Notice: Utorrent Example
Notice: Utorrent Example
Notice: Utorrent Example
uTorrent example
This recipe should not be needed now that there is a native utorrent (/Plugins/utorrent) plugin.
This is an example how to use uTorrent with exget and take advantage of dynamic folders at Windows 7.
This is not necessary the right and de nitive way to con gure uTorrent, but it’s a working example. Guide
assumes torrents are fetched via RSS and user wants to do RSS fetching periodically without need for
manual downloading.
# You must tell FlexGet to download the torrent file to some directory, so that it c
an be passed to uTorrent
download: C:\torrents
This should be ne for exget. Replace folders according to your system. Check your con guration with
exget --check.
Console mode
1. Create new task at Scheduled Tasks with option “Run only when user is logged on”. See attached le.
2. Add trigger e.g. once every hour
3. Add action: “c:\path\to\ exget\ exget-headless.exe” and with argument “–cron”
4. Modify Conditions and Settings anyway you like 1/3
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This way exget is run every hour and new torrents are added to existing uTorrent GUI session. Headless
version of exget avoids command prompt pop-up appearing every time exget is executed. You need to
be logged in to Windows.
There is one downside in this method. Utorrent will be brought up every time new torrent is added to
utorrent by scheduled exget tasks. This can’t be avoided with /HIDE or /MINIMIZED or Boss key
methods. If there’s a way to avoid this downside, don’t hesitate to update this wiki.
Service mode
1. Create new task at Scheduled Tasks with option “Run wheter user is logged on or not”
2. Add trigger e.g. once every hour
3. Add action: “c:\path\to\ exget\ exget.exe” and with argument “–cron”
4. Modify Conditions and Settings anyway you like
This way exget is run every hour and new torrents are added to existing uTorrent background session.
Easy way to create background session is to run newly created Scheduled Task rule manually. Before
running, remember to enable WebUI access from uTorrent GUI, otherwise you will lose control to
Example con g 2/3
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# Download torrents to
path: C:\Movies
overwrite: yes
path: C:\torrents\
overwrite: yes
keep-active-session-user-logged-on.png (/attachments/Cookbook/uTorrent/keep-active-session-
user-logged-on.png) 3/3