European Patent Application C04B 7/60, B07B 7/08

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Europäisches Patentamt

(19) European Patent Office *EP001574487A1*

Office européen des brevets (11) EP 1 574 487 A1
published in accordance with Art. 158(3) EPC

(43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.7: C04B 7/60, B07B 7/08,
14.09.2005 Bulletin 2005/37 B01D 50/00
(21) Application number: 03812673.6 (86) International application number:
(22) Date of filing: 13.08.2003
(87) International publication number:
WO 2004/052801 (24.06.2004 Gazette 2004/26)

(84) Designated Contracting States: • UENO, Naoki, Taiheiyo Cement Corporation

HU IE IT LI LU MC NL PT RO SE SI SK TR • HARADA, Hiroshi, Taiheiyo Cement Corporation
Designated Extension States: Tokyo 104-8518 (JP)
AL LT LV MK • OKAMURA, Soichiro,
Teiheiyo Cement Corporation
(30) Priority: 11.12.2002 JP 2002359440 Kumagaya-shi, Saitama 360-0843 (JP)
• SUZUKI, Takayuki,
(71) Applicant: TAIHEIYO CEMENT CORPORATION Teiheiyo Cement Corporation
Tokyo 104-8518 (JP) Sakura-shi, Chiba 285-8655 (JP)

(72) Inventors: (74) Representative: Behnisch, Werner

• SAITO, Shinichiro, Reinhard-Skuhra-Weise & Partner,
Teiheiyo Cement Corporation Patentanwälte,
Kumagaya-shi, Saitama 360-0843 (JP) Postfach 44 01 51
80750 München (DE)


(57) A cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass system into coarse particles and fine particles, and a wet dust
wherein the equipment cost is suppressed and the sulfur collector for collecting dust from the gas containing the
included in a combustion gas bled from a cement kiln is fine particles separated by the separating means. The
separated and effectively utilized. The cement kiln chlo- separating means is preferably a classifier in which the
rine/sulfur bypass system comprises an air bleed means cut size is changeable. The wet dust collector is prefer-
for bleeding a kiln exhaust gas passage, which runs ably a mixing scrubber. The mixing scrubber preferably
from the end of the cement kiln to a bottom cyclone, of comprises a circulating liquid tank to which dust slurry
a part of the combustion gas, a separating means for collected by the mixing scrubber is supplied and a cir-
separating dust in the gas bled by the air bleed means culating system by which a part of the dust slurry in the
circulating liquid tank is returned to the mixing scrubber.
EP 1 574 487 A1

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 1 574 487 A1 2

Description nese Patent Publication Heisei11-100243 gazette, in or-

der to desalt chlorine bypass dust and the like, a cooler
FIELD OF THE INVENTION (heat exchanger) and a hot bag filter are used to recover
the chlorine bypass dust, but the chlorine bypass dust
[0001] The present invention relates a cement kiln 5 contains salt, so that the cooler and the like are easily
chlorine/sulfur bypass system, and more particularly to corroded, which shortens the life of the equipment, in
a cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass system that bleeds addition, a large-scale tank and fixed-quantity feeders
a kiln exhaust gas passage, which runs from the end of are required to storage a large amount of dust, of which
the cement kiln to a bottom cyclone, of a part of the com- specific gravity is considerably low and which is difficult
bustion gas to remove chlorine and sulfur. 10 to handle, which causes a problem that equipment cost
BACKGROUND ART [0007] Further, at the above chlorine bypass, a part of
combustion gas bled from the cement kiln at a portion
[0002] It is noticed that chlorine, sulfur, alkali and the near the inlet hood thereof contains sulfur, so that the
like cause troubles such as preheater clogging in ce- 15 bled gas cannot be discharged to outside as it is, and
ment plants, and especially chlorine exerts the most the gas is required to be returned to a raw material dry-
harmful effect, so that a cement kiln chlorine/sulfur by- ing process, raw material grinding process, or the like.
pass system that bleeds a kiln exhaust gas passage,
which runs from the end of a cement kiln to a bottom DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION
cyclone, of a part of the combustion gas to remove chlo- 20
rine is used. [0008] The present invention has been made in con-
[0003] In this cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass sys- sideration of the problems in the above conventional
tem, as exemplarily described in World Patent Publica- method of treating combustion gas exhausted from a ce-
tion WO97/21 pamphlet, chlorine is more distributed on ment kiln, and it is therefore the object of the present
fine particle side of the dust, which is generated by cool- 25 invention to provide a cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass
ing the bled exhaust gas, so that the dust is separated system in which the equipment cost is suppressed and
into coarse particles and fine particles by a classifier; the sulfur content included in a combustion gas bled
the coarse particles are returned to the cement kiln sys- from a cement kiln is separated to discharge the gas to
tem; and the fine particles (chlorine bypass dust) con- the atmosphere, and so on.
taining separated potassium chloride (KCl) and the like 30 [0009] To achieve the above object, the present in-
is recovered to be added to a cement grinding mill sys- vention relates to a cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass
tem. system, which is characterized in that the system com-
[0004] However, in recent years, recycling of waste prises: an air bleed means for bleeding a kiln exhaust
through conversion to cement raw material or fuel is pro- gas passage, which runs from an end of a cement kiln
moted, which increases the quantity of volatile compo- 35 to a bottom cyclone, of a part of a combustion gas; a
nents, such as chlorine, sulfur, alkali and the like, separating means for separating dust in the gas bled by
brought to the cement kiln, as the quantity of the treated the air bleed means into coarse particles and fine parti-
waste increases, which increases the quantity of the cles; and a wet dust collector for collecting dust from the
chlorine bypass dust generated. As a result, all of the gas containing the fine particles separated by the sep-
chlorine bypass dust cannot be utilized in the cement 40 arating means.
grinding process, and salt that is not utilized is dis- [0010] With this invention, since dust in the bled gas
charged after water treatment,. However, it is expected containing fine particles is collected by using a wet dust
that the quantity of the chlorine bypass dust will further collector, collected slurry can be supplied to a water
increase in future, development of a new processing treatment/desalination apparatus as it is, which elimi-
method is desired. 45 nates a rinsing apparatus conventionally used in desalt-
[0005] From the above-mentioned point of view, as ing process of chlorine bypass dust, resulting in reduced
described in Japanese Patent Publication equipment cost. Solvent used for the wet collection is
Heisei11-100243 gazette, in order to desalt chlorine by- liquefied substance such as water and slurry containing
pass dust and the like conventionally subjected to water water, which is able to collect dust and the like in the
treatment and effectively utilize the desalted matter as 50 bled gas. In addition to the above, with the present in-
cement raw material, water is added to a waste contain- vention, the cooling of the bled gas and the collection of
ing chlorine to elute chlorine; and the resulting material the chlorine bypass dust are simultaneously carried out
is filtered; and desalted cake is utilized as cement raw by the wet dust collector, which eliminates convention-
material; and drainage is purified and is discharged with- ally installed cooler and hot bag filter, and a large scale
out causing environmental pollution to treat the chlorine 55 storage facility, which is conventionally required for chlo-
bypass dust. rine bypass dust with low specific gravity, resulting in
[0006] However, in the conversion treatment of waste remarkably reduced equipment cost. Further, sulfur di-
into cement raw material described in the above Japa- oxide (SO2) in the combustion gas is desulfurized in

3 EP 1 574 487 A1 4

such a manner that the sulfur dioxide (SO2) reacts with added to the circulating liquid tank from the sulfuric acid
calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), which is generated when supplier to control the pH of the circulating liquid in the
calcium oxide (CaO) in the fine particles of the dust of circulating liquid tank below 7, preferably between 4 and
the bled gas reacts with water, to be gypsum. Then, the 6, which allows generated calcium carbonate to be con-
gypsum is discharged out of the cement kiln system, and 5 verted to gypsum. As a result, trouble caused by scale
is effectively utilized in cement mill. in the passage of circulating slurry supplied to the mixing
[0011] As the separating means, a classifier can be scrubber can be prevented.
used and cut size thereof is preferably changeable. Ad- [0016] Further, the present invention relates to a
justing the cut size of the classifier allows the concen- method of treating a combustion gas exhausted from a
tration of CaO contained in the fine particles to be con- 10 cement kiln, and is characterized in that the method
trolled, which can control pH of the circulating liquid in comprises: bleeding a kiln exhaust gas passage, which
the circulating liquid tank, and can control the desulfuriz- runs from an end of a cement kiln to a bottom cyclone,
ing efficiency by increasing the quantity of the Ca(OH)2 of a part of the combustion gas; separating coarse par-
as absorber for sulfur. As the classifier, dry classifiers ticles in dust in the bled gas; collecting dust from the gas
such as gravity classifier including sedimentation room, 15 containing fine particles by a wet dust collector with a
inertia classifier including V-type and zigzag type, cen- solvent.
trifugal classifier including air-swirling type and rotating [0017] With this method according to the present in-
vane type, mechanical sieve including vibrating sieve, vention, as described above, a rinsing apparatus con-
sonic sieve and air dispersion type, etc. ventionally used in desalting process of chlorine bypass
[0012] As the above separating means, a cyclone can 20 dust becomes unnecessary, which reduces equipment
be use, and inlet velocity thereof is preferably change- cost. And, the cooling of the bled gas and the collection
able. Adjusting the cut size by changing the cyclone inlet of the chlorine bypass dust are simultaneously carried
velocity allows the concentration of CaO contained in out by the wet dust collector, which eliminates conven-
the fine particles to be controlled, which can control pH tionally installed cooler, hot bag filter, and a large scale
of the circulating liquid in the circulating liquid tank, and 25 storage facility, which is conventionally required for chlo-
can control the desulfurizing efficiency by increasing the rine bypass dust with low specific gravity, resulting in
quantity of the Ca(OH)2 as absorber for sulfur. Changing remarkably reduced equipment cost.
the position of a guide vane, changing the number of [0018] At least a part of the dust slurry collected by
cyclones installed or the like can change the inlet veloc- the wet dust collector may be added to a cement mill
ity. 30 system. With this, in the cement mill system, collected
[0013] Further, as the wet dust collector, a mixing dust slurry can be treated while effectively utilizing gyp-
scrubber may be used. The mixing scrubber is an ap- sum generated at the treatment of the exhaust gas.
paratus characterized in that in a cylindrical body, plu- [0019] Further, it is possible to separate dust slurry
rality of guide vanes are installed to swirl a flow in the collected by the wet dust collector into solid and liquid
process that gas and liquid move with concurrently or 35 and to add desalted dust cake to a cement mill system.
countercurrently. This mixing scrubber is used to con- With this, dust slurry collected by the wet dust collector
tact the gas and liquid with each other for reaction with is separated into solid and liquid, and desalted dust
each other, collection of collect dust, and the like. The cake, from which brine is removed, is added to a cement
flows of the gas and liquid are preferably concurrent mill system, which allows the dust cake including gyp-
flow, and guide vanes for swirling the flow clockwise and 40 sum also to effectively be utilized.
guide vanes for swirling the flow clockwise are installed [0020] Further more, the dust slurry collected by the
one after the other. wet dust collector can be separated into solid and liquid,
[0014] The mixing scrubber is preferably provided and at least a part of separated brine may be added to
with a circulating liquid tank to which dust slurry collect- a cement mill system. With this, at least a part of sepa-
ed by the mixing scrubber is supplied and a circulating 45 rated brine that is separated from the collected dust slur-
system by which a part of the dust slurry in the circulating ry can be treated in the cement mill system.
liquid tank is returned to the mixing scrubber. Circulating [0021] Still further, it is possible that the dust slurry
the dust slurry to the mixing scrubber allows the circu- collected by the wet dust collector is separated into solid
lating ratio of the dust slurry to be controlled, which and liquid; separated brine is desalted in salt recovery
makes it possible to adjust the collection efficiency of 50 process to recover industry salt; and treated water after
the mixing scrubber with ease. In addition to the above, desalting is utilized again as washing water for washing
stable operations of brine concentrating apparatus and after the solid/liquid separation or/and water for collec-
crystallization apparatus in downstream wastewater tion at the wet dust collector. With this method, industry
treatment/desalination apparatus can be secured. salt can be recovered from brine separated from the col-
[0015] It is preferable to install a sulfuric acid supplier 55 lected dust slurry, and water is utilized through circula-
for supplying sulfuric acid to the circulating liquid tank. tion between water treatment/desalination apparatus
With this, when pH of the circulating liquid in the circu- and the solid/liquid separator or/and the wet dust collec-
lating liquid tank excessively increases, sulfuric acid is tor, which allows the water discharged to be reduced as

5 EP 1 574 487 A1 6

much as possible, contributing to the effective use of wa- [0026] On the other hand, calcium hydroxide (Ca
ter. (OH)2) that is generated when calcium oxide (CaO) in
the fine particles reacts with water exists in the dust slur-
BRIEF EXPLANATION OF DRAWINGS ry collected by the wet dust collector 3. Therefore, sulfur
5 composition or compound (S02) contained in the bled
[0022] gas from the cement kiln inlet hood 6 reacts with the
above calcium hydroxide, and desulfulized in accord-
Figure 1 is a flowchart showing an embodiment ac- ance with the below reaction to recover gypsum.
cording to a cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass sys-
tem of the present invention. 10
CaO + H 2 O→Ca (OH) 2
Figure 2 is a flowchart showing an embodiment ac-
cording to a cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass sys-
tem of the present invention, in which a mixing
SO 2 + Ca (OH) 2 → CaSO 3 υ H 2 O + υ H 2 O
scrubber is used as a wet dust collector.
Figure 3 is a graph showing particle distribution of 15
a cement raw material containing CaO in fine parti- 3/
CaSO 3 υ H 2 O + υ O 2 + 2 H 2 O → CaSO 4 2H 2 O
cles, which are not collected by a cyclone, and fine
particles containing KCl and the like.
[0027] In addition, chlorine component including KCl
THE BEST MODE TO CARRY OUT THE INVENTION 20 may be recovered as industry salt as described above,
or it is possible to treat the departed brine by feeding it
[0023] Figure 1 shows an embodiment of the cement to a cement mill system beside a cement kiln as it is by
kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass system according to the the range that does not exceed the upper limit of the
present invention, and the system 1 comprises a coarse chlorine content of cement, that is, 200ppm.
particles/fine particles separating apparatus 2 such as 25 [0028] Further, in the above embodiment, calcium hy-
a cyclone, a wet dust collector 3 preferably including a droxide, which is generated by the reaction of calcium
mixing scrubber, a venturi scrubber, or the like, a sepa- oxide and water in the dust slurry collected by the wet
rating/rinsing apparatus 4 such as filtering/rinsing appa- dust collector 3, is utilized, but, as calcium hydroxide
ratus and centrifugal separator, and water treatment/de- source, it is possible to use a material that is generated
salination apparatus 5. 30 by the reaction of a part or all of the coarse particles,
[0024] The gas bled at a position near a cement kiln which are separated from gas bled from kiln exhaust gas
inlet hood 6 is cooled in a probe not shown with cooling passage running from an end of a cement kiln to a bot-
air from a cooling fan and is introduced to the coarse tom cyclone, and water, a material generated by the re-
particles/fine particles separating apparatus 2, where action of calcined raw material to cement kiln and water,
the gas is separated into coarse particles and gas con- 35 or calcium hydroxide and calcium oxide brought from
taining fine particles. The wet dust collector 3 with sol- outside.
vent collects dust of the gas containing the fine particles. [0029] Next, an embodiment of the cement kiln chlo-
Dust slurry collected by the wet dust collector 3, which rine/sulfur bypass system according to the present in-
includes chlorine composition or compound such as KCl vention, in which mixing scrubber 26 (Mu scrubber man-
can directly be added to a cement mill system by the 40 ufactured by MU COMPANY LTD. etc.) is used as the
range that does not exceed the upper limit of chlorine wet dust collector 3, will be explained with reference to
content of cement that is prescribed in industrial stand- Fig. 2.
ard or guarantee value on quality. The separating/rins- [0030] The cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass system
ing apparatus 4 desalts remaining slurry, and dust cake 21 of the present embodiment mainly comprises a cy-
desalted is added to the cement mill system. As a result, 45 clone 25 as coarse particles/fine particles separating
the desalted dust cake including gypsum also can effec- apparatus, a mixing scrubber 26, a circulating liquid tank
tively be utilized. In addition, the separating/rinsing ap- 27, a washing tower 28, separating/rinsing apparatus 34
paratus 4 may wash all of the dust slurry collected by and a wastewater treatment/desalination apparatus 35.
the wet dust collector 3, and desalted dust cake may be Between the mixing scrubber 26 and the circulating liq-
added to the cement mill system. 50 uid tank 27 is mounted a pump 29 for circulating the slur-
[0025] Further, brine from the separating/rinsing ap- ry. In addition, in order to supply sulfuric acid to the cir-
paratus 4 is supplied to the water treatment/desalination culating liquid tank 27 for adjustment of pH of the circu-
apparatus 5 to recover industry salt, and drainage can lating slurry, a sulfuric acid tank 32 and a pump 33 are
be used at the wet dust collector 3 and the separating/ installed.
rinsing apparatus 4 by circulating it. In addition, brine 55 [0031] The gas bled from a kiln exhaust gas passage
from the separating/rinsing apparatus 4 is, as generally running from an end of a cement kiln 22 to a bottom cy-
known, to be discharged after harmful thing including clone is cooled in a probe 23 with cooling air from a cool-
heavy metal is removed by drainage processing. ing fan 24 and is introduced to the cyclone 25, where

7 EP 1 574 487 A1 8

the gas is separated into coarse particles and gas con-

SO 2 + Ca(OH) 2 → CaSO 3 υ H 2 O + υ H 2 O
taining fine particles. Dust of the gas containing the fine
particles is, in the mixing scrubber 26, cooled with water
and the like contained in the slurry fed from the circulat- 3/
CaSO 3 υ H 2 O + υ O 2 + 2 H 2 O → CaSO 4 2H 2 O
ing liquid tank 27, and the fine particles are collected by 5
the mixing scrubber 26. The superficial velocity V (m/s)
of the mixing scrubber 26 is preferably 2 ≤ V ≤ 8. [0036] Here, the effect that the sulfur contained in the
[0032] The gas extracted from the mixing scrubber 26 bled gas is removed is confirmed by observing the con-
is discharged to an atmosphere through the circulating centration of sulfur in the exhaust gas. When the effi-
liquid tank 27, the washing tower 28 and the fan 30, so 10 ciency of the removal of sulfur tends to decrease, ab-
that the dust collecting efficiency of the mixing scrubber sorbent should be added. In order to increase the quan-
26 is required to increase. So, the circulating liquid of tity of Ca(OH)2 as the absorbent, the following operation
the mixing scrubber 26 is increased such that the dust is adopted.
content of the exhaust gas, which is discharged to an [0037] The particle distributions of the raw material in-
atmosphere, becomes lower than a predetermined per- 15 cluding CaO in the fine particles, which are not collected
mission value. When the dust content of the exhaust gas by the cyclone 25, and the fine particles including KCl
is lower than the predetermined permission value, the and the like are shown in Fig. 3. So, to increase the
quantity of the circulating liquid is controlled so as to quantity of the CaO functioning as the absorbent, the
gradually be decreased to reduce the pressure loss and cut size of the cyclone 25 is shifted, for instance, from
the consumed power of the mixing scrubber 26. The ra- 20 A point to B point. With this operation, CaO content of
tio γ (1/m3)hof the quantities of the circulating liquid and the fine particles, which are discharged from the cyclone
the exhaust gas is preferably 15 ≤ γ ≤ 45. 25, increase, which increases the quantity of the absorb-
[0033] Further, the concentration of the salt in the cir- ent.
culating slurry of the mixing scrubber 26 is preferably [0038] The cut particle size of the cyclone 25 is deter-
controlled in a prescribed range for the operation of a 25 mined by the following formula. Here, Do is cut particle
brine concentrator and a crystallizing apparatus in size [cm]; µ is fluid viscosity [poise]; ρs is dust specific
downstream wastewater treatment/desalination appa- gravity [g / cm3], ρf is fluid specific gravity [g/cm3]; Vi is
ratus 35. Therefore, the quantity of slurry discharged is inlet velocity [cm/sec]; d0 is diameter of outlet duct [cm];
adjusted and the quantity of supply water added is ad- and H is height of cyclone hopper portion [cm]. There-
justed while observing the salt concentration in the cir- 30 fore, when changing the cut point of the cyclone 25, re-
culating liquid tank 27. ducing the inlet velocity Vi, reducing the height H of the
[0034] Further, the collected dust slurry including cyclone hopper portion, or reducing diameter do of the
chlorine composition or compound such as KCl that is outlet duct causes the cut particle size D0 to be in-
collected by the mixing scrubber 26 is introduced to the creased, but actually, it is difficult to change the height
separating/rinsing apparatus 34 through the circulating 35 H of the cyclone hopper portion and diameter d0 of the
liquid tank 27, and is separated into cake and brine in outlet duct, so that it is a realistic policy that the inlet
the separating/rinsing apparatus 34, and the desalted velocity Vi is adjusted by changing the position of a guide
dust cake is added to a cement mill system. With this vane and changing number of cyclones.
operation, the desalted dust cake including gypsum can
be utilized effectively. In addition, the brine from the sep- 40
arating/rinsing apparatus 34 is supplied to the wastewa-
ter treatment/desalination apparatus 35 to recover in-
dustry salt. When salt with especially high concentration
is to be obtained or the like, a part of the brine dis-
charged from the separating/rinsing apparatus 34 may 45
be returned to the circulating liquid tank 27 for circula- [0039] On the other hand, in order to prevent troubles
tion, caused by scale in the passage of the circulation slurry
[0035] On the other hand, as described above, in the that is supplied to the mixing scrubber 26, it is necessary
dust slurry collected by the mixing scrubber 26, calcium to control pH of the circulating liquid in the circulating
hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) that is generated when calcium 50 liquid tank 27 approximately between 4 and 6. There-
oxide (CaO) in the fine particles reacts with water exists, fore, when pH of the circulating liquid in the circulating
so that SO2 contained in the gas bled from the inlet hood liquid tank 27 excessively increases, as described
of the cement kiln reacts with the Ca (OH)2, and is des- above, the cut size of the cyclone 25 is changed to re-
ulfulized in accordance with the below reaction to recov- duce the CaO content of the fine particles to solve the
er gypsum. 55 problem. In addition, as occasion demands, sulfuric acid
stored in the sulfuric acid tank 32 may be added to the
circulating liquid tank 27 through the pump 33.
CaO + H 2 O → Ca(OH) 2
[0040] As stated above, with the cement kiln chlorine/

9 EP 1 574 487 A1 10

sulfur bypass system according to the present invention, ticles by a wet dust collector with a solvent.
equipment cost for desalting and treating chlorine by-
pass dust can be suppressed; the sulfur composition or 8. The method of treating combustion gas exhausted
compound included in a combustion gas bled from a ce- from a cement kiln as claimed in claim 7, wherein
ment kiln is removed and effectively utilized, and so on. 5 at least a part of said dust slurry collected by the
wet dust collector is added to a cement mill system.

Claims 9. The method of treating combustion gas exhausted

from a cement kiln as claimed in claim 7, wherein
1. A cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass system com- 10 said dust slurry collected by the wet dust collector
prising: is separated into solid, and liquid and a desalted
dust cake is added to a cement mill system.
an air bleed means for bleeding a kiln exhaust
gas passage, which runs from an end of a ce- 10. The method of treating combustion gas exhausted
ment kiln to a bottom cyclone, of a part of a com- 15 from a cement kiln as claimed in claim 7, wherein
bustion gas; said dust slurry collected by the wet dust collector
a separating means for separating dust in the is separated into solid and liquid, and at least a part
gas bled by the air bleed means into coarse par- of separated brine is added to a cement mill system.
ticles and fine particles; and
a wet dust collector for collecting dust from the 20 11. The method of treating combustion gas exhausted
gas containing the fine particles separated by from a cement kiln as claimed in claim 7, wherein
the separating means. said dust slurry collected by the wet dust collector
is separated into solid and liquid; separated brine is
2. The cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass system as desalted in salt recovery process to recover indus-
claimed in claim 1, wherein said separating means 25 try salt; and treated water after desalting is utilized
includes a classifier in which cut size is changeable. again as washing water for washing after the solid/
liquid separation or/and water for collection at the
3. The cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass system as wet dust collector.
claimed in claim 1, wherein said separating means
includes a cyclone in which inlet gas velocity is 30

4. The cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass system as

claimed in claim 1, wherein said wet dust collector
is a mixing scrubber. 35

5. The cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass system as

claimed in claim 4, wherein said mixing scrubber
comprises a circulating liquid tank to which a dust
slurry collected by the mixing scrubber is supplied 40
and a circulating system by which a part of the dust
slurry in the circulating liquid tank is returned to the
mixing scrubber.

6. The cement kiln chlorine/sulfur bypass system as 45

claimed in claim 5, further comprising a sulfuric acid
supplier for supplying sulfuric acid to the circulating
liquid tank.

7. A method of treating a combustion gas exhausted 50

from a cement kiln comprising:

bleeding a kiln exhaust gas passage, which

runs from an end of a cement kiln to a bottom
cyclone, of a part of the combustion gas; 55
separating coarse particles in dust in the bled
collecting dust from the gas containing fine par-

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