Forecasting Demand by GMDH Predictor, A Case Study: ICMIEE18-299
Forecasting Demand by GMDH Predictor, A Case Study: ICMIEE18-299
Forecasting Demand by GMDH Predictor, A Case Study: ICMIEE18-299
Forecasting Demand by GMDH Predictor, a Case Study
Syed Misbah Uddin*, Aminur Rahman, Emtiaz Uddin Ansari
Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet 3114,
Forecasting demand is very important for manufacturing industry and also needed for all type of business and business
suppliers for distribution of finish goods to the consumer on time. Forecasting with high accuracy is required to prevent
wasting and system failure to fulfil market demand. This study is concerned with the determination of accurate models for
forecasting cement demand. In this connection this paper presents results obtained by using a self-organizing model and
compares them with those obtained by usual statistical techniques. A nonlinear modelling technique based on Group Method of
Data Handling (GMDH) is considered here to derive forecasts. Various time series smoothing techniques such as exponential
smoothing, double exponential smoothing, weightage moving average and moving average method are used for forecasting the
demand. For this purpose, Monthly sales data of a typical cement ranging from January, 2007 to February, 2016 was collected.
The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and mean sum square error (MSE) are also calculated for comparing the
forecasting accuracy. The comparison of modelling results shows that the GMDH model perform better than other models
based on terms of mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and mean square error (MSE).
Sales Volume
12000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Fig.2 Stopping criteria of GMDH algorithm
Fig.1 Monthly sales data (Jan 2007 to Feb 2016)
3.2 Analysis by Statistical method
After collecting sales data GMDH algorithm and Various time series smoothing techniques such as
various statistical forecasting techniques were used to exponential smoothing, double exponential smoothing,
forecast. The mean absolute deviation (MAD), mean moving average and regression method were used for
absolute percentage error (MAPE) and mean square forecasting the load demand.Absolute deviations were
ICMIEE18-299- 2
also calculated. The mean absolute deviations (MADs) forecasting techniques are plotted in Fig. 3. It is seen
found from these calculations are listed in table 1. that GMDH algorithm gives lowest value of
MADwhich is best suit.
Table 1MAD of different forecasting methods 3000
Method MAD 2500
3 month Moving Average 2306
6 month Moving Average 2791
12 month Moving Average 2230
Weightage Moving Average 2056
Regression 2459 500
Table 2MAPE of different forecasting methods 6%
Method MAPE 4%
3 month Moving Average 11% 2%
6 month Moving Average 14%
12 month Moving Average 11%
Weightage Moving Average 10%
Regression 12%
GMDH Method 4%
Forecasting methods
Exponential α=0.3 11%
Fig.4Comparison of MAPE of different techniques
Exponential α= 0.5 9%
Double Exponential α= 0.3, β= 0.5 13% 12000000
Table 3MSE of different forecasting methods
Method MSE
3 Month Moving Average 7994519
6 Month Moving Average 10355301 4000000
12 Month Moving Average 7710194 2000000
Weightage Moving Average 6291543 0
Regression 9177720
GMDH Method 824882
Exponential α= 0.3 7619269
Exponential α= 0.5 6220179
Double Exponential α= 0.3, β= 0.5 11913465 Forecasting methods
Fig.5Comparison of MSE of different techniques
4. Results and Discussion To assess the performance of GMDH modelling, last 52
After completing data analysis we have come out with months demand were forecasted and compared with the
some informative results. The calculated Mean absolute test set. The results of that model along with forecasting
deviations (MADs) of forecasted data by different precision are shown in table 4. Normalize mean
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