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Federal Taxpayer Agreement

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This Taxpayer Service Agreement (hereinafter 'Agreement') is entered into between Tax Solutions
Services and/or any of it's affiliates, hereinafter referred to as 'The Company', and Gordon Scott,
hereinafter referred to as 'Taxpayer'. This Agreement outlines the fees for the attached service schedule
and states the complete agreement and complete terms of service for this Agreement.

A. Schedule of Services

Immediate filing of a Power of Attorney with the Internal Revenue Service (hereinafter 'IRS').

If indicated, company will work to remove current bank levy (BANK) or wage garnishment (WAGE):

Collection and review of all applicable Tax Transcripts to determine the amount and years of liability.

The Company will obtain maximum protection allowed by law against levies, garnishments, and other
collection activity from Applicable IRS.

Communicate and negotiate with the IRS on behalf of Taxpayer to establish resolution.

Financial analysis and report after collection and evaluation of Taxpayer's financial information.

Based on financial analysis, The Company will propose the best resolution IRS, including but not limited
to Offer in Compromise, Partial Payment Installment Agreement, Full Payment Installment Agreement,
Currently Non Collectible Status, or an alternative best resolution for Taxpayer as allowed by law.

Collection Hearing (CDP, CAP): If necessary, prepare hearing request form and submit to the IRS, attend
hearing by phone, and negotiate with hearing officer on behalf of Taxpayer.

Case Management: The Company will designate a Case Manager to communicate with the Taxpayer to
discuss open items relating to IRS (Federal), if applicable, as well as case progression and resolution.

If retained for Tax Return Preparation, the returns and years are indicated below:

If personal Returns are being filed, they are indicated here for the following years:

If Business returns are being filed, they are indicated here for the following years:

B. Privacy Policy

The Company will take appropriate steps to safeguard information gathered in the course of performing
services in this Agreement. The Company will safeguard Taxpayer's financial information, and only use
and share information to perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement, and for related purposes
or as permitted or required by law. The Company will maintain physical and electronic safeguards to
protect Taxpayer's information. The Company will collect information provided by Taxpayer from the tax
organizer, worksheets, documents, computer data files and discussions, bank records provided by
Taxpayer, and information that we develop as part of this engagement. The Company will not disclose
any information about Taxpayer unless the Company has Taxpayer's approval, even if Taxpayer is no
longer a Taxpayer. Under no circumstances will the Company provide copies of tax returns, other
documents, or data to non-government third parties (i.e. mortgage lenders, landlords, etc.) even if
Taxpayer makes a written request to do so. Upon written request, the Company will fax/mail/email
additional copies of Taxpayer's tax return(s), or other documents and data to Taxpayer. The Company
may charge Taxpayer an additional fee for this service. In connection with its service, the Company may
communicate with Taxpayer and others via email transmission. As emails can be intercepted and read,
disclosed, or otherwise used or communicated by an unintended third party, or may not be delivered to
each of the parties to whom they are directed and only to such parties, The Company cannot guarantee
or warrant that emails from The Company will be properly delivered and read only by the addressee.
Therefore, the Company specifically disclaims and waives any liability or responsibility whatsoever for
the interception or unintentional disclosure of emails transmitted by the Company in connection with
services rendered. Taxpayer agrees that the Company shall have no liability for any loss or damage to
any person or entity resulting from the use of email transmissions, including any consequential,
incidental, direct, indirect, or special damages, such as loss of revenues or anticipated profits, or
disclosure or communication of confidential or proprietary information.

Initials: GS U.C.C. 1-308 Authorized Representative

C. Tax Return Preparation

If this has been included under the Schedule Of Services, it is the Taxpayer's responsibility to provide the
Company with all the information required for the preparation of complete and accurate tax returns.
Taxpayer agrees that they have the proper records to substantiate all items of income and deductions,
including travel, entertainment, promotional expenses, and receipts for charitable contributions of two
hundred and fifty dollars or more. Taxpayer should retain all the documents, cancelled checks, and
other data that form the basis of Taxpayer's income and deductions. These may be necessary to prove
the accuracy of Taxpayer's income tax returns, and therefore, when Taxpayer receives them from the
Company, Taxpayer should review the returns carefully before signing them. The Company will use its
professional judgment in preparing Taxpayer's tax returns. Whenever the Company is aware that
possibly applicable tax law is unclear or that there are conflicting positions which may be taken on
Taxpayer's return, The Company will adopt whatever position the Taxpayer requests on the return so
long as it is consistent with tax codes and recognized interpretation of codes and regulation. If the IRS,
or other relevant state taxing agency should later contest the position taken, there may be an
assessment of additional tax plus interest and penalties. The company assumes no liability for any such
assessments. Returns are subject to review by taxing authorities. The Company's fee does not include
responding to the IRS, State, or other relevant state taxing agency inquiries. Taxpayer understands the
Company is not responsible for the disallowance of doubtful deductions or inadequately supported
documentation, nor for resulting taxes, penalties and interest. In the event of an Examination or other
contact by IRS, Franchise Tax Board, or other relevant state taxing agency, The Company is available to
represent the Taxpayer. Fees for these additional services will be charged at normal prevailing rates.
Timeliness is essential to our ability to complete tax returns. Specifically, The Company must receive
sufficient information to prepare returns within a reasonable period of time prior to the filing deadline.
If Taxpayer does not provide the information needed on a timely basis, The Company may file for an
extension of time to file the tax return, suspend service, or withdraw from working with the Taxpayer.
Filing extensions and any other addendum to the filing and preparation of any tax return will be billed at
the prevailing rates. Any tax planning advice given from The Company, on whom Taxpayer will rely
upon, must be in writing. In particular, Taxpayer should not rely on oral discussions, telephone calls,
emails, or voicemail messages as tax or business planning advice.

D. Bookkeeping Services

If this has been included under the Schedule Of Services, bookkeeping services will include
categorization of income, expenses, bank statements, and transactions, and compilation of categorized
transactions into a meaningful financial statement. Transactions include purchases, sales, receipts and
payments by an individual or organization. The Taxpayer will provide the Company with bank
statements, cash disbursements, and cancelled checks, Cash receipts, deposit slips, and check stubs,
check register, list of accounts payable and receivable, copies of purchase/lease contracts and loan
agreements, and the prior year's tax return. The Taxpayer agrees to accept responsibility for any effect
on the Taxpayer's accounting records and financial statements of basic financial information or
transaction documents not submitted to the Company for processing and entry, or losses that may
result from their absence. The Taxpayer will provide 30 days from the date of this letter. Any failure to
provide such documents and information on a timely basis, will impede the Company's services, and
may require the Company to suspend its services or withdraw bookkeeping services. The Company may
ask for clarification of some items as necessary for providing bookkeeping services, but the Company
will not audit or otherwise verify the data provided by Taxpayer. The Company will rely on the accuracy
and completeness of the documents and information provided by the Taxpayer. It is Taxpayer's
responsibility to provide information required for preparation of complete and accurate information.
The Company will not audit or review the Taxpayer's financial statements, or any other accounting
documents and information the Taxpayer provides, in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. The Taxpayer is responsible for adopting sound accounting policies, safeguarding assets,
authorizing transactions, retaining supporting documentation for those transactions, and for devising a
system of internal controls for accurate records and fraud prevention. For purposes of entry of the
financial information from the Taxpayer's basic transaction documents, classification according to the
agreed-upon chart of accounts will be performed by the Taxpayer and its employees. The Company has
no responsibility to identify and communicate significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in
Taxpayer's internal controls as part of this engagement, and the engagement cannot, therefore be relied
upon to make disclosure of such matters.

Initials: GS U.C.C. 1-308 Authorized Representative

E. Guidelines

For purposes of defining the guidelines of this Agreement, Taxpayer refers to individual(s) corporation,
organization, or other entity that enters into this Agreement with the Company for the services
described herein. Taxpayer agrees to fill out and return the Personal Financial Questionnaire
(hereinafter referred to as 'PFQ') to the Company within 14 days of hire date. The hire date is the date
that the Company receives the initial payment from Taxpayer. Taxpayer agrees to fully disclose all
information requested in the Welcome Packet, including the PFQ. Taxpayer further acknowledges that
the Company is limited in its ability to protect Taxpayer if Taxpayer does not properly complete and
return PQA to the Company within 14 days of hire. Taxpayer acknowledges and understands the
possibility that updated/additional financial information may be required throughout the course of each
case, and agrees to adhere to the Company's deadlines. Taxpayer releases the Company from any and
all liability associated with negative outcomes or actions resulting from Taxpayer's failure to completely
comply with said deadlines. Taxpayer understands the crucial nature of the Company having accurate
Taxpayer information. Taxpayer accepts responsibility for notifying the Company of any changes in their
contact information and agrees to inform the Company in writing of such changes to address, phone
number, email address, etc. Taxpayer understands that it is Taxpayer's responsibility to provide accurate
information for the purpose of Financial Analysis for Resolution and, if Taxpayer hired The Company for
preparation Personal and/or Business Tax Returns. The Company is under no obligation to verify the
veracity of the information Taxpayer submits to the Company, and Taxpayer understands and
acknowledges that their tax resolution proposal will be accepted or denied by the applicable
government agency. Taxpayer understands that it is not the Company's responsibility to locate source
documents and information such as payroll information, obtain records from third parties, determine
stock basis, purchase price of home, etc. Taxpayer agrees to take the necessary steps to obtain and
provide the information in a timely manner.

F. Provisions for Termination, Case Closure, and Case Reinstatement

The Company reserves the right to terminate service and revoke Power of Attorney if: Taxpayer fails to
return the completed PFQ within 30 days of hire. Taxpayer contacts the IRS directly without the written
permission of the tax professional / case manager assigned to the case. Taxpayer omits requested
information or provides the Company with either written or verbal information that is dishonest, false or
misleading. Taxpayer fails to return updated PFQ prior to the deadline provided by tax professional/case
manager assigned to the case. Taxpayer is discovered to have history as a 'tax protestor', as determined
by the IRS or any other government agency. Taxpayer fails to communicate with the Company and/or
fails to cooperate with the Company in providing all necessary information. After all services are
completed and the case is resolved, the case will be closed. In the event that service is terminated by
the Company and/or the Taxpayer wishes to reopen their case, Taxpayer shall be responsible for any
remaining fees due to the Company plus a minimum 25% penalty of the fee agreement to reinstate the
account. Taxpayer must produce any remaining document that was originally requested by the
Company. If additional collection activity has taken place, or 90 days have passed since termination,
additional fees may apply.

G. Provisions for Billing

Estimates stated in the 'Section A. Schedule of Services' based upon Taxpayer's representation about the
complexity or dollar amount of any tax service may not be ultimately accurate, and for this reason,
actual fees may exceed the original estimate without notification in advance. The Company will submit a
final resolution for Taxpayer's case to the applicable taxing authorities even if Taxpayer's service fee is
not paid in full. The Company reserves no right to ask for fees to be paid in advance. The Company
reserves the right to suspend services or withdraw services in the event that any of its invoices are
deemed by delinquent. To the extent permitted by law, an interest charge or billing fee may be added to
all accounts not paid within thirty (30) days. If Taxpayer's account is turned over to a collection service,
Taxpayer agrees to pay any and all collection costs. Taxpayer understands there will be an additional
charge for failure to remit the PFQ and/or requested information within thirty (30) days of hire or
request. Taxpayer understands that there will be a small administrative cost added to each payment,
unless made via direct deposit, physical check or wire transfer. If your payment is late or returned, you
will be charged an additional fee which may range from ten to fifty dollars. These additional fees may be
adjusted periodically without advance notice. If Taxpayer retained the Company with a credit card or
electronic check, Taxpayer's signature below grants full and valid authorization to debit the account in
accordance with all bank policies, banking regulations, and promissory agreements. Taxpayer further
understands that Taxpayer cannot reverse this charge, and Taxpayer will be held liable for any banking
and/or attorney's fees arising solely out of the dispute regarding a charge reversal. Should the Taxpayer
choose to hire the Company for additional services, such as yearly renewal to access the Taxpayer
portal, tax returns, bookkeeping or other service, Taxpayer consents to allow the terms of this
Agreement to govern the future relationship.

Initials: GS U.C.C. 1-308 Authorized Representative

H. Schedule of Fees

The Company's service fee for the Services mentioned above under 'Schedule of Services, is $3260.This
fee covers the services listed above for Taxpayer's estimated tax lien amount (secured debt) of $5,000-
$10,000. This fee is a flat rate that covers the above mentioned services based on Taxpayer's particular
tax situation as discussed during our consultation. An additional fee of $150 may apply for an IRS Offer
in Compromise, if applicable. In the event that Taxpayer's IRS collection activity or tax liability is
discovered to be more extensive than Taxpayer originally stated in the consultation, additional fees may
be required. Amount Due and Payable for These Itemized Services: $3260.

I. Provisions for Additional Services

Taxpayer will be subject to additional fees, possible account suspension, or penalties as outlined in 'D.
Provisions for Termination, Case Closure, and Case Reinstatement' if any of the following apply to
Taxpayer: Taxpayer's failure to be in compliance and bring Taxpayer's account current (filing tax returns,
request CDP appeal hearings, etc.).Failure to accurately disclose pertinent financial information that
causes The Company to have to redo any of the documentation associated with the itemized list of
services under the 'Section A. Schedule of Services'. Any revisions of tax returns due to omitted or
inaccurate information, and/or delays in providing requested information past the stated deadline.
Election to hire the Company for Services included in this Agreement (including, but not limited to,
preparation of additional tax returns, bookkeeping services, protection against a wage garnishment or
bank levy, obtaining and securing a collection hold, audit defense, representation for additional secured
debt, state tax resolution issues). Additional and/or excessive phone calls and communications
requested on behalf of Taxpayer basing the initial fee against The Company's stated per hour charge of
twenty five dollars. General miscellaneous fees may apply for drafting and preparation of documents.

J. Disclaimer

'The Company has made no warranty, guarantee or promises to Taxpayer about any of the following:
the outcome of the Company's negotiations with the IRS and/or state taxing authority negotiations, time
to perform or complete services, tax liens will not be filed, penalties or interest on outstanding liabilities
will not accrue. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as such a promise or guarantee of services.
Taxpayer understands that the Company does not make any warranties or guarantees that collection
activity will be avoided or eliminated, as the Company cannot control government policy, procedure or
law changes, or lack of disclosure by Taxpayer. Taxpayer understands that the final outcome of the case
depends on many factors which may be outside of the Company's control. Taxpayer further understands
that the Company does not promise the success of any specific program nor does it guarantee any
specific result. Finally, the Company does not make any warranties or guarantees for any particular
outcome related to services rendered to Taxpayer. The advertising used to promote the goods and
services of the Company on television, internet, radio, or other media outlet, are for illustrative
purposes only, and do not constitute as a representation that your particular tax issue will be resolved in
a similar manner to the examples, testimonials, or other statements made in any media outlets.

K. Refund Policy

Taxpayer understands the time and resources the Company will dedicate to resolving Taxpayer's Tax
issues, and as a result, Taxpayer's fee is a reasonable estimation of the losses the Company will incur in
the rare circumstance of Taxpayer's absence, early withdrawal, failure to cooperate and/or
communicate, and/or termination of representation by either party. Should Taxpayer decide to cancel
services, cancellation must be done in writing within THIRTY (30) business days of hire. If services are
cancelled during this time, Taxpayer will be entitled to a refund of no more than seventy-five percent of
all fees paid. To determine the amount of the refund, if any, the Company reserves the right in its sole
discretion to convert the agreed flat fee payment structure to an hourly one, by which Taxpayer agrees
to pay the Company an hourly rate of twenty five dollars per hour. In the event the Company so elects
to convert the billing arrangement to hourly, it will refund the unused portion of the fee, if any, up to
seventy-five percent of fees already paid.

Initials: GS U.C.C. 1-308 Authorized Representative

L. Arbitration of Dispute

The Company and Taxpayer waive any right to trial by jury in any lawsuit or other similar proceeding.
Any dispute in connection with any service performed by the Company will be resolved through binding
arbitration, pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association ('AAA') as a sole and exclusive
manner in which such dispute may be resolved. To the extent allowed by law, the Company and
Taxpayer each agree that they may only bring claims against each other in his/her or its individual
capacities, and not as a plaintiff on a class-wide basis. Each party will bear its own attorney's fees in
connection with any dispute in connection with Taxpayer's business relationship with the Company.
Taxpayer agrees that any and all claims, demands, or controversies of any kind or nature that Taxpayer
has concerning any of the negotiations leading to the purchase of the services, terms, and/or provisions
of the sale, engagement agreement, supplemental engagement agreements, supplemental bills,
arrangements of payment, purchase of service contract, performance of the engagement agreement or
services, or any other dispute arising from any agreement with the Company shall be settled by binding
arbitration conducted pursuant to the provisions of Title 9 of the United States Code Chapter 1, et seq.
Either party may demand arbitration conducted pursuant to the provisions along with a written
statement of the matter in controversy. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a demand for arbitration,
the receiving party shall contact the party initiating arbitration in an attempt to settle the dispute. If
attempts to resolve the dispute fail, then the dispute shall be resolved by a neutral binding arbitration
body that has knowledge of California Law. If the Company is initiating arbitration, then the Company
shall notify Taxpayer of its choice of arbitrator when the demand for arbitration is sent. If the Taxpayer
is initiating arbitration, then the Company will notify Taxpayer of its choice of arbitrator within thirty
days of receipt of the Taxpayer's demand for arbitration. If the Company and Taxpayer do not agree on
the arbitrator, then the arbitrator shall be selected by Taxpayer's choice of arbitrator, together with the
Company's choice of arbitrator. If the receiving party fails to contact the initiating party within the time
specified above, and/or fails to notify the other party of its choice of arbitrator within the time specified,
such party is deemed to agree with the other party's choice of arbitrator. The Company shall deliver its
demand for arbitration to Taxpayer at Taxpayer's last known address. Taxpayer shall deliver its demand
for arbitration to the Company's business address. Failure of either party to properly deliver the demand
in accordance with these terms shall extend the beginning of the period of arbitration and arbitrator
selection process until such party is notified in accordance with this agreement. Taxpayer agrees to limit
the Company's liability of damages to the Taxpayer to the greater of the sum of $2,500, or the fee that
the Company charged Taxpayer for its services. This limitation shall apply regardless of the causes of
action or legal theory pled or asserted by Taxpayer. If neither party's claim exceeds fifteen thousand
dollars ($15,000), then both parties agree that the arbitration shall be decided by submission of their
arguments and evidence to the arbitrator in writing. The arbitrator then makes an award based only on
the documents. No hearing will be held. The arbitration shall be conducted by the rules selected by the
agreed arbitrator, provided that such rules are consistent with the provisions of Title 9 of the United
States Code Chapter 1, et seq. Taxpayer and Company agree that the party requesting arbitration shall
pay its portion of the arbitration fees assessed by the arbitrator.

M. Entire Agreement

This agreement is the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein.
This agreement may be amended only by another agreement in writing. Taxpayer hereby acknowledges
that they have agreed to obtain this service for the above stated fee to represent him/her before the IRS
(Federal) and/or state taxing authorities. Taxpayer further acknowledges that no warranties or promises
have been made as to any ultimate outcome with regards to their tax liabilities. Taxpayer understands
that the Company has been retained to use best efforts to solely resolve Federal and/or State tax issues
as discussed during our consultation. State representation is not automatically included in the retainer
fee unless expressly agreed upon by the parties in writing during the time of consultation. Taxpayer
hereby acknowledges that they have agreed to obtain this service for the above stated fee to represent
him/her before the IRS and/or state taxing authorities. Taxpayer further acknowledges that no
warranties or promises have been made as to any ultimate outcome of Taxpayer's tax issues. In the
event any provision of this agreement should be held to be void, voidable, or unenforceable, the
remaining portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect.

N. Acknowledgement

The juristic entity known as GORDON SCOTT represents that he has read, understands, and agrees to be
bound by the terms of this Agreement in its entirety. He acknowledges that this Agreement has been
explained to his full satisfaction and that he has no unanswered questions about the Agreement. If
signing electronically, he has read and agreed to the electronic signature consent form located here
https://goo.gl/fko4oT, to use electronic signatures and records to execute this agreement as well as any
Federal or State documents needing to be signed as an addendum to this agreement.



Authorized Representative for Date

Taxpayer Signature

Check by Phone/ ACH Authorization Form

All Information entered into the following fields is AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR CHECK OR ACCOUNT


Payment Authorization Agreement: Taxpayer hereby agrees to allow Tax Solutions Services, and/or any
of its subsidiaries, hereinafter referred to as The Company to withdraw the amount you indicated from
Taxpayer's checking account listed, on the date specified. Taxpayer understands that The Company is
processing this information electronically, and that Taxpayer's information above, and signature below,
will be used to create that debit or electronic check. Taxpayer hereby gives ONE TIME debit permission
per date above. However, in the event Taxpayer's check is returned unpaid The Company may reprocess
the payment up to an additional two (2) times in an attempt to clear the check, and may include a
returned check fee, up to Taxpayer's state's maximum allowed by law. Each payment on this schedule
will incur an eleven dollar charge for general administrative costs. If your payment is late, you will be
charged an additional fee not to exceed one hundred and fifty dollars. All additional fees may be
adjusted periodically without advance notice. If Taxpayer has a payment schedule above of more than
ten months, Taxpayer will qualify for a twenty percent discount of the total fee if fully paid within six
months from the date of hire. Lastly, Taxpayer agrees that in the event The Company is hired for
additional services not itemized under Schedule of Services, and/or for other billing related charges as
previously outlined under Billing using either checking information appearing above, or via an alternate
account not listed above, Taxpayer consents to this signed authorization as being valid.

The Company will email a copy of any processed debit to Taxpayer's email address upon request. If
Taxpayer does not provide an email address, a copy will be mailed to the address above.
By signing below Taxpayer agrees to the terms outlined above and previously, and understands once
initiated it may not always be possible to stop or cancel the payment.



Taxpayer Signature Date

Credit Card Authorization

All Information entered into the following fields is AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR CREDIT CARD OR ACCOUNT


CARD NUMBER: 5146160125315008
CVV: 943
ONCE 2018 RETURN HAS BEEN FINALIZED, THE $ 72 - 05/29/2020
FOR REMAINDER OF BALANCE. $. 72 - 07/30/2020
$. 72 - 08/30/2020
$. 72 - 09/30/2020
$. 72 - 10/30/2020
$. 72 - 11/30/2020
$. 72 - 12/30/2020
$. 72 - 01/30/2021
$. 72 - 02/28/2021
$. 72 - 03/30/2021

Payment Authorization Agreement: If Taxpayer is retaining Tax Solutions Services, and/or/ any of its
subsidiaries, hereinafter referred to as The Company, via Credit Card for the items outlined under
Schedule of Services in the preceding engagement letter, the signature below grants full and valid
authorization to debit Taxpayer's account in accordance with all bank policies, banking regulations and
promissory agreements. Each payment on this schedule will incur an eleven dollar charge for general
administrative costs. If your payment is late, you will be charged an additional fee not to exceed one
hundred and fifty dollars. All of these additional fees may be adjusted periodically without advance
notice. Taxpayer will be held liable for any banking or attorney's fees arising out of a dispute regarding a
charge reversal. If Taxpayer has a payment schedule above of more than ten months, Taxpayer will
qualify for a twenty percent discount of the total fee if fully paid within six months from the date of hire.
Lastly, Taxpayer agrees that in the event The Company is hired for additional services not itemized
under Schedule of Services, and/or for other billing related charges as previously outlined under Billing
using an alternate account not listed above, Taxpayer consents to this signed authorization as being

The Company will email a copy of any processed debit to your email address upon request. If you do not
provide an email address a copy will be mailed to your address above.



Taxpayer Signature Date

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