Assessing IOT Projects in University Education - A Framework For Problem-Based Learning
Assessing IOT Projects in University Education - A Framework For Problem-Based Learning
Assessing IOT Projects in University Education - A Framework For Problem-Based Learning
17 2,087
5 authors, including:
Sasu Tarkoma
University of Helsinki
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All content following this page was uploaded by Hanna Mäenpää on 07 November 2017.
Project 1: Visualization
Arduino Duemilanove $20
DHT-11 temperature humidity Sensor $5
Project 2: Humidity A
Arduino Uno $25
SeedStudio Grove - Moisture Sensor $5
Simple photoresistor $0
Actuators: buzzer, RGB LED $5
Project 3: Humidity B
Electric Imp and breakout board $45
SeedStudio Grove - Moisture Sensor $5
SeedStudio Soil Moisture and Temp. Sensor $40 Figure 1: High level architecture of the Greenhouse
$90 Care project.
Project 4: Temperature IoT device into a cloud-based storage and provided a chart
Intel Galileo $100 representation. Other projects utilized this application for
DS18B20 temperature sensors + cables $55 either visualizing their own data or yielding data for their
$155 own purposes. The few students that did not, created their
own user interfaces for displaying their data according to
Project 5: Air Flow their own plans.
Arduino Uno $25
Computer case fans $5 3.4.2 Humidity (2,3)
Power source 12v $5
The most recurring greenhouse care task is to check for
Prototyping breadboards $10
humidity of soil and add water and fertilizer if needed. Two
Misc. electronics(resistors, transistors) $5
student projects (2,3) approached facilitating this task by
creating independent solutions for sensing humidity inside a
planting container. The main emphasis of the first project
Project 6: Hydroponics
was on interacting with people and creating alarms to in-
Arduino YÚN $75 dicate when it was time to add water the soil. The other
Stackable PCB headers $2 product focused on product innovation: how a “smart flow-
Seedstudio One Wire Temperature Sensors $12 erpot” could be transformed into a commercial product.
Seedstudio Grove - UV Sensor $10
Seedstudio Grove Base Shield $18 3.4.3 Temperature and air (4,5)
Grove humidity and temperatur pro sensors $15
At times a space heater was needed to heat the green-
Grove air quality sensor $10
house. While the greenhouse was custom-built from inex-
pensive components, its ventilation was compromised and
heat distributed unevenly. The “Temperature” project (4)
Project 7: Visitors
concentrated on monitoring six different parts of the green-
Raspberry Pi with WiFi dongle $50
house with air temperature sensors and the “Air Flow” project
Raspberry Pi Board For NFC-Tags $40
(5) utilized this data to help circulate heat more evenly
MiFare Classic NFC Keychain Fobs $13
within the greenhouse.
3.4.4 Hydroponics (6)
Total $510 One of the installments in the greenhouse was a tank
where plants were grown in nutrient solution, without us-
3.4 Student projects ing soil. The system was not working correctly, leading to
In this chapter, we give an overview of the student projects. plants dying after a few weeks of their installation. One
The examples are expected to provide an authentic and prac- student aimed at building a measurement device for this
tical representation on both the scale and scope of the ex- small-scale ecosystem. The solution consisted of an imagi-
periment. native amount of sensors that could be used for measuring
both air and water quality.
3.4.1 Visualization (1)
To be able to support the work of gardeners, all projects 3.4.5 Visitors (7)
were required to have a human readable user interface. This The question “Has anybody visited the greenhouse?” was
was first achieved by project 1 in which the student com- one of the most common phrases in the communication of
posed a web application that allowed pushing data from any the caretaker team. Therefore, a status reporting device was
created, allowing visitors to the greenhouse to flash Near 4.2.1 Project 1: Visualization
Communication Field (NFC) enabled keychains to a reader Both IoT technologies and web applications were a part
located inside the greenhouse. A requirement for the system of this student’s professional career. He was very active and
was that it should be usable with wet and dirty hands. took a central role in the project and offered his work for
others to use, too.
4. DISCUSSION 4.2.2 Project 2: Humidity A
After the initial problem-based learning phase, students This student had done some microcontroller-based projects
were given the freedom to choose their own project topic and before the course. In this project, he struggled with hard-
scope. In this section we first reflect on how this freedom ware organization and thus learned about physical design.
affected solution architecture design and consequently, the The merit of his work was that the result was strongly con-
course budget. Finally, we contemplate the expectations and nected to human interaction and solving a concrete problem.
learning outcomes of both students and course personnel.
4.2.3 Project 3: Humidity B
4.1 Budget Guidance This team consisted of two students who chose a stream-
During the first meeting the instructors suggested micro- lined technology, making their solution almost effortless to
controller platforms that could be chosen as a starting point compose. The merit of their result was in their ability to
for projects. We did not communicate how much each indi- see their result as a commercial product for the near future
vidual project should cost and emphasized that the options development of which they had a clear plan. They never
were not limited to the suggested technologies. Participants seemed to leave their comfort zone to learn about the IoT
became inspired by the possibilities. Some envisioned con- technology itself.
cepts that were impossible to implement within the time-
frame and some requested high-cost, professional sensors. 4.2.4 Project 4: Temperatures
The people who were guided to cut back their plans, natu-
This student had excellent background knowledge in IoT
rally, expressed their disappointment. However, the negative
technologies. His output was not a learning experience, but
emotions subsided after they received the more affordable
proof of learning that had happened before the course. He
hardware components we had helped them to choose. We
worked very independently, without much communication
believe that if a finite cost limit would have been given for
with others.
each student project, it might have helped to mitigate the
initial plans. However, having a fixed budget might have led
4.2.5 Project 5: Air Flow
to less inspired plans and at worst, students trying to fill up
their budgets with components that they might not have a The student was very eager to learn new things and pro-
need in the end. gressed through trial and error. Even though many of his
plans were never realized, he retained his enthusiasm and
4.2 Grading the Individual Learning Process presented a wide array of new knowledge.
After students had completed their demos, the instructors 4.2.6 Project 6: Hydroponics
reviewed the projects and gave students a simple pass or
fail grade. In this section, we present the highlights of each The student eagerly pulled together a meritious sensor
student’s learning pathways. Table 2 summarizes learning system with many hardware components. However, it re-
themes the instructors identified each student had touched mained unclear whether he had understood the purpose of
with while their project work. his system, and its relation to its users.