Studies On Insecticidal Potential of Extracts of Gmelina Arborea Products For Control of Field Pests of Cowpea
Studies On Insecticidal Potential of Extracts of Gmelina Arborea Products For Control of Field Pests of Cowpea
Studies On Insecticidal Potential of Extracts of Gmelina Arborea Products For Control of Field Pests of Cowpea
Abstract: The insecticidal efficacy of Gmelina arborea L. product extracts was as-
sayed for suitability in controlling the legume pod borer Maruca vitrata Fab.
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and the pod sucking bug Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stäl
(Hemiptera: Coreidae) on cowpea. Field studies conducted in 1999 and 2000 crop-
ping seasons at the research farm of the Institute for Agricultural Research, Samaru
showed that extract of Gmelina arborea fruit at 10% (w/v) caused impressive reduc-
tion of both pests and protected the pods from serious damage. Grain yield was
higher in the fruit extract treated plants compared to the leaf, bark treatments and
the untreated control. However, all the Gmelina products’ extracts were superior (p
< 0.05) to the untreated control but was not better than the synthetic insecticide
(Sherpa Plus) used in all the assessments made. This study is the first reported case
of the potential of Gmelina arborea products’ extracts for control of Maruca pod borer
larvae and pod sucking bug on field cowpea. This plant could add to the pool of
herbal landraces already found to be insecticidal to insect pests of tropical crops if
explored and exploited for use by limited resource farmers in tropical countries.
Key words: Gmelina arborea, insecticide, Maruca pod borer, Coreid bug, cowpea.
Gmelina arborea L. (Family: Vernabaceae) is a tropical, evergreen perennial tree
growing over 20 m high. The tree has a high alkaloid content particularly in the
fruit, stem bark and root and some little amount in the leaves (Amadi Augustine
personal communication) and is less attacked by insect pests all through the season
probably due to its high alkaloid and tannin contents. Liquid from the fruits has
2 Journal of Plant Protection Research 45 (1), 2005
Cowpea variety, SAMPEA 7 used in the trials was purchased from the National
Seed Service in Samaru, Zaria. The seeds were dressed with Fernasan-D at the rate
of one satchel, per two kilograms of seeds and planted at 25 cm on ridges 0.75 m
apart. The field layout was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with
three replications. Plot size was 6.0 × 5.0 m and separated by unplanted areas of 1.5
m on all sides. There were an untreated control and a synthetic insecticide check.
The plots were sprayed with a mixture of pre-emergent (Galex) and post-emergent
(Gramoxone) herbicides at the rate of 5 l ha-1 immediately after sowing to get rid of
weeds. Fertilizer NPK (15:15:15) applied at 250 kg ha-1 was used for top-dressing
the seedlings at 14 days after sowing. At 21 days after planting, the seedlings were
thinned to two seedlings per stand. A tank mixture of 0.33 a.i. kg ha-1 each of
benomyl + mancozeb was sprayed on the seedlings every week for four weeks be-
ginning from the fourth week after planting to control fungal diseases. Manual
weeding was also carried out at six weeks after planting to ensure clean plots.
Maruca vitrata Fab. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Clavigralla tomentosicollis
(Hemiptera: Coreidae) were sampled before each spraying for four weeks beginning
at flower bud initiation. Maruca pod borer larvae were sampled by removing 20
flowers per plot and placing them in vials containing 30% alcohol. These were
taken to the laboratory and dissected the next day and the insects found were
counted and recorded. Both Maruca pod borer larvae and pod sucking bugs were
also sampled on plants randomly located in three quadrants in each plot and each
pest identified was counted and recorded. Plants were examined for phytotoxicity
effect (discoloration, burning, wilting and terminal bud stunting) by randomly
sampling 20 plants in each plot. Pod damage (shriveling, twisting, stunting, con-
striction) was assessed by examining 20 pods randomly selected per plant on nine
plants per plot. Yields were recorded from each plot after harvesting and threshing.
Data obtained were compared after square root transformation (for insect sam-
pling) and analyzed using analysis of variance while Student Newman’s Keuls (p<
0.05) test was applied to separate treatment means (SAS 1990).
All the Gmelina extracts did not differ significantly from each other and the syn-
thetic insecticide (Sherpa plus) in the control of M. vitrata larvae (Tab. 1). However,
the results indicated that all the treated plots caused significant (p< 0.05) reduc-
tion of M. vitrata compared to the unsprayed plots throughout the spraying periods
in both years of study. The numbers of C. tomentosicollis like M. vitrata was not sig-
nificantly different among the extracts sprayed plots but were significantly (p<
0.05) lower than in the unsprayed plots (Tab. 2). However, Sherpa plus sprayed
plots had less number (p< 0.05) of C. tomentosicollis than Gmelina leaf extract only
during the first week of spraying and were superior to all the extracts’ sprayed plots
at the second week of spraying. From 3rd to 4th week of treatment application, the
number of C. tomentosicollis in all the sprayed plots did not differ significantly but
were superior to that in the unsprayed plots.
Pod damage was significantly higher (p< 0.05) in the unsprayed plots compared
to the sprayed plots. Sherpa plus sprayed plots had the least pod damage and were
4 Journal of Plant Protection Research 45 (1), 2005
Table 1. Mean number of Maruca vitrata larvae after weekly spraying of Gmelina products’ ex-
tracts on cowpea plants in 1998 and 1999 seasons
Mean M. vitrata population per flower and /or pod
1998 1999
Weeks Weeks
Treatment 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Control (0.0) 4.33 a 4.67 a 5.67 a 2.0 a 4.67 a 5.0 a 7.33 a 2.33 a
Gmelina leaf 0.67 b 0.67 b 0.33 b 0.33 b 1.0 b 1.0 b 0.67 b 0.67 b
Gmelina bark 0.67 b 0.67 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 1.0 b 1.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 c
Gmelina fruits 0.67 b 0.33 b 0.33 b 0.0 b 1.0 b 0.67 b 0.67 b 0.0 c
Uppercott 0.67 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.0 b 1.0 b 0.67 b 0.0 b 0.0 c
S.E.± 0.15 0.17 0.11 0.10 0.19 0.18 0.15 0.11
Means followed by the same superscript(s) in a column are not significantly different (p< 0.05;
SAS-SNK test)
S.E ± = Standard Error
Table 2. Mean number of Clavigralla tomentosicollis (adults and nymphs) after weekly spray-
ing of Gmelina products’ extracts on cowpea plants in 1998 and 1999 cropping seasons
Mean C. tomentosicollis / cowpea plant
1998 1999
Weeks Weeks
Treatment 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Control (0.0) 5.33 a 8.33 a 9.0 a 6.0 a 5.67 a 8.67 a 9.67 a 6.67 a
Gmelina leaf 1.67 b 0.67 b 0.33 b 0.33 b 2.0 b 1.0 b 0.67 b 0.67 b
Gmelina bark 1.0 bc 1.0 b 0.33 b 0.33 b 1.33 bc 1.33 b 0.67 b 0.33 b
Gmelina fruits 1.0 bc 0.67 b 0.33 b 0.0 b 1.33 bc 1.0 b 0.67 b 0.0 b
Uppercott 0.33 c 0.33 c 0.0 b 0.0 b 0.67 c 0.33 c 0.67 b 0.0 b
S.E.± 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.12 0.23 0.21 0.18 0.12
Means followed by the same superscript(s) in a column are not significantly different (p< 0.05;
SAS-SNK test)
S.E ± = Standard Error
superior to all the extracts sprayed plots. However, Gmelina fruit extract protected
cowpea pods better than other extracts (Tab. 3). The grain yields of plots sprayed
with Gmelina extracts were significantly different (p< 0.05) from one another and
Sherpa plus but all were significantly higher than that in unsprayed plots. Grain
quality, which is a measure of acceptability of the produce by discriminating buyers
in the markets, followed similar pattern as the yield with Sherpa plus sprayed plots
producing better (p< 0.05) quality grains compared to the extracts sprayed plots
followed by Gmelina fruit extract (Tab. 3). On toxicity of extracts to cowpea plants,
the result showed that none of the materials exhibited any phytotoxic effect on the
sprayed plants.
The results of the study indicated that plots sprayed with Gmelina extracts re-
corded considerable reduction of the target pests compared to the unsprayed plots.
Studies on insecticidal potential of extracts of Gmelina arborea... 5
Table 3. Mean pod damage, grain yield and grain quality of cowpea after Gmelina extracts’
application in 1998 and 1999 seasons
1998 1999
Pod damage Grain yield Grain quality Pod damage Grain yield Grain quality
(Extracts w/v)
(%) (kg/ha) (%) (%) (kg/ha) (%)
Control (0.0) 99.44 a 38.62 e 4.52 e 94.01 a 47.56 e 5.38 e
Gmelina leaf 29.25 b 552.45 d 79.24 d 28.48 b 578.52 d 80.83 d
Gmelina bark 23.88 c 690.11 c 80.64 c 23.27 c 687.56 c 82.26 c
Gmelina fruits 22.47 d 712.99 b 87.31 b 22.0 d 720.67 b 89.06 b
Uppercott 10.49 e 1213.33 a 95.39 a 12.63 e 1150.46 a 97.29 a
S.E. ± 0.23 4.96 0.25 0.23 5.11 0.26
However, Gmelina extracts which exhibited slow acting effect on insect pests were
inferior to the synthetic insecticide in the first two weeks of spraying which was
critical for any meaningful control of these pests on cowpea plants. This slow acting
process may suggest an antifeedant or repellent mode of action. The reduction in
number of the target pests caused by application of Gmelina extracts were similar
but Gmelina fruit extract had better (but non significant) control of C. tomentosicollis
while Gmelina bark extract had the least (but non significant) Maruca pod borer
number among extracts sprayed plots. This observation suggests that any one of
the two materials could be used in the absence of the other. However, considering
the fact that peeling off the bark of any tree will tantamount to killing the tree, it be-
comes reasonable to restrict the use of plant parts to either the fruits and /or the
leaves, which will not retard the longevity of the plant used for insecticidal pur-
poses to ensure continuous supplies. The ability of Gmelina product extracts to con-
trol Maruca pod borers and C. tomentosicollis might be due to the high alkaloid and
tannin contents in the plant which supports the observation made by this author
when liquid from the Gmelina fruits extract was applied to moths and butterflies re-
sulting in death of both pests after 24 h. This is the first time Gmelina product ex-
tracts have been reported to possess insecticidal properties.
However, several authors have shown the efficacy of different plant materials as
biopesticides for the control of different pest species. Cashew plant extracts have
been found to be effective against post-flowering insect pests of cowpea (Oparaeke
et al. 2001; Amatobi 2000). Neem, West African black pepper, garlic bulb, African
nutmeg, Lippia adoensis Hoschst have been reported to be effective against some
crop pest species (Jackai and Oyediran 1991; Scott and McKibben 1978; Olaifa et al.
1987; Oparaeke et al. 2000; Ekesi 2000). Okech et al. (1997) in a field trial found
that Tephrosia volgelii Hook aqueous extract effectively reduced maize stalk borer
(Chilo partellus Swinhoe) numbers and damage symptoms and improved grain yield.
The results presented in this study have shown the efficacy of Gmelina extracts
for Maruca pod borer and C. tomentosicollis control on cultivated cowpea. This tree is
grown allover the northern states of Nigeria to provide shade along the major high-
ways and the fruit is fed to livestock at the peak of the dry season when forage is dif-
6 Journal of Plant Protection Research 45 (1), 2005
ficult to find. Extracts of Gmelina fruits and bark could provide a suitable alternative
for integrated management of Maruca pod borer and C. tomentosicollis in smallholder,
limited resource farm enterprises commonly found in developing countries such as
Nigeria. Further studies are necessary to ascertain the optimum concentration and
spraying frequency that would be adequate for effective control of these pests and
ensuring reasonable grain yield on the farms. The technology is cheap, safe, easily
adoptable, and environmentally friendly.
I am grateful to Messrs Gideon Gbilin, Nnamdi Amadi and Obiora Amadi for
their help with fieldwork and to the Director, Institute for Agricultural Research,
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Amatobi C.I. 2000. Cashew plant crude extract as a promising aphicide in cowpea insect pest
management. Abstracts of paper and poster presentations, World Cowpea Res. Conf. 111,
IITA-Ibadan, Nigeria, 4–7 September 2000, p. 11.
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Oparaeke A.M., Dike M.C., Amatobi C.I. 2001. The potential for controlling post-flowering
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Określono aktywność insektycydową ekstraktów otrzymanych z Gmelina arborea L. w celu
zbadania ich przydatności do zwalczania Maruca vitrata Fab. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) i Clavi-
gralla tomentosicollis Stal (Hemiptera: Coreidae), szkodników Vigna unguiculata.
Eksperymenty polowe przeprowadzone w sezonach upraw w latach 1999 i 2000 na farmie
Instytutu Badań Rolniczych w Samaru wykazały, że ekstrakt z owoców Gmelina arborea o stę-
żeniu 10% (w/v) powoduje widoczną redukcję obu szkodników i chroni strąki przed powa-
żnymi uszkodzeniami. Wydajność ziarna w roślinach traktowanych ekstraktem z owoców w
porównaniu do traktowanych ekstraktem z liści, kory i nietraktowanych była wyższa, jakkol-
wiek wszystkie produkty (ekstrakty) otrzymane z Gmelina przewyższyły pod tym względem
(P<0,05) próbę kontrolną. Żaden z badanych ekstraktów nie wykazał jednak lepszych
właściwości od syntetycznego insektycydu (Sherpa Plus) użytego we wszystkich ocenach.
Niniejsze badania są pierwszym doniesieniem o aktywności produktów (ekstraktów) z Gme-
lina arborea w zwalczaniu larw Maruca vitrata i Clavigralla tomentosicollis na plantacjach Vigna