Applications of Engineering Seismology For Site CH PDF
Applications of Engineering Seismology For Site CH PDF
Applications of Engineering Seismology For Site CH PDF
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ABSTRACT: We determined the seismic model of the soil column within a residential project site in
Istanbul, Turkey. Specifically, we conducted a refraction seismic survey at 20 locations using a receiver
spread with 484.5-Hz vertical geophones at 2-m intervals. We applied nonlinear tomography to
first-arrival times to estimate the P-wave velocity-depth profiles and performed Rayleigh-wave inver-
sion to estimate the S-wave velocity-depth profiles down to a depth of 30 m at each of the locations. We
then combined the seismic velocities with the geotechnical borehole information regarding the lithology
of the soil column and determined the site-specific geotechnical earthquake engineering parameters for
the site. Specifically, we computed the maximum soil amplification ratio, maximum surface-bedrock
acceleration ratio, depth interval of significant acceleration, maximum soil-rock response ratio, and de-
sign spectrum periods TA–TB. We conducted reflection seismic surveys along five line traverses with
lengths between 150 and 300 m and delineated landslide failure surfaces within the site. We recorded
shot gathers at 2-m intervals along each of the seismic line traverses using a receiver spread with
4 840-Hz vertical geophones at 2-m intervals. We applied nonlinear tomography to first-arrival times to
estimate a P-wave velocity-depth model and analyzed the reflected waves to obtain a seismic image of
the deep near-surface along each of the line traverses.
KEY WORDS: engineering seismology, geotechnical engineering, earthquake engineering, shear-wave
Figure 1. Workflow for a geotechnical project in- Figure 3. Example common-shot gathers acquired
cludes seismic surveys to delineate the soil geome- by a 94-m receiver spread (the green bar on top) at
try and estimate the P- and S-wave velocities of the location KS08. The red asterisks denote the shot
soil column. locations—two shots with 2-m offset from the ends
of the receiver spread and a shot at the center of
the spread.
Figure 4. First-arrival times (denoted by the red asterisks) picked from three shot records at location KS02
(top), and the P-wave velocity-depth model estimated by nonlinear inversion of the traveltimes (bottom).
accelerograms computed at each of the discrete depth amplitude frequency is called the natural period of the
levels (Bardet et al., 2000) to obtain the curve shown soil column (0.3 s). Also from Fig. 13b, we computed
in Fig. 13a. Next, we calculated the smoothed ratio of the ratio of the peak spectral amplitude at the soil site
the amplitude spectra of the measured and modeled to the spectral amplitude corresponding to the same
accelerograms (Fig. 12b) as shown in Fig. 13b, and frequency at the rock site (2.9). This is called the
determined the peak spectral amplitude at the soil site maximum soil amplification ratio, which is a measure
and the frequency at which this peak occurs (3.3 Hz). of how much the soil column amplifies the earthquake
The latter is called the natural frequency of the soil motion that occurs at the soil-bedrock interface.
column and the period that corresponds to the peak-
Figure 12. Analysis for geotechnical earthquake engineering parameters at site KS10 (central section in Fig.
10). (a) The accelerogram that describes the bedrock motion associated with the August 1999 Izmit earth-
quake measured at the rock site (green), which is assumed to be equivalent to the response at the soil-
bedrock interface at the soil site (upscaled to a maximum acceleration value of 0.3 g), and the accelerogram
that describes the ground motion at the soil site KS10 within the central section (red) modeled by using the
velocity and borehole information given by Fig. 11. The maximum surface-bedrock acceleration ratio is 1.5.
(b) The amplitude spectra of the measured and modeled accelerograms. Note that the significant amplifica-
tion within soil column occurs between 0 and 12 Hz bandwidth.
Next, for each section within the site, we com- sponse spectra at the ground level (8 g) and soil-
puted the response spectra (Fig. 13c) that describe the bedrock interface (3 g), and computed the maximum
response of structures (buildings) with a range of nat- soil-rock response as the spectral acceleration ratio
ural periods to the modeled ground motion at the soil (2.4). We also determined the design spectrum periods
site and the actual ground motion at the rock site. The TA–TB (0.05–0.55 s). TA and TB correspond to the
structure is defined as a spring system with a single minimum and maximum periods for which the spec-
degree of freedom, usually with a damping ratio of 5%. trum is nearly flat. Outside the TA–TB bandwidth, the
From Fig. 13c, we determined the maxima of the re- spectrum ramps down rapidly.
552 Oz Yilmaz, Murat Eser and Mehmet Berilgen
Figure 13. Analysis for geotechnical earthquake engineering parameters at site KS10 (central section in Fig.
10). (a) Maximum acceleration as a function of depth; (b) soil-bedrock amplification ratio; and (c)
site-specific design spectra for the rock site (green) and the soil site (red), and the code-specific design spec-
trum for the soil site (yellow). Note that the most significant acceleration values at the rock site occur in
TA–TB: 0.05–0.55 s.
Maximum soil Natural period of Maximum surface- Depth interval Maximum Design spectrum
Section amplification the soil column bedrock accelera- with significant soil-rock periods TA–TB
ratio (s) tion ratio acceleration (m) response (sec)
Western 2.2 0.4 1.3 0–10 1.3 0.05–0.60
Central 2.4 0.3 1.5 0–15 2.4 0.05–0.55
Eastern 2.8 0.15 1.7 0–10 2.1 0.05–0.65
Listed in Table 1 are the geotechnical earthquake includes application of deconvolution, time-variant
engineering parameters for each of the three sections spectral whitening, bandpass filtering, and automatic
within the site. Combined with the parameters for the gain control. Aside from deriving a seismic section
soil dynamics, such as the bearing capacity, these pa- that represents the subsurface image down a depth of
rameters are used by the geotechnical engineer for soil 150 m (Fig. 14), we also estimated the near-surface P-
classification and by the civil engineer for structural wave velocity-depth model, again using the nonlinear
design of buildings. traveltime tomography, for each of the five line trav-
erses (Fig. 15). The nonlinear tomography solution is
ANALYSIS OF REFLECTED WAVES based on not just the first-arrival times but also
In contrast to a comprehensive processing se- changes in traveltime gradient. As such, within the
quence applied to reflection seismic data used in ex- near-surface, we were able to resolve strong lateral
ploration for oil and gas fields (Yilmaz, 2001), shal- velocity variations associated with the landslide fail-
low reflection seismic data usually require a simple ure surfaces (Fig. 15).
processing sequence (Steeples and Miller, 1990) that
Applications of Engineering Seismology for Site Characterization 553
Figure 14. The seismic image of the deep near-surface along the YS09 line traverse (line location shown in
Fig. 2). This image was derived by analysis of reflected waves in the shot gathers recorded along the line
traverse at 2-m intervals using a receiver spread with 4 840-Hz vertical geophones. The black curve denotes
approximately the topography along the line traverse. The high-amplitude reflectors indicated by the red
arrows correspond to the sandstone interbeddings within the predominantly clayey soil column.
Site investigations require multidisciplinary par-
ticipation by the geologist, the seismologist, and the
geotechnical and earthquake engineers. The contribu-
tion of the seismologist includes a seismic image of
the near-surface from the analysis of reflected waves
to delineate fault geometry and geometry of layers
within the soil column, a P-wave velocity-depth model
of the soil column from the analysis of refracted
Figure 15. The P-wave velocity-depth models along waves, and an S-wave velocity-depth profile for the
the YS line traverses (line locations shown in Fig. soil column from the analysis of surface waves. As
2). The pink zones are associated with the low- such, the role of the seismologist is to provide these
velocity landslide masses. The white curves denote intermediate products to the geotechnical engineer and
the potential landslide failure surfaces. earthquake engineer so as to define the parameters
associated with the soil geometry, soil pedology, and
The seismic images along the YS line traverses the soil dynamics which constitute the geotechnical
exhibit horizontal, piecewise continuous, but strong model of the soil column. In this case study, we dem-
reflectors that are associated with sandstone interbed- onstrated the role of the seismic method in defining
dings within the otherwise predominantly clayey soil the geotechnical model of the soil column, which can
column (Fig. 14), whereas the P-wave velocity-depth then be used for geotechnical design for soil remedia-
models along the YS line traverses exhibit low- tion.
velocity near-surface layers (Fig. 15), which, follow-
554 Oz Yilmaz, Murat Eser and Mehmet Berilgen