An Adapted Mindfulness Intervention For People With Dementia in Care Homes: Feasibility Pilot Study
An Adapted Mindfulness Intervention For People With Dementia in Care Homes: Feasibility Pilot Study
An Adapted Mindfulness Intervention For People With Dementia in Care Homes: Feasibility Pilot Study
Objective: Depression and anxiety are common in dementia. There is a need to develop effective psycho-
social interventions. This study sought to develop a group-based adapted mindfulness programme for
people with mild to moderate dementia in care homes and to determine its feasibility and potential
Methods: A manual for a 10-session intervention was developed. Participants were randomly allocated
to the intervention plus treatment as usual (n = 20) or treatment as usual (n = 11). Measures of mood,
anxiety, quality of life, cognitive function, stress and mindfulness were administered at baseline and
1 week post-intervention.
Results: There was a significant improvement in quality of life in the intervention group compared to
controls (p = 0.05). There were no significant changes in other outcomes.
Conclusions: The intervention was feasible in terms of recruitment, retention, attrition and acceptability
and was associated with significant positive changes in quality of life. A fully powered randomised con-
trolled trial is required. Copyright # 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Key words: mindfulness; dementia; psychosocial Intervention; care home; group
History: Received 06 July 2016; Accepted 21 December 2016; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.
DOI: 10.1002/gps.4669
Copyright # 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017
A. Churcher Clarke et al.
sizes (maximum n = 17). The current study details the 6 Intervention delivery: there was increased use of
development and evaluation of an MBI for people modelling with use of simplified language. Guidance
with dementia (PWD) in care homes. and reminders during meditation were frequent to
address confusion/monitor distress and physical dis-
comfort. An overview of the content of sessions is
Methods provided in Table 1, and the manual is described in
detail elsewhere (Chan, unpublished data; Churcher
The study had two stages, which correspond to the Clarke, unpublished data).
Medical Research Council’s guidelines for developing
complex interventions (Moore et al., 2014). These
were (1) developing a group-based MBI manual and Stage 2: Randomised controlled pilot study
(2) assessing its feasibility and outcomes through a
single-blind, randomised controlled pilot study of the Design. This study is a single-blind, multicentre
mindfulness intervention plus treatment as usual randomised controlled pilot study of the adapted
(TAU) versus TAU for people with mild to moderate mindfulness programme plus treatment as usual
dementia in care homes. This included an assessment
of recruitment and retention, intervention delivery Table 1 Overview of the mindfulness programme
and adherence, acceptability and adverse events.
Session Session content
Ethical approval was obtained through the National
Research Ethics Service London, Camberwell St Giles 1 Introduction to the mindfulness programme (written
Research Ethics Committee (Ref: 14/LO/0581). and verbal information)
Mindful warm-up activity with soft ball
Choice of group name and song
Mindfulness meditation 1: mindful breathing (with
Stage 1: manual development MBASa measure)
Group discussion
The manual was developed in several phases. 3-Minute Breathing Space
1 The mindfulness practices incorporated were guided Feedback (participant rating form)
2b Introductions
by existing protocols for standard group MBIs: Orientation to the programme and recap of previous
MBSR and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy session (written and verbal information)
(Kabat-Zinn, 2013; Segal et al., 2002); previous MBIs Mindful warm-up activity with soft ball
for dementia (Lantz et al., 1997); recommended Mindfulness meditation 1: mindful breathing
mindfulness practices for older adults (McBee, Group discussion
2008); and the sessional structure of cognitive stimu- Mindfulness meditation 2: mindful listening
Group discussion
lation therapy (Spector et al., 2001). Modification of 3-Minute Breathing Space (optional)
scripts for the practices and the intervention struc- Song
ture was guided by systematic reviews of MBIs for Feedback (participant rating form)
3 Mindful breathing
people with acquired cognitive impairment and older Body scan
adults (Chan, unpublished data; Churcher Clarke, 4 Mindful breathing
unpublished data). Mindful movement
5 Mindful breathing
2 Expert review by 13 multi-disciplinary professionals. Mindful listening, seeing, smelling, touchc
3 Field testing in a focus group with four PWD. 6 Mindful breathing (with MBAS measure)
Adaptations from conventional MBIs were made in Body scan or mindful movementc
7 Mindful breathing
several areas. Mindful listening, seeing, smelling, touchc
4 Content of the practices: There was a concentration on 8 Mindful breathing
focused attention training, mindful breathing, sim- Body scan or mindful movementc
9 Mindful breathing
plified and shortened practices and sensory Listening, seeing, smelling, touchc
elements that focused attention on one sense at a time 10 Mindful breathing (with MBAS measure)
(sound, sight, smell and touch). A mindful warm-up Body scan or mindful movementc
activity was developed to increase engagement and
orient participants to the programme. The mindfulness practices are indicated in italics.
Mindful Breath Attention Scores (Frewen et al., 2008).
5 Intervention structure: the number and frequency of b
The session structure as shown in session 2 was repeated for the
sessions were increased to enhance learning, and remainder of the programme.
group size was reduced. c
Depending on the capabilities and preferences of the group.
Copyright # 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017
Mindfulness for people with dementia in care homes
(TAU) versus TAU, for people with mild to moderate One week before intervention, staff were invited to
dementia in care homes. Given paucity of MBI research attend a 1-h Mindfulness Taster Session to orient
in dementia, the estimated medium effect size was de- them to the research project and to encourage partic-
termined by drawing on systematic literature reviews ipation in the upcoming mindfulness programme
on MBIs with cognitively impaired and older adult pop- themselves. It aimed to equip staff to support inter-
ulations (Chan, unpublished data; Churcher Clarke, vention participants with daily home practice
unpublished data). Sample size to detect a medium (10-Minute Mindful Breathing practice and/or a
effect was calculated using G*POWER 3 software, making briefer, 3-Minute Breathing Space), which was
assumptions of correlation among repeated measures strongly encouraged although not essential.
and sphericity of data, with alpha set at 0.05 and power
at 0.8. An overall sample size of 34 was identified as
necessary to detect significant group differences. Measures. Depression was assessed using the Cornell
Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD)
Participants. Inclusion criteria include the following: (Alexopoulos et al., 1988). This is a 19-item
clinician-administered instrument that uses interviews
• diagnosis of dementia according to DSM-IV criteria with persons with dementia (PWDs) and care staff to
(American Psychiatric Association, 2000); rate depression in five categories. A score of 8 or more
• mild to moderate cognitive impairment; scores indicates significant depressive symptoms (Burns
between 10 and 26 on the Mini Mental State et al., 2002). Good reliability and validity have been
Examination (Folstein et al., 1975); demonstrated.
• capacity to give consent to participate; Anxiety was assessed using the Rating Anxiety in
• some ability to communicate verbally; Dementia Scale (RAID) (Shankar et al., 1999). This
• ability to see and hear well enough to participate in is an 18-item clinician-administered instrument that
the group; uses interviews with PWD and care staff to rate anxiety
• ability to maintain some concentration and remain in four categories. A score of 11 or more indicates
in a 45- to 60-min session, with minimal clinically significant anxiety. It has good inter-rater
challenging behaviour; and test–retest reliability and is sensitive to change.
• ability to speak English. Quality of life was assessed using the Quality of Life
Participants were excluded if they (a) had a major Alzheimer’s Disease scale (Logsdon et al., 1999). This
physical illness or disability that could impact partici- 13-item self-report is completed by the PWD and their
pation; (b) had a diagnosis of learning disability; (c) carer. It covers the domains of physical health, energy,
were actively practising meditation or yoga; or (d) mood, friends, fun, self and life as a whole. An overall
had a history of brain lesions or major head trauma. composite score is derived by combining self-report
and proxy scores, with twice as much weight given
Procedure. Four sites (care homes A, B, C and D) to self-report. Good reliability and validity have been
participated. Participants gave written informed con- demonstrated.
sent, with capacity assessed using current guidance Cognitive function was assessed using the Mini
from the British Psychological Society. They were then Mental State Examination (Folstein et al., 1975). The
screened for suitability with a full assessment con- measure covers domains including orientation, atten-
ducted where appropriate. tion, short-term memory, language and visual con-
Assessments were administered 1 week pre- struction. It is a brief measure widely used in clinical
intervention and 1 week post-intervention by research practice and research, with satisfactory reliability and
assistants who were blind to treatment allocation. validity.
Assessments involved interviewing participants and Stress was assessed using the 13-item version of a
care home staff who knew the participant well. Fol- self-report measure—the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-
lowing baseline assessments, block randomisation 13; Cohen et al., 1983). It is designed to capture the
was conducted separately at each site, using a com- extent to which respondents feel overloaded and expe-
puter programme, ‘RANDOM ALLOCATION SOFTWARE’ rience life as unpredictable and uncontrollable. The
(Saghaei, 2004). Five participants were allocated to scale shows good reliability and validity in older adult
receive the intervention, and the remaining number populations with mild cognitive impairment (Ezzati
allocated to TAU. This was to ensure that there would et al., 2014). As it is not validated in PWD, three psy-
be a sufficient number of people to run the interven- chologists specialising in dementia care were consulted
tion group, allowing for dropout. to assess face validity, which was deemed acceptable.
Copyright # 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017
A. Churcher Clarke et al.
Mindfulness was also assessed as a process ability (baseline and post-intervention measures) as within-
among the intervention group only, using an adapted subject factors. Data from MBAS were analysed using
version of Meditation Breath Attention Scores (MBAS; a one-way repeated measures ANOVA, with time (ses-
Frewen et al., 2008). MBAS is calculated as the sum of sions 1, 6 and 10) as the independent variable, and
the self-reported frequency with which someone can score on this measure as the dependent variable. Effect
maintain their attention on their breathing as sizes were calculated using Pearson’s r. Data were
prompted every 3 min by a meditation bell, during a analysed as allocated; thus all available data, including
sitting meditation of 15 min. Good reliability and va- for those who did not complete the intervention, were
lidity have been demonstrated in non-clinical popula- analysed.
tions (Frewen et al., 2014). For this study, MBAS was
adapted; that is, prompting was reduced from 3 to
1 min. Scores were captured five times during a 10- Results
to 15-min mindful breathing exercise (score range
0–5), in the first, sixth and tenth sessions of the inter- Participants
vention. The adapted version was piloted with PWD in
a focus group as described above and deemed feasible. Table 2 shows the characteristics of the baseline sam-
Adherence to the intervention was assessed in terms ple. The majority had moderate dementia, and there
of participants’ (1) attendance rate, with 80% atten- was high variability in baseline scores of depression
dance considered acceptable (Lenze et al., 2014; Wells and anxiety. There were no significant differences
et al., 2013), and (2) engagement in recommended between groups at baseline in terms of cognitive func-
home practice, which was recorded on log sheets pro- tioning, depression and anxiety.
vided to staff. Adherence was also assessed in terms of
whether staff (1) attended the Mindfulness Taster
Session and (2) were present at the mindfulness
programme sessions. Recruitment and retention
Acceptability was assessed using a brief question-
naire designed for this study and filled in after each Figure 1 shows the flow of participants through the
session. Participants rated satisfaction with sessions trial. A total of 52 prospective participants were
using a 3-point unidirectional Likert scale (from ‘not assessed for eligibility. Thirty-one participants were
at all satisfied’ to ‘very satisfied’) and also had the op- recruited and randomised to intervention (n = 20)
portunity to provide qualitative feedback on aspects or control (n = 11) group condition, and 28 were
experienced as positive and negative. retained to post-test. In the control group, there were
three participants who declined to complete post-test
Intervention and control groups. The adapted mindful- measures.
ness programme consisted of ten 1-h group sessions,
running twice a week for 5 weeks, in a quiet room at
the care home. Groups were facilitated by authors Intervention delivery and adherence
A. C. C. and J. C. (trainee clinical psychologists who
had completed MBSR training, practised it clinically Participants’ mean attendance was 8.15 sessions
and were regularly supervised). One researcher took (SD = 2.46, range 1–10). Reasons for non-attendance
the role of engaging the group in the session plan; were being unwell or asleep. Mindfulness taster ses-
the other demonstrated the practices one-to-one with sions were delivered to staff in care homes A and C.
any participants who required additional assistance In the other two homes, the researchers made several
and maintained observation notes. TAU was defined unsuccessful attempts to schedule the taster session.
as whatever was offered within the care home where In all homes, one or two staff members attended the
participants lived. vast majority of sessions.
Overall, there was a low level of compliance with
Statistical methods. Data were analysed using the recorded home practice; however, this varied across
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. A 2 × 2 sites. In one home, no home practice was recorded.
mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to an- In homes where taster sessions were delivered, partic-
alyse the outcome measures (with the exception of ipants engaged in home practice for a mean of 0.6 and
MBAS) with group (intervention and control groups) 5 min/day, respectively; in the latter case, this was in
as a between-subject factor and the conditions line with anticipated levels of practice (3–13 min/day).
Copyright # 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017
Mindfulness for people with dementia in care homes
Age (years)
Mean (SD) 81.30 (9.29) 79.36 (9.91) 80.61 (9.40)
Range 61–95 64–93 61–95
Mini Mental State Examination score
Mean (SD) 15.85 (3.68) 14.45 (4.28) 15.35 (3.89)
Range 10–24 10–21 10–24
Stage of dementia (n)a
Mild 1 2 3
Moderate 19 9 28
Dementia diagnosis (n)
Not specified 11 6 17
Alzheimer’s disease 4 2 6
Vascular dementia 3 3 6
Alcohol-related dementia 2 2
Male 8 8 16
Female 12 3 15
White British 15 9 24
Black Caribbean 4 1 5
White European 1 1
Black African 1 1
Marital status
Widowed 10 4 14
Married 6 2 8
Single 2 4 6
Not known 1 1 2
Divorced 1 1
Baseline Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia
Mean (SD) 6.80 (4.35) 8.09 (6.06) 7.26 (4.96)
Range 1–15 1–20 1–20
Baseline Rating Anxiety in Dementia Scale
Mean (SD) 8.65 (8.25) 7.64 (4.80) 8.29 (7.14)
Range 1–37 3–19 1–37
Stage as defined by MMSE score. The maximum score is 30, with 10-20 indicating a moderate impairment and 21-26 indicating a mild impairment
(NICE, 2011).
Overall, participants rated that they were satisfied with Exploration of data. On the PSS-13, 15 (54%) partici-
their experience of the programme. The most highly pants were missing data on one or more items. Item
rated sessions were those containing mindful breathing non-response ranged from a minimum of one item
only, as well as those with additional practices of mind- (n = 6) to a maximum of eight items (n = 1). The data
ful listening, the body scan and mindful movement, with for PSS-13 were missing completely at random as in-
70% or more participants rating them as ‘very satisfied’. dicated by a non-significant Little’s (1988) missing
Less highly rated were sessions including practices of completely at random test (χ 2 = 36.44, df = 35,
mindful seeing, smelling and touch (55–68% ‘very satis- p = .402). For bias reduction in data analysis where
fied’). Of the mindfulness practices, mindful breathing missing data were greater than 10% (Bennett, 2001),
(also the most frequent practice) was most often the expectation maximization algorithm was used to
commented on positively, and feedback tended to relate impute the missing values of those data where there
to the experiences of feeling present, as well as relaxed. was only one non-response item on PSS-13 at both
pre-intervention and post-intervention time points.
This resulted in data from 21 participants being
Adverse events included in the analysis for PSS-13.
All data met assumptions of normality, with the ex-
No adverse events were recorded. ception of the RAID, where an outlier was detected.
Copyright # 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017
A. Churcher Clarke et al.
This case was retained in the analysis with an adjust- group; two controls). At post-test, scores had reduced
ment to reduce the impact of their score (Tabachnick into the non-clinical range for four intervention group
and Fidell, 2014). All data met assumptions for homo- participants. As with the CSDD, no other participants
geneity of variance. in either group moved into, or out of, the clinical range.
Depression and anxiety. As shown in Table 3, there Other outcomes. There was a significant and positive
were no significant changes between groups in terms difference between groups over time in QoL, as
of depression or anxiety, as assessed by the CSDD assessed by the Quality of Life Alzheimer’s Disease
and the RAID. Eleven (39%) participants obtained scale (F(1, 26) = 4.36, p = 0.05), with a medium effect
CSDD scores in the clinical range at baseline (nine in size (r = 0.48). There were no significant differences
the intervention group; two controls). At post-test, between groups over time in cognitive functioning
scores had reduced into the non-clinical range for (Mini Mental State Examination) or stress (PSS).
three participants in the intervention group. No other Thirteen (65%) intervention group participants pro-
participants in either group moved into, or out of, the vided complete data on their ability to sustain atten-
clinical range, over the course of the intervention. tion towards the breathing process (assessed by
Eight (29%) participants obtained RAID scores in MBAS); missing data were due to non-attendance.
the clinical range at baseline (six in the intervention No significant effects of time were detected.
Copyright # 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017
Mindfulness for people with dementia in care homes
Table 3 Pre-intervention/post-intervention changes in outcome measures of mood, anxiety, quality of life, cognitive functioning and stress
(+) = improvement is based on higher test scores. ( ) = improvement is based on lower test scores.
Examination of mean scores (n = 13) shows that there feedback on questionnaires and the absence of any
was initial improvement in MBAS between session 1 dropouts from the programme. Participants were able
(mean score = 1.62, SD = 1.61) and session 6 (mean to engage with the content of sessions, mindful
score = 2.23, SD = 1.42). Between sessions 6 and 10, breathing in particular, as well as the other body-based
scores returned almost to baseline levels (mean practices (body scan and mindful movement) and
score = 1.69, SD = 1.84). mindful listening, as indicated by their questionnaire
feedback and researchers’ observation notes. They en-
gaged less consistently with the practices centred on
Discussion sight, smell and touch, which were not manifest in
concrete bodily experience (Michalak et al., 2012).
Summary of results This may be because these required more use of sen-
sory functions known to decline in dementia
This study demonstrated that the adapted mindfulness (Behrman et al., 2014). It is also likely that the more
intervention is feasible in terms of recruitment, reten- frequent repetition, modelling and instruction of
tion, attrition and acceptability, for people with mild mindful breathing supported implicit (and limited,
to moderate dementia, although there were specific as- explicit) learning and memory (Van Tilborg et al.,
pects that presented challenges. In terms of clinical 2011), and familiarity in itself may have been
outcomes, at post-test, there were significant positive therapeutic (Son et al., 2002).
differences in QoL between groups, but no significant Where managers were engaged in the project from
differences in depression, anxiety, cognitive function- the outset, staff were more engaged, demonstrated
ing, stress or mindfulness. through greater compliance with recorded home prac-
tice and utilisation of the opportunity to consult
researchers on the intervention. This is consistent with
Feasibility previous research suggesting that engagement and col-
laboration with managers is essential for the effective
The intervention was acceptable to PWD, as demon- implementation of such interventions in care homes
strated by their willingness to participate, their (Lawrence et al., 2012).
Copyright # 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017
A. Churcher Clarke et al.
Copyright # 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017
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