Credit Transactions: Coverage For The First Half of The Semester
Credit Transactions: Coverage For The First Half of The Semester
Credit Transactions: Coverage For The First Half of The Semester
1. General Provisions and Coverage of the Subject (Arts. 1933-1934, New Civil
A. Acme Show Rubber vs. CA, 260 SCRA 714 (Real Security Contract).
B. Navoa vs. Ca, 251 SCRA 545 (Secured/unsecured Creditor).
C. Saura Import and Export Co. vs. DBP, 44 SCRA 445 (Perfected
Consensual Contract of Loan).
D. Bonnevie vs. CA, 125 SCRA 122.
E. Central Bank vs. CA, 139 SCRA 46
F. Herrera vs. Petrophil, 146 SCRA 385.
3. Simple Loan or Mutuum – Loan of money and consumable things (Arts. 1953-
1961, NCC).
1. Important provisions/features and present status of the law (Act No. 2655, as
2. Relevant Cases:
A. Liam Law vs. Olympic Sawmill Co., 124 SCRA 439 (Usury Law is for
sometime now legally inexistent).
B. Investors Finance Corp. vs. Autoworld Sales Corp., 340 SCRA 735 (In
usurious loan, the creditor can always recover the principal debt. The
debtor can recover all the usurious debt paid.).
C. Pascua vs. Perez, 10 SCRA 199 (Non-forfeiture of principal in
usurious contracts).
D. Briones vs. Cammayo, 41 SCRA 404 (in usurious contract, what is
void is only the stipulation on interest).
E. First Metro Investment vs. Este Del Sol Mountain (CB Cir. 905 simply
suspended the effectivity of the Usury Law).
F. Sanchez vs. Bueviaje, 126 SCRA 208 (Usurious interest substituted by
legal rate).
G. First Metro Credit vs. Este, November 15, 2001 (Usurious loan).
H. DBP vs. Perez, November 11, 2004 (18% usurious interest substituted
by 12% legal rate).
Law on Deposits
5. Special Law on Deposit – The Warehouse Receipts Law (Act No. 2137, as
For the 7th and 8th Days
A. Palmares vs. CA, 288 SCRA 422 (A creditor’s right to proceed against
a surety exists independently of his right to proceed against the
principal. A surety is not even entitled, as a matter of right, to be given
notice of the principal’s default. A surety is an insurer of the debt,
whereas a guarantor is an insurer of the insolvency of the debtor).
B. E. Zobel, Inc. vs. CA, 290 SCRA 1 (A contract of surety is an
accessory promise by which a person binds himself for another already
bound, and agrees with the creditor to satisfy the obligation if the
debtor does not. Article 2080 of the New Civil Code does not apply
where the liability is a surety, not as a guarantor.)
C. Paramount Insurance Corp. vs. CA, 310 SCRA 377 (By the contract of
suretyship, it is not for the obligee to see to it that the principal pays
the debt, but for the surety to see to it that the principal pay.)
D. Security Bank and Trust Co. vs. Cuenca, 341 SCRA 781 (Continuing
E. Babst vs. CA, January 26, 2001 (When does a surety become liable –
when the principal debtor failed or refused to pay).
F. Taňedo vs. Allied Banking Corp., February 1, 2002 (Continuing
( II )
A. PNB vs. Sayo, 292 SCRA 202 (The foreclosure of the thing pledged
results in the full satisfaction of the loan liabilities to the pledge of the
pledgor. The buyer in a foreclosure sales does not assume the
obligations of the pledgor to his other creditors.)
B. De Rama vs. Palileo, 17 SCRA 196 (Requisites of Pledge).
C. Abustan vs. Ferrer, 12 SCRA 488 (1964).
D. Gen. Insurance Co. vs. Masakayan, 54 SCRA 120.
E. DBP vs. CA, 253 SCRA 414.
F. Northern Motors vs. Coquia, 68 SCRA 374.
G. GSIS vs. CA, 170 SCRA 553.
H. Cerna vs. CA, 220 SCRA 517.
a) Adriano vs. Pangilinan, January 16, 2002.
Foreclosure of Mortgage
a) Unionbank of the Philippines vs. CA, 311 SCRA 795
(When there is a failure to redeem a foreclosed property
within the reglementary period, consolidation of title
becomes a matter of right, and issuance of title in favour of
the purchaser becomes ministerial upon the Register of
b) Lucena vs. CA, 313 SCRA 47 (Foreclosure of land by rural
banks will be null and void when there is a failure to post
notices of auction sale in the barrio where the property is
c) Cristobal vs. CA, 328 SCRA 256 (A certificate of posting is
not required, much less considered indispensable, for the
validity of foreclosure sale under Act No. 3135).
d) Olizon vs. CA, 236 SCRA 148 (Posting of notice not
indispensable when there is already publication).
e) PNB vs. Rabat, 344 SCRA 706 (In extrajudicial foreclosure
sales, personal notice to the mortgagor is not necessary).
Right of Mortgagee to Recover Deficiency
a) Prudential Bank vs. Martinez, 189 SCRA 612
Chattel Mortgage