The Importance of English Language in Myanmar
The Importance of English Language in Myanmar
The Importance of English Language in Myanmar
During these years, many multinational companies come and run business in Myanmar
in different sectors such as Telecom, Food& Drink and Construction, etc. Employees from
Myanmar and the people who speak in English have to discuss and talk business issues and
matters in English. At the time, English language is a key to communicate. When employees
speak to Manager or Boss, speaking in English is required. On the other hand, listening skill is
also required when we make a phone call, we need to understand what the caller said. Reading
in detail is another important skill. Because sometimes we need to read ‘Contract’ between our
company and another company to know what facts and information are included in ‘Contract’.
As usual, most of the people use emails and they need to write and reply. For this situation, we
need to know how to write formal and informal register effectively.
In conclusion, if we use English language effectively in our different sector, we can make
higher profit for our country. By using English language as a magic tool, we can develop our
country to become the richest country in Asia.