BFM - 978 0 306 47552 8 - 1 PDF
BFM - 978 0 306 47552 8 - 1 PDF
BFM - 978 0 306 47552 8 - 1 PDF
Fundamentals of Nucleation
And Growth
Fundamentals of Nucleation
And Growth
Alexander Milchev
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
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Preface ix
and my dear wife. However, they succeeded to stand by me and I thank them
cordially for that. At this place somebody may say: “Yes, but he did the job
and he did it by the time fixed!” Not at all! I missed all deadlines.
Fortunately, the Publishers did not press me and I thank them very much for
their understanding.
I should say that I learned a good lesson from all this. On another
occasion I will first write the book and then fix a deadline, not vice versa as I
did this time. Well, I have one excuse for being late. This book had to be
written in a co-authorship with my colleague Prof. Benjamin Scharifker from
the University “Simon Bolivar”, Caracas, Venezuela. Due to unpredictable
circumstances, however, Ben was able to participate in the preparation of the
first 30 pages only and I had to do the rest alone. I thank him for his
gratuitous help.
There are many other people to whom I should express my sincere
gratitude and not because they helped me directly in the writing of this book
but because of the fruitful scientific contacts that we have had during my
work in the field of Electrocrystallization. For understandable reasons I
cannot mention the names of all of them. However, I should not miss my
younger co-workers Dr. E.Michailova, Dr. V.Tsakova and Miss I.
Lesigiarska; my colleagues Prof. S.Stoyanov, Prof. I.Markov, Prof.
D.Kaschchiev, Prof. D.Stoychev, Prof. I.Krastev, Prof. Chr.Nanev, Prof.
M.Paunov and Prof. I.Gutzov from the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPC, BAS); my colleagues Prof.
V.Bostanov, Prof. G.Staikov, Prof A.Popov and Prof. T.Vitanov from the
Central Laboratory of Electrochemical Power Sources, (CLEPS, BAS); Dr.
T.Chierchie (University of Bahia Blanca, Argentina), Prof. M.Sluyters-
Rehbach and Prof. J.H.Sluyters (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands);
Prof. Cl.Buess-Herman (Free University of Brussels, Belgium), Prof.
L.Heerman (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium), Prof. G.Kokkinidis
and Prof. A.Papoutsis (University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Prof. K.Juettner
(University of Karlsruhe, Germany) and Prof. A.Danilov (Institute of
Physical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences).
I owe a debt of gratitude to my elder colleagues from whom I learned a
lot: Prof. E.Budevski (CLEPS, BAS), Prof. Sir G.Hills (University of
Southampton, UK), Prof. R.Lacmann (University of Braunschweig,
Germany), Prof. W.J.Lorenz (University of Karlsruhe, Germany), the late
Prof. J.Malinowski (CLAPHOP, BAS) and the late Prof. S.Toschev (IPC,
My most sincere gratitude is due to my teacher Academician R.Kaischew,
the founder (together with the late Prof. I.Stranski) of the Bulgarian School
of Crystal Growth. Without these two outstanding scientists this School
would not exist.
Finally, I should not forget to thank also the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation, Germany for the generous equipment support offered to my
research group. Some experimental results obtained with this equipment are
included in this book.
Last not least I thank my co-worker Mrs. L.Dragomirova for her precise
technical assistance during the preparation of this book.
Alexander Milchev
27 February 2002
(The asterisks mark the books and reviews in which Electrocrystallization is not or is only
partly concerned.)