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Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003

Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011

Contract Number: Page: 1 of 16
Revision: 1


This specification has been revised as indicated below and described in the revision record on the following
page. Please destroy all previous revisions.

Revision Date Originator's Reviewed/Checked By Pages

No. Name & Initials Name & Initials
A 7/06/2010 Cory A. Haynes Vincent E. Mezzano 7
0 11/04/2010 Cory A. Haynes Anna M. Pham 7
1 1/14/2011 Cory A. Haynes Anna M. Pham 16


Lead Engineer Thomas B. Robinson

Project Manager: Russell Shulz
Client Approval:

ISSUED FOR : Construction X Other Approved

Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 2 of 16
Revision: 1


Record of Revisions
Revision Date Description

A 7/06/2010 Issued for Approval, Table of Contents Only

0 11/04/2010 Issued for Review/Approval

1 1/14/2011 Issued Approved

Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 3 of 16
Revision: 1




1.0 GENERAL......................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Scope of Specification ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP)...................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Flow Switches ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Restriction Orifices ............................................................................................................................ 5
3.3 Custody Transfer Meters & Flow Verification .............................................................................. 5
3.4 Differential Pressure Flow Transmitters ......................................................................................13
3.5 Parshall Flumes................................................................................................................................13
4.0 ATTACHMENTS...........................................................................................................................................16
4.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP)....................................................................................................16
4.2 Standard Drawings ..........................................................................................................................16
4.3 Datasheets .........................................................................................................................................16
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 4 of 16
Revision: 1



1.1 Scope of Specification

This specification defines the minimum mandatory requirements governing the design and
installation of process flow instruments for the Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail
and Yanbu (MARAFIQ).

The governing specification will be the Process Industry Practice (PIP) PCCFL001 "Flow
Measurement Design Criteria" (August, 2006) with the additions, deletions, and
clarifications described in Section 3.0.


The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of
equipment and facilities covered by this specification shall comply with the latest edition of the
references listed below, unless otherwise noted.

2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP)

A. PCCFL001 Flow Measurement Design Criteria

B. PCEFL001 Flow Measurement Guidelines

C. PCFFL000 Orifice Plate Fabrication Details

D. PCIFL100 Orifice Plate Installation Details

E. PCIDP100 Differential Pressure Transmitter Installation Details


The following sub-sections indicate additional requirements, which were not addressed in Process
Industry Practice (PIP) PCCFL001. These sub-sections represent requirements specified in the
addition to PIP PCCFL001 "Flow Measurement Design Criteria" (August, 2006).

3.1 Flow Switches

A. General Design Criteria

 Vane (paddle) type flow switches shall not be used.

 Flow switches have process pressure and velocity limitations. Consult

manufacturer's specifications.

 Flow switches are normally installed vertical. Other types may be installed in
other ways. Consult manufacturer's specifications.
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 5 of 16
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 Switches in equipment shutdown service will be directly connected to the


 Alarm switches will preferably be receiver type actuated by a transmitter output

signal and should be mounted in a non hazardous area and be accessible for easy

 The process switch contacts will not be installed directly in shutdown or

equipment switching service. A relay can be installed between switch and final
action device to improve the life of the switch.

 Switch wiring will be 2-conductor and will not use the common hot wire

 Switch contacts for interlock and shutdown may either be normally open or
normally closed for normal operation depending upon the type and reliability of
power source, fail safe system option, or the customer's preference.

 Switch action for alarms will normally be closed circuit for normal operation;
open circuit for alarm condition.

 All local switches will conform to the local and/or client standards.

3.2 Restriction Orifices

A. General Design Criteria

 The mechanical strength of a restriction orifice plate should suit the process
conditions and the thickness should be calculated in all cases to avoid unsafe

 In liquid service, cavitation may occur and should be avoided; therefore the
cavitation index should be checked for liquid services. Due to its nature,
cavitation may damage the plate to such an extent that mechanical integrity is
lost and/or substantial damage is experienced in the downstream piping.

 Installation requirements are not critical for these devices.

 Restriction devices are not calibrated. A verification of dimensions and materials

is normally adequate.

3.3 Custody Transfer Meters & Flow Verification

A. General Design Criteria

Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 6 of 16
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 Metering systems shall consist of three major components:

 The skid mounted metering equipment comprised of the flow meter runs and a
bi-directional meter prover

 The meter panels and supervisory system installed in an unclassified and

environmentally controlled equipment room to perform calculations, read outs
and control

 The sampling system

The metering systems shall be comprised of parallel meter runs to accommodate the
minimum and maximum flow specified in the datasheet.

Each meter shall be piped to the bi-directional prover for calibration. Metering systems
shall be designed to allow proving under the same flowing conditions, including maximum
flow rate, as exists during normal operations. This piping shall include control and
isolation valves to allow routing normal flow through each meter and also through the
prover (meters and prover in series).

Metering systems shall be designed such that the total pressure drop across the entire
metering skid shall not exceed the maximum value stated on the datasheet when flowing at
the maximum viscosity and maximum flow rate during a proving cycle.

Meters shall be installed in a horizontal run of pipe. Meters shall be mounted in such a
position that the meter runs will be completely filled with the fluid being measured;
otherwise the measuring performance of the instrument will be impaired.

Pressure and temperature instruments shall be provided at each primary element stream,
prover and sampler location. These measurements shall be integral to the calculation and
correction of flow measurements.

Meter Selection

Metering systems shall be single phase with respect to the presence of liquids and gases.
There shall be no vapor present throughout a liquid metering system. The need for air
eliminators upstream of flow meters shall be considered and specified if required.

An uncertainty analysis shall be conducted and documented by the SUPPLIER to

demonstrate compliance with the tolerance over the full design operating range of process
conditions. The estimate of total uncertainty shall take into account all contributing
elements and shall meet the requirements indicated in the datasheet. The SUPPLIER shall
provide calculations of the system uncertainty.
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 7 of 16
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Meters for liquid measurement shall be turbine, Coriolis or ultrasonic type. Meters for gas
measurement shall be orifice plates, ultrasonic, Coriolis or turbine type. Coriolis meters in
gas service shall only be used if there is proven industry evidence of its acceptability for the

Turbine liquid meters shall be fitted with dual pulse transmitters to allow the integrity of
pulse transmission to be checked. Turbine liquid meters shall be used for heavier, more
viscous liquids and fluids which exhibit large changes in viscosity with small temperature
changes. Turbine gas meters shall not be used when pulsations in gas flow exceed 10%
peak to peak of nominal flow or where there is any risk of liquid carryover or condensate
being deposited due to unplanned shutdowns. The SUPPLIER shall provide means to
maintain minimum backpressure on turbine meters to avoid damage associated with sudden
high flow rates.

Coriolis meters shall be installed in a manner that allows shut down and isolation for
periodic “zero” checks and adjustments. Coriolis meters shall be proved using a volumetric
prover in combination with a custody transfer, fiscal standard densitometer. The adequacy
of the meter housing secondary containment must be assured for the system design
conditions. The installation of the Coriolis meters shall be free from stress or torsion
introduced by interconnecting piping.

Ultrasonic meters shall be multi-path and shall provide detailed flow behavior diagnostics.
Ultrasonic meters shall not be externally mounted or clamp on type. Ultrasonic meters
shall be considered for high throughput and large diameter pipeline applications.
Ultrasonic meters shall not be used where fouling at the transducers, pipe bore and flow
conditioners may occur (i.e. waxing).

Orifice plates shall only be used in gas metering applications. Orifice plates shall be
specified with full double block and bleed isolation valves upstream and downstream of the
metering assembly. The provision of a flanged spool downstream of the orifice shall be
installed to allow visual in-situ inspection of the upstream meter tube and the plate.

Metering Panels and Supervisory System

The metering control panel shall be located indoors, remotely from the metering skid and
shall be comprised of freestanding cabinet(s) with means to secure them to the floor. The
cabinet(s) shall be Rittal TS8 (or equivalent) painted factory standard light grey in
accordance with MNL-01 and shall include the following:

 Terminals and fuses for 110 VAC, 60 Hz UPS Power

 Doors on front and rear of cabinet with nameplates

 One digital stream flow computer per meter

 Sample controller
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 8 of 16
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 COMPANY Approved PLC

The metering control panel shall be in accordance with the Specification for Instrumentation in
Packaged Equipment (MQ-SP-I-7022) including alarms for common trouble, temperature and
fan failure.

Electronic flow computers shall comply fully with MARAFIQ requirements. The SUPPLIER
shall be required to provide a statement certifying compliance.

The flow computers shall be provided to manage the metering operations; they shall receive the
signals from the flow transmitters and also receive separate pressure and temperature transmitter
signals, one each per meter. Each computer shall monitor its meter for abnormal performance
and shall alarm to indicate an abnormal meter run condition.

The flow computers shall be programmed for the intended service and tested prior to shipment
but shall be field re-programmable.

The Supervisory System shall consist of two supervisory computers in redundant configuration.
The interface software running in the primary computer will automatically switch to the
secondary computer based on the status of predefined health identifiers. Both computers will be
equipped with all the required software and communication drivers.

The Supervisory System shall receive the data from the stream flow/proving computers and any
supplied analyzers and shall compute the total daily net flows and generate and print metering
reports and event logging to two separate local printers, one in the control room and one in the
room housing the metering control panels.

The Supervisory System shall operate all the valves via the PLC to perform automatic proving
cycle of each meter run. The bi-directional prover shall generate a switch closure at the
beginning and end of the proving volume. The volume within this interval is compared in the
corresponding flow/proving computer with data collected from the flow meters in the same
interval and a correction is calculated. The Supervisory System shall keep track of these events
and automatically backup all fiscal data pertaining to the offloading operation periodically.

The Supervisory System shall be provided with two engineering workstations. The primary
workstation shall be located in the control room and the secondary computer shall be located in
the room housing the metering control panels. The engineering workstations shall match with
other consoles (size, model, color, etc.) in the operator area (to be specified by the

The engineering workstations shall provide user friendly graphic displays with all pertinent
variables and features.

The SUPPLIER shall include all necessary interface and programming for the integration
(networking) of all the electronic components (stream flow computers, engineering
workstations, sampler controller, printers, etc.) to perform, as a minimum, the following tasks:
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 9 of 16
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 Flow measurement, calculations and reporting according to API MPMS

 Run automatic proving algorithms and advise for new calibration meter factors

 Run automatic sampling cycle

 Provide alarm indication, status, etc.

 Store data in a backup media

 Graphic display of the system, cycle status, process variables

 Diagnostics of all components and communications

Remote Communication

Metering systems shall be provided with a remote communication gateway to interface via
Modbus TCP/IP. OPC protocol over Ethernet can be used if Modbus TCP/IP is not supported
and shall only be used with MARAFIQ approval.

The following list of data shall be communicated in the appropriate engineering units as a

 Time synchronization

 Instantaneous flow rate

 Total flow rate

 Individual meter instantaneous flow rate

 Individual meter total flow rate

 Pressure and temperature for each meter run

 Differential pressure across each strainer

 Block valve positions

 Prover status

 Proving cycle initiation

 Diagnostics of all components

 All system alarms including common trouble alarm

Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 10 of 16
Revision: 1


Meter Proving Equipment

The valves in each meter run shall be automatically aligned to flow through the prover when
testing of such meter has been selected either manually or by means of an automatic “proving”
algorithm running in the Supervisory System. The valves shall automatically resume to
normal operation as soon the testing has ended.

A mechanical displacement meter prover shall be used for proving each individual meter run.
The prover shall be bi-directional ball style and either straight or folded (U-tube) design.
Folded provers are preferred due to their reduced space requirements.

The accuracy of calibration equipment must be greater than the accuracy of the device being
calibrated. A liquid flow metering system having an accuracy of better than ± 0.5% must be
calibrated against a standard whose accuracy is ± 0.5% or better.

The meter prover shall be fabricated, calibrated, and certified by a SUPPLIER with the
necessary test facilities to accurately calibrate the prover. The SUPPLIER shall provide
copies of the certified water draw calibration. The integrity of the calibration device shall be
traceable to test measures that have been certified by the National Institute of Standards and

The prover shall be internally coated with a baked on phenolic coating to prevent pitting.
Internally coated areas must be accessible for inspection.

Prover displacer detector switches shall be provided so that four volumes are available. The
displacer detector switches shall detect the position of the displacer at the same point, each
time it passes in a given direction. These switches shall start and stop the electronic counter
so that it accumulates flow only while the displacer is located between the switches.

Prover valving shall include isolation valves and a rapid switching 4-way diverter valve with
bubble tight shutoff for switching the direction of the displacer. All valves shall be operable
from the metering panel and from the Control Room. Connections shall be provided for water
draw (calibration) check. Where possible, valve design shall provide for servicing of valve
internals without removal of the valve body. Valves shall also be “double block and bleed”
design to verify that there is no leakage through the valve during the proving operation.

Prover accessories necessary for the efficient and / or safe operation shall be included.

Provers shall have provisions for removal and replacement of the displacer sphere without the
disassembly of major components. The sphere material shall be compatible with the fluid
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 11 of 16
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Sampling System

The sampling system shall consist of a sampler skid with portable sample containers and byte
checker connected to a remote sample probe. The sampler shall be provided in an enclosure
insulated and heated to maintain the sample at operating temperature. A separate lab skid
consisting of an electrically powered pump, mixing loop, nozzle, sample connection and other
accessories shall prepare the samples for lab testing.

The sampler probe shall remove samples in proportion to the skid throughput. Each sample is
checked by a byte checker and stored in the portable container at the sampler skid. Each
container shall have quick connect couplers for joining to the sampler loop or the mixer skid.
A level or weight switch, pressure relief and vacuum breaker shall be included to protect the
sample container from damage.

The sampler shall collect a proportional sample (isokinetic) of the skid throughput paced by a
flow proportional pulse output and shall inject a minimum of 1.0 cc of sample per stroke into
the sample container. The sampler rate shall be adjusted to deliver the required volume of
sample fluid during any one sampling period. The sampler shall be capable of sampling at a
rate of up to 100 samples per minute for rapid sampling of small batches and line fills.

The sampling system shall be designed by the manufacturer based on the maximum and
minimum flow rates, viscosities, line pressures, temperatures, densities, header diameter and
maximum allowable pressure drop to ensure homogeneous mixing under all possible
operating conditions. Relevant calculations must be provided by the manufacturer.

The sampling and mixing system shall be located in the common outlet header downstream of
the flow meters, in the flowing stream; the sample take-off shall be located inside the pipe
between 1/3 and 2/3 of the diameter.

Manufacturer of the sampling and mixing system must be able to provide start-up and operator
training and be able to provide the certification of the sampling system water injection test for
fiscal sampling (if required).

The sample container shall be designed to hold the sample under sufficient pressure to prevent
the escape of vapors and shall be designed and constructed in accordance with ASME Section

In addition to the mixing and sampling skid with portable containers and sampler enclosure,
the SUPPLIER shall provide a separate mixing skid (labmixer) to be used in the lab to mix
and condition the samples obtained in the sample receivers prior to testing. The labmixer shall
have dual hoses with quick connectors to connect to the receivers and mix the contents
without opening the receivers. Receivers shall have internal sump and takeoff tube and return
tube with lateral spray jets to rotate and circulate the sample in the receiver and minimize wall
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 12 of 16
Revision: 1


Piping Requirements

The SUPPLIER shall provide a piping connection to allow an external meter prover to be
connected to allow verification of the metering system prover calibration.

Double block and bleed valves shall be supplied for diversion of flow through proving

A float-operated gas vent and strainer shall be installed upstream of each meter run for liquid
measurement. The strainer shall be designed and sized to remove any suspended particles
and/or sand that may be present in the fluid and damage the flow meter. The strainer shall
have a flanged davit closure for easy removal and replacement of basket.

The skid size shall accommodate for the straight pipe run conditioning section upstream and
downstream of the meters. No pressure taps or thermowells shall be permitted in the straight
run lengths specified.

Each meter run shall be fitted with the following equipment as a minimum:

 Inlet valve

 Thermal relief valve

 Flow meter

 Flow control valve with smart positioner

 RTD in thermowell and transmitter

 Pressure transmitter

 Calibration thermometer in thermowell

 Pressure gauge

 Outlet block valves (to isolate export line)

 Prover take-offs

Piping and equipment isolation shall be in accordance with MARAFIQ standards.

All piping terminations shall be flanged and anchored at skid edge close to and within the
skid limits in accordance with project piping specifications.

The SUPPLIER shall perform the metering skid pipes stress calculations on piping
subsystems within the skid and provide required static / sliding supports based on the stress
analysis results.
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 13 of 16
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Materials of construction of the meters shall be electrochemically compatible with process

piping and ancillary securing bolts and brackets.

Seal and gasket materials shall be selected for long term operation under the specified site
conditions (e.g. temperature, sunlight, dust and trace elements in the atmosphere).

The metering skid edge shall have flanged ends for the CONTRACTOR side flange
connections. The flange rating, facing and surface finish shall be in accordance with the
piping class specification.

Vents and drains shall be provided at all high and low points in the piping system. Closed
vent and drain headers shall be provided and shall have a minimum 2 in. diameter. Closed
vent and drain headers shall terminate in a flanged connection at the skid edge, defined as
the battery limit. Vent and drain configurations shall be specified as per MARAFIQ

3.4 Differential Pressure Flow Transmitters

Refer to MARAFIQ Specification MQ-SP-I-7004 “Specification - Pressure”

3.5 Parshall Flumes

A. General Design Criteria

 Parshall flumes are unique shaped open channel flow sections installed in
ditches, canals, or laterals to measure flow rates. They are classified as
submerged or free-flowing. The Parshall is recommended for those applications
in which moderate concentrations of sand, grit or other heavy solids exist and
fluid velocities entering the flume are subcritical.

 Parshall flumes must be built with their dimensions in strict accordance with
specifications (ISO 9826 and ASTM D1941 (1991) standards or USBR (1997)).
Flumes (like weirs) are designed to force a transition from sub-critical to super-
critical flow. With Parshall flumes, the transition is caused by designing flumes
to have a narrowing at the throat and a drop in the channel bottom. Such a
transition causes flow to pass through critical depth in the flume throat. At the
critical depth, energy is minimized and there is a direct relationship between
water depth and velocity (and flowrate).

 Free flow occurs when a hydraulic drop is visible at the throat; that is, when the
downstream head is significantly less than the upstream head. Free flow requires
only the upstream head measurement.
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 14 of 16
Revision: 1


 Submerged flow occurs when a hydraulic jump is not visible at the throat; that is,
when the downstream head is sufficiently high that it "drowns out" or "swallows
up" the hydraulic jump. In submerged flow, the downstream water backs up into
the throat swallowing the drop making the drop difficult to identify. Analysis of
submerged flow requires two head measurements - one in the approach channel
and one in the throat.

 The discharge equation is:

Q = a * hb


h is the depth of the water measured at distance B’

in front of the throat (m)
Q is the flow rate (m3/s)
m is the weight of the flume (kg)
hd/h is the ratio of water submergence
hd is the water depth behind the flume (m)
W is the width of the throat (m)

Flume Flume Flume Flume Flume Flume Flume Flume Flume

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Qmin 0.26 0.52 0.78 1.52 2.25 2.91 4.4 5.8 8.7
Qmax 6.22 15.1 54.6 168 368 598 898 1211 1841
a 0.0609 0.1197 0.1784 0.354 0.521 0.675 1.015 1.368 2.081
b 1.552 1.553 1.555 1.558 1.558 1.556 1.56 1.564 1.569
hd/ha 0.6 0.7
m 9 10.6 19.1 49 81 146 183 231 252
W 2.54 5.08 7.62 15.24 22.86 30.48 45.7 61 91.4
B' 30 34 39 53 75 120 130 135 150
C 9.29 13.49 17.8 39.4 38.1 61 76.2 91.44 121.9
D 16.75 21.35 25.88 39.69 57.47 84.46 102.6 120.7 157.2
E 23 26.4 46.7 62 80 92.5 92.5 92.5 92.5
L 63.5 77.5 91.5 152.4 162.6 286.7 294.3 301.9 316.9
O1 2.8 4.2 5.7 11.5 11.5 301.9
O2 4.6 6.4 8.2 19.1 19.1 17.6
S 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
U 24.8 28.6 49.2 69.6 87.6 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1
V 30.7 35.35 39.9 54 80 100 120 140 180
 Flume calculations shall be provided by the manufacturer to suit the process
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
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 The smallest flume of adequate capacity shall be selected. A slope of almost flat,
to 3% maximum, for very small flumes, and 2% maximum for larger flumes is
the ideal slope value.

 Parshall Flume design shall be of single-piece reinforced polypropylene

construction with end flanges and reinforcing ribs providing secure and
permanent anchorage. The flume should be located in a straight reach of channel
without bends or changes in alignment directly upstream and should have a well-
distributed laminar velocity profile. The velocity shall be high enough to prevent
sedimentation of suspended solids.

 When inflow channel or pipe is wider than the parshall flume, then the side walls
should be narrowed at a maximum 45-degree angle to the axis and at a 15-degree
angle to the bottom. If the trough is being widened, the side walls should be
extended at an angle no greater than 10-degrees.

 The Flume shall have a concrete manhole constructed first so that the Parshall
flume can be inserted and adjusted. The Parshall Flume must be fixed in the
predicted level and perfectly level. After 24 hours after completion of concreting
the bottom, then the walls of the inlet and outlet connection are constructed.

 The manufacturer shall provide a complete Parshall Flume system that meets
MARAFIQ’s project specific specifications. The materials of construction shall
be compatible with the process fluid.

 Dimensions and weights of the flume system shall be supplied by the

Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7003
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 16 of 16
Revision: 1



4.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP)

A. PCCFL001 Flow Measurement Design Criteria

B. PCEFL001 Flow Measurement Guidelines

C. PCFFL000 Orifice Plate Fabrication Details

D. PCIFL100 Orifice Plate Installation Details

E. PCIDP100 Differential Pressure Transmitter Installation Details

4.2 Standard Drawings

A. MQ-SD-I-7309 - Instrument Piping Details for Flow Instruments

B. MQ-SD-I-7309-K - Parshall Flume

C. MQ-SD-I-7310 - Orifice Plates, Standard

4.3 Datasheets

A. MQ-DS-I-7601 - Magnetic Flow Meter

B. MQ-DS-I-7602 - Variable Area Flowmeter (Rotameter)

C. MQ-DS-I-7603 - Turbine Flow Meter

D. MQ-DS-I-7604 - Ultrasonic Flow Meter

E. MQ-DS-I-7605 - Flow Switches

F. MQ-DS-I-7606 - Custody Transfer Meter

G. MQ-DS-I-7607 - Restriction Orifice & Orifice Plate

H. MQ-DS-I-7608 - Differential Pressure Flow Transmitter

I. MQ-DS-I-7635 - Venturi Flow Tube

J. MQ-DS-I-7636 - Parshall Flume

K. MQ-DS-I-7637 - Vortex Flow Meter

August 2006

Process Industry Practices

Process Control

Flow Measurement Design Criteria

In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical
requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering
costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice
is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual
applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence
over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters
or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not
be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names
from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather
recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications
are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines
are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA
requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or
other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed.
Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material
contained in or suggested by the Practice.

This Practice is subject to revision at any time.

© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The

University of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin,
Texas 78759. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice
for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any
kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written
authorization of PIP.

June 1998 Issued
August 2006 Complete Revision

Not printed with State funds

August 2006

Process Industry Practices

Process Control

Flow Measurement Design Criteria
Table of Contents
3.10 Mass Meter (Coriolis) ..................... 9
1. Introduction................................. 2 3.11 Mass Meter (Thermal) .................... 9
1.1 Purpose .......................................... 2 3.12 Ultrasonic Meter (Transit Time &
1.2 Scope ............................................. 2 Doppler).......................................... 9
3.13 Vortex Meter................................... 9
2. References .................................. 2 3.14 Variable Area Meter ..................... 10
2.1 Process Industry Practices............. 2
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards....... 2 Tables
2.3 Other References ........................... 3
Table 1 Minimum Straight Run Lengths for
Orifice Runs and Other Flow
3. Requirements.............................. 3 Elements in Accordance with
3.1 General........................................... 3 ISO 5167-2 Column B
3.2 Orifice Meter................................... 5 Table 2 Minimum Straight Run Lengths for
3.3 Flow Nozzle.................................... 6 Orifice Runs in Accordance with
3.4 Venturi (Classical and Proprietary ANSI/API (ISO 5167-2, Column A)
Designs) ......................................... 7 Table 3 Minimum Straight Run Lengths for
3.5 Averaging Pitot Element................. 7 Venturi Tubes and Flow Nozzles
3.6 Integral Orifice ................................ 8 In Accordance with ANSI/API
3.7 Turbine Meter ................................. 8 (ISO 5167-3)
3.8 Positive Displacement Meter.......... 8
3.9 Magnetic Flow Meter ...................... 9

Process Industry Practices Page 1 of 15

Flow Measurement Design Criteria August 2006

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This Practice provides requirements for the design of flow measurement systems.

1.2 Scope
This Practice describes the design requirements for flow measurement systems that
include head (differential pressure), velocity, oscillatory, electromagnetic and mass
flow meters.
This Practice does not cover:
a. Restriction flow elements and flow switches
b. Process isolation (root) valves, secondary transmitters, or process piping
c. Custody transfer measurement requirements

2. References
Applicable parts of the following Practices, industry codes and standards, and references shall
be considered an integral part of this Practice. The edition in effect on the date of contract
award shall be used, except as otherwise noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate.

2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP)

– PIP PCCGN001 - General Instrument Design Checklist
– PIP PCCGN002 - General Instrument Installation Criteria
– PIP PCIDP000 - Differential Pressure Installation Details
– PIP PNF00200 - Vent/Drain/Instrument Connection Details
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards

• American Gas Association (AGA)

• American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
– ANSI-2530/API-14.3/AGA-3/GPA-8185 - Natural Gas Fluids Measurement
- Concentric, Square-Edged Orifice Meters
Part 1 General Equations and Uncertainty Guidelines
Part 2 Specification and Installation Requirements
Part 3 Natural Gas Applications
Part 4 Background, Development, Implementation Procedures and
Subroutine Documentation
• American Petroleum Institute (API)
– API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS):
Chapter 5 - Metering
5.2 Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Displacement Meters
5.3 Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Turbine Meters

Page 2 of 15 Process Industry Practices

August 2006 Flow Measurement Design Criteria

• American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

– ASME B16.36 - Orifice Flanges
– ASME MFC-3M - Measurement of Fluid Flow in Pipes Using Orifice,
Nozzle, and Venturi
• ISA, The International Society for Measurement and Control (ISA)
– ISA S20 - Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control
Instruments, Primary Elements and Control Valves
• International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
– ISO 5167-1 - Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Pressure Differential
2.3 Other References
– Miller, R.W., Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook

3. Requirements

3.1 General
3.1.1 Data A data set shall be provided for each flow meter. The data set may be provided in electronic or hardcopy format. The minimum data set shall be in accordance with ISA S20,
Specification Forms for Primary Elements, Sections 20.21, 20.22,
20.23, 20.24, and 20.25. For flange tap orifice meters, gasket thickness shall be specified.
3.1.2 Instruments Sizing Calculation methods and tools used shall be subject to owner’s
a. All calculation results shall be provided to the owner.
b. Unless otherwise specified by owner, calculations for sizing
of concentric, square-edged orifice meters shall be in
accordance with ANSI-2530/API-14.3/AGA-3/GPA-8185.
c. Nozzle, venturi, and other differential pressure device
calculations shall be in accordance with Flow Measurement
Engineering Handbook.
d. For any other proprietary meter, the manufacturer’s sizing
and calculation methods shall be used. Head meter bore shall be sized to provide non-fractional maximum
differential pressure calibration spans and give even scale flow
display units.

Process Industry Practices Page 3 of 15

Flow Measurement Design Criteria August 2006 In general, head type flow instruments shall be sized such that
normal flow is between 65% to 80% of expected maximum. The units of measurement for flow instruments shall be in
accordance with the owner’s specifications in PIP PCCGN001. Owner shall identify default metering uncertainty (1, 2 or
undesignated) in the checklist PIP PCCGN001.
3.1.3 Installation Unless otherwise specified by owner, the piping specifications
PIP PNF00200 shall be followed. Manufacturer’s installation requirements shall be followed as a
minimum. Meters in liquid service shall be installed so that meters are always
full of liquid and trapping of gases is avoided. In gas service, liquid trapping shall be avoided. The use of strainers and eliminators shall be considered and
evaluated to protect metering devices whose performance or integrity
is compromised without such protection. Thermowells shall be located a minimum of five nominal pipe
diameters downstream of a meter. Use of flow profile conditioning devices of any type shall be
approved by owner.
Comment: The use of flow profile conditioning may not be
permitted if the meter is followed by rotating process
equipment (compressors, pumps, turbines, etc.) that
can be damaged if a part of the conditioning device
breaks off and enters the equipment. Meters shall be installed in a manner that minimizes mechanical
vibration or stress on the meter.
3.1.4 Weather Protection Winterproofing and weather protection shall be in accordance with
PIP PCCGN002. The impulse legs of differential pressure transmitters to head type
flow meters shall require appropriate freeze protection.
3.1.5 Materials of Construction All wetted component materials shall be compatible with the process
fluid. Meters shall be suitable for the environmental exposure including
ambient temperature extremes and external corrosion conditions. Piping and connections shall be in accordance with applicable piping

Page 4 of 15 Process Industry Practices

August 2006 Flow Measurement Design Criteria

3.1.6 Electrical Classification

Meter installations shall be in accordance with the specified electrical area
3.1.7 Head (Differential Pressure) Type Meters Square root operation in calculating flows from head type meters
shall be performed in only one device (i.e., transmitter, flow
computer, control system, etc.). For liquid, steam and heat transfer media services, pressure taps shall
be located on the horizontal side of the piping or 45 degrees down
from horizontal. The pressure tap sensing lines (impulse lines) shall
be sloped down to the transmitter (minimum of 1” per foot). For gas and vapor services, pressure taps shall be located on the
vertical from the top of the piping, horizontal, or 45 degrees from
vertical. The pressure tap sensing lines (impulse lines) shall be
sloped up to the transmitter (minimum of 1” per foot).

3.2 Orifice Meter

3.2.1 Paddle type orifice plates shall be used.
3.2.2 The following minimum information shall be stamped or etched on the
upstream side of the handle:
a. Orifice plate tag number
b. Material type
c. Vent or drain hole size
d. Inlet flow side
e. Bore
f. Flange size in inches and ASME pressure rating
3.2.3 If an orifice meter is the selected flow element, and the orifice plate sizing
dictates a meter run size less than a nominal 2 inch (50 mm), use either:
a. A honed fabricated meter tube with corner taps
b. An Integral Orifice (See Section 3.6 for requirements.)
3.2.4 Unless otherwise required by process service, orifice plate material shall be
stainless steel minimum. Material type shall be specified in accordance with
3.2.5 Orifice plates shall be fabricated in accordance with ANSI 2530/API 14.3
Part 2.
3.2.6 Vent or drain holes in orifice plates shall be used only if approved by owner.
3.2.7 Flange type and material shall be in accordance with piping specifications.
Orifice flanges shall be rated at a minimum of ASME Class 300 and shall be
in accordance with ASME B16.36 and ANSI 2530/API 14.3/AGA-3/GPA-

Process Industry Practices Page 5 of 15

Flow Measurement Design Criteria August 2006

3.2.8 Unless otherwise approved by owner, orifice “flange taps” shall be used for
line sizes 2 inches (50 mm) and larger.
3.2.9 Corner taps shall be used for line sizes less than 2 inches (50 mm).
3.2.10 Unless otherwise required by piping specifications, orifice flange tap
connections shall be 1/2 inch (12 mm) if used in ASME Class 600 service
and below.
3.2.11 Unless otherwise required by piping specifications, orifice flange tap
connections shall be 3/4 inch if used in ASME Class 900 service.
3.2.12 Connection type (threaded or socketweld) shall be in accordance with the
piping specifications.
3.2.13 If used, other tap shall be in accordance with piping specifications.
3.2.14 Piping design for orifice runs shall be in accordance with the following:
a. Orifice meters shall be installed in horizontal runs to minimize
measurement inaccuracies. Vertical orifice runs shall be used only
with owner’s approval.
b. Orifice meter tap locations shall be as follows:
1) For “flange tap” designated orifice meters, the taps shall be
located at 1 inch (25 mm) upstream and 1 inch (25 mm)
downstream from the orifice plate face including gasket
2) For “pipe tap” designated orifice meters, the taps shall be located
2-1/2 internal pipe diameters upstream and 8 internal pipe
diameters downstream of the orifice plate face.
3.2.15 Process Piping Connections Primary orifice taps shall have a separate isolation (root) valve in
addition to any manifolds. Piping from taps to and through first isolation (root) valve shall be
in accordance with applicable piping specifications. Unused orifice taps shall be plugged in accordance with piping
3.2.16 Meter tube pipe and orifice flanges internal dimensional tolerances
shall be in accordance with ANSI 2530/API 14.3/AGA-3/GPA-8185.
3.2.17 Straight run piping before and after an orifice plate flow element
shall be no less than those specified in Table 1 for applications that
require 1/2% uncertainty (flow control and monitoring) or Table 2
for applications that require no uncertainty and increased accuracy
(custody transfer).

3.3 Flow Nozzle

3.3.1 Unless otherwise required by service application and piping specifications,
flow nozzles shall be designed to bolt between flanges.

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August 2006 Flow Measurement Design Criteria

3.3.2 In high pressure (1000 psig or higher) applications, the flow nozzle shall be
welded directly into the pipe.
3.3.3 Tap connections shall be installed 1 inside pipe diameter upstream and 1/2
inside pipe diameter downstream in accordance with ASME-MFC-3M.
3.3.4 Minimum straight run pipe length requirements shall be in accordance with
Table 3.
Comment: Where owner approves additional metering uncertainty,
minimum piping run lengths may be in accordance with
3.3.5 Unless otherwise required by process service or piping specifications, flow
nozzles shall be type 316 SS.

3.4 Venturi (Classical and Proprietary Designs)

3.4.1 Classical venturis shall be fabricated in accordance with ASME MFC-3M.
3.4.2 Venturi meter materials and construction shall be compatible with the
process fluid and applicable piping codes.
3.4.3 Flow calculations for proprietary venturi meters shall be provided by
3.4.4 Minimum straight run pipe length requirements shall be in accordance with
Table 3.
Comment: Where owner approves additional metering uncertainty,
minimum piping run lengths may be in accordance with

3.5 Averaging Pitot Element

3.5.1 Unless they are bi-directional, averaging pitot tube elements shall be
permanently marked to indicate proper installation position and flow
3.5.2 Unless otherwise required by process services, averaging pitot tubes shall be
type 316 SS.
3.5.3 Minimum straight run pipe length requirements shall be in accordance with
pitot element manufacturer’s recommended lengths.
3.5.4 For a removable element, the process valve shall have the proper inside
diameter to allow passage of the element. The valve shall meet applicable
piping specifications.
3.5.5 Removable elements shall have blow out prevention.
3.5.6 Extra heavy flow elements and/or double ended support shall be used in large
diameter pipes or ducts or if high flow velocity can cause the element to
deflect or vibrate. Manufacturer’s installation recommendations shall be
3.5.7 Elements shall be purged when installed in dirty services.

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Flow Measurement Design Criteria August 2006

3.6 Integral Orifice

3.6.1 Process line block and bypass valves or transmitter isolation valves (root
valves or manifold) shall be installed for applications that require servicing
while on-line.
3.6.2 Integral orifices shall be sized and installed in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations. Manufacturer shall provide meter sizing
and flow calculations.
3.6.3 Minimum straight run pipe length requirements shall be in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommended lengths.
3.6.4 Unless otherwise required by process services, wetted metal parts shall be
type 316 SS. Other wetted components shall be compatible with the process.
3.6.5 A strainer shall be specified if needed to avoid plugging of the orifice.

3.7 Turbine Meter

3.7.1 Turbine meters shall be installed so that the meters are always:
a. In single phase flow
b. Liquid full in liquid applications
3.7.2 The installation setup shall be designed to avoid creating a pressure drop
condition for the fluid to flash in the meter.
Comment: Flashing will damage the meter and severely impact
3.7.3 Turbine meters shall be marked to indicate proper flow direction.
3.7.4 In-line type turbine meters 1 inch (25 mm) and above shall be flanged.
3.7.5 A strainer shall be installed upstream of the turbine meter system. Dual
strainers shall be provided if the process flow cannot be interrupted for
3.7.6 Strainers shall be installed far enough upstream to prevent the distortion of
flow profile at the turbine meter.
3.7.7 For high-accuracy applications, liquid turbine meters shall be installed in
accordance with API MPMS, Chapters 5 and 6.

3.8 Positive Displacement Meter

3.8.1 Manufacturer’s recommended installation requirements shall be applied as a
3.8.2 For high-accuracy applications, liquid positive displacement meters shall be
installed in accordance with requirements of API MPMS, Chapters 5 and 6.
3.8.3 The meter shall be installed so that the fluid passing through the meter is in a
single phase and the meter is liquid full.
3.8.4 Inlet and/or outlet ports shall be plainly marked to indicate proper flow
3.8.5 A strainer shall be considered upstream of the meter.

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August 2006 Flow Measurement Design Criteria

3.8.6 Meters in line sizes 1-1/2 inches (37 mm) and above shall be flanged body

3.9 Magnetic Flow Meter

3.9.1 Magnetic flow meters shall be installed with piping designed in accordance
with manufacturer’s recommendations.
3.9.2 Magnetic flow meters shall be installed so that the meter is always liquid full.
Comment: The preferred installation is vertical with flow up.
3.9.3 Materials of construction shall be compatible with the process fluid.
3.9.4 Magnetic flow meters shall be grounded in accordance with manufacturer’s
3.9.5 The meter factor data shall be provided by the manufacturer.

3.10 Mass Meter (Coriolis)

3.10.1 Mass flow meters shall be installed with piping designed in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations.
3.10.2 Mass flow meters shall be installed so that the meter is always liquid full in
liquid applications.
3.10.3 Mass flow meters shall be installed so that the meter is self-draining in gas
3.10.4 Materials of construction shall be compatible with the process fluid.
3.10.5 The meter factor data shall be provided by the manufacturer.
3.10.6 The meter shall be sized so the maximum full scale flow rate is in the upper
one-third of the meter range, unless pressure drop considerations require a
larger meter.

3.11 Mass Meter (Thermal)

Use of mass (thermal) meters shall be approved by owner and installed in accordance
with manufacturer’s recommendations.

3.12 Ultrasonic Meter (Transit Time & Doppler)

Use of ultrasonic meters shall be approved by owner and installed in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations.

3.13 Vortex Meter

3.13.1 Meters shall be installed with piping designed in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations.
3.13.2 Meters shall be installed so that the meter is always liquid full in liquid
3.13.3 Meters shall be installed so that the meter is self-draining in gas applications.
3.13.4 Materials of construction shall be compatible with the process fluid.

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Flow Measurement Design Criteria August 2006

3.13.5 The meter factor data shall be provided by the manufacturer and be based on
the actual piping schedule.
3.13.6 Welds on mounting flanges shall be ground smooth.
3.13.7 Proper gasket sizing shall be followed to avoid protrusion into the process

3.14 Variable Area Meter

3.14.1 Meters shall be installed in a vertical position and piped in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations.
3.14.2 Meters shall be accessible for easy reading, maintenance, or repair.
3.14.3 The capacity of the selected meter shall be such that normal flow rate falls in
middle one-third of chart or scale range.
3.14.4 For process flows, scales shall be graduated in percent units. Meter factor for
maximum flow at 100% shall be engraved on scale.
3.14.5 Scales for purge meters shall read directly in Standard Cubic Feet per Hour
(SCFH) of air for gas service or Gallons per Hour (GPH) of water for liquid
3.14.6 Glass tube meters shall only be used on air, inert gas and water at
temperatures of 140° F (60° C) or less and pressures of 100 psig 7 bar(g) or
less. Owner’s approval shall be required for use of glass tube meters in other
3.14.7 For purge meter applications, a check valve shall be installed on the outlet of
the meter to prevent back flow.

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August 2006 Flow Measurement Design Criteria

Table 1
Minimum Straight Run Lengths for Orifice Runs and Other Flow Elements
in Accordance with ISO 5167-2 Column B
Beta Ratio
Upstream disturbance Dimension 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.67 0.75

3 3 9 13 20 20
Single elbow

Note 4 Note 4 10 18 18 18
Two elbows in same plane 30D>S>10D

Note 4 Note 4 10 18 20 22
Two elbows in same plane 10D>S

18 18 18 18 20 20
Two elbows in different planes 30D>S>5D

Note 4 Note 4 5 5 6 8

Note 4 8 9 11 14 18

6 6 6 7 9 12
Full Bore Ball or Gate valve, fully open
Downstream Length for all B 2 3 3 3.5 3.5 4
pictured disturbances

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Flow Measurement Design Criteria August 2006

NOTES for Table 1 - PCCFL001:

(1) Meter run lengths shown are for ½% additional uncertainty as shown in ISO-5167-2, Column B. For additional information
refer to ISO-5167-2 for Orifice Plates and ISO-5167-3 for Venturis.
(2) Any flow conditioner shall be installed in the straight length between the primary element and the upstream disturbance,
or the fitting closest to the element. The installation location shall be per applicable standard.
(3) Interpolate pipe diameters for intermediate beta ratios.
(4) Data are not available for straight run lengths for ½% uncertainty (see ISO 5167-2).

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August 2006 Flow Measurement Design Criteria

Table 2
Minimum Straight Run Lengths for Orifice Runs in Accordance with
ANSI/API (ISO 5167-2, Column A)
Beta Ratio
Upstream disturbance Dimension 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.67 0.75

6 16 22 42 44 44
Single elbow

10 10 18 30 44 44
Two elbows in same plane 30D>S>10D

10 10 22 42 44 44
Two elbows in same plane 10D>S

19 44 44 44 44 44
Two elbows in different planes 30D>S>5D

5 5 8 9 12 13.5

6 12 20 26 28 36.5

12 12 12 14 18 24
Full bore Ball or Gate Valve Fully Open
Downstream Length for all
B 4 6 6 7 7 8
pictured disturbances

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Flow Measurement Design Criteria August 2006

NOTES for Table 2 - PCCFL001:

(1) Meter run lengths shown are for 0% additional uncertainty as shown in ISO-5167-2, Column A. For additional information
refer to ISO-5167-2 for Orifice Plates and ISO-5167-3 for Venturis.
(2) Any flow conditioner shall be installed in the straight length between the primary element and the upstream disturbance,
or the fitting closest to the element. The installation location shall be per applicable standard.
(3) Interpolate pipe diameters for intermediate beta ratios.

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August 2006 Flow Measurement Design Criteria

Table 3
Minimum Straight Run Lengths for Venturi Tubes and Flow Nozzles in
Accordance with ANSI/API (ISO 5167-3)

Upstream Straight Run Required

Piping Configuration Additional Beta Ratio
Uncertainty 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Single 900 bend upstream 0.5% 6 7 7 9 14

0% 10 14 14 18 28

Two 900 Bends in the Same Plane 0.5% 7 9 10 13 18

0% 14 18 20 26 36

Two 900 Bends in Different Planes 0.5% 17 18 20 24 31

0% 34 36 40 48 62

Reducer 2D to D over a Length of 1.5D to 3D 0.5% Note 1 Note 1 5 5 7

0% 5 5 6 9 14

Expander 0.5D to D over a Length of 1.5D to 3D 0.5% 8 8 9 11 15

0% 16 16 18 22 30

Globe Valve Fully Open 0.5% 9 10 11 13 16

0% 18 20 22 26 32

Full Bore Ball or Gate Valve Fully Open 0.5% 6 6 6 7 10

0% 12 12 12 14 20

Downstream Run Required 0.5% 2 3 3 3.5 3.5

0% 4 6 6 7 7

NOTES for Table 3 - PCCFL001:

(1) For additional information on Orifice Plates refer to ISO-5167-2.

Process Industry Practices Page 15 of 15

August 2006

Process Industry Practices

Process Control

Flow Measurement Guidelines

In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical
requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering
costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice
is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual
applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence
over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters
or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not
be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names
from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather
recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications
are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines
are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA
requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or
other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed.
Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material
contained in or suggested by the Practice.

This Practice is subject to revision at any time.

© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The

University of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin,
Texas 78759. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice
for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any
kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written
authorization of PIP.

June 1998 Issued
August 2006 Complete Revision

Not printed with State funds

August 2006

Process Industry Practices

Process Control

Flow Measurement Guidelines
Table of Contents
1. Introduction................................. 2 4.10 Positive Displacement Meters ....... 15
1.1 Purpose............................................ 2 4.11 Magnetic Flow Meters.................... 16
1.2 Scope ............................................... 2 4.12 Mass Meters (Coriolis) ................... 17
4.13 Mass Meters (Thermal).................. 18
2. References .................................. 2 4.14 Ultrasonic Meters ........................... 19
2.1 Process Industry Practices .............. 2 4.15 Ultrasonic Transit-Time
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards ........ 2 Flowmeter ...................................... 20
2.3 Other References............................. 4 4.16 Ultrasonic Doppler Flowmeter ....... 20
4.17 Vortex Meters................................. 20
3. General ........................................ 4 4.18 Variable Area Meters ..................... 21
3.1 Flow Metering Quality ...................... 4
3.2 Flow Element Selection ................... 6 5. Custody Transfer Metering
3.3 Piping Arrangement ......................... 7 Considerations ......................... 22
3.4 Flow Conditioning ............................ 8
3.5 Removal of Insertion Type Flow Appendixes .................................... 22
Instruments ...................................... 8 Appendix A: Flowchart 1: Flowmeter
3.6 Control Valve Location..................... 8 Selection Diagram – Steam ........... 23
3.7 Special Equipment ........................... 8 Appendix B: Table 1: Flange Tap Orifice
Meter Run Requirements............... 27
4. Specific Considerations............. 8
4.1 Head-type (Differential Pressure)
Flowmeters....................................... 8
4.2 Orifice Meters................................... 9
4.3 Flow Nozzles.................................. 11
4.4 Venturi............................................ 11
4.5 Averaging Pitot Elements............... 12
4.6 Integral Orifice................................ 13
4.7 Wedge Type Meters....................... 14
4.8 V-Cone Meter................................. 14
4.9 Turbine Meters (Liquid).................. 14

Process Industry Practices Page 1 of 28

Flow Measurement Guidelines August 2006

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This Practice provides engineering guidance for the selection, design, and application of
flow measurement systems.

1.2 Scope
This Practice provides guidelines, performance considerations, and preliminary
recommendations for the selection of flow meters and their general application. This
guideline applies to devices used to measure the flow of single phase, homogeneous
liquids, vapors, and gases.
This Practice presents commonly accepted meter types but does not limit application
choices. Unique or special requirements may require consideration of other meter types.
Specific custody transfer guidelines are not provided and are only mentioned with
reference to other industry practices.

2. References
Applicable parts of the following Practices, industry codes and standards, and references shall be
considered an integral part of this Practice. The edition in effect on the date of contract award shall
be used, except as otherwise noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate.

2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP)

– PIP PCCFL001 - Flow Measurement Design Criteria
– PIP PCCGN002 - General Instrument Installation Criteria
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards
• American Gas Association
– AGA 9 - Measurement of Gas by Multipath Ultrasonic Meters
• American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
– ANSI-2530/API-14.3/AGA-3/GPA-8185 - Natural Gas Fluids Measurement -
Concentric, Square-Edged Orifice Meters
Part 1 General Equations and Uncertainty Guidelines
Part 2 Specification and Installation Requirements
Part 3 Natural Gas Applications
Part 4 Background, Development, Implementation Procedures and Subroutine
• American Petroleum Institute (API)
– API RP 551 - Process Measurement Instrumentation
– API RP 554 - Process Instrument and Control

Page 2 of 28 Process Industry Practices

August 2006 Flow Measurement Guidelines

– API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS):

Chapter 4 - Proving Systems
4.2 Conventional Pipe Provers
4.3 Small Volume Provers
4.5 Master-Meter Provers
4.8 Operation of Proving Systems
Chapter 5 - Metering
5.2 Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Displacement Meters
5.3 Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Turbine Meters
Chapter 6 - Metering Assemblies
Chapter 12 - Calculation of Petroleum Quantities
12.2 Calculation of Liquid Petroleum Quantities Measured by Turbine or
Displacement Meters
Chapter 14 - Natural Gas Fluids Measurement
14.2 Compressibility Factors of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon
Gases (AGA Report No. 8)
14.3 Concentric, Square-Edged Orifice Meters
14.4 Converting Mass of Natural Gas Liquids and Vapors to Equivalent Liquid
14.5 Calculation of Gross Heating Value, Specific Gravity, and
Compressibility of Natural Gas Mixtures from Compositional Analysis
14.6 Continuous Density Measurement
14.7 Mass Measurement of Natural Gas Liquids
14.8 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Measurement
Chapter 21 - Flow Measurement Using Electronic Metering Systems
• American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
– ASME MFC-1M - Glossary of Terms Used in the Measurement of Fluid Flow in
– ASME MFC-2M - Measurement Uncertainty for Fluid Flow in the Closed
– ASME MFC-3M - Measurement of Fluid Flow in Pipes Using Orifice, Nozzle,
and Venturi
– ASME MFC-5M - Measurement of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits Using
Transit-Time Ultrasonic Flow Meters
– ASME MFC-6M - Measurement of Fluid Flow in Pipes Using Vortex Flow
– ASME MFC-7M - Measurement of Gas Flow by Means of Critical Flow Venturi

Process Industry Practices Page 3 of 28

Flow Measurement Guidelines August 2006

– ASME MFC-8M - Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits - Connections for Pressure

Signal Transmissions Between Primary and Secondary Devices
– ASME MFC-9M - Measurement of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits by Weighing
– ASME MFC-10M - Method of Establishing Installation Effects on Flow Meters
– ASME MFC-11M - Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Coriolis Mass
– ASME MFC-14M - Measurement of Fluid Flows Using Small Bore Precision
Orifice Meters
[Note: For ½" to 1- ½" Orifice Meters and Integral Orifice]
– ASME MFC-16M - Measurement of Fluid Flow in Close Conduit by Means of
Electromagnetic Flowmeter
– ASME B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
– ASME B16.36 - Orifice Flanges
– ASME PTC-6 - Performance Test Code, Steam Turbines
• International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
– ISO 5167-1 - Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Pressure Differential
• ISA, The International Society for Measurement and Control (ISA)
– ISA RP16.1,2,3 - Terminology, Dimensions and Safety Practices for Indicating
Variable Area Meters
– ISA RP16.4 - Nomenclature and Terminology for Extension Type Variable Area
– ISA RP16.5 - Installation, Operation, Maintenance Instructions for Glass Tube
Variable Area Meters
– ISA RP16.6 - Methods and Equipment for Calibration of Variable Area Meters
– ANSI/ISA RP31.1 - Specifications, Installations, and Calibration of Turbine
2.3 Other References
– Miller, R.W., Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook
– ISA - Flow Measurement - Practical Guides for Measurement and Control,
Spitzer, D.W., Editor
– ASME - Fluid Meters, Their Theory and Application

3. General

3.1 Flow Metering Quality

3.1.1 Flow meter selection and installation are major contributors to the performance of
a plant control system. During the conceptual design, performance requirements
should be considered for the flow meter.

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3.1.2 Figure 1 illustrates the two primary quality parameters likened to rifle
marksmanship. “Repeatability” is a term meant to express the random errors in a
measurement. It is the measurement of how closely a sequence of readings
conforms to each other. As can be seen, a flow measurement may be repeatable
without being highly accurate. Measurement repeatability is the essential
requirement for many flow control loops. The minimum industry requirements
and manufacturer’s guidelines should be followed for the flow meter technology
being applied if repeatable measurement is desired for control or general
indication of flow.
3.1.3 “Accuracy” (or its inverse, inaccuracy) is a term expressing the systemic error in a
measurement and is the value of how far an individual reading departs from a
reference standard. A higher degree of accuracy is crucial in areas where product
quality control or reporting quality is the primary reason for the measurement.
More rigorous selection of meter types and installation practice must be used in
these cases.

Figure 1. Target Practice Illustration of Flow Measurement

3.1.4 “Uncertainty” is the total potential error or inaccuracy from the reference standard
by the two parameters expressed above. An expression of uncertainty usually
represents the limit of allowable inaccuracy for a given flow measurement without
distinction of its error source. A one percent uncertainty flow meter must maintain
a measurement reading within one percent of the reference standard.
3.1.5 Another requirement might include periodic flow calibration as part of operation
and maintenance of the meter.

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3.1.6 Overall flow measurement performance can be estimated using a root-sum-of-

squares technique in combining error contributions of the metering system
components that make up the measurement system. This measurement uncertainty should be applied to the daily integrated
measured quantities of steady flow through the meter. Methods for determining the measurement uncertainty are given in
ISO 5167.
3.1.7 Quality flow measurement is dependent on:
a. Type of meter selected
b. Manufacturer’s tolerances
c. Proper installation
d. Calibration procedures
e. Operation and maintenance procedures
f. Accounting methods
3.1.8 The following information should be obtained before selecting a meter:
a. Ranges of physical and chemical characteristics of the fluid, including
composition, viscosity, flowing density, vapor pressure, corrosive, abrasive
or contaminated nature, lubricating quality, and plugging or fouling
b. Acceptable materials of construction
c. Range of flow rates expected (maximum and minimum with normal
expected value)
d. Process fluid temperature and pressure variations expected
e. Seasonal and daily ambient temperature changes at the meter
f. Duration of operation (continuous or intermittent)
g. Location of meter or metering station (local or remote)
h. Pressure drop allowable for the measurement
i. Maintenance accessibility
j. Meter servicing or replacement while the process is on-line
k. Required accuracy of the overall measurement
l. Plant equipment preferences and experiences with similar metering

3.2 Flow Element Selection

There are many types of flow metering technologies available. Appendix A, Flowchart 1
provides general information to aid in selecting primary flow elements.

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3.3 Piping Arrangement

3.3.1 Many flow meters are sensitive to upstream and downstream velocity profile
3.3.2 Piping components such as fittings, reducers, expanders, elbows, strainers, branch
connections, valves, pipe lengths, and spacing can affect the fluid’s flowing
velocity profile. Many possible configurations can make it difficult to predict
changes in velocity profile.
3.3.3 Flow meters’ installed performance can be adversely influenced by insufficient
piping approaches and departures.
3.3.4 Straight runs before and after a primary flow element should meet established
minimum upstream and downstream requirements for the specific meter.
3.3.5 Piping run length criterion for orifice meters can be applicable for other meters
because they are the minimum acceptable necessary lengths to assure adequate
velocity profile development. Maximizing run lengths contributes to quality flow measurements. Using less than minimum lengths compromises metering performance.
Appendix B, Table 1 provides recommendations for the design of orifice
meter runs. See API MPMS Chapter 14.3 for additional information.
3.3.6 The metering piping design should consider the possibility of increased flow
resulting from debottlenecking or future process expansion. Maximizing meter run
piping lengths based on a high beta ratio can accommodate the increase in flow
without the added cost of piping revisions.
3.3.7 Temperature wells or connections should be located downstream of the primary
flow elements to minimize velocity profile distortion. In some cases, it may be necessary to insulate the piping to maintain
temperature. Pressure and temperature should be measured at or very near the meter if
flow compensation is needed.
3.3.8 Piping should be arranged to ensure that liquid flow meters are always full of
liquid (vapor free) and gas flow meters are always liquid free. Turning down after a meter in a liquid horizontal run or turning up after a
meter in a condensing vapor flow should be avoided. In vertical piping runs, liquids should flow up while condensing vapors
should flow down.
3.3.9 Piping layout should consider meter dimensions, tap orientation, and access for
maintenance service work. This is especially important where close-coupled
transmitter installations are used.

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3.4 Flow Conditioning

3.4.1 Installation of flow conditioning devices to reduce flow velocity distortion should
be considered only in special cases after all other alternatives have been
3.4.2 Flow conditioning devices introduce pressure drop and can be dislodged causing
metering error or damage to downstream equipment.

3.5 Removal of Insertion Type Flow Instruments

3.5.1 Insertion flow devices should typically be used in large line sizes.
3.5.2 If a process line cannot be practically shut down, safe meter removal should be
provided using flow assemblies that are fully retractable under line pressure and
process temperature.
3.5.3 The packing assembly and isolation valve should be properly sized in accordance
with the piping specifications.
3.5.4 Blowout prevention should be considered as part of the installation design.

3.6 Control Valve Location

3.6.1 To avoid flow profile disturbances on the meter, the preferred location of flow and
pressure control valves is downstream of the meter.
3.6.2 For liquid service, locating the valve downstream of the meter can provide
adequate backpressure to avoid flashing in the meter.

3.7 Special Equipment

3.7.1 Some types of meters may require specialized testing and calibration connections
and/or equipment to operate, calibrate, and maintain.
3.7.2 Installation, calibration, and operation of the special equipment (i.e., meter
provers) should be considered as part of the engineering design.

4. Specific Considerations

4.1 Head-type (Differential Pressure) Flowmeters

4.1.1 Flow rangeability (ratio of full scale flow to minimum flow but not zero flow)
should be considered carefully in choosing head type flow meters. Use of smart
transmitters can improve turndown and accuracy for differential meters. In any
case, the meter performance at the minimum flow rate should be evaluated along
with the maximum flow rate.
4.1.2 Head type flow meters infer flow from measuring differential pressure, which
varies as the square of actual flow, introducing a nonlinear characteristic that is
especially apparent at low flows. Normally the signal is linearized, but this does
not eliminate issues of low flow inaccuracy or instability. Square root operation in
calculating flows from head type meters should be performed in the control
system when using analog output of non-digital transmitters. Smart transmitters
and multivariable transmitters with digital output may be used to provide a
linearized output.

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Comment: If the user wishes to use the transmitter to linearize the output signal,
care must be taken to avoid the problem of multiple square root
4.1.3 Pressure and temperature compensation may be used to improve the accuracy of
the flow measurement. The compensation can be done in the process control
system using transmitted values or within a multivariable transmitter. Flow,
pressure, and temperature values can also be used to calculate mass flow.
4.1.4 Transmitters should be located as close as practical to the primary element for
differential pressure measurement applications. Impulse line length, temperature
difference in the impulse lines, and long piping configurations are detrimental to
the measurement.
4.1.5 Pressure Taps: To avoid plugging or fouling of the sensing line with materials that may
settle on the bottom of the pipe, pressure taps should not be connected to
the bottom of the pipe. For liquid, steam, or heat transfer media services:
a. Pressure taps should preferably be horizontal on the side of the line.
This may require wider spacing of process piping at the orifice
section. Or it may be necessary to raise or lower the orifice run with
respect to other piping for sufficient side clearance for the tap
b. Alternatively, pressure taps may be oriented 45 degrees down from
c. The impulse lines should always slope toward the transmitter
avoiding traps.
d. Review of piping layouts should be performed. For dry gas services:
a. Pressure taps should preferably be vertical, up from the top of the
line with connecting instrument piping lines sloped up and avoid
b. Optionally, pressure taps may be horizontal on the side of the line or
45 degrees downward from vertical.
c. The flow transmitter should be located above the taps with impulse
lines sloped to be self-draining to the process pipe.

4.2 Orifice Meters

4.2.1 Advantages of orifice meters include:
a. Easy to install
b. Common transmitters regardless of pipe size
c. Relatively low cost
d. Wide variety of types and materials available

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e. Easy to re-range and troubleshoot

f. May provide a repeatable, controllable output below specified turndown
g. Has large data base to support coefficient uncertainty
4.2.2 Limitations of orifice meters include:
a. Unsuitable for non-Newtonian fluids
b. Limited turndown
c. Accuracy is severely degraded as the plate wears or fouls
d. Straight runs of upstream and downstream piping required
e. Subject to process leaks through tubing, fittings, valves, and taps
f. Significant permanent pressure loss across meter
g. Impulse lead lines subject to freezing or plugging
4.2.3 300# class flange taps are preferred for line sizes 2 inches and larger. Corner
tapped honed flow meter runs or integral orifices are preferred for 1.5 inches and
smaller line sizes.
4.2.4 Concentric, square-edged orifice meters should be used for services in which the
Newtonian fluid is a clean, homogeneous, low viscosity liquid, vapor or gas and in
a single phase, such as:
a. Fluids in turbulent flow (pipe Reynolds number at minimum measured flow
above 4000)
b. Corrosive fluids
c. Steam
d. Air
4.2.5 Retractable orifice holder assemblies should be used for concentric orifices if
there is a need to frequently inspect or change orifice plates (e.g., custody transfer
4.2.6 For process conditions where occasional entrained liquid or gas can exist, the use
of a drain or vent hole is suggested. Consider using an eccentric or segmental plate
if suspended solids may be present. Quadrant edge or conic type orifice plates
should be considered if the maximum measured flow pipe Reynolds number is
below 10,000 or if the anticipated process viscosity changes would cause
significant errors with standard square-edge orifices.
4.2.7 Appendix B, Table 1, gives design guidelines for flange tap concentric, square-
edged orifice meters.
4.2.8 Orifices should typically have a beta ratio (ratio of orifice bore diameter to pipe
internal diameter) greater than or equal to 0.2 and less than or equal to 0.7. See
Appendix B, Table 1, for recommended beta ratio ranges for measurement
4.2.9 For best accuracy, the flow sizing and calculation should be based on actual meter
tube internal dimensional data. See Appendix B, Table 1.

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4.2.10 A preferred DP calibration range should be 0-100 inches of water (2500 mm).
Other ranges may be considered to meet the application requirements (e.g., low
pressure gas or to meet beta ratio constraints). High DP may cause deformation in
orifice plates and adds excessive energy loss.
4.2.11 The upstream and downstream piping configuration for an orifice plate should
follow Table 1 or 2 of PCCFL001, Flow Measurement Design Criteria. Table 1
shows dimensions for ½ % additional uncertainty in accordance with ISO-5167-2,
Column B; ½% uncertainty is typically used for flow control and monitoring
applications. Table 2 shows dimensions in accordance with API 14.2.3 (and ISO-
5167-2, Column A) for 0% additional uncertainty; 0% uncertainty can be used
where increased accuracy measurement is required.

4.3 Flow Nozzles

4.3.1 Advantages of flow nozzles include:
a. Slightly lower permanent pressure loss than orifice at similar beta ratios
b. Good for fluid flows with entrained solids
c. Lower cost than venturi
d. Dimensionally more stable at higher temperatures and velocities than an
4.3.2 A limitation of flow nozzles is that the quality of workmanship varies because
flow nozzles are fabricated. Inspection is generally desirable before shipment and
required before installation.
4.3.3 Flow nozzles can be used for low viscosity, non-abrasive fluids at high flow rates
in which:
a. Lower head loss than an orifice plate is desired
b. A contoured element is needed for long service life where a sharp edge
would wear
4.3.4 Installation and removal of the nozzle should be considered in the piping design.
However in high pressure steam applications (greater than 1000 psig), the flow
nozzle should be welded directly into the pipe.
4.3.5 The upstream and downstream piping configuration for a flow nozzle should
follow Table 3 of PCCFL001, Flow Measurement Design Criteria.

4.4 Venturi
4.4.1 Advantages of a venturi include:
a. Very low permanent pressure loss
b. Good for fluid flows with entrained solids
c. Upstream run length is less than for orifice meters

4.4.2 Limitations of a venturi include:

a. Expensive in larger sizes
b. Big and heavy in larger sizes

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c. Quality of workmanship varies because they are fabricated. Inspection is

generally desirable before shipment and required before installation.
d. Limited data set for coefficient and upstream straight pipe requirements
e. Higher measurement uncertainty at pipe Reynolds numbers less than
4.4.3 A venturi can be used for low viscosity, non-abrasive fluids at high flow rates if
only a small pressure drop or permanent head loss is allowed.
4.4.4 For high accuracy applications, the venturi should be flow calibrated.
4.4.5 The upstream and downstream piping configuration for a flow nozzle should
follow Table 3 of PCCFL001, Flow Measurement Design Criteria.

4.5 Averaging Pitot Elements

4.5.1 Advantages of an averaging pitot include:
a. Low cost
b. Low permanent pressure loss
c. Negligible flow obstruction
d. May be installed using hot taps
e. Shorter upstream and downstream piping requirements than for orifice
4.5.2 Limitations of an averaging pitot include:
a. Very low differential pressures developed, so signal may be noisy
b. Impulse lines should be kept to minimum length due to low differential
pressures involved
c. Turndown limited due to low differential pressure
d. Subject to plugging or fouling
e. Subject to vibration induced fatigue failure if maximum velocity limit is
4.5.3 Averaging pitot tubes may be an alternative to orifice plates if lower head loss is
needed, lower cost is desired, and less accuracy is acceptable.
4.5.4 Averaging pitot tubes are subject to plugging and should be limited to clean
process liquids and gases.
4.5.5 Depending on velocity profile characteristics, averaging pitot tubes should be
more accurate than pitot tubes.
4.5.6 In large line sizes, where long traverse lengths may be encountered, opposite side
support should be provided or heavier walled elements used.
4.5.7 Since most designs of averaging pitot type devices only average flow over a single
plane of the full cross-section of the conduit, the flow profile distortions can have
an adverse effect on measurement accuracy.

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4.5.8 If a failed pitot tube could enter and damage downstream rotating equipment,
another element type should be considered.
4.5.9 If a pitot tube is used, opposite side support should be considered.

4.6 Integral Orifice

4.6.1 An advantage of an integral orifice is that it is suitable for small line sizes and
very low flows.
4.6.2 A limitation of an integral orifice is that it is subject to plugging.
4.6.3 If low flow rates dictate a meter tube less than 2 inches (50 mm), an integral
orifice assembly can be used.
4.6.4 Integral orifices and honed pre-fabricated meter tubes can be designed in sizes that
meter comparable flow rates. Selection between the two should be based on cost
(both hardware and installation), metallurgy requirements, transmitter mounting
options, on-line servicing requirements, and metering accuracy needs.
4.6.5 Integral orifices are available in two types of configurations. One design type routes the process flow through one or both chambers of
the differential pressure transmitter. The other design is much like a standard orifice flange except the
transmitter connection is machined (like a manifold flange) so the
transmitter can be mounted directly up against the orifice assembly.
4.6.6 If the meter needs to be serviced while the process is on-line, isolation valves
should be specified. Process line block and bypass valves should be required for servicing the
flow-through design while on-line. For an adjacent transmitter design, root valves (or a flange by flange
manifold) allow servicing the transmitter. If the expected on-line servicing includes checking a small bore for
plugging, then the block and bypass arrangement should be required for
either integral orifice design. Even small leakage through a meter bypass can result in significant flow
measurement errors of small integral orifices. The bypass valve should be
capable of zero leakage.
4.6.7 If small bores are dictated, the fluid should be of low viscosity and contain no
4.6.8 A strainer installed upstream of the meter run and located beyond the
manufacturer’s minimum recommended pipe diameters upstream of the orifice
may be required.
4.6.9 Normal process operating conditions, as well as potential start up contaminants
(pipe scale, welding slag, etc.), should be considered.

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4.7 Wedge Type Meters

4.7.1 Advantages of wedge type meters include:
a. Good for slurries and very dirty fluids
b. Relatively low permanent pressure loss
c. Self-cleaning
d. Good for low Reynolds number applications. Minimum Reynolds number
of 500.
e. May be used in bi-directional service
4.7.2 Limitations of wedge type meters include:
a. Some installations may require remote seals
b. More expensive than orifice installation

4.8 V-Cone Meter

4.8.1 Advantages of a V-cone meter include:
a. Short straight run requirements
b. No obstruction at the bottom of the pipe, allowing debris to pass
c. Pressure taps can be threaded or socket weld
d. Meter is suitable for dry gas, wet gas, clean liquids, or liquids with some
4.8.2 Limitations of a V-cone meter include:
a. Higher installed cost relative to orifice installation
b. Factory flow calibration is required to get the 0.5% accuracy for many
c. Not suited for high viscosity fluids
d. Higher differential pressure losses
4.8.3 V-cone meters are used when minimal straight run. The meter requires 3D
upstream and 1D downstream.
4.8.4 V-cone meters produce a higher differential pressure across the meter in order to
produce a useful DP signal at low flows.

4.9 Turbine Meters (Liquid)

4.9.1 Advantages of turbine meters include:
a. High accuracy
b. High turndown
c. Easy to install
d. Low permanent pressure loss

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e. Linear output (frequency or analog output available)

f. Insertion style available, subject to special installation requirements
4.9.2 Limitations of turbine meters include:
a. Easily damaged
b. Normally requires more maintenance than other meters because of moving
c. Fluid must be clean
d. Sensitive to viscosity changes
e. Bearings will wear and reduce accuracy
f. Requires physical protection of the meter from debris in the piping
4.9.3 Turbine meters may be used in fluids that are clean, provide lubricity, in single
phase (not operated near the liquid vapor pressure), and are limited in viscosity
4.9.4 Full line sized turbines are typically used in lines 8 inches (200 mm) and below.
Insertion type turbine meters may be used on larger lines.
4.9.5 Bearing types and materials of construction should be evaluated for fluid and
process stream compatibility.
4.9.6 Strainers, filters, air or vapor eliminators, or other protective devices should be
provided upstream of turbine meters to remove solids or gases that will cause wear
and measurement errors.
4.9.7 Turbine meter damage can occur if the process lines are blown clear with gas or
steam. Special provisions may be required to protect the meter.
4.9.8 Liquid turbine meters should only be used in moderate to low viscosity services.
Turbine meters are velocity profile sensitive and flow profile conditioning devices
upstream of the turbine should be considered.
4.9.9 API MPMS Chapter 5 should be considered for high accuracy application
guidelines. For plant applications ISA RP 31.1 should be consulted.

4.10 Positive Displacement Meters

4.10.1 Advantages of positive displacement meters include:
a. High accuracy
b. Wide rangeability
c. Suitable for high viscosity
d. No straight upstream piping required
e. Linear volumetric output
f. Good for local totalization
g. Can be installed at remote locations without power

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4.10.2 Limitations of positive displacement meters include:

a. Moving parts are subject to wear which introduces measurement error
b. Requires periodic maintenance
c. High permanent pressure drop
d. Not suitable for fluids with entrained or abrasive solids or gases
e. Can completely disrupt the flow if mechanical failure jams or locks the
moving parts of the meter
4.10.3 Strainers and air eliminators should be considered upstream of the meter.
4.10.4 Liquid positive displacement meters can be used for custody transfer if other
meters capable of operating in the service conditions do not meet accuracy or
rangeability requirements.
4.10.5 Manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed for viscosity and flow rate

4.11 Magnetic Flow Meters

4.11.1 Advantages of magnetic flow meters include:
a. No flow obstruction
b. Low or no pressure loss
c. Good for plugging services and slurries
d. Good for corrosive services by using liners
e. Not affected by physical property changes in fluid other than conductivity
f. Minimal straight piping requirements
g. Can be set up for bi-directional flow
4.11.2 Limitations of magnetic flow meters include:
a. Fluid must have electrical conductivity (generally 2 micromhos per cm or
b. Liners can be fragile or be easily damaged
c. Cannot use on gases
d. Grounding is a major concern to prevent errors resulting from stray field
e. Requires separate power source
f. Large meters are heavy
g. Installed cost may be prohibitive on large meters
h. Coating of electrodes may be a problem
i. May be temperature limited

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4.11.3 Magnetic flow meters can be used on conductive fluids that are:
a. Corrosive
b. Contain suspended or abrasive solids
c. Very low flow
4.11.4 Proper liner material and electrode selection is needed for process fluid
compatibility. The manufacturer should be consulted for material availability.
4.11.5 A minimum fluid conductivity in micromhos/centimeter is needed for the meter to
operate properly. The manufacturer should be consulted for the minimum
4.11.6 The application of magnetic flow meters should be evaluated for startup and
cleanout conditions (fluids, conductivity, and temperature).
4.11.7 Grounding method should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
4.11.8 Liner damage due to over-tightening of bolts and crushing the liner during
installation should be avoided.
4.11.9 A magnetic flowmeter should not be subjected to thermal shock. The meter’s
specified temperature limits should not be exceeded.

4.12 Mass Meters (Coriolis)

4.12.1 Advantages of coriolis mass meters include:
a. Accurate direct mass measurement
b. Good for most types of liquids and some high density gases
c. Minimal restriction to flow
d. Can measure density of fluid in addition to mass flow
e. High turndown capability
f. Good for low flow applications
4.12.2 Limitations of coriolis mass meters include:
a. Cannot be used for two-phase flow
b. Slugs of gases will affect the measurement
c. Available in limited sizes
d. High pressure drop
4.12.3 Mass meters should be sized for the desired accuracy at minimum and normal
flow rates without exceeding the permissible pressure drop at the maximum flow
rate. This should put the maximum full scale flow rate in the upper one-third of
the meter range. A larger meter may be required to reduce pressure drop at the
maximum flow rate.
Comment: Meters should be sized as small as possible for economic reasons.
Coriolis meters have large turndown, so a larger meter can be used

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without losing accuracy when small flow rates and low pressure
drops are required.
4.12.4 Corrosion mechanisms should be given extra consideration.
4.12.5 Vibration of the meter tube increases the potential for stress related corrosion.
4.12.6 Other alloy materials may be required in applications where 316 SS would
otherwise be acceptable.
4.12.7 Most meter tubes have no corrosion allowance, particularly galvanic corrosion
from dissimilar metals.
4.12.8 Meters should be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
Meters should be installed to be liquid full for liquid applications and self-draining
for gas applications.
4.12.9 Adequate discharge back pressure should be ensured in liquid service to prevent
flashing in meter tube.
4.12.10 Meters should not be located in areas susceptible to vibration. External sources of vibration in frequency ranges and harmonics of the
meter operating frequency may affect meters. Installing two meters in series can be susceptible to crosstalk. The meter manufacturer should be consulted.
4.12.11 Care should be taken to avoid subjecting the meter body to piping induced
4.12.12 If entrained gas is present, the meter manufacturer should be consulted. Meter
performance can deteriorate significantly due to the presence of entrained gases in
the liquid.
4.12.13 Secondary containment should be considered if using coriolis meters for
measuring highly corrosive or hazardous materials.
4.12.14 Meters to be used in highly viscous slurries, shear-sensitive slurries, or fluids that
could solidify or settle out to block the flow path may require additional
tube/sensor design considerations.
4.12.15 The application of meters should be evaluated for startup and cleanout conditions
(entrained gas, temperature extremes, plugging, slug flow, etc.).
4.12.16 Typically, block valves are installed upstream and downstream of the meter to
isolate the meter for zeroing under normal operating conditions.

4.13 Mass Meters (Thermal)

4.13.1 Advantages of thermal mass meters include:
a. Good for low velocity pure component gas or air measurement
b. Very low pressure loss
c. Probe type thermal meters can be cost effective for large flows
d. Cost effective flow switch

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4.13.2 Limitations of thermal mass meters include:

a. May be affected by coatings on probe-fluid should be relatively clean
b. Some designs can be fragile
c. Relatively slow response time
d. Cost is generally higher for low flow applications (flow-through type
e. May be difficult to maintain
f. Accuracy is affected by fluid composition and property changes
g. Entrained liquids in gas streams can render this technique unacceptable
4.13.3 Thermal sensors should only be applied where the fluid thermal conducting
properties are well known. Changes in thermal conductivity can cause shifts in
sensor responses and give false flow readings. The thermal conductivity for most
process streams is not listed nor is readily available.
4.13.4 To obtain stated accuracy, the meter should be calibrated using the actual fluid
being measured.
4.13.5 Thermal mass meters (insertion probe type) should be easily removable for
cleaning while line is in service.

4.14 Ultrasonic Meters

4.14.1 Advantages of ultrasonic meters include:
a. Some liquid models can be installed outside the pipe (clamp-on), so there is
no contact with process fluid and the meters can be installed while process
is running.
b. No pressure drop
c. Can be bi-directional
d. Good for clean or dirty fluids
e. May provide high turndown
4.14.2 Limitations of ultrasonic meters include:
a. Straight piping runs are required.
b. Sensors are somewhat limited on temperature.
c. Meter should be matched with fluid, and fluid properties should be
d. Clamp-on devices may have limited accuracy.
4.14.3 Application and installation requirements for ultrasonic meters depend on
parameters such as:
a. Process fluid speed of sound characteristics
b. Presence or absence of echo particles in the fluid
c. Number of transducers

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d. Minimum and maximum distance between transducers

e. Single path or multiple chords
f. Acoustical characteristics in the piping system
g. Piping dimension data including pipe wall thickness
4.14.4 The manufacturer should assist in the system design and the installation should
adhere to the manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations.

4.15 Ultrasonic Transit-Time Flowmeter

4.15.1 The fluid flow should be fully turbulent and clean.
Comment: Ultrasonic transit-time meters are principled used in process flows
to flares, utility type water flow and custody transfer of natural gas.
4.15.2 Meters with cavities (recesses for transducers) should not be used if a significant
amount of solids in liquids, or liquids or solids in gases, is present. The
manufacturer should be consulted for suitability and signal degradation effects.
4.15.3 If it is not possible to shut down a line to install a meter, strap-on type meters may
be used. The sensors should have solid acoustic contact with the pipe wall through
the use of conducting grease or material.
Comment: Pipe wall thickness information is required data.
4.15.4 Ultrasonic transit-time meters should not be used on piping systems that generate
noise upstream of the meter. Ultrasonic transit-time meters perform best on
“acoustically quiet” installations.
4.15.5 Ultrasonic transit-time meters should not be used on lined pipe and may not work
properly on thick walled pipe.

4.16 Ultrasonic Doppler Flowmeter

Ultrasonic Doppler meters should be used only for fluids that always contain
acoustically reflective medium, e.g., particulate or bubbles homogeneously

4.17 Vortex Meters

4.17.1 Advantages of vortex meters include:
a. High accuracy
b. Low installed cost
c. High rangeability
d. No moving parts
e. Linear output
f. Low pressure drop

Page 20 of 28 Process Industry Practices

August 2006 Flow Measurement Guidelines

4.17.2 Limitations of vortex meters include:

a. Minimum Reynolds number velocity required to operate properly
b. Signal drops out completely below minimum flow threshold
c. Not suitable for high viscosity, slurry, or coating services
d. Can be affected by vibration in the pipe
4.17.3 Vortex meters can be used for relatively clean, low viscosity, non-abrasive fluids
and can provide higher turndown than orifice meters.
4.17.4 Vortex meters are generally applicable to liquids of low viscosity. Accuracy,
turndown, and pressure drop requirements should be carefully reviewed for gas
service applications.
4.17.5 Vortex meters are often unsuitable for low density gases.
4.17.6 Vortex meters have low flow cut-off. In other words, there is an erratic or zero
reading below a threshold level to register on the meter. This can have drastic
effect in closed-loop control or mass balance applications. Sizing should therefore
consider minimum flow rates as well as maximum. The minimum value of the
pipe Reynolds number at the lowest expected flow should exceed 10,000 for
liquids and 50,000 for gases. Below these values the vortex meter may not
generate a reliable flow signal. These Reynolds number limitations may vary
between manufacturers.
4.17.7 Line size vortex meters are available in pipe sizes between 1-1/2 and 8 inches
(37 and 200 mm). Insertion type meters are available for larger line sizes.
4.17.8 The meter should be centered in the piping.
4.17.9 The meter factors should be based on the piping schedule used.
4.17.10 Welds on mounting flanges should be ground smooth. Gaskets should be selected
to ensure that no part of the gasket protrudes into the flowing stream.

4.18 Variable Area Meters

4.18.1 Advantages of variable area meters include:
a. Low cost
b. Direct indicating
c. No electrical power needed
d. No straight run requirements
4.18.2 Limitations of variable area meters include:
a. Unsuitable for non-Newtonian fluids
b. Limited accuracy
c. Must be vertically mounted with upward flow direction
d. Gas use requires minimum back pressure
e. Requires accessories for data transmission

Process Industry Practices Page 21 of 28

Flow Measurement Guidelines August 2006

f. May be high maintenance items

g. Float may stick on overflow conditions
4.18.3 Meters may be used if:
a. Fluid measured is clean
b. Fluid flow rate is so small that use of a differential pressure type primary
element is impractical
c. Flow of fluid is not pulsating
d. Local flow indication is needed
4.18.4 Glass type meters should not be used for measuring fluids that contain hot or
strong alkali, strong acids, steam, hydrocarbons, or other fluids that are hazardous
to equipment or personnel. The use of armored type meters is preferred.
4.18.5 For purge meter applications, a check valve should be provided on the outlet of
the meter to prevent back flow.

5. Custody Transfer Metering Considerations

Custody transfer generally applies to those flow metering applications where fiscal or custodial
information is recorded.

Custody transfer metering information is used for exchange of moneys, materials, or trades
between two parties, companies, business units, or financial institutions.

The design of a custody transfer measurement system usually has a requirement for higher
integrity and accuracy than conventional process measurement.

Industry standards such as American Petroleum Institute should be consulted for custody transfer
metering information and requirements.


Appendix A: Flowchart 1: Flowmeter Selection Diagram – Steam

Appendix B: Table 1: Flange Tap Orifice Meter Run Requirements

Page 22 of 28 Process Industry Practices

August 2006 Flow Measurement Guidelines

Appendix A: Flowchart 1a: Flowmeter Selection Diagram – Steam


Steam? yes Transfer, yes
Yield meter?

Yield meter
no [1d]

Line size
>8 inches


Line vibration


Fluid temp yes



Vortex d/p Orifice

+ High Accuracy + Well understood

+ Versatile + Versatile
+ Low maintenance – Limited rangeability
– Low flow cutoff – Higher maintenance
– Vibration – Medium accuracy

Process Industry Practices Page 23 of 28

Flow Measurement Guidelines August 2006

Flowchart 1b: Flowmeter Selection Diagram – Gas/Vapor


Gas yes Transfer, yes
Yield meter?

Yield meter
no no [1d]

[1c] Line size yes

>8 inches


Line vibration yes



Fluid temp yes


Need best
Need best
no available

yes no yes

Vortex Coriolis d/p Orifice transit time

+ High Accuracy + Very High Accuracy + Well understood + High Accuracy

+ Versatile + Low maintenance + Versatile + Low maintenance
+ Low maintenance + No meter run required – Limited rangeability – Sensitive to dirty fluid
– Low flow cutoff – Cost – Higher maintenance
– Vibration – Temperature limit – Medium accuracy

Page 24 of 28 Process Industry Practices

August 2006 Flow Measurement Guidelines

Flowchart 1c: Flowmeter Selection Diagram – Liquid


Transfer, yes
Yield meter?


Dirty or fouling yes



Line size
>8 inches?


Fluid temp
≥800°F? yes


Line vibration yes


Need best
available yes
Need best accuracy?
Conductive yes

no yes no

Vortex Coriolis d/p Orifice Magnetic
transit time

+ High Accuracy + Very High Accuracy + Well understood + High Accuracy + High Accuracy
+ Versatile + Low maintenance + Versatile + Obstructionless + Obstructionless
+ Low maintenance + No meter run required – Limited rangeability – Sensitive to dirty fluids – Limited application
– Low flow cutoff – Cost – Higher maintenance – Cost – Cost
– Vibration – Temperature limit – Medium accuracy

Process Industry Practices Page 25 of 28

Flow Measurement Guidelines August 2006

Flowchart 1d: Flowmeter Selection Diagram – Yield Meter

[1a, 1b, 1c]

service? no

service? yes


Line size
>8 inches? yes Clean fluid? no


no yes

Magnetic Coriolis Liquid turbine Ultrasonic

+ High Accuracy + Very High Accuracy + High Accuracy
+ Obstructionless + Low maintenance + High Accuracy + Obstructionless
– Limited application + No meter run required + Well accepted – Sensitive to dirty fluids
– Cost – Cost – Pressure drop – Cost
– Temperature limit – High wear, maintenance

Page 26 of 28 Process Industry Practices

August 2006 Flow Measurement Guidelines

Appendix B: Table 1
Flange Tap Orifice Meter Run Requirements
The following data are recommendations for the design of orifice meter runs. These can be modified by engineering
judgment provided the overall metering performance meets the designated meter classification. Owner's approval is
required when deviations are needed.

Uncertainty: 1% 2% Not Designated (9)

Orifice Run (1) tolerance Per API MPMS, Chap. -14.3 Per API MPMS, Chap. -14.3
Part 2 1991 Part 2 1991
Straight Run - Upstream and Based on Beta = 0.75 Based on Beta = 0.75 Based on Beta
Downstream per
PIP PCCFL001: Table 1 Table 2 Table 2
Orifice Plate Specs. API 14.3 Part 2 API 14.3 Part 2 API 14.3 Part 2
Static Press. Tap High Side Flange Tap High Side Flange Tap High Side Flange Tap if
Location: (Low side if per contract) required
Temp. Measurement 5 to 12 DIA Downstream of 5 to 12 DIA Downstream of 5 to 15 DIA Downstream of
Location: Orifice(2) Orifice(2) Orifice(2) if required
Design Guidelines
Range of Beta 0.2 to 0.6 0.2 to 0.6 0.2 to 0.7
Flow Coeff. Calculation Using Measured Pipe ID and Using Measured Pipe ID and Using Published Pipe ID and
Measured Orifice Bore Measured Orifice Bore Calculated Orifice Bore
Pipe Bore Reynolds No. at
Mid DP Flow (3):
Liquid RD > 20,000 RD > 10,000 RD > 10,000
Vapor, Gas RD > 100,000 RD > 50,000 RD > 10,000
Rangeability or Turndown (4)
Flow Rate 3 to 1 4 to 1 10 to 1
Differential Pressure 9 to 1 16 to 1 100 to 1
Orifice Run Insulation (10) 50 DIA Upstream of Orifice to As Required by Process As Required by Process
1 DIA Downstream of
Temperature Element or
Densitometer Connection
Flow (DP) - Mfr stated +/- 0.10 % of Span or Better +/- 0.15 % of Span +/- 0.15 % of Span
Accuracy at Calibrated Span
Differential Limit, Gases 1 inch H20 per PSIA line 1 inch H20 per PSIA line 2 inch H20 per PSIA line
pressure pressure pressure
Max. Nominal Differential (6) 0-20 to 0-200 inch w.c. 0-10 to 0-400 inch w.c. 0-10 to 0-400 inch w.c.
Maximum Density 1.5 percent 2.0 percent 4.0 percent
Density Tolerance (5) (8) (Compensation usually req'd) (Compensation often req'd) (Compensation usually not
Temperature element Calibrated Platinum RTD Platinum RTD Thermocouple or RTD if
Temperature-Controlled Often required (7) Generally not required (7) Not required
Instrument Housing
Flow Computation Flow Computer, DCS or as Flow Computer, DCS or DCS
required by Contract Process Computer
(1) Orifice runs are designed to satisfy appropriate run specification and the governing piping codes.
(2) Orifice runs NPS 2 or smaller can have the temperature sensor located 10 to 25 pipe diameters downstream of the orifice.
(3) Mid DP flow is defined as the flow rate at which the differential pressure is 50 percent of the calibrated span for the transmitter.
(4) Maximum rangeability based on stated accuracy differential pressure transmitters. Use of digital or multiple transmitters may exceed
these limits.
(5) The flowing fluid density is a function of the pressure, temperature, and composition of the fluid. The density can be determined by
direct measurement or calculated from the pressure, temperature, and composition.
(6) 0 - 100 inches of water is the preferred starting design point.
(7) The inaccuracy of the transmitters is also a function of the ambient temperature including exposure to sun and rain. This has a fairly
large effect on each measurement. High quality, smart transmitters can often be used without a housing. Shields or open-sided
housings may be required to meet uncertainty 1% and 2%.
(8) Pressure and temperature measurements used for flow compensation should be capable of limiting the density uncertainties
sufficiently to meet the required flow meters performance classification.
(9) The uncertainty of measurement can range from 5 to 10% or even greater. Limited or no testing validation exists for all possible
installation and operational combinations. Measurement is influenced by variation in process conditions away from design if

Process Industry Practices Page 27 of 28

Flow Measurement Guidelines August 2006

uncompensated. Operating near multiple requirement limits (e.g., Beta at 0.7 and Reynolds No. at 10,000 and DP at 2 inches per
PSIA) will result in measurement errors greater than 10% for portions of the measurement range.
(10) Insulating the orifice run is not always necessary and depends on the fluid and the stream condition. The ideal is constant
temperature as the fluid passes through the meter run.

Page 28 of 28 Process Industry Practices

January 2008

Process Industry Practices

Process Control

Orifice Plate Fabrication Details

In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical
requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering
costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice
is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual
applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence
over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters
or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not
be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names
from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather
recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications
are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines
are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA
requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or
other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed.
Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material
contained in or suggested by the Practice.

This Practice is subject to revision at any time.

© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The

University of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin,
Texas 78759. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice
for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any
kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written
authorization of PIP.

January 2001 Issued
January 2008 Reaffirmation with Editorial Revision

Not printed with State funds

January 2008

Process Industry Practices

Process Control

Orifice Plate Fabrication Details
Table of Contents
1. Introduction................................. 2
1.1 Purpose ............................................. 2
1.2 Scope................................................. 2

2. References .................................. 2
2.1 Process Industry Practices ................ 2
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards .......... 2

PCFFL001 – Concentric Square-Edged Orifice Plate
PCFFL002 – Square-Edged Orifice Plate Dimensions for Nominal Flange Sizes and Ratings
PCFFL003 – Eccentric Square-Edged Orifice Plate
PCFFL004 – Orifice Meter Run for “Not Designated” Uncertainty Class (Shop/Field Fab Using Pipe
per Pipe Spec)

Process Industry Practices Page 1 of 2

Orifice Plate Fabrication Details January 2008

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This Practice provides fabrication details for orifice plates and meter runs.

1.2 Scope
This Practice describes the minimum requirements for fabricating concentric or
eccentric square edge orifice plates and the orifice meter run.

2. References
Applicable parts of the following PIP Practices shall be considered an integral part of this
Practice. The edition in effect on the date of contract award shall be used, except as otherwise
noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate.

2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP)

– PIP PCCFL001 – Flow Measurement Design Criteria
– PIP PNF0200 – Vents, Drains, and Instrument Connection Details
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards
– API 14.3 – Flow Conditioner Performance Test
– ANSI B16.36 – Orifice Flanges

Page 2 of 2 Process Industry Practices

July 2008

Process Industry Practices

Process Control

Orifice Plate Installation Details

In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical
requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering
costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice
is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual
applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence
over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters
or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not
be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names
from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather
recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications
are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines
are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA
requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or
other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed.
Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material
contained in or suggested by the Practice.

This Practice is subject to revision at any time.

© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The

University of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin,
Texas 78759. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice
for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any
kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written
authorization of PIP.

Not printed with State funds

July 2008

Process Industry Practices

Process Control

Orifice Plate Installation Details
Table of Contents
1. Introduction................................. 2
1.1 Purpose............................................ 2
1.2 Scope ............................................... 2

2. References .................................. 2
2.1 Process Industry Practices .............. 2

PCIFL101 – Orifice Plate for Gas Service Horizontal Run
PCIFL102 – Orifice Plate for Liquid, Steam, or Condensing Vapors Service Horizontal Run
PCIFL103 – Orifice Plate for Gas Service Vertical Run
PCIFL104 – Orifice Plate for Liquid Service Vertical Run
PCIFL105 – Orifice Plate for Steam or Condensing Vapors Service Vertical Run

Process Industry Practices Page 1 of 2

PIP PCIFL100 July 2008
Orifice Plate Installation Details

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This Practice provides installation details for orifice plates used in flow applications.

1.2 Scope
This Practice describes the minimum requirements for installing orifice plates in gas,
liquid, steam, or condensing vapors service.

2. References
Applicable parts of the following PIP Practices shall be considered an integral part of this
Practice. The edition in effect on the date of contract award shall be used, except as otherwise
noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate.

2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP)

• PIP PCIDP100 – Differential Pressure Transmitter Installation Details
• PIP PNF0200 – Vents, Drains, and Instrument Connection Details

Page 2 of 2 Process Industry Practices

March 2007

Process Industry Practices

Process Control

Differential Pressure Transmitter Installation Details

In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical
requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering
costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice
is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual
applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence
over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters
or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not
be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names
from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather
recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications
are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines
are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA
requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or
other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed.
Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material
contained in or suggested by the Practice.

This Practice is subject to revision at any time.

© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The

University of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin,
Texas 78759. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice
for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any
kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written
authorization of PIP.

August 1999 Issued
July 2001 Editorial Revision
March 2007 Complete Revision & Renumbering

Not printed with State funds

March 2007

Process Industry Practices

Process Control

Differential Pressure Transmitter Installation Details
Table of Contents
1. Introduction....................................2
1.1 Purpose............................................... 2
1.2 Scope .................................................. 2

2. References .....................................2
2.1 Process Industry Practices ................. 2

PCIDP101 – Differential Pressure Transmitter Liquid or Steam Service
PCIDP102 – Differential Pressure Transmitter Liquid or Steam Service Electric Traced
(Dual Tube Bundle)
PCIDP103 – Differential Pressure Transmitter Liquid or Steam Service Steam Traced
(Dual Tube Bundle)
PCIDP104 – Differential Pressure Transmitter Liquid or Steam Service Electric Traced
(Single Tube Bundle)
PCIDP105 – Differential Pressure Transmitter Liquid or Steam Service Steam Traced
(Single Tube Bundle)
PCIDP106 – Differential Pressure Transmitter Close Couple
PCIDP107 – Differential Pressure Transmitter Gas Service
PCIDP108 – Differential Pressure Transmitter Steam Service w/Blowdown

Process Industry Practices Page 1 of 2

Differential Pressure Transmitter Installation Details March 2007

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This Practice provides details for the installation of differential pressure transmitters
in liquid, gas, and steam services.

1.2 Scope
This Practice contains differential pressure installation details, including liquid, gas,
and steam services and includes details for electric or steam tracing of these
transmitters. These details describe the base instrument installations. The bill of
material provided with each detail is generic and is complementary to PIP PCSIP001
- Instrument Piping and Tubing Systems Specifications.

2. References

2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP)

– PIP PCSIP001 – Instrument Piping and Tubing Systems Specifications
– PIP PCIGN200 – General Instrument Purge Details
– PIP PCIGN300 – General Instrument Accessory Details

Page 2 of 2 Process Industry Practices

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