Iot For Structural Health Monitoring: Ieee Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine December 2018

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IoT for Structural Health Monitoring

Article  in  IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine · December 2018

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5 authors, including:

Carmelo Scuro Francesco Lamonaca

Università della Calabria Università degli Studi del Sannio


R. S. Olivito Domenico Luca Carnì

Università della Calabria Università della Calabria


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IoT for Structural
Health Monitoring
Carmelo Scuro, Paolo Francesco Sciammarella, Francesco Lamonaca,
Renato Sante Olivito, and Domenico Luca Carnì

tructural Health Monitoring (SHM) concerns the The network used to interconnect SOs can be based on ex-
continuous monitoring of civil and industrial isting internet standards [1]. This permits a simple integration
buildings to increase human safety and to reduce of the SHM into more general systems such as smart buildings
maintenance costs. The SHM system furnishes information and smart cities, smart infrastructure and smart industry.
about the alterations in a single part or in the whole struc- Moreover, the sensitivity of the detection of the structural
ture caused by materials aging, action of the environment, or damage and continuous monitoring [3] permits important fea-
accidental events. Typically, SHM systems are devoted to mon- tures to be achieved such as the timely detection of dangerous
itoring: humidity, temperature, accelerations, tensile stress, states and the storing of monitoring information. Both of these
compressive stress, and building materials degradation. The features introduce the capability of the monitoring system to
methods used are non-invasive and require the deployment implement criteria for providing a prognosis about the resid-
of sensors in checkpoints well defined by the experts. The in- ual life of the structure or to optimize its maintenance.
formation from the sensors is merged with the mathematical The interesting aspect about the introduction of the IoT
models to determine the structure safety. paradigm in the SHM system [2] regards the applicative sce-
The sensors are smart since they are not only able to mea- narios that include: bridge monitoring [4], historical masonry
sure the physical quantities of interest but elaborate them structures monitoring [5], foundation earth monitoring [6], or
and are able to transmit the information through the inter- alteration of the structure materials [7].
net to take decisions. Each sensor is a Smart Object (SO) and In this paper, to boost the research in improving the capabil-
the whole SHM is an implementation of the Internet of Things ity of structure inspection and to determine the requirements
(IoT) [1], [2] paradigm. arising from the distribution of the IoT node to imple-
The information is sent in the cloud by internet connection ment SHM systems, an advanced SHM technique based on
to permit elaboration by distributed systems and Big Data par- ultrasonic inspection or Acoustic Emission (AE) will be sum-
adigms for their management. The time correlation among the marized. The features evaluated by the emission of ultrasonic
data permits analysis that evaluates the structural degradation waves in the structure and the acquisition of the eco permits
and automatically alerts the users. the system to determine the presence of damage in the struc-
The implementation of SHM system by the IoT para- ture and its position. In addition, the AE can be used to detect
digm permits new technologies to be adopted to improve the damage formation. To coordinate the measurement pro-
the efficiency and the reliability of the developed monitor- cess from the IoT SOs and to use the measurement results in the
ing system. Typically, IoT systems use wireless networks model describing the evolution of the structure under inves-
to share data among SOs. In the case of SHM, wireless net- tigation, it is necessary to synchronize the SOs' clocks. There
works permit sensors to be easily allocated in the space are several synchronization techniques that can be applied
and positioned on the monitoring point indicated by the to the IoT SOs, and it is necessary to select the most advanta-
structural experts, increasing the sensitivity of the whole geous one. In fact, it is necessary to consider the applicative
monitoring system. This permits an increase in the efficiency scenario's time constrains and the desired maximum synchro-
of the monitoring and reduces the monitoring system costs nization delay.
with respect to the case of the adoption of a wired ad-hoc net- The paper is organized as follows: preliminarily, the
work technology. IoT paradigm integration in the SHM system is provided;

The research presented in this paper is a scientific extension of the work presented
at IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT 2018 [2].

4 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine December 2018

successively, the integration of the IoT-SHM systems in new because, to increase the sensitivity of the whole system, the
and existing structures is reviewed; some examples of applica- SOs implementing the monitoring must be placed in spe-
tive scenarios for IoT-SHM systems are reported; the problems cific points indicated by structural experts. These points can
of the synchronization techniques for the IoT-SHM system and be difficult to be reached by using cables. As a result of us-
different solutions are discussed; and the benefits of the intro- ing wireless SOs, the problem of energy efficiency arises to
duction of the IoT-SHM system are included. The conclusions increase the life time monitoring system. In fact, most com-
follow. mon IoT-SHM solutions currently used in civil engineering
structures are characterized by a distributed system based on
Application of the IoT Paradigm to the battery powered low cost devices able to measure, for exam-
SHM ple, acoustic emissions and strain in the material. This kind
The workflow of SHM systems includes: periodic measure- of system applies the IoT paradigm in the monitoring of the
ments by an array of sensors; extraction of damage sensitive structural elements like beams or pillars [11].
features by processing measurements results; and analysis of Wireless SOs are typically powered by batteries. To prolong
extracted features to identify the current state of the structure. the SO lifetime, and then reduce the cost to replace the battery
These steps are fundamental for the monitoring of a structure by a human operator, the first strategy is to reduce the con-
or a building. In fact, the structural properties of these systems sumption, by reducing the sending and receiving of messages,
change in unpredictable ways and must be monitored period- and then harvesting strategies can be deployed.
ically by the SHM system.
Architectural Analysis of IoT-SHM
Smart Object Characteristics The main difference between an IoT-SHM system and the tra-
The main characteristics of SOs composing the IoT to imple- ditional structural monitoring solutions concerns the role of
ment the SHM system are: its components. In fact, the architecture of an IoT-SHM system
Identification: each SO has a unique identifier, associated to (Fig. 1) can be schematized by: Smart Object (SO) sensors; gate-
a human-readable description of the object, and an IP address way; remote control and service room (RCSR); and the open
that is a unique identifying numerical label, used to make the platform communications (OPC) server.
object in the network con-
tactable by the others.
Communication: the ca-
pability of the SO to be
discovered and to accept
incoming messages and re-
ply to them;
Interaction: may pos-
sess the ability to sense
physical phenomena or to
trigger actions having an
effect on the physical real-
ity (actuators);
Computing capabil-
ity: each SO can locally
pre-analyze the acquired
information to obtain some
raw features that can be
Moreover, new wireless
communication paradigms
developed to meet IoT
requirements, such as Lo-
RaWan or SigFox, achieve
several advantages if com-
pared with the adoption of
wired sensors networks. In
particular, there is reduc-
tion of the costs for cabling
the network and allocating
the sensors. This is relevant Fig. 1. Scheme of an IoT-SHM system.

December 2018 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 5

The SO that is the sensor device, which corresponds to the The extracted parameters are processed to evaluate mon-
structural integrity monitoring function, can be defined by the itored structural component status and detect corrosion,
type of physical phenomenon, closely related to the damage, fatigue, or crack in structures. Some of these parameters may
which is monitored by the sensor, that produces a signal sent be static or dynamic. In addition, in this case the statistical pat-
to the acquisition and storage sub-system. tern recognition methodology is one suitable to solve SHM
The gateway of the system is a network node placed at problems such as: operational evaluation; data normaliza-
the border of the monitoring network and is able to interact tion and cleaning; feature extraction; and feature selection
on one side with the sensor nodes and on the other side with for the development of statistical model and information
the backbone network. From a communication point of view, condensation.
the gateway translates messages coming from end devices to Concerning the positioning and the analysis of the data of
data packets to be sent towards a remote control and service the node, the new trend in the development of IoT-SHM sys-
room. The gateway is able to manage and optimize data re- tems is based on natural computing [2]. Natural computing
quests and event notification, to check node connectivity and introduces a new multidisciplinary paradigm of computation
perform system integrity tests leveraging the IoT protocols. inspired to the nature, and in SHM shows an interesting appli-
The embedded local database permits the system to store a cability in the solution, of optimization problems. In fact, in the
large amount of data to solve remote connection problems and implementation of SHM it is necessary for the proper design
avoid the loss of useful data. of the sensor network in particular as concerning the sensor
From the RCSR it is possible to perform, on demand, que- placements and their communication parameters. Moreover,
ries to specific sensor nodes, to know the status or other useful once the sensors are placed and the data are collected, it is nec-
management parameters such as the residual percentage of essary to implement an automatic process to overcome errors
the battery and the transmission latency estimated through the due to human decision in providing the alert. For this pur-
use of several techniques, some of which are reported in [12]. pose, two naturally-inspired algorithms commonly used in
In addition, the RCSR hosts a database to store all collected the study of masonry or concrete structure are based on dam-
data to be used for big data analysis and connectors to an OPC age identification (DI) and the optimal sensor placement
server used to interoperate with standard industrial systems. (OSP). These algorithms are typically used to reduce the costs
It is the last component of the system and it is responsible for of maintenance of cultural heritage buildings because they
storing all of the data acquired from the monitoring segments. are able to generate punctual and specific alerts and then al-
low timely interventions only when and where necessary. In
Integration of IoT-SHM System in New civil engineering the safety evaluation is based on numerical
and Existing Structures analysis by finite element models. The existing and historical
The introduction in new and existing structures of a moni- buildings are characterized by different structural techniques
toring system able to detect their structural conditions and to and inhomogeneous materials with non-linear behavior.
identify damage may be a hard and challenging task [5]. On These types of structures require very demanding models
one side, for new structures several monitoring systems can be which are often not experimentally validated and are based on
used, including embedding optical fiber into the foundations, strong approximations. All of this introduces high uncertainty
pillars and beams, where the main challenge is the integration in the evaluation of the stresses.
of the IoT-SHM in the domotic paradigm. On the other side,
for historic structures that may present poor quality structural Model Based Damage Identification
conditions due to damage caused by earthquakes and aging, DI can be shortened into five main goals: damage detection;
the use of invasive techniques or solutions that can alter their damage localization; damage classification; quantification of
historical and artistic value are not feasible. the extent; and prediction of evolution. Moreover, it is nec-
In the development of an IoT-SHM system it is also neces- essary to calculate the damage parameters of each material,
sary to determine the hardware characteristics of the nodes formulating and solving an inverse problem linked to the
of the monitoring system and their positioning. Moreover, it changes of material properties. An early identification of the
is necessary to ensure that the SO communicates with a cen- damage is possible using a method based on the study of vi-
tralized or distributed unit that will take care to elaborate the brations and the measurement of the dynamic properties of
information and apply the measurement results to the struc- the material [5]. Through the changes of the modal properties
ture model to determine its status. Typical sensors used in (natural frequencies, modal damping and mode shapes), the
the SO to monitor an existing building are the strain gauges damage that changes the damping, stiffness and mass of the
and accelerometers that communicate in wireless modality. structure can be detectable. The model based on DI is updated
As a consequence, wireless sensor networks (WSN) are typi- via the recorded vibrations by the system in civil construction
cally used for the sensing phase in IoT-SHM system. The data to identify areas where there is damage.
communicated by the sensor nodes are related to global or lo-
cal structural properties typically obtained by using methods Optimal Sensor Placement
based on: ultrasonic or AE; vibration; strain; comparative vac- OSP consists of locating the minimum number and type of
uum monitoring; Lamb wave; and E/M impedance. sensors, to improve the network architecture (minimum costs,

6 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine December 2018

invasiveness and energy consumption, maximum robust- instrumentation can be functionally flexible, expandable and
ness, system lifetime and network coverage) and to improve relatively inexpensive.
the signal processing (minimum amount of data collected and
maximum quality of information). This optimization allows a IoT for the SHM of Bridges and Soil
discrete quantity of sensors to monitor the system in a number Structural monitoring for bridges ensures the control of their
of degrees of freedom. OSP is solved if, among the candidates, safety and that of their boundary conditions, i.e., check-
no duplicate locations and directions for the sensors can be ing if the single parts which compose them have undergone
established. changes in terms of stiffness. A typical SHM to monitor the vi-
brations and the displacements of this type of structure uses
Ultrasonic Inspection for IoT-SHM accelerometer sensors [2]. The accelerometer sensors are gen-
The IoT-SHM based on ultrasonic waves can be used to eval- erally micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) sensors.
uate the state of health of structural reinforcements applied Compared with traditional sensing technologies, MEMS
to construction. The conventional materials employed in the sensors are more flexible, reliable, and present remarkable
repair and rehabilitation of existing buildings have been re- characteristics due to their small size, light weight, low-power
placed by composite materials (CM). The CM are made by consumption, digital processing capability, and design and
fibers embedded in a matrix composed by different materials. implementation optimization based on low cost.
In this case, each SO includes an emitter and receiver of Of great interest is also the use of SHM to study the soil in
ultrasonic waves. The SO iteratively generates and acquires which foundation structures are bound [6]. The geophysical
signals with carrier frequency in the range of 200 to 600 kHz properties of fractured rock are determined by the intrinsic
with 25 kHz step [13]. To minimize the effect due to environ- properties of the solid, as well as the liquid and gaseous phases
mental noise, the recommended number of measurements to filling fractures. The electrical properties of fractured rocks are
be recorded and stored is equal to 50. The implementation of primarily determined by electrolytic conduction occurring
the IoT paradigm to this system allows pre-processing in the through fluid-filled fractures as well as ionic conduction in
SO of the acquired samples to detect damage in the reinforce- the electrical double-layer forming at fracture-fluid interfaces
ment. In the case where damage is detected, the SO can send an [6]. The sensors used for this type of monitoring are different.
alert message to the server with other information. The server The most typically employed are Fiber Bragg grating sensors
recognizes the reinforcement failure and communicates the (FBG), strain gauges and piezoelectric sensors that are used to
alert to the user with the location of the damage. measure strain, displacement, rotations, curvature and AE [2].
Geophysical methods are routinely used in site investiga-
Acoustic Emission for IoT-SHM tions and provide high-resolution information about discrete
A new monitoring technique based on the AE, naturally gen- fracture locations, lithology, fluid properties, and borehole
erated by the building material under stress, is proposed in conditions. Commonly, a suite of logs will be collected be-
the recent literature [7]. With respect to the ultrasonic in- cause it is cost-effective. The software for data processing and
spection, the AE does not require active components, and visualization is based on the comparisons of multiple logs col-
then meets the low power consumption required by IoT lected as a suite and provides valuable insight into the geologic
paradigm. In each SO is included a piezoelectric acoustic structure and fracture orientation statistics. Acoustic methods
transducer [2], that allows the acquisition of the acoustic provide information about the depth and orientation of dis-
waves generated by the damage inside the material and the crete fractures intersecting the structures under monitoring.
processing of all of the signals acquired, to classify them as
associated to a critical event or not and to correlate multiple Synchronization in IoT-SHM
critical events, to infer if a dangerous damage event has oc- The distributed nature of IoT-SHM systems, together with the
curred. SOs can communicate with each other through the necessity to study a dynamic phenomenon, require the corre-
network [14], [15] and the actions performed include: prop- lation in time of all of the measurement information acquired
agating an alarm throughout the building to evacuate it; by each SO. To this aim, each SO is equipped with a clock, and
sending remote messages to advise the competent author- typically they exchange synchronization messages to evalu-
ities and to prompt their intervention; and sending remote ate the frequency and the offset of their clock with respect to
notification to the other buildings included in a fixed neigh- one taken as reference (master) or with respect to its neighbor
bourhood, to suggest their evacuation. SO. In IoT scenarios, recent literature has highlighted the ad-
IoT-SHM techniques based on AE [7] can be successfully vantages of synchronization approaches based on peer to peer
applied to concrete or masonry structures. New studies are approaches as consensus, since a master node is not necessary
devoted to extend this monitoring method to composite ma- and because they are suitable for dynamic topology of the net-
terials, too. The main difficulty is the non-homogeneity of work and failure and reallocation of SO. Another aspect to be
the building materials that make the signal processing phase highlighted is that, due to the layer structure of the IoT-SHM,
harder. The IoT-SHM sensing hardware is easy to use, com- the synchronization requirements are not the same and typi-
pact, portable, light, electrically and mechanically robust, and cally decrease going up into the levels. This is justified by the
it provides reliable and accurate measurements. Additionally, fact that in the top of the hierarchy, the high-level information

December 2018 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 7

Table 1 – Synchronization techniques for IoT-SHM system performance in different configuration
[μs] [μs] [μs] [μs] [μs] [μs] [μs]
max delay 3.13 669 25 25 34 35
Linear topology
average delay 1.85 538 20 18 19 26 29
max delay - 18 14 - -
Lattice topology
average delay - 13 11 - -
max delay 437 - - 10 14
Ring topology
average delay 55 - - 4 5

is used to generate alarms managed typically by humans, sense of time to its neighbors. The evaluation of the synchro-
where delay in the order of seconds can be acceptable. On the nization time is performed by each node by using the time
other side, the higher levels of the structure mainly use the in- information of the neighbors and a linear regression of these
ternet to communicate. data. The FTSP synchronizes the whole network by electing
At lower levels of the IoT-SHM hierarchy, a typical task is a reference node based on the smallest node identifier which
the localization of the damage. Passive acoustic localization serves as time source. The reference node periodically floods
is used in the cases where the structure emits a recognizable its clock through the network.
sound picked up by a distributed array of SO. Then, the source PulseSync protocol: employs rapid-flooding to reduce
position is reconstructed by measuring the difference in arrival the effect of waiting times on the synchronization accuracy.
times [14]. This requires the SO to be synchronized up to a frac- PulseSync propagates time information from a reference node
tion of the expected time differences of arrivals for the system as fast as possible. Apart from the rapid flooding approach,
to be able to produce accurate location estimates. To this aim, each node uses a linear regression table to estimate the clock of
the SO clock has a resolution of microseconds and the synchro- the reference node, as in FTSP.
nization messages are exchanged on proprietary networks. In Flooding with clock speed agreement (FCSA): utilizes flooding
the same structure, local area networks with particular routers together with clock speed agreement to optimize the synchro-
that give priority to the transmission of the synchronization nization error between the reference node and the remaining
messages, or that compensate for the transmission delay, can nodes in the network. This approach leads to a significant ad-
be deployed. In these cases synchronization accuracy in the vantage: FCSA can be used for synchronizing sensor network
order of microseconds is still achievable. In fact, for the SHM to a stable time source.
system the typical accuracy needed between the node is in the Gradient time synchronization protocol (GTSP): aims at opti-
range [0.6, 9.0] μs. mizing local skew in WSNs. GTSP is completely decentralized,
and synchronization messages received from neighboring
IoT-SHM Synchronization Methods nodes are used to adjust clocks. Using a simple algorithm
The performances of the IoT-SHM synchronization methods based on averaging the time information received from neigh-
are reported in Table 1. Among the methods used in the syn- bors, the sensor nodes agree on a common clock frequency
chronization [15] for this kind of application there are: and clock value. As a consequence, each sensor node synchro-
Reference broadcast synchronization (RBS): in which a refer- nizes to its neighboring nodes and there is not any special node
ence node is used to send a reference message and receive the which acts as a time reference.
messages from the other nodes in reply, estimating the time External gradient time synchronization protocol (EGSync):
offset for each node. Naturally, the limitation of this method is each sensor node synchronizes to a reference node by using
related to the visibility of the reference node among all of the time information flooded by this node, as well as synchro-
nodes composing the system and that the number of nodes nizes to its neighboring nodes by employing an agreement
must be limited. If this requirement cannot be satisfied the syn- algorithm. Hence, EGSync is able to achieve external synchro-
chronization accuracy decreases drastically. nization by optimizing the synchronization error among the
Time sync protocol for sensor network (TPSN): also in this case, neighboring nodes.
there is a reference node but the synchronization process pre- The synchronization performances are guaranteed
liminarily generates a hierarchical structure containing all of among the SOs in the same network. However, at this level
the nodes and the visibility among the nodes is determined of the hierarchy, the internet is typically used to trans-
assigning at each node a level. Once this structure is built the mit an alarm [14], and robust communication based on
reference node starts the propagation of the sense of time to message queuing telemetry transport with reception of ac-
each inferior level. knowledgment guarantees the reception of the alarm by
Flooding time synchronization protocol (FTSP): is based on the authorities in charge of inspecting buildings or manag-
the dynamic election of a global root node that propagates the ing hazards.

8 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine December 2018

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References Carmelo Scuro ( has a research grant

[1] J. Gubbi, R. Buyya, S. Marusic, and M. Palaniswami, “Internet at the University of Calabria. He received the master's de-
of things (IoT): a vision, architectural elements, and future gree in engineering and architecture and the Ph.D. degree in
directions,” Future Generation Computer Syst., vol. 29, no. 7, pp. structural mechanics from the University of Calabria, Rende,
1645-1660, 2013. Italy in 2012 and 2017, respectively. His current research inter-
[2] F. Lamonaca, C. Scuro, P. F. Sciammarella, D. L. Carnì, and R. ests include the analysis of the fracture in the brittle materials
Olivito, “Internet of things for structural health monitoring,” in through the use of acoustic emissions and structural moni-
Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT, Apr. toring systems, mechanical and physical characterization of
2018. traditional masonry techniques, experimentation on FRCM,
[3] A. Serov, “Cognitive sensor technology for structural health microtomography, rapid prototyping and 3D printing.
monitoring,” Procedia Structural Integrity, vol. 5, pp. 1160-1167,
2017. Paolo Francesco Sciammarella is a Ph.D. student with the De-
[4] K. Worden and E. J. Cross, “On switching response surface partment of Computer Sciences, Modeling, Electronics, and
models, with applications to the structural health monitoring of System Science, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. His cur-
bridges,” Mechanical Syst. Signal Processing, vol. 98, pp. 139-156, rent research activity involves IoT application to distributed
2018. measurement systems and cyber physical systems.
[5] A. Barontini, M. G. Masciotta, L. F. Ramos, P. Amado-Mendes and
P. B. Lourenço, “An overview on nature-inspired optimization Francesco Lamonaca (M'10) ( is
algorithms for structural health monitoring of historical Associate Professor of Electronic Measurement with the De-
buildings,” Procedia Eng., vol. 199, pp. 3320-3325, 2017. partment of Engineering, University of Sannio, Benevento,
[6] F. D. Day-Lewis, L. D. Slater, J. Robinson, C. D. Johnson, N. Terry, Italy. He received the M.S. degree in computer science engi-
and D. Werkema, “An overview of geophysical technologies neering in 2005 and the Ph.D. degree in computer and system
appropriate for characterization and monitoring at fractured-rock science in 2010 from the University of Calabria, Italy. He
sites,” J. Environmental Manage., vol. 204, pp. 709-720, 2017. earned doctorate equivalences in science and engineering
continued on page 14
December 2018 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 9
the M.Eng. and the Ph.D. degrees in mechatronic engineering Institute of Science and Technology, Japan and his research in-
from the University of Trento in 2010 and 2014, respectively. terests include distributed systems, mobile computing, and
ubiquitous computing. He received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D.
Teruhiro Mizumoto ( is Assistant Pro- degrees in information and computer sciences from Osaka
fessor of Ubiquitous Computing Laboratory with the Nara University in 1991, 1993 and 1996, respectively.
Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, where he has been
since 2016. His current research interests are ubiquitous com- Mariolino De Cecco ( is Associ-
puting, human measurement and social systems engineering. ate Professor of Mechanical Measurements and Robotics at
He is a member of IPSJ and IEEE. the University of Trento, Italy. Prof. De Cecco heads the MIRo
(Measurement, Instrumentation and Robotics) Laboratory
Hiroiko Suwa ( has been an Assistant Profes- where his main fields of research are measurements, robotics
sor of Ubiquitous Computing Laboratory with the Nara Institute and space. Dr. De Cecco supports the framework of interna-
of Science and Technology, Japan since 2014. His current research tional projects such as UNCAP H2020, VERITAS FP7 IP, and
interests are social informatics, real data mining and social net- AGILE Eurostars. Co. He was an investigator of OSIRIS pay-
work analysis. He is a member of IEICE, IPSJ, and IEEE. load of ROSETTA-ESA Cornerstone Mission and participated
with the LISA TEAM (LISA-ESA Cornerstone Mission). He
Keiichi Yasumoto ( is currently a profes- serves as co-proposer and member of the steering committee
sor of the Graduate School of Science and Technology at Nara of the AUSILIA project.

continued from page 9

science from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium in 2010 and historical masonry construction, experimentation on
and 2011, respectively. FRCM and monitoring of structures through the use of acous-
tic emissions.
Renato Sante Olivito ( is a Full Pro-
fessor of Structural Mechanics with the Department of Civil Domenico Luca Carnì ( is Assistant
Engineering University of Calabria, Rende, Italy, where he Professor of Electric and Electronic Measurements with the
has remained in a variety of research and management po- Department of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics and Sys-
sitions. He has authored or co-authored more than 150 tems, University of Calabria. He achieved his master's degree
papers published in international journals and conference in computer engineering from the University of Calabria in
proceedings. His current research interests include ecosus- 2003. In 2006, he received the Ph.D. degree in systems and com-
tainable composite materials as a strengthening of modern puter engineering from the same university.

14 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine December 2018

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