
use Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral. You can send the enclosed
assets to existing or new customers with the goal of closing deals
as quickly as possible.

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What is a Partner WinKit?

This WinKit provides Avaya Channel Partners with a full Avaya
Cloud Office by RingCentral demand generation campaign,
including premium assets and an email and social campaign to
drive leads to those premium assets. You’ll find it’s ready to be
deployed with little to no editing. You can customize elements to
reflect your own value proposition, including adding messaging,
social posts, or highlighting your own relevant case studies or
sales materials.

Ease of Use
This program is intuitive and simple to use as it is, but can also
be used as a template for additional customer touchpoints or
campaigns in the future.

Conversations Starters
This program is designed to start conversations and convert
potential customers and existing leads alike, answering common
questions and introducing Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral as
the simplest solution to common business problems.

This WinKit contains everything you need to engage your leads
and close deals.

Access to Assets
All assets found in this WinKit can be accessed here:


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Details of this Campaign

The initial focus of this campaign is on acquisition of new
customers for Avaya, as well as existing small customers running
50 seats or below. Further campaigns will deal with migrating
larger existing customers to Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral.

Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral can be positioned to virtually
any sized customer from small companies with a handful of
employees to large organizations.

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You should try and target the following titles who will be influential in the buying decision:

Title What do they care about? How can we help?

CIO - Primary decision • How will employees and customers benefit? • By providing the best public UCaaS on
maker the market
• How will ACO integrate with or enhance business processes – how will
ACO connect siloed teams, tools, workflows, and information? • Pick the timing that’s right for your
• What is required to support the ACO and what are the cost
implications? • Cloud allows for always up-to-
date software, get new technology
• What are the risks to the business?
improvements without a dedicated
upgrade team

• Pure-play cloud solution reduces

provisioning, activation, and tasks from
months to days

• Integrate your communications into

the applications and solutions that you
already use today

VP IT Director - • How will ACO drive productivity and collaboration? • 100+ ready-to-use integrations with
Influencer business cloud apps, including Microsoft
• What is required to implement, manage, and use ACO?
Office 365, Salesforce, ServiceNow,
• What is the cost to implement and maintain? Zendesk, Google G-Suite

• How will ACO impact manageability of my entire tool set? • Pure-play cloud solution reduces
provisioning, activation, and tasks from
• What features and functions are included? How will ACO integrate
months to days
and enhance other tools?
• Avaya Cloud Office has achieved FINRA and
• How will ACO address our regulatory and compliance requirements?
HITRUST compliance for cloud providers

• No upgrade cycles, updates pushed when

they are available

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CRO/VP of • How will ACO ease customer and prospect communications and drive • 100+ ready-to-use integrations with
Sales - Influencer sales growth? business cloud apps, including Microsoft
Office 365, Salesforce, ServiceNow,
• How will ACO integrate with CRM?
Zendesk, Google G-Suite

VP/Business Unit • How will ACO help drive speed, innovation, and flexibility to solve • 100+ ready-to-use integrations with
Director - Influencer problems more quickly? business cloud apps, including Microsoft
Office 365, Salesforce, ServiceNow,
• How will ACO improve employee and customer experiences?
Zendesk, Google G-Suite
• How will ACO integrate with applications used everyday?

Facilities - Provides • How will the new system impact provisioning of spaces (conference • Innovate at your own pace
input rooms, cubicles, offices, etc.)?

Procurement/Finance - • Budget, previous investments, terms and conditions • Simple provisioning, activation, and
Influencer management of communications and
collaboration solutions

• Integrate at your own pace

• Reduce telecom charges with SIP trunks and

PRI to lower TCO by 30%-40% in the first year

• Integrate your communications into the

applications and solutions that you already
use today

• Online detailed reporting

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How to Qualify Your Leads

Although it is a comprehensive solution built for companies large
and small, some leads might not be a good fit. Use your judgement
to select which customers to target first. These questions can
guide you to the best customers and ensure you make the most of
your time.

1. What is your key business objective?

2. Who is your current solution or provider?

3. Are you currently under contract? What is the end date?

4. What is your decision making process?

5. How big is your company?

6. How many users do you have?

7. What does a current user look like?

8. Roughly how long does it take your company to make decisions

and implement solutions?

9. Do you want Professional Services assistance in set-up or


10. Do you need analog lines? How many and for what?

11. Do you need a mobile solution?

12. Do you have any remote users?

13. Are you looking at other competitors?

14. Do you have any compliance requirements? If so, which ones?

15. What solution are you using for file sharing?

16. Do you have a need for Contact Center features?

17. Do you need any other services, like video conferencing, etc?

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Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral High For More Information

Level Messaging To find out more about Avaya Cloud Office by

Simple Communications: Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral RingCentral please visit: avaya.com/avayacloudoffice
Take calls, make calls, text, chat, and collaborate on a communications
platform that’s simple to deploy, own, use. Avaya Cloud Office by The Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral WikKit can be

RingCentral enables you and your employees to communicate, accessed at: https://sales.avaya.com/en/product-detail/

collaborate, and access business apps on any device, anywhere. avaya-cloud-office

Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral provides hassle-free migration

for your customers to a secure, reliable platform. By leveraging the
combined strength and support of industry leaders, organizations can
easily enjoy the key features and reliability inherent to
cloud communications.

• Your employees and customers want a seamless and intuitive

communications experience that fits into how they work —helping
them stay in touch on their device of choice as they move throughout
their day. One click is all it takes to start a call, join a meeting,
contribute to a team chat or share content.

• Enjoy audio and video conferencing. Share your screen and files with
colleagues, integrate with your existing conference room systems and
create impactful webinar experiences for large audiences.

• Integrate apps from Google, Salesforce, Oracle, Microsoft and more

with your communications. Create a seamless experience that
eliminates the need to switch between applications. Simple, intuitive
and fast. It let’s you get more done.

• Take the guesswork out of understanding how communications work

at your business. Get an up-to-the-hour advanced call management
system and analytics. Understand your utilization, missed calls, time
to answer, refused calls, meeting frequency, and system Quality of
Service (QoS).
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Overall Positioning Message

Take calls, make calls, text, chat, and work together on a
communications platform that’s simple to deploy, own, use.
Communicate. Your employees and customers want a seamless and
intuitive communications experience that fits into how they work—helping
them stay in touch on their device of choice as they move throughout
their day. Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral creates a portal for
communications, allowing your people to quickly transition to the mode
that’s exactly right for them at any moment. One click is all it takes to start
a call, join a meeting, contribute to a team chat or share content.

Work together. Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral lets everyone work

together with full-feature video conferencing. You can share screens and
files with colleagues, as well as chat and message each other. It integrates
with your existing conference room systems and can create impactful
webinar experiences for large audiences.

Integrate. You rely on a variety of different tools to get your work done
every day: desktop apps, workflow automation, and customer relationship
management from such vendors as Google, Salesforce, Oracle and
Microsoft. With Avaya Cloud Office, you can integrate those apps with
your communications, creating a seamless experience that eliminates the
need to switch between applications. Simple, intuitive and fast. It let’s you
get more done.

Understand. Take the guesswork out of understanding how

communications work at your business. Avaya Cloud Office comes
complete with an up-to-the-hour advanced call management system and
analytics. Use the built-in reports or create your own dashboards with
over 30 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). You’ll understand such metrics
as your utilization, missed calls, time to answer, refused calls, meeting
frequency, and system Quality of Service (QoS).

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Differentiator: Simple Communications

Customer Pain Points Value Message Proof Points

I have phones, conference numbers, messaging, Simplify communications all in one app. Take Avaya was recognized as a Customer’s Choice
SMS, fax, video software, and it doesn’t work well calls, make calls, chat, work together on one in the 2019 Gartner Peer Insights for Unified
together and doesn’t work on every device app on any device, including those you already Communications
use (including specific Avaya hardwear), in
Avaya has migrated over 3.5 million seats to
any location. 100+ integrations with business
cloud — and counting
cloud apps, including Office 365, Salesforce,
ServiceNow, Zendesk, Google G-Suite

I know I need cloud, I know my communications Realize your technology goals at a speed and Avaya handles more than 1.5 million service
solutions could be better, but I don’t want to pace that works for you. Your current tools will requests annually, over 91% of service outages
disrupt my business work the same and better tomorrow as they are resolved in less than 2 hours
do today. Adapt and add new features and Avaya was named by Gartner as a leader for
experiences on your timeline Unified Communications 9 times

My communications solutions are out of date, and Cloud makes it easy. Hands-off, worry-free RingCentral was named by Gartner as a UCaaS
the hassle and time of keeping them running or upgrades, support, and administration. A leader 5 years in a row
trying something new is just too much quick, easy path to get started, or transition RingCentral won the 2019 UC Award for Best
from your current solution. Automated Unified Communications Platform
updates for the latest technology with 24/7
award-winning support

All this sounds good, but I worry about Trusted solutions and services, backed by
technology, or that I might need more support communications experts. Industry leading
security and high reliability to never miss a call
or message.

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Six Steps to Success Customer WinKit Engagement

Contact Asset
This WinKit includes a large number of assets to support your
campaign. To the right, you’ll see a visual representation of the
suggested cadence for each of the assets featured in this campaign.
Email Video
Note: you can adjust the cadence and order of this campaign to
match your go-to-market model. For example, you may find that 2 Weeks
you can close some customers during the Outbound Call phase.
Alternatively, a face-to-face meeting may be required with larger or
Email Infographic
or more sophisticated customers.

Stay flexible and seize every opportunity. You will see more detail 2 Weeks
about these assets and resources, and how to use them, in the
following pages.
Email Fact Sheet

2 Weeks

Outbound Telequalification
Call Script

3 Weeks

Follow up Up Sell, Quote

Call and Close!

Final Call Close!

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Step 1: Email Outreach with Video VIDEO EMAIL TEMPLATE

This email speaks directly to the needs of the target audience to

grab readers’ attention and drive them to the asset.

Ensure you add your logo and name to the headline and update the
footer with your contact, legal and social links. Emails are formatted
and ready-to-use but you can also write your own if you want to Simple Communications

highlight a unique differentiator that relates to the asset tied to each Take calls, make calls, text, message, and chat. Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral
offers a seamless and intuitive communications experience that fits the way you

touch point.
work. One click is all it takes to start a call, join a meeting, contribute to a team
chat, or share files. Voice, FAX, texting, multimedia messages: One number does it
all. Avaya Cloud Office is simple communications.

Title: Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral Video Watch this video to see how simple
your communications could be.

Description: This video provides an overview of Avaya Cloud

Watch the Video >>

Office by RingCentral and highlights the capabilities and benefits.

It will help the customer understand how Avaya Cloud Office by
RingCentral will positively impact their business.


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Step 2: Email Outreach with INFOGRAPHIC EMAIL TEMPLATE

This second touch point reinforces the previous messages about
Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral by adding meaningful product
information and market data to the customers decision process.

Title: Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral Infographic One Number Does It All

Description: Take calls, make calls, text, chat, and work together on Voice, FAX, texting and multimedia messages all come to your single number
– easy to manage, easy to control, and easy to see at a glance. Avaya Cloud
Office by RingCentral is packaged and priced so you can be up and running

a communications platform that’s simple to deploy, own, use. This fast. Give your employees and customers the features and options they want,
all in one app.

Infographic shows you what you get with Avaya Cloud Office by Simple
Simple Simple
chat and
RingCentral and gives you facts about the changing world
calling collaboration

of communications. Download this infographic for a

quick primer on Avaya Cloud Office Download the Infographic >>
by RingCentral.


for Your Business
Avaya Cloud Office™ by RingCentral®

Make calls, take calls, message,

email, conference and connect
all in one solution.

One Number Does it All

Voice, FAX, texting and multimedia messages all come to your
single number on any device in any location - easy to manage, easy
to control, and easy to see at a glance.

Simple Calling:
It’s still the best way to communicate, so we’ve
made it easier to place, route, and manage your
company’s voice calls.

of customers prefer to call
because they want a
quick answer
- Google

Simple Chat and SMS:

Take multitasking to the next level.
Have private or group chats and enjoy
direct-to-phone SMS capabilities.

Increase in texts sent per
month in the last decade
- Statistic Brain

Simple Collaboration:
© 2020 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get everyone on the same page in a virtual
meeting room with HD video, screen sharing,
chat and everything you need to work together.

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Step 3: Email Outreach with Fact EMAIL TEMPLATE

This third touch point expands on the preceding two, with a
comprehensive description of the features and benefits customers
can enjoy. This is useful piece for answering any doubts a customer
may have that the solution is right for them.
Simplify your Communications so you can
Title: Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral Fact Sheet Focus on your Business

Driving revenue, delighting your customers, ensuring your people are productive.
Keeping all the plates spinning is challenging enough without the headaches

Description: Driving revenue, delighting your customers, of poor communications. Avaya Cloud Office can fundamentally enhance the
way your business communicates with customers, partners and across your
organization by simplifying the way you call, chat, meet and collaborate.

ensuring your people are productive. Keeping all the plates

spinning is challenging enough without the headaches of poor
Download the Fact Sheet for
comprehensive walk through of
Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral.

communications. Avaya Cloud Office can fundamentally enhance Download the Fact Sheet >>

the way your business communicates with customers, partners

and across your organization by simplifying the way you call, chat,
meet and collaborate.


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Step 4: Outbound Call

Step four is a direct outbound call to the prospective
customer with the objective of answering any question they
have and getting the customer to accept a sales meeting.

This script engages the customer by reminding them of the

assets already sent and provides additional information about
the solution’s features.

Partners may wish to customize the script to reflect their own

unique value propositions, including adding messaging, or
highlighting their own relevant case studies.

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Step 5: Follow Up Call and Quote

If you have not yet secured a sales meeting after Step 4,
a follow up call with a hard quote may lead a customer to
reconsider their initial reluctance. Your understanding of the
customer’s business, needs and current situation will give you
the best chanceat success and shows them the advantages and
savings in productivity and monthly expenses that Avaya Cloud
Office by RingCentral can provide.

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Step 6: Close!
Your final step is to go for the close. Be prepared to negotiate
and potentially alter some parts of the quote to better meet
the customer’s requirements. It’s natural for the customer
to ask for a price break, but your work in understanding
the customer’s business and current expenses will help you
demonstrate the value of your proposal and the long-term
cost savings for the customer.

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Recommended Timing
We recommend sending one touch every one to two
weeks to the same prospects (minus those who opt-out,
unsubscribe or engage with you otherwise) over the course
of six to eight weeks. It is best practice to send emails on
Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays in the late morning, and
to avoid sending during holiday weeks. If you’re deploying
this campaign close to a holiday week, just skip that week
and resume your campaign after the holiday break.

Formal Social Media engagement from your company

can happen throughout the campaign with links to the
Infographic. But remember to also create some excitement
on a more individual basis by talking up your success and
progress. For example:

• “Just moved a new customer to the Avaya Cloud Office

by RingCentral - they were amazed at how simple the
whole process was from deployment, to training, to first

• “Helping an existing customer migrate their

communications to the cloud. It was simple and on their
own timetable.”

• “Keeping it Simple. Great to see how responsive

customers are to Avaya Cloud Office by RingCentral”.

• “Simple communications with every modern feature a

business needs to keep up”

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Creative Direction: Images

The Avaya Photo Library contains brand-approved photos that
are available for use in Avaya projects. The images in our catalog
are licensed only for use by Avaya employees and our marketing
agencies specifically for Avaya-branded projects. These images
are NOT available for third party use. Do not provide access to the
catalog to companies who are not authorized Avaya contractors
working on Avaya projects requiring our photography.

Avaya’s image use is closely tracked by our stock photography

vendors – unlicensed usage of their licensed images will violate our
agreements and result in severe penalties. If you have questions
regarding proposed usage or need images not represented in the
catalog, contact brand@avaya.com.

Avaya Photo Library »


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As noted under the Recommended Timing section, formal

Social Media engagement from your company can happen
throughout the campaign with links to the Infographic.

This WinKit includes social posts to be used on Facebook,

LinkedIn and Twitter. If you are using them to direct to a
page on your website, both Facebook and LinkedIn will
automatically pull an image and associated text into the
post (see example post here).

• 59% of customers prefer to call because they want

a quick answer! Learn why businesses just like yours
are moving their communications to the #cloud.

• Mobile workers will make up almost half of the global

workforce by 2022. Having #ExperiencesThatMatter TWITTER SOCIAL
are important to them - how will you keep your mobile
works productive?

• Cloud communications let you conserve your capital,

take the strain off IT, and provide your people with
outstanding #ExperiencesThatMatter. Learn why
businesses like yours are moving their communications
to the #cloud.

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Campaign Deployment Options

Option 1: Host Assets on Your Own Website
Send one email with a link to your website where the
corresponding asset is housed. Follow the campaign cadence
and continue to send emails and assets to prospects. Track
responses and engagements with the assets to identify leads
who are becoming more prepared for a sales conversation.

Option 2: Leverage Your Marketing Automation

If you use a marketing automation platform (HubSpot,
Constant Contact, MailChimp, Eloqua, etc.), add the email
creative and HTML code to your platform and deploy the
target audience. Users will be able to download the asset
directly from the email without the completion of a contact/
lead form. This option requires that the asset is hosted on your
website or through your marketing automation platform.

Option 3: Leverage You Marketing Automation

Platform and Gate Content
If you use a marketing automation platform (HubSpot,
Constant Contact, MailChimp, Eloqua, etc.), add the email
creative and HTML code to your platform and deploy to target
audience. Users would have to complete a contact /lead form
(this form must be integrated with your marketing automation
platform) to download the asset. This option requires that the
asset is hosted on your website or through your marketing
automation platform.

We recommend using this option for the consideration and

intent assets as well as when sending assets to purchased lists.

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Get Started Now

You should have all you need to run
a successful demand generation
campaign, but if you have questions
or need help, please contact your
Avaya Channel Manager.

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