10 1016@j Apsoil 2019 103377 PDF
10 1016@j Apsoil 2019 103377 PDF
10 1016@j Apsoil 2019 103377 PDF
Keywords: Vermiremediation is an expanding technology that uses earthworms to remediate organically contaminated soils
Earthworm and has been attracting attention from researchers gradually. This review outlines general aspects of vermir-
Drilosphere emediation, including its concepts, processing of organics-polluted soils, its advantages and limitations, the
Vermiextraction methods for enhancing vermiremediation, and other peripheral issues. Processes involved in vermiremediation
of soils contaminated by organic chemicals mainly include vermiaccumulation and vermiextraction, vermi-
transformation, and drilodegradation. Vermiaccumulation plays an important role in vermiremediation and
should be highlighted. Vermiremediation technology can be characterised as environmentally friendly, effective,
sustainable. Strategies for enhancing vermiremediation might include the use of surfactants, nutrient amend-
ments, management strategies, or combinations with other remediation technologies. Unlike previous reviews,
peripheral issues such as the inoculation and colonising of earthworms in contaminated field and methods for
harvest and disposal of earthworms used in vermiremediation are also discussed. However, there are many issues
need to be clarified, including i) the capacity, contribution, and mechanisms of different vermiremediation
processes; ii) the behaviour of organic pollutants in the drilosphere, iii) enhancement measures for vermir-
emediation and their side effects, and iv) earthworm collection methods in polluted soil and their post-harvest
disposal. This review gives a general outline of vermiremediation, which is expected to promote further studies
and practical application of vermiremediation in organically contaminated soils.
Corresponding author.
Corresponding author at: College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, 030006, PR China.
E-mail addresses: yonghuaz@chd.edu.cn (Y. Zhao), wangcongying@sxu.edu.cn (C. Wang).
Received 25 February 2019; Received in revised form 22 September 2019; Accepted 5 October 2019
0929-1393/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Zhiming Shi, et al., Applied Soil Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2019.103377
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received relatively little attention (Wu et al., 2010). Considering the ‘vermiremediation’, and specifically focuses on the following: i) the
limitations of phytoremediation and its stagnant in real-world appli- concept of vermiremediation, the possible processes and mechanisms
cation (Mench et al., 2010; Gerhardt et al., 2017), focusing attention on involved and their definitions in the context of ‘vermiremediation’; ii)
the use of earthworms as a soil treatment technology may pay sig- the characteristics of vermiremediation; iii) the potential approaches
nificant dividends. for enhancing vermiremediation; and iv) several peripheral but un-
Earthworms acting as soil ecological engineers are well-known for avoidable issues that require attention prior to implementation of ver-
their profound effects on the chemical, physical, and biological pro- miremediation. This review might provide a framework and facilitate
cesses that occur in its immediate vicinity (Shi et al., 2017). In agri- further research on vermiremediation and promote its application in
cultural production, earthworms promote crop growth by improving real-world field tests.
the nutrient content of soil and reduce the toxicity of wastes and may
help detoxify contaminated soil (Singh et al., 2018). Given their key
2. The concepts and processes of vermiremediation for organics-
role in terrestrial ecosystems and unique biological advantages, earth-
contaminated soils
worms have been widely studied for a variety of purposes since the
1800s (Edwards, 2004; Shi et al., 2017). In the field of soil remediation,
2.1. Concept of vermiremediation
studies on their use might date back to 1980s (Sinha et al., 2010).
However, the rapid expansion in this field only began in the last decade,
The term ‘vermiremediation’ is a combination of two words: Latin
and the term ‘vermiremediation’ was only recently invoked (Sinha
vermis (meaning worm) and the Latin remedium (meaning to correct or
et al., 2008; Gupta and Garg, 2009; Rorat et al., 2017). To the best of
remove an evil). To the best of our knowledge, the term ‘vermir-
our knowledge, only four reviews concerned the application and po-
emediation’ was first used by Edwards and Arancon (2006) (based on
tential use of earthworms for remediation (vermiremediation) of soils
the research results from Google Scholar and Web of Science). How-
contaminated with organic compounds (Hickman and Reid, 2008;
ever, Rodriguez-Campos et al. (2014) might be the first authors who
Sinha et al., 2008; Dendooven et al., 2011; Rodriguez-Campos et al.,
defined the term, which states ‘the use of earthworms for removing
2014). In these reviews, earthworm abiotic and biotic effects upon the
contaminants from the soil or when earthworms help to degrade non-
soil environment, presence of earthworms in contaminated soils, me-
recyclable chemicals’. This definition appears to be somewhat vague,
chanism of vermiremediation (bio-accumulation and bio-transforma-
and, thus, a detailed definition was provided with caution here. Ver-
tion/bio-degradation, etc.), advantages of vermiremediation, removal
miremediation is an earthworm-based bioremediation technology that
of various contaminants (PAHs, petroleum and crude oil hydrocarbons,
makes use of use the earthworm’s life cycle (i.e., feeding, burrowing,
agrochemicals, and PCBs) from soil and other issues have been dis-
metabolism, secretion) or their interaction with other abiotic and biotic
cussed. However, up to now, a framework of vermiremediation still
factors to accumulate and extract, transform, or degrade contaminants
lacks considering that many aspects of vermiremediation, for example,
in the soil environment. According to the definition, the following
strategies and approaches to improve the efficiency of the earthworm-
terms might be used to describe possible processes and mechanisms
based remediation process, and methods for harvesting earthworm after
involved in vermiremediation: vermiextraction and vermiaccumula-
a round of remediation process etc., have not been fully discussed.
tion, vermitransformation, and drilodegradation. Fig. 1 depicts these
Besides, previous review on the description of mechanism of vermir-
emediation, i.e., bio-accumulation and bio-transformation/bio-de-
gradation, seems to be somewhat vague, general, incomplete and fea-
tureless (Sinha et al., 2008), which cannot highlight the role of 2.2. Vermiaccumulation of organic pollutants
earthworms in remediating polluted soil. Therefore, the processes and
mechanism involved in vermiremediation need to be further explored Vermiaccumulation and vermiextraction refer to the process in
and explicitly defined. which earthworms take up and, subsequently, store the contaminants in
Based on these critical aspects, this review aims to provide an their bodies and therefore reduce the amount of pollutants in soils.
overview of earthworm use in remediation of soils using Studies related to vermiaccumulation in the past decades largely em-
phasised the environmental behaviour of organic contaminants in soil-
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Table 1
Models for predicting the vermiaccumulation of HOCs.
Models Equations Description References
Empirical models logBCF = alogK ow + b Plot log BCF versus log KOW, and obtain a regression which can be used as a (Jager, 1998; Mackay and Fraser,
predictive correlation. 2000; Meylan et al., 1999)
Equilibrium-partition Cworm =
Csoil Based on the assumption that only the dissolved fraction of the chemical in (Ma et al., 1998; Sijm et al.,
models interstitial water is available for uptake by earthworms via passive diffusion. 2000)
k d = K oc foc
logK oc = alogK ow + b
Rate models Cworm =
ks Csoil + ki Cw Two routes of uptake are incorporated: uptake by passive diffusion from the (Belfroid et al., 1995)
k2 interstitial water and dietary uptake. Uptake and elimination processes follow first-
order one-compartment kinetics
Mechanical models Fwater + F lipid K ow Csoil When the solid phase, pore water, and organism are in thermodynamic equilibrium, (Jager, 1998; Jager et al., 2003)
Cworm =
ρworm kd the concentration in the organism is determined by the concentration in the solid
phase and the steady-state partition coefficients
BCF, bioconcentration factor, are expressed on a solution basis either on a fresh or dry weight basis; Kow, Koc and Kd are the octanol-water, organic carbon-normalized
and soil-water partition coefficients of HOCs; foc, content of organic carbon in soil (%); Cworm, Csoil and Cw are the concentrations of HOCs in earthworms, in soil solid
and in soil solution, respectively; Fwater and Flipid are the volume fraction of lipids and water in earthworms, respectively. ρworm is the bulk density of earthworms. ks,
ki and k2 are the dietary uptake rate constants, uptake rate constants from interstitial water and elimination rate constants.
earthworm systems, including three aspects: the pathways by which toxicity and accumulation of enantiomers.
organic contaminants can enter into earthworms (Belfroid et al., 1995; Regarding the distribution of organic contaminants in earthworms,
Jager, 1998; Jager et al., 2003), the bioaccumulation and distribution there are not as many as those on accumulation; however, some pro-
of organic contaminants in earthworms (Ma et al., 2012; Shi et al., gress has been made on this issue. A hierarchic method has been de-
2014; Chen et al., 2017; Li et al., 2017; Miao et al., 2018), and the veloped for studying the distribution of organics in the earthworm,
relevant models describing the uptake and accumulation of organic which fractionated earthworm into different parts at three levels: sub-
contaminants (Jager, 1998; Jager et al., 2003). organism (pre-clitellum, clitellum and post-clitellum), tissue (body
wall, gut, and bodyfluids) and subcellular (intracellular and extra-
cellular fractions) (Shi et al., 2014). The distribution of phenanthrene,
2.2.1. Uptake, accumulation and distribution of hydrophobic organic fluoranthene, tetrabromobis phenol A, hexabromocyclododecane dia-
contaminants (HOCs) in earthworms stereoisomers (α-, β-, and γ-HBCDs) and lindane in earthworms have
Earthworms take up organic chemicals through two pathways: been investigated (Shi et al., 2014; Ma et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2017; Li
passive epidermal uptake and dietary uptake (Jager, 1998; Jager et al., et al., 2017; Miao et al., 2018). The results have indicated that the
2003; Shi et al., 2014). In the passive epidermal uptake pathway, up- distribution of contaminants is heterogeneous (Shi et al., 2014). For
take passively occurs in the direction of decreasing chemical potential. example, at the tissue level, similar results were found, particularly that
Then, the organic compounds dissolved in pore water or weakly asso- the distribution of contaminants in gut fractions was higher than that in
ciated with the surfaces of particulate matter are adsorbed to the bodywall (skin) fractions (Ma et al., 2012; Shi et al., 2014; Chen et al.,
bodywalls or absorbed by the bodywalls, pass through it and are, 2017; Li et al., 2017; Miao et al., 2018).
subsequently, translocated within the body of the earthworm (Belfroid
et al., 1995; Jager, 1998; Shi et al., 2014). By contrast, the dietary
uptake pathways is essentially the result of earthworm feeding on soil 2.2.2. Models for describing and predicting the uptake and accumulation of
with organic compounds, which can be grounded, digested, and un- HOCs in earthworms
dergo other processes associated with earthworm’s life activities, re- Since it is impossible to study each chemical and each earthworm
sulting in the organic compounds within the soil being absorbed by the species under all possible conditions, relevant models describing and
intestinal tract and/or subsequently translocated to other earthworm predicting uptake and accumulation in earthworms have been devel-
tissues (Jager, 1998; Shi et al., 2014). The process of vermiaccumula- oped. Empirical models, rate models, equilibrium-partition models,
tion is correlated with the physiological characteristics of the earth- mechanical models, and fugacity models have been developed succes-
worms such as the lipid content of their tissue, the levels of con- sively (Table 1). However, it seems that these achievements were oc-
taminants in the soil or sludge, and the physicochemical characteristics curred approximately 20 years ago, while little progress has been made
of organic-like aqueous solubility and concentration (Rodriguez- in recent years.
Campos et al., 2014). It is generally believed that the contributions of
the two routes differ; for hydrophobic chemicals that have a logKow < 5 2.2.3. The potential of vermiaccumulation and vermiextraction in
(Kow is the octanol-water partition coefficient), epidermal uptake is the remediating organics-polluted soils
dominant route (Jager et al., 2003). Although there are many studies related to vermiaccumulation and
The accumulation of organic contaminants in earthworms has been vermiextraction, its role in vermiremediation has not been well-ac-
widely studied during the past decades and parts of those studies were knowledged, which may be due to the uncertainty about whether
summarized together in Table S1 as supplementary material. Relevant earthworms accumulate large amounts of contaminants (Shi et al.,
contaminants included PAHs (Malev et al., 2016; Šmídová et al., 2017; 2018). Studies concerning the bioaccumulation of organic pollutants in
Zhang et al., 2017), PCBs (Yang et al., 2013; Xu et al., 2014), pesticides earthworms during the past decades to address these issues have been
(Nyholm et al., 2010; Miao et al., 2018), emerging organic con- compiled (Table S1). Table S1 shows that the concentrations of HOCs in
taminants (Wen et al., 2015; Navarro et al., 2016), and enantiomers of earthworms varied greatly. Some studies showed that levels of organic
some pesticides (Wang et al., 2014; Qin et al., 2015; Chang et al., 2016; pollutants in earthworm are small (Liu et al., 2015; Khorram et al.,
Ye et al., 2016). Most of these studies were designed to assess the 2016; Deng and Zeng, 2017), while other results confirmed that the
bioaccumulation of chemicals in the earthworms serving their regula- concentrations of some chemicals in earthworms could be very high,
tion and toxicity/risk assessment, the effect of environmental factors even when the concentration in the soil was rather low (Denyes et al.,
(e.g., soil amendments, soil types, aging process, etc.) on the accumu- 2013; Šmídová and Hofman, 2014). Furthermore, our previous study
lation of chemicals, bioavailability assessments, and enantioselectivity results obtained from adsorption experiments also indicated that
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earthworms have the potential ability to carry a large amount of HOCs, sulfonamide, and perfluorooctane sulfonate in the soil, and n-ethyl-
given their relatively high lipid content and that lipid fractions are the perfluorooctane sulfonamide acetate was the predominant metabolite
main pool for organic contaminants (Shi et al., 2018). of earthworms (Zhao et al., 2016). However, obviously, many meta-
It is noteworthy that in phytoremediation technology, hyper- bolites still need to be identified, indicative of the complexity of ver-
accumulator plants such as Thlaspi caerulescens, Alyssum bertolonii, mitransformation and vermidegradation processes.
Arabidopsis helleri among others, for Cd, Co, Ni, Pb, Zn metals are well- Regarding the biochemical metabolic processing of organic con-
studied and acknowledged (Sarwar et al., 2017), while seemingly little taminants in earthworms, it has been described as a series of processes
attention has been paid to the roles of earthworms as potential hyper- that use enzymes catalysis (Saint-Denis et al., 1999). There are two
accumulators for organic contaminants. Actually, under certain condi- major biochemical processes by which metabolism occurs in eu-
tions, the BSAFs (biota-to-soil accumulation factors, Ce/Cs, where Ce karyotes: Phase I- transformation and Phase II – conjugation. In Phase I,
and Cs are concentrations of test chemicals in earthworms and soil) of hydrophobic contaminants get transformed into chemically active,
some organic contaminants, which is used to describe the effectiveness more polarised, and more water-soluble compounds by the introduction
of earthworm take up and accumulation HOCs from soils due to uptake of a functional group, such as hydroxyl or sulphonyl groups, which
from all exposure routes (Xu et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2014), can be very prepare the compound for Phase II reactions (Brown et al., 2004). Re-
high. For example, the BSAFs of PCBs, phenanthrene, pyrene, lindane, actions, such as epoxidation, N-, O-, S-dealkylation, peroxidation, aro-
p,p’-DDT and PCBs153 in earthworms were as high as 26, 35, 52, 44, 62 matic and aliphatic hydroxylation, sulphoxidation, and oxidative de-
and 39, respectively (Denyes et al., 2013; Šmídová et al., 2015). Fur- sulphuration reactions might occur, but it seems focused reactions are
thermore, a simple statistical analysis of Table S1 was made and it is mostly oxidations catalysed by cytochrome P-450 s in Phase I pathways.
found that about 49.1% cases showed that concentrations of HOCs in Cytochromes P450 (CYP450, P450, CYPs) are a super enzymatic family
earthworms were much higher than that in soils. Based on all these widely distributed in living organisms from bacteria to mammals and
observations, the use of vermiaccumulation where earthworms act as CYP450 are of central importance in the detoxification and bio-
hyperaccumulators for organic pollutants might be feasible. transformation of xenobiotics (Li et al., 2018). CYP450 genes have been
identified in L. terrestris and E. fetida (Lankadurai et al., 2013; Schmidt
2.3. Vermitransformation and vermidegradation of organic pollutants et al., 2017).
Phase II conversion involves either direct conjugation of organic
Vermitransformation and vermidegradation might be defined as the contaminants or conjugation of metabolites from Phase I reactions, with
processes by which organic pollutants in earthworms are degraded with glutathione, amino acids, or sugars (Brown et al., 2004). Conjugation
the help of enzymes such as CYP450 and peroxidise, or by gut microbes occurs by covalent linkages with any of these endogenous molecules,
(might be termed as ‘vermin-endophyte’, referring to microorganisms, thus, producing hydrophilic conjugates. For example, E. andrei pro-
bacteria, or fungi, which live within earthworm tissues without causing duces three pyrene metabolites, all of which are conjugates of 1-hy-
any disease), or by both. According to the definition, ‘vermi- droxypyrene (Stroomberg et al., 2004). In Phase II, glutathione S-
transformation/vermidegradation’ is one of the pathways of ‘vermi- transferase (GST) was among the most studied because of its high
conversion’ and ‘vermicomposting’. Vermiconversion is termed as the sensitivity and ecological relevance. GST catalyses the conjugation re-
rapid conversion of slowly biodegradable solid wastes to valuable fer- action of GSH and electrophilic xenobiotics and, thus, contributes to the
tiliser materials through the combined action of earthworms and mi- removal of reactive electrophiles. Meanwhile, GST serves as an im-
croorganisms (Goswami et al., 2013; Sahariah et al., 2014). Vermi- portant Phase II detoxification enzyme to excrete and eliminate the
composting is also a biological decomposition of organic waste to products of Phase I metabolism (Zhang et al., 2009b).
produce stabilized organic fertilizer, namely vermicompost (Lim et al.,
2016; Bhat et al., 2018). It seems that the two terms are describing a 2.3.2. The current status of vermitransformation in vermiremediation
similar bioconversion process. Therefore, vermiconversion and vermi- In vermiremediation, vermitransformation is also an important
composting includes the remediation of pollutants by default, the use of process and mechanism. However, there are still many issues require
the pollutant removal or detoxification ability of earthworms or clarification: i) the vermitransformation capacity of organic con-
‘vermin-endophyte’. However, the target of vermiconversion and ver- taminants in earthworms is unknown; ii) whether organic pollutants in
micomposting are biodegradable solid wastes while vermitransforma- earthworms are degraded by earthworms themselves or gut microbes;
tion and vermidegradation directly focuses on the remedy of chemicals iii) the contribution of vermitransformation in vermiremediation.
(e.g., organic pollutants). At present, there exist studies related to However, like the contribution of phytodegradation in phytoremedia-
vermintransformation, which were focused mostly on the eco-tox- tion (Gan et al., 2009), it is speculated that vermitransformation is slow
icological effects of organic contaminants on earthworms (Lankadurai considering that there is no clear evidence that the contribution of
et al., 2013; Zhao et al., 2016; Schmidt et al., 2017). metabolism of HOCs in earthworms is significant to their removal from
soil, as far as we know.
2.3.1. Detoxification of organic xenobiotics in earthworms
Earthworms can accumulate organic xenobiotics from polluted en- 2.4. Drilodegradation of organic pollutants
vironments and detoxify them through their metabolic activities.
Table 2 lists studies related to vermitransformation. It can be found that 2.4.1. The drilosphere effect and drilodegradation
some earthworm species (mostly E. fetida) possess the capacity for Here, the drilosphere refers to the 2-mm-thick zone around earth-
metabolising some organic pollutants such as 2, 4, 6-trinitrotoluene, worm burrow walls, which was first defined by Bouché (1975) ac-
PAHs, herbicides and pesticides (Renoux et al., 2000; Duckett et al., cording to Brown et al. (2000). Drilospheric soil presents a substantially
2007; Zhang et al., 2016; Schmidt et al., 2017). In recent years, en- different habitat for soil microbes from that of bulk soil, and is con-
antioselective degradation of enantiomer pesticides in earthworms has sidered to be a critical microbial ‘hotspot’ (Hoang et al., 2016a;
also attracted the attention of scientists (Qu et al., 2014; Wang et al., Kuzyakov and Blagodatskaya, 2015). The drilosphere effect, whereby
2014). A few metabolites of organic contaminants in earthworms have earthworm excreta supply energy and nutrients to drilosphere micro-
also been identified. 10:2 fluorotelomer alcohol could be transformed to organisms, promotes increased rates of biochemical processes, relative
perfluorocarboxylic acids, perfluorononanate and perfluorodecanoate to those found in un-burrowed soils. Specifically:
in earthworms (Zhao and Zhu, 2017). N-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfo- i) The drilosphere enriches in liable C and N due to excreta from
namide ethanol could be transformed to n-ethylperfluorooctane sulfo- earthworm such as residues, mucus and casts as earthworms travel
namide acetate, perfluorooctane sulfonamide acetate, perfluorooctane along their burrowing systems; microbial growth is stimulated in the
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Table 2
Some studies concerning vermitransformation of HOCs and their metabolites in earthworms.
No. Species Contaminants Metabolites References
1 L. terrestiris di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate and phthalic acid (Albro et al., 1993)
2 E. andrei TNT monoamino- (2-ADNT and 4-ADNT) and diamino-nitrotoluene (2,4-DANT and 2,6- (Renoux et al., 2000)
3 E. veneta 4-fluoroaniline N-beta-glucoside conjugate (Bundy et al., 2002)
amma-glutamyl conjugate
4 E. veneta 3-trifluoromethylaniline (3-TFMA) alpha- and beta- glucoside conjugates (Lenz et al., 2002)
5 E. andrei Pyrene 3 conjugates of 1-hydroxypyrene (Stroomberg et al.,
6 E. veneta 2-fluoro-4-iodoaniline N-glutamyl and N-glucoside conjugates (Duckett et al., 2007)
7 E. fetida fenamiphos fenamiphos sulfoxide (Cáceres et al., 2011)
8 E. fetida Diniconazole 1, 2, 4-triazole, (E)-3-(1H-1, 2, 4-triazol-1-yl) acrylaldehyde, etc. (Wang et al., 2014)
9 E. fetida Perfluorooctane sulfonamide perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (Wen et al., 2015)
10 E. fetida lambad-cyhalothrin 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (Chang et al., 2016)
11 E. fetida Decaromodiphenyl ether (BDE209) BDE206, BDE208, etc. (Zhang et al., 2016)
12 E. fetida N-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamide n-ethylperfluorooctane sulfonamide acetate, perfluorooctane sulfonamide acetate, (Zhao et al., 2016)
ethanol perfluorooctane sulfonamide, and perfluorooctane sulfonate
13 M. guillelmi Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) mono- and dimethyl ethers (O- methylation products of TBBPA) (Chen et al., 2017)
E. fetida
14 E. fetida β- and γ- hexabromocyclododecane α- hexabromocyclododecane (Li et al., 2017)
15 E. fetida PAHs conjugated phase II metabolites (Schmidt et al., 2017)
16 E. fetida 10:2 fluorotelomer alcohol perfluorocarboxylic acids, perfluorononanate and perfluorodecanoate (Zhao and Zhu, 2017)
17 E. fetida Perfluorooctane sulfonamide perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (Zhao et al., 2018)
18 E. fetida N-ethyl perfluorooctane N-ethylperfluorooctane (Zhao et al., 2019)
sulfonamidoethanol sulfonamide acetate, N-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamide, perfluorooctane
acetate, perfluorooctane sulfonamide and perfluorooctane sulfonate
19 E. fetida Perfluorooctane sulfonamide perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (Zhao et al., 2020)
drilosphere, which, subsequently, leads to the growth of eukaryotic mechanism for the vermiremediation of organic contaminants, few
grazer populations such as protozoa and nematodes (Stromberger et al., studies have been conducted. Dallinger and Horn (2014) found that [U-
2012). ii) Improved aeration status in the drilosphere through the for- 14C] 2, 4-Dichlorophenol (a metabolite of various herbicides) miner-
mation of air channels created when earthworms burrow enhance alisation was higher in cast, burrow wall, and soil from columns with as
aerobic bacterial metabolism (Liu et al., 2011; Kuzyakov and opposed to earthworms (A. caliginosa). Data indicated a strong impact
Blagodatskaya, 2015). iii) The microbial load in drilospheric soil might of earthworms on the active microbial community. Liu et al. (2010,
be improved, since earthworm mucus also provides nutrients, which are 2011) found that burrow walls and 0–5 cm depth bulk soil displayed
mixtures of carbon-containing compounds including low-molecular higher capacities to degrade 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, a
organic acids, amino acids, nucleic acid derivatives, carbohydrates, phenoxyalkanoic acid herbicide, than soil from 5 to 10 cm depth bulk
phenolics, and enzymes (Zhang et al., 2009a). iv) The liable organic soil. Monard et al. (2010) reported that total bacterial abundance, atz
carbon supply from earthworm excreta and the turnover of substrates gene expression and herbicide atrazine mineralisation were induced in
can sustain bacterial communities acting as readily utilisable sources of the drilosphere.
energy (aerobic metabolism) or as electron donors (anaerobic meta- Theoretically, the behaviour of organic pollutants in the drilosphere
bolism) (Tiunov and Scheu, 1999). vi) The drilosphere holds a higher should be distinct from that in bulk soil due to drilosphere effects.
number of microbial populations due to the combined effects of the However, such mechanisms have not been explained fully. The fol-
above factors. All these effects indicate that drilospheric microorgan- lowing issues should be explored to promote the use of drilodegradation
isms have great potential to mineralise and degrade organic pollutants. in control organically contaminated soil. First, whether the environ-
A multitude of microbial processes might be activated in the drilo- mental behaviour of organic pollutants in the drilosphere, e.g. bioa-
sphere, as described above by earthworm activities. Consequently, the vailability, the degradation of organic pollutants, and the sorption and
breaking down, elimination, or degradation of organic contaminants by desorption, etc. is different from that in bulk soil should be considered.
microorganisms in the zones might be trigged and enhanced (Monard Second, whether biological characteristics under pollution stress con-
et al., 2010). Such processes might be defined as drilodegradation or ditions in the drilosphere, e.g., the biotic community (microbial and
drilostimulation. Apart from the enhanced quantity and agility of faunal communities), soil enzymes and their activities are different
contaminant degraders, another way to stimulate drilodegradation is from that in bulk soil is also an interesting issue requiring considera-
potential enhanced bioavailability. Earthworms release a mass of tion. Hoang et al. (2016b) have studied the distribution of enzyme
complicated glutinous mucus from their body wall, which contains activities inside worm burrows and found that earthworm burrows are
many compounds, such as dissolved organic carbon, amino acids and microbial hotspots with a much higher and denser distribution of en-
glycerolipids, macromolecules including glycoproteins, mucopoly- zyme activities than reference soil.
saccharides, lectins, and hemocyanin (Pan et al., 2010; Zhang et al.,
2009a). Some of these compounds might have surfactant properties and 3. Characteristics of vermiremediation
have been known to enhance the apparent solubility hydrophobic or-
ganic compounds. Since the bioavailability of HOCs limits their uptake 3.1. Advantages of vermiremediation
and transformation, improved desorption in drilosphere serve as a
significant mechanism for driloremediation success (Katayama et al., If vermiremediation proves to be technologically feasible after fur-
2010). ther studies and exploration, it has several advantages over conven-
tional physicochemical methods. Primarily, vermiremediation is an
2.4.2. Current status of drilodegradation in the view of vermiremediation aesthetically pleasing, environmentally- and eco-friendly technology
Although drilodegradation might be an important process and similar to phytoremediation (Sinha et al., 2008). In general,
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earthworms treat contaminated lands without destroying the topsoil, 4.2. Surfactant enhanced vermiremediation
thus maintaining or improving soil utility and fertility. There is minimal
disruption of the environment. Surfactants are a group of natural and synthetic chemicals that can
Furthermore, it is useful for treating a broad range of environmental desorb, solubilise, or emulsify poorly soluble substrates, and can play
contaminants. Rodriguez-Campos et al. (2014) reviewed that pesticides, an important role in soil pollution remediation due to their unique
herbicides, PAHs, PCBs and crude oil in the soil can be removed in the characteristics for the desorption and mobilisation of organic con-
presence of earthworms. It is a relatively efficient technology compared taminants (Chirakkara et al., 2016). Presently, the application of sur-
with phytoremediation technologies because the contribution of ver- factants in microbial remediation and phytoremediation of organics-
miaccumulation for organic pollutants might be significant, which is polluted soil has been widely studied, and the underlying mechanisms
different from phytoaccumulation (Wu et al., 2018). It is an en- have been well-clarified (Liao et al., 2016; Mao et al., 2015;
vironmentally sustainable in-situ approach to remediate sites con- Lamichhane et al., 2017; Liang et al., 2017). Many surfactants, such as
taminated with PAHs in less than a year, within several growth cycles non-ionic surfactants (Brij30, Brij35, Tween80, and TX100), anionic
(Kuppusamy et al., 2017). Another benefit is that vermiremediation can surfactants (sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS) and cationic surfactants
improve soil quality by enhancing organic matter, nutrient concentra- (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTMAB), have proven effective
tions, and biological activity (Sinha et al., 2008). Our previous also bioremediation enhancers (Mao et al., 2015). However, their applica-
showed that earthworms still play the role of ecosystem engineers even tion in vermiremediation has not been explored fully. Mass transfer and
in polluted soil (Shi et al., 2019). the rate of earthworm uptake are the major factors that limit the ver-
miremediation of HOCs (Lanno et al., 2004). Therefore, theoretically,
surfactants can assist with the mobilisation of contaminants into the soil
3.2. Limitations of vermiremediation solution, making contaminants more accessible and readily accumu-
lated by earthworms (Paria, 2008). Some studies have indicated that
The vermiremediation technique also has certain limitations like surfactants significantly increased DDE bioaccumulation by earth-
any bioremediation technologies. Vermiremediation is only applicable worms; for example, Tween-80 and rhamnolipids increased DDE ac-
in slightly or moderately contaminated soils, which allow earthworm cumulation in L. terrestris by 74 and 36 fold, respectively (White et al.,
survival. Severely contaminated soil may be toxic to earthworms, and 2007).
thus their survival may be affected by the toxicity of the contaminants However, there are some possible adverse effects of surfactant use,
(Rodriguez-Campos et al., 2014; Shi et al., 2019). Furthermore, ver- such as surfactant eco-toxicity and preferential biodegradation of the
miremediation is only applicable to depths with earthworm activities, surfactant itself by soil microflora (Cheng et al., 2018). The toxicity of
which depends on the ecological groups of earthworm species used. surfactants can be minimised by the use of biosurfactants: surfactants
Based on their habitat preferences, earthworms are categorised as epi- produced by plants, animals, and many microorganisms, such as
geic, anecic, and endogeic. Epigeic earthworms, e.g., E. fetida live on the rhamnolipids (Wu et al., 2018). Their merits over synthetic surfactants
upper surface of soils to feed mainly on plant litter and other organic include biodegradability, cost-effectiveness, and the potential for in-situ
debris on the soil surface and are also classified as detritivores ac- production (Wu et al., 2018).
cording to their feeding habit. Similarly, anecics and endogeic are
termed as phyto-geophagous and geophagous, respectively 4.3. Enhancement of vermiremediation by promoting earthworms growth
(Bhattacharya and Kim, 2016). Therefore, vermiremediation potential
might also be restricted by food abundance, since it mainly relies on the Another way of augmenting the efficiency and uptake capacity of
feeding preferences of the worm species (Bonkowski et al., 2000; Curry vermiremedial systems is increasing the earthworm biomass by using
and Schmidt, 2007). However, accumulated contaminants in earth- food and optimising inoculation conditions. Earthworms have shown a
worms can be transferred into the food chain in the case of misman- dietary preference, which indicates that their growth might be im-
agement or lack of proper disposal (Shi et al., 2014). Additionally, the proved by improving the food quality (Bonkowski et al., 2000; Curry
use of vermiremediation might require strict conditions. Earthworms and Schmidt, 2007). Increased earthworm growth leads to increased
are sensitive species, and climate or seasonal conditions or other en- rates of uptake and organic contaminant degradation in the soil due to
vironmental factors may inhibit earthworm survival and subsequent drilosphere effect. In addition, earthworms growth require suitable
vermiremediation processes (Butt and Lowe, 2011). survival environment, and, therefore, during vermiremediation pro-
cesses, maintaining optimal inoculation condition, such as temperature,
moisture, food quality, pH, etc., is also necessary to guarantee earth-
4. Strategies for enhancing vermiremediation worms growth (Butt and Lowe, 2011).
4.1. General consideration for enhancement strategies 4.4. Combination of vermiremediation with other technologies
Two factors limiting vermiremediation are earthworm survival and Vermiremediation can be enhanced by exploiting microbe-earth-
the mobility and bioavailability of HOCs. Earthworms growth can be worm interactions. Microbe-assisted vermiremediation couples earth-
affected severely by poor quality soils and high levels of soil con- worms with drilospheric microbes that enhance the remediation of
taminants (Sinha et al., 2008). Lack of contaminant mobility and organics by increasing degradation and detoxification rates of con-
bioavailability can prevent vermiremediation of organic contaminants taminants, and affecting contaminant mobility, sequestration, and up-
(Rodriguez-Campos et al., 2014). Therefore, enhancement of vermir- take. Nneji et al. (2016) found that combined treatment with A. millisoni
emediation must deal with those two factors. Similar to phytor- and Bacillus spp. resulted in a significant reduction in total petroleum
emediation, the vermiremediation of organics-contaminated soils can hydrocarbons and increased total organic carbon and N in the soil
be enhanced by several strategies (Megharaj et al., 2011; Gerhardt compared with other treatments. Sun et al. (2011) reported that the
et al., 2017; Hussain et al., 2018), including increased contaminant percentage of pyrene removal in the presence of E. foetida was
mobility and bioavailability (using surfactants), increased overall 45.5–91.0% after 14 d of incubation, which was 2.1–2.8 times greater
earthworm growth (and thus uptake capacity) via nutrient amendments than that in treatments without the worms. Li et al. (2015) reported
or management strategies, and combination with other remediation that the inoculation with both earthworm species A. robustus Perrier
technologies. and E. fetida Savigny significantly enhanced soil pentachlorophenol
(PCP) disappearance and basal respiration, which suggests that
Z. Shi, et al. Applied Soil Ecology xxx (xxxx) xxxx
earthworms can introduce functional bacteria into soils and increase other practices, solely or jointly, indirectly play a role in the improve-
the population of PCP-degrading bacteria, thereby accelerating soil PCP ment vermiremediation efficiency.
degradation. Muñiz et al. (2017) also found that a few days of earth-
worm (A. chlorotica) activity increased the extractability of hexa- 6. Peripheral issues needed to be considered prior to in
chlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers (e.g., γ−HCH), facilitating the bio- vermiremediation
degradation of organochlorine compounds.
Vermiremediation can also be combined with phytoremediation. 6.1. Inoculation and colonisation of earthworm in polluted site
Deng and Zeng (2017) reported that the removal rates for phenanthrene
in soil was 93% following a treatment of alfalfa + earthworms + white- Vermiremediation might require a large number earthworms (Sinha
rot fungus, a result much higher than the controls containing only et al., 2008). Therefore, the first problem that must be solved is the
earthworms, only alfalfa, earthworms + alfalfa, alfalfa + white-rot method of introducing earthworms into polluted soil to activate ver-
fungus, which were 33, 48, 66, 74, and 85%, respectively. miremediation. Butt and Grigoropoulou (2010) reviewed earthworm
Vermiremediation can also be used to clean up residual con- inoculation technologies, including turf cutting and relaying, chemical/
taminants after the primary remedial treatment has been applied as a physical extraction with broadcasting and earthworm inoculation unit
final ‘polishing’ step. Along with residual contaminant clean up, it can method. In addition, their advantages and disadvantage were well de-
help recover the soil structure and texture after physical or chemical scribed. However, to confirm the colonisation and secure the applic-
treatment by providing organic nutrients and encouraging the growth ability of vermiremediation, the survival of earthworms at polluted site
of microorganisms in the drilosphere (Sinha et al., 2008). needs to be assessed.
4.5. Use of agronomic practices and soil amendments 6.2. Harvest of earthworm biomass under polluted soil conditions
At contaminated sites, improving soil texture is often necessary for Extracting earthworms after finishing a cycle of vermiremediation is
earthworm growth because the soils are usually physically compacted, an unavoidable issue. The sampling methods used in earthworm po-
low in dissolved oxygen, organic matter, and hydraulic conductivity pulation and abundance studies might offer valuable insights. To date,
(Gerhardt et al., 2017). Tillage is important for homogenising soils to earthworm sampling methods have been classified into ethological
eliminate ‘hot spots’ (i.e., areas with high concentrations of con- methods and hand-sorting methods (Velki et al., 2012), which is sum-
taminants in heterogeneous soil) (Gerhardt et al., 2017), to break up marised in Table 3. Since a large number earthworms might be used in
compact soils to facilitate earthworm movement, and to aerate soils vermiremediation, hand-sorting seems undesirable considering its in-
which can promote drilodegradation of organic compounds. efficient nature, labor intensiveness, and physical disturbance of soil
Increasing incubation densities, and, thus, biomass, can improve the system. Other sampling technologies, e.g., chemical extraction
efficiency of remediation of HOCs. Additional amendments that can be methods, electroshocking, should be considered as potential harvest
used for fertilisation include livestock manure, biosolids, biochar, ac- methods of earthworm in vermiremediation (Butt and Grigoropoulou,
tivated carbons, compost, sludge, and straw mulch can be used to im- 2010). What is more interesting is using electroshock equipment to
prove soil texture (Beesley et al., 2011; Denyes et al., 2012; Oleszczuk manipulate earthworms (Bohlen et al., 1995; Szlavecz et al., 2013),
et al., 2012; Navarro et al., 2016). which is promising for earthworm harvests. Recently, a simple push–-
Amendments can also be used when contaminant mobility and pull/pull–pull strategy have been proved to be efficient for harvesting
bioavailability increase the risk to biological receptors or hinder re- the earthworms coconut leaf vermicompost produced in tanks, wherein
mediation. For example, activated carbon can be added to soils to de- freshly ground mustard solution was used as repellant (push agent) and
crease the bioavailability and uptake of several organic compounds cow dung (with or without bagasse/banana wastes) was used as an
(Paul and Ghosh, 2011; Oleszczuk et al., 2012). The use of biochar can attractant (‘pull’ agent) (Gopal and Gupta, 2019). The strategy might be
also decrease the bioavailability of some organic pollutants. For ex- also used for the harvest of earthworms from vermiremediation. Al-
ample, the addition of biochar or activated carbons to the soils greatly though published papers is limited, to the best of our knowledge, there
reduced the uptake of PCBs by earthworms (Denyes et al., 2013). Per- are many other noteworthy methods for collecting earthworms based
haps the reduced bioavailability of pollutants is not beneficial for ver- on earthworm biological traits, such as diet preference, sensitivity to
miaccumulation; however, such addition favours the survival of light, heat, temperature, and disturbance (Butt and Lowe, 2011). These
earthworms, resulting in the enhancement of drilodegradation (Gomez- methods are mostly used on earthworm farms for separating and col-
Eyles et al., 2011). lecting earthworms from substrates and might also be feasible in ver-
Although there are many soil amendments that might have great miremediation.
potential in enhancing the vermiremediation efficiency, it should be Although there are many earthworms sampling methods, their ef-
noted that their effects on soil organisms, biochemical processes, and ficiencies depend on many factors, including the species, maturity stage
soil biological properties must be assessed before they can be utilised of the specimens, habitat type, soil properties, among others (Valckx
effectively. et al., 2011). Besides, it should be noticed that current studies on the
efficiency of earthworm sampling methods are conducted in clean soil
5. Brief summary of key scientific issues in vermiremediation or media. However, many studies have confirmed that in contaminated
soil earthworm behaviors have been influenced (Shi et al., 2017),
To obtain a general impression on vermiremediation, a brief sum- therefore, whether earthworm sampling methods are still applicable in
mary of the above discussion is depicted in Fig. 2. i) The environmental contaminated soil remains to be studied further. Besides of sampling
behaviour of organic pollutants in soil, soil-earthworm interfaces and efficiency, combined side effects of different samples methods on
earthworm bodies depend on the bioavailability of organic pollutants earthworm survival, and pollution stress should be also clarified (Čoja
(Lanno et al., 2004); ii) various factors, including physicochemical et al., 2008).
properties of soil (e.g., soil organic matter, SOM), properties of HOCs
(e.g., Kow) (Jager, 1998), earthworm secretions (e.g., mucus and casts), 6.3. The fate of earthworms used for vermiremediation
other soil organisms (e.g., microbe), among others, solely or jointly
exert effects on the bioavailability of HOCs in soil (Luo et al., 2012), Another important question is the fate of earthworms after used for
and consequently, on vermiremediation; iii) Therefore, various strate- vermiremediation of organics-polluted soil. As discussed in Section
gies such as soil amendments, surfactants, agronomic practices, and 2.2.3, earthworms may accumulate a large amount of organic
Z. Shi, et al. Applied Soil Ecology xxx (xxxx) xxxx
contaminants, therefore, earthworms used for vermiremediation should remediating polluted soil. In these processes, vermiaccumulation plays
be carefully handled. Similar to the post-treatment of plants used in an important role in vermiremediation and should be highlighted;
phytoremediation, a potentially simple method for disposal of earth- Second, vermiremediation might be characterised as environmental
worms safely is burning as hazardous waste in specialised dumps friendly compared with physiochemical remediation and it might be
(Sheoran et al., 2010; Ali et al., 2013). However, such issues are rarely relatively efficient compared with phytoremediation technologies;
considered and need to be studied further to advance the use of ver- Third, in order to exploit full potential of vermiremediation, enhance-
miremediation. ment strategies should be employed by improving the bioavailability of
HOCs and earthworms growth. Surfactants, soil amendments, enhanced
7. Conclusions and prospects biomass and agronomic practices, etc., have the potential to facilitate
vermiremediation; Four, peripheral issues, i.e., inoculation and colo-
Vermiremediation as an expanding technology available for the nisation, harvest of earthworm and safe post-harvest disposal, are also
treatment of organics-polluted soil have been acknowledged gradually. proposed and emphasised because these issues are unavoidable in real
Numerous studies related to vermiremediation have been conducted in vermiremediation practice.
the past decade. Based on these studies, in this present, a framework In the future, more fundamental researches are needed considering
covering many aspects of vermiremediation was attempted to be es- that many issues are unsolved to advance the widespread use of ver-
tablished. First, three terms describing the processes involved in ver- miremediation. The capacity, contribution, and mechanism of different
miremediation of soils contaminated by organic chemicals, i.e., ver- processes in vermiremediation should be fully clarified, and the beha-
miaccumulation and vermiextraction, vermitransformation and viour of organic pollutants in the drilosphere should be understood
vermidegradation, and drilodegradation, were explicitly defined and further. The enhancement measures for vermiremediation must be
discussed. These definitions make the processes of vermiremediation verified, and attention should be paid to their possible side effects.
clear and distinctive, which stress the important role of earthworms in Peripheral considerations such as the effectiveness of earthworm
Table 3
Potential harvest methods of earthworms used in vermiremediation – based on the summary of earthworm sampling methods.
Classifications Expellants Characteristics References
Ethological methods Chemical methods Mustard or Non-destructive or “environmental friendly”; more effective on (Chan and Munro, 2001)
hot mustard anecic species; expensive (Lawrence and Bowers, 2002)
Formalin A standard method for the expulsion of earthworms; highly toxic to (Čoja et al., 2008)
soil organism.
Detergent Toxic. (East and Knight, 1998)
Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) Environmental friendly; effective on deep-burrowing anecic (Zaborski, 2003)
onion solution Environmental friendly. (Steffen et al., 2013)
electrical method Electroshocking Little damage. (Eisenhauer et al., 2008)
Hand-sorting – – Physical disturbance of soil system; labor intensive; time (Valckx et al., 2011)
Mechanical separation – – Energy consuming. –
Z. Shi, et al. Applied Soil Ecology xxx (xxxx) xxxx
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