The Globalisation in The Security Space: Relationes Internationales
The Globalisation in The Security Space: Relationes Internationales
The Globalisation in The Security Space: Relationes Internationales
Abstract: As objective, we propose to show ways in which the globalization affects/jeopardizes the
security space. We will also give an answer to the question on how to anticipate and keep under
control certain undesirable events, which in a specified time, would represent a potential threat to
national or international security. About the globalization, as a contemporary phenomenon, it has
been written and talked a lot because under the current security environment there are more
conspicuous the manifestations of some factors that influence it. Within just two decades, the “world
order” has undergone considerable changes. Do we know who are those who win from globalization
and those who lose because of globalization? The gain could be that by extending this process, the
barriers and limitations of rights of movement between countries and continents would disappear.
Losses due to globalization: massive increases in serious diseases, lack of control between countries
and continents have caused the high level of international crime; the existence of global terrorism
risk; vulnerability of security environment. Therefore we consider that we need to focus on how the
new challenges arising from globalization tend to crystallize in the international security environment
in general and in Romania in particular.
Keywords: world order; transnational societies; security system
most part of investments continues to flow towards the developed world. The
advantage that the United States has to other countries and regions in terms of
productivity and competitiveness, as well as research and technology, will remain
and could even grow. The world is in demographic dynamics almost out of control.
Can the world's population be fed? It increased to seven and a half billion. At the
same time food, already scarce in some regions, matters more as a strategic
product. Uneven development, the backwardness of certain regions such as Africa,
rising unemployment and increasing income differences are sources of tension. The
discontent of those who lose redistribution of workforce at global level can weaken
the political basis of democratic political systems.
In order to continue the process of European integration, it needs to meet from the
economic point of view the global security and environmental challenges. EU must
deal with threats generated by regional conflicts, terrorism, proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction, organized crime and illegal migration. It must keep
pace with the U.S. economy and with the dynamic of the Asian region. Now the
EU is one of the biggest trading powers, exporter and importer of capital, the first
aid provider and the main advocate of environmental protection, with a currency
that is a serious competitor for the dollar. It is one of the main actors in shaping the
global trade rules. However, its economic strength, for now, it is not accompanied
by an appropriate political role. It can maintain its global economic influence and
strengthen its political role, by implementing employment and objectives of
economic growth, policy development and community institutions.
After signing the Treaty of Lisbon (Maftei, 2009) solving key institutional
problems of the EU, for quite some time, is a common task in the next few years. It
is the responsibility of the EU to determine the best combination of deepening and
enlargement and European integration, which will allow the most effective
solutions to problems arising from the global challenges and the EU's own
evolution. Romania can use best the benefits of globalization and to protect from
its adverse effects through European integration, cooperation in the region, and
combining its efforts with the EU. For Romania's modernization to succeed it must
adapt to global, regional and European tendencies, and to be able to influence
them. The virtual participation in the international politics, economic, technological
and environmental development and the cooperation are important factors for the
success of modernization. The level of traditional military threats against Romania
is low in the medium term, but the risk posed by the natural hazards or the man-
made disasters, and the international organized crime, have increased significantly.
3. The Security Components of Globalization
Global security challenges nowadays, can be identified in the economic and social
tensions, extremist ideologies, ethnic exclusion, international terrorism,
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the means of their delivery,
natural and manmade disasters, health public risks and epidemics, illegal drugs and
arms trade. In this context we can speak of international organized crime. Their
effects can be aggravated by exposures that arise from the failure of some states.
The traditional threats continue to be a significant risk in some regions, while they
were reduced in other places. The risk of any traditional military threat in Europe -
and North America is low in the medium term. It is necessary to react, but to
threats from other parts of the world, to the traditional conflicts that affect the
residents of the states in a given region, and, indirectly, the whole Euro-Atlantic
It is very important for us to highlight the issue of migration. Migration is a
consequence of globalization. The international migration, from our point of view,
is definitely a great danger to world civilization and culture (see the rise of Muslim
population in Europe, Australia). It will take a more decisive influence in the
world. It plays an important role in strengthening the European knowledge-based
economy, in times when the workforce is reduced, but at the same time, there is a
tremendous pressure on labour markets, on the social benefit systems, and it raises
the question of integration of immigrants belonging to different ethnic groups.
However, the population flows cannot be stopped, and the purpose of migration
policies must be designed so that the process can be kept under control.
6. Globalization - Development and Effects in the Security Space
Globalization describes a new era that stands on the ruins of the old Cold War era.
It draws its strength from a world economy on the course of becoming global under
the pressure of accelerated development of the technology, especially the
computer, telecommunications and transcontinental transport. Globalization makes
it increasingly difficult for states to live in isolation from each other. It quickly
erodes the boundary between external and internal policy as that between
economics and security. Globalization has many benefits, such as cheaper access to
interstate communications and transportation, and inconvenience as well, at this
point we notice the increase of transnational organized crime actions.
Countries with democratic governments can make policies more flexible and can
adapt more easily to globalization, becoming the beneficiary of this phenomenon,
while countries with authoritarian and dictatorial regimes are more rigid, they
quickly become victims of it. Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or the former Iraqi
regime of Saddam Hussein are classic examples. For countries of the world and in
particular for Member States of NATO and EU the main challenge is how to seize
the opportunities that globalization offers, while minimizing the potential risks. An
appropriate response to such a challenge requires a better understanding of the
globalization and its effects. It also requires integrated, holistic approaches, in all
the national security areas. Globalization is not a static but very dynamic process. It
presents in several forms, of which only one is economic. The central elements of
globalization are the increasingly fast cross-border flows of goods, services,
labour, money, technology, information, ideas, cultures, organized crime and
armament. Following the increasingly transnational feature of the key risks, in
particular organized crime and terrorism, the security is increasingly based on
cooperation, hence the thundering evolution of the concept of cooperative security.
In terms of national security policies, the globalization requires states to integrate
the military and non-military elements of power. The key to such an effort is close
coordination of the policy military, economic, public policy, information services,
culture, science and technical domains. Politicians and military planners and
civilians that must take into account more the aspects of historical, cultural,
technological, religious, environmental problems that arise in managing the new
security. Globalization produces more than restructuring the economy and
communications, but it redefines the nature of world politics and security issues.
Globalization nourishes the major tensions that affect the international relations:
integration-fragmentation, internationalization, localization, centralization -
decentralization. In the field of power, globalization favours the emergence of new
centres of power among them the best known are the transnational companies and
international non-governmental organizations. These new international actors
make full use of information era benefits, in order to ensure the fulfillment of their
objectives and for asserting and consolidating its presence in the new global game
of power. Finally, the alliances and allies are essential to manage the security
aspects of globalization and to ensure both the success of their efforts at the lowest
The positive effects of globalization are that it will lead to the integration of the
states‟ economies in the global context of international market. This integrating
aspect of globalization makes possible the accession of countries which are smaller
or have less developed economies to wider markets, to a greater variety of products
and goods, to a movement of capital and labour. Removing trade barriers leads to
an increase of exports and it attracts investment, thereby increasing the
international competitiveness, determining the melioration of productivity and
increasing exports, thus improving the level of economic development and
integration of the trade and economy of a country. The global competition leads to
global cooperation, and trade liberalization exchanges it implies a “greater division
of labour between societies.” At the same time, the advanced technology provides a
communication forum for organizations and individuals who, generally, are
ignored. Offering these organizations and individuals the possibility of speech, the
technology increases the chances that their preoccupations are known and maybe
The negative effects of globalization refer to those aspects which show a non-
uniform or homogeneous distribution of benefits, which we have noted above, that
the phenomenon of globalization could bring. It appears that the countries included
in these growing phenomenon record economic indicators, hence poverty
reduction, while those that are not integrated in this process are subjects to a
deepening of poverty. We believe that globalization is ultimately a zero sum of
process. Rich countries become richer while the poor sink further into poverty.
The global financial markets can undermine a country's currency value, forcing its
government to change its national economic policy and to adopt the desirable
measures and decisions at global level, but sometimes undesirable at national or
local level. Furthermore, because of the interdependence created by the
globalization, an economic crisis occurred anywhere in the international economy,
can be felt by all other economies, sometimes with devastating effects on the
national economies (see the current global financial crisis).
Globalization is increasingly influencing our lives. “We depend on the proper
functioning of the many networks that structure the economy and life, be it Internet
or transcontinental flights. We depend on the access to raw materials and
especially energy, as we depend on the preservation of trade freedom and free
access to information. Besides territorial integrity and sovereignty, many of these
elements are also vital to our security and prosperity. The outbreak of these crises
and conflicts makes us look concerned on the future of European security. At the
same time, we consider that this is a turning point where countries must
demonstrate their commitment to the values and principles that formed the basis
for so many decades of security, stability, peace and prosperity in Europe.”
(National Defence Strategy, 2010, p. 12) Multinational corporations, international
financial markets, transnational communications systems (such as Internet or
satellite television) and transnational organizations (intergovernmental, such as the
European Union or non-governmental), operate outside the control of nation states
and yet have a profound influence on what happens inside. Thus, the power that
exists outside of nation-states, in the context of globalization, tends to restrict the
activities and limit the power of national governments. As we can see, opinions are
divided on the benefits or disadvantages of globalization. From a cultural
perspective, one can say that globalization has both negative and positive
Socially, it limits and increases income differences between and within nations
and, politically, it increases and reduces economic and political power and it mixes
and / or augments cultural identities. The challenges of globalization can be
frightening for some. There is no doubt that globalization will force world citizens
to participate or to attend to the profound changes of perspective as well,
sometimes painful, in the normal way of life. But if the changes are deep and great,
the opportunities it offers could be as well. Globalization is positive or negative
depending on where and how a country relates to it. (Zulean, 2003, pp. 119-121)
The main agents of globalization were originally soldiers, merchants, preachers and
adventurers, whose attempts have been known since antiquity, both in the writings
of historians and by the great epics bequeathed by great authors of world literature.
Today, the most powerful force that can spread the democracy ideas and human
rights throughout the world is in the information technology revolution, which
began in the second half of the last century and whose instruments are composed of
mobile telephone, TV and Internet. In real time, innovations such as satellite
television connect human emotions on different continents, bringing them to tears
at the same events from two different sides of the ocean. Free access to information
also helps to achieve emotional and political ties at the same time: as the tragic
events of 11 September 2001 created an instant wave of compassion in support of
American nation, as the devastating tsunami at the end 2004, which destroyed
much of the coastal area of the South-East Asia, has also produced a response of
human solidarity across the world, hard to imagine not long before. A special
attention is paid, in the context of globalization, to the application of great
technologies (mostly using the gains of information revolution) in the production
process, but also the changes that occur simultaneously, in organizing,
management and communication at the level of economic units, state, its institutes
and its entire society in general. (Frunzeti, 2006, pp. 12-13)
7. May we speak of a Military Globalization?
Globalization is present, as an integrating global phenomenon, also in the
international security. In the military organizations, at the national level, there have
been noticed a strong and influential presence of a networking process with other
similar organizations in neighboring state or from a larger region of the world.
Because human and material resources, infrastructure, communications, computer
system in general and their security are becoming increasingly invoked as vital for
the “global society”, the phenomenon of globalization covers highly visible the
security area. It is important then for all states to protect their interests, individually
or cooperating with other states under the protective umbrella of a global or
regional organization.
Is being increasingly used the concept of integration of national armies in a
regional or international structure. It appeared in the specialized vocabulary the
notion of interoperability between the armed forces that form the multinational,
regional or international army manpower. Globalization, as a global integrator
process, offers to security a new dimension through cooperation. This dimension
refers to the desire / need for states to join together to seek peaceful solutions to old
problems of war and peace. The examples of such direction are the UN or the
OSCE. These bodies have failed to fulfil their promises, although the
organizational and security policy and cooperation were pretty good. For this
reason, there is today an attempt to the concept of security through cooperation, a
redefinition of a security system in which all nations and security organizations -
be they sub-regional, regional, international or global - to coordinate their efforts.
They are called upon to cooperate more closely, in order to achieve the same
common objectives - world peace, understood as the lack of not only war but also
as a medium for economic and social development.
Another advantage that the globalization process brings in the security layers, but
also at global level, is the savings that can be done by a multinational approach to
national and international security. The economic benefits by reducing public
expenditure for defence and to open up the world trade access would benefit the
smaller countries that cannot satisfy on their own their security needs. A global
defence strategy would have as the main idea that defending the national territory
is the only legitimate objective of the national military forces. Cooperative
security, in the global context, would have as a central objective the prevention of
states to acquire or use another means to an offensive against the state. Sanctions
against states that fail to comply would include non-military sanctions, particularly
economic, and the use of force will be used only as a last resort and unique way of
Cooperative security system has the advantage that can lead to lower costs while
increasing its effectiveness. There are many critical aspects of the implementation
of cooperative security system. The first aspect would be the difficulty to drive all
the armies in such a system, especially the armies of high potential (e.g. Russia).
Another critical issue relates to overcoming the gaps on the security and the
insecurity between the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the globe.
The economic crisis, which now travels the world, has global effects also on the
security of states. “Since 2008, the international society has witnessed the start of
the most serious and complex economic crisis in the last 20 years. The implications
of this phenomenon are both geopolitical and strategic, influencing the hierarchies
of power and also the states' capacity to assume the international responsibilities.
The global economic competition, becoming more intense, can lead to dilution of
sympathy for multinational management of issues and increasing political
nationalisms. The risks and threats, that the states will have to manage, will
become increasingly interdependent, transnational and complex in substance,
which will require multiple forms of international cooperation, bilateral,
multilateral, regional or even global. (National Defence Stratergy, 2010, p. 12)
Today's military strategies set as the objective of military missions not their
destruction, but to determine the acceptance of peace and cooperation. Therefore,
when selecting the means, methods and forms of armed struggle, the strategy must
limit, wherever possible, their loss and destruction, precisely because the states are
in a state of growing interdependence among them. This is why the army requires
the research and industry to produce new types of non-lethal weapons that cause
limited and selective damage, to have long-range and act in real time1 (Klimenko,
2002). Therefore, it can be concluded, that globalization is not a recent
phenomenon. It is a protracted, stable, objective, dynamic and fast growing
process, that falls within the international community's development patterns and
that no policymaker or military can afford to ignore.
Some analysts concluded, referring to these issues, that NATO itself is a
globalization manifestation of military affairs - with global missions, action and
partners2 (Nazemroaya, 2007). If we take into account NATO's commitment to
ensure energy security for its members, it becomes obvious the militarization of the
vital centers of the world, mainly the oil and gas pipelines, international waters and
maritime corridors used by oil tankers. In conclusion, it can be said that the effect
of globalization on the state security and military affairs as a whole, is a very
obvious one.
Globalization and its impact on military politics and military strategy, Military Thought,
The globalization of military power: NATO expansion. NATO and the broader network of US
sponsored military alliances, Global Research,
8. Some Conclusions
- Military globalization can be perceived as a network which is in constant
development of military ties and relationships on a global scale;
- In a period in which states have ceased to be the only important actors in the
international arena, there is the tendency for some to dominate others which is
maintained and intensified, the war for resources is still valid and the competition
for power and supremacy is increasingly more fierce;
- While the dynamics of international relations favours the efforts to promote the
construction of a new international balance, it is imperative that there is a system
for managing issues of insecurity and for timely warning about the materialization
of indicators that portend threats and risks, exacerbated by the existing
vulnerabilities at national, regional and global level;
- Just as, or globalization did not happen overnight, most likely it will not solve the
current economic crisis with all the consequences that generate vulnerabilities on
the international security, it will find its resolution instantly;
- The psychological factor of insecurity and mistrust has seized each man, creating
a state of total confusion. What is particularly important until then is providing a
general, economic, social and especially political equilibrium that would prevent
the emergence of disastrous effect spark at the national level of different countries
or even for all mankind;
- Clear separation between the developments in domestic and international
environment is increasingly difficult, in the context of conjugated action and
interlocking some processes which can create favourable conditions for the
predictable and unpredictable emergence of some risks to national security;
- Because the globalization is a surprising global process, which does not wait,
Romania will have to integrate as quickly as possible and favourably on the
international markets of goods, services and capital, which can decisively influence
the Romanian security;
- The use of political ability of Romania to the possibilities offered by globalization
in order to promote the national interests (economic and security).
9. Bibliography
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