HTB13 AC Drilling Motor User Manual

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User Manual of HTB13 AC Drilling Motor

HTB13 变频调速异步电动机用户手册

HTB13 AC Drilling Motor

User Manual


Chengdu Hongtian Electrical Drive Engineering Co., Ltd.
Aug., 2009
User Manual of HTB13 AC Drilling Motor

Before operation, we would like you to read this manual carefully which providing
information to you to encourage proper installation, operation, maintenance and
Keep this manual for using in the future!

目 录

1.  环境要求和工作条件 ......................................................................................................................... 1 

2.  基本数据 ........................................................................................................................................... 2 
3.  结构介绍 ........................................................................................................................................... 3 
4.  安装及使用........................................................................................................................................ 6 
5.  故障分析 ........................................................................................................................................... 7 
6.  检修方法 ......................................................................................................................................... 12 
7. 搬运与存放 ...................................................................................................................................... 15 
8. 主要外购件目录 ............................................................................................................................... 16 
附件 1 HTB13 变频调速异步电动机外形图 
附图 2 HTB13 变频调速异步电动机分解图 

1.  Service Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 1 
2. Basic data ........................................................................................................................................ 2 
3. Construction Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4 
4. Installation and Operation .............................................................................................................. 7 
5. Fault Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 8 
6. Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 13 
7. Transportation and Storage.......................................................................................................... 17 
8. Main Purchase Parts List .............................................................................................................. 18 
Attached drawing 1 HTB13 Motor Outline Drawing 
Attached drawing 2 HTB13 Motor Disassembly Drawing 
User Manual of HTB13 AC Drilling Motor

安全警示 Safety Warnings

* 本说明书适用于 HTB13 系列变频调速异步电动机,使用该产品前必须仔细阅读以下内容。

* 严禁带电拆卸电机零部件。
* 检修后组装,如果紧固用螺钉及螺栓损坏需更换时,不得低于原配螺钉及螺栓的性能等级。
* 带防护要求的零部件有锈蚀或损坏需要更换时,必须向原制造单位联系,选用符合要求的零部件,
™ This manual is applicable for HTB13 VF Induction Motor. Must read it before operate the product.
™ Be sure all power is off before dismantling parts.
™ Assemble it after inspection, if tightening bolt or screw damaged, replace with new one not less
than the former.
™ If need to replace the part with protective requirement caused by damage or rust, it strongly
recommended to contact its manufacturer for change or purchase.

1. 环境要求和工作条件 Service Conditions

Motor should operate under the following service conditions.
a 海拔高度不超过 1200m 。
Maximum altitude of 1200m;
b 环境温度:-40℃~+55℃。
Exposure to an ambient temperature in the range of -40℃~+55℃
c 环境空气最大相对湿度: 月平均最低温度不高于 25℃时,月平均最高相对湿度为 90%。
Max. relative humidity of ambient air: when average monthly min. temperature less than 25℃,
average monthly max. RH as 90%.
d 钻机设备受雨、雪、风沙的侵袭。
Subject to rain, snow or sand;
e 钻机设备正常运行时产生的冲击和振动。
Subject to the shock or vibration caused by equipment normal running.
f 符合钻井作业 HSE 要求。
Conform to drilling HSE requirements.
g 含有ⅡA、ⅡB 级、T1~T3 组爆炸性气体或蒸汽与空气形成的爆炸性混合物的 2 区场所。
Applied in the area of ⅡA&ⅡB ,T1~T3 explosive gas atmospheres zone 2.
When the service conditions exceed the above, the manufacturer should be consulted to
manufacturer and make a proper solution.

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User Manual of HTB13 AC Drilling Motor

2. 基本数据 Basic data

2.1 电机主要参数 Main Parameters

结构形式 Construction: 三相异步鼠笼式电动机 three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor
额定功率 Rated power: 580kW
额定电压 Rated voltage: 575V
额定电流 Rated current: 774 A
额定转速 Rated speed: 125r/min
额定转矩 Rated torque: 44309N·m
额定频率 Rated frequency: 16.9 Hz
功率因数 Power factor: 0.83
效率 Efficiency: 92%
短时电流 Short-time Current: 1161 A
短时转矩 Short-time Torque: 75000 N·m
恒功最高转速 Max. speed at constant power: 220r/min
恒功最高频率 Max. Freq. at constant power: 30Hz
恒转矩转速范围 Speed range at constant torque: 0~125r/min
恒功转速范围 Speed range at constant power: 125 r/min~220r/min
定子绕组接法 Stator winding wiring method: Y
绝缘等级 Insulation class: H
工作制 Duty: S1
防护等级 Protection degree IP43
冷却方式 Cooling means: 强迫通风(自带风机)forced cooling (self-own blower)
质量 Weight: 6328kg

2.2 温升限值 Temperature-rise limit

电机部件 绝缘等级 测量方法 允许温升
Motor part Insulation class Measurement Allowable temperature rise
定子绕组 电阻法
Stator H Resistance 115K
winding measurement
点温度计法 温升以不损害任何绕组或其他部件为限
By thermometer Without damage to any winding or other
of point parts
轴承 温度计法
Bearing By thermometer

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2.3 轴承型号及润滑脂牌号 Model of Bearing and Lubricating Grease

润滑脂牌号 Lubricating grease: Arcanol L135V(FAG)

2.4 质量 Weight
总质量 Total weight 6328kg
转子装配 Rotor assembly 2145kg
定子装配 Stator assembly 3496kg

2.5 HTB13 变频调速异步电动机外形图见附图 1。

Outline views of HTB13 motor refer to the attached drawing 1.

2.6 螺栓紧固力矩 Bolt tightening Torque

M8 M10 M12 M16 M20
Thread diameter
20±3 37±5 62±7 155±15 300±20
Tightening torque

2.7 结构参数 Construction parameters

电机定子铁心槽数 Number of stator core slots 120
电机转子铁心槽数 Number of rotor core slots 144
电机气隙长度 Air-gap 1.5mm
定子绕组节距 Stator winding pitch 6
并联支路 Parallel branches 4

2.8 绕组电阻 Winding resistance

定子绕组线电阻 Stator winding line resistance 0.0132Ω(20℃)

3. 结构介绍 Construction Introduction

3.1 概述 General
该电机是为 DQ70BZ 直驱顶驱配套研制的直驱式三相异步鼠笼式电动机,作为顶驱装置的直接驱动动

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风机滤尘器流出。电机的外壳防护等级 IP43。
This motor is directdrive three-phase squirrel-cage induction type, which is applied to DQ70BZ top
drive system. Its power is supplied from diesel genset, via converter change to an adjustable voltage and
frequency AC power to motor. It is designed to vertical structure to move with traveling block, and shares
in one shaft with top drive system, whose upper is connected with swivel assembly, bottom connected with
drill string. Forced ventilation is adopted by blower, which is horizontally assembled on frame and through
air duct to connect with stator air hole. Cooling air is intaked from bottom end bracket, through air gap and
rotor air hole, flows to upper end bracket and out of filter from air duct. The enclosure of motor is protected
to IP43 degree.
T1120,传 递钻柱重量,一只为顶驱的扶正轴承 32044/YB2;所以电机下端盖需装有一只防跳轴承
轴承的密封采用聚四氟乙烯盘根密封,能有效防止油脂泄露。 由于采用油脂润滑,轴承更换起来都很困难,
所以要具有足够长的寿命,要采用 SKF 或 FAG 轴承。
There are two bearings at the upper section of top drive: one is thrust tapered roller bearing (model of
T1120) for drill string weight transmission, another is alignment bearing (model of 32044/YB2); another
one hold down bearing (model of NU244ECM) installed at the bottom end bracket of motor. The alignment
bearing and hold down bearing are required to support motor stator and rotor. Due to grease lubrication,
bearings are sealed by PTFE packing to prevent leakage; and adopted with SKF or FAG having long life
and reducing replacement.
在电机定子线圈引线端部内圆布置固定有一圈 220V、290W 的防潮加热带,当外部环境温度低于允许
安全。电机定子绕组间隙安装有 PT100 测温铂电阻,引线接在电机接线盒内,与辅助控制电路连接。
The 220V, 290W moisture-proof heat tracing is provided at stator coil leads inner round; under the
condition of ambient temperature lower than allowable limit, inside condensing or shut-down, apply power
to heat motor for avoiding moisture. PT100 platinum RTDs are supplied in the stator winding slots, whose
leads are connected on terminal blocks and with auxiliary control circuits.

3.2 定子 Stator
线一侧,把线圈之间联线后的集电环用 8 个支撑固定在机座的上端板内侧,定子整体真空压力浸漆(VPI),
绝缘等级为 H 级。定子浸漆后,三相集电环引线头用成型铜母线联接后引出。
Stator windings are formed double-layer, and stator coils embedded in stator slots, the winding ends
bound by glass polyester rope and at leads side. Each collector ring is fastened at eight support
assemblies. The whole stator is impregnated in vacuum pressure impregnation (VPI) process, with class H
insulation. After impregnation, the three-phase windings are leaded to terminal box with copper bar.

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3.2.1 定子铁心 Stator Core

定子铁心由 50W470 优质冷轧硅钢片冲制的整圆片叠制而成。通过拉杆和两端的压圈压紧并焊接,然
The stator core is laminated by 50W470 high quality cold rolled silicon steel plates, which are
compressed and welded with the pull rods and pressing rings, and then apply shrink fit on stator

3.2.2 电枢线圈 Armature coil

电枢线圈由聚酰亚胺-氟 46 复合薄膜绕包线绕制而成, 采用聚酰亚胺薄膜作为对地主绝缘,外包绝缘
Each coil is wound by 46 compound film lapped wire of polyimide-fluorin, and mainly insulated by PI
film, exterior by alkalifree glass tape.

3.3 接线盒及引出线 Terminal box and leads

电动机接线盒置于电机上端盖,三相引出线标志为 U、V、W。
Terminal box is installed at the upperendbracket of motor, and its leads are identified as U, V, and W.

3.4 转子 Rotor
转子采用专用梯形铜排做导条,导条插入铁心槽后,将导条冲紧并固定在槽内。端环使用 5mm 铜板冲
转子铁心由 0.5mm 厚的 50W470 优质冷轧硅钢板冲制的整圆片叠压而成,叠压成铁心后,通过 8 根拉
The rotor bars adopt special trapezoidal copper bars to insert into slots and fasten with slot wedges.
The end rings are machined by 5mm copper plates, and welded with rotor bars by TIG method or silver
solder. Meanwhile, there are clearances between end rings for natural cooling.
The rotor core is laminated with 0.5mm thickness of 50W470 high-quality cold rolled silicon steel
plates, which are compressed and welded with eight pull rods and pressing rings. Rotor spider is to be
welded-steel plate construction. The core inner ring and spider body is to form axial ventilating duct.

3.5 端盖 End Brackets

Lower bracket is of cast construction.

3.6 通风机 Blower

A total of two blowers are out purchased and installed on mounting brack

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4. 安装及使用 Installation and Operation

4.1 新安装或长期停用的电机,在开机前应做如下准备:用 1000V 兆欧表测量电机定子绕组及联线对机壳

的冷态绝缘电阻,应不小于 2MΩ,如小于此值时,应先检查接线盒内是否有灰尘及定子绕组绝缘是否有
For new equipment or long-time shut down, the following preparation should be performed: measure
cold insulation resistance of stator windings and leads by using 1000V megohmmeter, as a minimum
of 2MΩ. If less than this value,should check terminal box inside for dust and stator winding insulation
for damage; and measure the insulation resistance of stator windings and leads separately, if that of
stator windings is lower, energize motor’s heater to dry inside. Rotor should move smoothly when
turning shaft.

4.2 电机接好线开机前应检查 Check the following items before startup.

4.2.1 通风机的转向是否正确。检查方法:将风机电机通电再断电,看风机电机的风扇叶转向是否和风机
Check the blower rotary direction before startup in sequence: power on and power off blower motor
to observe whether it moves in the same direction with blower.

CAUTION: The rotation cannot be decided by whether it outputs air, in that the centrifugal blower
will produce air in clockwise or counterclockwise, only difference in air flow.

4.2.2 检修开关复位 Reset the lockout switch。

4.3 轴承的维护保养 Bearing Maintenance

The bearing is installed to be free-maintenance construction; and the high-quality import bearing and
long-term effectively grease have a minimum life of 3 years from the date of leaving factory without
any maintenance. After 3 years, motor should be disassembled for bearing clean with gasoline and
bearing lubrication.
CAUTION: The bearing cannot be used alkaline cleaner.

判断轴承工作状态。如在电机运行 2h 后,在外轴承盖外表面的某一固定点测量轴承温升,每日一次,并

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It is suggested to use themistor thermometer to measure bearing temperature, and record once a
day so as to decide its operation status. If overheat at bearing, find out reason and deal with it, such as
bearing lubrication is excessive, insufficient lubrication oil or impurity, bearing radial clearance is narrow,
oil pumping, etc.

4.4 紧固 Tightening
Inspect all bolts for looseness; tighten as necessary.

4.5 吹扫 Blow
机的散热,也容易吸潮,导致金属件腐蚀。所以建议每打一口井吹扫一次电机的内外表面。如用 0.6MPa
Under a severe service condition, the motor is subject to dust or dirt which will accumulate and
interfere with normal ventilation. So that, it is recommended to blow the inside and outside of motor
at a interval of drilling a well; blow the outside surface with a compressed air about 0.6MPa;
dismantle the blower and blow the inside with high-pressure hose.

5. 故障分析 Fault Analysis

5.1 电机不能起动 Motor Unable to Start

a. 通风机转向错误(通风机电机接线错误),风压开关未动作;
Rotary direction incorrect due to the wrong wiring of blower motor, and lead to air pressure
switch not activated;
b. 检修开关未复位;
Lockout switch not reset
c. 电源接线错误;
Power supply connection incorrect;
d. 电源未通(至少两相未通);
Not energized (at least for two phases);
e. 熔丝熔断(至少两相熔断);
Fuse burn-out (at least for two phases);
f. 过流继电器整定值太小;
Over-current relay setting is too small;
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g. 控制设备接线错误。
The wring for control equipment incorrect;

5.2 电动机接入电源后,熔丝被烧断 Fuse burn-out after motor energized

a. 缺一相电源启动,或定子线圈一相反接;
Start with lacking of one phase, or one phase of stator coil connected reversely;
b. 定子绕组接地;
Stator winding grounded ;
c. 定子绕组相间短路;
Stator winding phase short-circuit;
d. 定子绕组接线错误;
Stator winding wiring incorrect;
e. 熔丝截面积过小;
Fuse cross-sectional area is too small;
f. 电源线短路或接地。
Power supply cable short-circuit or grounded;

5.3 电动机通电后,电机不转,嗡嗡响 Motor cannot move after energized but humming


a. 定子绕组有断路(一相断线),或电源一相失电;
Stator winding has broken circuit (because of one phase broken off) or one phase of power
supply blacks out;
b. 绕组引出线始末端接错或绕组内部接反;
Winding leads connection incorrect or winding connected inversely;
c. 电动机负载过大;
Motor overloaded;
d. 转子卡住,或轴承卡住;
Stator or bearing stuck;
e. 电源回路接点松动,接触电阻大;
Power supply loop contact loose, contact resistance much higher;
f. 电源电压过低。
Supply voltage below level;

5.4 电动机外壳带电 Motor Enclosure Alive

a. 电源线与接地线搞错;
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Power supply line and grounding line mixed
b. 电动机绕组受潮,绝缘严重老化;
Motor winding dampened , insulation ages badly
c. 引出线与接线盒接地。
Outgoing cable and connection box grounded

5.5 电动机起动困难,额定负载时,转速低于额定转速较多 Motor is difficult to start, and

speed is much lower than the rating at rated load
a. 电源电压过低;
Supply voltage is too low;
b. 鼠笼转子开裂或断裂;
Squirrel-cage stator cracks or broken;
c. 定子局部线圈错接、反接;
Stator partial coils incorrectly connected;
d. 电机过载。
Motor overloaded;

5.6 电动机空载或过负载时,电流表指针不稳、摆动 Ammeter pointer sways when the

motor is no-load or overload
Mainly due to open-weld or broken happened to rotor bars;

5.7 绝缘电阻低 Low insulation resistance

a. 绕组受潮或被水淋湿;
Winding affected with moisture;
b. 绕组绝缘沾满粉尘、油垢;
Winding insulation covered with dust or oil;
c. 绕组绝缘老化。
Winding insulation aged;

5.8 电动机空载电流不平衡,三相相差大 No-load current unbalanced and large difference

among three phases
a. 绕组首尾端接错;
Winding incorrectly connected;
b. 电源电压不平衡;
Supply voltage unbalanced;

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c. 绕组存在匝间短路、线圈反接等故障。
Turn-to-turn short circuit and coil connected inversely in winding;

5.9 电动机空载电流平衡,但数值大 No-load current balanced but too large:

a. 电源电压过高;
Supply voltage is too high;
b. 电机重新装配后,定子、转子铁心未对齐;
The core of stator and rotor not aligned after motor re-assembled;
c. 气隙不均匀;
Air gap nonuniform;

5.10 电动机运行时响声不正常,有异响 Motor sounds abnormally when running


a. 顶驱支撑轴承磨损,有故障,润滑脂内有沙粒等异物;
Top drive bearings have worn or failure, grease is mixed with sand particcle or other foreign
b. 定子、转子铁心松动;
Stator or rotor core looseness;
c. 电压太高或三相电压不平衡;
Voltage is too high or unbalanced;
d. 定子绕组接错或短路;
Stator winding incorrectly connected or short-circuited;
e. 顶驱支撑轴承缺少润滑脂;
Top drive bearing lacking of grease;
f. 定子、转子铁心相擦,定子与转子绝缘纸或槽楔相擦;
Friction between stator core and rotor core, stator rubbing with rotor’s insulation paper or slot

5.11 电动机振动 Motor Vibration

a. 气隙不均匀;
Air gap nonuniform
b. 转子不平衡;
Rotor unbalance;
c. 安装不平稳;
Installation unstable;
d. 笼型转子开裂或断裂;
Rotor cracks or breakdown;
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e. 定子绕组故障(短路、开路、接地,连接错误等);
Stator winding faults (short-circuit, open circuit, ground, or wrong wiring, etc);
f. 铁心变形或松动;
Core deformation or loosening
g. 顶驱支撑轴承磨损,间隙过大。
Top drive b bearing worn and clearance overlarge
h. 顶驱主轴弯曲。
Top drive main shaft bending

5.12 电动机过热或冒烟 Motor overheating or smoking

a. 电源电压过高,使铁心磁通密度过饱和,造成电动机温升过高;
Overhigh voltage leads to core flux density supersaturation and temperature-rise much higher
b. 电源电压过低,又带额定负载运行电机温升过高;
When motor is running with rated load and at lower voltage, its temperature-rise is much
c. 定子、转子铁心相摩擦;
Friction between stator core and rotor core;
d. 电动机过载或拖动的阻力过大,或频繁启动使电机发热;
Motor overload or driving force overlarge, or motor overheating because of frequent start;
e. 鼠笼转子断条;
Rotor bar broken;
f. 电动机缺相,两相运行;
Motor lacking of phase;
g. 绕组表面沾满尘垢或异物,影响电机散热;
Winding covered with dust or other foreign materials affects motor heat radiation;
h. 冷却环境温度过高,
Cooling temperature is too high;
i. 通风机风扇故障,风道堵塞,通风不良;
Blower fan failures cause blocked air duct and bad ventilation;
j. 定子绕组匝间短路、相间短路以及绕组接地,绕组内部连接错误;
Turn-to-turn short circuit and coil connected inversely in winding

CAUTION: If the motor fault cannot be treated because of the limited condition, please contact with

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6. 检修方法 Maintenance
6.1 基本技术要求 General Technical Requirements
6.1.1 电机机座及端盖应清扫干净、检查有无裂纹与缺陷,各螺孔螺纹状态良好,铭牌完好清晰。
Motor frame and end brackets should be clean, free of cracks or defection, and screw thread and
nameplate in good condition.

6.1.2 电机定子线圈、联线、导电环绝缘无破损、烧伤,引出线标记清晰正确。
Ensure that no damage or burn in the insulation of stator coil, wires or collecting ring; and leads
should be identified clearly;

6.1.3 测量定子绕组线电阻,换算到 20℃时阻值与标准值相比,误差不超过标准值的±10%。

Measure stator winding resistance and the difference should not be exceed ±10% of standard
value at 20℃.

6.1.4 电机绝缘电阻要求 Motor insulation resistance

Measure the cold insulation resistance with megohmmeter and not less than the following values:
部位 工具
Cold insulation
Position Tool
定子绕组对地 1000V 兆欧表
stator winding to ground 1000V megohmmeter
辅助电器系统对地 500V 兆欧表
auxiliary electric system to ground 500V megohmmeter

6.1.5 定子绕组对地耐压试验 Withstand-voltage test of stator winding to ground

试验电压为 50Hz、1760V 正弦波交流电,历时 1min,应无击穿闪络现象。
Test voltage should be 50HZ, 1760V sine wave AC power and last for 1 minute, as a result of no

6.1.6 用脉冲耐压测试仪检查定子绕组匝间绝缘情况,每相施加 3600V 脉冲电压,历时 3 秒,匝间绝缘应

Measure the turn-to-turn insulation of stator winding by pulse withstand voltage insulation tester:
3600V pulse voltage for each phase and last for 3 minutes, as the result of no damaged.

6.1.7 电机按下表要求空转,轴承应无异常振动和噪声,轴承温升不超过 35K,油封挡圈应无摩擦发热,


When motor idling at the following speed, it is required without abnormal vibration or noise for
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User Manual of HTB13 AC Drilling Motor
bearing, bearing temperature-rise not to exceed 35K, no friction heating for grease seal ring and and all
parts in good condition:
100 125 220
5 30 5

6.2 原始数据及限值 Original data and limit

序号 名 称 限 度
原 形 Original shape
No. Name Limit
1 Orignal clearance of *NU244ECMA/C3 φ220 0.16~0.22
bearing (mm)
合 (mm)
2 Interference fit between *NU244ECMA/C3 φ220 0.017~0.076
bearing inner bore and
3 Transition fit between *NU244ECMA/C3 φ400 -0.04~0.057
bearing outer bore and
4 0.0132 10%
Stator winding phase-to-phase resistance
5 Fitting surface diameter between rotor spider φ305H8 0
shaft sleeve and expansion kit
6 Allowable unbalance of rotor assembly

6.3 检修过程及要求 Procedures and Requirements

6.3.1 电机解体,拆除下轴承盖,卸下下封环;拆除顶驱箱体上的螺栓,连同顶驱箱体、转轴及转子抽出;

Disassemble the motor and remove bearing cover and seal ring, pull out shaft and rotor with top
drive box, dismantile bearing inner ring and retainer; dismount the expansion kits and rotor.

6.3.2 拆除下端盖,对下端盖,轴承、胀套等零件进行清洗、吹干。轴承需要用汽油进行清洗。
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User Manual of HTB13 AC Drilling Motor
Remove bottom end bracket to clean it and bearing, expansion kit; but use gasoline to clean
6.3.3 定转子分别先用压力不大于 0.6MPa 的压缩空气进行吹扫,然后用汽油或中性清洗液擦洗,最后用
清水冲洗,清洗干净后吊入烘箱烘潮,烘潮要逐步升温,加热至 60℃左右须保温 2h,便于电机内水
气彻底蒸发,然后加温至 110~120℃左右烘 4h。在烘潮过程中用 1000V 兆欧表每隔 1h 测量一次定
子绕组对地绝缘电阻,连续三次测量绝缘电阻值趋于稳定状态,相互间误差不大于 10%,且热态绝
缘电阻不小于 1.5MΩ 即可认为烘焙合格。
Blow the stator and rotor with compressed air not more than 0.6Mpa, and clean with gasoline or
neutral cleaning solution and then wash off by pure water. So lift them into drying cabinet, till
temperature increasing to 60℃ keep for 2 hours, so as to evaporate steam completely; and
continuously increase to 110~120℃ and keep drying for 4 hours. During this period, measure
winding insulation resistance with 1000V megohmmeter for three times per hour, if the difference of
these 3 results is not more than 10% and hot insulation resistance no less than 1.5MΩ, this drying
reaches to standard.

6.3.4 定子检修 Stator Maintenance

用双臂电桥测量定子绕组线电阻值,标准按 6.2。
对地耐压试验标准按 6.1.5。
匝间耐压试验标准按 6.1.6,应无闪络击穿。
After clean and dry, inspect the stator for insulation damage, and wiring fastness and order.
Measure stator winding resistance with double bridge, and refer to 6.2 for standard.
Withstand voltage test to ground should be performed in accordance with 6.1.5.
Withstand voltage test in turn-to-turn should be performed in accordance with 6.1.6 and without

6.3.4 转子检修 Rotor Maintenance

平衡块丢失、松动、空转振动大的转子须作动平衡试验,允许不平衡量符合 6.2 要求。
No dirt is accumulated on rotor bars, end rings or ventilating hole.
Ensure rotor bars and end rings without cracks or deformation.
No damage for the connection of spider and expansion kit.
If the rotor is looseness and large vibration at no load, it’s required to perform dynamitic balance test,
and the unbalance response should confirm to the requirement of section 6.2.

6.3.5 轴承清洗干净后须仔细检查,内外圈、滚动体、保持架均不得有伤痕、锈蚀,滚动体滚动灵活,轴

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User Manual of HTB13 AC Drilling Motor
After the bearing is clean up, inspect for damage or flexibility to inner and outer ring, roller and
bracket; bearing clearance for meeting requirement; replace as necessary.

6.3.6 电机组装 Motor Assembly

Assemble lower end bracket (together with bearing outer ring and lower bearing cap) onto stator,
and turn it over to stand downwards. With shrinkage fit, rotor is fastened to top drive main shaft by
expansion kit; lift the top drive upper section into stator, and seal bearing by PTFE packing; install
connection box and connect lead-out wire, and assemble air duct and blower.
轴承型号和润滑脂牌号须符合本电机标准,轴承加热温度不超过 130℃。
轴承加油量:下端盖轴承室及轴承间隙共加注 1.5kg,滚子之间间隙加满,轴承室加满三分之一至一
The model of bearing and lubricating grease should conform to the standard of this motor. And
bearing temperature should not exceed 130℃.
Oil feed requirement of bearing: the space between lower bearing housing and bearing play
should be fed with1.5kg oil, roller clearance be filled up and bearing housing be properly fed with
one third to a half.

6.3.7 解体检修后重新组装的电机均需按 6.1.7 要求进行空转试验,电机应运转正常,轴承无异音。

The reassemble motor should be performed the idle test as 6.1.7, as a result of normal running and
no noise for bearing.

6.3.8 电动机大修后须按本手册的 6.1.3~6.1.7 条规定项目进行试验。

After an overhaul, the motor should be carried out tests in accordance with 6.1.3 through 6.1.7.

7. 搬运与存放 Transportation and Storage

7.1 搬运 Transportation

a. 电动机在吊运过程中应按规定位置吊挂,搬运过程中要放置平稳,避免倒置、碰撞。
During this period, lift or hang the motor at specified position, and lay down horizontally. No
upend or collision.
b. 在正常运输时,不应因包装不善而受潮,污染与损坏。
Protect the motor against moisture, dirty and damage resulting from improper package.

7.2 存放 Storage

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User Manual of HTB13 AC Drilling Motor
a. 电动机到达后,客户应开箱检查电动机是否有损坏、受潮及生锈等现象。
After the motor arrives at job site, customer should check whether it presents damage, moisture
or rust.
b. 电动机存放中,应有必要的防锈措施并作定期检查。轴身或安装底座等其他与用户设备联接安装
During storage, take necessary measures to prevent rust for storage and make periodic
inspection. The position of shaft or mounting base or other devices connecting with user
equipments should be protected against rust.
c. 电动机贮存时应放在干燥、清洁、无酸碱及腐蚀性气体的场地,放置应平稳可靠,勿倒置,电动
Store the motor in the location of dry, clean and free of acid, alkali and corrosive. Motor should
be placed stably and keep upright.

8. 主要外购件目录 Main Purchase Parts List

序号 名称 代号 数量
No. Name Code Number
1 YJ13.200.000 1 3496
Stator assembly
2 YJ13.100.000 1 2145
Rotor assembly
胀套 Z5-240*305
3 JB/T 7934 1 21.4
Expansion kit
4 YJ13.000.003 1 6.25
Closing ring
5 YJ13.400.000 1 376
Lower end bracket
6 Single row roller *NU244ECMA/C3 1 38.5
7 YJ13.000.004 1 34.6
Lower bearing cap
离心风机装配(右) 外购
8 Centrifugal fan YJ13.500.000 1 150 Purchased
assembly (right) part
离心风机装配(左) 外购
9 Centrifugal fan YJ13.500.000L 1 150 Purchased
assembly (left) part

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User Manual of HTB13 AC Drilling Motor

10 YJ13.600.000 2 13.9
Air duct
11 Connect box YJ13.300.000 1 34.8
12 Arcanol L135V 1.5 FAG

序号指示见附件 2:HTB13 型变频调速异步电动机分解图

The serial numbers are shown on attachment2: HTB13 motor Disassembly view

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附件 1 HTB13 变频调速异步电动机外形图 Attached drawing 1 HTB13 Motor Outline Drawing

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附图 2 HTB13 变频调速异步电动机分解图 Attached drawing 2 HTB13 Motor Disassembly View

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