FMVSS No. 301: 49 CFR PART 571

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49 CFR PART 571

FMVSS No. 301


Development of Standards
Date Presented
No. Revised Issue Date Effective Date Remarks
1. 40FR48353 1975/10/15
2. 41FR9350 1976/3/4
3. 41FR36026 1976/8/26
4. 41FR36027 1976/8/26
5. 53FR8204 1988/3/14
6. 53FR49990 1988/12/13
7. 58FR5638 1993/1/22 1993/4/23
8. 61FR19202 1996/5/1 1996/5/31 1996/5/24
9. 63FR28953 1998/5/27 1999/5/27 1998/6/26
10. 68FR44471 2003/07/29 2003/09/29 2003/09/01
11. 68FR67083 2003/12/01 2004/01/30 2004/01/05
12. 69FR6583 2004/02/11 2004/04/12 2004/04/01
13. 69FR51398 2004/08/19 2004/08/31 2004/10/01

Effect after 180 days

Date Presented
No. Revised Issue Date Effective Date Remarks

As for the content of this “Automotive Regulations Information”, JASIC has edited the original text of the
official gazette issued by the authorities concerned. In spite of every effort to make its edition faithful to
the original, there are possibilities that the edited text may contain some inaccuracies in content or in
structure. JASIC is not liable for any problems caused by such inaccuracies. Users of this information
are advised to refer to the original text of the official gazette itself in case that accuracy is needed.

Japan Automobile Standards Internationalization Center

Sec. 571.301 Standard No. 301;
Fuel system integrity.

S1. Scope.

This standard specifies requirements for the integrity of motor vehicle fuel systems.

S2. Purpose.

The purpose of this standard is to reduce deaths and injuries occurring from fires that
result from fuel spillage during and after motor vehicle crashes, and resulting from
ingestion of fuels during siphoning.

S3. Application.

This standard applies to passenger cars, and to multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks
and buses that have a GVWR of 4,536 kg or less and use fuel with a boiling point above
0 degrees C, and to school buses that have a GVWR greater than 4,536 kg and use fuel
with a boiling point above 0 degrees C.

S4. Definition.

Fuel spillage means the fall, flow, or run of fuel from the vehicle but does not include
wetness resulting from capillary action.

S5. General requirements.

S5.1. Passenger cars, and multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR
of 10,000 pounds or less.

Each passenger car and each multipurpose passenger vehicle, truck, and bus with a
GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less shall meet the requirements of S6.1. through S6.4. Each
of these types of vehicles that is manufactured to use alcohol fuels shall also meet the
requirements of S6.6.

S5.2. [Reserved]

S5.3. [Reserved]

S5.4. Schoolbuses with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds.

Each schoolbus with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds shall meet the requirements
of S6.5. Each schoolbus with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds that is manufactured
to use alcohol fuels shall meet the requirements of S6.6.

S5.5. Fuel spillage; Barrier crash.

Fuel spillage in any fixed or moving barrier crash test shall not exceed 28 g from impact
until motion of the vehicle has ceased, and shall not exceed a total of 142 g in the 5-
minute period following cessation of motion. For the subsequent 25-minute period, fuel
spillage during any 1 minute interval shall not exceed 28 g.

S5.6. Fuel spillage; rollover.

Fuel spillage in any rollover test, from the onset of rotational motion, shall not exceed a

total of 142 g for the first 5 minutes of testing at each successive 90 degrees increment.
For the remaining test period, at each increment of 90 degrees fuel spillage during any
1 minute interval shall not exceed 28 g.

S5.7. Alcohol fuel vehicles.

Each vehicle manufactured to operate on an alcohol fuel (e.g., methanol, ethanol) or a

fuel blend containing at least 20 % alcohol fuel shall meet the requirements of S6.6.

S6. Test requirements.

Each vehicle with a GVWR of 4,536 kg or less shall be capable of meeting the
requirements of any applicable barrier crash test followed by a static rollover, without
alteration of the vehicle during the test sequence. A particular vehicle need not meet
further requirements after having been subjected to a single barrier crash test and a static
rollover test. Where manufacturer options are specified in this standard, the
manufacturer must select an option not later than the time it certifies the vehicle and may
not thereafter select a different option for that vehicle. Each manufacturer must, upon
request from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, provide information
regarding which of the compliance options it has selected for a particular vehicle or

S6.1. Frontal barrier crash.

When the vehicle travelling longitudinally forward at any speed up to and including 48
km/h impacts a fixed collision barrier that is perpendicular to the line of travel of the
vehicle, or at any angle up to 30 degrees in either direction from the perpendicular to the
line of travel of the vehicle, with 50th-percentile test dummies as specified in part 572
of this chapter at each front outboard designated seating position and at any other
position whose protection system is required to be tested by a dummy under the
provisions of Standard No. 208, under the applicable conditions of S7., fuel spillage
shall not exceed the limits of S5.5.

S6.2. Rear moving barrier crash.

(a) Vehicles manufactured before September 1, 2006. When the vehicle is impacted
from the rear by the barrier specified in S7.3(a) of this standard moving at 48 km/
h, with 50th percentile test dummies as specified in part 572 of this chapter at
each front outboard designated seating position, under the applicable conditions
of S7, fuel spillage must not exceed the limits of S5.5.
(b) Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2006. When the vehicle is
impacted from the rear by a moving deformable barrier 80 +/- 1.0 km/h with a 70
percent overlap, with 50th percentile test dummies as specified in part 572 of this
chapter at each front outboard designated seating position, under the applicable
conditions of S7, fuel spillage must not exceed the limits of S5.5.
(c) Small volume manufacturers.
Notwithstanding S6.2(b) of this standard, vehicles manufactured on or after
September 1, 2004 and before September 1, 2008 by a manufacturer that
produces fewer than 5,000 vehicles worldwide annually may meet the
requirements of S6.2(a). Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2008 by
small volume manufacturers must meet the requirements of S6.2(b).

S6.3. Side moving barrier crash.

(a) Vehicles manufactured before September 1, 2004. When the vehicle is impacted
laterally on either side by a barrier moving at 32 km/h with 50th percentile test

dummies as specified in part 572 of this chapter at positions required for testing
to Standard No. 208 (49 CFR 571.208), under the applicable conditions of S7,
fuel spillage must not exceed the limits of S5.5.
(b) Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2004. When the vehicle is
impacted laterally on either side by a moving deformable barrier at 53 +/- 1.0 km/
h with 49 CFR part 572, subpart F test dummies at positions required for testing
by S3(b) of Standard No. 214, under the applicable conditions of S7 of this
standard, fuel spillage shall not exceed the limits of S5.5 of this standard.
(c) Notwithstanding S6.3(b) of this standard, vehicles having a GVWR greater than
6,000 lb (2,722 kg) may meet S6.3(a) of this standard until September 1, 2005.
Vehicles that have a GVWR greater than 6,000 lb (2,722 kg) and that are
manufactured on or after September 1, 2005 must meet the requirements of
(d) Notwithstanding S6.3(b) of this standard, vehicles with a GVWR of 6,000 lb
(2,722 kg) or less that are manufactured in two or more stages or altered (within
the meaning of 49 CFR 567.7) after having been previously certified in
accordance with Part 567 of this chapter may meet S6.3(a) of this standard until
September 1, 2005. Vehicles with a GVWR of 6,000 lb (2,722 kg) or less that are
manufactured in two or more stages or altered (within the meaning of 49 CFR
567.7) after having been previously certified in accordance with Part 567 of this
chapter and that are manufactured on or after September 1, 2005 must meet the
requirements of S6.3(b)
(e) Notwithstanding S6.3(b) and (c) of this standard, vehicles with a GVWR greater
than 6,000 lb (2,722 kg) that are manufactured in two or more stages or altered
(within the meaning of 49 CFR 567.7) after having been previously certified in
accordance with Part 567 of this chapter may meet S6.3(a) of this standard until
September 1, 2006. Vehicles with a GVWR greater than 6,000 lb (2,722 kg) that
are manufactured in two or more stages or altered (within the meaning of 49 CFR
567.7) after having been previously certified in accordance with Part 567 of this
chapter and that are manufactured on or after September 1, 2006 must meet the
requirements of S6.3(b).

S6.4. Static rollover.

When the vehicle is rotated on its longitudinal axis to each successive increment of 90
degrees, following an impact crash of S6.1., S6.2., or S6.3., fuel spillage shall not exceed
the limits of S5.6.

S6.5. Moving contoured barrier crash.

When the moving contoured barrier assembly traveling longitudinally forward at any
speed up to and including 48 km/h impacts the test vehicle (school bus with a GVWR
exceeding 4,536 kg) at any point and angle, under the applicable conditions of S7.1. and
S7.5., fuel spillage shall not exceed the limits of S5.5.

S6.6. Anti-siphoning test for alcohol fuel vehicles.

Each vehicle shall have means that prevent any hose made of vinyl plastic or rubber,
with a length of not less than 1,200 mm and an outside diameter of not less than 5.2 mm,
from contacting the level surface of the liquid fuel in the vehicle's fuel tank or fuel
system, when the hose is inserted into the filler neck attached to the fuel tank with the
fuel tank filled to any level from 90 to 95% of capacity.

S7. Test conditions.

The requirements of S5.1. through S5.6. and S6.1. through S6.5. shall be met under the

following conditions. Where a range is specified, the vehicle must be capable of meeting
the requirements at all points within the range.

S7.1. General test conditions.

The following conditions apply to all tests.

S7.1.1. The fuel tank is filled to any level from 90 to 95% of capacity with Stoddard solvent,
having the physical and chemical properties of type 1 solvent, Table I ASTM Standard
D484-71, ''Standard Specifications for Hydrocarbon Dry Cleaning Solvents.''

S7.1.2. The fuel system other than the fuel tank is filled with Stoddard solvent to its normal
operating level.

S7.1.3. In meeting the requirements of S6.1. through S6.3., if the vehicle has an electrically
driven fuel pump that normally runs when the vehicle's electrical system is activated, it
is operating at the time of the barrier crash.

S7.1.4. The parking brake is disengaged and the transmission is in neutral, except that in
meeting the requirements of S6.5. the parking brake is set.

S7.1.5. Tires are inflated to manufacturer's specifications.

S7.1.6. The vehicle, including test devices and instrumentation, is loaded as follows:

(a) Except as specified in S7.1.1., a passenger car is loaded to its unloaded vehicle
weight plus its rated cargo and luggage capacity weight, secured in the luggage
area, plus the necessary test dummies as specified in S6., restrained only by
means that are installed in the vehicle for protection at its seating position.
(b) Except as specified in S7.1.1, a multipurpose passenger vehicle, truck, or bus
with a GVWR of 4,536 kg or less is loaded to its unloaded vehicle weight, plus
the necessary test dummies as specified in S6, plus 136 kg or its rated cargo and
luggage capacity weight, whichever is less, secured in the load carrying area and
distributed as nearly as possible in proportion to its GAWR. For the purpose of
this standard, unloaded vehicle weight does not include the weight of work-
performing accessories. Each dummy is restrained only by means that are
installed in the vehicle for protection at its seating position.
(c) Except as specified in S7.1.1., a school bus with a GVWR greater than 4,536 kg
is loaded to its unloaded vehicle weight, plus 54 kg of unsecured mass at each
designated seating position.

S7.2. Side moving barrier test conditions.

(a) Vehicles manufactured before September 1, 2004. The side moving barrier crash
test conditions are those specified in S8.2 of Standard No. 208 (49 CFR 571.208).
(b) Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2004. The side moving
deformable barrier crash test conditions are those specified in S6 and S7 of
Standard No. 214 (49 CFR 571.214).

S7.3. Rear moving barrier test conditions.

(a) Vehicles manufactured before September 1, 2006. The rear moving barrier test
conditions are those specified in S8.2 of Standard No. 208 (49 CFR 571.208),
except for the positioning of the barrier and the vehicle. The barrier and test
vehicle are positioned so that at impact-
(1) The vehicle is at rest in its normal attitude;

(2) The barrier is traveling at 48 km/ h with its face perpendicular to the longitudinal
centerline of the vehicle; and
(3) A vertical plane through the geometric center of the barrier impact surface and
perpendicular to that surface coincides with the longitudinal centerline of the
(b) Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2006. The rear moving
deformable barrier is the same as that shown in Figure 2 of Standard No. 214 (49
CFR 571.214) and specified in 49 CFR part 587, except as otherwise specified in
paragraph S7.3 (b). The barrier and test vehicle are positioned so that at impact-
(1) The vehicle is stationary;
(2) The deformable face of the barrier is mounted on the barrier 50 mm (2 inches)
lower than the height from the ground specified in Figure 2 of Standard No. 214
(49 CFR 571.214) (All dimensions from the ground in Figure 2, Front View
should be reduced by 50 mm (2 inches.));
(3) The barrier is traveling 80 +/- 1.0 km/h; and
(4) The barrier impacts the test vehicle with the longitudinal centerline of the vehicle
parallel to the line of travel and perpendicular to the barrier face within a
tolerance of +/- 5 degrees. The test vehicle and barrier face are aligned so that the
barrier strikes the rear of the vehicle with 70 percent overlap toward either side
of the vehicle. So aligned, the barrier face fully engages one half of the rear of the
vehicle and partially engages the other half. At impact, the vehicle's longitudinal
centerline is located inboard either of the side edges of the barrier by a distance
equal to 20 percent of the vehicle's width +/- 50 mm (see Figure 3). The vehicle's
width is the maximum dimension measured across the widest part of the vehicle,
including bumpers and molding, but excluding such components as exterior
mirrors, flexible mud flaps, marker lamps, and dual rear wheel configurations.

S7.4. Static rollover test conditions.

The vehicle is rotated about its longitudinal axis, with the axis kept horizontal, to each
successive increment of 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees at a uniform rate, with
90 degrees of rotation taking place in any time interval from 1 to 3 minutes. After
reaching each 90 degrees increment the vehicle is held in that position for 5 minutes.

S7.5. Moving contoured barrier test conditions.

The following conditions apply to the moving contoured barrier crash test.

S7.5.1. The moving barrier, which is mounted on a carriage as specified in Figure 1, is of rigid
construction, symmetrical about a vertical longitudinal plane. The contoured impact
surface, which is 629 mm high and 1,981 mm wide, conforms to the dimensions shown
in Figure 2, and is attached to the carriage as shown in that figure. The ground clearance
to the lower edge of the impact surface is 133 mm +/- 13 mm. The wheelbase is 3,048
mm +/- 50 mm.

S7.5.2. The moving contoured barrier, including the impact surface, supporting structure, and
carriage, has a mass of 1,814 kg +/- 23 kg with the mass distributed so that 408 kg +/-
11 kg is at each rear wheel and 499 kg +/- 11 kg is at each front wheel. The center of
gravity is located 1,372 mm +/- 38 mm rearward of the front wheel axis, in the vertical
longitudinal plane of symmetry, 401 mm +/- 13 mm above the ground.

S7.5.3. The moving contoured barrier has a solid nonsteerable front axle and fixed rear axle
attached directly to the frame rails with no spring or other type of suspension system on
any wheel. (The moving barrier assembly is equipped with a braking device capable of
stopping its motion.)

S7.5.4. The concrete surface upon which the vehicle is tested is level, rigid, and of uniform
construction, with a skid number of 75 when measured in accordance with American
Society of Testing and Materials Method E: 274-65T at 64 km/h, omitting water
delivery as specified in paragraph 7.1 of that method.

S7.5.5. The barrier assembly is released from the guidance mechanism immediately prior to
impact with the vehicle.

S7.6. The moving barrier assemblies specified in S7.2, S7.3 and S7.5 are equipped with P205/
75R15 pneumatic tires inflated to 200 kPa +/- 21 kPa.




S8. Phase-In schedule.

S8.1. Rear impact test upgrade.

(a) Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2006 and before September 1,

2007. For vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2006, and before
September 1, 2007, the number of vehicles complying with S6.2(b) of this
standard must not be less than 40 percent of:
(1) The manufacturer's average annual production of vehicles manufactured on or
after September 1, 2004, and before September 1, 2007; or
(2) The manufacturer's production on or after September 1, 2006, and before
September 1, 2007.
(b) Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2007 and before September 1,
2008. For vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2007 and before
September 1, 2008, the number of vehicles complying with S6.2(b) of this
standard must not be less than 70 percent of:
(1) The manufacturer's average annual production of vehicles manufactured on or
after September 1, 2005, and before September 1, 2008; or
(2) The manufacturer's production on or after September 1, 2007, and before
September 1, 2008.
(c) Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2008. For vehicles manufactured

on or after September 1, 2008, the number of vehicles complying with S6.2(b) of
this standard must be 100 percent of the manufacturer's production during that

S8.2. Vehicles manufactured in two or more stages. A final stage manufacturer or alterer may,
at its option, comply with the requirements set forth in S8.2.1 and S8.2.2.

S8.2.1. Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2006 and before September 1, 2009 are
not required to comply with the requirements specified in S6.2(b) of this standard.

S8.2.2. Vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2009 must comply with the
requirements specified in S6.2(b) of this standard.

S8.3. Vehicles produced by more than one manufacturer.

S8.3.1. For the purpose of calculating average annual production of vehicles for each
manufacturer and the number of vehicles manufactured by each manufacturer under
S8.1, a vehicle produced by more than one manufacturer must be attributed to a single
manufacturer as follows, subject to S8.3.2:
(a) A vehicle that is imported must be attributed to the importer.
(b) A vehicle manufactured in the United States by more than one manufacturer, one
of which also markets the vehicle, must be attributed to the manufacturer that
markets the vehicle.

S8.3.2. A vehicle produced by more than one manufacturer must be attributed to any one of the
vehicle's manufacturers specified by an express written contract, reported to the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration under 49 CFR part 586, between the
manufacturer so specified and the manufacturer to which the vehicle would otherwise
be attributed under S8.3.1.


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