1970 79 Shop Manual

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The document discusses the bogie wheel suspension system and steering system of snowmobiles.

The main components of the bogie wheel system are the cross shaft, suspension spring, wheel support, inner and outer flanges, bearings, bolts, nuts, and grease fittings.

The steps to remove the bogie wheel system are to raise the vehicle, release track tension, remove capscrews and star washers securing the cross shaft, and remove the bogie wheel sets from the frame.

Bogie Wheel System

Slider Suspension
Rear Hub
Drive Axle
1-6 General - Torque Converter
Pu Iley Guard
1-7 Drive Belt
1-8 Drive Pulley
1-9 Driven Pu Iley
1-10 Brake Mechanism
1-11 Chain Case
1-12 Gear Box
1-13 Drive Chain
Steering System
Ski System



1-1 Bogie Wheel System 1-01-01

1-2 Slider Suspension 1-02-01
1-3 Rear Hub 1-03-01
1-4 Drive Axle 1-04-01
1-5 Track 1-05-01
1-6 General ­ Torque Converter 1-06-01
Pulley Guard 1-06-03
1-7 Drive Belt 1-07-01
1-8 Drive Pulley 1-08-01
1-9 Driven PUlley 1-09-01
1-10 Brake Mechanism 1-10-01
1-11 Chain Case 1-11-01
1-12 Gear Box 1-12-01
1-13 Drive Chain 1-13-01
1-14 Steering System 1-14-01
1-15 Ski System 1-15-01




The Ski-Doo snowmobile's ability to negotiate any snow covered terrain and to handle well
at all speeds is the direct result of an especially designed bogie wheel system. Correct lubri­
cation, maintenance, repair and overhaul procedure of this system will ensure smoother
operation of the vehicle.

1. Cross Shaft
2. Suspension Spring
2 3. Wheel Support
4. Inner Flange (Wheel)
5. Wheel Tire
6. Bearing (Wheel)
7. Outer Flange (Wheel)

/lj 5

8. Star Washer
9. Capscrew (Cross Shaft)
10. Bolt (Wheel) 4
11. Nut
12. Grease Fitting
13. Cap (Wheel Support)


The bogie wheel system of all 1970 and

'71 Ski-Doo snowmobile models is similar
in design and fabrication, except for the
following variations:
The system of the Elan models consists
of 3-sets of bogie wheels. The front set
incorporates 4-wheels while the center
and rear sets are made up of 3-wheels

1. Raise and block the rear of vehicle off
the ground.
2. On 1970 Nordic and T'NT models, re­
move the reinforcing cross shaft by re­
moving capscr evvs and star washers
securing shaft to frame.
3. Release track tension by unhooking the
BOGIE WHEEL SET (ELAN ONLY) Iink plate springs using special lever (refer
item 1, Section 5,) (fig. 1-1-1).
Each system of the 1970 and '71 Olym­
pique, Nordic, T'NT and Skandic models NOTE: Special lever (item 1) is applicable
consists of 3-sets of bogie wheels, each to all models except Elan models.
set incorporating 4-wheels.
The system of the 1970 AI pi nell nvader
and the 1971 Valmont models consists
of 6·setsof bogie wheels(3-sets per track),
each set incorporating 4-wheels.

4. Commencing at center bogie wheel set
(except 1971 Alpine models), remove
the capscrews and star washers securing
cross shaft to frame. On '71 Alpine
models, commence removal with either
BOGIE WHEEL SYSTEM (TYPICAL) of the two center bogie wheel sets.

The 1971 Alpine bogie wheel system is NOTE: To prevent shaft from rotating
made up of 8-sets of bogie wheels (4-sets while removing capscrew, apply pressure
per track), each set consisting of 4­ on the wheel support using adjustable
wheels. pliers (fig. 1-1-2).



5. Remove bogie wheel set.

NOTE: Identify each set of bogie wheels

as to installation position (i.e. forward,
center(s) and rear). Identification will
assist you during Installation procedures.
6. Repeat step 4 to remove remaining bogie
wheel sets.

1. Straighten wheel support anchor(s) and
unhook suspension spring(s) (fig. 1-1-3).


4. With an appropriate bearing puller, re­

move wheel bearing from support by
pulling it by inner race (fig. 1-1-5). Re­
move inner flange.

2. Pullout cross shaft from supports and
remove the spring(s).

NOTE: Spring(s) must be retained with

the bogie wheel set from which it has
been removed. The wire gauge of the
Wheel ­
spring(s) varies in diameter. See NOTE, Support
Paragraph (F), step 5.

3. Using a 3/16 inch dia drill, remove Inner Flange

rivets securing outer flange and wheel
tire to inner flange (fig. 1-1-4). It is im­ 1-1-5

portant to remember that the back wheel (D) CLEAI\IING

of the center and rear bogie wheel set
1. To clean bearings, remove grease and
on the Elan models has a wider tire.
dirt using a soft paint brush. Immerse all
Remove outer flange and wheel tire.
bearings in a clean container of cleaning
NOTE: Do not unscrew grease fitting from solution. Dry with a clean cloth and lu­
outer flange unless damaged, and replace­ bricate bearings by dipping in clean en­
ment is necessary. gine Ski-Doo Oil.

2. Clean grease and dirt from wheel tires 3. Position tire and outer flange on wheel
with a clean cloth. support. Secure inner flange and wheel
tire to outer flange with six (6) bolts and
CAUTION: Do not use cleaning solvent on
wheel tires as it may permanently distort
the component. NOTE: On all Elan models, ensure wider
tire is installed on single wheel.
3. Place all other components in a container
of cleaning solvent. Remove rust or any 4. Tighten attaching parts securing wheel
other deposits using a firm bristle brush. flanges and tire following the sequence
If paint has been removed, apply a new shown in figure 1-1-7.
coat using appropriate Ski-Doo Paint.

1. Visually inspect all components for wear,
cracks, distortion and other damage. Re­
place as necessary.
2. Inspect all threaded parts for stripped,
crossed or otherwise damaged th reads.
Replace damaged components.

3. Visually inspect general condition of all

bearings (e.g. pitted or missing ball bear­
ings), freedom of movement and radial
free play. Replace defective bearing(s). 1-1-7

5. Position suspension spring(s) on wheel

(F) ASSEMBLY supports (fig. 1-1-8).

1. Prior to assembly procedure, ensure all

components are clean and all defective
parts have been repaired or replaced.
2. Place inner flange and wheel bearing on
support. Ensure that bearing shield is
facing towards inner flange, then press
down on the inner race until bearing is
sitting flush with support end (fig. 1-1-6).

Pusher 1-1-8

NOTE: On Elan models, the suspension

Bear; ng springs are 9/32 inch diameter. On all
other models, except the 1971 AI pine/
Val mont, the front and center bogie
wheels sets are equipped with 1/4 inch
dia springs and the rear bogie wheel set
incorporates 9/32 inch dia springs. The
1970 Alpine/Invader and 1971 Alpine/

Val mont incorporate two (2) 1/4 inch the rear and center sets so that the single
dia springs on each bogie wheel set. wheel is towards back of veh ide.
6. Apply a thin coat of low temperature 3. Using special lever (item 1), apply track
grease on cross shafts and insert shafts tension by hooking the Iink plate springs
into supports (fig. 1-1-9). Close wheel to the anchors.
support anchorls] over suspension spring NOTE: On all 1971 models except Elan,
endls). place link plate springs in middle position
of 3-position slotted anchors (fig. 1-1-10).

1. With rear of vehicle supported off the 1-1-10
ground, position front bogie wheel set 4. Using a low pressure grease gun filled
in location and secure to frame using star with low temperature grease, lubricate
washers and capscrews. each bogie wheel until grease appears at
2. Secure rear and then the remaining bogie joint. Wipe off excess grease.
. wheel setts) to frame. 5. On 1970 Nordic and TNT models, install
NOTE: On Elan models, position front
reinforcing cross shaft by securing shaft
bogie wheel set so that wider wheel sup­ to frame with star washers and capscrews.
port is towards front of vehicle. Position 6. Set veh icle on the ground.


1-2 SLIDER SUSPENSION (1970 Models)

Basically, the principle of the slider suspension is to create a uniform downward pressure
acting over a maximum area of track. This gives the vehicle greatest possible contact with
the underlaying snow surface.
The 1970 slider suspension is secured to the frame of the vehicle while the 1971 system

is of a unit construction attached to the frame via side members.

Track "flapping" on the 1970 system is controlled by means of track protectors in­

stalled on the two rear cross supports. On the '71 vehicle, the track protectors are re­

placed by stop boundings and two wheels affixed to the rear cross support eliminate


\ ~6
,,: 14


, i
10 9
25 19

23 \
21 16
1. Cross Support (4)
2. Cross Shaft (4)
28 ~17
3. Suspension Spring (3 R.H. & 3 L.H.)
4. Suspension Spring (L.H. & R.H. Front) ~
5. Star Washer 13. Sliding Pad (6) 21. Bolt
6. Capscrew 14. Slider (6) 22. Nut
7. Track Protector (4) 15. Rivet 23. Outer Flange (2)
8. Rivet 16. Slider Shoe (4) 24. Wheel Tire (2)
9. Rear Runner Tube 17. Rivet 25. Bearing (2)
10. Front Runner Tube 18. Bolt 26. Inner Flange (2)
11. Clevis Pin 19. Sleeve (8) 27. Cap (Front Runner Tube)
12. Cotter Pin 20. Nut 28. End Cap


1-02-02 SLIDER SUSPENSION (1970)


Adjustable Pliers ~
Suspension Spring
1. Lift and block the rear of the vehicle
off the ground.
2. Remove the reinforcing cross shaft by
6. With attaching parts removed, the com­
removing capscrews and star washers
plete slider suspension will drop down
securing shaft to frame (fig. 1-2-1).
allowing the assembly to be withdrawn
3. Release track tension by loosening link from the track (fig. 1-2-3).
plate spring lock nuts and unscrewing
the track adjuster bolts until end of bolts
are flush with the side of the eye bolts
(fig. 1-2-1).

4. Using special lever (refer Section 5, item 1. Straighten spring anchors on cross sup­
1), unhook link plate springs. ports and remove the suspension springs
from the supports.
5. Remove capscrews and star washers se­
curing four (4) cross shafts to frame. 2. SIide the rear three cross supports from
the sliding pads.
NOTE: To prevent cross shaft from rota­
ting, remove suspension spring on side of 3. Using a 3/16 inch dia drill, remove rivets
removed capscrew and apply pressure securing the track protectors to the
on the cross support using adjustable rear, and second from the rear cross
pi iers (fig. 1-2-2). supports (fig. 1-2-4).
SLIDER SUSPENSIOI\l (1970) 1-02-03

Front Runner Tube

Front Cross Support


7. Using a 3/16 inch dia drill, remove rivets

Track attaching outer flange and wheel tire to
inner flange (fig. 1-2-7). Remove outer
flange and wheel tire.
4. Remove bolts securing six (6) sliders to NOTE: Do not unscrew grease fitting from
supports. Remove sleeves. outer flange unless damaged, and re­
5. Separate the front and rear runner tubes placement is necessary.
by removing attaching cotter pins and
clevis pins (fig. 1-2-5).

Rear Runner Tube

Runner Tube
Cotter Pin

••• _ C ' P'In


6. Remove bolts securing front cross sup­

port to front runner tube. Remove
sleeves (fig. 1-2-6).
1-02-04 SLIDER SUSPENSION (1970)

8. With an appropriate bearing puller, re­ (D) CLEANING

move wheel bearing from front runner
1. Clean grease and dirt from sliding pads,
tube and remove the inner flange (fig.
slider shoes, rubber tires and track pro­
tectors with a clean cloth.
NOTE: Always remove the bearing by pu 11­ CAUTION: Do not use cleaning solvent on
ing it by the inner race. pads, shoes, tires or protectors as it may
permanently damage the component.

.' 2. To clean bearings, remove grease and

dirt using a soft paint brush. Immerse all
bearings in a clean container of cleaning
solution. Dry with a clean cloth and lu­
bricate bearings by dipping in clean en­
gine Ski-Doo Oil.
3. Place all other components in a container
Puller of clean ing solvent. Remove rust or any

,.­.. -~I.
••.•0 '
''''''''"''' >


other deposits using firm bristle brush .

Dry using a clean cloth. If pa int has been
removed, apply a new coat using appro­


priate Ski-Doo Paint .

9. Using a 3/16 inch dia drill, remove rivets 1. Visually inspect general condition of all
securing sliding pads and slider shoes to bearings (e.g. pitted or missing ball bear­
the runner tubes (fig. 1-2-9). ings), freedom of movement and rad ial
free play. Replace defective bearing (s).
NOTE: If head of rivets securing slider
shoe to runner tube is flush with contact 2. Ensure that slider shoes are not worn to
surface, shoe is excessively worn and the extent mentioned in I\J OTE, Para­
must be discarded and replaced during graph (C), step 9. If so, shoes must be
Assembly procedure. replaced.
3. Inspect all threaded parts for stripped,
crossed or otherwise damaged threads.
Replace damaged components.
4. Visually inspect all other components
'.I-:.SIider Shoe
for wear, cracks, distortion and other
possible damage. Replace as necessary.

3/16" Drill
..::..:~+ - .. P
Sliding ad
1. Prior to Assembly procedure, ensure all
components are clean and all defective
parts have been repaired or replaced.
SLIDER SUSPENSION (1970) 1-02-05

2. Position slider shoes (angle of shoes must

be facing forward) on rear and front
runner tubes and insert rivets. Secure
shoes firm Iy using a rivet gun (fig. 1-2-10).

NOTE: If slider shoes to be installed are

new, the head of the rivet gun may not
Bearing Shield
come in contact with the rivets due to
the thickness of the new shoes. If so, a
small sleeve seated on the rivet head will
assist in easier riveting action (fig. 1-2-11 ).

__ Front 1-2-12
5. Position wheel tire and outer flange on
support. Secure the inner flange and
wheel tire to outer flange with six (6)
bolts and nuts. Tighten attaching parts
securing wheel flanges and tire following
the sequence shown in figure 1-2-13.
Slider Shoe

Runner Tube

Runner Tube 5 6


6. Using a rivet gun, secure track protectors

to the rear and second from rear cross
supports (fig. 1-2-14). Install protectors
with flat surface on same side as spring

3. Position sliding pads on runner tubes,

insert rivets and secure pads firm Iy.

4. Place inner flange and wheel bearing on

front runner tube. Ensure that bearing
shield is facing towards inner flange, then
press down on the inner race until the
bearing is sitting flush with support end
(fig. 1-2-12).
1-02-06 SLIDER SUSPENSIOI\l (1970)

7. Join the rear and front runner tubes

with clevis pins and cotter pins. Pushing Action on Track

8. Insert sleeves in arms of cross supports.

Secure cross supports to sliders by means r
of bolts and nuts. Sl ide the three (3)
rear supports onto" the sliding pads.
9. Insert sleeves and then bolt front support
to front runner tube.

10. Apply a light coat of low temperature 1-2-15

grease on cross shafts and insert the 3. Repeat step 2 to secure th e second, th ird
shafts into cross supports. and rear cross shaft.
4. Using special lever (item 1), hook link
11. Position suspension springs and close the
cross support anchors over the spring plate spring to anchors. Install reinforcing
cross shaft.
5. Lubricate front runner tube wheels using
(G) INSTALLATION a low pressure grease gun filled with low
1. With the rear of the vehicle still raised temperature grease until lubricant ap­
off the ground and track tension released, pears at joint. Wipe off excess grease.
position slider suspension assembly with­ 6. Apply track tension as detailed in sub­
in the track. section 1-5, Paragraph (J).
2. Start installation procedure by aligning 7. Carry out track al ignment procedure as
the threaded hole of the first cross shaft described in sub-section 1-5, Paragraph
with the first hole in the frame. Secure (K).
the cross shaft toframe(fig. 1-2-15). 8. Set vehicle on the ground.
SLIDER SUSPENSION (1971) 1-02-07


1-2-1 SLIDER SUSPENSION (1971 Models)

Basically, the principle of the slider suspension is to create a uniform downward pressure
acting over a maximum area of track. This gives the vehicle greatest possible contact with
the underlaying snow surface.
The 1970 slider suspension is secured to the frame of the vehicle while the 1971 system
is of a unit construction attached to the frame via side members.
Track "flapping" on the 1970 system is controlled by means of track protectors installed
on the two rear cross supports. On the '71 vehicle, the track protectors are replaced by
stop boundings and two wheels affixed to the rear cross support eliminate flapping.




1. Capscrew (6) 31
2. Washer
28 ~:::24
3. Nut
4. Side Member (2)
5. Suspension Spring (3 L.H. & 3 R.H.) 23. Slider
6. Suspension Spring (L.H. & R.H. Front) 24. Slider Shoe (4)
7. Capscrew (8) 25. Rivet
8. Star Washer 26. Capscrew (6)
9. Cross Shaft (4) 27. Nut
10. Bolt 28. Grease Fitting
11. Nut 29. Outer Flange (4)
12. Sleeve (8) 30. Wheel Tire (4)
13. Rear Cross Support 31. Bearing (4)
14. Front Cross Support 32. Inner Flange (4)
15. Stop Bounding (2) 33. End Cap (Front Runner Tube)
16. Rivet 34. Cap (Front Runner Tube)


1-02-08 SLI DE R SUSPEI\ISIOI\I (1971)

(B) REMOVAL NOTE: To prevent the cross shafts from

rotating within the cross supports, wedge
1. Raise the rear of the vehicle and support
a screwdriver blade between the cross
it off the ground.
shaft and cross support (fig. 1-2-18).
2. Release track tension by loosening link
plate spring lock nuts and track adjuster
bolts until the ends of the bo Its are flush
with the side of the eye bolts (fig. 1-2-16).

Side Member

1-2-16 2. Slide the three (3) rear cross supports
3. Using special lever (item 1), unhook Iink from the sliding pads.
plate springs.
3. Using a 1/8 inch dia drill, remove the
4. Remove capscrews, washers and nuts rivets attaching the stop boundings to
securing side members to frame (fig. the rear cross support (fig. 1-2-19).

Stop Bounding

5. With capscrews, washers and nuts re­
moved, the complete slider suspension
assembly can be withdrawn from the
4. Remove bolts securing sliders to support
and remove the sleeves.
1. Remove capscrews and star washers se­
5. Remove the cotter pins and clevis pins
curing side members to cross shafts. Re­
attaching the front and rear runner tubes.
move eight (8) suspension springs and
pullout the cross shafts from cross 6. Remove bolts securing front cross sup­
supports. port to front runner tube (fig. 1-2-20).
SLIDER SUSPENSION (1971) 1-02-09




7. To remove the rear cross support wheels

and front runner tube wheels, use a 1-2-22
3/16 inch dia drill and remove the rivets
9. Using a 3/16 inch dia drill, remove the
securing outer flange and wheel tire to
rivets attaching slider pads and slider
inner flange (fig. 1-2-21). Remove outer
shoes to runner tubes.
flange and wheel tire.
NOTE: Do not unscrew grease fitting from NOTE: If head of rivets securing slider
outer flange unless damaged, and replace­ shoe to runner tube is flush with contact
ment is necessary. surface, shoe is excessively worn and
must be discarded and replaced during
Assembly procedure.

1. Clean grease and dirt from slid ing pads,
slider shoes, rubber tires and stop bound­
ings with a clean cloth.
CAUTIOI\I: Do not use cleaning solvent on
pads, shoes, tires or bound ings as it may
permanently damage the component.

2. To clean bearings, remove grease and

Outer Flange dirt using a soft paint brush. Immerse all
bearings in a clean container of cleaning
solution. Dry with a clean cloth and lu­
bricate bearings by dipping in clean en­
gine Ski-Doo Oil.
3. Place all other components in a container
8. With an appropriate bearing puller, re­
of cleaning solution. Remove rust or any
move wheel bearing from support and
other deposits using a firm bristle brush.
remove inner flange (fig. 1-2-22).
Dry using a clean cloth. If paint has been
NOTE: Always remove the bearing by removed, apply a new coat using appro­
pulling it by the inner race. priate Ski-Doo Paint.
1-02-10 SLIDER SUSPENSION (1971)

(E) II\lSPECTION 3. Position sliding pads on runner tubes,

insert rivets and secure pads firmly.
1. Visually inspect general cond ition of all
bearings (e.g. pitted or missing ball bear­ 4. Position inner flange and wheel bearing
ings), freedom of movement and rad ial on the runner tube. Ensure that the bear­
free play. Replace defective bearing(s). ing shield is facing towards inner flange,
then press down on the inner race until
2. Ensure that slider shoes are not worn to bearing is sitting flush (fig. 1-2-24).
the extent mentioned in NOTE of Para­
graph (e), step 9. If so, shoes must be

3. Inspect all threaded parts for stripped,

crossed or otherwise damaged threads.
Replace damaged components. Bearing Shield

4. Visually inspect all other components for Inner Race

wear, cracks, distortion and other pos­
sible damage. Replace as necessary.

1. Prior to Assembly procedure, ensure all
components are clean and all defective 5. Repeat step 4 to install inner flange and
parts have been repaired or replaced. wheel bearing on the cross support.

2. Position slider shoes (angle of shoe must 6. Position wheel tire and outer flange on
be facing forward) on rear and front support. Secure the inner flange and
runner tubes and insert rivets. Secure wheel tire to outer flange with six (6)
shoes firm ly using a rivet gun. Due to the bolts and nuts.
thickness of the slider shoe, the head of 7. Tighten attaching parts securing wheel
the rivet gun may not come in contact flanges and tire following the sequence
with the rivets. If so, a small sleeve seated shown in figure 1-2-25.
on the rivet head will assist in easier
riveting action (fig. 1-2-23).


8. Using a rivet gun, secure the stop bound­
ings to rear cross support (fig. 1-2-26).
SLIDER SUSPENSIOI\l (1971) 1-02-11

Suspension Spring

Rear Cross Support
1-2-26 1. With rear of the vehicle sti II raised off
9. Connect rear and front runner tubes the ground and track tension released,
with clevis pins and cotter pins. position slider suspension unitwithin the
10. Insert sleeves in arms of cross supports. track (fig. 1-2-29).
Secure cross supportsto sliders by means NOTE: Due to the confines of the track
of bolts and nuts. Slide the three (3) and to ease installation proced ures, col­
rear supports onto the sliding pads. lapse the slider suspension unit by apply­
11. Insert sleeves and then bolt front support ing downward pressure on the front cross
to front runner tube. support. Then using a fairly strong length
of wire, tie the front cross support and
12. Apply a light coat of low temperature the front runner tube together (fig.
grease on cross shafts and insert shafts 1-2-30).
into cross supports (fig. 1-2-27).

Cross Shaft

Cross Support


13. Position suspension springs and close the

cross support anchors over the spring
ends. Secure the side members using
washer and capscrews (fig. 1-2-28).
1-02-12 SLI DER SUSPENSIOI\l (1971)

2. Secure the side members of the slider pressure grease gun filled with low tem­
suspension to frame by means of cap­ perature grease until lubricant appears
screws, washers and nuts. Cut and discard at joint. Wipe off excess grease.
the temporarily installed wire. 5. Apply track tension as detailed in sub­
3. Using special lever (item 1), hook link section 1-5, Paragraph (J).
plate springs into middle position of 6. Carry out track al ignment procedure as
3-position slotted anchors. described in sub-section 1-5, Paragraph
4. Lubricate front runner tube wheels and (K) .
rear cross support wheels using a low 7. Set vehicle on the ground.


The flexible action obtained through the Iink plates and springs provides the rear hub with
the endurance to hold the track in a straight and even plane. The link plate assemblies
achieve surer handling and even track wear.

16 15



1. Rear Hub 7
2. Grease Fitting 10. Adjuster Eye Bolt
3. Sprocket 11. Hardener Washer
4. Mobile Flange 12. Adjuster Bolt
5. Bolt 13. Washer
6. Nut 14. Sleeve 11--0
7. Link Plate 15. Link Plate Spring
8. Bearing 16. Retainer Washer
9. Oil Seal 17. Nut 12


2. Remove the link plate spring lock nuts

and retainer washers (fig. 1-3-1).

Cross Shaft



1. Lift and block rear of vehicle off the
1-03-02 REAR HUB

3. Using special lever (item 1), unhook link 4. Using an appropriate bearing puller, re­
plate springs. move bearings from the hub. Remove
4. On 1970 Nord ic and TNT models, prior
to unhooking the link plate springs, re­ NOTE: Always remove the bearing by pull­
move the reinforcing cross shaft by re­ ing it by the inner race (fig. 1-3-4).
moving capscrews and star washers se­
curing shaft to frame.

5. Remove track adjuster bolts, link plate

springs, eye bolts, hardener washers and
adjuster sleeves.
6. Withdraw rear hub from veh icle.

1. Unscrew grease fitting(s) from hub.

2. With a small screwdriver, pry out oil seal

from the groove of each Iink plate (fig.
1-3-2) . 1-3-4

5. Remove nine (9) nuts and bolts attaching

each mobile flange and sprocket to the
Link Plate hub. Remove flanges and sprockets.
6. On models with rear hub equipped with
idler, remove bolts and nuts securing
idler flanges. Apply liquid soap or pe­
troleum jelly on bead of idler. Using two
screwdrivers (round bars), pass id ler over
3. Pull the link plates from the bearings. flanges (fig. 1-3-5).
To disengage the link plates it may be
necessary to use a soft faced hammer
(fig. 1-3-3).

Soft Faced

REAR HUB 1-03-03

(D) CLEAI\IING components are clean and all defective

parts have been repaired or replaced.
1. Clean grease and dirt from sprockets, oil
seals and id ler with a clean cloth. 2. On modelswith rear hubs equipped with
idler, apply liquid soap or petroleum
CAUTION: Do not use cleaning solvent on
jelly on bead of idler. Pass idler over
sprockets, oil seals or idler as it may per­
flanges using two screwdrivers (round
manently damage the component(s).
bars). Bolt id ler flanges together follow­
2. To clean bearings, remove grease and ing the sequence shown in figure 1-3-6.
dirt using a soft paint brush. Immerse all
bearings in a clean container of cleaning
solution. Dry with a clean cloth and lu­
bricate bearings by dipping in clean en­
gine Ski-Doo Oil.
3. Place all other components in a container
of cleaning solvent. Remove rust or any
other deposits using a firm bristle brush.
Dry using a clean cloth. If paint has been
removed, apply a new coat using appro­
priate Ski-Doo Paint.


1. Visually inspect sprockets for damage or

worn teeth, cuts or distortion. If damage 3. Secure sprocket and mobile flange to
is evident, replace sprocketts). Refer to each fixed flange of hub. Ensure the
Paragraph (H) for Sprocket Change Over. bolts are tightened equally to eliminate
2. Visually inspect oil seals for cuts or other the possibility of polyurethane or rubber
damage. Replace defective oil seal(s). distortion. Tighten attaching bolts fol­
lowing the sequence shown in figure
3. Visually inspect general condition of all 1-3-6.
bearings (e.g. pitted or missing ball bear­
4. Position an oil seal and a bearing on
ings), freedom of movement and radial
each end of hub. The lip of the oil seal
free play. Replace defective bearing(s).
must be facing outward and the shield
4. Inspect all threaded parts for stripped, of the bearing must be facing the hub
crossed or otherwise damaged threads. sprocket (fig. 1-3-7).
Replace damaged components.
5. Visually inspect all other components for
signs of wear, cracks and other possible
damage. Replace damaged part(s).

Beari ng Sh ield
1. Prior to Assembly procedure, ensure all
1-03-04 REAR HUB

5. Correctly position bearing by pressing 2. Install sleeves, hardener washers, and eye
bearing down on inner race until it is bolts (fig.1-3-9i.
flush with end of hub (fig. 1-3-8).
3. Partially screw in the track adjuster bolts.
4. Hook the link plate springs. On all 1971
Bearing Pusher
models except Elan, hook springs into
Bearing m idd Ie position of 3-position anchors.
On all 1970 models hook springs into
their respective anchors. On all Elan
models, hook springs into frame.
5. Install retainer washers and partially tight­
en the Iink plate spring lock nuts.
6. Apply track tension as detailed in sub­
section 1-5.

6. Press link plates onto bearings and insert 7. Carry out track al ignment procedure as
oil seals into link plates. Rim of oil described in sub-section 1-5.
seal must sit correctly in groove of link
8. Set veh icle on the ground.
7. Install grease fitting(s). (H) SPROCKET CHANGE OVER
1. Remove rear hub from vehicle, refer
8. Using a low pressure grease gun filled
Paragraph (8), preceding.
with low temperature grease, lubricate
the rear hub. After lubricating, ensure 2. On all 1970 models and '71 vehicles
that seals remain in position. equipped with 18 inch track, remove
grease fitting on side of defective
3. Remove the nine (9) bolts and nuts
1. With rear of vehicle off the ground, posi­ attaching the mobile flange and sprocket
tion the rear hub within the track. En­ to the rear hub.
sure that the link plate spring anchors on
the link plates are upward (fig. 1-3-9). 4. Apply liquid soap or petroleum jelly on
sprocket bead and with two screwdrivers
(round bars), pass the sprocket over
flange and link plate (fig. 1-3-10).

1-3-9 1-3-10
REAR HUB 1-03-05

5. Reverse Change Over procedure to install

new sprocket.
NOTE: Tighten attaching bolts following
the sequence shown in figure 1-3-11.
When attach ing the sprockets, ensure
that the bolts are tightened gradually
and equally. This procedure will avoid 6
possible polyurethane or rubber dis­





The functions of the drive axle(s) is to transmit power from the drive chain to the track(s).
This is achieved with two (2) sprockets, affixed to the drive axlets}, the teeth of which mesh
with the track notches, thus engaging the track.
... 3 7. Bolt

~4 8. Nut
9. Oil Seal (with Spring)
10. Spacer
11. Bearing
12. Speed a Drive Insert


/ / 9

1. Drive Axle
2. End Bearing Housing
3. Capscrew
4. Washer
5. Sprocket (2)
6. Mobile Flange 10


(All Models, except Alpine/I nvader
and Val mont)
1. Tilt or remove the cab.
2. Remove the pu Iley guard, refer to sub­
section 1-6.
3. Remove lower access plug from chain
case and drain the chain case oil into a
catch pan by tilting the vehicle on its
left side.
4. Pry the inspection cover (upper plug)
GENERAL VIEW OF DRIVE AXLE (with Idler) from the chain case.
1-04-02 DRIVE AXLE

5. On 1970 models, release drive chain 8. Remove rear hub as detailed in sub­
tension as follows. section 1-3.
(a) Partially unscrew the tensioner lock 9. With a small screwdriver, pry out oil seals
nut. from chain case and end bearing housing
(b) Using a soft faced hammer, gently (fig. 1-4-3).
knock the tensioner bolt counter­
clockwise (fig. 1-4-1).

10. On 1971 Elan and Olympique electric

models, disconnect battery cables from
posts, remove battery cover, battery and
NOTE: The battery seat on Elan models is
1-4-1 not removable.
NOTE: On 1971 models, drive chain ten­
11. If the vehicle is equipped with a speedo­
sion is released by inserting tension re­
meter, remove angle d rive unit and
leaser tool (refer Section 5, item 2),
coupling cable (fig. 1-4-4).
(fig. 1-4-2).

Item 2


12. Remove the three (3) capscrews secur­

ing end bearing housing to frame. Pry
the housing from the frame with two
screwdrivers (fig. 1-4-5).


6. Raise and block rear of vehicle off the

7. Remove either the bogie wheel system
(refer sub-section 1-1) or the slider sus­
pension assembly (refer sub-section 1-2).
DRIVE AXLE 1-04-03

13. Remove the cotter pin and spacer from (C) REMOVAL
the chain case side (fig. 1-4-6). All Alpine/Invader and Valmont

!\I0TE: The following procedure is appli­

cable to removal of either one or both
drive axles of vehicle.
1. Remove cab from vehicle.

2. Pry the inspection cover from the bottom

right side of gear box.
3. Release drive chain tension by removing
14. On Olympique models 1970 and '71 tensioner capscrew at bottom left of
"399" and '71 "399E", remove the gear box and rotating tensioner until
chain case assembly as described in sub­ maximum slackness is obtained (fig.
sect ion 1-1 1. 1-4-8) .

15. Release drive sprockets teeth from track

notches at the same time pu IIing the
drive axle towards the end bearing side
of frame. This action will disengage the
axle spl ines from the chain case lower

16. Remove drive axle from vehicle and

pullout spacer (fig. 1-4-7).

NOTE: There is no spacer installed on 1-4-8

Elan models. 4. Remove the bogie wheel system (refer
sub-section 1-1) and rear hub (refer sub­
section 1-3).
5. Slightly tilt vehicle either on left or
right side and place catch pan directly
beneath end bearing housing oi I seal.
6. With a small screwdriver, pry out oil
seal from lowest end bearing housing and
drain gear box oil (fig. 1-4-9).

1-4-7 1-4-9
1-04-04 DRIVE AXLE

7. Remove remaining oil seal from end NOTE: On Olympique 399 and 399E
bearing housing and center frame. models, remove the bearing spacers and
oil seals (fig. 1-4-12).
8. Remove the three (3) capscrews securing
end bearing housing to frame. With two Oil Seal

screwdrivers inserted between the

housing and frame, pry out housing
(fig. 1-4-10).

Bear i ng Spacer

2. Detach and remove mobile flanges and

sprockets from axle.

NOTE: On 1970 veh icles, the flanges and

sprockets are secured with bolts and
nuts. On all 71 models, they are attached
with 1/4 inch d ia rivets (fig. 1-4-13).


9. Release drive sprocket teeth from track

notches at the same time pulling the
1 /4" Drill
drive axle towards the end bearing side
of frame. This action will disengage the
3. On models with drive axles equipped
axle from the gear box lower sprocket.
with an idler, remove bolts or rivets
10. Remove drive axle from within the (whichever is applicable) securing mo­
track. bile flange. Apply liquid soap or pe­
troleum jelly on bead of id ler and pass
(D) DISASSEMBLY idler over the flanges (fig. 1-4-14).
1. With an appropriate bearing puller, re­
move bearing from each end of axle.
Remove oil seals.

NOTE: Always remove the bearings by

pulling it by the inner race (fig. 1-4-11).

Bearing Puller


DRIVE AXLE 1-04-05

(E) CLEANING worn and/or twisted splines. If splines

are damaged drive axle must be replaced.
1. Clean grease and dirt from sprockets,
oil seals and id ler with a clean cloth. (G) ASSEMBLY
CAUTION: Do not use cleaning solvent on 1. Prior to Assembly procedures ensure all
sprockets, oil seals or idler as it may components are clean and all defective
permanently damage the component (s). parts have been repaired or replaced.

2. To clean bearings, remove grease and 2. On models with drive axles equipped
dirt using a soft paint brush. Immerse all with an idler, apply liquid soap or pe­
bearings in a clean container of cleaning troleum jelly on bead of idler. Pass idler
solution. Dry with a clean cloth and lu­ over flanges using two screwdrivers
bricate bearings by dipping in clean en­ (round bars). Bolt idler flanges together
gine Ski-Doo Oil. following the sequence shown in figure
3. Place all other components in a container
of cleaning solvent. Remove rust or any
other deposits using a firm bristle brush.
Dry using a clean cloth. If paint has been
removed, apply a new coat using appro­
priate Ski-Doo Paint.

1. Visually inspect sprockets for damage or
worn teeth, cuts or distortion. If damage
is evident, replace sprocket. Refer to Pa­
ragraph (K) for Sprocket Change Over.

2. Visually inspect oil seals for cuts or other

damage. Inspect oil seal spring. If da­
maged or stretched, spring must be re­
placed. Replace defective oil seals.
3. Visually inspect general condition of all
bearings (e.g. pitted or missing ball bear­ 3. Secure sprocket and mobile flange to
ings), freedom of movement and radial each fixed flange of hub by means of
free play. Replace defective bearing(s). bolts and nuts. Tighten attaching bolts
following the sequence shown in figure
4. Inspect all threaded parts for stripped,
crossed or otherwise damaged threads.
Replace damaged components. NOTE: When attaching the id ler or sproc­
5. Visually inspect all other components kets, ensure that bolts are tightened
for signs of wear, cracks and other gradually and equally. This procedure
possible damage. Replace damaged will avoid possible polyurethane or rub­
partts) . ber distortion.

6. Visually inspect drive axle for cracked, 4. Position an oil seal on each end of axle.
1-04-06 DRIVE AXLE

The spring of the oil seal must be facing

Bearing Pusher
towards end of axle (fig. 1-4-16).

Oil Seal Spring



5. On Olympique 399 and 399E models,

position bearing spacer on the splined
end of drive axle with chamfered side 1-4-18
of spacer facing away from sprocket
(fig. 1-4-17).
(All Models except Alpine/Invader
and Val mont)
1. If the drive axle to be installed is a new
component and the vehicle is equipped
with a speedometer, a new speedo drive
insert must be installed (driven) into the
~ axle end. Ensure that insert is flush with
of Spacer axle end and ensure that the insert recess
is facing outward (fig. 1-4-19).

6. Place a bearing with shield facing sproc­
ket on each end of axle. With an appro­
priate pusher, push the bearings by the
inner race into position. The bearing on
the splined side of axle must be pushed
unti I it is seated on bearing stop. The
end housing bearing must be pushed until
bearing becomes flush with end of drive
axle (fig. 1-4-18).
DRIVE AXLE 1-04-07

2. Place a spacer on the splined end of models, install seat, battery and cover.
drive axle (fig. 1-4-20). Connect battery cables.
NOTE: The spacer is not installed on Elan NOTE: Elan models do not incorporate a
models. removable battery seat.

10. Install oil seals.

NOTE: A gap of approximately 1/16 inch
should exist between the end of the
bearing housing and the oil seal (fig.


3. From the left side of vehicle, insert the

drive axle within the track. Push the F3ec]l" n-o
end bearing through the orifice in right
,:-1____ Housing
side of frame. Pull the splined end of
/ 1/16", I
axle into chain case lower sprocket. approx~ll-

4. Position the end bearing housing into

frame and over axle bearing and secure
the housing to frame with three (3)

5. For vehicles equipped with speedometer,

install coupling cable and angledrive unit.
6. On Olympique models 1970 and '71
"399" and '71 "399E", install the chain 1-4-22
case assembly as described in sub-section 11. Install rear hub as detailed in sub-section
1-11 . 1-3.
7. On Olympique 399 and 399E models,
12. Install either the bogie wheel system
push bearing spacer into chain case (fig.
(refer to sub-section 1-1) or the slider
1-4-21) .
suspension unit (refer to sub-section
8. Place a spacer on chain case side of axle 1-2) .
and secure with a new cotter pin.
13. On 1970 models, adjust drive chain
9. On 1971 Elan and Olympique electric tension to 1/4 inch maximum free play
1-04-08 DRIVE AXLE

and tighten tensioner lock nut (fig. frame with three (3) capscrews (fig.
1-4-23). 1-4-24).


14. On 1971 models, remove tension releaser

tool (item 2).
15. Install access plug and pour 8 ounces of 3. Install oil seals.
Ski-Doo Chain Case Oil into chain case.
I\lOTE: A gap of approximately 1/16 inch
Install inspection plug.
should exist between the end of the
16. On 1970 and '71 Olympiq ue models, bearing housing and the oil seal (fig.
refer to sub-section 1-9 and carry out 1-4-25).
pulley al ignment. On all 1970 models,
check brake adjustment and correct if
necessary. Refer to sub-section 1-10.
17. Install pulley guard and cab.
18. Apply track tension as detailed in sub­
section 1-5.
19. Carry out track alignment procedure as
described in sub-section 1-5.
20. Set vehicle on the ground.

(1970 and '71 Alpine/Invader and
Val mont Models) Oil Seal

NOTE: The following procedure is appli­

cable to installation of either one or both
drive axles of vehicle. 4. Install rear hub as detailed in sub-section
1. With the rear of vehicle supported off
the ground, position drive axle assembly 5. Install bogie wheel system as described
within track. Insert splined end of axle in sub-section 1-1.
into lower sprocket of gear box.
6. Adjust chain tension by rotating gear
2. Push the end bearing housing into frame box tensioner until 1/4 inch maximum
and over end bearing. Secure housing to free play is achieved (fig. 1-4-26).
DRIVE AXLE 1-04-09

NOTE: Ensure that gear box mounting 2. Remove the nine (9) bolts and nuts or
nuts arewell tightened before proceeding rivets attaching the mobile flange and
with chain tension. sprocket to drive axle.

3. Apply liquid soap or petroleum jelly on

sprocket bead and with two screwdrivers
(round bars) pass the sprocket over
flange (fig. 1-4-27).

i ..·..}
. '(li

1/4" Free Play


7. Install inspection plug.

8. Remove the red plug on top of gear box
and fill the gear box with Sk i-Doo
Chain Case Oil.
4. Reverse Change Over procedure to install
new sprocket.
NOTE: On 399 Rand 399E R models, the NOTE: Tighten attaching bolts following
oil capacity of the gear box is 12 ounces the sequence shown in figure 1-4-27.
or 2-1/4 inches when checked with dip (L) IDLER CHAI\lGE OVER
stick. The gear box capacity of the
640E R model is 16 ounces or 3-1/4 inch 1. Remove drive axle as detailed In Para­
level on dip stick. graph (S) or (C). Remove sprocket as
described in Paragraph (K).
9. Install vent plug. 2. Remove the nine (9) bolts and nuts (or
rivets) attaching the mobile flange and
10. Install cab.
idler to drive axle.
11. Apply track tension as detailed In sub­
3. Apply liquid soap or petroleum jelly on
section 1-5.
sprocket bead and with two screwdrivers
12. Carry out track alignment procedure as (round bar) pass the idler over flange
detailed in sub-section 1-5. (fig. 1-4-28).
13. Set vehicle on the ground. 4. Reverse Change Over procedure to install
new idler.
NOTE: Tighten attaching bolts following
1. Remove drive axle from vehicle, refer the sequence shown in figure 1-4-28.
Paragraph (B) or (C), preceding. When attach ing the idler, ensure that
1-04-10 DRIVE AXLE

bolts are tightened gradually and equally.

This procedure will avoid possible rub­
ber distortion.



(A) GENERAL The track inserts are designed to aid the
The track has three (3) main functions: sprocket teeth to correctly sit into the
(i) to provide a cushioning action to track notches. Without these inserts conti­
surface jolts or bumps. nual abrasion would wear and cut the track ,
(ii) to provide traction enabling the therefore always replace a missing or dam­
vehicle to drive itself forward. aged insert (s) as soon as noticed.
(iii) to provide a means of greater stop­

•Bogie Insert SI ider Insert




1. Raise and block rear of veh icle off the
2. Remove either the bogie wheel system
--~---- (refer sub-section 1-1) or sl ider suspen­
Ground Level sion unit (refer sub-section 1-2).
3. Remove rear hub as detailed in sub­
1-5-1 OLD PROFILE TRACK section 1-3.

4. Remove d rive axle as described in sub­

section 1-4.
___ REAR
5. Withd raw the track (sl from beneath the

1. Remove dirt and any other deposit on
interior and exterior sides of track (s)
1-5-2 NEW PROFI LE TRACK with a clean cloth.
1-05-02 TRACK

(E) INSPECTION ground. Position track (s) beneath the

1. Visually inspect track, for large cuts and
abnormal wear. I nspect track for broken NOTE: When installing the new profile
rods (integral within track). If excessive track, ensure the right angle of the bear­
damage is evident and rods are broken, ing surface of the track ribs is facing the
replace track. front of vehicle (fig. 1-5-2)
2. Inspect track for damaged or missing 2. Install drive axle as described in sub­
inserts. Replace defective insert (s). section 1-4.
3. Install rear hub asdetailed in sub-section
4. Install either the bogie wheel system
NOTE: Installation of insert(s) can be per­
(refer sub-section 1-1) or the slider sus­
formed with either the track (s) installed
pension assembly (refer sub-section 1-2).
on or removed from the veh icle.
5. Apply track tension as detailed in Para­
1. Tilt vehicle or track on its side to expose
graph (H) for vehicles equipped with
the track notches and place insert into
bogie wheel system or (J) for models
equipped with slider suspension unit.
2. Position the track insert installer (refer
6. Carry out track alignment procedure as
Section 5, item 3) with the male jig on
detailed in Paragraph (K).
top of track insert and the female jig
below the insert (fig. 1-5-4). (H) TRACK TENSION
(Bogie Wheel System)
Male Jig Female Jig
1. To check track tension (free play) on all

1970 and '71 vehicles equipped with a
bogie wheel system use the following
(a) With rear of vehicle blocked off the
3. Apply pressure on hand les of track insert ground and the center (s) bogie wheel
installer (Clip-O-Matic) to close and lock setts) horizontal, apply a moderate
the insert onto track notch (fig. 1-5-5). downward hand pressure on middle
position of track. Distance between
bottom of wheel and inner side of
track must be 2-1/2 to 3 inches on
each side of track (fig. 1-5-6).

4. If track has been removed from vehicle,
install track as detailed in Paragraph (G).


1. Raise and b lock rear of veh icle off the
TRACK 1-05-03

2. To adjust track tension (free play) on all

1970 and '71 vehicles equipped with a
bogie wheel system use the following

(a) On all 1971 models except Elan, en­

sure link plate springs are in the
midd Ie position of the 3-position
slotted anchors.
2. To adjust track tension (free play) on all
NOTE: Do not attempt to correct track 1970 and '71 vehicles equipped with
tension by advancing or retard ing the slider suspension, use the following pro­
link plate springs in their anchors. cedure.
(b) Loosen link plate spring lock nuts (a) On al11971 models ensure link plate
located on inner side of link plate springs are in the middle position of
springs. the 3-position slotted anchors.

(c) Turn adjuster bolts clockwise to NOTE: Do not attempt to correct track
tighten track (s) and counterclock­ tension by advancing or retarding the
wise to slacken track (s) (fig. 1-5-7). link plate springs in their anchors.

(b) Loosen I ink plate spring lock nuts

located on inner side of I ink plate

(c) Turn adjuster bolts clockwise to

tighten track and counterclockwise
to slacken track (see fig. 1-5-7).

(d) After track tension is adjusted equal­

1-5-7 ly, align the track as detailed in
(d) After track tension is adjusted equal­ Paragraph (K).
ly, align the trackts) as detailed in
Paragraph (K). (K) TRACK ALIGNMENT
CAUTION: Track tension (free play) and
(J) TRACK TEI\lSION al ignment are inter-related. DO NOT
(Slider Suspension)
adjust one without the other. Track
1. To check track tension (free play) on tension procedure must be carried out
vehicles equipped with slider suspension prior to track alignment. On all 1971
unit use the following procedure. vehicles, never try to align the track(s}
by advancing or retard ing the link plate
(a) Raise and block rear of vehicle off
springs in their anchors.
the ground.
1. To check track alignment use the follow­
(b) Using a rule, measure the distance
ing procedure.
from footboard to inside of track.
The distance should be 5-3/4 to 6 (a) With rear of vehicle su pported off
inches on each side of track (fig. the ground, start engine and allow
1-5-8) . the trackts) to rotate SLOWLY.
1-05-04 TRACK

(b) Check if track Is) is well centered on side where the track is closest
and turns evenly on rear sprockets. to the link plate (fig. 1-5-9).
The distance between edge of track
and link plate must be equal on both (b) Turn track adjuster bolt on same
sides (fig. 1-5-9). side clockwise until the track re­
aligns. (fig. 1-5-10).

Equal Distance

2. To align track Is) use the following pro­

(a) Loosen link plate spring lock nut (c) Tighten link plate spring lock nuts.



If engine power was transmitted directly to the drive axle, the Ski-Doo snowmobile would
be able to move forward at a fairly reasonable speed. However, should the vehicle en­
counter bumps or rough terrain th is method of transmitting power would be insufficient to ­
drive the vehicle over the hazards. Therefore, to provide the additional power strength
(torque), the Ski-Doo snowmobile incorporates a power transmittal assembly consisting of
a drive pulley, driven pulley and drive belt. To explain the fundamentals of each compo­
nent and the assembly operation, we will follow the power line wh ich is defined as follows.

(a) Power line - direction of the power obtained from the engine.

(b) Power take-off - crankshaft.

(c) Drive pulley - a pulley assembly connected to the engine crankshaft and consisting
of a spring loaded pulley half, a fixed pulley half and a centrifugal governor incor­
porating pressure levers.





Operation of pulleys and drive belt under- normal


Piston movement rotates the crankshaft on which the drive pulley is affixed. The rotation
(RPM) causes the pressure levers to apply pressure on the outer pulley half of drive pulley
thus causing a pull ing action on the drive belt (torque). An opposite reaction is caused
during power cut-down or under torque load.

(d) Drive belt - a rubber and cloth belt installed over the drive pulley and driven pulley.
(e) Driven pulley - a pulley assembly mounted on a shaft with one of the pulley halves
free and counter balanced with a loaded spring. When the drive belt pulls against the
pulley halves, the sliding pulley half opens against the loaded spring and the rotating
belt pressure forces the pulley shaft to rotate. An opposite reaction is caused during
power cut-down or under torque load.

(f) Driven pulley shaft - shaft on which the outer pulley half is fixed and connected to
a drive chain by means of a sprocket incorporated within the chain case.

(g) Drive chain - an encased chain linked over sprockets affixed to the driven pulley
shaft and drive axle.

Operation of pulleys and drive belt under torque

load. (One side of belt under tension).


(A) Resulting from resistance of terrain con­ (B) Side is slack and thrown in direction of
dition, load, etc. power line. Result = involved torque ability.


All Ski-Doo snowmobiles incorporate a protective pulley guard. The guard prevents the
driver from inadvertently catching his foot in the drive pulley and/or drive belt during
operation of the vehicle. It protects the driver from possible injury due to flying segments
of a broken drive belt or other loosened components.
WARI\IING: When engine is running, it is imperative that the pulley guard is installed in
position for safety reasons.

6 5

2 1-6-1

J 3. SIide bolt out from chain case bracket

or pulley guard holder and remove pulley

1. Pulley Guard 4. Retainer Washer 1. Remove spring from pulley guard pin.
2. Spring 5. Spring
3. Bolt 6. Nut
2. Remove the nut securing the upper
spring, retainer washer and bolt to pulley

1. Remove dirt and any other deposit on
NOTE: The following procedures in Para­
interior and exterior sides of guard with
graphs (8) to (G), are applicable to all
a clean cloth.
vehicles except the Elan models. On Elan
models, the pulley guard is an integral
part of the console.
1. Visually inspect guard for cracks and
1. Remove or tilt the cab.
other damage. If damaged, do not at­
2. Disengage pulley guard pin (integral with tempt to repair. Pulley guard must be
guard) from bracket of frame (fig. 1-6-1). replaced.

2. Check tension of lower spring by veri­

fying engagement of pin. When installed,
free play between guard and frame b rac­
ket should not begreater than 1/16 inch. ~ _\\_ Bolt

If free play is exceeded, replace spring. /~\l I 3/16" Thread appr ox .

Retainer Washer

3. Inspect threaded parts for stripped,

crossed or otherwise damaged threads.
Replace damaged components.

(F) ASSEMBLY 1-6-2

4. Position spring on pulley guard pin.

1. Prior to Assembly procedure ensure all
components are clean and damaged parts
have been repaired or replaced.

2. Insert bolt through pulley guard. 1. SIide pulley guard bolt into bracket of
chain case or pulley guard holder.
3. Place retainer washer and spring on bolt.
2. Engage pulley guard pin into bracket of
Secure bolt by means of nut. Tighten
nut until 3/16 inch of thread is visible
through nut (fig. 1-6-2). 3. Install or close cab.




The function of the drive belt is to transmit power from drive pulley to driven pulley.
Always inspect the drive belt whenever the vehicle is undergoing maintenance and repair
procedures or when performance of vehicle is unsatisfactory.

(All Models except
Alpine/Invader and Valmont)
(All Alpine/I nvader
and Val mont Models)
NOTE: Ensure transmission lever IS In
1. Tilt or remove the cab. neutral position.
1. Remove cab.
2. Remove pulley guard as detailed in sub­
section 1-6. 2. Remove pulley guard as detailed in sub­
section 1-6.
3. Open the driven pulley by twisting and
3. Disconnect brake cable at cable ferrule
pushing the sliding half and hold in open
on disc brake outer half.
position (fig. 1-7-1).
4. Remove two (2) nuts and bolts securing
the lower brake bracket to frame and
pivot brake and bracket assembly 1/2
turn (fig. 1-7-2).

Sliding Half


4. Slip thedrive belt from thedriven pulley

and remove belt by passing it over the
drive pulley.
1-07-02 DRIVE BELT

5. Open driven pulley by twisting and

Brake and
pushing sliding half and hold in open Bracket

6. Pull bottom of belt towards driven pulley

and slip belt over top edge of fixed half.

7. Slip belt out from drive pulley (centri­

fugal governor).

8. Remove belt completely from vehicle by

passing it under driven pulley and disc
brake assembly (fig. 1-7-3).


To determine malfunctions of the transmission system due to improper installation and/or
wear of drive belt, a trouble shooting chart has been drawn up to assist in detecting such
troubles. Research has proven that excessive wear and breakage of the drive belt can be
eliminated by correct periodic inspection and maintenance. A drive belt of less than 7/8
inch width must be replaced.


1. Uneven belt wear on (a) Loose engine mount (a) Tighten engine mount nuts
one side only equally (400-420 inch-pounds)
See Fig. 1-7-4
(b) Pulley misalignment (b) Align pulleys

2. Belt glazed excessive­ Excessive slippage caus­

ly or has baked ap­ ed by
See Fig. 1-7-5
(a) Insufficient pressure (a) Check drive pu Iley for
on belt sides worn or missing pressu re

(b) Rusted drive or dri­ (b) Clean shaft with steel wool
ven pu IIey shafts and lubricate with Ski-Doo
Clutch Lube

(c) Oil on pulley surfa­ (c) Clean pulley surfaces with

ces fine emery cloth and clean

(d) Incorrect centrifugal (d) Install correct governor

governor installed
DRIVE BELT 1-07-03


3. Belt worn excessively

in top width.
(a) Excessive slippage (a) Carry out inspection as de­
See Fig. 1-7-6
due to irregu lar outward tailed in sub-section 1-8
actuation movement of
drive pulley

(b) Rough 0 r scratched (b) Repair or replace pulley

pulley surfaces

(c) Improper belt angle (c) Using unspecified type of

belt. Replace belt with correct
Bombard ier belt

4. Belt worn narrow In Excessive sl ippage In

one section. drive pulley caused by:
See Fig. 1-7-7 (a) Frozen or too tight (a) Liberate track from ice or
track check track tension and al ign­

(b) Drive pulley (clutch) (b) Repair or replace drive

not function ing properly pulley

(c) Engine idle speed (c) Reduce engine RPM

too high

5. Belt too tight during

engine id Ie.

(a) Idle speed too high (a) Reduce engine RPM

(b) Incorrect belt length (b) Using unspecified type of

belt. Replace belt with correct
Bombard ier belt

(c) Incorrect pulley dis­ (c) Readjust to specifications,

tance refer to sub-section 1-9

6. Belt sides worn con­ (a) Excessive ride out (a) Check for proper distance
cave. on drive pulley between pulleys, refer to sub­
See Fig. 1-7-8 section 1-9

(b) Using unspecified type of

belt. Replace belt with correct
Bombard ier belt
1-07-04 DRIVE BELT



Glazed or Baked


Worn Belt
7/8" Minimum

New Belt
1-3/16" W,dth

1-7-6 1-7-8
DRIVE BELT 1-07-05


7. Belt disintegration.
See Fig. 1-7-9
(a) Excessive belt speed (a) Using unspecified type of
belt. Replace belt with correct
Bombard ier belt
(b) Oil on pulley surfa­ (b) Clean pulleys surfaces with
ces fine emery cloth and clean
(c) Incorrect gear ratio (c) Install specified sprocket
(Correct gear ratio)

8. Belt "Flip-Over" at
high speed.
(a) Pulley misalignment (a) Align pulleys

(b) Belt excessive speed (b) Using unspecified type of

belt. Replace belt with correct
Bombard ier belt

(c) Excessive ride out on (c) Check for proper distance

drive pulley between pulleys, refer to sub­
section 1-9

(d) Incorrect sprocket (d) Install specified sprocket

ratio (Correct gear ratio)

9. Belt edge cord break­

age. See Fig. 1-7-10 (a) Pulley misalignment (a) Align pulleys

10. Flex cracks between

(a) Considerable use, (a) Replace belt
See Fig. 1-7-11
belt wearing out

11. Sheared cogs, com­

pression section .frac­
tured or torn.
(a) Improperbelt install­ (a) Refer Paragraph (E) or (F)
See Fig. 1-7-12

(b) Belt rubbing station­ (b) Check drive components

ary object on pulleys

(c) Violent engagement (c) Grease, replace spring or

of drive pulley (clutch) drive pulley
1-07-06 DRIVE BELT

New Belt

Disintegration Crack
1-7-9 1-7-11

Cord Breakage

1-7-10 1-7-12
DRIVE BELT 1-07-07

(E) INSTALLATION drive belt has been cleaned with a clean

(All Models except cloth and belt is in good cond ition.
Alpine/I nvader and Valrnont)
2. With brake and bracket assembly rotated
1. Prior to Installation procedure, ensure 1/2 turn, slip drive belt beneath driven
drive belt has been cleaned with a clean pu liey.
cloth and belt is in good cond ition.
3. Slip belt over drive pulley.
2. Slipbeitoverdrivepulleyand pass it over
driven pulley from the outer cam side of 4. Open driven pulley by twisting and
driven pulley. pushing sliding half and hold in open
position. Slip drive belt over fixed half.
3. Open the driven pulley by twisting and
5. Pivot brake and bracket assembly into
pushing the sliding half until belt is in
position and install bolts to secure lower
brake bracket to frame.
4. Install pulley guard as detailed in sub­
section 1-6. Install or close cab. 6. Insert brake cable into cable ferrule.
Check brake cable adjustment asdetailed
in sub-section 1-10.
(All Alpine/I nvader
and Val mont Models) 7. Install pulley guard as detailed In sub­
1. Prior to Installation proced ure, ensure section 1-6 and install cab.




The Drive Pulley is a variable pitch pulley which transmits power from the engine to the
driven pulley by means of a drive belt. The important changes in design and fabrication of
the 1971 drive pulley are:
Both the inner and outer pulley halves of the drive pulley are made of aluminum. This
metal is light weight, corrosion resistant and repels engine and belt heat during oper- _
ation of the vehicle. The shaft of the '71 pulley and the complete '70 pulley are made
of steel.
A hollowed inner half pulley shaft contains a reserve of Ski-Doo Clutch Lube. During
pulley operation th is grease is forced through the lubrication vent in the shaft and be­
comes trapped within the lubrication notch of the outer half pulley. From there, outer
half pulley activation distributes the grease along the pulley shaft and the pulley is
lubricated. (See line drawing on page 1-08-02). On the 1970 pulley, lubrication is ac­
complished by manually distributing grease along shaft length.
1971 Pressure levers contained with in the centrifugal governor are mounted on a lever
holder. 1970 pressure levers are riveted directly to centrifugal governor brackets.

8 6

1. Bolt
2. Washer 6. Spring Seat
3. Centrifugal Governor 7. Bearing
4. Outer Half Pulley
5. Spring
8. Inner Half Pulley
9. Shim (,024")



6. Remove centrifugal governor bolt, wash­

er, centrifugal governor, outer half pulley
spring and spring seat from shaft of
1---'l!:AJ1?_ L:::=:--'-t--1 L u b rica t ion Ve n t inner half pulley.
7. Using special adapter tool, remove inner
half pulley (fig. 1-8-2).
NOTE: Do not remove bearing from inner
half pulley unless bearing and/or inner
half pulley is damaged, and replacement
is necessary. Refer to Paragraph (D) for
(All Models
with One Cylinder Engine)
1. Remove or ti It cab.
2. Remove pulley guard, refer to sub­
section 1-6.
3. Remove drive belt, refer to sub-section

4. Remove spark pi ug and position the

piston 3/4" to 1-1/4 inches. BEFORE

NOTE: Make sure that the piston closes 8. Remove starter rope from spark plug
the exhaust port. hole.

5. Lock crankshaft in position by inserting (C) REMOVAL

starter rope into spark plug hole (fig. (All Models
1-8-1). For final lock, pull rewind starter with Two Cylinder Engine)
rope slightly.

1. Remove or tilt cab.

2. Remove pulley guard as detailed in sub­

section 1-6.

3. Remove drive belt, refer to sub-section


NOTE: On 1970 and '71 T'NT 640,

T'NT 775 and I\lordic 640E models re­
move bolts attaching upper column bra­
cket to frame to enable remova I of drive
pulley (fig. 1-8-3).


(D) Inner Half Pulley Bearing Replacement

1. Using an appropriate bearing puller, re­
move bearing from pulley by pulling it
by inner race (fig. 1-8-5). Replace either
bearing or inner half pulley.

4. Remove spark plugs and position the
Power Take Off side piston 3/4" to
Bearing Puller
1-1/4 inches. BEFORE TOP DEAD
NOTE: Make sure that the P.T.O. side Inner Half Pulley

piston completely closes the exhaust

5. Lock crankshaft in position by inserting
starter rope into P.T.O. side spark plug
2. Position bearing on shaft of inner half
hole (fig. 1-8-4). For final lock, pull re­
pulley. Using a bearing pusher, press
wind starter rope slightly.
bearing down by the inner race until
bearing is properly seated (fig. 1-8-6).

6. Remove centrifugal governor bolt, wash­
er, centrifugal governor, outer half pulley,
spring and spring seat from inner half

7. Using a special adapter tool, remove (E) CLEANING

inner half pulley from crankshaft.
1. To remove grease and dirt, place all
NOTE: Do not remove bearing from inner components (except bearings) in a con­
half pulley/unless bearing and/or inner tainer of cleaning solvent. Dry using com­
half pulley is damaged, and replacement pressed air or a dry cloth.
is necessary. Refer to Paragraph (D) for
2. Remove stationary objects (rust and/or
bearing replacement.
rubber accumulation - belt wear) from
8. Remove starter rope from spark plug inner half pulley shaft with fine steel
hole. wool. Wipe shaft with a clean cloth.

3. Remove stationary objects (rust and/or 2. I nsert a length of starter rope into spark
rubber accumulation) from inner and plug hole (P.T.O. side for double cylind­
outer half pulleys with fine emery cloth. er) to lock crankshaft in position.
Wipe pulley halves with a clean cloth.
3. Lubricate crankshaft thread with Ski-Doo
4. Remove any other deposits on all other Clutch Lube and install inner half pulley.
components using a firm bristle brush.
4. On all 1970 models, apply a thin coat of
5. If paint has been removed from centri­ Ski-Doo Clutch Lube on inner half pul­
fugal governor, apply a new coat using ley shaft (fig. 1-8-7). Position spring seat,
appropriate Ski-Doo Paint. spring and outer half pulley on shaft.
NOTE: On all 1971 models, make sure that
(F) INSPECTION the inner half pulley mark and the outer
half pulley mark are al igned (fig. 1-8-8).
1. Visually inspect inner and outer pulley
halves for scratches, grooves and/or rough
surfaces. Remove defects using fine
emery cloth. Wipe pulley halves with a
clean cloth.
2. Check centrifugal governor for worn or
missing pressure lever(s). Replace centri­
fugal governor if necessary.
3. Check for broken or distorted spring.
Replace defective spring.
4. Visually inspect all other components for
wear, cracks, distortion and other poss­
ible damage. Replace as necessary.
5. Inspect all threaded parts for stripped, 1-8-7

crossed or otherwise damaged threads.

Replace damaged components.

6. Inspect general condition of bearing (in­

stalled or removed from pulley shaft)
e.g. pitted or missing ball bearings, free­
dom of movement and radial free play.
Replace defective bearing, refer to Para­
graph (D), Bearing Replacement.

5. On all 1971 models, pack Ski-Doo Clutch
1. Position the piston (on double cylinder Lube into bolt hole of inner half pulley
P.T.O. side piston) 3/4 to 1-1/4 inches shaft (fig. 1-8-9).
6. Apply a light coat of Ski-Doo Clutch
NOTE: Make sure that the piston is closing Lube to the four (4) pressure levers of
the exhaust port. the centrifugal governor (See fig. 1-8-9).

7. Lubricate threads of governor attaching

bolt with Ski-Doo Clutch Lube. Install
centrifugal governor, washer and bolt.
8. Torque governor bolt to 400 to 475 inch­
pounds (fig. 1-8-10).
9. Wipe off excess lubricant from drive

CAUTION: Excess of lubricant on pulley

shaft or misalignment of mark on pulley
halves can allow the lubricant to pene­
trate drive belt causing belt slippage and/
or deterioration.

10. Unlock crankshaft by pulling out starter

rope from spark plug hole.

11. Install spark plug(s).

12. Check pulley al ignment, refer to sub­

section 1-9.

13. Install drive belt (refer sub-section 1-7)

and pulley guard (refer sub-section 1-6),

14. Install or close cab.




The driven pulley is a variable pitch pulley which transmits power from the drive pulley
to the drive axle sprocket by means of the drive chain mounted on two sprockets. Belt
engagement transmitting power to driven pulley cause the chain entrainment. Spring
pressure on the sliding pulley half maintains face contact with belt under all operating

cond itions.


1. Fixed Pulley Half (with Shaft)

2. Sliding Pulley Half
3. Bushing
4. Spring
5. Roll Pin
6. Outer Cam
7. Cam Slider Shoe


1-09-02 DRIVEl\! PULLEY

(All Models except
Alpine/Invader and Valrnont)

1. Tilt or remove the cab.

2. Remove pulley guard, refer to sub­
section 1-6.
3. Remove drive belt, refer to sub-section
1-7 .
4. Remove muffler from engine.
5. On vehicles equ ipped with 15 inch track,
remove bolts and nuts securing steering
column upper bracket (fig. 1-9-1).
8. Remove cotter pin, castellated nut and
spring washer from driven pulley shaft
within chain case.
9. Hold upper sprocket with chain in posi­
tion and pullout driven pulley towards
engine side (fig. 1-9-4).


6. Pry out inspection cover from chain case.

7. On 1970 models, slacken drive chain
tension by partially unscrewing tensioner
lock nut. Using a soft faced hammer,
gently knock tensioner bolt counter­
clockwise (fig. 1-9-2). On 1971 models,
release chain tension by inserting a chain
tension releaser tool (item 2), (fig. 1-9-3).


CAUTION: Exercise care while removing

driven pulley to ensure that bearing cone
does not fall into chain case.
10. Remove bearing cone from bearing cup
and attach sprocket and drive chain with
a wire to prevent them from falling into
chain case (fig. 1-9-5).

9. On all 1971 models, remove disc, spring

washer and spacer.

(All Alpine/I nvader
and Valmont Models)
1. Remove cab.
2. Remove pu Iley guard, refer to sub­
section 1-6.

3. Remove d rive belt, refer to sub-section


4. With brake and bracket assembly rotated

10. Remove muffler from engine.
1/2 turn, support assembly by position­
ing a locally manufactured block (5-3/8
11. Remove nuts securing steering column
x 3 x 1 inches) under drive shaft.
lower bracket from the gear box. Slacken
5. Remove pulley guard holder. bolts and nuts securing steering column
upper retainer plate.
6. Using a hammer and a pin punch, remove
roll pin locking disc in position (fig. 1­ 12. Disconnect brake and throttle cables at
9-6) . ferrule and pivoting slug located on the
handlebar. Pull steering column rear­
7. With a hammer, tap on inner side of
wards to provide working space and allow
brake and bracket assembly to disengage
removal of gear box housing.
it from the bearing (fig. 1-9-7).

8. On all 1970 models, remove washer, 13. Disconnect transmission rod from gear
spring washer, disc and spacer. box by removing cotter pin, spring and

14. Remove eight (8) nuts securing gear box

upper housing. Loosen housing using a
soft faced hammer.

15. Release chain tension to maximum slack­

ness by rotating eccentric tensioner.

16. Separate chain as detailed in sub-section


18. Withdraw assembled driven pulley (fig. NOTE: Do not remove bushing from sliding
1-9-8) . pulley half unless bushing is damaged,
and replacement is necessary. Refer to
Paragraph (F), Bushing Replacement.

(All Models except (E) DISASSEMBLY
Alpine/Invader and Valrnont) (All Alpine/lnvader
and Valmont Models)
1. Place a support under outer cam and
using a pin punch (3/16 inch), push roll 1. Using a suitable bearing puller, remove
pin locking cam to fixed pulley half bearing from drive shaft (fig. 1-9-11).
shaft (fig. 1-9-9).

Pin Punch 13/16")

Outer Carn

Roll Pin

2. Pull off outer cam, spring and sliding
2. Using a pin punch and hammer, remove
pulley half from fixed pulley half shaft.
inner pins installed in larger roll pin se­
3. Using a pin punch, remove outer cam curing fixed pulley half to shaft. Remove
slider shoes from outer cam (fig. 1-9-10). larger roll pin (fig. 1-9-12).

Sliding Pulley Half

Pin Punch


5. Install pu Iler and remove outer cam from
drive shaft (fig. 1-9-15).
NOTE: If necessary, heat outer cam to
facil itate removal.
3. Open sliding pulley half and insert both
halves of special puller adapter (item 5)
between pu Iley halves. Install C-cl ips.
Install puller and remove fixed pulley
half (fig. 1-9-13).
NOTE: If necessary, heat hub of fixed Puller
pulley half to facilitate removal.

Outer Cum


6. Using a pin punch, push cam slider

shoes from outer cam (fig. 1-9-16).

Pin Punch

4. Remove sliding pulley half and spring.

With a pion punch and hammer, remove
roll pins securing outer cam(fig. 1-9-14).

NOTE: Do not remove bush ing from slid ing

pulley half unless damaged, and replace­
Slider Shoes
ment is necessary. Refer to Paragraph
(F), Bush ing Replacement.

(F) Replacement of components in a container of cleaning

Sliding Pulley Half Bushing solvent. Dry using compressed air or a
dry cloth.
1. Using an appropriate bushing pusher, 3. Remove stationary objects (rust and/or
press bushing from pulley (fig. 1-9-17). rubber accumulation - belt wear) from
fixed pulley half shaft with fine steel
wool. Wipe shaft with a clean cloth.
Bushing Pusher
4. Remove stationery objects (rust and/or
rubber accumulation) from fixed and
sliding half pulleys with fine emery cloth.
Wipe pulley halves with a clean cloth.
5. Remove any other deposits on all other
components using a firm bristle brush.

1. Visually inspect cam slider shoes for
worn or damaged contact surfaces. Re­
2. Position a new bushing in hole of sliding place defective shoes.
pulley half. Using bushing pusher, press
down until bushing is flush with edge of 2. Inspect fixed and sliding pulley halves
pulley mounting hole (fig. 1-9-18). for scratches, grooves and/or rough sur­
faces. Remove defects using fine emery
cloth. Wipe pu lley halves with a clean

3. Check for broken or distorted spring.

Replace defective spring.

4. Visually inspect all threaded parts for

stripped, crossed or otherwise damaged
threads. Replace damaged components.

5. Inspect internal surface of bushing (in­

stalled or removed) for off-center wear
or other damage. Replace defective bush­
ing as detailed in Paragraph (F), Bushing
(All Models except
1. Clean grease and dirt from cam slider AI pi nell nvader and Val mo nt)
shoes with a clean cloth.
1. Prior to Assembly procedure, ensure all
CAUTION: Do not use cleaning solvent on components are clean and all defective
shoes as it may permanently damage the parts have been repaired or replaced.
2. Using a hammer, install cam slider shoes
2. To remove grease and dirt, place all on outer cam (fig. 1-9-19).

4. Place spring and sliding pulley half over

Cam Slider Shoe
shaft. Insert spring hook into hole of
outer cam. Align hole in sliding pulley
Outer Cam half with the other end of spring. Turn
sliding pulley half counterclockwise 2/3
of a turn (when facing outer cam) and
hold in position (fig. 1-9-21).


3. Position slid ing pu Iley half, spring and

outer cam on fixed pulley half shaft.
4. Hold sliding pulley half in position and
rotate clockwise (when facing cam) outer
cam 2/3 of a turn, then lock cam by
driving a roll pin through cam and shaft.

(K) ASSEMBLY 1-9-21

(All Alpine/Invader
5. Align hole in fixed pulley half with
and Valmont Models) holes in shaft. Position fixed pulley half
1. Install cam slider shoes on outer cam. on shaft and push using pusher until
hole in pulley half mates with second
2. Position outer cam on drive shaft ensur­
hole of drive shaft. Using a pin punch
ing that hole in cam aligns with holes in
and hammer, install larger roll pin and
then small roll pins.
3. Using an appropriate pusher, press down
6. Using an appropriate bearing pusher,
on outer cam until hole in cam mates
press bearing until it sits on fixed pulley
with third hole in shaft (fig. 1-9-20).
half hub (fig. 1-9-22).
Install larger roll pin then small roll pins
to lock outer cam in position.
Bearing Pusher - - - ­ ...5:1


Fixed Pulley
Half Hub

Outer Cam ------+'­

Align Holes

1-9-20 1-9-22

(L) INSTALLATION 6. On 15 inch track vehicles, bolt hand le­

(All Models except bar upper bracket in position.
Alpine/Invader and Valmont)
7. Check pulley alignment as detailed in
1. With the drive chain tension released, Paragraph (M), following.
position the bearing cone in the bearing
8. Install drive belt as described in sub­
cup. Hold upper sprocket with chain in
section 1-7.
position and insert assembled driven
pulley shaft through chain case and 9. Install pulley guard as detailed In sub­
sprocket (fig. 1-9-23). section 1-6.
10. Close or install cab.

(All Alpine/Invader

and Valmont Models)

1. Position drive shaft of assembled driven

pulley so that retainer washers align
with slots of gear box casing (fig. 1-9-24).

2. Install spring washer and castellated nut.
NOTE: Tighten castellated nut, then back
of nut 1/6 of a turn and lock in position
with cotter pin. It is imperative that nut
is backed off or damage may occur due
to a burned or seized bearing on drive
pulley shaft. 1-9-24
2. Place a clean cloth beneath drive shaft
3. On 1970 models apply drive chain ten­
and in gear box casing to prevent foreign
sion by rotating eccentric tensioner until
matter and/or removed components from
free play of 1/4 inch is obtained. Tighten falling into bottom of casing.
tensioner lock nut.
3. Connect drive chain using a double COIl­
NOTE: On 1971 models apply chain ten­ necting link.
sion by removing releaser tool from chain
case. NOTE: The locking cl ip should be installed
on opposite side of driven pulley.
4. Check chain case oil level, level off if
4. Position gear change fork in gear box
necessary. Install inspection cover.
cover so that it al igns with slot of
5. Install engine muffler. sliding gear in gear housing (fig. 1-9-25).

Ball Bushing


9. Secure bracket to gear box housing with

1-9-25 two (2) nuts. Tighten bolts and nuts se­
5. Apply a thin coat of L. 700 Crankcase curing upper retainer plate.
Glue on contact surface of gear box NOTE: On 197b Alpinell nvader models,
casing. the distance between the upper retainer
6, Install gear box cover and secure with plate and the gear box bracket must be
eight (8) nuts. Torque nutsto 250 inch­ 17-3/4 inches. On 1971 Alpine/Valmont
pounds following the sequence shown in models, the distance must be 15-1/2
figure 1-9-26. inches.

10. Connect throttle and brake cables and

housings at hand lebar.

11. Install drive belt as detailed In sub­

section 1-6.

5 6 12. Install muffler to engine.

13, Position spacer on drive shaft. On all

1971 models install spring washer. On all
vehicles install brake and bracket on
shaft with disc between brake shoes then
push bracket until it sits on bearing.

7. Hook up gear box rod and secure with 14. Install bolts and nuts securing brake and
spring, washer and cotter pin. bracket assembly to frame.

8. Lower steering column and insert ball 15. On 1970 models, install spring washer
bushing into steering arm. and washer.

NOTE: If d ifficu Ity is encou ntered, use 16. Using a pin punch and hammer, install
pliers to align column ball bushing and roll pin through disc and shaft (fig. 1-9­
steering arm (fig. 1-9-27). 28).

should be 2-1/4 inch on dipstick. On

640 models, oil level should be 3-1/4
inch (fig. 1-9-29). Replenish, if required,
with Ski-Doo Chain Case Oil. Install
inspection cover and vent plug.

21. Install pulley guard as detailed In sub­

section 1-6 and install cab.


17. Install pulley guard holder.

18. Remove capscrew and lock washer lock­
ing gear box tensioner. Remove inspec­
tion cover.
19. Adjust drive chain tension to obtain 1/4
inch free play maximum by turning ten­
sioner clockwise or counterclockwise.
Secure tensioner in position with lock
washer and capscrew.
20. Check gear box oil level using a rigid
wire as dipstick. Oil level in 399 models



(All Models except
Adjuster Bar (Item 9)
Alpine/Invader and Valmont) I

Reduced vehicle performance (loss of en­

gine power) is often dueto misalignment of (i) On all 1970 vehicles except
drive and driven pulleys. Misalignment may T'NT 340, pulley offset must
also result in excessive drive belt wear. If be 1/2 inch towards engine side.
al ignment is suspect or if either one or (ii) On all ·1970 T'NT 340 models,
both pulleys have been removed from pulley offset must be 3/8 inch.
vehicle during any overhaul procedure, drive (iii) Pulley offset for all 1971 vehi­
and driven pulley alignment must be veri­ cles must be 1/2 ± 1/32 inch.
(g) Check that distance between drive
IMPORTANT and driven pulleys is as follows: (fig.
If pulley offset cannot be obtained through (fig. 1-9-31).
removal and/or installation of maximum
permissible quantity of chain case and/or
crankshaft shims, check frame, chain case
and chain case components for distortion
and damage. Replace damaged or distorted
component(s) .
1. Alignment Check
(a) Ti It or remove the cab.
(b) Remove pulley guard as detailed in
sub-section 1-6.
(c) Remove drive belt as detailed in sub­
section 1-7.

(d) Check tightness of engine mount (i) On all 1970 vehicles, pulley dis­
nuts. I\luts must be torqued to 400 tance must be 1-7/8 + 0 - 1/16
to 420 inch-pounds. inch.
(ii) On all 1971 models, pulley dis­
(e) Ensure the driven pulley halves are tance must be 1-7/8 ± 1/32 inch.
adjoined before checking pulley off­
set. 2. Alignment Offset Adjustment
(f) Using the appropriate adjuster bar (a) If offset between drive and driven
(item 8) check for correct offset of pulleys is GREATER than specifica­
pulleys as follows:(referfigure 1-9-30). tions adjust as follows:

(i) Remove drive pulley assembly (iii) Insert required thickness of

as detailed in sub-section 1-8. aligning shims between chain
(ii) Install required thickness of case and frame. Total quantity
aligning shims on crankshaft of shims must not exceed three
(fig. 1-9-32). (3) (fig. 1-9-34).
NOTE: Shims may be cut in half and
installed to correct a crooked chain


NOTE: Never install more than five

(5) shims on the crankshaft.
(iii) Install drive pulley assembly as
detailed in sub-section 1-8.
(b) If offset between drive and driven
pulleys is LESS than specifications
(iv) Tighten chain case "U" clamp
adjust as follows:
and lower bracket nuts. Verify
(i) Loosen nuts securing chain case
pulley distance is within speci­
"U" clamp and lower bracket
to frame.
(v) On all 1970 vehicles equipped
(ii) On 1970vehiclesequipped with
with 18 inch track, tighten bolts
18 inch track, loosen bo Its se­
securing footrest to chain case.
curing footrest to chain case
(fig. 1-9-33). 3. Alignment Distance Adjustment
(a) If distance between drive and driven
pulleys is not to specifications adjust
as follows:
(i) Loosen nuts securing chain case
"U" clamp and lower bracket
to frame.
(iil On 1970 vehicles equipped with
18 inch track, slacken bolts se­
curing footrest to chain case
(see fig. 1-9- 33).

(iii) If the distance is LESS, tighten method of attachment of the engine and
the nut on the special screw or gear box mountings, the distance between
hinge rod until distance is 1-7/8 the drive and driven pulleys is not ad­
inch between pulleys (fig. 1-9-35). justable. Therefore any distance misalign­
ment is due to loosening of engine and/
or gear box mounting attaching parts
and lor damage to a major component
sustained as a result of rough handling.
There is no pulley offset adjustment if
offset is less than specified tolerance
(1/2 ± 1/32 inch) due to the same tech­
nical reason mentioned above.
IMPORTANT: If distance between pulleys
or if offset is less than specifications,
inspect frame, gear box bottom plate
and engine mounts for wear, damage,
secureness of mounting,distortion and/or
1-9-35 missing parts. Repair or replace defective
NOTE: On Elan models, to increase part (s).
or decrease distance between pul­
leys tighten or loosen nut securing 2. Alignment Check
hinge at reinforcing cross support
of frame. (a) To check if offset between d rive and
driven pu Ileys is G REATE R than
(iv) If the distance is MORE, loosen specification (1/2 ± 1/32 inch), refer
the nut on the special screw or
to Paragraph (A), step 1 for pro­
hinge rod and gently tap the cedure.
chain case rearward to decrease
the distance. Retighten clamps.
3. Alignment Offset Adjustment
(b) After completing drive and driven
(a) If offset between drive pulleys is
pulley alignment check the following.
G REATE R than specification, adjust
(i) On 1970 models, ensure that
as follows:
free play of drive chain tension
(i) Remove drive pulley assembly
is 1/4 inch maximum.
as detailed in sub-section 1-8.
(ii) On 1970 and 1971 models,
(ii) Install required thickness of
check that brake applies fully
aligning shims on crankshaft.
when brake lever is 1/4 inch
from handlebar. NOTE: l\Jever install more than five (5)
(iii) Recheck pulley alignment. shims on crankshaft.
(iii) Install drive pulley assembly as
detailed in sub-section 1-8.
(iv) Check that brake applies fully
(All Alpine/Invader
when brake lever is 1/4 inch from
and Val mont Models)
hand lebar grip.
1. Due to the installation position and (v) Recheck pulley alignment.



1. There are three (3) types of brakes installed on Ski-Doo snowmobiles; pivot, drum and
disc type.
(a) Pivot: A mechanical pivoting arrangement consisting of a swivel plate and handle
plate secured to the chain case bracket. The swivel plate which incorporates the
brake lining, pivots to bear against the driven pulley when the brake cable is activated
thereby decreasing vehicle speed.

(b) Drum: A lever incorporating a brake shoe to which the brake lining is riveted. The
brake shoe lever is attached to the chain case bracket. Applying the hand lebar brake
lever causes the brake shoe and lining to come in contact with the drum (driven
pulley rim) effecting red uced speed.
(c) Disc: A disc plate and caliper brake shoe arrangement mounted on a bracket. The
disc is secured to and rotates with the driven pulley shaft during operation of the
vehicle. Activating the handlebar brake lever causes the caliper assembly to close
and bear against both sides of the disc resulting in vehicle slowdown.
Brake release is controlled by a spring either secured to the lever (handle plate) or incor­
porated on the brake cable.


\ 3

I 2

1. Handle Plate 4. Lining

2. Spring 5. Rivet
3. Swivel Plate 6. Cotter Pin



(All Elan Models)

1. Tilt cab and remove the console.

2. Remove the drive belt as detailed In
sub-section 1-7.
3. Disconnect the brake cable from the
handle plate. Remove nut securing hinge
rod to reinforcing cross support at frame
(fig. 1-10-1).



4. Remove "U" clamp securing chain case

and remove aligning shims. Loosen nut
attaching chain case lower bracket to
5. Disengage hinge rod from cross support
by pulling chain case towards drive
DRUM TYPE BRAKE 6. Remove nut securing hinge rod to chain
case bracket. Remove hinge rod, spring
and brake mechanism (fig. 1-10-2).



(C) DISASSEIVIBL Y NOTE: If lining is oil-soaked, check chain

1. Remove and discard the cotter pin se­ case oil seal for correct installation
curing hand Ie plate to swivel plate. position. Wipe off oil from pulley.

2. Using a 11/64 inch dia drill, remove 4. Check brake spring for weakness and/or
the rivets attaching lining to swivel distortion. Replace defective spring.
plate (fig. 1-10-3).
1. Prior to Assembly procedure, ensure all
components are clean and all defective
parts have been repaired or replaced.

2. Using center and flat head punches and

a hammer, secure the Iining to the swivel
plate using appropriate rivets (fig.1-10-4).
Secure rivets using a flat head punch.

1. Clean grease and dirt from hinge rod,
hand Ie and swivel plates and spring using
a firm bristle brush.

2. If paint has been removed, apply a new

coat using appropriate Ski-Doo Paint.

1. Visually inspect hinge rod, swivel and
3. Position the swivel plate on the handle
handle plates for wear or distortion. Re­
plate and secure the un it using a new
place defective cornponentts).
cotter pin.
2. Inspect the hinge rod for stripped,
crossed or otherwise damaged threads. (G) INSTALLATION
Replace damaged rod.
1. Place the spring into handle plate with
3. Inspect brake Iining for wear and oi 1­ the long wire end beneath the cotter pin.
soakage. Rivet heads must be embedded Hold the spring in location and position
below upper surface of lining. Replace the hand Ie plate into chain case bracket.
worn or oil-soaked lining. Insert hooked end of hinge rod through

bracket, loops of spring and handle plate. 5. Connect brake cable to hand Ie plate and
Secure rod to chain case bracket with adjust cable length until brake applies
nut (fig. 1-10-5). fully with brake lever is 1/4 inch from
handlebar (fig. 1-10-6).

2. Pull the chain case forward until free
end of hinge rod passes through appro­
priate hole in reinforcing cross support
of frame. Install and finger tighten nut
on rod end.
3. Install chain case HU" clamp and pre­
viously removed aligning shims. 6. Install drive belt asdetailed in sub-section
4. Check pulley alignment as detailed In
sub-section 1-9. 7. Install console and close cab.

1-10-2 BRAKE
(All T'NT, Olympique
and Nordic Models)

1. Brake Lever
2. Nut
3. Bolt 11
4. Cable Lock Bracket
5. Bolt /­
6. Nut 12
7. Bolt
8. Lug Spacer (2)
9. Nut
10. Brake Shoe
11. Lining
12. Rivet (3)
13. Brake Lever Spring 3


(A) REMOVAL 5. On 1970 models, remove nut and bolt

attaching brake lever to chain case brac­
1. Tilt or remove cab.
ket. Remove brake mechanism from
2. Remove pulley guard as detailed in sub­ vehicle.
section 1-6.
6. On 1971 models, carry out the following:
3. On 1971 models, remove drive belt as (a) Remove inspection cover. I nsert chain
detailed in sub-section 1-7. tension releaser tool (item 2), (fig.
1-10-8) .
4. Disconnect brake lever spring. Remove
nut, screw, cable lock bracket securing
brake cable to brake lever (fig. 1-10-7).

1-10-7 110-8

(b) Remove cotter pin, castellated nut 2. Using a 11/64 inch dia drill, remove the
and washer securing upper sprocket rivets attaching lining to brake shoe (fig.
to driven pulley shaft. Push driven 1-1 0-11 ).
pulley shaft inwards until shaft end
is flush with outer flange of upper
sprocket (fig. 1-10-9).

11/64" Drill

1. Clean grease and dirt from all compo­
nents (except brake lining) using a firm
bristle brush.
2. If paint has been removed apply a new
(c) Remove bolt and nut securing brake coat using appropriate Ski-Doo Paint.
lever to chain case bracket. Remove
brake mechanism from vehicle (fig. (D) INSPECTION
1. Visually inspect brake lining for wear.
Rivet heads must be embedded below
upper surface of lining. Replace worn

NOTE: If lining is oil-soaked, check chain

case oil seal for correct installation posi­
tion. Wipe off oil from pulley.
2. Visually inspect all other components for
wear or damage. Replace as necessary.

1. Prior to Assembly procedure, ensure all
components are clean and all defective
parts have been repaired or replaced.
2. Place the brake lining on the brake shoe.
Using a center punch and hammer secure
1. Remove brake shoe from brake lever by lining using appropriate rivets (fig. 1-10­
removing nut, lug spacers and screw. 12). Secure rivets using aflat head punch.

NOTE: Avoid getting oil on brake shoe.

3. On 1971 models, push the driven pulley

shaft through chain case sprocket. Install
washer and castellated nut. Remove
chain tension releaser tool (item 2) from
chain case.

NOTE: Tighten castellated nut fully then

back off nut 1/6 of a turn and install
new cotter pin. It is imperative that nut
is backed off or damage may occur due
to a burned or seized bearing on driven
pulley shaft.

, -'0-' 2 4. Connect brake cable between cable lock

3. Secure the shoe assembly to the brake bracket and brake lever. Adjust brake
lever using a nut, screw and lug spacers cable so that brake applies fully when
(fig. 1-10-13). hand lever is 1/4 inch from handlebar.
Tighten cable attaching nut (fig. 1-10-14).

Brake Lever Lug Spacers

4. Position cable lock bracket on the brake
lever and install screw and nut. Tighten , /4" from handlebar

nut finger tight.

1. Attach the brake lever to the chain case
bracket using a nut and bo It. Tighten '-'0-'4
5. On 1971 models, install drive belt as
nut until lever pivots freely but all side
detailed in sub-section 1-7.
play is eliminated. Hook the brake lever
spring into position. 6. Install pulley guard as detailed In sub­
section 1-6.
2. Using light machine oil, lubricate all
moving metal parts of brake. 7. Install or close cab.

1-10-3 BRAKE 6. On 1970 models, remove washer, spring

(All Alpine/Invader washer, disc and spacer.
and Valmont Models)
7. On 1971 models, remove disc, spring
(A) REMOVAL washer and spacer.

1. Remove cab. Remove pulley guard as (B) DISASSEMBLY

detailed in sub-section 1-6.
1. Remove puck (brake lining), puck plate
and pin pushers from outer half of disc
2. Disconnect brake cable from disc brake
unit (fig. 1-10-17).
unit and frame by removing nut, washer
and cable lock bracket. Remove spring
from cable.
Cable Ferru Ie

3. Remove bolts securing pu lley guard hold­

er to brake bracket.

4. Brace driven pulley shaft by positioning

a locally manufactured block (5-3/8 x
3 x 1 inches) under assembly. Using a
hammer and pin punch, remove roll pin
locking disc in position (fig. 1-10-15). Puck Plate

NOTE: Do not remove glued puck from
inner half unless damaged or worn, and
replacement is necessary.
2. Remove brake cable ferru Ie and nut.

1. Clean dirt and grease from all compo­
nents using a firm bristle brush and a
clean cloth. If paint has been removed,
5. Remove nuts and through bolts securing apply a new coat using appropriate Ski­
brake unit to support and remove spacers Doo Paint.
and disc brake unit halves (fig. 1-10-16).
1. Check disc pucks (installed or removed)
for damage or wear.
2. Check brake lever spring for weakness
and/or distortion. Replace defective
spn ng.
3. Inspect all threaded parts for stripped,
crossed or otherwise damaged threads.

4. Visually check all other components for

wear and/or damage. Replace defective
part (s).

1. Prior to Assembly procedure, ensure all
parts are clean and all defective compo­
nents have been repaired or replaced.
2. On 1970 models, install spacer, disc,
spring washer and washer on driven pul­
ley shaft.
3. On 1971 models, install spacer, spring
washer and disc.
11. Insert brake housing through ferrule
4. Using a pin punch and hammer install then install cable spring and adjust and
roll pin securing the installed compo­ secure brake cable to frame.
nents to shaft. NOTE: The brake hand hand Ie must be
5. Position the pulley guard holder in loca­ 1/4 inch from handlebar when fully
tion and secure using bolts and nuts. applied (fig. 1-10-19).
6. Secure brake cable ferrule with nut to
lever of outer half.
7. Install the two (2) pin pushers in loca­
tion with the round end facing towards
lever of outer half. Position puck plate
and place puck into outer half.
8. Align inner and outer halves in location.
Insert the through bolts with spacers.
Secure with spacers and nuts.
9. Remove cotter pin from castellated nut
on disc unit.
10. Check free play. If pucks are too far
from disc, tighten castellated nut until a
disc/puck friction is felt (fig. 1-10-18). 1-10-19

Back off nut 1/6 of a turn. Install new 12. Install pulley guard as detailed in sub­
cotter pin. section 1-6. Install cab.



(All Models except
Alpine/Invader and Valmont)

The chain case mechanism of the Sk i-Doo snowmobile is connected to the driven pulley
shaft and drive axle. Incorporate within the case are upper and lower sprockets, a drive
chain and a chain tensioner(s). On 1970 models, chain tension is controlled by an eccentric
tensioner while chain tension on 1971 models is automatically applied by tensioner(s). Oil
contained within the case lubricates the chain and lower components. Chain rotation acts
as an oil conveyor to lubricate the upper sprocket and bearings.


t Chain C,'"
2. Upper Sprocket
3. Washer

4. Castellated Nut
5. Cotter Pin

/ I

6. Inspection Cover 5
7. Bearing Cone (2)
8. Eccentric Tensioner (with Cups)
9. Bearing Cup (2) 28
10. Oil Retainer Ring
11. "0" Ring 32
12. Oil Seal
13. Bolt
14. Nut
15. Washer
16. Segment 20
17. Aligning Shim
18. Hinge Rod
19. Nut
20. Bolt 25. Drive Chain 30. I\J ut
21. Nut 26. Cotter Pin 31. Bolt
22. Inspection Plug 27. Access Plug 32. Nut
23. Spacer' (2) 28. "U" Clamp 33. Lower Bracket
24. Lower Sprocket 29. Washer 34. Nut


1-11-02 CHAIN CASE

1. Chain Case
2. Chain Tensioner ls]
3. Nut
4. Fibre Washer (2)
5. Bushing
6. Spring
7. Screw
8. Bearing Cup (2)
9. Oil Retainer Ring
10. Bearing Cone (2)
12. Upper Sprocket
13. Washer
14. Castellated Nut 22

15. Cotter Pin
16. Inspection Cover 2
17. Spacer (2)
18. Lower Sprocket
19. Drive Chain
20. Cotter Pin
21. Access Plug
22. Aligning Shim
23. Inspection Plug
24. Special Screw
25. Nut
26. "U" Clamp
27. Washer
28. Nut
29. Lower Bracket
30. Washer
31. Nut


(8) REMOVAL (b) Using a soft faced hammer, gently

knock the tensioner bolt counter­
1. Ti It or remove the cab.
clockwise (fig. 1-11-1).
2. Remove pulley guard as detailed in sub­
section 1-6.
3. On E Ian models, remove console as de­
tailed in Section 4.

4. Remove drive belt as described in sub­

section 1-7. Remove inspection plug.
5. On 1970 models, release drive chain
tension as follows:

(a) Partially unscrew the tensioner lock


CHAIN CASE 1-11-03

NOTE: On 1971 models, drive chain ten­ track, remove footrest secured to the
sion is released by inserting tension re­ frame and chain case (fig. 1-11-4).
leaser tool (item 2). (fig. 1-11-2).


12. Pry out the lower access plug. Remove

cotter pin lock ing lower sprocket and
remove spacer (fig. 1-11-5).


6. Raise and block rear of veh icle off the


7. Using special lever (item 1), release track

tension by unhooking link plate springs.

8. On 1970 Nordic and TNT models, prior

to unhook ing the Iink plate springs, re­
move the reinforcing cross shaft by re­
moving capscrews and star washers secur­ 1115

ing shaft to frame. 13. Remove nut on special screw (hinge rod)
at chain case bracket (fig. 1-11-6).
9. Position a catch pan beneath the chain
case. With a small screwdriver, pry out NOTE: On Elan models, remove nut se­
oil seal from chain case and drain oil curing hinge rod to reinforcing cross
into catch pan (fig. 1-11-3). support.


10. Disconnect brake cable and housing at

brake lever.

11. On 1970 models equipped with 18 inch

1-11-04 CHAIN CASE

14. From the inner side of frame, remove the 2. Pu II the driven pu Iley assemb ly from the
nut securing chain case lower bracket chain case and lay chain case on a
and remove the bracket. worktable.

15. Remove nuts, washers and "U" clamp 3. Spread drive chain around inside of chain
holding the chain case to the frame. Re­ case and while restraining chain at ac­
move the chain case shim(s) if installed. cess port, tilt chain case to remove the
Unhook brake lever spring. Move chain upper sprocket, bearing cone and lower
case towards drive pulley to disengage sprocket through inspection port (fig.
special screw (hinge rod) (fig. 1-11-7). 1-11 -9) .

Drive Chain

16. Using two (2) large screwdrivers, inserted
between chain case and frame, pry the
Upper Sprocket
complete assembly from veh icle (fig.
1-11 -8) . 1-11-9

I\JOTE: On 1971 models, remove cha in 4. Pull the drive chain towards the inspec­
tension releaser tool (item 2) from chain tion port and remove the chain from the
case. chain case.
5. Remove the chain tensioner bolt assem­
bly from the eccentric tensioner. The
bolt assembly consists of a bolt, nut,
washer and segment.
6. Using your thumbs, carefully push the
eccentric tensioner through the back of
the chain case (fig. 1-11-10). Exercise
care not to damage "0" ring while re­
moving tensioner assembly.
I\JOTE: Do not disassemble eccentric ten­
(C) DISASSEIVIBL Y (All 1970 Models)
sioner, unless components show signs of
Remove cotter pin, castellated nut and damage or wear. If required to dis­
spring washer from driven pulley shaft. assemble, refer to Paragraph (D).

4. Using a pin punch, remove tensioner(s)

Eccentric Tans.one:
spring by pushing on one side of sleeve.
Remove spring and sleeve (fig. 1-11-12).

Pin Punch
"0" Ring


1. With a suitable tool, remove the oil seal
S lee ve ---'------o! IP'
from tensioner.
2. Remove the rear bearing cone. 5. Spread drive chain around inside of chain
3. Should the bearing cups and/or oil re­ case and while restraining chain at ins­
tainer ring show signs of damage, remove pection port, tilt chain case so that upper
cups from the tensioner using a drive sprocket, bearing cone and lower sproc­
punch and a hammer. Remove oil re­ ket can be removed through inspection
port (see fig. 1-11-9).
tainer ring.
6. Pull the drive chain towards the inspec­
(E) OISASSEMBL V (All 1971 Models) tion port and remove the chain from the
1. Remove cotter pin, castellated nut and chain case.
spring washer from driven pulley shaft.
NOTE: Do not remove bearing seal, bear­
2. Pull the driven pulley assembly from the ing cone, bearing cups or oil retainer
chain case and lay case on a worktable. ring unless damaged, and replacement is
necessary. If required, remove and dis­
3. Remove bolt(s), fiber washers and nut(s)
card bearing seal. Remove bearing cones,
securing chain tensioner(s) located within
bearing cups and oil retainer ring. To re­
the chain case. Remove tensioner(s)
move cups, use a pin punch and a soft
(fig. 1-11 -11 ) .
faced hammer.
NOTE: On Elan models, there is only one
(1) tensioner installed in chain case. (F) CLEANING

1. Clean grease and dirt from tensioner(s)

with a clean cloth.

CAUTION: Do not use cleaning solvent on

tensioner(s) as it may damage the com­
ponentf s).

Fiber 2. Clean grease and dirt from sprockets in a

/(!}",/f separate container of cleaning solution.
Nut ~! Use of a separate container is to prevent
damage to sprocket teeth. Dry with com­
pressed air or a clean cloth.
1-11-06 CHAIN CASE

3. To clean bearing(s) and chain, remove stalled) for secureness of mounting (e.g.
grease and dirt using a soft paint brush. pitted or missing roller bearings), free­
Immerse bearing(s) and chain in a clean dom of movement and radial free play.
container of cleaning solution. Dry with Replace defective bearing conetsl.
a clean cloth and lubricate the compo­
6. Inspect all threaded parts for stripped,
nents by dipping in a clean engine Ski­
crossed or otherwise damaged threads.
Doo Oil.
Replace damaged component(s).
4. Remove dirt and grease from interior
of chain case with a clean cloth. Ensure
7. Visually check all other components for
signs of wear, cracks and other possible
that interior is completely dried out
damage. Replace damaged partlsl.
prior to Assembly procedure.
WARNING: When cleaning chain case, re­ (H) ASSEMBLY (All 1970 Models)
move brake shoe from chain case bracket
to prevent cleaning solvent from coming 1. Prior to Assembly procedure, ensure all
into co ntact with b rake shoe and lin ing. components are clean and all defective
parts have been repaired or replaced. If
5. Place all other components in a container chain case required cleaning, install brake
of cleaning solvent. Remove rust or any shoe lever to chain case bracket.
other deposits using a firm bristle brush.
2. Stretch "0" ring over eccentr ic tensioner
Dry using a clean cloth. If paint has
and install in correct "0" ring groove.
been removed, apply a new coat using
Position tensioner assembly so that cen­
appropriate Ski-Doo Paint.
ter hole in tensioner aligns with middle
(G) INSPECTION of chain case slot (fig. 1-11-13).

1. Visually inspect chain for cracked, da­ NOTE: If eccentric tensioner has been d is­
maged or missing link rollers. Replace assembled, assemble as detailed in Para­
defective chain. graph (J).

2. On 1970 models, inspect eccentric ten­

sioner assembly for defective oil seal,
bearing cones, bearing cups, oil retainer
ring and "0" ring. Disassemble, if re­
quired, and replace defective compo­
nent(s). Refer to Paragraph (D).
3. On 1971 models, inspect for defective
oil seal, bearing cones, bearing cups and
oil retainer ring. Remove damaged com­
ponent(s) from chain case, refer to Para­
graph (E), NOTE of step 6.

4. Visually inspect sprockets for damaged

or worn teeth, or distortion. If damage 1-11-13

is evident, replace sprocketts). 3. Apply a light coat of low temperature

grease on eccentric tensioner. Insert ten­
5. Inspect bearing cones (removed or In- sioner into chain case until holes align
CHAIN CASE 1-11-07

with chain case slot. Ensure that "0" (J) ASSEIVIBLY

ring is not damaged when passed at slot OF ECCENTRIC TENSIONER
or rolls during installation. (All 1970 Models)

4. Place and position chain around inside 1. On long side of "0" ring groove position
of chain case. Place lower sprocket (with oil retainer ring with concave side of ring
longer flange towards inside of case) seated on shoulder within the tensioner.
through inspection port and hold ing Sit bearing cup in tensioner aperture.
chain, tilt case until sprocket slides down Cup must be seated so that wider taper
to its installation position (fig. 1-11-14). end is facing oil retainer ring (fig. 1-11-15).

8 -_1 Long Side of "0" Ring

Beall ng Cup
on Retainer Ring

Spro ck et


2. Using an appropriate bearing pusher,

Longer Flange gently press down on cup until it is
seated on oil retainer ring (fig. 1-11-16).

5. Install bearing cone and position upper
sprocket (longer flange towards inside
of case) and drive chain in place.

6. Hold ing chain and upper sprocket in

position, insert driven pulley shaft
through eccentric tensioner and sprocket.
Install spring washer and castellated nut.

NOTE: Tighten castellated nut fully then

back off 1/6 of a turn and lock in posi­
tion with a cotter pin. It is imperative
that nut is backed off or damage may
occur due to a burned or seized bearing 111-16

cone on driven pulley shaft. 3. Install second bearing cup into aperture
in tensioner using procedure detailed in
7. Install tensioner bolt assemb Iy through
step 2, above.
slot of chain case and into center hole
of eccentric tensioner. Do not tighten 4. On side of oil retainer ring, position
bolt assembly. a bearing cone into bearing cup.
1-11-08 CHAIN CASE

5. Position oil seal (Lip facing inside of ten­ (d) On opposite side of oil retainer side
sioner) over bearing cone. Using an ap­ position a bearing cone into bearing
propriate pusher, gently press oi I seal cup.
down u nti I it is seated fl ush with edge of
tensioner. (e) Using an appropriate pusher, press a
new oil seal into the chain case hub.
(K) ASSEMBLY (1971 Models only) Oil seal must sit flush with case hub
edge (fig. 1-11-18).
1. Prior to Assembly procedure, ensure all
components are clean and all defective
.........-- Pusher

parts have been repaired or replaced. If

chain case required cleaning, install brake
shoe lever to chain case bracket.

NOTE: If bearing cup(s) and oil retainer

ring has been removed and replacement
is necessary use the following procedure.

(a) Position oil retainer ring with con­

cave side of ring seated on shoulder
within the chain case. Sit bearing
cup in chain case aperture. Cup must 1-11-18
be seated so that wider taper end IS 2. Install and spread drive chain around
facing retainer ring (fig. 1-11-17). inside of case and place lower sprocket
(with longer flange towards inside of
case) through inspection port. Holding
chain, tilt case until sprocket slides down
Oil Retainer Ring
to its installation position (See fig. 1-11­
14) .
3. Install spring and sleeve into chain ten­

4. Insert tensioner (s) into cha in case and

secure with boltts), fiber washers and
nut(s). Tensioner must be installed with
spring end seated against side of chain

5. Install bearing cone and posrtion upper

sprocket (longer flange towards inside
of case) and drive chain in place.
(b) Using an appropriate bearing pusher, 6. Hold ing chain and upper sprocket in po­
push bearing cup into chain case until sition, insert driven pulley shaft through
it is seated on oil retainer ring. chain case and sprocket. Install spring
washer and castellated nut.
(c) Install second bearing cup into oppo­
site aperture in chain case using pro­ NOTE: Tighten castellated nut fully then
cedure detailed in step (b), above. back off 1/6 of a turn and lock in posi­
CHAIN CASE 1-11-09

tion with a cotter pin. It is imperative NOTE: A gap of approximately 1/16 inch
that nut is backed off or damage may should exist between the end chain case
occur due to a burned or seized bearing flange and oil seal (fig. 1-11-20).
cone on driven pulley shaft.
7. Install chain tension releaser tool (item
2) into chain case.
1. With rear of vehicle off the ground and - .........1....­ 1/16"
appr o x

prior to installing chain case, ensure that

spacer has remained on drive axle (fig.



8. Carry out pulley alignment as detailed

on page 1-9-11.

9. On 1970 models, adjust drive chain ten­

sion to 1/4 inch free rnaxirnu rn play and
tighten tensioner lock nut (fig. 1-11-21.)
1·11-19 NOTE: On 1971 models, remove chain
NOTE: The spacer is not installed on Elan tension releaser tool (item 2), from chain
models. case.
2. Position assembled chain case and driven
pulley over drive axle. Ensure that chain
case lower sprocket is properly engaged
with axle splines. Push chain case onto

3. Install spacer and cotter pin to secure

lower sprocket to axle.

4. I nstall lower access plug.

5. Install special screw (hinge rod).

6. Install lower bracket, "U" clamp and
10. On 1970 models equipped with 18 inch
previously removed al ign i ng shirns.
track, install footrest and secure to frame
NOTE: Do not fully tighten attaching parts and chain case.
prior to carrying out pulley alignment.
11. Pour 8-ounces of Ski-Doo Chain Case Oil
7. Install oil seal into chain case flange. into chain case. Install inspection cover.
1-11-10 CHAII\I CASE

12. Connect brake cable and housing to brake cure reinforcing cross shaft to frame
lever and chain case. Connect brake using star washers and capscrews.
lever spring.
16. Install drive belt as detailed in sub­
NOTE: Brake lever spring is not installed
section 1-7.
on E Ian models.
17. Install pulley guard as detailed in sub­
13. On 1970 models, check brake adjustment
section 1-6.
as described in sub-section 1-10.
18. On Elan models, install console as des­
14. Using special lever (item 1), apply track
cribed in Section 4.
tension by hooking link plate spring In
spring anchors. 19. Close or install cab.

15. On 1970 Nordic and TNT models, se­ 20. Set vehicle on the ground.



(All Alpine/Invader
and Valmont Models)

All Alpine/Invader and Valmont models are equipped with a gear box. Engine power
transmitted to the driven pulley is equally transmitted to the gear box because of the com­
mon shaft passing through both assembl ies. The method of interconnection and operation
of the components of the gear box enables forward and reverse movement of the vehicle.

The gear box consists of an upper and lower housing each incorporating various cornpo- _
nents which mesh together to permit forward or reverse vehicle motion. The upper
housing (cover) incorporates a gear change lever, a gear change fork and an index rod.
The gear change fork incorporates a spring-loaded ball which engages in one of three
grooves of the index rod. The major components of the lower housing are a drive shaft
assembly, a lay shaft assembly a tensioner axle and a lower sprocket wh ich are intercon-

nected via a drive chain. The drive chain is seated on individual sprockets of each assembly.

Positioning of the controlling transmission rod selects one three of operating posrtions
of the gear box; Forward, Neutral or Reverse. The rotating direction of the chain entrain­
ment is determined through the position of a slid ing gear installed on the drive shaft. The
position and engagement of the sliding gear is controlled by the gear change fork lever
incorporated on the index rod of the upper housing (cover). Each groove in the index rod
represents an operating direction of the vehicle, e.g. Forward, Neutral or Reverse.

Forward: the sliding gear is slid along the drive shaft to become interlocked with the
drive notches of the sprocket.
Neutral: The sliding gear is positioned midway between the shift sprocket and the lay
shaft gear.

Reverse: The sliding gear is slid to the extrem ity of the drive shaft and becomes engaged
with the teeth of the lay shaft gear.
Drive chain tension is controlled through the eccentricity of the tensioner axle.

1-12-02 GEAR BOX

®--- 52

I .


1. Lower Housing Assembly 18. Groove Ring 36. Capscrew

2. Stud 19. Oil Seal 37. "0" Ring
3. Upper Housing 20. Lay Shaft Gear 38. Index Rod
(Gear Box Cover) 21. Need Ie Cage 39. Ball
4. Oil Seal 22. Shim 40. Spring
5. Ball Bearing 23. Shim 41.Shim
6. Groove Ring 24. Distance Sleeve 42. Gear Change Shaft
7. Shim 25. Lay Axle 43. Gear Change Fork
8. Sliding Gear 26. Dowel Tube 44. Gear Change Lever
9. Drive Shaft 27. Circlip 45. Washer
10. Washer 28. Washer 46. Lock Nut
11. Shift Sprocket 29. I\leedle Cage 47. Shim
12. Needle Cage 30. Tensioner Sprocket 48. Vent Plug
13. Shim 31. Washer 49. Stud
14. Shim 32. Circlip 50. Lock Washer
15. Distance Sleeve 33. "0" Ring 51. Nut
16. Circlip 34. Tensioner Axle 52. Nut
17. BaII Bearin g 35. Washer 53. Drive Chain


GEAR BOX 1-12-03

1. Remove cab. Remove console on Val­
mont models. Lift and block veh icle
off the ground.
2. Remove pulley guard as detailed in sub­
section 1-6.
3. Remove drive belt as detailed In sub­
section 1-7.
4. Remove muffler from engine.

5. Disconnect the brake and throttle cables

and housings from levers at handle bar. 1-12-2

9. Pry the inspection cover from gear box.

6. Disconnect the transmission rod from
the gear change lever by removing a 10. Remove the drive chain tensioner cap­
cotter pin, spring and washer (fig. 1-12-1). screw and washer and rotate tensioner
plate to obtain maximum chain slackness.
NOTE: On all 1970 Alpine/Invader mo­
dels, pull the transmission rod rearward 11. Using special lever (item 1), unhook link
to permit removal of gear box from plate springs to release track tension.
vehicle. On 1971 Alpine/Valmont mo­ Insert a pry bar between structural mem­
dels, lift disconnected end of rod upward. bers of center(s) bogie wheel set and pry
/ Tr ansrrussio n Rod set upward to reversed installation posi­
tion (fig. 1-12-3). Reverse remaining
bogie wheel sets.

7. Disconnect the brake cable housing from
the brake lever ferrule located at the 1-12-3

disc brake mechanism. 12. Remove the rear hubs as detailed in sub­
8. Remove nuts securing lower bracket to section 1-4.
the gear box cover. Slacken the upper 13. SIightly tilt vehicle either on left or
retainer plate bolts and nuts (fig. 1-12-2) right side and place a catch pan directly
and pull the steering column rearward beneath lowest end bearing housing oil
out of gear box area. seal.
1-12-04 GEAR BOX

14. With a small screwdriver, pry out oil seal (C) DISASSEMBLY
from lowest end bearing housing and
1. Remove gear box lower sprocket from
drain gear box oil. Remove remaining oil
the drive chain.
seals from end bearing housing and
center frame. 2. Remove the eight (8) nuts securing the
15. Remove the three (3) capscrews securing upper housing (cover) to lower housing
assembly (fig. 1-12-6).
each end bearing housing to frame. With
two (2) screwd rivers inserted between
the housing and frame, pry out housings
(fig. 1-12-4).

Lower Housing

1-12-4 3. To loosen the bonding between the upper
16. Release drive axle sprocket teeth from housing and lower housing, tap the
track notches while at the same time housing with a soft faced hammer and
pulling the drive axle towards end bear­ lift the cover free.
ing side of frame. This action will dis­
engage the axle splines from the lower 4. To disassemble the upper housing (cover),
use the fo llowing proced ure:
sprocket of the gear box. Allow drive
(a) Hold one end of the index rod with
axles to remain with in the track area.
a screwdriver and remove the nut
17. Remove the six (6) nuts securing the from the rod (fig. 1-12-7).
gear box to frame. Remove gear box and
gasket (fig. 1-12-5) .

NOTE: On all 1970 models, remove bot­

tom plate and gasket.

(b) Unscrew the index rod from the
housing. Using a pin punch, drive the
rod through the gear change fork
unti I the threaded portion of the rod
is approximately 1/4" into the fork.
GEAR BOX 1-12-05

Firmly hold the fork and carefully 5. Lift the drive chain from the sprocket
pull the rod from the fork and and remove the drive shaft assembly
housing (fig. 1-12-8). from the lower housing (fig. 1-12-10)

WARNING: The gear change fork incor­

porates a spring-loaded ball. Ensure that
spring and ball do not fly out during re­
moval of index rod. Remove "a" ring
D rive Shaft
from rod.

, Lower Housing


5 6. To disassemble the drive shaft assembly

use the following procedure:
1.Spring (a) Remove brake and bracket assembly
2. Ball
3. Drive Punch (refer to sub-section 1-10) and driven
4. Gear Change
Fork pulley (refer to sub-section 1-9).
5. Index Rod
(b) Removetheoil seal, ball bearingwith
groove ring, shim(s) and sliding gear
(C) Remove the nut, washer, gear change
from splined end of shaft (fig. 1-12­
shaft assembly and shim(s). Pull the
11). Remove groove ring from bear­
gear change shaft assembIy from the
housing cover. Remove the vent plug
(fig. 1-12-9). 1. Oil Seal
2. Bearing
3. Groove Ring
1. Nut 4. Shims
2. Washer 5. Sliding Gear
3. Gear Change Lever 6. D rive Shaft
4. Shim
5. Gear Change Shaft
6. Vent Plug


(c) Remove the oil seal, and groove ring

\5 from the driven pulley side of shaft.
Remove groove ring from bearing
(see fig. 1-12-12).
1-12-06 GEAR BOX

(d) Using an appropriate bearing puller, 7. Lift the drive chain and remove the lay
remove the bearing from the driven shaft from the lower housing. Disassem­
pulley side of shaft (fig. 1-12-12l. ble the lay shaft by removing shims,
needle cage, gear assembly, needle cage,
NOTE: The bearing must always be pulled
shims and distance sleeve from lay axle
by the inner race.
(fig. 1-12-14). Remove the drive chain.

1. Puller NOTE: Do not remove the dowel tube

2. Bearing
3. Drive Shaft from lay axle unless damaged and replace­
4. Oil Seal ment is necessary.
5. Groove Ring

1. Shims
2. Needle Cage
3. Gear Assembly
4. Needle Cage
5. Shim
6. Distance Sleeve
7. Lay AXle
8. Dowel Tube

(e) Using needle pliers, remove a circlip ;
from d rive shaft. Remove the distance lV' ,.
l \
2 4 5 7
sleeve, shims, needle cage, shift 6

sprocket and washer from the shaft

(fig. 1-12-13). 8. Using needle pliers, unlock two (2) cir­
clips on the tensioner axle assembly
(fig. 1-12-15).
7 4
1 Drive Shaft

II ~~
2.Circtip \

3. Distance Sleeve
4. Shims
5. Needle Cage
6 Sh itt Sprocket
1M Needle Pliers

7 Washer

Crrcl ip

9. Partially withdraw tensioner axle. Re­
move cird ip, washer, tensioner sprocket,
needle cage, washer and circlip. Pull the
GEAR BOX 1-12-07

axle from the lower housing and remove

5. Clean drive chain with a soft paint brush
the "0" ring from the axle of the ten­ and lubricate in clean engine Ski-Doo oil.
sioner (fig. 1-12-16).
6. Clean dirt deposits from oil seals with a
NOTE: Do not unscrew studs from lower
clean cloth.
housing unless damaged, and replacement
IS necessary. CAUTION: Do not use cleaning solvent on
oil seals as it may permanently damage
the part(s).

7. Place all other components in a container

of cleaning solvent. Remove rust or any
other deposits using a firm bristle brush.

19 2
4 ~~~
5 6 7 8
Dry using a clean cloth.

1. Check general condition of chain linkage.
Visually inspect drive chain for cracked,
1. Circlip 5. Washer damaged or missing link rollers. Inspect
2. Washer 6. Circlip secureness of riveted heads of double link
3. Tensioner Sprocket 7."O"Ring
4. Needle Cage 8. Axle pins or single pins.
1-12·16 2. Visually inspect oil seals for cuts or other
(D) CLEANING damage. Inspect oil seal spring. If spring
1. Immerse each gear and sprocket into a is damaged or stretched, it must be re­
container of cleaning solvent. Dry using placed. Replace defective oil sealis).
compressed air.
Inspect sprockets and gears for damage
2. Remove dirt and grease from interior and or worn teeth, or spline distortion. If da­
exterior surfaces of upper and lower maged, replace defective component(s).
housings using a firm bristle brush. En­
4. Inspect general condition of all bearings
sure that interiors are completely dried
(e.g. pitted or missing roller bearings),
out prior to Assembly proced ure.
freedom of movement and radial free
3. Remove rust formation or dirt on driven play. Replace defective bearing(s).
pu lIey shaft using fine steel woo I. Wipe
shaft using a clean dry cloth. 5. Inspect drive shaft for deflection, worn or
twisted splines. If splines are damaged
4. To clean bearings, remove grease and drive shaft must be replaced.
dirt using a soft paint brush. Immerse
6. Inspect all threaded parts for stripped,
all bearings in a clean container of clean­
crossed or otherwise damaged threads.
ing solution. Dry with a clean cloth and
Replace damaged partts).
lubricate all bearings by dipping in clean
engine Ski-Doo oil. 7. Visually inspect all other components
1-12-08 GEAR BOX

for signs of wear, cracks and other pos­

sible damage. Replace defective partts),

1. Prior to assembly procedure, ensure all
components are clean and all damaged
parts have been repaired or replaced.

2. To assemble and install the tensioner axle

in the lower housing use the following
(a) Position a new "a" ring into appro­
priate groove in tensioner axle. Slide (d) Pull the sprocket towards tensioner
a circlip and washer on the axle (fig. plate of axle and at the same time,
1-12-17). push the axle into correct location
NOTE: Do not seat the circlip into its within housing.This pull/push action
notch at th is time. will properly seat the axle in position
and the circlip into the axle notch.
(e) Place the sprocket washer on rim of
eccentric portion of sprocket and
position the second circl ip into the
Tensioner Axle
3. To assemble and install the lay gear into
the lower housing use the fo llowing pro­
NOTE: If the dowel tube has been removed
from the lay axle, install the tube into
axle using a soft faced hammer.
(a) Slidethe distance sleeve, shim (lmm),
need Ie cage, lay gear assembl y, needle
cage and shims onto the lay shaft.
(See fig. 1-12-14).
(b) Place the assembled lay gear into
position on lower housing.
(c) Using a feeler gauge, check end play
between assembled lay shaft and
(b) Insert the axle through the larger
walls of lower housing. Endplay must
hole in side of lower housing as­
be between 0.006 and 0.012 inch.
If end play is not within tolerance,
(c) Through upper aperture of lower
remove end shim and add required
housing insert the sprocket with
thickness of shim(s) to take up end
needle cage, washer and circlip onto
play. Reinstall previously removed
the tensioner axle.
end shim and place drive chain over
NOTE: The oil passage in sprocket must sprocket teeth. Place the assembled
be installed as shown in figure 1-12-18. lay gear into location making sure
GEAR BOX 1-12-09

that the dowel tube sits in the orifice (c) Position the shift sprocket bearing
in the lower housing (fig. 1-12-19). on the drive shaft with groove of
bearing on driven pulley side of shaft.
NOTE: Drive chain must be positioned on
Using a special bearing pusher (item
lay gear sprocket so that locking clip IS
9), push the bearing into place on
facing the lay gear.
shaft (fig.1-12-21). Install the groove
ring into location in bearing groove.
Tube SI ide the oil seal onto shaft. Ensure
that oil seal spring is facing bearing.

Bearing Pusher


Shift Sprocket Bearing


4. To assemble and install the drive shaft

assembly into the lower housing, use the
following procedure:
(a) Slide the washer, shift sprocket,
needle cage, shims, distance sleeve I


and circlip onto the driven pulley

side of shaft. Item 9
(b) Using a feeler gauge, check total free
(d) Slide the sliding gear, shim, bearing
play between components installed
with groove ring and oil seal, on
on shaft. Free play must not exceed
splined end of shaft (fig. 1-12-22).
0.006 to 0.012 inch. If free play is
not within tolerance, remove circlip NOTE: Ensure bearing is placed on shaft
and distance sleeve from shaft. Add with groove ring farthest away from
required thickness of shim to take up sliding gear and oil seal spring of oil seal
free play. Install distance sleeve and is facing bearing.
circlip on shaft (fig. 1-12-20).
1. Oil Seal
1 Drive Shaft 2. Bearing
2. Washer 3. Groove Ring
3. Sh ift Spro ck e t 4. Shims
4. Needle Cage 5. Sliding Gear
5. Shims 5 6. D rive Shaft
3 4
6 Distance Sleeve 2
7. Circlip
\'I j

1-12-20 1-12-22
1-12-10 GEAR BOX

(e) Install driven pulley (refer sub-section (b) Using a soft faced hammer, carefully
1-9) and disc brake mechanism (refer tap shaft into position.
sub-section 1-10) on the drive shaft. (c) Install shim, gear change Iever, washer,
(f) Lift the drive chain and pass the gear shaft. Torque nut to 200 inch
geared end of shaft onto the lower pounds.
housing. Ensure the groove ring on (d) Using a feeler gauge, check that free
the bearings is correctly seated in play of gear change shaft is within
the housing grooves tolerance of 0.006 at 0.012 inch. If
free play is not within tolerance, re­
(g) Sit the drive chain over shift sprocket
teeth. cord discrepancy. Remove nut, wash­
(h) Apply hand pressure on outer side er, gear change lever, shim and gear
of oil seals to push and sit seals tight change shaft. Dividediscrepancyby 2
against the bearings (fig. 1-12-23). and install required thickness of shim
on gear change shaft. Install shaft
into upper housing. Install standard
Ring shim and additional thickness of shim
Upper Housing Notches
on gear change shaft. Install gear
change lever on shou Idered end of
change shaft so that lever and vent
plug hole form a 45 degree angle.
Install washer and nut. Torque nut to
200 inch pounds (fig. 1-12-25).

5. To assemble the upper housing (cover)
use the following procedure:
(a) Insert the gear change shaft through
hole of upper housing (fig. 1-12-24).
Ensure that lever of gear change shaft
is positioned toward vent plug hole.

Vent Plug
ear Change Shaft
at Chan ge Lever
5. Nut
(e) Position a new "0" ring on index
Lever rod. Partially insert the threaded end
Gear Change of index rod through hole adjacent
Shaft to vent plug hole in upper housing.
(f) Position the gear change fork on the
gear change shaft assemb lv. Push the
index rod approximately 1/4 inch
into the change fork.
GEAR BOX 1-12-11

(g) Insert the spring and ball bearing (k) Position the upper housing over studs
into ho Ie of gear change fork of lower housing and using a soft
(fig. 1-12-26). Using a suitable tool, faced hammer, carefully tap the upper
depress the ball and spring so that the housing into position.
index rod can be totally inserted (I) Install the eight (8) lockwashers and
through the gear change fork. nuts. Securing nuts must be crossed
torqued to 250 inch pounds in the
Gear Change Shaft sequence shown in figure 1-12-28.

Gear Change Fork

8 7

(h) Screw the index rod into threaded
hole of upper housing. Secure as­
sembly with appropriate nut.
(i) Applya light coating of L700 Crank­ 1-12-28
case Glue on contact surfaces of
upper and lower housings. (F) INSTALLATION
(j) Push the sliding gear against drive 1. On all 1970 models, correctly position
shaft bearing and push the gear gasket and bottom plate over studs se­
change fork towards the vent plug cured to frame. Place second gasket on
hole until ball engages with appro­ bottom plate.
priate groove in index rod (fig. 1-12­
27). NOTE: On 1971 models, position gasket
on frame studs.
2. Place lower sprocket in drive chain.

3. Secure gear box to frame with six (6)

nuts. Torque nuts to 180 to 200 inch
4. From the left side of vehicle, insert the
drive axle within the track. Push the end
bearing through the orifice in right side
of frame. Pull the splined end of axle
into chain case lower sprocket. Install
opposite drive axle.

5. Position each end bearing housing into

frame and over axle bearing and secure
the housings to frame with three (3)
1-12-12 GEAR BOX

6. Install oil seals. 11. Secure steering column bracket to gear

NOTE: A gap of approximately 1/16 inch box cover with two (2) nuts. Tighten
shou Id exist between the end of the bolts and nuts securing upper retainer
bearing housing and the oil seal (fig. plate.
1-12-29) . NOTE: On 1970 Alpine/I nvader models,
the distance between the upper retainer
plate and the gear box bracket must be
17 -3/4 inches. On 1971 Alpine/Valmont
models, the distance must be 15-1/2
~:USlnq inches (fig. 1-12-31).
116" I

dpprox - I !-.­

\ .

::: ~


IlsPfl ng

.~ . I,·
...•';i...' '
, ,'"
....• '.' .

~ ,I i : 1


7. Install rear hubs as described in sub­

section 1-3.
8. Insert a pry bar between structural
members of bogie wheel set and reverse
each set to its original position.
9. Hook up transmission rod to gear box 1-12-31
lever and secure with spring, washer and 12. Remove capscrew and lock washer. Ro­
a new cotter pin. tate the tensioner axle, clockwise or
counterclockwise, to obtain 1/4 inch
10. Lower steering column and insert ball
maximum free play of drive chain. Ins­
bushing into steering arm.
tall lockwasher and capscrew. Tighten
NOTE: If difficulty is encountered, use capscrew (fig. 1-12-32).
pliers to align column ball bushing and
steering arm (fig. 1-12-30).

BalJ Bushing

GEAR BOX 1-12-13

13. Connect throttle and brake cables and 20. Apply track tension as detailed in sub­
housings at hand lebar. section 1-5.
14. Install muffler to engine. 21. Carry out track al ignment proced ure as
detailed in sub-section 1-5.
15. Connect brake cable housing to brake
lever ferrule located at the brake mecha­ 22. Install pulley guard as detailed in sub­
nism. Check that brake applies fully section 1-6, and install cap.
with brake lever 1/4 inch from handlebar 22. Install pulley guard as detailed in sub­
grip. section 1-6. I nstall console on Valmont
model. Install cab.
16. Fill the gear box with Ski-Doo Chain
Case Oil. 23. Set vehicle on the ground.

I\lOTE: On 399 Rand 399E R models, the -.

oi I capacity of the gear box is 12 ounces
or 2-1/4 inches when checked with rigid
dipstick. The gear box capacity of the
640E R model is 16 ounces or 3-1/4 inch
level on dipstick (fig. 1-12-33).

17. Install filler and vent plug. Install rubber

inspection plug.

18. Install drive belt as detailed in sub-section

19. Carry out pulley alignment as detailed
onP qge l -19 -11.



The drive chain is installed in either the chain case or gear box. The Alpine/Invader and
Valmont models incorporate a gear box while a chain case is installed on all other models.
- There are three (3) variations of the Bombardier drive chain - a single 1/2 inch pitch,
a double 1/2 inch pitch and a double 3/8 inch pitch.

There are also two (2) types of chains - detachable and endless.

The table below lists the type of drive chain installed on all 1970 and '71 Ski-Doo


The information contained in this sub-section explains the procedures for separating,
lengthening and shortening the drive chain.



Year Model Year Model

1970 Olympique 12/3 1970 Olympique 399
Olympique 335 TNT 340
Olympique 335E Nordic 399
TNT 292 Nordic 399E
Nordic 640E
1971 Elan 250 TNT 399
Elan 250E TNT 640
Skandic 335
DOUBLE 1/2 II\ICH PITCH 1971 Olympique 300
Olympique 335
Year Model Olympique 335E
Olympique 399E
1970 Alpine 399R
Olympique 399
Alpine 399ER
Nordic 399
Invader 640ER
Nordic 399E
Nordic 640E
1971 Alpine 339R
Skandic 335
Alpine 339ER
TNT 292
Alpine 640ER
TNT 340
Valmont 399R
TNT 440
Valmont 399ER
TNT 640
Valmont 640ER
TNT 775


(On All Alpine/Invader and DOUBLE CHAIN
Val mont Models - So Equipped) (On All Alpine/Invader and
Valmont Models - So Equipped)
1. Place a clean cloth beneath chain and in
lower housing to prevent foreign matter 1. Place a clean cloth beneath chain and
and/or components from falling into in lower housing to prevent foreign
bottom of housing. matter and/or other components from
fall ing into bottom of housing.
2. Using long nose pliers, remove clip
locking double link pin (fig. 1-13-1). 2. Using a pin punch and hammer, tap
Remove outer Iink. gently on double link pin to disengage
riveted heads of pin. Remove outer
link. (fig. 1-13-3).

3. Insert two (2) pieces of wire through
chain on each side of double link pin
1-13-1 to be removed. Hook wires to lower
3. Insert two (2) pieces of wire through housing studs to secure chain ends.
chain on each side of double link pin to
be removed. Hook wires to lower housing 4. Using pin punch and hammer, tap gently
studs to secure chain ends. With a pair on double link pin and remove two center
of long nose pliers, hold center links and links and link pin. (fig.1-13-4).
withdraw double link pin (fig. 1-13-2).
NOTE: Connect drive chain using a double
Remove center links.
connecting Iink in place of previously
removed components.

Outer Link
---€ :o§)Q




(D) SEPARATING EI\IDLESS 2. Remove second single link pin with a

DOUBLE CHAI N pin punch and hammer. Remove two
(On All Models except (2) outer links (fig. 1-13-6).
Alpine/Invader and Vatmont)
NOTE: Connect single chain using a single
1. Removal chain case as detailed in sub­ connecting Iin k.
section 1-11.
2. Using a pin punch and hammer, tap OuterLink~

gently on double Iink pin to disengage

~------~ ~

riveted heads of pin. Remove outer Iink.

3. Tap gently on double link pin and re­
move two center links and link pin (see
fig. 1-13-4).
p Sic", LOck POc,

NOTE: If link pin removed was a single Outer Link

link pin, the outer link in step 2., the

two center links and outer link in step 1-13-6
3. will not be detached without gently (F) LENGTHEI\lING

tapping out a second single link pin DOUBLE CHAI N

(see fig. 1-13-5).

1. To lengthen a 1/2" or 3/8" inch pitch
NOTE: If the chain is to be lengthened, double chain 1/2 link, use the following
remove second link pin. Remove outer procedure (fig. 1-13-7).
link, center links and outer link.
Double Link Pin

V "i YlI
Single Link Pin

C,"'" LOck'

_~= ~w~~·.~
Single Link Pin

~ / Outer Link

00 () ~ ~~ o~6
Second Single Outer Link Center Links Locking Clip
Link Pin Double
Cranked Connecting
Single Link Link
4. Carry out shortening or lengthening pro­ 1-13-7

cedure and install chain case as detailed (i) Separate drive chain as detailed in
in sub-section 1-11. Paragraph (8), (C) or (0).
(E) SEPARATING ENDLESS NOTE: If Iink pin removed in Paragraph
SINGLE CHAIN C was a single link pin, remove second
link pin. Remove outer link, center links
1. Using a pin punch and hammer, gently
and outer Iink.
tap on single link pin to disengage rivet­
ed head of pin. Remove pin to separate (ii) Remove a cotter pin and single Iink
chain. pin from a cranked single Iink.

(iii) Connect the cranked single link to

one free end of the chain with the Double Link Pin

removed pin and cotter pin.

(iv) Join other free end of chain to Cranked '
Double Link _
cranked single link with a double
connecting link.
~_ =:-- , @:3JZ_=/_
NOTE: A double connecting Iink consists ~-- - @:::§1~ ~
of a double link pin, two (2) center links,
r: o~
Q Q 000
an outer link and a locking clip.

2. To lengthen 1/2 or 3/8 inch pitch double

0"" LiOk,0 ~
chain 1 I ink, use the following procedure MDouble
(fig. 1-13-8). Cranked
Connecting Link
Double Link
(i) Separate drive chain as detailed in
Double Link Pin Paragraph (8) or (C).

Connect Link ~

miff Center Links

NOTE: If link pin removed in Paragraph
(C) was a single I ink pin, remove second
link pin. Remove outer link, center link

~~-~~~ ~~-=: ~
and outer link.
(ii) Secure a cranked double link to each
~~~OOO free end of chain with two (2)
~ - Connect Link
double connecting links.

~ ~
@:§) 0 " " Link
NOTE: Each double connecting link cons­
sists of a double link pin, two (2) center
Connecting Links
~ ~ Locking Clip links, an outer link and a locking clip.

(i) Separate drive chain as detailed in 81 NG LE CHAI N
Paragraph (8), (C) or (0). 1. To lengthen 1/2 inch pitch single chain
NOTE: If link pin removed in Paragraph 1/2 link, use the following procedure
(C) was a single link pin, remove second (fig. 1-13-10).
link pin. Remove outer link, center link

=-- ' Single Link Pin

and outer Iink. Double Link Pin ~

(ii] Secure two (2) connect Iinks to each .. ~ ~ Cranked Single Link

~O~ 0 ~~ri="=~ ~~
free end of chain with two (2) dou­
ble connecting links.
NOTE: Each double connecting link con­

sists of a double link pin, two (2) center Cotler Pin

links, an outer link and a locking clip.

3. To lengthen 1/2" or 3/8" inch pitch
double chain 1-1/2 links, use the follow­
Single \
Outer Link

~~ Cranked
Connect: ng Lin k CI ip Single Link
ing procedure (fig. 1-13-9).

(i) Separate drive chain as detailed in (ii) Secure one (1) connect link to each
Paragraph (D). free end of chain with two (2) single
(ii) Remove a cotter pin and a single connecting links.
link pin from a cranked single link.
NOTE: Each single connecting link con­
(iii) Connect the cranked single link to
sists of a double link pin, an outer Iink
one free end of the chain with the
and a locking clip.
removed link pin and cotter pin.
(iv) Join the other end of chain to 3. To lengthen 1/2 inch pitch single chain
cranked single link with a single 1-1/2 links, use the following procedure
connecting link. (fig. 1-13-12),
NOTE: A single connecting link includes
a double link pin, an outer link and a
locking clip.
2. To lengthen 1/2 inch pitch single chain
1 link, use the following procedure (fig.

Double Link Pin


Double Link Single
Connecting Link

}f;12 1-13-12

O"",Li~k (i) Separate drive chain as detailed in

Paragraph (E).
(ii) Secure a cranked double link to
each free end of chain with two (2)
Connecting Link single connecting links.

1-13-11 NOTE: Each single connecting link con­

(i) Separate drive chain as detailed in sists of a double link pin, an outer link
Paragraph (E). and a locking clip.



The basic steering system of the Ski-Doo snowmobile is a handlebar affixed to a steering
column. Rotation of the handlebar causes a push-pull action of the steering linkage of the
lower steering column/steering arm(s). It is the pull and/or pushing forces on the steering
arm (s) that cause the tu rn ing of the sk i (s).

7/ ,'~ 4
/ "-5

10 /26
'\ \
24 16 14
,~28 .s-: 23
---29 =---
~ ~-22

" 30 ~ /19 21

-~31 / , ...... 0 I 22
17 18 / ' / 24
20 ~/

1. Hand lebar 9. Capscrew 17. Tie Rod End 25. Capscrevv

2. Handlebar Assembly 10. Steering Bushing 18. Jam Nut LH 26. Washer
3. Steering Column 11. Washer 19. Tie Rod 27. Steering Arm
4. Hand Handle 12. Roll Pin 20. Jam Nut RH 28. Spring
5. Cable Slug Retainer 13. Upper Column 21. Tie Rod End 29. Shim
6. Rivet 14. Screw 22. Spring 30. Bushing (2)
7. Rivet 15. Washer 23. Washer 31. Ski Leg.
8. Grip 16. Nut 24. Cotter Pin


1-14-02 STEERING

(All Elan Models)

1. Tilt cab and remove console.

2. Disconnect brake and throttle cables and

housing from the handlebar.

3. Remove cotter pin, washer and spring

securing upper tie rod to steering column.
Push the tie rod end from the column.
4. Using a pin punch and a hammer, drive 1-14-2

the roll pin from the steering column. 9. Remove cotter pins, washers and springs
Remove washer (fig. 1-14-1). from lower tie rod. Remove swivel block
from right hand steering arm tie rod
end. Disengage tie rod from steering arms
by turning skis in opposite direction of
tie rod end disengagement (fig. 1-14-3).

5. Remove the "U" clamp affixing the
steering column to upper column. 1-14-3

6. Pull the steering column from the steer­ 10. Remove capscrews attaching steering arm
ing bushing and remove the steering to sk i leg. Remove washer, steering arm
column from the vehicle. and spring from ski leg splines.

NOTE: Do not remove steering bushing NOTE: Should the steering arm be too
unless damaged or worn and replace­ tight on the ski leg spl ine, loosen cap­
ment is indicated. screw 3 to 4 turns and tap gently on the
capscrew head with a hammer (fig.
7. Disconnect all electrical connections and
1-14-4). Vehicle must be lifted off the
switch blocks from dash panel. Push
ground for this operation.
the brake and throttle cables and hous­
ings through dash panel. Unbolt the
upper column from the frame and re­
move the column from the vehicle.
8. Remove cotter pin holding upper tie
rod to swivel block. Pull upper tie rod
from the block and remove it from the
vehicle (fig. 1-14-2).
STEERING 1-14-03

11. Pull the ski leg/ski assembly from the


12. Remove ski coupler nut and sk i coupler



(All Olympique Models)

1. Tilt or remove cab from vehicle ..

2. On all 1971 models remove console as
detailed in Section 4.

3. Disconnect brake and throttle cables and

housings from hand lebar.
6. Remove steering column usrnq the fol­
4. Remove the cotter pins, washers and lowing procedure:
springs from the tie rod ends (steering (a) On all 1970 vehicles, pull the steer­
column side) and pull the tie rods from ing column from the steering bushing
the column. and remove the steering column from
5. Remove the two (2) bolts affixing the the vehicle.
steering column to the upper column NOTE: Do not remove steering bushing
(fig. 1-14-5). from the vehicle unless damaged and
NOTE: On all 1970 "399" models, the replacement is ind icated.
upper column is replaced by a steering (b) On all 1971 models, using a pin punch
bracket affixed to the rubber shear and a hammer, drive the roll pin
mountings on the engine (fig. 1-14-6). holding the steering column to the
frame reinforcing cross support. Re­
move washer. Pull the steering col­
umn from vehicle. Do not remove
steering bushing from the vehicle
unless damaged and replacement is

(c) On all 1970 "399" models with a

steering bracket affixed to the cyl in­
der head distance nuts carry out the
following procedure:
(i) Remove the two (2) nuts and
washers attach ing the bracket to
the studs and remove the bracket.
(ii) Unscrew the two (2) studs from
the cylinder head distance nuts.

7. On all 1970 vehicles, remove bolt and­

washer affixing the brace strip to filler
neck (fig. 1-14-7). Remove brace strip.
1-14-04 STEERING

Removethe two (2) nuts attaching upper

column to frame. Remove column from
NOTE: On all 1970 models, except the
"399" model. it is necessary to remove
the decompressor switch/knob from up­
per column prior to upper column re­
moval (fig. 1-14-8).

9. Remove the cotter pins, washers and
springs from the tie rod ends (steering
arm side). Push the rods from the steering
arms. Remove tie rods from vehicle.
NOTE: On all 1971 models, the tie rod
ends on the steering arm side are ball
joint type. In this case, unscrew the nuts
attaching the tie rod ends to the steer­
ing arms and remove the tie rods (fig.
1-14-10) .

10. Remove capscrew attaching steering arm
1-14-8 to ski leg. Remove washer, steering arm
8. On all 1971 vehicles, disconnect all and spring from splines of the ski leg.
electrical connections and switch blocks
NOTE: Should the steering arm be too
from dash panel. Push the brake and
tight on the ski leg splines, loosen cap­
throttle cables and housings through the
screw 1 to 2 turns and tap gently on the
dash panel. Unbolt dash panel from upper
capscrew head with a hammer.
column and remove two (2) engine mount
nuts and washers. Lift the column from 11. On all 1971 models, remove the ski leg
the carriage bolts (fig. 1-14-9). top bushing (fig. 1-14-11).
STEERING 1-14-05

NOTE: Do not remove steering bushings

from vehicle unless damaged and replace­
ment is ind icated.

(b) On all 1971 models, using a pin

punch and a hammer, drive the roll
pin holding the steering column to
12. Pull the ski leg/ski assembly from the the frame reinforcing cross support.
vehicle. Remove washer. Unbolt the steering
column from the upper column and
13. On all 1971 models, remove ski leg pull the steering column from the
bottom bushing (fig. 1-14-12).
steering bushing and remove the
steering column from the vehicle.

NOTE: On all 1970 models equipped with

18 inch track, the upper column is re­
placed by a steering bracket affixed to
the rubber shear mountings on the engine.
Ski Leg
Bottom Bushing (c) On all 1970 models with a steering
bracket affixed to the cylinder head
14. Remove ski coupler nut and ski coupler distance nuts, carry out the follow­
bolt. ing procedure:
(i) Remove the two (2) nuts and
15. Repeat appl icab Ie steps 10 to 14 to re­ washers attach ing the bracket to
move opposite steering arm. the studs and remove the bracket.
(ii) Unscrew the two (2) studs from
(0) REMOVAL the cylinder head distance nuts.
(All T'NT Models)
6. On all 1970 vehicles equipped with 18
1. Tilt or remove cab from vehicle. inch track, remove bolt and washer af­
2. Disconnect brake and throttle cables and fixing the brace strip to filler neck. Re­
housings from hand lebar. move brace strip (See fig. 1-14-7).

3. On all vehicles with detachable handle­ 7. Remove the two (2) bolts attaching the
bar, remove capscrew and pull the hand le­ upper col umn to frame and Iitt the
bar from the steering column splines. column from vehicle.

4. Remove the cotter pins, washers and 8. Remove the cotter pins, washers and
springs from the tie rods (steering springs from the tie rod ends (steering
column side) and push the tie rods from arm side) and push the rods from the
the column. steering arms.

5. Remove steering column using the fol­ NOTE: On all 1971 T'NT 15 inch track
lowing procedure: models, the tie rod ends on the steering
(a) On all 1970 vehicles, remove the two arm side are ball joint type. In this case,
(2) bolts affixing the steering column unscrew the nuts attaching the tie rod
to the upper column and pull the ends to the steering arms and remove tie
steering column from the vehicle. rods from vehicle. (See fig. 1-14-10).
1-14-06 STEERING

9. Remove capscrew attaching steering arm

to ski leg. Remove washer, steering arm
and spring from splines of the ski leg.

NOTE: Should the steering arm be too

tight on the ski leg splines, loosen cap­
screw 3 to 4 turns and tap gently on the
capscrew head with a hammer. (Vehicle
must be Iifted off the grou nd for th is 1-14-13

operation) . 8. On all 640 models, tilt console towards

10. On all 1971 models, remove the sk i leg 9. Unbolt the steering column from the
top bushing. (See fig. 1-14-11). upper column. On all 640 models, remove
11. Pull the ski leg/ski assembly from the -v: bracket.
vehicle. NOTE: On all 1970 models, the upper
12. On all 1971 models, remove the ski leg column is replaced by a steering bracket
bottom bushing. (See fig. 1-14-12). affixed to the rubber shear mountings
on the engine.
13. Remove ski coupler nut and ski coupler
bolt. 10. On all 1970 models with a steering
bracket affixed to the cy Iinder head
14. Repeat applicable steps 9 to 13 to re­
distance nuts, carry out the following
move opposite steering arm.
(a) Remove the two (2) nuts and washers
attaching the bracket to the studs
(All Nordic Models)
and remove the bracket.
(b) Unscrew the two (2) studs from the
1. Tilt cab.
cylinder head distance nuts.
2. Disconnect brake and throttle cables and 11. Pull the steering column from the steer­
housings from the hand lebar. ing bushing and remove the steering
3. Remove capscrew and pull the handlebar column from the vehicle.
from the steering column splines. I\lOTE: Do not remove steering bushing
from vehicle unless damaged and replace­
4. Remove cotter pins, washers and springs ment is i nd icated .
from tie rods ends (steering column side)
and pull the tie rods from the column. 12. On all 1971 "399" models, unbolt con­
sole from upper column brackets (fig.
5. Using a pin punch and a hammer, drive 1-14-14).
the roll pin holding the steering column
to the frame reinforcing cross support.
Remove washer.
6. On all 399 models, open lower access
cover and remove upper access cover.
7. Pull the console grommet from the
steering column (fig. 1-14-13).
STEERING 1-14-07

13. Remove the two (2) bolts attaching upper 5. Removethetwo (2) bolts attaching upper
column to frame and lift the column retainer plate to upper colu mn bracket.
from the vehicle. Remove plate.
14. Remove the cotter pins, washers and 6. Remove the two (2) bolts affixing lower
springs from the tie rod ends (steering retainer plate to steering bracket (fig.
arm side) and push the rods from the 1-14-15). Remove plate.
steering arms. Remove tie rods from the
15. Remove capscrew attaching steering arm
to ski leg. Remove washer, steering arm
and spring from ski leg splines.
NOTE: Should the steering arm be too
tight on the ski leg spl ines, loosen cap­
screw 3 to 4 turns and gently tap on the
capscrew head with a hammer. (Vehicle 7. Lift the ball bushing from the steering
must be lifted off the ground for this channel and remove the steering column
from vehicle.
16. On all 1971 models, remove ski leg top
8. Remove cotter pin, washer and spring
affixing the transmission rod to gear
17. Pull ski leg/ski assembly from vehicle. change lever. Disengage the rod from
the lever.
18. On all 1971 models, remove ski leg
bottom bushing. (See fig. 1-14-12). 9. Disconnect all electrical connections and
switch blocks from dash panel.
19. Remove ski coupler nut and ski coupler
bolt. 10. Remove the brake and throttle cables
from dash panel by passing it through ap­
20. Repeat applicable steps 15 to 19 to re­
propriate orifice or anchor of the panel.
move second steering arm.
11. On al11971 models, remove the four (4)
nuts and cable bracket attaching dash
(All Alpine/Invader
panel to upper column and remove the
and Valmont Models)
dash panel and brackets from vehicle.
1. Remove cab as detailed In Section 4. 12. On all 1971 models, remove cotter pin
NOTE: On all 1971 Valmont models, re­ affixing transmission rod to dash panel
move console. bracket and disengage the rod from the
bracket (fig. 1-14-16).
2. Disconnect brake and throttle cables
and housings from handlebar.
3. Remove capscrew and washer attaching
handlebar to steering column. Pull the
handlebar from steering column splines
and remove the spring.
4. Remove muffler from vehicle.
1-14-08 STEERING

13. Remove transmission rod from vehicle.

14. Remove the two (2) bolts affixing the
upper column to frame and remove the
15. Remove the capscrew, washer, steering
arm and spring from ski leg splines.
NOTE: On 1970 Alpine/Invader, open
union link and disconnect retaining cable Tie Rod

from the front bumper. (-Fig. 1-14-17).

4. Remove the tie rod end locknuts (fig.
1-14-19) .

Tie Rod Locknut

16. Lift the front of vehicle off the ground ,Tie Rod End Tie Rod
and pull the ski leg/ski assembly from
the veh icle. 1-14-19
17. Remove the ski coupler bolt and remove
(All Alpine/Invader
ski leg from ski.
and Valmont Models)
(G) DISASSEMBLY 1. Sl ide the steering shaft from the steering
(All Models except column (fig. 1-14-20).
Alpine/Invader and Valrnont)
NOTE: Do not remove steering bushings
1. To disassemble the handlebar, refer to unless damaged and replacement is in­
Paragraph (J). dicated.

2. Slacken the locknuts hold ing the tie rod

ends in position.
3. Unscrew the tie rod ends from the tie
rods (fig. 1-14-18).

NOTE: The tie rod ends have right hand

and left hand treads. The tie rod end
attached to the steering column incor­
porated left hand thread while the tie
rod end attached to the steering arm has Steering Shaft

a right hand thread.


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