Energy Optimization For Software-Defined Data Cent
Energy Optimization For Software-Defined Data Cent
Energy Optimization For Software-Defined Data Cent
Energy Optimization for Software-Defined Data
Center Networks Based on Flow Allocation Strategies
Zebin Lu 1,2 , Junru Lei 2 , Yihao He 2 , Zhengfa Li 2 , Shuhua Deng 2 and Xieping Gao 2,3, *
1 School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China;
2 Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing and Information Processing of Ministry of Education,
Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China; (J.L.); (Y.H.); (Z.L.); (S.D.)
3 College of Software and Communication Engineering, Xiangnan University, Chenzhou 423043, China
* Correspondence:
Received: 20 July 2019; Accepted: 7 September 2019; Published: 11 September 2019
Abstract: Nowadays, energy consumption has become an important issue in data center networks.
The most promising energy-saving schemes are those that shut down unnecessary network devices
and links while meeting the demand of traffic loads. Existing research mainly focuses on the strategies
of energy savings in software-defined data center networks (SD-DCN). Few studies have considered
both energy savings and the quality of service (QoS) of the traffic load. In this paper, we investigate
the energy savings guaranteed by traffic load satisfaction ratio. To ensure the minimum-power
consumption in data centers, we formulate the SD-DCN energy consumption optimization problem
as an Integer Linear Programming model. To achieve a high success rate for traffic transmission,
we propose three flow scheduling strategies. On this foundation, we propose a strategy-based
Minimum Energy Consumption (MEC) heuristic algorithm to ensure the QoS satisfaction ratio in the
process of energy optimization. The results show that our algorithm can save energy efficiently under
the conditions of low traffic load and medium traffic load. Under high traffic load, our algorithm can
achieve better network performance than existing solutions in terms of quality of service satisfaction
ratio of flow allocation.
Keywords: energy efficiency; software-defined data center networks; QoS; flow allocation
1. Introduction
In the past decade, with the development of big data, cloud computing, virtualization, and other
data-intensive applications, data centers are growing rapidly. While data centers significantly simplify
the management of the application’s data, the traffic transmission in data centers brings great energy
consumption. Studies have shown that the electricity consumption of global data centers accounted
for 1.1% to 1.5% of the total electricity consumption in 2010, and it can be predicted that the percentage
will increase to 8% by 2020 [1,2]. In addition, the energy consumption of data center networks (DCNs)
accounts for 20% of the total power consumption when the servers are fully utilized, but it will rise
to 50% when servers utilization decreases to 15% [3]. Therefore, energy-saving in data centers has
become one of the most important topics.
A data center is a facility composed of a number of technical elements such as network devices,
servers, storage systems, and more. To improve the performance and reliability of the network, some
novel topological structures have been proposed, such as Fat-Tree [4], VL2 [5], DCell [6], BCube [7],
etc. Since a large-scale data center contains a large number of servers, links, and bandwidth-intensive
applications, it is not easy to realize flexible scheduling of network resources in traditional distributed
network architectures. Software-defined networking (SDN) is an emerging network architecture [8] that
allows network operators to manage and control a network through a centralized controller. Since the
control plane is separated from the underlying network device, it makes network management more
efficient and convenient. Recently, some studies incorporated SDN into DCNs, named software-defined
data center networks (SD-DCNs), to optimize the data center energy consumption by utilizing the
scalability and manageability of SDN technology [9,10].
Some studies have proved that software-defined networking is an effective solution to solve
energy problems in DCNs [11–14]. The main idea of these works is to design some energy optimization
models to save energy under the condition of using as few network resources as possible. While those
works can effectively save energy in certain scenarios, they ignore limited network resources that
would fail to satisfy the quality of service (QoS) requirements. Typically, the QoS requirements can be
roughly classified into bottleneck and additive [15,16].
For a bottleneck requirement, the cost of the path is determined by the value of that constraint
at the bottleneck resource, such as bandwidth, CPU, and Ternary Content Addressable Memory
(TCAM) [17–20]. For an additive requirement, the cost of the end-to-end path is given by the sum of
the values of each link along that path, such as delay and jitter [16,21,22]. Some QoS parameters are
multiplicative, such as loss rate [23]. Some researchers classify loss rate as an additive requirement
because loss rate can be expressed as an additive requirement in an indirect way [15]. The QoS
requirements are summarized in Table 1.
In this paper, we mainly focus on bottleneck requirements, including bandwidth and TCAM.
The bandwidth resource is scarce in a data center. Besides, the TCAM size in SDN switches is limited.
Using traffic aggregation and other ways to allocate as few network resources as possible will inevitably
lead to traffic transmission failure due to insufficient resources [24]. We investigate the problem of
how to ensure the efficiency of network traffic transmission while realizing the energy optimization
of the data center network. More specifically, we optimize SD-DCN energy consumption with the
objective of minimizing the energy cost of switches and links under the constraint of network resources.
To improve the QoS satisfaction ratio, we divide the network traffic into elephant flow and mice flow.
Then, three different traffic scheduling strategies are used for these two kinds of traffic. Combined with
the energy optimization model, a method which can meet both energy-saving and QoS requirements
is found.
In general, our contributions are summarized as follows:
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Some related work is discussed in Section 2.
The network model and problem statement are introduced in Section 3. The strategy-based Minimum
Energy Consumption (MEC) heuristic algorithm is proposed in Section 4. Simulation results and
analysis are shown in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1014 3 of 16
2. Related Work
Data center network energy consumption is growing increasingly. In order to reduce energy
consumption in data center networks, researchers have done a lot of work to achieve high energy
efficiency from different levels. From the perspective of energy, Heller et al. [25] proposed ElasticTree,
which dynamically controls the number of switches and links used in the network to meet the
changing data center traffic loads and turns off unused network elements in the network to save energy.
Jiang et al. [26] proposed an energy-aware data center network, which uses as few network devices
as possible and turns off unused network devices to reduce energy consumption. Wang et al. [27]
proposed a correlation-aware power optimization (CARPO) algorithm that combines link rate
adaptation and correlation-aware traffic consolidation to maximize energy savings.
With the development of SDN technology, more and more scholars use SDN to solve data
center network energy problems. Tu et al. [11] proposed two energy-saving models for data centers
based on SDN. These models can get better energy efficiency in different scenarios. Yoon et al. [12]
proposed a power minimization model in a Fat-Tree data center network, and adopted the Simulated
Annealing algorithm to obtain the solution. Wei et al. [13] designed an energy-efficient routing
algorithm based on the multinomial logit model, and formalized the energy-efficient routing algorithms.
Zeng et al. [14] put forward a minimum-activated switches algorithm in SD-DCN to save energy,
while the limitations of SDN itself were taken into account, i.e., TCAM-size limitation. Xu et al. [24]
proposed a data center network energy-saving algorithm that leveraged SDN technology to minimize
energy consumption in data center networks and increase the utilization of switches. Li et al. [28]
designed an energy-aware flow scheduling approach called exclusive routing (EXR) which occupies
the links in a flow independently based on priority. Existing research efforts mainly applied SDN
technology to turn off network devices to save energy. However, several unique features of SDN are
often ignored. For example, the TCAM size and link capacity are limited. Using traffic aggregation
and other ways to allocate as few network resources as possible will inevitably lead to traffic
transmission failure.
In terms of QoS guarantee, Huang et al. [29] studied the rules allocation optimization problem in
multipath routing, aiming to reduce rule space occupation and guarantee high QoS satisfaction ratio.
Wang et al. [30] proposed a bandwidth allocation scheme named Blocking Island (BI). For one thing,
Blocking Island scheme can reduce the searching space; for another, the success rate of bandwidth
allocation can be improved. As far as we know, existing works on QoS satisfaction ratio have not been
applied in the SD-DCN.
The closest work to this paper is [14]. In that paper, the authors were the first to study
the minimum-energy switch activation for multipath routing in SD-DCN, taking into account
the limitations of TCAM size in SDN. Their main contributions include formulating the energy
optimization problem as an ILP problem and proposing a heuristic algorithm to deal with the
high computational complexity of solving ILP. Inspired by [14], our motivation is to ensure the
efficiency of network traffic transmission while optimizing data center network energy consumption.
More precisely, different from the previous work of [14], which considers only the energy consumption
of nodes; we extend the work of [14], considering both nodes and links as energy consumption units.
In addition, we divide the network traffic into mice flow and elephant flow and propose three different
traffic scheduling strategies to improve the QoS satisfaction ratio.
Notation Description
Undirected graph where N is the set of switches and hosts
G = ( N, E)
(i.e., servers) and E is the set of links
S Set of switches
H Set of hosts
Cu TCAM size of switch u
B(u,v) Capacity of link (u, v)
p(u, v) Power consumption of link (u, v)
p(u) Power consumption of switch u
K Set of all traffic flows, each flow k ∈ K
rk Traffic demand by flow k from host sk to dk
X (u, v) Binary variable indicating whether link (u, v) is powered on
Y (u) Binary variable indicating whether switch u is powered on
f uv The amount of flow k that is routed through link (u, v)
k Binary variable indicating whether flow k goes through
switch u on outgoing link (u, v)
We model an undirected graph G = ( N, E) for the data center network. N consists of both
the hosts (i.e., servers) set, H; and the SDN-enabled switches (i.e., OpenFlow switches) set, S, i.e.,
Electronics 2019, 8, 1014 5 of 16
N = S ∪ H and E represent a set of links between nodes in N. According to the SDN communication
process, each flow goes through a switch, and a forwarding rule must be deployed in the TCAM.
TCAM is both expensive and power-hungry. Usually, the SDN switch can be equipped with limited
TCAM, so the forwarding rules that can be deployed in SDN switch are limited. We let Cu denote the
TCAM size of switch u. In addition, data center link capacity is limited, and we let B(u,v) be the link
capacity on link (u, v) ∈ E. For each link (u, v) ∈ E, p(u, v) represents the power consumption of link
(u, v) and p(u) represents the power consumption of switch u.
There are many applications in the data center, such as applications that use MapReduce
for data analysis. Applications may transfer data between servers frequently, and the data is
referred to as intra-data-center traffic [14]. Data center network flows are represented as the set
K, each flow k ∈ K. We use source–destination pairs to represent traffic demands, which are denoted as
K = {(s1 , d1 , r1 ), (s2 , d2 , r2 ), ..., (sk , dk , rk )}. For each demand (sk , dk , rk ) ∈ K—sk , dk , rk stand for source,
destination, and demand of flow k, respectively. In addition, we define the variable f uv k to represent
the amount of flow k that is routed through link (u, v). Usually, DCN infrastructures use abundant
network devices to provide routing and forwarding services to meet data center peak traffic demands.
Data center traffic is much lower than peak traffic load most of the time, which leaves a great many
of switches and links to keep idle or under-utilized. Typically, the average utilization rate of a data
center is only about 20% to 30% [31]. These idle and under-utilized network devices still consume
considerable energy. SDN technology can help us to choose the routing paths in real-time to meet the
traffic demands and shut down redundant network devices, such as switches and links. Therefore,
data center network energy optimization aims at minimizing activated switches and links to meet
traffic demands. At the same time, we plan to use multipath routing to improve the QoS satisfaction
ratio of flow allocation, especially in the case of high traffic load.
Similarly, Y (u) is used to indicate if switch u is powered on. For each network flow that goes
through a switch, a forwarding rule must be stored in the TCAM of the switch to determine the next
hop for data forwarding. Note that if a flow is split at a switch, we need to deploy a rule for each
subflow to describe multipath routing action in this switch. Let xuv k be a binary variable to indicate
whether flow k goes through link (u, v) or not. If flow k goes through link (u, v), a rule needs to be
installed at switch u for flow k on outgoing link (u, v). In the case of multipath routing, for each flow k,
k represents all rules that are installed in switch u due to the flow k which is split at switch
∑v∈ N xuv
u. Therefore, we can use variable xuv k to represent the usage of rules in switch u. Obviously, we have
k k
xuv = 1 if f uv > 0 on link (u, v). That is,
1, if f uv > 0, u ∈ S,
xuv =
0, otherwise.
The above expression is a nonlinear one, and cannot be solved directly by the optimization solver.
We can better represent the constraint relationship above in a linear form as follows:
f uv k k
≤ xuv ≤ M f uv ,
Electronics 2019, 8, 1014 6 of 16
Subject to:
f uv k k (1)
≤ xuv ≤ M f uv ,
rk , if u = sk ,
∑ f uv − ∑ f vu = −rk , if u = dk ,
k k
v∈ N v∈ N
0, otherwise,
∑ ( f uv
k k
+ f vu ) ≤ B(u,v) X (u, v), ∀(u, v) ∈ E, (3)
∑ ∑ k
xuv ≤ Cu Y (u), ∀u ∈ S, (4)
k ∈K (u,v)∈ E
X (u, v) ∈ {0, 1}, Y (u) ∈ {0, 1}, xuv ∈ {0, 1},
f uv ≥ 0, ∀(u, v) ∈ E, k ∈ K.
Our objective is to minimize the energy consumption of data center network devices, including
both switches and links. In the objective function, p(u, v) and p(u) are constants. To maximize the use
of DCN data transmission potential, the model adopts a multipath routing strategy. Each flow may be
reaching the destination node through different paths from the source node. The flow conservation
constraints are given by (2). The link capacity limits the total data that a link can accommodate.
Constraint (3) states that the network traffic on link (u, v) must be less than or equal to the link capacity
Buv . Because the network model is an undirected graph, we need to consider both the link (u, v) and
the link (v, u). As for the constraint (4), for one thing, if the switch u is powered on, that is, Y (u) = 1,
the constraint can be described as the TCAM size constraint at this time. For another, if the switch
u is powered off, that is, Y (u) = 0, we can easily find that the available size of TCAM is 0. We have
k ≡ 0, and further derive f k ≡ 0 from constraint (1). At this time, there is no flow going through the
xuv uv
switch u.
4. Algorithm Design
The optimization problem described in the previous section can be solved by optimization
software such as CPLEX [32] and Gurobi [33], but the computation time increases exponentially
with the increase of network size. In a real network scenario with tens to hundreds of nodes, it is
difficult to calculate an optimal solution in a limited time, especially with a large number of traffic
demands. We propose a strategy-based Minimum Energy Consumption (MEC) heuristic algorithm,
which can be effectively applied to large-scale networks. The procedure is shown in Algorithm 1.
In this paper, we use three different strategies: Random-order Demand (RD); Biggest Demand First
(BDF); and Smallest Demand First (SDF). When we choose the Smallest Demand First (SDF) strategy,
the mice flows will be scheduled first. The Biggest Demand First (BDF) strategy is the opposite.
Essentially, our proposed strategy-based MEC algorithm allocates traffic demands in a specific
order. For each flow, our algorithm selects paths from the source node to the destination node under
the link capacity and the switch TCAM size constraints, and each path selection is aimed at minimizing
energy consumption. When our algorithm schedules a flow, it first selects the path in the switches and
links that have been turned on. To ensure the successful transmission of traffic, it inevitably needs
to turn on additional switches and links to support the path selection. Therefore, the quality of the
algorithm will be affected by the ordering of traffic demands.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1014 7 of 16
We find that it takes a lot of time to select the optimal path for network flows, especially in
large-scale DCNs. Fortunately, the topologies of the data center network have their characteristics,
such as the Fat-Tree architecture, where any pair of servers are connected in a certain way. We can
calculate the set of candidate paths in advance and call them directly when some paths are needed.
With the method, we can effectively reduce the computational time during algorithm execution. When
calculating candidate paths, for small-scale networks, such as 4-pod Fat-Tree, we can calculate all
possible paths (without loops). Let us assume that the network contains V switches. If we calculate all
the paths in the network, then the time complexity of the algorithm is O(V!) [34]. It is not advisable
to compute all paths in medium and large networks, such as 8-pod Fat-Tree. Therefore, we set up
the search depth = 6 for the search candidate path, that is, the shortest path set between source
and destination.
In Algorithm 1, we first use the data center network topology information to calculate the
candidate path set candidatePath (line 1). The candidatePath saves the candidate paths for all source
and destination pairs in the data center. In line 3, we can use different sorting strategies for the traffic
demands set F, namely, RD, BDF, and SDF. For each traffic demand, e.g., from sk to dk , we can find
out the candidate path set pathX from candidatePath, as shown in line 5. To schedule traffic demand
successfully, the appropriate path is selected from pathX until the flow is scheduled to be completed
(line 6). In continuous traffic scheduling, the algorithm will inevitably turn on new switches and links
to meet traffic demands. To consume as little energy as possible, we traverse the path set pathx and
Electronics 2019, 8, 1014 8 of 16
calculate the newly activated energy consumption of each path. Next, we find the path corresponding
to the minimum value of the newly activated energy consumption set activePower (lines 7–13). Since
the switch TCAM size and link capacity on different paths have different limits, we need to take these
limitations into account. pTCAM represents the minimum of the remaining TCAM size in all switches
in the path and pCapacity represents the minimum of all link capacity in the path, which are shown in
line 14. If the TCAM size of a switch or the link capacity is used up in the path, delete the candidate
path from the candidatePath and go to the next loop (lines 15–18). Otherwise, the path can then be
allocated for traffic demand (sk , dk , rk ), and if traffic demand can be accommodated by link capacity,
all rk shall be routed by the path (lines 19–20). If the available capacity of the path is less than the traffic
demand rk , the algorithm greedily uses up the current path capacity and splits the remaining flow to
the next candidate path for routing (line 22). Finally, we will update the flow path set f Path, the active
switch set aSwitch and the active link set aLink. Simultaneously, we shall update the statuses of the
entire data center network, as shown in line 24.
5. Performance Evaluation
We design simulation experiments to evaluate the performance of our proposed algorithm.
Fat-Tree is the most popular switch-centric data center network architecture. We use 4-pod and 8-pod
Fat-Tree data center network topologies in our simulation experiments. There are 36 nodes (composed
of 20 switches and 16 hosts) and 24 links in 4-pod Fat-Tree; and 208 nodes (composed of 80 switches
and 128 hosts) and 192 links in 8-pod Fat-Tree. Unless otherwise specified, the link capacity of the data
center network is set as 1 Gbps. TCAM sizes of switches are generated in [250, 1250] uniformly at
random [14].
In [35], the authors first give the definition of elephant flow and mice flow—most (e.g., 80%) of
the traffic is actually carried by only a small number of connections (elephants), while the remaining
large amount of connections are very small in size or lifetime (mice). Some related work [36,37] detects
the elephant flows or mice flows based on transferred bytes, e.g., a flow transferring more than 1 MB
of data is regarded as elephant flow. The other is to use the flow rate to detect elephant flows and mice
flows [38,39], e.g., the rate of the elephant flow is within 1–10 Mbps.
Similar to previous works [38,39], we use the flow rate to distinguish between elephant flow and
mice flow. The traffic demands of mice flows and elephant flows are generated uniformly at random in
[100 Kbps, 1 Mbps] and [1 Mbps, 100 Mbps], respectively. Since the number of elephant flows and mice
flows is different, and the mice flows make up the vast majority, the proportion of the elephant flows
and the mice flows was chosen as 1:9 and 2:8 in our simulation experiment. The traffic demands are
generated in an all-to-all manner. The algorithm was implemented and run in Python. All experiments
were performed on a machine with a 3.0 GHz Intel i5-7400 CPU and 4 GB of RAM.
| X | · p(u, v) + |Y | · p(u)
ES = 1− × 100%,
m · p(u, v) + n · p(u)
where | X | and |Y | represent the used links and nodes, respectively; and m and n represent the total
number of links and switches in the network, respectively. We assume each link (u, v) has the same
power consumption p(u, v) = 0.6 kW and each switch consumes the same power p(u) = 3 kW [40].
To evaluate the efficiency of our proposed algorithm, we compare the minimum switch activation
multipath routing algorithm in [14] and calculate the energy-saving percentage based on the above
energy-saving evaluation indicator. Since the order of traffic demands in [14] is random, we name this
Electronics 2019, 8, 1014 9 of 16
algorithm as the Minimum Switch Activation multipath routing algorithm based on the strategy of
the Random-order Demand (RD-MSA), which is compared with the Minimum Energy Consumption
algorithm under the strategy of Random-order Demand (RD-MEC) presented in this paper. In our
experiment, the percentage of energy savings is a function of the number of flows. Based on the
characteristics of data center traffic, we choose the proportion of elephant flows and mice flows as
1:9 and 2:8 to generate different flow numbers. For making the evaluation of the algorithm in energy
savings more effective, the number of flows is selected based on the fact that the traffic demands are
allocated successfully or close to 100%. Therefore, we choose the number of flows varying from 100
to 600 and 1000 to 3500 for the 4-pod Fat-Tree and the 8-pod Fat-Tree topology, respectively. We use
the optimization solver to solve the optimal solution of energy savings in 4-pod Fat-Tree. Due to the
increase in network size and the number of flows in 8-pod Fat-Tree, it takes several weeks or more
to solve the optimal solution in our experimental platform. We only solve the optimal solution of
energy savings in 4-pod Fat-Tree. Our experiments are conducted 20 times to obtain the average energy
savings, as shown in Figures 2 and 3.
40 40
Optimal Optimal
35 4-pod,RD-MEC 35 4-pod,RD-MEC
Energy Saving Percentage(%)
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=1:9) Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=2:8)
60 50
8-pod,RD-MEC 8-pod,RD-MEC
8-pod,RD-MSA 8-pod,RD-MSA
Energy Saving Percentage(%)
Energy Saving Percentage(%)
0 0
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=1:9) Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=2:8)
In 4-pod, our algorithm RD-MEC saves about 37% energy when the proportion of elephant flows
and mice flows is 1:9 and the flow number is less than 300; and saves about the same percentage when
the proportion of elephant flows and mice flows is 2:8 and the flow number is 100. It can be seen
from Figure 2 that our algorithm RD-MEC is better than the algorithm RD-MSA and closer to the
optimal solution. In 8-pod, our algorithm RD-MEC saves about 50% of energy when the proportion
of elephant flows and mice flows is 1:9 and the flow number is 1000; and about 42% of the energy
percentage saved when the proportion of elephant flows and mice flows is 2:8 and the flow number
is 1000. Our algorithm can reduce energy consumption, as it consolidates traffic flows onto a small
network subset. In addition, the energy-saving percentage shows a decreasing trend with the increase
of flow number. The reason for this is that more switches and links need to be activated to meet the
increased traffic demands.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1014 10 of 16
It can also be found that more energy can be saved when the proportion of elephant flows and
mice flows is 1:9 at the same flow number. For example, in 4-pod, our algorithm RD-MEC can save
about 24% energy when the proportion of elephant flows and mice flows is 1:9 and the flow number
is 600; and only saves about 5% energy in the proportion of 2:8. It can be predicted that all network
devices have to turn on to guarantee the QoS satisfaction. We can infer that 8-pod can save more
energy than 4-pod under the same proportion and flow number. As a result, relatively large networks
can gain more energy savings under the same flow number settings.
In summary, our algorithm RD-MEC is not worse than the algorithm RD-MSA in both 4-pod and
8-pod. In most cases, the algorithm RD-MEC is slightly better than RD-MSA and close to the optimal
solution. This is attributed to the fact that our algorithm RD-MEC considers the energy consumption
of links additionally, while the algorithm RD-MSA only considers the energy consumption of nodes.
For each flow, our algorithm finds out all possible paths and selects the path with minimum
newly-activated energy consumption.
100 100
90 4-pod,RD-MEC
4-pod,RD-MEC 80 4-pod,BDF-MEC
50 30
30 0
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=1:9) Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=2:8)
Figure 4. QoS satisfaction ratio of Random-order Demand Minimum Energy Consumption (RD-MEC),
Biggest Demand First Minimum Energy Consumption (BDF-MEC), and Smallest Demand First
Minimum Energy Consumption (SDF-MEC) in 4-pod Fat-Tree.
100 100
8-pod,RD-MEC 8-pod,RD-MEC
8-pod,BDF-MEC 90 8-pod,BDF-MEC
90 8-pod,SDF-MEC 8-pod,SDF-MEC
QoS Satisfaction Ratio(%)
QoS Satisfaction Ratio(%)
80 70
50 30
30 0
3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=1:9) Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=2:8)
Figure 5. QoS satisfaction ratio of RD-MEC, BDF-MEC, and SDF-MEC in 8-pod Fat-Tree.
Moreover, we compare the QoS satisfaction ratio of the SDF-MEC and the RD-MSA proposed
in [14]. The number of flows is set the same as in the previous experiment. Our experiments are
conducted 20 times to obtain the average QoS satisfaction ratio of the SDF-MEC and the RD-MSA,
as shown in Figures 6 and 7. It is easy to observe that the proposed algorithm SDF-MEC is significantly
better than RD-MSA regardless of 4-pod or 8-pod. For example, the algorithm SDF-MEC in QoS
satisfaction ratio is at least 25% higher than the algorithm RD-MSA when the proportion of elephant
flows and mice flows is 2:8 and the flow number is 1000 in the 4-pod Fat-Tree topology. In addition,
the QoS satisfaction ratio of the two algorithms decreases gradually with the increase of flow number.
The algorithm SDF-MEC has a more smoothly decreasing trend, which guarantees the performance in
terms of QoS satisfaction ratio effectively.
100 100
QoS Satisfaction Ratio(%)
75 40
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=1:9) Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=2:8)
Figure 6. QoS satisfaction ratio of Random-order Demand minimum switch activation (RD-MSA) and
SDF-MEC in 4-pod Fat-Tree.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1014 12 of 16
100 100
8-pod,RD-MSA 8-pod,RD-MSA
8-pod,SDF-MEC 8-pod,SDF-MEC
65 40
3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=1:9) Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=2:8)
100 100
4-pod, RD-MSA
QoS Satisfaction Ratio of Mice Flows (%)
4-pod, RD-MEC
4-pod, BDF-MEC
80 4-pod, SDF-MEC
4-pod, RD-MSA
80 4-pod, RD-MEC 70
4-pod, BDF-MEC
4-pod, SDF-MEC 60
50 30
30 0
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=1:9) Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=2:8)
100 100
QoS Satisfaction Ratio of Mice Flows (%)
8-pod, RD-MSA 80
80 8-pod, RD-MEC
8-pod, BDF-MEC 70
70 8-pod, SDF-MEC
60 50
8-pod, RD-MSA
8-pod, RD-MEC
8-pod, BDF-MEC
30 10 8-pod, SDF-MEC
20 0
3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=1:9) Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=2:8)
The experimental results of the QoS satisfaction ratio of elephant flows are shown in
Figures 10 and 11. In 4-pod, our algorithm RD-MEC is slightly better than RD-MSA and achieves
the best QoS satisfaction ratio of elephant flows when the proportion of elephant flows and mice
flows is 1:9. When the proportion is 1:9, SDF-MEC is the worst, but the result is the opposite when
the proportion is 2:8. This is because the number of mice flows is more when the proportion is 1:9.
When the SDF strategy is selected, the mice flows are scheduled first and occupy most of the network
Electronics 2019, 8, 1014 13 of 16
resources, which results in the lowest QoS satisfaction ratio of the subsequent arriving elephant flows.
When the proportion is 2:8, the number of mice flows is less than the proportion of 1:9. At the same
time, the QoS satisfaction ratio of mice flows is 100% or close to 100% (Figure 8) when we use the
strategy of SDF. It indicates that there are more available resources in the network to schedule the
subsequent arriving elephant flows. In this case, the SDF-MEC can achieve the highest QoS satisfaction
ratio of elephant flows.
100 100
4-pod, RD-MSA
QoS Satisfaction Ratio of Elephant Flows (%)
60 30
55 20
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=1:9) Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=2:8)
100 100
8-pod, RD-MSA
QoS Satisfaction Ratio of Elephant Flows (%)
8-pod, RD-MEC
90 90
8-pod, BDF-MEC
8-pod, SDF-MEC
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
8-pod, RD-MSA
40 40
8-pod, RD-MEC
8-pod, BDF-MEC
30 8-pod, SDF-MEC 30
20 20
3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=1:9) Flow Numbers(elephant flows : mice flows=2:8)
In 8-pod, the BDF-MEC’s QoS satisfaction ratio of the elephant flows is best when the proportion
of elephant flows and mice flows is 1:9, and the experimental results of the RD-MEC and the RD-MSA
are similar, but the RD-MEC is slightly better than the RD-MSA when the proportion of elephant
flows and mice flows is 2:8. The experimental results of the SDF-MEC are the worst, because a large
number of mice flows occupy most of the network resources and the subsequent arrival of the elephant
flows cannot be successfully routed. Furthermore, the BDF-MEC is better than the SDF-MEC. This is
because the elephant flows being scheduled first can guarantee that most of elephant flows achieve
successful transmission.
In summary, the SDF-MEC can achieve the highest QoS satisfaction ratio of mice flows in both
4-pod and 8-pod. In terms of QoS satisfaction ratio of elephant flows, the BDF-MEC is better than the
SDF-MEC in most cases, and one of the strategy-based algorithms can achieve the best QoS satisfaction
ratio of elephant flows.
6. Conclusions
In this paper, we study the QoS-guaranteed energy optimization problem in data center networks,
which benefits from the flexible dynamic control of network devices by Software Defined Networking.
We can selectively shut down some switches and links to achieve energy optimization. In this paper,
we present three different strategies based on the order of flow scheduling, namely, Random-order
Demand (RD), Biggest Demand First (BDF), and Smallest Demand First (SDF). Then, we propose a
strategy-based Minimum Energy Consumption (MEC) heuristic algorithm based on different strategies.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1014 14 of 16
We also take the unique features of SDN, such as the limited size of TCAM, flow conservation
constraints, and link capacity constraints into consideration, and formulate the SD-DCN energy
consumption optimization problem as an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) model.
Simulation results show that our strategy-based heuristic algorithm can achieve better network
performance in terms of QoS satisfaction ratio under the high traffic load and bring efficient energy
savings under the low traffic load and medium traffic load. More specifically, in terms of energy
savings, the RD-MEC can save energy effectively under the conditions of low traffic load and medium
traffic load. In terms of QoS satisfaction ratio of total flows and mice flows, the SDF-MEC is superior
to RD-MEC, BDF-MEC, and RD-MSA under high traffic load. As for QoS satisfaction ratio of elephant
flows, the BDF-MEC is better than the SDF-MEC in most cases, and one of the strategy-based algorithms
can achieve the best QoS satisfaction ratio of elephant flows. In our future work, we will consider other
QoS parameters, such as end-to-end delay. In addition, we will investigate the performance of our
strategy-based heuristic in the backbone network and analyze the effect of TCAM size.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, X.G., Z.L. (Zebin Lu), J.L., Y.H., and Z.L. (Zhengfa Li); Methodology,
X.G., Z.L. (Zebin Lu) and Z.L. (Zhengfa Li); Resources, J.L. and Y.H.; Supervision, X.G.; Writing—original draft,
Z.L. (Zebin Lu); Writing—review and editing, X.G. and S.D.
Funding: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.: 61802328)
and Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation For Postgraduate (Grant No.: CX2015B210).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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