Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Module Using MATLAB/SIMULINK

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IEEE - 43488

Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of

Photovoltaic Module using MATLAB/SIMULINK
Nupur Yadav D.K. Sambariya
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Rajasthan Technical University Rajasthan Technical University
Kota, India 324010 Kota, India 324010

Abstract— Photovoltaic (PV) array which consists of series et al.[11] and Umang D. Bhavsar et al. [12] simulated a model
and parallel connected modules is the fundamental building block using MATLAB Simulink, to determine the PV module
of a photovoltaic energy conversion system. PV array shows non- behavior under various conditions and also verified the result by
linear characteristics and evaluating the operating characteristics theoretical calculations. Hegazy and El-sayed [13] proposed a
under time varying environmental conditions is a too costly and new triple junction PV cell for high efficiency, but the effect of
time-consuming task. To avoid these hindrances, an elementary PSC is not much emphasized.
and a basic model of PV array were modeled and incorporated to Banu and Istrate [14] used experimental data and Lookup
different software involving MATLAB / SIMULINK. Although,
tables to build solar module characteristics curves. One
these PV models are not appropriate for operation, including
disadvantage of this method is that it is not feasible to gather all
hybrid energy network because these systems require pliant
tuning of various parameters and cannot be easy to understand.
needed data if no experimental setup be available. Ibbini et al.
So, this paper describes a step by step method to simulate PV array [15] and Venkaeswarlu et al. [16] proposed a solar cell block.
using MATLAB / SIMULINK. An MSX 64W PV panel has been In this, the input parameters i.e. open circuit voltage (Voc), short
taken as a base model. The characteristic's curves of PV module circuit current (Isc) etc. is given by manufacturers. But the
are also evaluated at a broad range of environmental drawback is some parameter, i.e. saturation current; temperature
circumstances and physical parameters. The effects of partial cannot be calculated by this approach.Varshney and Tariq [17]
shading conditions on PV characteristics are also discussed. developed solar module in the Simulink environment using Tag
Keywords: Photovoltaic module, partial shading conditions tools. In these papers mainly, the environmental irradiance and
(PSC), P-V characteristics, I-V characteristics, MATLAB / temperature’s influence on PV characteristics curve are
SIMULINK. analyzed without giving much consideration on step by step
procedure for simulation.
I. INTRODUCTION In general, although having so many positive and negative
The mathematical modelling keeps on updating to have a points, various methods have some common gaps as follows:
good understanding of PV module. These models are differed x These methods are not sufficient to study the effect of a
by the type of software used for modelling i.e. C-programming, different environmental and physical parameters on
Matlab, Simulink or the developed toolboxes. A PV cell is operating characteristics and specially PSC.
modeled by a current source, and an anti-parallel diode coupled x The absence of step by step procedure which cause
with it. PV module is easy to design and requiring low difficulties to understand.
maintenance. It can be used as a standalone system provides Therefore, here a model proposes in Simulink environment.
output in a wide range or can be connected to a utility grid. This proposed model can analyses effect of all parameter
A. Background variation on PV cell characteristics. A step by step procedure to
A function has been developed to evaluate the PV current simulate the model is also present.
with the input data of voltage, temperature, and irradiance [1,
2]. The effect of various parameter variations on operating II. METHODOLOGY
characteristics is analyzed on the basis of these parameters.
However, this method requires readers programming skills to
A. Mathematical modelling of PV cell
follow. Gow and Manning [3] proposed another method by The Fig. 1 demonstrates the equivalent circuit of a PV cell.
incorporating both MATLAB m-file and C-language The current source I ph shows the cell photocurrent. The
programming. This one is more complicated to understand. intrinsic series and shunt resistance are represented by Rs and
Salmi [4] developed a model on the basis of solar cell
mathematical equations and built using Simulink environment. Rsh respectively. Normally Rsh is highly large while Rs is small.
The effect of various parameters i.e. series Rs and shunt Rsh The Series resistance represents the restriction in the current
resistance of PV cell, diode quality factor, temperature and path, while shunt resistance represents the leakage current. In
irradiance is investigated [5]. However, these papers do not give [6], these resistances are neglected for the ease of analysis.
much emphasis on the step by step simulation procedure. This usually, PV cell is connected in large units become PV modules
drawback is filled-in [6-10], but they do not incorporate the and then many modules are clamped in series and shunt to
consideration of partial shading conditions(PSC). Nural Afiqah become PV array.

9th ICCCNT 2018

July 10-12, 2018, IISC, Bengaluru
Bengaluru, India
IEEE - 43488

The V-I characteristics equation for a solar cell is as follows k uT

[7, 18]. With Vt (6)

Vu  I u Rs
Rs I
And I sh Ns (7)
Iph Rsh
V Where, Rs - Series Resistance
Rsh - shunt resistance
Vt - diode thermal resistance

B. Reference model-
Fig 1 PV cell equivalent circuit [4] The 64W solar module has been taken as a base module and
detailed specifications are given in TABLE I:
From Fig. 1 the output current of solar cell is calculated as:
I I ph  I d  I sh (1) Name MSX 64 W
Maximum Power(Pm) 60 W
I ph is module photocurrent: Voltage@ Pmax (Vm) 17.1 V
Current at@Pmax (Im) 3.5 A
I ph [I sc  k i (T  Tr )]G (2) Guaranteed Minimum Pm 58 W
Short Circuit Current(Isc) 3.8A
Where, ‫ܫ‬௦௖ െshort circuit current (A) Open Circuit Voltage(Voc) 21.1V
Temperature Coefficient of Voc -(80±10) mv/Ԩ
݇௜ - short circuit current at 25° C and 1000W/݉ଶ Temperature Coefficient of Isc (0.065±0.15)%/Ԩ
T- working temperature
ܶ௥ -reference Temperature i.e. 25° ‫ܥ‬ A mathematical model of PV array involving current source,
G- solar irradiance per 1000 W m 2 an anti-parallel diode, series and parallel resistance are modeled.
Simulation of PV module is modeled in Simulink environment.
I rs is Module reverse saturation current: PV array is modelled with Tags. TheStep by Step procedure is
as follows:
I sc
I rs (3) Step 1:Put the values of constant parameters as given
§ qvoc · following:
exp ¨ ¸  1] N S : no of series-connected cell =36; n is ideality factor=1.2; k
© N s knT ¹
is Boltzmann’s constant = 1.3805 u 1023 J/k; N P : no of parallel
Where, q- charge of the electron
connected cell =1; G is solar irradiance per 1000 W m 2 =1; q is
ܸ௢௖ -Open circuit voltage
charge of electron = 1.6 u 1019 C; series resistance Rs ȍ
ܰ௦ - series connected cells
shunt resistance Rsh ȍ
݇-Boltzmann’s constant
Step 2:Module photocurrent which is provided in (2), is
݊íDiode ideality Factor designed as Fig. 2
I o is Saturation current of solar module, depends on working I ph [I sc  k i (T  Tr )]G (8)
temperature such as:
ªT º ª q u E go § 1 1 ·º
Io I rs « » exp « ¨  ¸» (4)
¬ Tr ¼ «¬ nk © T Tr ¹ »¼
Where E g - semiconductor energy band gap

So, the output current of PV cell is

ª § V I u Rs · º
« ¨N  N ¸ »
N p u I ph  N p u I o u «exp ¨ ¸  1»  I (5)
s p
« ¨ ¸ » sh
n u Vt
« ¨ ¸ »
«¬ © ¹ »¼ Fig. 2 Modeled circuit for (2)

9th ICCCNT 2018

July 10-12, 2018, IISC, Bengaluru
Bengaluru, India
IEEE - 43488

Step 3: Module reverse saturation current is provided in (3), Step 6 :Modelled circuit according to (5) and complete the
is formed as Fig. 3 solar module as depict in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.

Fig. 6 Overall solar photovoltaic current

Fig. 3 circuit for (3)

Step 4:Saturation current which is provided in (3), modeled as

Fig. 4.

Fig. 7 Solar subsystem module

Fig. 4 Modeled circuit for (4)
Step 5:Modeled circuit for diode current as Fig. 5. With this simulated model, PV array characteristics are
obtained. These characteristics are obtained by varying some
environmental or physical parameters. The resultant Points are:
I. PV cell characteristics under time varying
irradiance and constant temperature are shown in
Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. In this irradiance varies as 100,
500 and 1000 W m with constant temperature at
250 C .

In Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 the red line curve represents

Solar characteristics at 1000 W m , blue line show
irradiance at 500 W m and the green line depict
irradiation at 100 W m .

x Summary-When irradiance increases, the solar output

Fig. 5 Modeled circuit for diode current voltage and current are also increases. As a results
Output power also increases.

9th ICCCNT 2018

July 10-12, 2018, IISC, Bengaluru
Bengaluru, India
IEEE - 43488

100 7
75 C
50 C
500W/sqm 6
25 C




0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 8 Output P-V plot with varying solar irradiation Fig. 10 Output I-V plot with varying ambient temperature

5 25 C
1000w/sqm 120
50 C
500W/sqm 75 C
4 100W/sqm 100




0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Voltage(V) Voltage(V)

Fig. 9 Output I-V plot with varying solar irradiation Fig. 11 Output P-V plot with Varying operating temperature

II. I-V and P-V curves under different temperature and x Solar characteristics for various values of shunt
constant irradiance are plotted in Fig. 10 and resistance Rsh along with constant temperature and
Fig.11. Here, temperature changes from 25, 50 and irradiation are given in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13. Here, Rsh
75 0 C with constant irradiance at 1000 W m . has values of 10,100 and 1000 ohm.
In Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, the red line curve shows In Fig. 12 and Fig.13 the red line illustrates a condition
atmospheric temperature at 75 0 C , blue line of 1000 ohm shunt resistance, blue line is for 100 ohms
shunt resistance and the green line represents the value
shows the temperature at 50 0 C and similarly of 10 ohm .
green line is for 25 0 C temperature.
x Summary- When solar shunt resistance changes from
x Summary- when temperature increases then the solar ȍWRȍWKHYROWDJHDQGFXUUHQWYDOXHGHFUHDVHV
output current raise slightly but the output voltage slightly. As a result, power output reduces.
decreases drastically. As a result, power output reduces.

9th ICCCNT 2018

July 10-12, 2018, IISC, Bengaluru
Bengaluru, India
IEEE - 43488

100 200
1000 ohm Ns=36,Np=1

100 ohm Ns=36,Np=2

80 Ns=72,Np=1
10 ohm





0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 10 20 30 40 50
Voltage(V) Voltage(V)

Fig. 12 Output P-V curve with Varying shunt resistance Rsh Fig. 14 Output P-V plot with Varying Ns and Np

5 10
1000 ohm Ns=36,Np=1
100 ohm Ns=36,Np=2

10 ohm Ns=72,Np=1
4 8

3 6

2 4

1 2

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 10 20 30 40 50
Voltage(V) Voltage(V)

Fig. 13 Output I-V plot with Varying shunt resistance Rsh Fig. 15 Output I-V plot with Varying Ns and Np

III. By varying the no. of series and shunt connected To analyses the PSC on solar array, following cases is
cells, characteristics are plotted in Fig. 14 and Fig. considered.
15. Case Description
1 No PSC; all module is operated with 1000W/݉ଶ
x Summary-when modules are clamped in series ( N s =72) One module receives 500W/ ݉ଶ irradiance
then the current remains same as previous ( N s =36) but while remaining receive 1000W/݉ଶ
due to increase in no. of series connected cells, output Two Modules receive 500W/ ݉ଶ while
remaining receive 1000W/݉ଶ
voltage gets double and hence the power doubles.
Two modules receive 500W/ ݉ଶ , other two
x When cells are clamped in parallel ( N p =2), output 4 modules receive 250 W/݉ଶ , while remaining
receive 1000W/݉ଶ
voltage is not affected (same as N p =1) but the current
and power output doubles.

9th ICCCNT 2018

July 10-12, 2018, IISC, Bengaluru
Bengaluru, India
IEEE - 43488

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to tune PV array with other hybrid systems along with time
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parameters (solar module resistance, ideality factors etc.).The
characteristics curves are developed using simulated modules,
and the obtained results are well matched with the datasheet
information. The model has very good accuracy in obtaining P-
V and I-V curves.

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9th ICCCNT 2018

July 10-12, 2018, IISC, Bengaluru
Bengaluru, India

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