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Conference Paper · January 2010


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Vithya Leninkumar
Eastern University Sri Lanka


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ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka



Miss. Vithya Vivekananthan,

Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University,
Vantharumoolai, Sri Lanka

Measuring the influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand Preference is very
essential for every marketer. If advertisement does not create any positive change in
consumers’ brand preference, all the resources such as money, time and efforts spent
on advertisement will go in vain. Most of the marketers use Advertisement as a tool to
attract substantially new customers and to retain the existing customers. This research
studies about the “Influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand Preference in the
Soft Drink Market”, which is one of the most competitive markets in Batticaloa.
Every Brand in this market use Advertisement as a major weapon to overcome the
fierce Competition.
There are numerous Advertisements of different Soft drink brands exposed in
Television. But, the main thing here is, the marketer want to identify that, do all these
advertisements positively influencing the consumers’ brand preference.
In order to study the influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand Preference, three
main variables are considered with appropriate dimensions. They are; Information,
Communication and Comprehension. The structured questionnaire was used to collect
primary data from 200 respondents. The study found that all three variables indicate
high influence of Advertisement in consumer brand preference. Even though it has
high influence in overall view, the advertiser wants to consider the indicators, which
have low and moderate influence in their future developments of the Advertisements
to maintain its position in the market in the long-run. Eventually, this study
recommends some actions for improving the influence of Advertisement in consumer
brand preference.

ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka


The importance of sales on business survival and the connection between customers
and sales, it is expedient for organizations to engage in programmes that can influence
consumers’ decision to purchase its products. This is where advertising and brand
management are relevant. Advertising is a subset of promotion mix which is one of
the Four ’P’s in the marketing mix i.e. product, price, place and promotion. As a
promotional strategy, advertising serve as a major tool in creating product awareness
and condition the mind of a potential consumer to take eventual purchase decision.

Marketers’ survival depends on consumer satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction depends

on their perception and brand preference of the particular brand. In brand preference,
advertising plays a major role. Nearly everyone in the modern world influence to
some degree by advertising. Organizations in both public and private sectors have
learned that the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with their target
audiences is important to their success.

In today’s world, there are a myriad of media outlets-print, radio, and television are
competing for consumers’ attention. There are number of creative and attractive
advertisements we can see and hear in television, Radio, newspapers and in
magazines. Within these media, television advertisements are more attractive and
interestingly watched by mass audience. It has often been said that television is the
ideal advertising medium where the consumer spends the most "attentive" time.
However, the main thing here is, the marketer want to identify the influence of
advertising in consumers brand preference.

Nowadays soft drinks have become essential part in lifestyle of the people in the
society. There are number of soft drink brands are available in the market. In those
brands, some brands are very famous not only in Sri Lanka but also globally. For the
research purpose Coca-cola, Fanta, Elephant, and Ole are selected. These are the most
preferred brand of the consumers in Sri Lanka. For these brands, different
advertisements are available in Television. Some brands’ advertisements are more
attractive than others are and some are new creative advertisements. There is no any
television advertisement regarding Pepsi during the research period. Therefore, Pepsi
was not take into consideration.

ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

It is very hard to find people who never consume any brand of soft drink. Everyone in
the society prefers a particular brand. We can see frequent advertisements for Soft
drinks in Television. Companies spend much on their advertisements to attract more
customers. So it is very important to study its’ influence in consumer brand

Problem statement
There are numerous advertisements in Medias; television, radio, newspapers and
magazines but, the important question for a marketer is “do all these advertisements
positively influence the consumers’ brand preference?” If advertisement is not
create any positive change in consumers’ brand preference, all the resources such as
money, time and efforts spent on advertisement will go in vain. Therefore, it is
essential for a marketer to find out the extent to which the advertisement creates
Positive change in preferring the brand of the company.

Objectives of the study

1) Examining the influence of Information in the Advertisement in deciding
consumer brand preference
2) Identifying the influence of Communication in the Advertisement in deciding
consumer brand preference
3) Understanding the influence of Comprehension of the Advertisement in
deciding consumer brand preference

Literature Review
The role of advertisement changes unto what the organization wants them to do. An
organization use the advertising to help them survive from the impacts of economic
trends. Still, the economists views that the advertising plays a significant effect on the
consumer behavior and in a long process, the advertising can lead the organization to
competition. Based on the understanding regarding the advertising, the approach
rooted in the organization’s search for the right answer on the effects of the
competition. Consequently, the accepted basic role of the advertising is to provide the
consumers with the right amount of information regarding the product or services,
which is related to the objective of the competition and that is to deliver the consumer
satisfaction. In this view, the level of advertising affects the consumer who is the
focus of the organization (Park, 1996).

ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

Advertisements tend to be highly informative & present the customer with a number
of important product attributes or features that will lead to favourable attitudes and
can be used as the basis for a rational brand preference. People get information from
the advertisement through the attractiveness it holds, the attention it creates and the
awareness it gives. (Arens, 1996)

Advertising is also a type of communication. It is actually a very structured form of

applied communication, employing both verbal and non-verbal elements that are
composed to fill specific space and time determined by sponsor. Effective
communication through advertisement leads the consumers toward the purchasing of
brand. (Belch & Belch, 1998)

One key concern for the advertiser is whether the advertisement or commercial
conveys the meaning intended. The receiver is viewed as very active, involved
participant in the communication process whose ability and motivation to attend,
comprehend and evaluate messages are high. If the consumer or the audience gets the
message and understand it as the advertiser has it in mind, it is a great success for the
advertiser. That understanding leads the person to prefer and purchase the brand.
(Clow & Back, 2002)

Definitely, the marketing activity such as advertising affects both internal and external
behavior of the consumer. Most especially, the consumers’ perceptions are influence
through the exposure such as seeing an advertisement; attention which means that the
consumer recognizes the advertisement; awareness which is common if the
advertisement involves some humor; and the retention that keeps or stays in the mind
of the consumer (Chen and Lee 2005). Advertisements also affect the knowledge by
giving information, attitude, personality, lifestyles of the consumers, and the culture
of the consumer. The concept of advertising makes it possible to involve the
consumers which greatly affect the buying decisions of the consumers (Tsai, Liang,
and Liu, 2007). Based on the above literature background the following conceptual
framework developed for the research purpose.

ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

Conceptual Framework

· Attractiveness
· Attention
· Awareness

· Message Consumer
· Source Brand Preference
· Media

· Recall
· Link
· Attitude

(Developed for this study purpose)

Methodology and Data Collection

Sampling Distribution.
The sample has been taken from 48 Grama Niladhari divisions based on total number
of population. The population of each Grama Niladhari Division divided by the total
population of Manmunai North Divisional Secretariat Division, and multiplied by the
sample of 200. By summing up the sampling units of all the Grama Niladhari
divisions total number of sample size 200 obtained. Sampling procedure is as follows:

No. G.N.Division Population Sample

01 Manchanthoduwai North 754 2

02 Manchanthoduwai South 2594 6
03 Navatkudah 1198 3
04 Navatkudah East 2570 6
05 Navatkudah south 896 2
06 Kallady 2158 5
07 Nochchimunai 2910 7
08 Kallady Uppodai 2095 5
09 Kallady Veloor 2996 7
10 Navalady 1327 3
11 Kallady Muhathuwaram 1320 3

ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

12 Thiruchenthur 3170 7
13 Dutch Bar 863 2
14 Amirthakali 2875 7
15 Mamangam 2091 5
16 Iruthayapuram East 1412 3
17 Palameenmadu 1431 3
18 Punnaicholai 2035 5
19 Thiraimadu 1469 3
20 Koolavady 1078 2
21 Gnanasooriyam square 1706 4
22 Barathipuram 1928 4
23 Koolavady East 1218 3
24 Thisaveerasingham 1315 3
25 Vettukkadu 720 2
26 Kokuvil 1398 3
27 Sathurukkondan 1274 3
28 Karuvappenkerny 2828 7
29 Periya Urani 1365 3
30 Panichayady 296 1
31 Iruthayapuram West 2759 6
32 Sinna Urany 3621 8
33 Jeyanthipuram 1111 3
34 Iruthayapuram central 1075 2
35 Thaandavanweli 3091 7
36 Arasady 1612 4
37 Thamaraikerny 2092 5
38 Koddamunai 1361 3
39 Periya Uppodai 4370 10
40 Puliyanthivu East 1687 4
41 Puliyanthivu West 1396 3
42 Puliyanthivu Central 1232 3
43 Puliyanthivu South 3063 7
44 Thimilaithivu 1288 3
45 Thirupperunthurai 1396 3
46 Veechukalmunai 884 2
47 Puthunagar 2151 5
48 Sethukudah 1142 3
Total 82,621 200
(Developed for this study purpose)
The Questionnaire contains two parts. The first part intended to find out the research
information based on three variables: Information, communication and
comprehension. The second part inquires about the personal information.

ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

Data Analysis and Evaluation

Simplest way to measure the variable considered in this research study was the use of
questionnaires with five point Likert scale. Univariate measures such as Mean, and
standard deviation used to analyse the data. The obtained data presented through
SPSS Package. Based on the value indicated in the Questionnaire, mean value may lie
in the range between 1-5, that is, strongly disagree to strongly agree. Xi indicates the
variables that considered in the statement with five point likert scale measure. The
obtained mean value categorized in the following manner:

Range Decision Attributes

1 ≤ Xi ≤ 2.5 Low influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand Preference

Moderate influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand

2.5 < Xi ≤ 3.5

3.5 < Xi ≤ 5 High influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand Preference

(Developed for this study purpose)

Discussion and Recommendation

Personal Information
This part mainly discusses some data related to the personal information of the
respondents such as, Brand preference distribution, gender, age distribution, family
income distribution, and educational qualification.

ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

Brand Preference Distribution

Fq. Percent %

Coca-Cola 79 40

Elephant 33 16

Fanta 46 23

Ole 42 21

Total 200 100

(Source: Survey Data)

There are several soft drink brands available in the market. Within these brands Coca-
Cola, Fanta, Elephant and Ole are the products selected for the research purpose.
From the 200 respondents 40% of consumers prefer Coca-Cola, 16% prefer Elephant,
23% respondents prefer Fanta and 21% of the respondents prefer Ole. According to
the analysed data, Coca-Cola has the highest influence in all three variables when
compare it with others. Fanta has high influence of Advertisement in Communication
and Comprehension but that is lower than the mean values of other soft drinks.

In the sample about, 52% represents male and remaining 48% represents female
respondents who resides in Manmunai North Divisional Secretariat Division. Both
gender shows high influence of Advertisement in consumer brand preference.
However, in overall view, females have the highest mean value than males.

In the age distribution, about 17% respondents are below 18 years, 34% represents the
age group 18– 28, 25% represents the age group 29- 40 and remaining 24%
respondents are above 40 years. All three variables indicate their high influence of
Advertisement in consumer brand preference. In this, high influence the age group
below 18 has the highest mean value in all three variables than other age groups. Next
to that, age group between 18 and 28 has the higher influence in all three variables.
Other two age groups 29 - 40 and above 40 show their high influence on all three
variables but, their mean value is less than the teens and youths.

ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

In the income range, about 13% of the respondents are receiving below Rs.7000 as
income per month, and 25% are having the income Rs.7000 to 15000 per month, and
41% of the respondents are receiving income above Rs.15000 to 30000, and
remaining 21% people receiving above Rs.30000 as monthly family income. All
income groups are highly influenced by Advertisement in their brand Preference.
When considering the variable Information, according to data, people who earn below
Rs. 7000 and people who earn above Rs.30000 have higher mean value than other
income groups. Respondents who earns below Rs.7000, give more importance to
Information provided in the Advertisement even though they earn low income. In
Communication, income group, which earn more than Rs. 30000 have the highest
mean value than others. In the case of Comprehension, earners of above Rs.30000
have the highest mean value.

Nearly 44% are with G.C.E O/L and 21 % are up to G.C.E.A/L. Next 22%
respondents are graduates and the remaining 13 % have Postgraduate educational
level. Variables; Information, Communication and Comprehension are indicated high
influence of Advertisement in different Educational Qualification. Variable of
Information indicates that Post Graduates have the highest mean value (3.78). In the
case of Communication, Post Graduates have the highest mean value (3.85) than
others. However, in the Comprehension, Post Graduates and Ordinary level People
have high mean value (3.76) than others. In overall view, Post Graduates have the
highest mean value in all three variables than other groups. Even though the
frequency of postgraduates is lower than other groups, their mean values are high.

ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

Research Information
Overall Variables View


Standard Deviation
Dimensions &

2.5< Xi ≤ 3.5 3.5< Xi ≤ 5.0


1≤ Xi ≤ 2.5 Moderate High
Low Influence influence Influence

Fq. % Fq. % Fq. %

Information 3.62 0.39 30 5 234 39 336 56

Communication 3.73 0.52 34 6 171 28 395 66

Comprehension 3.67 0.52 27 4 195 33 378 63

(Source: Survey Data)

Information is the first variable in the study of influence of Advertisement in
consumer brand preference. It indicates the high influence of Advertisement in
consumer brand preference, which has the mean value of 3.62. The standard deviation
is 0.39. A 56% of the respondents indicate high influence of information in
Advertisement, 39% of the respondents indicate moderate influence of information in
Advertisement and remaining 5% indicates low influence of information in
Advertisement in the brand preference.

Information measured through three dimensions. They are Attractiveness, Attention,

and Awareness. A 56% of the respondents are highly influenced by information in the
Advertisement. It is measured by the above three dimensions. A 69% respondent say
Attractiveness has the High influence in the Information of Advertisement. A 56%
respondent is highly influenced by Attention. Awareness moderately influences the
48% respondents.

Following are some recommendations to attract and retain the people through
v Soft drink brands especially Ole, Fanta and Elephant have to create their
Jingles in most attractive way according to the current expectation of the

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ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

v Use new technological instruments in the composition of background music of

the Advertisements are essential.

v Develop interesting stories and documentaries in Advertisement.

v Expose the Advertisements in time, which is convenient to all people in the


v Include more information about the products’ benefits in the Advertisement.

v Explain about the different situations in which, the brand can be consumed.

The next variable is the Communication. The influence of Communication in the
Advertisement indicates the high influence in consumer brand preference (mean value
3.73) with the standard Deviation of 0.52. From 200 respondents 66% express their
high influence, 28% express their moderate influence and 6% express their low
influence in consumer brand preference.

Message, Source and Media considered as main dimensions to measure the influence
of Advertisement in consumer brand preference of Soft drink brands regarding
Communication. A 66% of the respondents are highly influenced by the
Communication of the Advertisement. It is measured by the above three dimensions.
A 79% respondent say Message has High influence in the Information of
Advertisement. A 45% respondent is moderately influenced by Source. Media highly
influences 77% respondents.

These are some recommendations to attract and retain the people through
v Conclusion of the message presented in the Advertisement must design in a
way, which is acceptable by all people.

v Developing the message in a proper sequential order is a must

v Selecting reliable sources when presenting the message is very much


v The story or documentary must be true and attractive.

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ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

v A clear similarity must expose in the Advertisement between the source and
the audience in their needs, goals or interests.

v Frequent Advertisement is essential to attract more customers.

v To reach the mass-market exposure of Advertisement must be enough.

Final variable is Comprehension. The Comprehension in the Advertisement indicates
the high influence of Advertisement in consumer brand preference (mean value 3.67)
with the standard Deviation of 0.52. From 200 respondents 63% express their high
influence, 33% express their moderate influence and 4% express their low influence
in consumer brand preference.

It measured through the dimensions recall, link and attitude. Recall has 71% of the
High influence in Comprehension with the mean of 3.83. Link indicates 49%
Moderate influence and Attitude shows 73% of High influence.

Following are some recommendations to attract and retain the people through
v Give true information about the brand in the Advertisement and maintain the
good will of the brand in the market.

v Develop attractive and interesting Advertisements, which make the consumers

to remember the brand and Advertisement.

v Maintain the integration with Advertisement and brand is important.

v The Advertisement must expose the day-to-day life of the audience.

v Advertisement should be believable and it has to make the brand believable.

v Advertisement must well organized and present the right message to the
audience, which creates a positive feeling toward the Advertisement.


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ICBI 2010 - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

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