Methods For The Direct Synthesis of Benzoxazoles From Halogenated Nitriles in Alcoholic Solvents
Methods For The Direct Synthesis of Benzoxazoles From Halogenated Nitriles in Alcoholic Solvents
Methods For The Direct Synthesis of Benzoxazoles From Halogenated Nitriles in Alcoholic Solvents
Benzoxazoles are a useful class of heterocycle that have found
removed under reduced pressure and the residue was purified by flash
column chromatography on silica gel (3% ethyl acetate in petroleum
ether) to afford the trichlorobenzoxazole.
prominence in the area of medicinal and agricultural
chemistry.1−5 Due to the preponderance of this motif in
biologically active compounds, a number of methods have been RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
developed for their synthesis6−8 and functionalization.9 One In search of a suitable transition metal catalyst to facilitate a
underutilized method of benzoxazole formation is via the metal-catalyzed synthesis of benzoxazoles, simple platinum salts
reaction of 2-aminophenols with nitriles.10 Nitriles have been were screened17 in the reaction of 2-aminophenol (1a) with
used extensively in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds, trichloroacetonitrile (Table 1, entry 1). Initially, platinum(II)
though they are traditionally activated for nucleophilic addition chloride was found to be effective in generating 2-
by the application of strong protic acids11 or Lewis acids12 with trichlorobenoxazole 2a from the reaction of 2-aminophenol
a small number of alternative methods recently developed.13−16 (1a) and trichloroacetonitrile in the nonpolar solvent n-hexane.
Many of these methods though require harsh reaction Previously, it had been shown that primary aliphatic amines do
conditions and toxic additives leading to high levels of waste.
Therefore, there remains a demand for increasingly efficient
Table 1
methods for the convergent synthesis of benzoxazoles from
simple, readily available starting materials. Encouraged by the
potential applications of substituted benzoxazoles, greener
approaches to their direct formation from halogenated nitriles
were investigated. Herein, is described the development of both
a platinum-catalyzed method and a catalysts free method in
entry solvent (1 M) catalyst (10 mol %) temp (°C) yield (%)a
methanol for the direct synthesis of 2-dichloro and 2-trichloro
substituted benzoxazoles from halogenated nitriles. 1 n-hexane PtCl2 80 72
2 n-hexane PtCl4 80 82
4 EtOH PtCl4 80 64
General Procedures. Platinum-Catalyzed. To a stirred suspen-
5 EtOH 80 99
sion of PtCl4 (10 mol %) and 2-aminophenol (1 equiv) in n-hexane (1
M) at rt was added trichloroacetonitrile (2.2 equiv). The resultant 6 EtOH 40 98
mixture was stirred at 80 °C for 19 h. The solvent was removed under 7 MeOH 40 99
reduced pressure and the residue was purified by flash column a
Isolated yield.
chromatography on silica gel (3% ethyl acetate in petroleum ether) to
afford the benzoxazole.
Catalyst Free. To a solution of 2-aminophenol (1 equiv) in Received: January 31, 2013
methanol (1 M) at rt was added trichloroacetonitrile (1.1 equiv). The Revised: March 7, 2013
resultant mixture was stirred at 40 °C for 19 h. The solvent was Published: March 26, 2013
© 2013 American Chemical Society 545 | ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2013, 1, 545−548
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Research Article
Research Article
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