Unit 7 - 67-74 PDF
Unit 7 - 67-74 PDF
Unit 7 - 67-74 PDF
7.1 1 Energy will be expensive, so many people will work at
home or near their home.
Goal: make guesses and predictions 2 It will be difficult to provide water, gas and electricity
Core language: for really big cities.
3 Transport will be expensive, so it will be expensive
VocAbulARY The environment
to bring materials from other places. People will
GRAMMAR will, might, may
therefore use local building materials.
4 There might be a big difference between rich and poor
people and the kind of life they can afford to lead.
Urbanisation 5 Sea levels will rise and cause flooding.
READING As you discuss the answers with the class, present key
1 words, e.g. energy (= oil, gas, electricity ...), sea level
Optional lead-in with books closed
(= how high the sea is), rise (= go up), flooding (= the
Write the word urban on the board, and ask what sea coming over the land).
it means. Give examples to show how it is used,
e.g. urban problems (= problems of cities), urban 5 Discussion. Learners ask and answer the
population, urban life. questions in groups. Then discuss their ideas with the
Then write the word urbanisation on the board, and class and find out how far they agree with each other.
ask what it means (= more cities, more people living in
cities). Alternative: Class discussion
Look at the pictures with the class and ask what has To make this activity more focused, ask learners to write down
two good changes and two bad changes from the article.
changed (learners should use the present perfect to Write these up on the board. For each idea, ask learners
talk about this). whether they agree that this will happen.
Possible answers:
They’ve built a new road. VOCABULARY The environment
They’ve built skyscrapers and apartment blocks.
They’ve planted trees. 6 Focus on key words. Learners cover the article and
There’s lots of traffic. complete the sentences.
2 Reading introduction. Learners read the introduction 1 oil 2 traffic 3 gas 4 Transport 5 clean, green
(bold text). Discuss the question and try to get a range 6 polluted 7 sea levels, flooding 8 climate
of answers. As you go through the answers with the class, explain
Possible answers: any new words that you didn’t deal with in 4.
People think they can make more money.
Alternative: Predicting the text
They think there will be jobs and opportunities in the city.
There are no jobs in the countryside. After reading the introduction (2), learners close their books.
There’s more to do in cities. Write the words from 6 on the board and check that learners
understand them. Then learners guess what they think the
Check that learners understand double (= x 2) and writer will say about them.
geography (= the study of the world and its countries). learners open their books and read the article to check.
Then do 3, 4 and 5 as described above.
3 Reading for general idea (skimming). Learners
read the article quickly and decide the topic of each
paragraph. They shouldn’t try to understand details or SPEAKING
individual words at this stage. 7 / Discussion. Learners discuss the questions
a2 b4 c3 d1
and note down answers and ideas.
Round-up. Discuss the questions with the class,
4 Reading for main points. Check that learners getting ideas from different pairs/groups.
know what a prediction is (= saying what you think
will happen). Learners read the article again more
carefully and find answers to the questions. Those Making predictions
who finish early could discuss the answers with the
person next to them. (Note: The following answers GRAMMAR will, might, may
represent the essential ideas. Formulations will vary.) 1 Grammar focus. Learners read the sentences and
complete the table.
1 may
2 will probably
3 ’ll (= will)
Language note: may, might, will, won’t 2 Reading. Learners read the web page and choose the
1 May, might, will and won’t are modal verbs. They are place they think would be most interesting to visit.
followed by infinitive without to. We use them to talk You could ask them which place they would go to if
about the future: they had just two hours in Amsterdam.
– They may come. (= Perhaps they will come.)
2 The adverb probably comes after will, but before won’t: Ask learners to summarise the basic information
– They’ll probably come. about each place, e.g.
– They probably won’t come. – The Van Gogh Museum has 200 paintings by Van
To practise these forms, you could say sentences with Gogh. You have to queue for a long time.
will/won’t and ask learners to add probably or change
– Keukenhof Gardens is the biggest flower garden in
them to may/might:
Sea levels will rise → Sea levels will probably rise. the world. It’s an hour from the city.
Sea levels might rise. – Anne Frank’s house is the house where Anne Frank
wrote her diaries. Her family hid there from the
2 Making sentences. Learners make sentences using the Nazis.
Discuss the answers together. Get different ideas for GRAMMAR Real conditionals
each item. 3 Conditional sentences with will/might/should.
Possible answers: Learners cover the webpage and complete the
1 People will probably have more free time. sentences.
2 Families may have fewer children.
3 Children might study at home. 1 ’ll 2 ’ll 3 might 4 should
4 People won’t use cash in shops.
5 Food will be more expensive. Point out the structure of the sentences:
6 People will probably do less exercise. If + present … will/might/should + infinitive
7 English might not be very important. 4 Continuing conditional sentences. Look at the first
8 People probably won’t be happier.
sentence with the class and ask learners to suggest
possible endings.
Note: Grammar practice
You could do the grammar practice on p137 at this point.
Learners write endings for the other sentences about
their own country. Then they compare with a partner.
3 a / Preparation: writing sentences. Learners 5 Round-up. Taking each item in turn, ask a few
write three predictions of their own. As they do this, learners to read out their recommendations. Ask other
go round and check and give help with words or learners if they agree and what they would like to try.
Multilingual classes
b Round-up. Learners read out their predictions. Ask the
class if they agree. • Learners work in pairs or groups with other people from
the same country.
• As a round-up, learners from different countries take turns
to read out some of their recommendations. The others
7.2 listen and ask further questions.
Goals: make recommendations
give directions You could use photocopiable activity 7A on the
Core language: Teacher’s DVD-ROM at this point.
GRAMMAR Real conditionals
Vocabulary Giving directions
PRONUNCIATION Linking consonants and vowels 2 Getting directions
If you’re interested in art ... 1 Listening for main idea: books closed. Play recording
READING 2.23. Learners answer the questions.
1 To introduce the topic, look at the pictures with the 1 Anne Frank’s house 2 Two kilometres (or less)
class and ask learners what (if anything) they know
about Van Gogh or Anne Frank, and if they know 2 Listening: following directions. Learners open their
anything else about Amsterdam. books, look at the map and find the tourist office. Play
recording 2.23 again. Learners follow on the map and
find Anne Frank’s house (Answer: 3).
PRONUNCIATION Linking consonants and vowels 2 TASK VOCABULARY Getting tourist information
4 a Focus on pronunciation: listening. Play the sentence 2 a Listening for details. From memory, learners tick the
in recording 2.24. Point out that out ends with a things they think Sergei says.
consonant, so it links to the vowel after it (i.e. we
b Play recording 2.26 again to check the answers.
don’t pause between the two words).
Learners practise saying the sentence, linking the He says: 2, 3, 4, 6
words together. 3 Getting information. Look at each item in turn.
b Noticing task. Learners mark the linking consonants Learners make questions using the expressions in 2a.
and vowels.
Possible questions/statements:
1 Turn right and ... Do you organise day trips?
2 You’ll go past a big building on your left ... Do you sell guidebooks?
3 You’ll see the National Monument on your left and Have you got a leaflet?
the Royal Palace on your right. Can you recommend a nice restaurant?
I’m looking for the railway station.
c Practice. Play recording 2.25 to check, or say the Do you sell travel passes?
sentences yourself. Learners practise saying the I’m looking for a good hotel.
c Play recording 2.28 again. Pause after each 3 Discussion. Learners discuss the statements they
conversation and ask learners to suggest a remark agreed/disagreed with in 1, explaining why.
with will to continue it. Round-up. Find out from the class which were the
Possible answers:
most ‘agreed with’ statements.
1 Yes, I’ll have a lemonade, please
Alternative: Mingling activity
I’ll just have a glass of water, please.
2 I’ll open the window. • Assign one of the six statements to each learner. Learners
I’ll stop at the next service area. move freely round the class, finding out whether others
Don’t worry. We’ll be there soon. agree with it or not.
3 OK. I’ll call you later. • Learners report back on what they found out.
OK. I’ll see you this evening.
Explore writing
Across cultures: Tourism Goal: write a description of a place
Goal: enable learners to discuss the impact of tourism on Core language:
different cultures
Words for describing towns: places and buildings, groups of
Core language: people, events, weather and nature
Words connected with tourism: tourist, tourism, tourist resort;
local people/food/businesses/language; customs, traditions; 1 a Explain to learners that they are going to write a
areas of natural beauty, historical sites description of a city or other place (town, village, etc.)
1 a they know. Brainstorm ideas for topics connected with
Optional lead-in with books closed
cities or other places and build up a list on the board.
Write the word tourism on the board. Ask learners to
Learners choose a city/place they know and note
think of one good effect of tourism and one bad effect.
If they come from a tourist country, they could think down which topic(s) they are going to write about.
about this in relation to their own country. Alternatively, learners could write their own lists first.
Then ask learners what ideas they had. Then go through different ideas with the class and
write a list on the board.
Matching task. Learners read the meanings a–d and
match them with the correct word or expression. Options