JHS Science Outline

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Science Course Outline vi.

Determine the number of protons,

neutrons, and electrons in a
particular atom

I. Matter
a. Doing Scientific Investigations (Start of
Gr.7) v. Metals and Non-metals (End of
i. Ways of acquiring knowledge and Gr.7) e. Periodic Table (PT) of Elements (End of
solving problems 1. Properties of metals and Gr.8)
ii. Scientific Method nonmetals i. Development of the PT
iii. Types of Variables 2. Describe some properties of ii. Arrangement of elements
iv. Types of Data metals and non-metals such iii. Reactive and nonreactive metals
v. Types of Graphs and its as luster, malleability, iv. Periodic table of elements as an
applicability (e.g. bar graph, pie ductility, and conductivity organizing tool to determine the
graph, etc.) c. The Particle Nature of Matter (Start of chemical properties of elements
b. Diversity of Materials in the Environment Gr.8) v. Trace the development of the
i. Solutions and its properties i. Elements, Compounds, and periodic table from observations
1. Properties of unsaturated or Mixtures based on similarities in properties
saturated solutions ii. Atoms and Molecules of elements
2. Quantities used to describe iii. Particle nature of matter as basis vi. Use the periodic table to predict
the concentrations of for explaining properties, physical the chemical behaviour of an
solutions changes, and structure of element
ii. Substances and Mixtures substances and mixtures f. Electronic Structure of Matter (Start of
1. Properties of substances iv. Present how water behaves in its Gr.9)
that distinguish them from different states within the water i. Development of atomic models
mixtures cycle that led to the description of the
2. Distinguish mixtures from v. Explain the properties of solids, behavior of electrons within atoms
substances based on a set liquids, and gases based on the ii. Describe how the Bohr model of
of properties particle nature of matter the atom improved Rutherford’s
iii. Elements and Compounds vi. Explain physical changes in terms atomic model
1. Recognize that substances of the arrangement and motion of iii. Explain how the Quantum
are classified into elements atoms and molecules Mechanical Model of the atom
and compounds d. Atomic Structure describes the energies and
iv. Acids and Bases i. Protons positions of the electrons
1. Common properties of ii. Neutrons g. Chemical Bonding
acidic and basic mixtures iii. Electrons i. Ionic and Covalent Bonding
iv. Isotopes ii. Metallic Bonding
v. Identity of a substance according iii. Explain how the Quantum
to its atomic structure Mechanical Model of the atom
describes the energies and iv. How gases behave based on the presence or absence of
positions of the electrons motion and relative distances certain organelles
iv. Forces that hold metals together between gas particles 3. Explain why the cell is
v. Explain the formation of ionic and v. Investigate the relationship considered the basic
covalent bonds between structural and functional
vi. Recognize different types of 1. Volume and pressure at unit of all organisms
compounds (ionic or covalent) constant temperature of a iv. Fungi, Protists, Bacteria, Viruses
based on their properties such as gas 1. Identify beneficial and
melting point, hardness, polarity, 2. Volume and temperature at harmful microorganisms
and electrical and thermal constant pressure of a gas b. Heredity: Inheritance and Variation
conductivity 3. Explains these relationships i. Asexual reproduction
vii. Explain properties of metals in using the kinetic molecular ii. Sexual reproduction
terms of their structure theory iii. Differentiate asexual from sexual
viii. Explain how ions are formed k. Chemical reactions (End of Gr.10) reproduction in terms of
h. The Variety of Carbon Compounds i. Chemical reactions associated with 1. number of individuals
i. Carbon atoms biological and industrial processes involved;
ii. Organic Compounds affecting life and the environment 2. similarities of offspring to
iii. Type of bonds that carbon forms ii. Apply the principles of conservation parents
that result in the diversity of of mass to chemical reactions iv. Describe the process of fertilization
carbon compounds iii. Explain how the factors affecting c. Ecosystems (End of Gr.7)
iv. Explain how the structure of the rates of chemical reactions are i. Components of an ecosystem
carbon atom affects the type of applied in food preservation and ii. Differentiate biotic from abiotic
bonds it forms materials production, control of components of an ecosystem
v. Recognize the general classes and fire, pollution, and corrosion iii. Ecological relationships
uses of organic compounds 1. Symbiotic relationships
i. Mole Concept (End of Gr.9) II. Living Things and Their Environment 2. Non-symbiotic relationships
i. Mass a. Parts and Functions (Start of Gr.7) iv. Transfer of energy through trophic
ii. Moles i. Microscopy levels
iii. Percentage Composition of a 1. The parts and functions of v. Food Chain and Food Web
Compound the compound microscope vi. Predict the effect of changes in one
iv. Use the mole concept to express ii. Levels of Biological Organization population on other populations in
mass of substances 1. Describe the different levels the ecosystem
v. Determine the percentage of biological organization vii. Predict the effect of changes in
composition of a compound given from cell to biosphere abiotic factors on the ecosystem
its chemical formula and vice versa iii. Animal and Plant Cells d. Structures and Functions: Focus on the
j. Gas Laws (Start of Gr.10) 1. Difference between animal Digestive System (Start of Gr.8)
i. Kinetic Molecular Theory and plant cells i. Organs of the digestive system and
ii. Volume, pressure, and temperature 2. Differentiate plant and their interaction with organs of the
relationship animal cells according to respiratory, circulatory, and
iii. Ideal gas law excretory systems
ii. Changes in food as it undergoes iii. Protection and conservation of to transport nutrients, gases, and
physical and chemical digestion endangered and economically other molecules to and from the
iii. Diseases resulting from nutrient important species different parts of the body
deficiency and ingestion of harmful iv. Explain the concept of a species iv. Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect
substances v. Classify organisms using the the functioning of respiratory and
iv. Prevention, detection, and hierarchical taxonomic system circulatory systems
treatment of diseases of the vi. Explain the advantage of high i. Heredity: Inheritance and Variation
digestive system biodiversity in maintaining the i. Location of genes on chromosomes
v. Explain ingestion, absorption, stability of an ecosystem ii. Non-Mendelian inheritance
assimilation, and excretion g. Ecosystems (End of Gr.8) 1. Incomplete dominance
vi. Explain how diseases of the i. Transfer of Energy in Trophic 2. Sex-linked traits
digestive system are prevented, Levels 3. Multiple alleles
detected, and treated ii. Cycling of materials in the iii. Multiple genes
vii. Identify healthful practices that ecosystem iv. How genetic information is
affect the digestive system 1. Water cycle organized in genes on
e. Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of 2. Oxygen-carbon cycle chromosomes
Traits 3. Nitrogen cycle v. Different patterns of inheritance
i. Stages of mitosis iii. Impact of human activities in an vi. Describe the location of genes in
ii. Stages of meiosis ecosystem chromosomes
iii. Mendelian Genetics iv. Describe the transfer of energy vii. Explain the different patterns of
iv. How cells divide to produce new through the trophic levels non-Mendelian inheritance
cells v. Analyze the roles of organisms in j. Biodiversity and Evolution
v. Meiosis as one of the processes the cycling of materials i. Causes of Species Extinction
producing genetic variations of the vi. Explain how materials cycle in an 1. Natural
Mendelian Pattern of Inheritance ecosystem 2. Anthropogenic
vi. Compare mitosis and meiosis, and vii. Suggest ways to minimize human ii. How changes in the environment
their role in the cell-division cycle impact on the environment may affect species extinction
vii. Explain the significance of meiosis h. Respiratory and Circulatory Systems iii. Relate species extinction to the
in maintaining the chromosome Working with the other Organ Systems failure of populations of organisms
number (Start of Gr.9) to adapt to abrupt changes in the
viii. Predict phenotypic expressions of i. How the different structures of the environment
traits following simple patterns of circulatory and respiratory systems k. Ecosystems (End of Gr.9)
inheritance work together to transport oxygen- i. Flow of Energy and Matter in
ix. Punnett Square rich blood and nutrients to the Ecosystems
f. Biodiversity different parts of the body 1. Photosynthesis
i. Species diversity ii. Prevention, detection, and 2. Respiration
ii. Hierarchical taxonomic system of treatment of diseases affecting the ii. Structure and function of plant
classification circulatory and respiratory systems parts and organelles involved in
iii. Explain how the respiratory and photosynthesis
circulatory systems work together
iii. Structure and function of v. Explain how mutations may cause carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and
mitochondrion as the main changes in the structure and nucleic acids
organelle involved in respiration function of a protein
iv. Differentiate basic features and n. Biodiversity and Evolution III. Force, Motion and Energy
importance of photosynthesis and i. How evolution through natural a. Motion in One Dimension (Rectilinear
respiration selection can result in biodiversity Motion) (Start of Gr.7)
l. Coordinated Functions of the ii. Explain how fossil records, i. Descriptors of Motion
Reproductive, Endocrine, and Nervous comparative anatomy, and genetic 1. Distance or Displacement
Systems (Start of Gr.10) information provide evidence for 2. Speed or Velocity
i. Organisms as having feedback evolution 3. Acceleration
mechanisms, which are iii. Explain the occurrence of evolution 4. Graphs of Motion
coordinated by the nervous and o. Ecosystems ii. Motion Detectors
endocrine systems i. Flow of Energy and Matter in b. Waves
ii. How these feedback mechanisms Ecosystems i. Types of waves
help the organism maintain ii. Biodiversity and Stability ii. Characteristics of Waves
homeostasis to reproduce and iii. Population Growth and Carrying 1. Amplitude
survive Capacity 2. Wavelength
iii. Describe the parts of the iv. Influence of biodiversity on the iii. Wave velocity
reproductive system and their stability of ecosystems iv. Infer that waves carry energy
functions v. Ecosystem as being capable of v. Differentiate transverse from
iv. Explain the role of hormones supporting a limited number of longitudinal waves, and mechanical
involved in the female and male organisms from electromagnetic waves
reproductive systems vi. Explain how species diversity vi. Relate the characteristics of waves
v. Describe the feedback mechanisms increases the probability of c. Sound
involved in regulating processes in adaptation and survival of i. Characteristics of sound
the female reproductive system organisms in changing 1. Pitch
(e.g., menstrual cycle) environments 2. Loudness
vi. Describe how the nervous system vii. Explain the relationship between 3. Quality
coordinates and regulates these population growth and carrying ii. Describe the characteristics of
feedback mechanisms to maintain capacity sound using the concepts of
homeostasis viii. Suggest ways to minimize human wavelength, velocity, and
m. Heredity: Inheritance and Variation impact on the environment amplitude
i. Information stored in DNA as being p. Biomolecules (End of Gr.10) iii. Explain sound production in the
used to make proteins i. Elements present in biomolecules human voice box, and how pitch,
ii. How changes in a DNA molecule ii. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and loudness, and quality of sound vary
may cause changes in its product nucleic acids from one person to another
iii. Mutations that occur in sex cells as 1. Food Labels iv. Describe how organisms produce,
being heritable iii. Recognize the major categories of transmit, and receive sound of
iv. Explain how protein is made using biomolecules such as various frequencies (infrasonic,
information from DNA audible, and ultrasonic sound)
d. Light viii. Infer that circular motion requires v. Explain that red is the least bent
i. Characteristics of Light the application of constant force and violet the most bent according
1. Intensity or Brightness directed toward the center of the to their wavelengths or frequencies
2. Color circle k. Heat
ii. Relate characteristics of light such h. Work, Power and Energy i. Heat and temperature, and the
as color and intensity to frequency i. Work using constant force, power, effects of heat on the body
and wavelength gravitational potential energy, ii. Differentiate between heat and
iii. Infer that light travels in a straight kinetic energy, and elastic potential temperature at the molecular level
line energy l. Electricity (End of Gr.8)
e. Heat ii. Identify situations in which work is i. Ohm’s Law (current- voltage-
i. Heat Transfer done and in which no work is done resistance relationship)
1. Conduction iii. Describe how work is related to ii. Electric power, electric energy, and
2. Convection power and energy home circuitry
3. Radiation iv. Differentiate potential and kinetic iii. Infer the relationship between
ii. Infer the conditions necessary for energy current and charge
heat transfer to occur v. Relate speed and position of object iv. Series and Parallel Connections
f. Electricity (End of Gr.7) to the amount of energy possessed (explain the advantages and
i. Charge by a body disadvantages of series and
ii. Charging processes i. Sound parallel connections in homes)
iii. Describe the different types of i. Propagation of sound through solid, v. Differentiate electrical power and
charging processes liquid, and gas electrical energy
iv. Explain the importance of earthing ii. Infer how the movement of vi. Explain the functions of circuit
or grounding particles of an object affects the breakers, fuses, earthing, double
g. Newton’s Three Laws of Motion (Start of speed of sound through it insulation, and other safety devices
Gr.8) iii. Investigates the effect of in the home
i. Law of Inertia temperature to speed of sound m. Motion in Two Dimensions (Start of Gr.9)
ii. Law of Acceleration through fair testing i. Projectile Motion
iii. Law of Interaction j. Light ii. Impulse, Momentum and Impulse
iv. Investigate the relationship i. Some properties and iii. Conservation of Linear Momentum
between the amount of force characteristics of visible light iv. Investigate the relationship
applied and the mass of the object ii. Discuss phenomena such as blue between the angle of release and
to the amount of change in the sky, rainbow, and red sunset using the height and range of the
object’s motion the concept of wavelength and projectile
v. Infer that when a body exerts a frequency of visible light v. Relate impulse and momentum to
force on another, an equal amount iii. Demonstrate the existence of the collision of objects (e.g., vehicular
of force is exerted back on it color components of visible light collision)
vi. Demonstrate how a body responds using a prism or diffraction grating vi. Infer that the total momentum
to changes in motion iv. Explain the hierarchy of colors in before and after collision is equal
vii. Relate the laws of motion to bodies relation to energy
in uniform circular motion
vii. Examine effects and predict causes from power plants (hydroelectric, ii. Relationship between electricity
of collision-related geothermal, wind, nuclear) to and magnetism in electric motors
damages/injuries home and generators
n. Work Power and Energy iv. Explain how electrical energy is iii. Demonstrate the generation of
i. Changes in form of mechanical generated, transmitted, and electricity by movement of a
energy distributed magnet through a coil
ii. Conservation of mechanical energy q. Electromagnetic Spectrum (Start of Gr.10) iv. Explain the operation of a simple
iii. Explain energy transformation in i. Different regions of the electric motor and generator
various activities/events (e.g., electromagnetic spectrum
waterfalls, archery, amusement ii. Compare the relative wavelengths IV. Earth and Space
rides) of different forms of a. The Philippine Environment (Start of Gr.7)
iv. Perform activities to demonstrate electromagnetic waves i. Location of the Philippines using a
conservation of mechanical energy iii. Cite examples of practical coordinate system
v. Infer that the total mechanical applications of the different regions ii. Location of the Philippines with
energy remains the same during of EM waves, such as the use of respect to landmasses and bodies
any process radio waves in telecommunications of water
o. Heat, Work, and Efficiency iv. Explain the effects of EM radiation iii. Protection and conservation of
i. Relationship among heat, work, on living things and the natural resources
and efficiency environment iv. Relation of geographical location of
ii. Analyze how power plants generate r. Light the Philippines to its environment
and transmit electrical energy i. Reflection of Light in Mirrors v. Analyze the advantage of the
iii. Construct a model to demonstrate ii. Refraction of Light in Lenses location of the Philippines in
that heat can do work iii. Images formed by the different relation to the climate, weather,
iv. Infer that heat transfer can be used types of mirrors and lenses and seasons
to do work, and that work involves iv. Predict the qualitative vi. Demonstrate how places on Earth
the release of heat characteristics (orientation, type, may be located using a coordinate
v. Explain why machines are never and magnification) of images system
100-percent efficient formed by plane and curved vii. Describe the location of the
vi. Explain how heat transfer and mirrors and lenses Philippines with respect to the
energy transformation make heat v. Apply ray diagramming techniques continents and oceans of the world
engines like geothermal plants in describing the characteristics viii. Recognize that soil, water, rocks,
work and positions of images formed by coal, and other fossil fuels are
p. Electricity and Magnetism (End of Gr.9) lenses Earth materials that people use as
i. Power generation and energy vi. Identify ways in which the resources
losses properties of mirrors and lenses ix. Describe ways of using Earth’s
ii. Transmission and distribution of determine their use in optical resources sustainably
electrical energy from power plants instruments (e.g., cameras and b. Interactions in the Atmosphere
to homes binoculars) i. Greenhouse effect and global
iii. Generation, transmission, and s. Electricity and Magnetism (End of Gr.10) warming
distribution of electrical energy i. Electromagnetic effects ii. Land and sea breezes
iii. Monsoons d. Eclipses (End of Gr.7) iv. Formation of typhoons and their
iv. Intertropical convergence zone i. Solar Eclipse movement within the PAR
v. Analyze the advantage of the ii. Lunar Eclipse v. Demonstrate precautionary
location of the Philippines in iii. Explain how solar and lunar measures before, during, and after
relation to the climate, weather, eclipses occur a typhoon, including following
and seasons e. Earthquakes and Faults (Start of Gr.8) advisories, storm signals, and calls
vi. Discuss how energy from the Sun i. Active and inactive faults for evacuation given by
interacts with the layers of the ii. How movements along faults government agencies in charge
atmosphere generate earthquakes vi. Explain how landmasses and
vii. Explain how some human activities iii. How earthquakes generate bodies of water affect typhoons
affect the atmosphere tsunamis vii. Trace the path of typhoons that
viii. Account for the occurrence of land iv. Earthquake focus and epicenter enter the Philippine Area of
and sea breezes, monsoons, and v. Earthquake intensity and Responsibility (PAR) using a map
intertropical convergence zone magnitude and tracking data
(ITCZ) vi. Earthquake preparedness g. Other members of the Solar System (End
ix. Describe the effects of certain vii. How earthquake waves provide of Gr.8)
weather systems in the Philippines information about the interior of i. Comets
c. Seasons in the Philippines the Earth ii. Meteors
i. Relation of seasons to the position viii. Using models or illustrations, iii. Asteroids
of the Sun in the sky explain how movements along iv. Characteristics of comets, meteors,
ii. Causes of seasons in the faults generate earthquakes and asteroids
Philippines ix. Differentiate the v. Compare and contrast comets,
iii. Relationship of the seasons and the 1. epicenter of an earthquake meteors, and asteroids
position of the Sun in the sky from its focus; vi. Predict the appearance of comets
iv. Using models, relate 2. intensity of an earthquake based on recorded data of previous
1. the tilt of the Earth to the from its magnitude; appearances
length of daytime; 3. active and inactive faults vii. Explain the regular occurrence of
2. the length of daytime to the x. Demonstrate how underwater meteor showers
amount of energy received; earthquakes generate tsunamis h. Volcanoes (Start of Gr.9)
3. the position of the Earth in xi. Explain how earthquake waves i. Type of volcanoes
its orbit to the height of the provide information about the ii. Volcanic Eruption
Sun in the sky; interior of the earth iii. Energy from volcanoes
4. the height of the Sun in the f. Understanding Typhoons iv. Describe the different types of
sky to the amount of energy i. How typhoons develop volcanoes
received; ii. Why the Philippines is prone to v. Differentiate between active and
5. the latitude of an area to typhoons inactive volcanoes
the amount of energy the iii. How landforms and bodies of water vi. Explain what happens when
area receives affect typhoons within the volcanoes erupt
v. Show what causes change in the Philippine Area of Responsibility i. Climate
seasons (PAR) i. Factors that affect climate
ii. Global climate phenomenon iv. Internal structure of the Earth v. Matter – properties, changes and
iii. Factors that affect climate, and the v. Mechanism (possible causes of classes
effects of changing climate and movement) p. Soil
how to adapt accordingly vi. Evidence of plate movement i. Soil horizons
iv. Explain how different factors affect vii. Relationship among the locations q. Soil types
the climate of an area of volcanoes, earthquake
v. Describe certain climatic epicenters, and mountain ranges
phenomena that occur on a global viii. Describe the distribution of active
level volcanoes, earthquake epicenters,
j. Constellations (End of Gr.9) and major mountain belts
i. Characteristics of stars ix. Describe the different types of
ii. Arrangement of stars in a group plate boundaries
iii. Changing position of constellations x. Explain the different processes that
during the night and at different occur along the plate boundaries
times of the year xi. Describe the internal structure of
iv. Beliefs and practices about the Earth
constellations and astrology xii. Describe the possible causes of
v. Relationship between the visible plate movement
constellations in the sky and xiii. Enumerate the lines of evidence
Earth’s position along its orbit that support plate movement
vi. Infer the characteristics of stars l. Layers of the Earth
based on the characteristics of the i. Crust
Sun ii. Mantle
vii. Infer that the arrangement of stars iii. etc.
in a group (constellation) does not m. Layers of the Earth’s Atmosphere
change i. Troposphere
viii. Observe that the position of a ii. Stratosphere
constellation changes in the course iii. Ionosphere
of a night iv. Mesosphere
ix. Show which constellations may be v. etc.
observed at different times of the n. Plate Tectonics, Continental Drift, Seafloor
year using models Spreading
k. Plate Tectonics (Start and End of Gr.10) o. Rocks and Minerals
i. Distribution i. What are Minerals?
1. volcanoes ii. Properties of Minerals
2. earthquake epicenters iii. Rock Cycle and Types of Rocks
3. mountain ranges (Igneous, Metamorphic, etc.)
ii. Plate boundaries iv. Rock Properties (Mohs Scale of
iii. Processes and landforms along Hardness
plate boundaries

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