Best Proposal Thesis Nurlaili
Best Proposal Thesis Nurlaili
Best Proposal Thesis Nurlaili
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In the name of Allah, thebeneficent, and the Merciful. Praise and gratitude
be to Allah for giving the strength and guidance for the reseacher. So that, this
Muhammad SAW, his family, his relatives, and all his followers.
With all sincerity and honesty deep down in the heart, the researcher
In writing this report the researcher realizes that this thesis is far from
suggestions to improve this thesis. Hopefully, this thesis can be useful for writer
and readers.
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................ 1
2.1.2.Types of Error................................................... 6
technology, science, business, and tourism. (Ramelan, 1992 : 2-3). In other words,
learning English can get various information and knowledge about the world.
are speaking, listening, writing and reading. Among these four skills, writing is
one of the most important skills for students to express the ideas and feeling in a
words, words in sentences, sentences is paragraph, that has the same coherence.
However, Based Maxine H,1986 to write clearly you have to pay attention
half dozen of other consideration, it is found out that most of the students in the
Junior High School have difficulties in writing. Students have difficulty because
they dont practice writing from their teacher. They also lack of knowledge about
commiting error’s (Dulay Heidi, 1982:138). Error also occur because the students
dont know what is correct, it’s reflects gaps in students’ knowledge (Ellis, 1997 :
17) . Error occur because students have the different language system from
foreign language system learned and their mother tongue. They usually express
the meaning of using a vocabulary they have already know. The students also
don’t know rules in grammar which can’t be ignored. Even grammar is very
important thing in learning process. If students don’t know grammar, the students
can’t arrange word and how to put words together in a writing. In short, error is
part of learning process that useful in providing feedback to improve the writing
learning process.
a student makes a mistake and Error when writing or speaking because of lack of
to make error analysis, so the students can know and evaluate the error of they
make in writing.
Present Tense In Descriptive Text Written by the Eighth Grade Students Junior
High School. For example they make error because they don’t know grammar
rule, they are lazy to learn about tense, they can’t interpret sentences or paragraph
directly and many other reasons. Then the writer analyze their error to know the
ability of students to write description in simple present tense. Error analysis can
show what students problem have. With error analysis, the teacher can correct
important error that must be corrected, so sometimes students can improve their
ability about English writing. In other words, Using simple present tense often
makes students get complexity, or usually they often have problem to decide the
done and declare general truth. The simple present tense is used to express a
habitual action with adverbs like ussually, always, or often (Frank, 1972 : 66).
There are two reasons to know students error in the research. Firstly, the writer
would like to know dominant factors that cause the Junior High School students’
error in using simple present tense of descriptive text. Secondly, the writer would
like to anticipate the errors in writing descriptive text made by the students of
junior high school, so that the same errors can be avoided in the future and
Based on the backgroud of the study, there are some following problems :
1. What are the dominant errors made by Eighth Grade Junior High School
2. How are the students able to write descriptive text on simple present tense ?
descriptive text made by Eighth Grade Junior High School Students of Bina Satria
Medan. In accordance with the problems above, the objectives of the study are:
1. to find out the dominant errors made by Eighth Grade Junior High School
Descriptive Text Written by The Eighth Grade Students of SMP Swasta Bina
Satria Medan. The writer hopes the students can improve writing skill by
1. The students can improve their ability about simple present tense and they
2. The teacher can improve their ability or knowledge about teaching tense
especially on simple present tense and bring the interesting lesson in front of
3. For the reader can know how many kind of error on simple present tense in
descriptive text made by the eighth grade students of SMP Bina Satria Medan
terms related to the topic the topic discussed. In this study, the writer explains
about grammatical eror analysis, simple present tense, and descriptive text.
while mistake refers to a performance factor such as: memory, limitation, spelling
fatigue, and emotional strain. He also identifies that error is a result from lack of
were drawn to them, but errors can not be self corrected”. Moreover Foster
Language error frequently happen in the language learning process. Error is seen
as something normal and natural in learning process. All language learners tend to
make errors when they learn a language. Ellis (2002:223-236) states that the
second language learners may confused to recognize the use the second language
because of their first language‟s influence. In addition, Setiadi (2006) says that
language learner whose mother tongue has no tenses tend to have more difficulties
in learning a target language which has tenses. Since English is a foreign language
for them and their L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) does not imposes such rules of tenses.
condition such as fatigue, boredom, and anxiety. In addition, mistakes can usually
Dulay (1982 : 138) explains the types of errors into four classification.
and communicative effect. However, the writer only focuses on surface strategy
taxonomy and comperative analysis because those two types of errors give more
atered. Learners may omit necessary items or add unnecessary one. Analyzing
errors from a surface strategy perspective holds much promise for writer concern
with identifying cognitive processes. it also make aware that leraner’s error are
some logic. According to Ellis (1997), omission appears when astudent leaves a
required item for an utterance out of a sentence that he/she constructed. For
example, There is boy over there. This sentence leaves out the article
'a' which should be added before the word 'boy'. Selection can be done by
Lastly, misordering which can be done by misplacing the item or putting it in the
a. Omission
b. Addition
Example: It is not just only for life, but also a forest as a lung for earth.
not only for life, but also a forest as a lung for earth.
c. Misformation
although it is incorrect.
a past tense marker was supplied by the learner, it was just not the right
d. Misordering
students translate word to eord from their mother tongue into a foreign
2. Comperative Taxonomy
between the structure of second language error and certain other types
b. Developmental Error
(I am not reading)’
normal and unavoidable to make errors when the writing learning process. Error
can be definition as the condition of being wrong. Error occur because the
learner does not know what is correct, it’s reflects gaps in leaerners knowledge
(Ellis, 1997 :17) . To cope with this problem, one of stratigies widely used by
Applied Linguistics (Erdogan, 2005: 263), a learner makes a mistake and Error
found in writing and speaking. According to Sanal (2007: 597), error analysis is
something of the system operating within the learners. Brown’s point of view
implies that error analysis is useful for the teacher. Error analysis will show
evidence of the learner’s competence in the foreign language. The teacher will
information is important for the planning of courses and the constructions of the
teaching materials.
Mistakes and errors are often occurs in the learning process of English as a
differences of the language system from their mother tongue. They ussually
express the meaning using the vocabulary they have already known.
As we have already said, no one can predict what new errors a learner will
produce. However, there are patterns of error which the classroom teacher
should be alive to :
1. Some errors are coused by mother tongue interference, the native language
behaves in ways which are not applicable to English, but the learner treats
more English, but which may not actually conform to the rules of either
From the definisition above, the writer can conclude that error analysis is a
used to identify the possible mistakes or error that are made by junior high school.
In error analysis research, there are some steps that are suggested by the
experts. Corder in Ellis (1994:48) the errors through explaning steps in error
analysis research. They are identifying errors, describing errors, and explaning
1. The first step is identification error a corpus of learner language has been
collected, they have to be indentified. In this step, the writer will be reads
each of students descriptive text. To identify the errors, the writer writes
down and circling the errors to differentiate each error based on surface
2. The second step is describing errors. In this step, the writer lists the errors
sentence no matter the causes and the characteristics are. According to James
particular are not one remove, but two removes from the native speaker‟s version.
We are not only correcting the errors into what learners want say but also
correcting the errors into what the native speakers would have said or write.
Hethus challenges Corder‟s claim that the data of error analysis are two
sentence (that which the native would have produced). These two sentences would
then be compared. This is not the case, however. The data of error analysis
comprise not two but three sentences: (i) what learner said; (ii) what they were
attempting to say; and (iii) what the learner would have said (or written) (James,
language would be interesting. Learning other language became difficult since the
target language had different system from the native language. This difference
sometimes made the learners (in this case-the students) make errors especially in
showed the time of action. According to Krohn (1971), simple present tense is
tense denoting an action happening in this time. This tense is used to talk about
things in general. We are not only thinking about now, but it is used to say
Akhlis and Sosiowati (2000:2) say that simple present tense explains an
action that occurs in present time, in a simple form or an activity that is done
used to express verb a general truth to show a regular or habitual action and to
(a) To express a habitual action, with adverbs like usually, always, or often.
(b) To state a general truth, includes the past, present, and future.
(c) To express future action, especially with verbs of arriving and departing
Based on the explanation above, the writer can conclude taht simple
present tense is formed by using infinitive without ‘to’ and when third person
singular subject is present, a suffix –es or –s is added to the verb. Simple presen
Present tense from of ‘to be’ is formed with to be am, are, or is after the
follwing situations :
Mrs.Lily is a Teacher
- Nationality
Mrs.Lily is an Indonesian
- Age
- Characteristic
- Condition
- Place
- Color
My house is pink
In negative sentences with the verb be, the word not is used after the verb
be. For example : She is not a teacher, in yes/no question, becames before the
becomes before the subject and afer the question word. For example : who is she ?
The present tense forms of be are am, are, and is. Am is used after the first
person singular subject (I), Are is used the first person plural subject (we), first
person singular and plural subject (you) and the third person plural subject (they,
the girls, cats, etc), Is is used after the third person singular subject (he, she, it, the
The above formulation can be read as subject (I, you, she, he, it, we, and
they) is followed by Verb1. However especially the subject 3rd person singular
(he, she, and it), verb in the affirmative is added with –s/- es.
For example:
The above formulation can be read as subject (I, you, she, he, it, we, and
they) is followed by doesn’t / don’t and added by Verb1. The subject (he, she, and
it) is added “not” after auxiliary verb “do” and can be “doesn’t or don’t”.
For example:
For example :
The s/es form is used after a singular name, noun, or one f the pronouns,
he, she or it. Add es for verbs ending in o, or in a letter or combinationof letters
2.1.7 Writing
Writing is making hand writing where the one who write gives a form for
everything what he or she thinks and whatever he or she feels. Writing has to be
“The written productive language skill is called writing. It is the skill of writer to
symbol making marks on a flat surface of some kind. However, writing is clearly
much more than the production of graphic symbol, just as speech is more than the
form word, and word have to arrange to form sentences. It means that writing is
not about produce the words but also the symbols that have to be arranged well.
Harmer states that writing should be done with understanding from the
for the reader, so that it should be well-organized and easy to understand for the
form, not only the symbols have to be arranged but also have information for
Recount, Procedure, Report and Descriptive Text, etc. The explanation of each
a. Narrative Text
b. Recount Text
Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its
c. News Item
News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. Its purpose
is to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy
or important.
d. Procedure Text
Procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its purpose is to describe how
e. Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its
f. Report Text
g. Analytical Exposition
Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer„s idea about the
phenomenon surrounding. Its purpose is to show the readers that the idea is
h. Hortatory Exposition
i. Explanation Text
j. Discussion Text
present information and opinions about issues in more one side of an issue
k. Review Text
l. Anecdote Text
From the explanation above, the writer choose descriptive text because
gsecondary students have studied descriptive text in the first semester. This
research is conducted to find out types of errors that the students commit in their
writing descriptive text based on surface strategy taxonomy and which type of
event, and an animal to the readers (Gerot & Wignel, 1994). Furthermore, it is
also the text that describes something to make the readers or listeners could feel as
the writer’s experience with his or her six senses; looks, smells, feels, acts, tastes,
According to the statement, the writer can conclude the descriptive writing
should be concerete and detailed. Jolly (1984 : 47) says that a descriptive is
it focuses on the thing that will be described, such as a place, a person, etc.
Secondly,the tense that is used in writing this text is simple present tense, which
as the grammatical rule in it. Thirdly, the form of description should be written in
the students in descriptive writing, give the generic structure. The generic
structure of a descriptive text is different from the other texts such as, report,
Some previous studies are needed to support and built the theories and
development of this research. The previous studies about an error analysis are in
the following :
concludes that the types errors that made by the tenth grade students of
misformation, and misordering. After counting the errors, the writer found
the data above, it can be seen that misformation error was the highest
Jeumala Amal. In this thesis the research found a total of 89 errors which
Thus, the omission was the most dominant students’ errors in using
Ciputat. After analyzing the error, the writer found 50 error that students
errors or 6.67%).
Tense In Writing Descriptive Text, from the Tenth grade students of SMA
N 1 PACE. After analyzing the writer found found that omission errors
was the dominant error at50%. In this case, most of the students omit the
use of to be (is, am, are) before adjectives and most of them also forgot to
Present Tense In Descriptive Text. In this thesis, after anlyzing the writer
suffix –s/-es from the verb of third singular person subjects, and error in
meaning not clear 2.4%, and 0.7% students made errors in run on
sentences. the students make errors because, students poor vocabulary and
its use.
analyzing the error, the writer concludes that type errors in the descriptive
writing students produce 57.9 % total error. Moreover, 29.8 % errors fell
into error of omissionandf 7.6% errors fell into addition, wheareas, for
with simple present tense, high school and junior high school students still make
error their writing. There are some of the most common errors : Omission,
language. Writing is also one of the difficult skill to be learned. Therefore writing
is important to learn for the students because with writing can express their
meaning without facial expression, gesture or body must consider writing parts
such as using words and pactuation. In other side, students also do not have
motivation to learn writing, they are lazy to learn English, they don’t have
confidence to write something. Therefore, the writer believe in error analysis can
make changes to the students’ writing way with giving correction for students’
writing error and error analysis, so students should have chance to know their
year 2019/2020. It is located on Jl. Marelan IX No.1 Kel.Tanah Enam Ratus Kec.
Medan Marelan.
such as written words or spoken words from people or activities that can be
The data in this research is obtained from the students’ writing test. First, the
writer reviewed the use of simple present tense which aimed to recall the students’
memories about simple present tense. Second, after doing some review, the writer
showed the students the picture. Then thirdly, they were asked to write a
sentences. The time giving thirthy minutes. Finally, all of the writing products
collection of qualitative data with the purpose to describe, to decode, and to draw
Thus, the writer want to know an Error Analysis of Using Simple Present Tense in
Descriptive Text Written by the Eight Grade Students of SMP Swasta Bina Satria
The subject of the study is the eighth grade students at SMP Swasta Bina
collecting data, the writer used writing test and documentation by collecting the
students’ writing tasks and taking the pictures of teaching and learning process.
For the test, the writer asks the students to write a descriptive text related the
topic given by the writer. After the writer getting the data, the writer analyzes the
data using Surface Strategy Taxonomy proposed by Dulay et al. (1982). Surface
surface structures are altered: learners may omit necessary items or add
unnecessary items, they may misform items or misorder them (Dulay et al., 1982).
In this research, the writer uses document analysis in the form of the students’
written descriptive text. Then the writer analyses the students’ written descriptive
1. The writer introduces herself to class and explains the topic of simple
2. The writer reviews and checks about students’ simple present tense and
3. The writer asks the students to write the descriptive text on simple present
In this study, the writer analysis the data by using qualitative methods.
Furthermore, the whole data in this research will be described in a descriptive way
from Students’ writing Products. The writer analyzes the data from students’
writing products based on surface strategy taxonomy, which will identify and
classify the errors into omission, addition, misordering and misformation (Dulay
et al., 1982).
1. The writer asks students to make a descriptive text with the animal theme.
2. The writer reads the students’ writing. Then, the writer identifies and
3. Then, the writer calculates the all of the errors made by grade eighth of
junior high school. The writer used the following formula which was
adapted from Healey (2010: 30) to calculate the result from data
% = the percentage of the students’ lexical errors of each component
f = the number of errors of each component
N = the total number of errors made by the students
data to get the validity of data. Moleong (2002:278) states that Triangulation is
the technique of examining the trustworthiness of the data which used things
outsides the data in order to examine the data and to be comparer of the data.
compare the data. So, triangulation data is the way to recheck and compare the
a. Triangulation by using the resources. It meant that the writer compares and
checks the credibility of information found in the observation with the data
credibility the data of the research and the data resources by using several
trustworthiness. The writer rechecks the data with a lecturer. The lecturer is Enni
Utama University. And also from an English teacher who teach junior high school
of Bina Satria to be the second investigator. The inter-raters assess the descriftive
texts committed by the students. The investigators determine whether the texts are
reliable for the analysis.The criteria to assess is the text length and topic. The texts
sentences, and the topic should be appropiate to one of the optional topics given
before. After the investigator assesses the instrument, they find the consistency
about the criteria that the writer states before. From the judgement, it can be stated
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