Teaching Learning Policy Statement
Teaching Learning Policy Statement
Teaching Learning Policy Statement
Policy Statement
Vision Statement
Pupils of all abilities at Sacred Heart School will be given equal opportunities to learn in order to
achieve their full potential. Varied teaching methods and strategies will be used effectively
and appropriately to accommodate differing learning styles.
School self-evaluation is the key to improvement in order to identify priorities for development in
line with the cycle of whole school improvement planning.
It is the responsibility of all staff and pupils to evaluate their own performance. By knowing
and understanding how staff and pupils are performing, staff at all levels can enhance and
share strengths and identify potential for improvement.
• to provide a safe, stimulating learning environment for all pupils and teachers;
• to enable pupils to achieve their full potential by learning in a variety of ways and through
challenging learning experiences;
• to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum in line with the National Curriculum and
exam board specifications that will motivate, engage and challenge pupils whilst also equipping
them with the skills required on leaving school;
• to set high expectations for all pupils in order to raise their aspirations; and
• to raise standards of both teaching and learning.
• allow pupils to learn in their preferred styles i.e. visual, auditory or kinaesthetic;
• allow pupils to work both independently and collaboratively, and which contribute to one another’s
• use positive behaviour management and encouragement for pupils to achieve, including praise and
rewards according to school policy;
• use topics which are relevant and within pupils' experience;
• use others to deliver the lessons (e.g. other pupils, auxilories,outside agencies).
Teachers should:
d) Learning Support
Teachers should:
• be aware of the specific learning needs of their pupils e.g. literacy, dyslexia, gifted and talented;
• consult with SENCO about the needs of individual pupils when appropriate;
• work with Teaching Assistants and other adults to ensure pupils are best supported in their
learning; and
• use lEPs as working documents.
Teachers should:
• continuously update their subject knowledge and teaching practice in line with current developments
and initiatives;
• discuss teaching and learning at Curriculum Meetings in order to share good practice; and
• plan their own CPD programme in conjunction with their Team Leader and Department Head as a
result of the Performance Management process.
Pupils should:
Monitoring and Evaluation of Quality of Teaching and Learning
Classroom Teachers
Classroom teachers are responsible for the progress of pupils in their classes and for self-evaluating their own
professional development.
• self-evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of their own teaching and their classroom management;
• monitoring pupil progress to ensure they achieve well against prior achievement and similar groups
Form Tutors
Form tutors are responsible for contributing to, and monitoring the progression and well being of,
individual pupils in their tutor group and for providing support and advice to those pupils, both socially
and academically.
• monitoring academic progress and attitudes of individual pupils through academic tracking
• encouraging and developing the ability of pupils to evaluate and take responsibility for their own
• monitoring of behaviour, homework, use of planners, rewards and sanctions, uniform and
Subject Leaders
Subject leaders are responsible for the effective teaching of their subjects, evaluating the quality of
teaching and standards of pupils' achievements and setting targets for improvement.
• evaluating the teaching of their subject, and the planning of lessons and using this analysis to
identify and share effective practice and to lead action for improvement;
• establishing and implementing clear policies and practices for assessing, recording and reporting
on pupil progress and setting targets for further improvement;
• analysing and interpreting data on pupils' performance against school expectations and other
comparative data; setting expectations and targets and implementing actions for the achievement
of individual pupils and key groups (e.g. able pupils, gender groups, C/D pupils);
• monitoring pupils' work by regular sampling of homework, classwork, pupils' responses and
attitudes in order to make a comparative evaluation of pupils' work against other classes and
year groups to ensure quality, consistency and to implement strategies for improvement;
• observing teachers at least annually and giving constructive feedback. This will also inform
Performance Management of teachers; and
• evaluating progress of teaching and learning targets in departmental development plans, in line with School
Improvement Plan.
Heads of Years
Heads of Years are responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the overall experience of groups and
individuals in their year groups.
• monitoring the progress and potential of the year group, and using pupil data to identify and set targets for
specific pupils according to their needs, e.g. underachievement, able pupils;
• maintaining an overview of the experience of pupils in their year group by e.g. monitoring the number of
detentions, use of the Remove Room, cross-curricular activities;
• monitoring the work of tutors and quality of tutor time, e.g. checking of planners;
The Senior Leadership Team sets priorities and targets for improvement at whole school
level based on evidence gained from monitoring procedures. They track progress made on
the School Improvement Plan. Monitoring and evaluation principally takes place through
department reviews and classroom observations of teaching and learning.
• The Headteacher is responsible for monitoring the performance of members of the School Leadership Team.
Two members of the School Leadership Team meet each Subject Leader with the aim of:
• ensuring that meetings take place half-termly with an agenda distributed in advance.
A comprehensive review of teaching and learning takes place annually in order to gain a snap shot of
standards. On-going reviews take place to focus on particular issues or to support where the need for
development has been identified.
• evaluate the quality of teaching in line with OFSTED criteria and set targets for improvement;
• track progress on teaching and learning issues identified in the School Improvement Plan;
• identify key aspects of teaching for development by departments and for the whole school;
• standardise monitoring procedures including lesson observations and work scrutiny, through
paired observations.